Duck in the oven in foil - recipe. Duck baked in foil: cooking features and the best recipes Cooking duck in the oven with foil

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From time immemorial, in Slavic villages they knew how to feed poultry so that it would grow fatter, and cook according to their own original recipes. Having once tried duck stuffed with boiled buckwheat with vegetables and baked in the oven in foil, you will want to experience the pleasure of its delicate taste again.

We offer two options on how you can bake a bird at home for the holiday and for the usual family dinner so that it is both tasty and satisfying.

Let's say right away: you should take on cooking duck only when the chef has more than one baked chicken to his name. A favorite layer of many, especially the broiler type, the bird is much more flexible in cooking. There is not much fat in it, but there is enough meat to feed a dozen hungry mouths. Duck is a completely different matter! If the choice of the whole carcass for cooking in the oven was unsuccessful, you will not be able to bake it deliciously.

How to choose the “right” duck

  • When choosing poultry at the market or in a supermarket, you need to follow the principle “less is more.” It is better to take a small carcass - this way the likelihood that this is a young bird is higher.
  • The duck should not be too fatty (there is very little meat in this type), but not lean either (it will turn out a little dry).
  • The subcutaneous fat of young waterfowl is light. If it is yellow, there is a high probability that the bird passed away on its own.
  • The belly of a duck that has just recently been running has a pleasant smell of meat. If there are even subtle sour notes in the smell, the bird is stale.

And the last test for the youth of a duck: if when you lightly press on the sternum it springs, then this means that this is a young individual. If the chest is as hard as a shell, its youth is long past, which means that such a duck will take more than one hour to cook. It will make a very tasty jellied meat, but it is not suitable for baking.

Duck in foil, baked in the oven with buckwheat: traditional recipe


  • Medium sized duck carcass— 2-2.5 kg + -
  • Buckwheat (cereal) - 2/3 tbsp. + -
  • 1 medium root vegetable + -
  • — 1 pc. + -
  • 4-5 large cloves + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -
  • Ground coriander- ½ tsp. + -
  • - 2 tsp. + -
  • Red pepper - a pinch + -
  • Ground nutmeg- pinch + -
  • - 1 tsp. + -

Step-by-step recipe for baking homemade duck in foil in the oven

It is better to take unfried cereals for this dish. It is not as aromatic as fried, so it will give the duck a pleasant, subtle aroma. You can add fried mushrooms to the filling along with vegetables. The taste and aroma of the dish will be incomparable!

  • We thoroughly wash the bird carcass, paying special attention to the abdominal cavity.
  • Now we need to remove excess moisture, and paper towels will help us with this.
  • Remove the husks from the onion and garlic cloves, and peel the carrots.
  • Chop the garlic using a kitchen press or a sharp knife. Divide the resulting pulp into 2 equal parts.
  • Place half of the chopped garlic in a bowl, add salt, seasonings, 1 tbsp. butter, mix everything.
  • Let the marinade sit for 10 minutes so that its aroma develops, and rub it on the outside and inside of the bird.
  • Let it soak in the aromas for about 1 hour. It's time to start filling.
  • We rinse the cereal, fill it with water so that the liquid level is 2 fingers higher than the cereal.
  • Place the saucepan with buckwheat on the stove and cook the porridge until the buckwheat grains begin to steam. But there is no need to boil the buckwheat completely - it will arrive in the belly of the duck.
  • Cut the carrots into thin strips (you can grate them for Korean salads), cut the onion into half rings.
  • Sauté the onion slices in heated oil for 5 minutes, then add the carrots and keep in the pan over low heat.
  • Add the semi-finished porridge, add some salt and season with black pepper.
  • We put the stuffing inside the bird, compact it, and sew the skin on the belly (any natural thread and thick needle will do).
  • We wrap the bird carcass in foil, place it on a deco or in a duckling pan and put it in the oven. We bake the bird at 200°C for 50 minutes.

To ensure that the duck with porridge inside is browned, you need to cut the foil on top and keep the carcass in the oven for another 20 minutes. To serve, remove the threads from the duck's belly, remove the buckwheat filling and cover the meat with it. You can decorate the dish with herbs for aesthetics.

Duck carcass in foil, baked in the oven with potatoes and apples

We invite you to try the classic combination of fatty duck meat and apples. Potatoes will make the treat even more satisfying. And to make it truly tasty, it is better to bake young tubers.


