Delicious fried potato pies. Recipe for pies with potatoes in a frying pan. Cooking in a slow cooker

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To prepare the dough, pour the sifted flour into a bowl. Pour warm water into a separate container, add sugar, salt, dry yeast and mix well, pour vegetable oil into the resulting liquid, mix.

So far it's coming yeast dough, preparing potato filling for pies. Peel the potatoes and put them in boiling water, after boiling, add salt to taste, reduce the heat and cook until tender.

The risen yeast dough will be light and will begin to bubble and “squeak” when you work with it.

Punch down the dough and divide into small pieces chicken egg. I divided it into 28 parts.

Knead the dough pieces with your hands, turning them into flat cakes. Place 1 heaped tablespoon in the center of the cakes potato filling.

We pinch the dough and form pies, lightly pressing them with your hand.

Fry the pies in a preheated frying pan over medium heat in a large amount of vegetable oil on both sides (about 3-4 minutes on each side).

Lay out the fried ones yeast pies with potato filling on a plate and serve!

Try my recipe too!

Pies with potatoes fried in a frying pan are always tasty, quick and easy! Everyone will like the potato filling in pies, but it needs to be prepared correctly. These are not just potatoes baked in dough. To make the potato filling tender and tasty, you need to know the secrets of cooking. delicious filling from potatoes for pies.

The dough for pies with potatoes will be custard, this will allow the pies to remain intact after frying. We don't need an hour and a half for the dough to rise and that's very important point for those who have little time, but want to pamper their family.

Of course, this baking is not for every day, once a week is not only possible, but also necessary! Quickly write down the simplest recipe for pies with potatoes fried in a frying pan from a quick choux pastry on the water!


  • To prepare the dough you will need: 2.5 cups wheat flour;
  • half a glass of water, and the same amount of boiling water;
  • salt 1 small spoon and 1 large spoon of sugar;
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast 10 grams.
  • To prepare the filling you need: half a kilo of potatoes;
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper optional;
  • butter - a couple of tablespoons;
  • a branch of fresh (not dry) dill, this is what will give the pies a special magical taste and aroma;
  • vegetable oil half a glass.

How to cook fried pies with potatoes:

Delicious filling for potato pies
First you need to prepare the filling. Peel the potatoes, cut them and send them to boil in boiling water. Salt and cook for about 15 minutes. Drain the water from the finished potatoes and reserve a little for mashed potatoes.

Place butter in a saucepan and pound. Add dill and pepper to the resulting puree. The dill must be cut very finely. Mix the puree thoroughly with a spoon.

Preparing the dough for pies with potatoes
We quickly prepare choux pastry using water. You need to dilute yeast with sugar in water. And leave for about 10 minutes. Then pour vegetable oil into the glass and add salt. Take a container and pour flour into it and mix the pie dough with the one in the glass. The kettle should be boiling at this time.

Pour half a glass of boiling water and pour it into the dough and knead again. At this time, some of the yeast dies, but that which does not die and produces surprisingly tender yeast in a short period of time. choux pastry for pies.

Fry pies with potatoes
The oil needs to be poured into a frying pan and heated. Cut off pieces of dough and make small cakes. We put the filling in the flatbreads and make a large dumpling. The pie needs to be flattened a little and placed in boiling oil.

The heat on the stove should be low, and the pies should be fried for about 3 minutes on both sides. At this time, the pies become larger, and the dough becomes fluffy and airy. That's it! As you can see, the recipe for potato pies is simple and quick!

Fried pies with potatoes are served with juices, tea, drinks will make them tastier. Now you know how to cook the simplest potato pies fried in a frying pan.

They are quick and easy to prepare, so you can fry them every day: the necessary ingredients are always at hand and preparing potato pies takes little time.

Watch the video: how to cook pan-fried pies from yeast dough on the water with potatoes

Delicate fluffy dough with a crispy crust and a lot of delicious filling - here they are, perfect pies with potatoes, fried in a frying pan. The recipe with photo that I will share today will help you prepare exactly the same hearty and delicious pies. I use my favorite, it's perfectly browned and crispy.

