Meat zrazy with rice recipe. Zrazy like in kindergarten

Home / Second courses

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Preparation time: 1 min.

Number of servings: 6 pcs.

Type of cuisine: Ukrainian, European

Type of dish: main courses

The recipe is suitable for:
dinner, snack.

Ingredients for the recipe “Zrazy with rice”:

Minced chicken 500 g Onion 100 g Refined sunflower oil 8 tbsp. l. Milk 100 ml Breadcrumbs 6 tbsp. l. Ground black pepper 1 g Long grain rice 5 tbsp. l. Salt 1 tsp. White bread 100 g. Chicken eggs 1 pc.

How to cook zrazy with rice

I bring to your attention a delicious and nutritious dish - zrazy with rice. The recipe is accessible and easy to prepare, which is good news. And as a result, you will receive a dish that will give you and your family a lot of pleasant taste experiences.

These zrazy can be taken with you on a picnic, on the road, or frozen in portions and used as needed.

Preparing the “Zrazy with Rice” recipe:

Step 1

For work we need minced chicken, bread, milk, breadcrumbs, salt, ground black pepper, onions, sunflower oil, egg, rice.

How to make breadcrumbs at home

Step 2

Cut the crusts off the bread (100 g), break it and soak for 5 minutes in milk (100 ml).

Step 3

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes (100 g) and fry for 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil. Boil rice (5 tbsp) until cooked and place in fried onions. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Step 4

Combine 500 g of minced meat, 1 egg, squeezed bread. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix well.

Step 5

Tear off pieces of minced meat, flattening them in the palm of your hand. Place the filling in the center and seal on all sides. Roll in breadcrumbs(total 6 tbsp crackers).

Personally, even though I was a very picky child in terms of food, zrazy with filling inside was my favorite dish. Very often I asked my mother to cook at home regular cutlets, which she fried, and the zrazy as in kindergarten. Most likely, I liked them because baby food The meat for the minced meat was lean, unlike homemade cutlets, plus there was stuffing inside, so for me the regular cutlets were definitely inferior. Now I cook such zrazy at home myself, and very often. I am sharing with you the recipe for this kindergarten dish, which I advise you to prepare, following all the recommendations and requirements specified in the technological maps (and they are the ones used to prepare food in kindergartens).

So, let's take all the products on the list. For zraz, you can take minced pork or beef, but it is best not to buy ready-made, but to make it yourself from a good piece of meat with a very small amount of fat.

Usually for cutlets we use a white bun or loaf, but for cooking immediately in technological map specified exactly wheat bread, so let's take it and soak it in milk.

Then grind the soaked bread using a blender and add it to the minced meat, immediately add salt and stir. According to the technological map, pepper is not added to zrazy, so we will not use it either; after all, we have a dish for baby food.

Now let's get to the filling. Peel the onion and chop it finely.

Finely chop the pre-boiled chicken eggs.

Sauté the onion in vegetable oil.

Mix eggs, sautéed onions and dill. Let's add a little salt to our zraz filling to taste.

Next, with wet hands, we will pinch off pieces of minced meat, giving them the shape of a flat cake. We put the egg filling in the middle of the cake, then we fasten the ends and give the workpiece an oval shape. Roll the workpiece in breadcrumbs. Let's make all the preparations for zraz in this way.

Fry the zrazy on all sides in small quantity vegetable oil.

I try not to fry zrazy or cutlets too much in a frying pan, so let’s bring the zrazy in the oven until fully cooked in literally 7-10 minutes at 180 degrees, after placing them in a fireproof form.

The zrazy are ready like in kindergarten. Well, as expected, serve them with a side dish immediately hot!

Suitable as a side dish mashed potatoes, buckwheat, and, in general, any cereals. And I have bows, the kids love them! Bon appetit!

Zrazy or filled cutlets are a tasty alternative to a side dish. For me, a classic of the genre is potato zrazy; I made rice zrazy for the first time and liked it, so I offer the recipe for everyone to see.

For zraz, it is advisable to use round-grain, high-gluten rice. Rice reaches its greatest stickiness when it has completely cooled, so I boiled the rice in advance and cooled it.

Here is a spoon without the top of the starch. The mixture was stirred. If the mixture is too thick, you can dilute it with a drop of milk or cream.

For taste and aroma, I decided to add the seasoning not to the filling, but to the rice. Any flavoring additive will do; I used seasoning for frying meat. There is no need to add salt, since I boiled the rice in salted water.

Beat the egg white with a pinch of salt and carefully fold in the minced rice. The mass just became tender and fluffy before our eyes.

For the filling I used ready-made minced pork. To make the filling tender, add a little cream (you can just use some water).

I wanted to add fresh aromatic herbs and vegetables to the filling. Finely chopped the garlic, green onions and dill.

And mixed it into the minced meat. Added some salt. From ground hot pepper I refused, there is enough of it in the rice base.

I considered complex triple breading unnecessary, so I simply mixed flour and breadcrumbs in half.

To prevent the rice from sticking, I wet the spoon with water. I place a portion of rice on the breading and lightly flatten it into a flat cake. In the middle - a little filling.

With wet hands, I formed a ball, which I generously rolled in breading. I did this with each cutlet. Nothing new.

I fried the zrazy in oil on both sides in a well-heated frying pan. Then she poured in a little water and simmered the cutlets until the water evaporated. After such actions, I am sure that the inside will immediately reach the finished state. You can do it a little differently: place the fried zrazy in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Like potato zrazy, rice zrazy is very tasty with sour cream, but I wanted to serve it with tomato and vegetable gravy.

I really liked the taste of cereal zraz. And of course, the big plus of the dish is its unusualness. The zrazy turned out fragrant and juicy. And it’s so delicious to dip a piece of crispy rice into tomato sauce... Try it, I think you will agree with me, but for now - goodbye, but not goodbye. Until new delicious meetings!
Not counting the time for boiling the rice, I spent half an hour of my precious time preparing the rice dishes. In general, this is not much, and therefore I classify rice zrazy as quick dishes, capable of decorating our evening diet of reloaded everyday life.

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

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