  • Young duck carcass – about 2.5 kg;
  • Green apples of the Simirenko variety - 2 large fruits;
  • Small potato tubers – 10 pcs.;
  • Adyghe salt with herbs – 1/3 tsp;
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp;
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Pepper mixture – 1 tsp.

How to make a delicious dish of duck with apples and potatoes with your own hands

  • We prepare the bird according to the recommendations from the first recipe.
  • Having mixed the sauce and spices, rub the carcass inside and on top with the marinade, add some salt (the sauce is salty - you need very little salt).
  • Wash the apples, remove the middle with the grains, cut into large cubes, and place the fruit slices in the belly of the bird.
  • Place the bird on a baking sheet covered with a thin film of oil, wrap it tightly with foil on top and place it in the oven.
  • For the duck to soften, it will take 1.5 hours at 200 degrees and another half hour for browning without foil. Having removed the cover, we place around the almost finished poultry, peeled and marinated in sour cream and Adyghe salt. By the time the meat is completely cooked, the potato side dish will also be baked.

Not a single feast on the occasion of a holiday or get-together with friends is complete without a signature dish. Delight your guests juicy meat duck baked in the oven in foil. There are many options for stuffing a bird, and each is worthy of attention.

Baked duck with apples is a classic dish for festive table. How to bake a duck in foil? Baking in foil makes the duck soft, tasty and healthy. It is important to know how to bake a duck in foil, because this heat treatment mode does not require any additional liquid; it turns out that the bird is cooked in own juice.

Duck in foil recipe

So, to bake the duck, take one and a half kilograms of apples, a head of garlic, 100 grams of prunes, 30 grams of vegetable oil, pepper, and salt.

How to cook duck in foil?

  1. Before baking the duck in foil, rinse the duck thoroughly and dry it.
  2. Before baking a duck in foil, you need to clean its skin from the remnants of feathers, cut out the sebaceous gland, which is located near the tail part, in order to be sure to get rid of the specific smell and taste.
  3. Next, remove excess fat from the inside of the duck's belly to bake it in foil. Now you can rub the bird inside and out with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  4. We cut the washed apples, fill them with the belly and neck of the duck. We sew up the cut using white cotton threads, and it is recommended to tie the wings and paws together. Spread the foil, put finely chopped apples and half of the pre-steamed prunes on it.
  5. Place the duck on top of the foil to roast; Place slices of apples and prunes on it. Wrap the bird in foil and place it in a baking sleeve. It is better to make several holes in the top of the sleeve so that steam will escape through them. Be careful not to tear the foil.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the prepared duck in foil on the grill. It is better not to use a sheet for roasting duck in foil, as the back can easily burn. Bake the duck according to this recipe for about 1.5-2 hours.
  7. Then we cut the top part of the foil and the sleeves with the duck and turn them away. Pour all the juice into the frying pan. Place the duck on the unfolded foil in the oven again and bake for another half hour until crispy.
  8. Place the frying pan with the juice on the stove, add finely chopped apples and half the prunes to it and simmer for 15 minutes under the lid. Remove the finished duck from the oven and carefully cut it up. First put it on the dish stewed apples and prunes, then duck apples, and place pieces of baked duck on top. You can garnish the duck with fried or boiled potatoes, fresh vegetable salad.

Duck pieces in the oven recipe

So, let's look at how to bake a duck deliciously. It can be baked either whole or in pieces.

If you decide to bake the duck in delicious pieces, then take duck meat, garlic, pepper, salt and mayonnaise.

How to cook duck in foil in pieces?

  1. First, rinse the duck thoroughly and dry it. Then you can start cutting up the duck to bake it. Separate the leg with the femoral part, cut off the wings. After that, cut the brisket into two halves, starting from the back. We wash the resulting pieces again and leave them to drain.
  2. Prepare a mixture for greasing duck meat. To do this, crush the garlic, mix it with mayonnaise, add pepper and salt. Brush all the pieces of duck with the resulting mixture to bake it deliciously, place them on a large baking sheet, cover with foil and bake for about an hour. After this, you need to remove the foil and leave the duck in the oven for another 20 minutes to brown.

Of course, the taste of baked poultry is familiar to many peoples inhabiting the planet, but in the traditions of Russian cuisine, duck in the oven in foil is almost a genetic memory of the recipe for baked poultry, because in this method of baking it is preserved old secret, inherent only in Russian technology of heat treatment of products.