Dough recipe for potato pies:

  • Warm milk - 250 ml
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Dry yeast - 20 g (two sachets)
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Flour - 1 kg

For the filling:

  • Potatoes - 500 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs. medium size
  • Salt, pepper, herbs to taste

How to cook:

Mix milk (250 ml) and water (250 ml) - both liquids should be at a pleasant room temperature.

I resort to this trick: I mix milk from the refrigerator with hot water from the kettle, and at the end we get the liquid at the temperature we need.

Pour two packets of dry yeast into a bowl, pour 1/3 cup of warm water, stir.

With this soaking we awaken the yeast to action. Ideally, place the dough in a place without drafts for 10-15 minutes.

If the dough rises with a foamy cap, everything is going according to plan, the yeast is active and active. I like to wait until the dough for yeast dough has completely matured - the foam cap has settled and we can see small bubbles on the surface.

Pour the dough into a large bowl in which it will be convenient to knead the yeast dough.

Beat two eggs into a bowl. Milk diluted with water is also poured into the dough. Add salt.

Sift the flour in small parts and stir constantly.

At first it will be convenient to do this with a spoon, then with your hands.

I never knead “until my hands are clean” - in this case the dough turns out very stiff and clogged with flour. Much tastier in ready-made baked goods, when the fluffy dough is tender and airy, not oversaturated with flour.

Place the yeast dough in a warm place without drafts (you can, for example, put it in a switched off oven). After an hour, the dough will rise noticeably. The ideal option is when it rises so much that it falls under its own weight.

To prepare the filling we need 0.5 kg. potatoes, which we first peel, wash, and boil until tender (usually 25-30 minutes). Drain the water and mash the potatoes.

Finely chop the onion (2 pieces are enough for me), fry in butter until golden brown.

To prevent the oil from smoking while frying the onions, you can add a little vegetable oil to a piece of butter.

Add the fried onions to the potatoes and mix. Add salt, pepper, any spices to taste.

If you have extra mashed potatoes, you can get excellent potato .

Place the risen dough on the table and knead it.

From a large volume of dough, separate small pieces for portioned pies. Leave for 10 minutes for the dough to rise a little and increase in volume.

Using your fingers, press down each piece of dough and add the filling.

Close the potato pies so that there are no holes left.

Heat the oil so that the dropped piece of dough immediately sizzles and browns. Place the pies into well-heated oil so that there is no free space left in the pan (otherwise unused oil will burn and smoke).

As soon as the pies are browned, use a slotted spoon to turn them over to the other side. Potato pies should be evenly browned on all sides.

To remove excess oil, place the fried pies on a paper towel. It is better to eat baked goods hot, but not scalding. The recipe for fried pies with potatoes will delight your whole family and will receive compliments from everyone who tries this simple, hearty dish. Delicious and soft - what else is needed for a happy belly and good mood!

Step 1: Prepare the dough for the pies.

The milk needs to be heated, but do not let it boil or burn. We don't need hot milk either, only warm milk. Check the temperature by dipping your finger (clean, of course) into the milk. Add sugar to the milk and, stirring, dissolve it. Now you can pour in the yeast, after which we stir the mixture again until foam appears.
To make the dough for pies more airy, you need to sift the flour before cooking - this way it is saturated with air. So, pour the flour into a bowl and make a small depression in the center, into which we pour the milk with dissolved yeast and sugar. We leave the yeast to ferment so that it rises and forms a so-called “cap”, which is clearly shown in the photo. "Cap" means the yeast is fresh and fermented enough to continue cooking. Break a couple of eggs into a glass, pour vegetable oil and salt into them. Beat them with a whisk or fork.
Pour the whipped mixture into a bowl with flour and yeast and begin to knead the dough, in a spiral from the center to the edges. When a ready-made lump forms, you need to beat the dough on the table so that it becomes even softer and more homogeneous. Now the dough is ready for rolling out and subsequent baking.

