Curd mousse with peaches. Gluten Free Peach Mousse Chocolate Cake Dairy Free Peach Mousse

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Fast and tasty summer dessert. It really comes in handy in hot weather, when you don’t want to cook complex desserts or cakes at all, but you still need to serve something sweet to the table. Mousse can be not only, it is quite suitable for breakfast or dinner, of course, if you prepare it in advance - the mousse should stand in the refrigerator for some time.
You can take this recipe as a basis and prepare a mousse with different fruits and berries, add fruit juices, berry puree. In winter, canned peaches or apricots and frozen berries are suitable for it.


- fat homemade cottage cheese– 250 gr;
- thick sour cream – 2 tbsp. l (with slide);
- ripe large peaches – 3-4 pcs;
- liquid honey – 2 tbsp. l;
- sugar – to taste (you don’t have to add it);
- instant gelatin – 5 g (teaspoon);
- warm water – as needed.

How to cook with photos step by step

To prepare curd mousse with peaches, it is better to use fatty layered cottage cheese or cottage cheese with a paste-like consistency. Large cottage cheese will need to be rubbed through a sieve. Place cottage cheese in a blender bowl.

Add one large peach, cut into pieces (the skin must be removed).

Pour in one or two tablespoons of liquid honey (if there is no honey, you can add syrup from canned peaches or liquid jam no berries, but only light colors).

Beat everything with a blender until smooth and creamy. Add thick sour cream.

If you like sweet desserts, you can add 1-2 tablespoons more sugar or take more honey.

Beat everything thoroughly again. You should get a thick, homogeneous mass, the consistency of sour cream whipped with sugar.

To make the mousse denser and not mix with peach puree, curd mass we'll add some gelatin. Take a heaped teaspoon of instant gelatin (if the cottage cheese is low-fat, then add more gelatin).

Mix gelatin with the required amount of warm water (see instructions and proportions on the package), heat until the grains dissolve.

Let the gelatin cool a little and then pour it into curd cream. The cream must be whipped again or thoroughly mixed with a spoon so that the gelatin does not form lumps. Place the finished curd cream into glasses or bowls, filling the containers approximately 2/3 of the volume. Place the cottage cheese mousse in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

To make peach puree, peel two large peaches. It can be removed very easily if you pour boiling water over the peaches for a minute.

Grind peaches into puree. If the fruit is not very sweet, add honey or sugar to taste. You can add a pinch of ground cinnamon for flavor.

After an hour, the mousse will harden well, become dense, but retain a soft structure.

Spread peach puree over the curd mousse and decorate the dessert as you wish. Serve chilled.

Chocolate lovers will surely love it

If they don’t grow, you can replace them with canned ones.


First of all, pour the required amount into a small cup and fill it with cool water. Then set it aside and leave for half an hour to swell.

Peaches processing

We choose peaches that are ripe, but strong enough, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the skin. To do this, first scald the fruits with boiling water and remove the skins from them. Then cut in half and remove the pit.

Place the peeled peaches in a bowl and blend thoroughly with a blender until smooth.

Even after the blender, small pieces of fruit remain, so be sure to pass the peach mass through a sieve.

The result will be absolutely . Then we just have to add and to it.

Dissolving gelatin

By this time, the gelatin has increased in size, it’s time to dissolve it in a water bath. Pour boiling water into a deep plate and place a bowl of gelatin in it.

Mix the contents of the bowl intensively until the gelatin is completely dissolved. If this cannot be done quickly, replace the cooled water with boiling water.

Gelatin cannot be boiled, otherwise it will lose its gelling properties!

Without allowing the mixture to cool, add the dissolved gelatin to the peach puree, stirring continuously.

Then cover the bowl with film or a lid and put it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to cover it so that when it cools, the mass does not become crusty.

Whipping cream

After about 30-40 minutes, the fruit mass will begin to thicken, which means it’s time.

Pour the cream into a bowl with high edges and beat with a mixer until neat caps of thick, solid foam begin to appear. If desired, you can add 1.5 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


After all the preparations, we put the result of our labors in the refrigerator for several hours.

When the mixture has hardened, decorate the dessert based on your own preferences. You can decorate with topping or just a sprig of mint. That's all, it's time to take a teaspoon and try what we got. Bon appetit!

Recipe Ingredients

  • 4 pcs – fresh peaches;
  • 70-100 grams – sugar;
  • 2 tbsp – lemon juice;
  • 400 ml – 33% cream for whipping;
  • 3 tbsp – food gelatin.