Duck meat is enough bold, so if you fry it over an open fire, the fat will drain off, and the bird will become dry, tough and tasteless.

Before the Russian oven became firmly established in East Slavic life, meat was fried over the coals of a fire. In those days, there was such a dish: a calf was stuffed with a pig, a goose was placed in the pig, a quail was placed in the goose, or whatever was caught during the hunt. It is quite possible that the duck baked in this way attracted attention. Later, when they passed time such unbridled pagan luxury, and the ancestors began to limit their meals to one type of meat; they began to cover prey or poultry with clay before baking.

This method of cooking meat had an undoubted advantage: it did not burn on the outside and was baked on the inside, because the layer of clay maintained the necessary temperature and humidity. After such baking, it was enough to knock off the clay shell, which was easily removed along with the feathers - and the dish was ready. Culinary progress came with the transition to settled life and the appearance of the stove, which both warmed and fed.

Flour appeared in the diet, from which dough was made and bread was baked. Instead of clay, they began to wrap game rye dough and bake it in the oven. The duck was simmered in a dough casing over hot coals.

After the Russian Tsar “cut a window to Europe,” local court cooks, in the fight against professional competitors brought to the master’s kitchens from enlightened Europe, mastered new culinary technologies, enriching Russian cuisine with a wider and more refined assortment of dishes, but still less, while preserving the traditions of cooking in a Russian oven. Despite the lack of technical progress, the Russian oven was created in such a way that a modern microwave, in terms of functionality, can be compared with its “distant relative” - the Russian oven.

Food foil is a useful invention, which came not to replace, but to help housewives and experienced cooks. This kitchen accessory allows you to create the effect of a Russian stove in the oven. It maintains the set temperature, simultaneously bringing the dish to readiness on the inside and preventing it from burning on the outside. In addition, using foil when baking allows you to save time on preparing the dough and eliminates the need to clean the dishes from burnt fat.

Comfortable. But foil cannot replace the taste of aromatic dough. Therefore, here it is already necessary to resolve the issue of preferences on an individual basis.

In the meantime, let's move on to the next question.

Duck in the oven in foil - basic technological principles

If choosing a chicken is a relatively simple matter, then most likely good duck for baking you need to look for: if not at the farmstead, then at the market.

Not every duck can please you with juicy, tasty flesh and moderate fat content. To choose the right carcass, you need to get acquainted with some basic criteria for choosing meat from this type of poultry.

The best meat breed is considered to be musk or, as they are also called, Indian ducks. At two months of age, poultry meat is suitable for slaughter and consumption. The carcasses of males are larger and can reach a weight of 6 kg; female weight is up to 3 kg. There are also Peking ducks, whose meat has a lighter color and less distinctive taste. This breed can be found in the meat departments of supermarkets.

Complexity preparatory stage any bird consists of processing the carcass and removing feathers. Strictly speaking, regardless of whether the bird was purchased in a store or at the market, you need to carefully examine the surface of the carcass. There should be no mechanical damage on the skin.

Any bird needs to be tarred, even if, at first glance, there are no “stumps” sticking out of it - traces of recent feather covering. Firstly, almost invisible hairs remain on the skin of any bird, which can be easily removed using a burner flame. Secondly, after tarring, the meat acquires a more pleasant smell. But you need to tar the duck very quickly so that the subcutaneous fat does not melt out. After heating over a fire flame, deep-seated remains of guard feathers are easily removed.

After this, the carcass is washed with hot water and, after drying, they begin cutting. Necessarily remove the sebaceous gland located on the tail. This simple technique will help eliminate the unpleasant specific odor. The first phalanges of the wings and the heels of the legs are also removed. In order for the wings to fit nicely and tightly to the carcass after baking, they are folded back at the very top joint. After this, they begin evisceration, making a longitudinal incision on the abdomen until it exits to the rectum. An incision is also made at the base of the neck to remove the larynx and esophagus through this opening. Then the bird is washed again and the cooking process begins.

The meat of male musk ducks is less fatty, but tougher. It will help to partially remove the hardness. marinade from wine, citrus juice, cherries, red wine. In addition, the toughness of the bird will help eliminate stuffing sour apples or lingonberries, lemon slices. When roasting, do not completely remove the fat, because without it the finished bird will be too dry. Excess fat can be removed after baking. By the way, it will be possible to cook very delicious porridge or vegetable side dishes.