Step 2: Prepare the filling for the pies.

Potatoes and onions should be washed with running water and peeled and peeled. Fill a saucepan with water and place the potatoes in it. We cook it as for puree; the filling itself will consist of it. When the water boils, add bay leaf to give the vegetable more flavor. While we are waiting for the cooking to complete, finely chop the onion.
20 minutes after the start of cooking, check the readiness of the potatoes with a knife or fork; when the tubers are easily pierced, this means you can drain the water and be sure to remove the bay leaf. Make a puree from boiled potatoes, adding milk and butter so that the potatoes wrinkle better and the filling is more tasty. Salt and pepper to taste, mix well and cool. Now the filling is ready!

Step 3: Prepare fried potato pies.

Sprinkle the table or other rolling surface with flour to prevent the dough from sticking. We pinch off small balls from the dough ball, which we roll into flat cakes, approximately 6 millimeters thick. If you like there to be more dough and less filling, then roll out the flatbread thicker. Place about 1 tablespoon of filling in the center of the cake, and then bring the edges together and pinch them very carefully and carefully so that the pies do not open.
Grease the frying pan vegetable oil, heat it up and fry the first batch of pies over medium heat, on both sides. When a golden crust forms, the pies are ready. You can put them on a plate with a slotted spoon, and send the next batch to the frying pan. It will take you about 10 minutes to fry one batch of pies.

Step 4: Serve the finished fried pies with potatoes.

The pies taste best when they are just cooked, so we call the family to the table, pour milk or tea into glasses and serve hot pies with a crispy crust. Lunch pleasure is guaranteed! Bon appetit!

Instead of dry active yeast, you can use fresh pressed yeast. You will need 30 g of them.

Try adding dried dill to the filling - it will add an incredible aroma. And if you want heartier pies, add fried mushrooms, cabbage or meat to the potatoes.

If you want as little oil as possible on the pies, dry them with a paper towel.

Save your time; you don’t need to make all the pies at once, especially since the dough doesn’t need to rise. Make the first batch and send it to the frying pan while they are frying, make the second, etc.

If the dough is soft and elastic enough, you can not roll it out, but simply knead it with your hand. Grease your hands with vegetable oil to prevent the dough from sticking.

To prevent the pies from “sweating,” do not stack them on top of each other. Spread a towel and lay them in a row, or even better, place them vertically. This way the pies cool faster and don’t get soggy.

If you are afraid that the onion will not have time to steam inside the pies, before adding it to the filling, fry it in a frying pan with a small amount oils

Just recently I showed it, and now, to show it in action, I want to suggest frying these very pies. The filling is mashed potatoes with fried onions. I really like pies with potatoes fried in a frying pan, and not only me. There were a lot of pies. Tasty and soft - what else do you need for happiness?

First you need to prepare the dough for fried pies. Prepare yours favorite dough or use the recipe mentioned above. By following the link, you will see detailed step by step recipe, I won’t dwell on this in detail for the second time.

So, the yeast dough for fried potato pies is ready.

For the filling, boil the potatoes (peeled, cut into slices) in salted water until cooked, just like mashed potatoes. Drain the potatoes and chop the onion.

Fry the onion in oil, mash the potatoes and add the onion with oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Stir - the potato filling for fried pies is ready.

Divide the dough into 16 pieces.

Now make the pies:

1. Use your palm to turn a piece of dough into a flat cake.

2. Place a spoonful of potato filling onto this dough piece.

3. Seal the edges over the filling.

4. Turn the pie seam side down and mark the ends.

5. Lightly roll over the pie with a rolling pin, giving it a flat shape.

Fry the pies on both sides in sunflower oil.

This is how the potato pies turned out.

Delicious, simply delicious! Enjoy! :)

And bon appetit!

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