Chocolate Cake with Peach Mousse Gluten Free

Chocolate Applesauce Cake is such an easy-to-make, great-tasting, and ingredient-friendly cake base for most diets that I used it for another cake recipe. This cake differs from the previous similar one in that half of the cream in the mousse is replaced with peach puree, obtained from a readily available commercial product - canned peaches in own juice, or with the pulp of other fruits without added sugar. I used 2 various options these canned peaches, cut into wedges. Some were in a large 800g jar and were in their own juice with the addition of mango pulp, and the second in a 400g jar were simply in their own juice with the addition of apple juice.

In both cases the mousse turned out wonderful; in the case of a more sour liquid using mango pulp, the mousse had a more pronounced fruity aroma. Between the chocolate cake and peach mousse, I used my homemade one, it could be thicker for such a cake, but you can do without a layer of jam or marmalade, or use very thick versions with a pronounced sour or bitter taste.

A similar cake can be baked without dairy, using either just the solid portion of coconut cream (as shown in this recipe) or whole coconut cream. In the first case, the structure of the peach mousse will be more fluffy, and will practically not differ from that of a mousse made with regular whipped cream.

For the dairy-free cake recipe, I used commercial cherry jam without added sugar, to which I added chia seeds for thickness and allowed them time to swell.


chocolate apple sponge cake

  • 1 large egg
  • 100g applesauce or plain applesauce
  • 50g sugar (if you are intolerant to sugar, you can use pure glucose powder, the process is shown in step by step photos below)
  • 20g pure cocoa powder
  • 60g almond flour if using commercial applesauce/sauce, 50g almond flour if using extra thick homemade applesauce
  • 3 g baking soda (1/3 teaspoon)

fruit and berry jam

  • not necessary
  • you can use any homemade or commercial jam or marmalade with a distinct flavor
  • the most important quality of this jam is its thickness, the thicker the better

peach mousse

with 35% cream

  • 200g peach slice puree (you can also use canned apricots)
  • 100g liquid from canned peach
  • 300g chilled cream 35% fat
  • 40g sugar (5 grams of sugar can be replaced with vanilla sugar)
  • 1 spoon vanilla extract or gluten free pasta

on fatty ones coconut cream

  • 200g peach slice puree
  • 100g liquid, consisting of approximately 50g peach liquid and 50g coconut cream liquid
  • 200g coconut cream solids
  • 40g sugar or glucose
  • 4 slabs of gelatin (2 grams each at least)

additionally for decoration

  • finely chopped candied oranges for cake with a layer of orange jam
  • finely chopped pistachios for cake with peach mousse with coconut cream


chocolate apple sponge cake

  • When baking the cake in a springform pan, clamp a sheet of baking paper in the pan (size from 19 to 22 cm), so that part of the paper sticks out from the sides and can be grabbed by it when the sides of the pan are detached from the bottom
  • brush baking paper on the bottom and sides of the pan with butter or coconut oil
  • Sift all dry ingredients into a bowl: almond flour, cocoa powder and baking soda, mix them well with a whisk
  • Place egg, sugar and applesauce in another bowl
  • beat the mixture until light and volume increases 2-3 times
  • add dry ingredients to whipped mixture
  • mix all ingredients with a whisk until smooth (depending on the moisture content of the applesauce, the dough will have the consistency of thick or thinner sour cream)
  • pour the dough into a springform pan
  • tap the pan on the table to distribute the dough evenly
  • bake in an oven heated to 165C with a fan for about 25 minutes, check the readiness of the cake with a toothpick, it should come out dry, the cake will become dense to the touch and its edges will move away from the walls of the springform pan
  • Allow the cake to cool slightly in the pan and then turn it out onto another sheet of baking paper on a wire rack; the baking paper will easily peel away from the bottom surface of the cake.
  • If there are baked roughness on the edge of the cake, carefully trim them with scissors, this is important for the formation of uniform and smooth side surfaces in the cake

  • place the baked crust on a plate or serving board
  • use acetate ribbon to form beautiful and neat sides of the cake
  • alternatively, use the sides of a springform pan, a cut-out strip of construction paper and baking paper
  • coat the surface of the chocolate cake with thick jam or thick fruit puree, smooth the surface
  • use a baking ring or the sides of the baking pan around the base (use pastry acetate tape or baking paper inside the ring)
  • secure the acetate ribbon or ring so that it does not move
  • spread the jam so that it touches the acetate tape or baking paper so that there are no empty gaps between them
  • prepare the mousse to pour into the ring (the photo below is simply an illustration of the use of an acetate ring when making a cake with a base in the form chocolate biscuit and cranberry mousse with whole coconut cream)