An interesting feature of cooking fatty meat is the use of sour ingredients, in combination with which fatty foods are digested more easily, and their taste acquires an interesting piquant hue.

It is important to remember that duck breast cooks faster than legs and wings. In general, different parts of this bird not baked at the same time and therefore baking in foil is an ideal option for duck meat.

Foil creates optimal baking conditions. Duck needs bake for three to four hours, depending on its mass, but the temperature should not exceed 130-140 °C. There is one more nuance to cooking duck in the oven: half an hour before the meat is ready, the oven should be turned off, but the meat should not be taken out so that it can simmer.

What goes with duck meat? Unlike chicken or turkey, red duck meat is not dietary product. Its aroma is also not neutral. But sometimes you want variety! A win-win option is to emphasize the taste of duck meat with sweet and sour berries and fruits. In this sense, the leaders are grapes, apples, almost all citrus fruits, barberries, blueberries, cranberries or lingonberries. Fits well into an ensemble of dishes with aromatic duck sugar pear in combination with sour berries that are neutral in smell. You can use a classic set of dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins and prunes. But you need to add sweet and sour syrup.

If you want to cook duck without an exotic gloss, then onions and buckwheat or potatoes with pickled cucumbers or mushrooms, or olives will be very useful. In general, onions are quite enough, without additional “accompaniment”, but onions must be chosen from sweet varieties so that a fairly large amount of it does not transfer bitterness to the meat. Duck with onions - favorite dish ancient chinese emperors, who did not eat anything without the consent of their court doctors, who are considered enlightened even today.

Spices should be matched to the side dish rather than to the duck. As usual, you can’t be overzealous so as not to drown out the smell of duck meat. The amount of spices added must also be selected, taking into account the intensity of their aroma.

Everything else is very simple and already familiar. Cooking duck in the oven in foil!

Recipe 1. Duck in the oven in foil with buckwheat and mushrooms

Champignons (fried) 500 g

Mix of spicy spices and salt

Buckwheat (boiled) 500 g

Garlic 2 cloves

Onion, sautéed 300 g

Soak the duck for several hours, using paper napkins to remove excess moisture.

Thoroughly rub the top and inside with a mixture of spices and salt.

Mix mushrooms, buckwheat and onions, stuff the duck and sew up the belly.

We wrap the duck in a double layer of foil, without stretching it too much and leaving free space for hot air to accumulate: if the foil breaks and the juice leaks out, the meat will be spoiled.

Place the bird on a baking sheet and set it to simmer for about three hours in the oven, at a temperature of 120 - 130°Ϲ. Mix honey with chopped garlic. 10 minutes before it’s ready, unwrap the duck, freeing the skin from the foil, and brush it generously.

Before serving, remove the thread from the belly.

Recipe 2. Duck in the oven in foil with apples

Vinegar (apple) 500 ml

Garlic 2-3 cloves

Red and black pepper (ground)

Ginger, fresh (grated) 100 g

Leaf, bay 8 - 10 pcs.

Fresh dill stems 50 g

Apples, sour (large) 8 pcs.

Cranberries, fresh 200 g

Juice, lemon 50 ml

Basil, dried 10 g

Fine kitchen salt

Oil, refined 50 ml

Add vinegar, half of ginger, crushed dill stems to the water, bay leaf. Place the carcass, cleared of remaining feathers, into the brine, placing a weight on top, and leave for 1.5 hours. Peel four apples and cut into large cubes. Mix apple pieces with half the lemon juice, cranberries, and cinnamon.

The remaining ginger and lemon juice mix with honey vegetable oil, chopped garlic.

Also mix the spices separately: basil, a mixture of peppers, salt.

Rub the carcass with a mixture of dry spices inside and out, stuff it with an apple and cranberries, sew it up with thread or pin the belly with toothpicks and brush the duck with half the sauce. Wrap with foil several times and bake at 140°Ϲ for two and a half hours.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil, brush with the remaining sauce, continue baking until golden brown with four whole apples (core the apples and stuff them to taste).

Recipe 3. Duck in the oven in foil and pear syrup on a rice “pillow”

Duck breast 900 g

Durum rice 350 g

Salt, spices, garlic

Peeled pear slices 250 g

Lemon (juice) 200 ml

Honey or molasses 150 g

Rub the prepared breast with spices, first making cross-shaped cuts on the skin with a sharp knife.

