Cold pickling of cucumbers for winter storage. Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars Cucumbers for the winter for storage in the apartment

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It’s hard to imagine a more traditional snack than pickles. In winter, they are on almost every table, because housewives prepare them in large quantities. Therefore, the question of how long to store pickled cucumbers is so relevant. Residents of multi-storey buildings, who do not have the opportunity to store supplies in the cellar, are looking for ways to organize the storage of pickles in the apartment. This will be discussed further.

Pickles in jars

There are several rules that will help you navigate the shelf life of pickled cucumbers:

  • Pickles should be stored at temperatures from -1°C to +4°C and humidity 80 – 90%. In such conditions, cucumbers can be stored for 8 - 9 months;
  • It is not recommended to store pickles at temperatures above +10°C;
  • if the vegetables have not been cooked, they can be stored for no more than 1 week, provided that the temperature does not exceed +17°C;
  • In plastic bags, the shelf life of pickled cucumbers is no more than 24 hours at temperatures up to +17°C;

Pickles in jars that were preserved in the summer can only be stored closed. Once they are uncorked, their shelf life is significantly reduced. Therefore, you need to preserve vegetables in small portions so that they can be consumed immediately.

It is best to store pickled cucumbers at optimal temperature-1°С - +1°С in jars in which they were salted. The higher the temperature, the faster the product will spoil. If the jars are kept warm, bacteria begin to develop in them, which will lead to souring and blooming of the brine. As a result, all pickles will be spoiled.

The gherkins will spoil in open jar in two weeks, even if they are in the refrigerator. If spoiled, they will become too soft and very sour.

Storing pickled cucumbers frozen

If the jar has already been opened, but it is not possible to consume the pickles right away, they can be frozen, and thereby extend the shelf life.

  • To freeze, remove the cucumbers from the jar and dry them on a towel.
  • After drying, place in a durable food bag.
  • The vegetables are then frozen using the "quick freeze" function.

After cucumbers are thawed, it is not recommended to use them raw for food. They can only be used to prepare dishes that undergo heat treatment at high temperatures. For example soups or pizza.

Storage in barrels

You can store pickled cucumbers in brine, which is formed as a result of fermentation, for a very short time. Bacteria, falling on fertile soil, completely change chemical composition liquids. As a result, the salinities become soft and also acquire bad smell and taste.

In an apartment building, it is quite difficult to find a place where barrel cucumbers would feel great. This is due to the fact that the optimal temperature regime, which allows vegetables to maintain an elastic consistency and familiar taste, should be within 0°C - +1°C.

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How to store lightly salted cucumbers

This type of pickling is usually used in summer. Fresh vegetables are salted at an accelerated rate. It is the timing of salting that distinguishes them from ordinary pickles. Shelf life lightly salted cucumbers in the refrigerator will depend on the recipe used for pickling.

Typically, lightly salted vegetables are kept in jars. They need to be stored in a cool place, otherwise they will quickly become simply salty. To prevent this from happening, you can use several techniques.

  1. To stop the pickling process and keep the cucumbers lightly salted, they are placed in a cool place. It's best if it's a cellar. If this is not possible, a refrigerator will do. The cellar also stores regular pickles well.
  2. When choosing a recipe, you should pay attention to what water is used for pickling. If you add hot water, it will speed up the salting process. Such vegetables will not be stored for a long time. It is better to make brine from cold water. Then the salting and storage period will increase.
  3. To keep vegetables in brine longer, their ends should not be cut off. When cut, they contribute to rapid salting and, as a result, a short shelf life.
  4. To ensure that cucumbers are salted evenly, they are selected according to size and variety. It is known that small fruits are salted faster and also quickly become over-salted. Therefore, you need to select vegetables of the same size for pickling. For example, gherkins are suitable for quick pickling, but they can be stored for a maximum of 2 days. And this is provided that it is stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator, where it is coolest.
  5. You can pickle cucumbers without brine or other liquids. At the first stage of salting and during storage, they should be kept in the refrigerator. Fruits of the same size are placed in the bag and salt is added. To preserve vegetables longer, add a little salt and place the bag on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

It is best to salt vegetables in small batches, then there will be no problems with their storage. But in order to make blanks in small batches, you need to know how to store fresh cucumbers. Read about this in.

It should also be remembered that the processes of pickling and fermentation increase in direct proportion to temperature. The warmer the faster vegetables will become salty. And at lower temperatures, the fruits will absorb salt longer, but the shelf life will also increase.

