Riddles about vegetables for kids. Logic riddles about vegetables and fruits. Children's riddles about fruits - think and fantasize

home / Jam and jam

One hundred clothes
And all without fasteners.

Although he didn’t see the ink,
Suddenly turned purple
And shines with praise
Very important …

The calves are smooth
Tied to the garden bed
They lie in rows
Green themselves.

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I...

Beautiful maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

The cramped house split into two halves.
And beads and pellets fell into the palms.

Growing in the garden
green branches,
And on them
Red kids.

Round side, yellow side,
A bun is sitting in a garden bed.
Rooted firmly into the ground.
What is this?

And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden bed.
Do some digging:
Under the bush...

Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.

The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

Cheeks are red, nose is white,
I sit in the dark all day long,
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun.

A sundress is not a sundress, a dress is not a dress,
And once you start undressing, you’ll cry your fill.

Before we ate it,
Everyone had time to cry.

Fat lady,
Dressed in a dress
Yellow color.
There is a cap on the top of the head,
The cap is on the side.
Pouted in the garden -
Guess it, guys.

I tried all summer -
Dressed, dressed...
And when autumn came,
She gave us some clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel.

There is grass above the ground
Burgundy head underground.

Kicked off from Yegorushka
Golden feathers,
Egorushka forced
Cry without grief.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
They turn green in summer.
By autumn they turn red.

It is good for sour cabbage soup
Besides other vegetables.

What they dug out of the ground,
Fried, boiled?
What we baked in the ashes
Did they praise you?

Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but...

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar.

Shred on shred
Green patches,
All day on your stomach
Basking in the garden.

Riddles about fruits

Blue uniform, white lining,
It's sweet in the middle.

On a green cord
In the summer heat
In a golden skin
The balls are growing.

Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Warmed by the hot sun,
Dressed in skin like armor.
Will surprise us
A pineapple

Yashka stands,
In a red shirt
Who will pass by
Everyone will bow to him.

Sisters in red dresses
Clinging to the pigtails.
In the summer, come into the garden here -
They ripen there...

I am sweet, I grew up in the south, like the sun in the leaves.
Orange and round, kids like me.
Orange, tangerine

She was little green
Then I became scarlet,
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.

You can barely hug this fruit, if it’s weak, you won’t be able to lift it,
Cut it into pieces and eat the red pulp.

Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet flame.
Unbend the stems -
Collecting lights.

Ripens in hot summer
And it becomes
He's like a round ball
But you won’t let him gallop.
It's heavy and big
Ripe, strong, pouring,
Sweet, juicy and elastic,
Great taste
Useful to us all...

This delicious yellow fruit
It's sailing to us from Africa,
Monkeys at the zoo
Provides food all year round.

Two sisters are green in summer,
By autumn one turns red, the other turns black.

He grew up in the south
He collected his fruits in a bunch.
And in the harsh winter
Raisins will come to our home.

I am rosy Matryoshka
I won’t tear you away from my friends,
I'll wait until Matryoshka
It will fall into the grass on its own.

A whole herd of horses
On one leash.
Bunch of grapes

The long-legged one boasts -
Am I not beautiful?
And the bone itself
Yes, a red blouse.

Low and prickly
Sweet and fragrant
Pick the berries -
You'll rip off your whole hand.

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

Blooms white
Hangs green
Falls red.

I'm orange and round
I will like you all, friends!
They stripped me into pieces
And treat all your friends.

In the yellow hive
The bees fell asleep
Huddled together in a ball
And in the walls there is honey.

Same with a fist, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.

This fruit is sweet
Both round and smooth.
It's fragrant inside
Fluffy on the outside.

Everyone knows these berries
They are replacing our medicine.
If you have a sore throat,
Drink tea at night with...

Both adults and children know that vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. And it is also well known to us, parents, that vegetable dishes Children eat reluctantly and often have to resort to various tricks to force little gourmets to get a portion of vitamins.
Riddles for children about vegetables will help us in this difficult task. Cheerful and funny, they will not only entertain the child, but will also help him fall in love with vegetable dishes. And with their help, the little ones will learn to recognize and remember their names.

We bring to your attention a selection of various riddles about vegetables.

Everything is in perfect order in our garden - the tomatoes and peppers are ripe in the garden

Riddles about vegetables with answers, simple and complex for children in grades 1, 2, 3

It grows in the ground
Cleaned up for winter.
The head looks like a bow.
If you just chew
Even a small slice -
It will smell for a very long time.