Rinse the rice and soak in water for at least three hours. Drain the water and dry the rice. Add chopped garlic, saffron, lemon juice, 2-3 buds of ground cloves, dried sweet paprika and basil.

Toss the rice with the spices and place in the prepared baking dish lined with foil. Place duck meat on top of the rice bed.

Caramelize the pear slices: first fry in a hot frying pan, then, transferring to a saucepan, pour in honey or molasses, adding water. Boil until syrup is obtained.

Pour the syrup over the breast and place the pear slices around it.

The top layer of foil should cover loosely so that the rice steamed during baking can fit into the foil space. Reserve a little syrup to brush the top of the breasts once they're done baking. To do this, free the finished breast from the foil and keep it in hot oven to brown.

Recipe 4. Duck in the oven in foil with onions

White onion (sweet) 1.2-1.5 kg (net)

Lemon 350-400 g (1 whole and slices for serving)

Salt, pepper, bay leaf

Duck (prepared carcass) 2-2.5 kg

Mustard, mild 50 g

Cut the white onion into strips.

Treat the duck inside and outside with spices.

Place inside the carcass whole lemon and chopped onion. Sew up the carcass and place it in a mold lined with foil.

Place the remaining onions around the duck, brush the skin with soy sauce, honey and mustard.

Place the edges of the foil over the meat, sealing it completely and place in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours.

Bake for about three hours on medium. A few minutes before the meat is ready, brown it by removing the top layer of foil.

Serve with the strings removed, the onions placed on a platter and garnished with lemon wedges. Remove the lemon removed from the carcass.

Recipe 5. Duck in the oven in foil with oranges

Provençal herbs 20 g

Pepper, allspice 10 g

Dill, dried 8 - 12 g

Garlic 2 cloves

Lingonberries 1 cup

Tar the carcass, wash with warm water and dry.

Leave one orange for serving, squeeze the juice from the rest, after removing the zest.

Mix orange juice with honey, half provencal herbs and steam until thickened. Remove from heat, add mustard, spoon soy sauce and stir. The sauce is ready.

Rub the carcass with a mixture of the remaining spices, butter, chopped garlic and soy sauce. Place orange zest, lingonberries and couscous inside the carcass, sew up the belly and brush orange sauce, wrap in foil and bake until done at a temperature of 140 - 150°Ϲ. 15 minutes before turning off the oven, open the foil and brush with orange sauce again. Let the meat “rest” in the turned off oven for a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 6. Duck in the oven in foil with dried fruits

Dried Provençal herbs 30 g

Soy sauce 50 ml

Rice, wild (slightly undercooked) 0.5 kg

Prunes, dried apricots, raisins 150 g each

Onion, large (large) 1 pc.

Steam dried fruits with boiling water for 30 minutes. Drain and stir in wild rice. In a blender, grind lemons with garlic and Provencal herbs, mixing with soy sauce. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Rub the prepared carcass with the resulting sauce and wrap in film with chopped onions. Leave in a cool place for five hours.

Place the duck on foil, stuff it with rice and dried fruits and bake until done at 150°Ϲ. To get a golden brown crust, open the foil on top 15 minutes before cooking.

Recipe 7. Duck in the oven in foil with potatoes and onions

Duck carcass (marinated)

Potatoes (peeled) 1 kg

Onions, pickled (pickled) 400 g

Mushroom sauce with sour cream

Cut the carcass into pieces. Place chopped potatoes on foil, place half the onion on the potatoes, place pieces of the carcass on top and the remaining onion on top. Wrap with foil and bake the duck until done at medium temperature. Five minutes before readiness, remove the top part of the foil, pour mushroom sauce and simmer in the oven.

To soak meat quickly and efficiently cooked delicious marinade, use a pastry syringe. You can also use a medical instrument, if you can find a suitable needle, to inject the marinade under the skin or into the flesh of the bird. It should be taken into account that the marinade may contain particles of spices that will not pass through a thin needle.

If included in the lunch menu wild duck, then its meat must be soaked for several hours to remove the smell of mud. It is advisable to change the water more often.

The characteristic smell of duck meat is more intense in carcasses slaughtered at an older age. Consequently, their meat is tougher.

You can get a crispy crust with this baking method if, at the end of cooking, you unwrap the foil and brown the duck.

The recipe for duck in foil has its roots in the distant past. Our ancestors have been roasting duck in clay or dough over coals since time immemorial.