Storing pickled cucumbers

Pickled vegetables can be distinguished from salted vegetables by taste. During the preservation process, vinegar or another acidic preservative is added to the brine (marinade). Thanks to this additive, storing pickled cucumbers at home becomes longer. It also does not require strict adherence to a certain temperature regime. Preservation in this case occurs by sterilizing the jars. Then the fruits are poured with boiling water twice, and the third time with brine with added acid.

If pickled cucumbers are preserved according to all the rules, storing them will not be difficult. They can be kept not only in a cool cellar, but also at room temperature in the apartment.

There are several storage rules canned cucumbers(suitable for any type of preservation):

  • It is unacceptable to keep preserved food near heat sources;
  • it is impossible for glass jars were in the cold (on an open balcony in winter);
  • preservation must not be exposed to sunlight;

For storage in a city apartment, dark places such as mezzanines, pantries and kitchen cabinets, which are located far from heating appliances and stoves, are best suited. To cool vegetables before serving, keep them in the refrigerator for several hours.


Following the rules that were described in this article will make storing pickles simple. Vegetables will retain their quality for as long as possible. How do you prefer to store pickles at home? Share in the comments.

Various vegetables and fruits, be it cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc., can be pickled, salted or fermented. This great way preserve food properly for the winter. They will not spoil, but will acquire an unusual taste and will delight you in the cold season, when there is so little fresh vegetables and fruits.

The eternal classic of homemade preparations is pickled cucumbers, which the whole family loves. These used to be delicious and aromatic preparations made in buckets or barrels for the whole winter. Now glass jars are more often used.

Smart housewives have been stocking up on cucumbers since the fall, and it’s not in vain that they spend their energy on it. An open jar of pickled cucumbers will always come in handy; they can be put on the table as a snack or served as an addition to almost any dish.

Recipe for pickles in jars “For men”

The peculiarity of preparing cucumbers at home according to this recipe is to add an oak leaf or bark, depending on what you can get. Why is it worth making such a simple but unusual inclusion: it will give your cucumbers a “masculine character” and an extraordinary aroma. The secret of cucumber crunch this recipe This is precisely the addition of this ingredient in combination with horseradish.


Servings: – + 10

  • fresh cucumbers 1 kg
  • dill umbrellas 3 pcs.
  • cherry leaf 3 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf 2 pcs.
  • blackcurrant leaves 2 pcs.
  • oak sheets 2 pcs.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • salt 3 tbsp. l.

Per serving

Calories: 12 kcal

Proteins: 0.8 g

Fats: 0.8 g

Carbohydrates: 2 g

60 min. Video recipe Print

    To prepare the perfect winter snack, you need to know how to properly pickle jarred cucumbers. One of important points in this case is soaking the vegetable. First of all, you need to place the cucumbers in ice water for two hours. It is better to take fruits that are not large in size. Then the snack will turn out appetizing, as in the pictures.

    The next stage is preparing the greens and jars (you can use liter or three-liter jars). Both should be washed thoroughly. It is better to wash glass containers with plenty of baking soda. Poorly prepared containers are the main cause of premature product spoilage.

There are a huge number of ways to pickle cucumbers, but not everyone knows that there are special recipes for storing the preparation in the apartment. At the same time, the jars will definitely not explode, and the crispy cucumbers will shrink perfectly. They can last in an apartment for a long time, up to 2 years, maintaining their taste. Time-tested recipes will help you prepare pickles for the winter for storage in your apartment.

Salting can be done either cold or hot. In both options, the cucumbers turn out crispy and have a beautiful appearance. The amount of ingredients in recipes can be adjusted at your discretion.

Classic way

It takes literally a few minutes to prepare and the recipe is very simple. For canning, use table salt - it has minimal consumption.


  • cucumbers - 2.2-2.5 kg;
  • dill sprigs - 6-8 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 4-6 pcs.;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 1.5-2 liters of water.


After picking, the fruits are soaked in a bowl of cold water so that they keep their shape even after preservation. Leave the vegetables for 3-4 hours, then cut off their tails.

Pepper is poured into a clean container and dill is added. Prepared cucumbers are placed on top and garlic is added.

The water is heated a little over the fire so that it becomes slightly warm, and granulated sugar and salt are dissolved in it. The latter should completely dissolve.

Pour cool brine into a jar, cover its neck with a nylon lid and leave the contents to settle for 2-3 days at room temperature.

After some time, drain the brine from the cucumbers and boil plain water in a saucepan. Wash vegetables 2-3 times with warm water.

The brine that was in the jar is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Pour it into a container and close it tightly with a lid.

You will be able to try cucumbers using this method in a month.