They buried it in the ground in May.
They didn't take it out for many days.
They started digging in August -
Not just one was found, but five.

Red eye
Bogatyr Taras.
Gone underground
Found 10 brothers.
Look, look,
What are the heroes like?

It is grown in the ground.
Known throughout the world.
And very often on the table
Shows off in his uniform.

What they dug out of the ground,
Fried, boiled?
What we baked in the ashes
Did they praise you?

All summer she tried,
I was in a hurry, getting dressed.
And when autumn came,
I gave away all my clothes.
Lots of clothes
We put it in a barrel.

Guess what kind of cabbage -
All in flowers, thick, thick,
Several heads of curly hair,
In white curly fur coats.

He walked lanky and got stuck in the damp earth.

They dug it out of the ground, fried it, cooked it.
They stewed and baked.
They ate and praised.

Red-cheeked girl
He loves to have fun.
She took off her forelock, took off her ponytail
And she came to visit us in the salad.
Only in a dress with white hem
She remained very modest.

The calves are smooth and tied to the bed.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
Trouble came in the fall -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.

If you want a vinaigrette -
Go to the garden to get it.
She has a beautiful color
Both outside and inside.

What kind of miracles are these?
There's a star lying on the grass!
Maybe this is a wonderful dream?
No, because this is...

We all need to eat more chocolate bars

Riddles about vegetables for children with rhyming answers

Our purple master
One among the vegetables.
He is the French Comte de Jean,
And in Russian…

Lots of dresses
Lots of crunch.
What is her name?…
The garden was empty
Now it's growing...

The hedgehog was surprised in the field:
“What a vegetable, a hundred clothes!”
And the little bunny gobbled it up with a crunch

Everyone is rounder and redder.
It tastes best in a salad,
And guys from a long time ago
They love it very much.

And oval, elongated.
Tomato is a faithful brother,
Also suitable for salad.
Did you guess it? Well done!
Well, of course…

Round, crumbly, white
She came to the table from the fields.
Salt it a little,
Isn't it really delicious...?

Casseroles, pancakes,
Pancakes and mashed potatoes,
Zrazy and dumplings,
Peeled livers,
And excellent okroshka
Can be made from…

What kind of trotter is this?
Did you fall over on your side?
He's well-fed and lettuce-y.
That's right, kids...

Add a spicy aroma
In soup, potatoes and salad.
Smells delicious? Eat quickly
Miracle root...

It happens, children, different -
Yellow, grass and red.
Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Did you guess it? This…

We're steaming in a saucepan
We make caviar ourselves.
We need it for this
Purple vegetable.
Came to us from southern countries
Ripe long...

Here is a pod - a huge house,
The brothers settled in it.
Every brother is a buffoon,
And this pod is...

He's good in the frying pan
They decorate the herring with it.
The beetle won't eat it,
This is a strict bitter...

Green, fresh, curly
Aromatic seasoning.
Dill girlfriend -

How mysteries grew in our garden bed...

Riddles about vegetables for preschoolers and toddlers

One hundred clothes
and all without fasteners

Shred on shred - green patches,
He spends the whole day basking on his stomach in the garden bed.

Beautiful maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
Very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sugar, sweet.

I grow in the soil in a garden bed,
Red, long, sweet.

Unprepossessing, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, crumbly, delicious!”

Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,
Whoever undresses him sheds tears.

The heads hid
Under a bush in a hole.
Brown ones are not cones.
In the mink, but not the mice.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
Trouble came in the fall -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.

I'm long and green
Tasty and salty
Delicious and moist.
Who am I?

Like in our garden
Mysteries have grown -
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.

Wants to live in the garden
and drives the family crazy:
grandfather, grandmother, dog and cat,
granddaughter, even a tiny mouse!
She grabbed the spine tightly
the heroine of the fairy tale is….

Maria Kusaeva
Card index of riddles about vegetables and fruits with answers

Card index of riddles about vegetables and fruits

Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children.


Red beads hanging

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.


The long-legged one boasts -

Am I not beautiful?

In itself is a bone,

Yes, a red bone.


Himself scarlet, sugar,

The caftan is green, velvet.


He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What kind of ball is this?


Golden and healthy

Vitamin, although sharp.

It has a bitter taste

It burns... not lemon.


There is a yellow ball in the garden.

But he doesn't run at a gallop.

He's like the full moon

The seeds in it are delicious.


In a green tent

Koloboks sleep sweetly.

Lots of round crumbs.


Round side, yellow side,

A bun is sitting on a garden bed.

Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this?


A beautiful maiden sits in prison,

And the braid is on the street.


Grandfather sits in the ground

Dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears.


There is a green hook on the stem,

And on it hangs a chest.

There are eight guys in the chest

They sit side by side in silence.


Red below, green above,

It has grown into the ground.


Small and bitter, onion brother.


Purple kaftan

Wears vegetable...


There are green ones in the garden,

And in the jar they are salty.


The green house is cramped:

Narrow, long, smooth.

They sit side by side in the house

Round guys.

In the autumn trouble came -

The smooth house is cracked,

We galloped in all directions

Round guys.


One hundred clothes -

All without fasteners.


I was born to glory

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me in them.


She's hiding from the sun

Under a bush in a deep hole,

Brown is not a bear,

In a hole - but not a mouse.


Casseroles, pancakes,

Pancakes and mashed potatoes,

Zrazy and dumplings,

Peeled livers,

And excellent okroshka

Can be made from.


For the curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

It tastes like sweet sugar.


Like in our garden

Grew up puzzles

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green,

By autumn they turn red.


This is not a toy at all -



There is grass above the ground

Burgundy head underground.


At least it grew in the garden,

Knows the notes G and F.


Small and bitter, onion's brother.


Same with a fist, a red barrel,

Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.


Publications on the topic:

Album of riddles about onions Riddles about onions Album of riddles about onions with answers. Onions are one of the oldest plants that have been domesticated by humans. Since a long time ago.

Card index of finger games in the summer with children 3–4 years old “Fruits, vegetables” Finger gymnastics not only develops fine motor skills of the hands, but also activates the speech centers directly responsible for the development of speech.

Card index of riddles “Say a word” Goal: to develop the ability to solve riddles and children's thinking. He is both a wolf and Santa Claus, and makes the kids laugh to tears. Last time I was a teacher.

Card file of riddles “Summer” A riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid and characteristic features are given in an extremely condensed, figurative form.

Card index of riddles about space A curious rocket flew around three planets, rested and again - flew around five. Met everyone in our solar system! But you.

Card index of math riddles RIDDLES 4 wings, not a butterfly. Flapping its wings, but not moving. (Windmill) Has 4 teeth. Every day he appears at the table, as well.

A riddle is a unique element of folklore; it is both the development of a child’s logic and a game with him. Particular attention should be paid to riddles about vegetables and fruits. After all, by guessing them, children can get acquainted with a variety of fruits and vegetables. You can play riddles while cooking or while walking in the countryside or at the dacha. It’s especially good if kids can match the riddle with a real vegetable or fruit, touch it, watch how it grows, or even try it on their teeth. The result of this will be much more effective.

Cheeks are red, nose is white,
I sit in the dark all day long,
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun.
Answer: ( Radish)

What's red outside
White inside
With a green tuft on his head?
Answer: ( Radish)

He stands there thoughtfully
In a yellow crown,
Freckles darken
On a round face.
Answer: ( Sunflower)

Yellow Demid
He looks at the sun all day.
Answer: ( Sunflower)

Round, but not a ball,
Yellow, but not oil,
Sweet, but not sugar.
With a tail, but not a mouse.
Answer: ( Turnip)

But I didn't get wet from the rain,
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you find out who I am?...
Answer: ( Beet)

There is grass above the ground
Burgundy head underground.
Answer: ( Beet)

These red flowers
They will lose their petals.
The petals will lose
Will turn into chests
What do the chests hide?
It will end up on pies.
Answer: ( Poppy)

This delicious yellow fruit
It's sailing to us from Africa,
Monkeys at the zoo
Provides food all year round.
Answer: ( Banana)

In a quiet house
On a branch,
The children took shelter from the rain.
They sit in cramped little rooms,
From under the shutters
They look.
Answer: ( Pine nuts)

Autumn has come to our garden,
The red torch was lit,
Here blackbirds and starlings scurry about,
And, noisily, they peck at him.
Answer:( Rowan)

Watermelon is not watermelon
And it tastes like honey.
Answer: ( Melon)

In the yellow hive
The bees fell asleep
Huddled together in a ball
And in the walls there is honey.
Answer: ( Melon)

Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.
Answer: ( Apple)

Same with a fist, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, bite it - sweet.
Answer: ( Apple)

What kind of fruit is this - a box with a secret!
The seeds look like glass,
all transparent, all pink,
You shake it, how strange it is, it doesn’t ring.
Answer: ( Pomegranate)