A very interesting way to cook duck in clay. The meat did not burn and was well baked, and the layer of clay came off easily along with the feathers. Also in Rus', ducks were most often simmered in an oven.

Today, the technology for preparing baked duck is much simpler thanks to the use of foil and an oven. Foil repeats the effect of a Russian oven, retaining temperature and humidity.

Duck is not a dietary product with a pronounced aroma. Fatty duck is best cooked in foil, because when cooked on a grill or on a spit, all the fat will drain from it, and it will turn out dry and tasteless.

Different parts of the duck take different times to cook (the breast cooks the fastest), so foil is also important for even cooking. And another undoubted advantage of duck baked in foil is the cleanliness of the oven. No splashes of grease in all directions!

How to choose a roast duck? Indo ducks, or musk ducks, are considered the most delicious. Female turkey ducks weigh up to 3 kg, drakes - up to 6 kg. Some people prefer Peking ducks; their meat is lighter in color and the specific duck taste is less pronounced.

Once tarred, cut off the strong-smelling oil gland on the tail (the small bump on the top).

The first phalanges are removed from the wings, and then, for a tighter fit to the carcass, the wings are folded back at the upper joint. The lower ends of the legs are cut off (if you bought the duck with them). After all these manipulations, the duck carcass is washed.

Drake meat is always tougher and less fatty. It is recommended to marinate it in wine, orange or cherry juice.

Also, in order to soften the carcass, they stuff it with sour apples, lemon slices, lingonberries, cranberries, barberries, grapes, and blueberries. Fatty and sour combined give a delicious result.

You can mix dried fruits and pears with sour ingredients. If you prefer a regular taste without a touch of gourmet exoticism, you can stuff the duck with onions and buckwheat, potatoes with mushrooms or pickled cucumbers.

To achieve the effect of a Russian oven, you need to bake the duck in foil for a long time at a low temperature: at 130-140 degrees for about two and a half hours, and then keep it in the switched off oven for half an hour without unwrapping it.


Duck, 2-2.5 kg

Onion, 1.5 kg

Lemon, 2 pcs.

Mustard, 50 g (mild)

Soy sauce, to taste

Salt, to taste

Spices, to taste


Sweet white onion (bitter will ruin the taste of the meat) cut into strips. Rub the duck with spices and salt inside and out. Place onion and whole lemon inside. Sew it up and put it on foil.

We place the remaining onions around the carcass that did not go inside. Lubricate its surface with a mixture of soy sauce, honey and mustard.

Wrap the package and put it in the refrigerator to marinate, preferably for 6-7 hours (or overnight).

We bake for about three hours at a temperature of 140 degrees, about 15 minutes before the end you can unwrap the package and brown the duck.

Before serving, remove the threads, discard the lemon, place the onion on a dish and garnish with slices of fresh lemon.

Bon appetit!

Don't remove too much fat! If you don't like to eat it, it's better to cut it off after cooking. And the surplus can be used to prepare porridges and vegetable side dishes. We put spices in small quantity so as not to interrupt the flavor of the meat. It's better to add them to side dishes.

Duck meat is more interesting in taste than chicken, but it is prepared much less frequently. Typically on major holidays such as Christmas and New Year, Duck baked in the oven is served to the table. This may be due to the fact that cooking duck takes longer and is more troublesome than chicken. But if, for example, you bake duck with apples in foil, this will not only speed up the process, but will also give an excellent result - a tasty, healthy and beautiful dish.

130 min 10 servings 253 kcal Easy to prepare

About the benefits of duck meat

Duck meat is dark in color, very tender and healthy. Culinary experts consider the best meat breeds of ducks to be Peking white, Aylesbury, Muscovy (Indo), Rouen, Bouffe, Cayuga, and Swedish. The average weight of a domestic duck carcass is from 2 to 4 kg.

Duck is a source of protein: per 100 g of this meat there are about 16 g of protein. Duck meat also leads in vitamin A content. Duck contains large quantities of B vitamins, including riboflavin and phtolic acid, as well as a fairly impressive list of useful microelements.

Duck meat is quite fatty (duck calorie content is from 250 kcal/100 g). But duck fat has interesting features: it is considered an excellent preventive product for cardiovascular diseases. This meat is recommended for consumption by those whose activities involve mental stress or stress.

The meat of this bird has a specific taste that not everyone likes. But if you buy a high-quality fresh carcass and cook it correctly, then everyone will appreciate the duck dish.