Attention! To prepare the brine, use settled or spring water.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter with a rolled-up lid

Many housewives know that preparations last the longest if they are sealed with disposable tin lids. Even when stored in a room, cucumbers prepared in this way will last for at least about 2 years.


  • 2.2-2.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • horseradish and currant leaves - 3-4 pcs.;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • hot pepper - - pcs.;
  • cloves - 2-4 pcs.;
  • bay leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.


Cucumbers are well washed to remove dirt, and the tails of the washed fruits are trimmed. At the bottom of a sterilized pickling container, first place a couple of garlic cloves, then bay leaves and cloves.

The fruits are laid vertically in rows so that they are pressed tightly against each other. Add the remaining leaves, cloves and add granulated sugar and salt.

Fill the contents of the jar with cold water (1.5-2 liters) to the very top so that all the vegetables are under the brine.

Cover the jar with a cloth and leave it in a warm room for storage for 2-3 days. During this time, foam forms on the workpiece; it is removed.

After the time has passed, the brine is drained from the workpiece and boiled, then poured back into the container. Sterilize the workpiece in boiling water for 10 minutes, only then roll up the lid.

The rolled container is turned over onto its neck and left to cool. A warm blanket is placed on top so that it cools down as long as possible. After opening, the product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers under a nylon lid

If you don’t have a seaming machine at home, you can use regular nylon lids. They maintain tightness well and do not let air through. Lids make it convenient to close the container even after opening.


  • 2-2.2 kg of fruits;
  • salt - 3 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • currant leaves – 3 pcs.
  • cloves - 2-3 branches;
  • a bunch of greens (basil and dill).


Prepare cucumbers for preservation: soak them in cold water for a couple of hours and cut off the tails.

Leaves and greens are washed and torn into small pieces. There is no need to chop the greens with a knife; the branches will be inconvenient to get out.

Pour cloves into a clean container and add about 1/3 of the leaves and greens. Cucumbers make up about half the volume of the container. Make a layer of greenery and foliage. Repeat the row of gherkins.

Sprinkle salt on top granulated sugar and fill the contents of the jar with warm water (about 1.5 liters).

Cover the jar loosely with a lid and place it in a dry place for a couple of days. During this time, the brine may become slightly cloudy.

At the end of the time, remove the foam that has formed on top and place the workpiece in boiling water for sterilization. You need to boil for at least 20 minutes.

When sterilization is almost complete, the nylon lids are heated in boiling water and quickly put on the jars.

Important! You can place the jars in the oven for sterilization at a temperature of 80-100 degrees for half an hour.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka for the winter

To prevent the brine from becoming cloudy, they resort to one trick - adding a shot of vodka during salting. Alcohol significantly increases the shelf life of the product, and you don’t have to worry about it. Cucumbers will easily survive more than one winter in an apartment.


  • 1.5-1.8 kg of selected fruits;
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic;
  • horseradish root - 1 pc.;
  • squash - 4-5 pcs.;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • salt -2 tbsp;
  • oak leaves.


The tails are cut off from washed cucumbers and set aside.

Horseradish is peeled from the top layer and grated on a fine grater. You can chop the horseradish with a knife - it will turn out more aromatic.

Place a couple of leaves and most of the horseradish and garlic on the bottom of the pickling container. The squash is stacked in one row on top of the leaves.

The cucumbers are placed standing so that they touch each other. Add the remaining garlic and leaves to the gherkins.

Dissolve salt in a liter of cool water, pour the solution into a jar and keep it at home for 2 days.

On the third day, the brine is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Turn off the heat and repeat boiling 2 more times. Add a shot of vodka to the hot mixture and pour the brine into a container. The jar is closed and removed for storage after cooling.

Cold method of pickling cucumbers

The good thing about this method is that it’s quick and easy to prepare cucumbers. For rolling, you can use disposable lids.


  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • dill umbrellas -3-4 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves – 2-3 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.


The tails are cut off the cucumbers with a knife and placed in a bucket of cold water. They are left there for 1-2 hours.

The garlic is peeled and divided into cloves. Horseradish leaves are cut into small pieces. Place garlic and leaves in a jar.

Place cucumbers in a container. Currant and cherry leaves and dill are added to them. Then take cold spring water (about 1-1.5 liters) and pour it into the jar to the very top.

Add salt and sugar to the water and dissolve the ingredients. Close the jar with a lid and put it in the coolest place in the apartment. There is no need to sterilize the workpiece.

Hot method of pickling cucumbers for the winter

A liter or two-liter container is good for this. For such jars you need to choose small fruits; large fruits will not interfere.