A small stove with red coals.
Answer: ( Pomegranate)

I'm under a colored hat
I'm standing on my own leg.
I have my own habits
I always play tag.
Answer: ( Mushroom)

Under the pine tree by the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boots,
There is a hat, but there is no head.
Answer: ( Mushroom)

The grass grows on the slopes
And on the green hills,
The smell is strong and fragrant,
And her green leaf
It suits us for tea
What kind of weed, answer me!
Answer: ( Oregano)

Red beads hanging
They're looking at us from the bushes,
Love these beads very much
Children, birds and bears.
Answer: ( Raspberries)

For the curly tuft
I dragged the fox out of the hole.
To the touch - very smooth,
It tastes like sweet sugar.
Answer: ( Carrot)

The red nose has grown into the ground,
And the green tail is on the outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose.
Answer: ( Carrot)

Beautiful maiden
Sitting in prison
And the braid is on the street.
Answer: ( Carrot)

Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but...
Answer: ( Onion)

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him?
He sheds tears.
Answer: ( Onion)

The child is wrapped in a hundred swaddling clothes.
Answer: ( Cabbage)

Seventy clothes
and all without fasteners
Answer: ( Cabbage)

Low and prickly
Sweet and fragrant
If you pick the berries, you'll rip off your whole hand.
Answer: ( Gooseberry)

On a branch there are sweets with honey filling,
And the skin on the branch is of the hedgehog type.
Answer: ( Gooseberry)

Balls hang on the branches,
Turned blue from the heat.
Answer: ( Plums)

Blue uniform, white lining,
It's sweet in the middle.
Answer: ( Plum)

No windows, no doors,
The room is full of people.
Answer: ( Cucumber)

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.
Answer: ( cucumbers)

Round, mature, tanned,
Got caught in the teeth
I couldn't break it all.
And I fell under the hammer,
It crunched once and the side cracked.
Answer: ( Nut)

The golden head is large and heavy,
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is large, only the neck is thin.
Answer: ( Pumpkin)

White, skinny root vegetable
It grows underground.
And although he is very bitter,
It is good for us to eat.
Everyone, from adults to children
They eat it with jellied meat.
Answer: ( Horseradish)

Two sisters are green in summer,
By autumn one turns red, the other turns black.
Answer: ( Red and black currants)

The long-legged one boasts -
Am I not beautiful?
And the bone itself
Yes, a red blouse.
Answer: ( Cherry)

She was little green
Then I became scarlet,
I turned black in the sun,
And now I'm ripe.
Answer: ( Cherry)

Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Tastes like honey.
Answer: ( Cherry)

In the garden in front of us
The bush is strewn with caps,
Every flame hides
And whoever eats it will cry.
Answer: ( Pepper)

What kind of head is this -
Just teeth and beard?
Answer: ( Garlic)

This is not a toy at all - Fragrant...
Answer: ( Parsley)

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.
Answer: ( Corn)

Himself scarlet, sugar,
Kaftan green, velvet
Answer: ( Watermelon)

You can barely hug this fruit, if it’s weak, you won’t be able to lift it,
Cut it into pieces and eat the red pulp.
Answer: ( Watermelon)

Striped balls came to us from melons.
Answer: ( Watermelon)

The head is on a leg, there are polka dots in the head.
Answer: ( Peas)

The cramped house split
In two halves.
And they fell from there
Shot beads.
Answer: ( Peas)

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
In the autumn trouble came -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.
Answer: ( Peas)

I'm a drop of summer on a thin leg,
They weave boxes and baskets for me.
He who loves me is happy to bow down.
And the name was given to me by my native land.
Answer: ( Strawberries)

In the hot sun, the stumps have many thin stems,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stems and collect the lights.
Answer: ( Strawberries)

The grass has grown -
Seasoning for food;
Her belongings -
Scented threads.
Answer: ( Dill)

Unprepossessing, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, crumbly, delicious!”
Answer: ( Potato)

The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.
Dig a little: under the bush...
Answer: ( Potato)

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.
Answer: ( Tomatoes)

Was green, small,
He became big and scarlet.
Answer: ( Tomato)

In haymaking it’s bitter,
And in the cold it’s sweet,
What kind of berry?
Answer: ( Kalina)

And red and sour
She grew up in a swamp.
Answer: ( Cranberry)

Although he didn’t see the ink,
Suddenly turned purple
And shines with praise
Very important…
Answer: ( Eggplant)

At least it grew in the garden,
Knows the notes "G" and "F".
Answer: ( Beans)

What kind of trotter is this
Did you fall over on your side?
He's well-fed and lettuce-y.
That's right, kids...
Answer: ( Zucchini)


Happy child 29.04.2018

Dear readers, many parents are often faced with the question of how to interest their children in their free time at home or on a walk and at the same time introduce them to something useful. And riddles about vegetables and fruits, many of which children encounter every day, will help perfectly with this.