Duck baked in foil is one of the most successful options, allowing you to get a delicious dish even without any special culinary knowledge. The duck carcass is usually stuffed with: sauerkraut, prunes, oranges, buckwheat, rice, mushrooms, potatoes. But, according to gourmets, it is duck stuffed with apples that is a real culinary masterpiece.

Recipe for the holiday table and more

Oven-baked duck stuffed with apples is a dish that can be classified as a traditional holiday menu. There are many recipes for preparing such a dish. But if you cook a duck carcass in foil, the meat will be surprisingly soft, aromatic and incredibly appetizing. It just melts in your mouth.
For this recipe you will need:

  • duck (2-2.5 kg) – 1 pc.
  • apples – 0.5 kg
  • garlic - 1 head
  • vegetable oil - 30 g;
  • pitted prunes – 50 g
  • Provencal herbs - 1 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp. l.
  • pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully inspect the carcass and remove any remaining feathers. Wash the duck well under running water. Dry with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel.
  2. Carefully remove the sebaceous gland near the rump. This will remove the smell and taste from the meat. Remove belly fat, especially if the bird is fatty. Trim the outermost part of the wings. (You can then prepare duck giblets, necks and legs from these delicious noodles in duck broth).
  3. Rub the inside of the duck carcass with finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper, mayonnaise and herbs de Provence. Rub the outside of the duck with the same seasonings, but without the garlic.
  4. Place the duck with spices to marinate for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. And if possible, leave it overnight.
  5. Prepare the duck stuffing from fresh apples, prunes, pepper and Provençal herbs. Core the apples. Cut into fairly large slices. Cut the washed and pre-steamed prunes into small pieces. Mix in a bowl apple slices, prunes, peppers and herbs. Fill the duck's belly with this mixture.
  6. Sew up the incision, preferably with white thread. Lay out several layers of food foil for baking. Gently brush the top layer of foil with oil. Place the prepared duck, carefully wrap it, place it on a baking sheet (it is advisable to take a baking sheet with sides).
  7. Place the stuffed bird in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about an hour.
  8. Now you need to unfold the foil so that the carcass browns evenly. Reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. At this temperature, keep the duck in the oven for another 30 minutes. Baste with the juices released during cooking.
  9. Place the finished duck on a plate. If you sewed up an abdominal incision, remove the threads.
  10. Cut the duck at the table. This is a special ritual that allows guests to admire the appetizing carcass, and the hostess to hear a lot of compliments.
  11. As a side dish for stuffed duck Rice, fried or boiled potatoes, and fresh vegetable salad are served.

Want to cook duck out of the oven? It’s much simpler and easier to prepare, try it.

  • Duck in a store or market can be selected by smell, like any other meat. A fresh carcass has a pleasant smell. The younger the duck, the lighter and more transparent its fat.
  • It is worth considering that ducks have more tender meat than drakes. Females usually weigh up to 3 kilograms.
  • Before placing the duck in the oven, trim off the outermost part of the wings. They usually burn even when the duck is baked in foil.
  • If the duck is very fatty, then some of the fat can be removed. It is used to prepare other dishes.
  • You can marinate duck in a mixture of olive oil, salt, pepper and mustard. Ducks are also marinated in wine, vinegar, lemon or orange juice. And if a young duck can be marinated for several hours, then an older bird can be marinated for 12 hours.
  • The mixture of spices for rubbing the carcass can be varied. Use garlic, oregano, basil, ginger, almonds, dried juniper, or other seasonings that you like and pair with the poultry.
  • Choose aromatic apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties for stuffing the duck. If the apples are sweet, add the required sourness by sprinkling the apple slices with lemon juice or dry wine.
  • After the carcass is stuffed, it is better to close the cut. Toothpicks are not the most practical choice for this purpose. This connection is not very reliable. It is better to make a seam with white cotton threads.
  • If you do use toothpicks, then cross them with threads. Position the toothpicks so that they do not damage the foil.
  • It's not easy to get a crispy skin on roast duck. If you still want the crust to crunch, pour cold water over the carcass half an hour before it’s ready. This will give a golden crispy skin.
  • To determine if the duck is ready, pierce the thickest part of the carcass with a toothpick. If the bird is ready, the juices released will be light in color.
  • Almost any recipe for duck baked in the oven can be adapted to wicking in foil.

Roasted duck meat can be added to salads and pizza toppings. It will be very unusual and tasty.

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