  • 1-1.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • horseradish leaves – 2-4 pcs.;
  • dill umbrellas – 2-3 pcs.;
  • 5-6 peppercorns;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • ½ tsp. citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. rock salt;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar.


Pre-soak the cucumbers in ice water for a couple of hours. Then they are dried a little on a towel and the ends are cut off.

Leaves with garlic cloves are placed in a sterilized jar. Supplement the contents with pepper and dill umbrellas.

Boil a liter of water in a saucepan. Pour boiling water into the jar and leave for 20 minutes. Drain the water into the sink and add fresh water to the pan. Repeat heating. After boiling, dissolve salt with granulated sugar and citric acid in it.

The hot mixture is poured into the cucumbers and the container is covered with a lid. The jar is turned over and allowed to cool overnight.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter with mustard

For those housewives who are very worried that the cucumbers do not spoil ahead of time, the method of pickling with the addition of mustard powder. Mustard prevents souring and fermentation of products, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of pickles.


  • 1.6-1.8 kg of cucumbers;
  • a handful of different greens (dill, horseradish, currant leaves);
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. dry mustard powder;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.


The greens are washed and placed on the bottom of the jar, evenly distributed over the entire surface. Place the washed cucumbers on top of the greens.

Salt and granulated sugar are poured on top and about a liter of clean water at room temperature is added. The workpiece is kept warm for 2 days.

When the specified time has passed, the brine is drained and brought to a boil in a saucepan. Add mustard to the boiling liquid and stir well so that no lumps form.

Pour the resulting hot brine into a jar and close with a lid.

Attention! Mustard brine is always cloudier than regular brine and has a stronger aroma.

Spicy cucumbers

If the household loves savory snacks, they can be pampered with pickled cucumbers prepared according to savory recipe. If you want to make the product more spicy, add more red pepper directly with the seeds.


  • 2.5-2.7 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 chili peppers;
  • 3-4 garlic cloves;
  • a pinch of ground coriander;
  • 3 tbsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.


Wash the cucumbers well from the soil and remove the ends with a knife.

Red pepper is cut into 2 parts and cleared of seeds. If the pepper is small, you don’t have to chop it, but put it whole in the preparation.

First of all, place the garlic and pepper in a clean jar. On top of the vegetables are cucumbers.

Dissolve the ingredients in 2 liters of water and bring the mixture to a boil. Hot brine is poured into a container. The contents are rolled up immediately, without waiting for cooling.

Pepper will not allow harmful microorganisms to develop in the brine, so the preparation lasts a long time and does not deteriorate for years.

Appetizer of sliced ​​cucumbers

For this recipe, you don’t need to waste time and select only smooth and small cucumbers. Feel free to take overgrown fruits - they will still need to be cut.


  • cucumbers – 2.6-2.8 kg;
  • green sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 4-5 pcs.;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. salt.


Washed cucumbers are cut into medium slices. There is no need to cut thinly, otherwise the vegetables will “float”.

The peppers are washed and cut into the same size as the cucumbers. Chop greens. Mix the vegetables in one cup and let sit for a while.

Add oil with pepper and salt to a liter of water.

The resulting vegetable salad is placed in the jar almost to the very top and filled with cold brine.

The container with the snack is placed in a pan with boiling water and sterilized for at least 20 minutes. During sterilization, the lids should cover the neck of the jar, but not tightly.

After sterilization, the jars are twisted and wrapped in warm material. Leave the salad to cool for at least a day.

“Barrel” method of pickling cucumbers for the winter

In the old days, it was customary to pickle cucumbers in tubs. They were saturated with the aroma of the tree and became even tastier than usual. If you have a small tub or barrel at home, they will come in handy. If they are not available, a regular plastic bucket will replace them.


  • 4-4.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 50 g salt;
  • 20 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid;
  • dill umbrellas – 6-7 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves – 5-6 pcs.


Wash the cucumbers and place them in a clean bucket or other container for pickling. Add dill and cherry leaves to them.

The garlic is divided into cloves, peeled from the film and placed in a bucket.

The water is slightly heated to a temperature of 30 degrees and sugar and salt are added to it. Pour the mixture over the cucumbers and put pressure on them.

Vegetables are dried in a bucket for approximately 2-3 days at room temperature, but away from heat sources.

After the time has passed, the brine is poured into a saucepan and boiled, lemon is added.

Place the cucumbers from the bucket into a sterilized container and add hot brine. The containers are closed with lids and put away for storage.

Attention! To prevent the brine from being cloudy, you can strain it twice through cheesecloth.