Why do onions make people cry? What is this growing in the garden? What is it called and what is it eaten with? If a child asks all these questions, it means that he is developing correctly, being interested in the world around him. Add riddles about fruits and vegetables to games with children, and you will get a wonderful educational activity that will help your child learn even more. And the first section is for the little ones.

The maiden is beautiful in prison, and her braid is on the street...

Simple riddles about vegetables and fruits with rhyming answers are suitable for the youngest children.

Fruit riddles

Yellow citrus fruit
It grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sour,
And his name is….

Children know this fruit
Monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries,
In the tropics it grows...

It's orange and nice
Delicious, aromatic smell.
Let's quickly go to the store,
Let's buy a round...

What kind of fruit is on the plate?
We all love him very much
Very important gentleman,

Makes us all very happy
With hard skin...
(A pineapple)

They all grow on a branch,
Adults and children love it!
Pies are baked from them...
And what are their names? … .

Riddles about vegetables

What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I … !

And green and thick
A bush grew in the garden bed.
Do some digging:
Under the bush...

Round and smooth
Take a bite - it's sweet.
Stuck tight
In the garden...

Substituting a barrel for the sun,
Lying in the garden...

Who cleverly hid in the ground?
This is a redhead...

Well done green guy.
He's called...

He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice.
People have loved it for a long time
Red, ripe….

It grew in the garden,
Got wet in the rain,
Ripened and matured
And matured...

Makes everyone around you cry
Although he is not a fighter, but... .

How I put on a hundred shirts and crunched my teeth

All children love vegetables and fruits for their varied tastes. And the riddles about them are also very different, and their benefits are undeniable, because through riddles about fruits and vegetables you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. This section presents riddles about vegetables and fruits for preschoolers.

Riddles about vegetables

How I put on a hundred shirts,
It crunched on my teeth.

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

There is grass above the ground
Burgundy head underground.

I was born to glory
The head is white and curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.

Unsightly, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, crumbly, delicious!”

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.

Pink cheeks, white nose,
I sit in the dark all day.
And the shirt is green,
She's all in the sun.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
They sit side by side in the house
Round guys.
In the autumn trouble came -
The smooth house is cracked,
We galloped in all directions
Round guys.

There is a yellow ball in the garden,
But he doesn't run at a gallop,
He's like the full moon
The seeds in it are delicious.

He bites, but not the dog.
There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is this, tell me? … .

Although he didn’t see the ink,
suddenly turned purple
And shines with praise
Very important … .

She is being pulled by a grandmother and granddaughter,
Cat, grandfather and mouse with Bug.

Kicked off from Yegorushka
Golden feathers,
Egorushka forced
Cry without grief.

It happens, children, different -
Yellow, grass and red.
Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Did you guess it? This … .

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.

Watch an educational cartoon about vegetables with your kids.

What kind of fruit has ripened in the garden?
Bone inside, freckled cheeks.
A swarm of wasps flew to him -
Sweet soft...

Round, rosy,
I'm growing on a branch.
Adults love me
And little children.

Orange's little brother
Because it's small.

This fruit is sweet
Both round and smooth.
It's fragrant inside
Fluffy on the outside.

Warmed by the hot sun,
Dressed in skin like armor.
Will surprise us
(A pineapple)

You can barely hug this fruit,
If you are weak, you won’t be able to lift it.
Cut it into pieces,
Eat the red pulp.

What kind of fruit is dark green?
Came to us from America:
The flesh is yellow in color,
Does it taste like a nut?
Alligator pear
The English call...
Improves people's memory
And relieves stress for everyone.
Even children need to eat
What, tell me? … .

What grows on a lush palm tree,
Loves the sun and heat?
What is food made from?
In hot countries in the morning?
What kind of fruit are Bedouins?
Who lives in oases,
Called "bread of the desert"
And they eat all year?
We eat them too
True, we consider it a delicacy.
What are the names of the “hermits”
Those goodies? … .

What kind of fruit is this - a box with a secret!
The seeds are delicious looking
All transparent, all pink.
You'll shock me. How strange! Doesn't ring.

The yellow ball is slightly bitter,
In summer it will quench your thirst.

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

Round-sided, yellow-faced,
Can be compared to the sun.
And how fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field...

This important crop, with a strong, dense texture

As children grow up, the riddles become more complex. The guys already know everything about the color, shape, taste of different cultures, and now imaginative thinking is also involved to make the riddles more interesting. In this section you will find difficult riddles for children in grades 2-3 about vegetables and fruits.

Shred on shred - green patches,
He spends the whole day basking on his stomach in the garden bed.

The lady sat down in the garden bed,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

I tried all summer -
Dressed, dressed...
And when autumn came,
She gave us some clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel.

Like in a garden bed under a leaf
The log rolled -
Remote greenery,
Delicious small vegetable.

Near the house, between the bushes,
In the field, in the garden, along the forests
An important culture is growing
With a strong, dense texture.
We will collect all the tubers,
Let's dry and clean up
We'll eat until spring
The dishes made from it are delicious.

Red eye,
Bogatyr Taras,
Gone underground
I found ten brothers.
Look, look,
What heroes!

An orange root sits underground,
It stores a storehouse of vitamins,
Helps children become healthier
What kind of vegetable is this, can you tell?

He is dressed tightly in ten clothes,
He often comes to us for lunch.
But only you call him to the table,
You won’t even notice how you shed tears.

It grows in the ground
Cleaned up for winter.
The head looks like a bow.
If you just chew
Even a small slice -
You will smell it for a very long time.

Grows very long
And it takes up half a garden bed.
This vegetable is pumpkin brother,
In the summer everyone eats it.

The golden head is large and heavy,
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is big, but the neck is thin.

You can immediately recognize this vegetable by its color,
Everyone calls him Mister Blue.
With a shiny and oblong skin,
He is happy to treat adults and children.

Bright lanterns hang on the bushes,
It's like there's a holiday parade going on here.
Green, red, yellow fruits,
Who are they, do you recognize them?

Fall apart in disarray
On your feather bed
One hundred green bear cubs
They lie with nipples in their mouths,
Continuously sucking juice
And they grow.

All decorated with flowers,
Take a look at it for yourself.
These white inflorescences
Fry them in breadcrumbs for the children.

What is this miracle in the garden?
It looks like a shell under the leaf.
It is wavy on all sides.
What kind of vegetable? … .

Cook for lunch
You can't make a vinaigrette
If such a vegetable
You don't have it in your garden.

White clove for colds
Chewing is not bad at all.
From colds from illnesses
There is no healthier vegetable.

It happens to be black
It comes in white.
I pulled the tail from the garden bed
And I made it with sour cream.

They grow in the garden
You don't have to go far -
Everything for borscht, salad, soup
We will pick it up simply and easily.

In spring they plant
In summer they water
Weeding, digging,
They dig it up in the fall!

They are different
They ripen in the gardens,
In one word they call
Mom adds them to borscht!

This word is called
Tubers and fruits
Use them as food
You can do it all!

Edible tops, roots,
They are called, without a doubt,
In that word that is familiar from childhood,
Quickly tell me what it is!

They are salted for the winter,
Boiled and fried
Salads are being prepared
And they squeeze out the juice!

Different colors have,
Who turns yellow, who turns red,
Whose root is edible?
Others hold their fruit in high esteem!

What grew in the garden here?
Very tasty, but not sweet.
Everyone is lying in the garden -
Let's make a salad!
We’ll cook a lot of cereals with them -
It turned out to be a delicious soup!
More chocolate bar
We all need to eat this.

What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad,
Our garden bed is just a treasure.
If you listened carefully,
I definitely remembered it.
Answer in order.
What's growing in our garden bed?

I'm rosy matryoshka
I won’t tear you away from my friends,
I'll wait until the matryoshka
It will fall into the grass on its own.

Golden one barrel,
The other side is reddish.
In the middle, at the core -
A worm is hiding.

Were white flowers
They became ripe fruits,
They became like balls
Lantern balls.
How do you take them on your teeth?
Sweet juice will immediately splash out.

“Light bulbs” are hanging on me,
But they are edible.
The girls also have a name -
Similar to mine.

Side covered in golden skin,
And under the skin there is sweet juice.
One sip in each slice
For both son and daughter.

Delicious - you'll lick your fingers
Orange balls.
But I don't play them
I always eat them.

On top there is a forelock of leaves,
He himself is dressed in armor all around.
And in canned circles -
Wonderful dessert.
(A pineapple)