Storing pickles in the apartment

When the preparation of the preparations is completed, another main point is to determine the correct storage location in the apartment. It should be dark and away from heating radiators.

Ideal for indoor storage of cucumber pickles:

  • kitchen cabinet;
  • pantry;
  • insulated balcony;
  • box in the sofa.

At any time, the preparations can be rearranged into the refrigerator if there is free space there. It is not safe to store open containers at home at room temperature. When opened, the seal is broken, and bacteria that multiply well in room conditions can get from the air into the brine and onto the vegetables. Optimal temperature for storing open workpieces should not exceed 16 degrees Celsius.

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Wash horseradish, currant, cherry and dill leaves thoroughly with warm water. Peel the garlic into cloves. Chop the horseradish leaves and place them together with dill, currant leaves, cherries and garlic cloves in even portions on the bottom of sterilized jars (I sterilize in the microwave, it’s very convenient).

Place cucumbers in jars with horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, dill and garlic.

Then add salt to warm water, mix well until the salt dissolves and pour into jars with cucumbers. Cover with lids and leave the cucumbers in the apartment in a dark place for 2-3 days, periodically removing the foam (do not be alarmed by the appearance of the foam - this is the fermentation process).

After 2 days, the brine will become cloudy, the cucumbers will darken and the smell of lightly salted cucumbers will appear, and then salted ones.

Let's move on to the next step of the recipe. Drain the brine from the cucumbers into a saucepan (there is no need to put cucumbers and herbs). Boil the brine and pour the boiled brine over the cucumbers. Then pour it back into the pan, boil the brine again and pour the cucumbers again. Roll up the jars with sterile lids, turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket or blanket until completely cool.

When we lived in a dormitory during my student years, I was lucky to try many different pickled and canned cucumbers: all the girls brought their mother’s preparations, and then treated each other.

So, everything is learned by comparison, and I like cold pickles the most. The only drawback of these cucumbers is that they need to be stored in a cold basement or refrigerator, so they are not very suitable for city apartments.

Pickled cucumbers make the most delicious vinaigrette, they can be eaten simply as an appetizer with.

Even though we live in an apartment, I make 2-3 jars of these cucumbers and store them in the refrigerator. This summer, my daughter and I were visiting our grandmother and we all picked cucumbers together. The recipe for pickled cucumbers for the winter is very simple, you will see for yourself by reading the article to the end.

I offer you a recipe for pickled cucumbers, according to which my grandmother has been making them for decades. The recipe is proven, the cucumbers turn out crispy and not too salty, and can be stored in the cellar for up to 2 years.

To pickle cucumbers, you will need any jars and nylon (plastic) lids. I don’t recommend using metal screw caps, as they rust (both inside and outside...)

So, to pickle cucumbers we need the following:

  • cucumbers
  • Clean and dry 1 liter, 2 liter or 3 liter jars
  • Nylon covers
  • Horseradish leaves
  • Dill umbrellas
  • Black peppercorns
  • Peeled garlic
  • Chilli pepper
  • Dry mustard
  • Oak leaf (for crunchiness of cucumbers)

For the brine:

  • 1 liter of cold running water
  • 2 heaped tablespoons (60g).


If you can put less salt in it, then the lack of salt in pickled cucumbers can contribute to the development of bacteria. As a result, cucumbers may become soft and not tasty.

Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 3-5 hours (or better for 5-8, especially if these are store-bought cucumbers). This must be done so that the cucumbers get the missing water, otherwise they will get it from the brine and there may not be any left in the jar. Rinse the cucumbers under running water. The ends of the cucumbers do not need to be trimmed.

Wash jars and lids. (I do not sterilize or dry them in this recipe. But if you pour boiling water over the jars and lids, that will only be a plus).

Arrange the cucumbers, evenly layering with herbs.

Don't forget about garlic, chili pepper and dry mustard. For 3 liter jar you need about 5-6 cloves of garlic, 1 chili pepper and 1 teaspoon of dry mustard.

Dissolve 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse salt in 1 liter of water in a separate container (about 1.5 liters and 3 tablespoons of salt are needed for a 3-liter jar).

Stir well and let sit. Usually coarse salt produces a sediment. I don't pour it into a jar. Fill the jars to the very top. Cover with regular plastic lids and place in a cool place.

Check periodically (every 3-5 days) and make sure that the cucumbers are covered with brine, otherwise, if this is not done, cucumbers without brine may become soft and mold will form.

Sometimes you have to add brine (until the foam is completely displaced from the jar and the edge of the neck, i.e. to the very edge of the jar, brine - at the rate of 1 liter of water - 2 tablespoons of salt).

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