peach mousse

  • regular cream should be chilled, and the jar of coconut cream should be placed in the refrigerator overnight, turning the jar upside down
  • Place the canned peaches in a sieve and let the liquid drain completely
  • weigh 200g peaches and puree them into a homogeneous puree using an immersion blender
  • liquid from canned peaches is also used in making mousse

cream mousse

  • measure 100g liquid from canned peaches
  • soak gelatin strips in cold water
  • whip cream with sugar, add vanilla source
  • Squeeze the water out of the gelatin well and place it in the liquid from the canned peaches.
  • Heat the liquid slightly until the gelatin is completely dissolved; if desired, you can strain it
  • if the solution is very warm, then cool it slightly
  • add the solution to the peach puree
  • stir well
  • add the common solution to the bowl with the whipped cream
  • quickly stir the contents with a whisk until smooth
  • pour the prepared thick mousse solution into the mold, the sides of the mold should fit snugly against the sponge cake, the layer of thick jam should completely touch the acetate tape or paper along the entire perimeter
  • use candied fruits to decorate freshly poured mousse
  • put the cake in the refrigerator for the mousse to harden (at least 5-6 hours, preferably overnight)
  • Before serving, carefully separate the acetate ribbon from the finished cake, for neater side surfaces of the cake, run a thin knife or spatula between the cake and the acetate ribbon

You can serve a piece of cake with the jam used as a layer.

coconut cream mousse

  • turn the can of coconut cream back over and open it
  • Carefully remove the hard frozen part of the cream with a spoon, it should be about 200g, if there is not enough, add the soft part, trying to avoid liquid
  • pour the liquid part of the coconut cream into a separate glass - 100g, to know how much liquid was lost when whipping the cream
  • soak gelatin in cold water
  • add sugar to the solid part of the cream and start whipping, the cream will be very thick, you need to add the liquid part of the cream a little from the glass, when the procedure is completed, find out how much liquid was used
  • you should achieve a consistency similar to that of regular cream; if the consistency is more liquid, the mousse will not be so airy, which will not affect the taste; such addition may take from 30 to 40 g of liquid
  • squeeze out the gelatin and add it to the peach liquid (the total volume of the liquid portion of the coconut cream and peach liquid should be 100g)
  • heat the liquid mixture until the gelatin dissolves
  • cool the solution slightly
  • add it to the peach puree, stir the solution until smooth
  • pour the solution of peach puree with gelatin into the whipped coconut cream, stir well with a whisk until smooth
  • pour the resulting mousse solution into the mold, the sides of the mold should fit snugly to the sponge cake
  • use nuts for decoration on freshly poured mousse
  • put the cake in the refrigerator for the mousse to harden (at least 5-6 hours)
  • Carefully remove the acetate ribbon from the finished cake

To ensure perfect preservation of the side surface of the cake, run a thin spatula between the edges of the mousse and the acetate tape. The photo above shows that processing only the upper part of the mousse led to the appearance of two types of surface, absolutely smooth on top (separated by a spatula) and an uneven part, where the separation of the acetate tape led to a disruption of the surface, although at the same time it showed more clearly the structure of the mousse itself.

Oddly enough, I found the cake with mousse with coconut cream even more interesting in taste, although I have no restrictions on dairy products, I love creams and mousses with regular cream and don’t particularly like products with coconut flavor. Maybe this happened because the canned peaches for the coconut cream cake were not only in their own juice, but also included added crushed mango pulp. But I can’t say for sure. Both cakes are very tender, almost airy both in the cake and in the cream. After this experience, I am sure that I will always dilute the cream in this type of dessert with canned peaches, apricots or even pears. It is simple, easy to prepare, improves and diversifies the taste of the product, and also improves the balance of food ingredients. You can try such mousses simply as desserts, prepared and poured into portioned glasses.

I really love cakes with various mousses and soufflés for their airiness and lightness! This cake is very similar to my favorite Cream Cheese Cake, only instead custard yogurt is added, the sponge cake is soaked in peach syrup and the decoration is peach slices and white chocolate!
Elegant and extraordinary, it will definitely charm your loved ones with its appearance and enjoy its delicate taste!



  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup flour

Mousse and decor:

  • 850 ml peaches in syrup
  • 500 ml 33% cream
  • 350-450 g curd or cream cheese
  • 250 ml white yogurt
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 25 g gelatin
  • 60 g white chocolate or confectionery glaze
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • tape 1.2 m long


I have made this cake many times, if you use it curd cheese- the taste is obtained with curd sourness, if used cream cheese- the taste is correspondingly creamier. For preparation, I used two springform pans with a diameter of 26 and 28 cm. In the smaller pan I baked the sponge cake, and in the larger pan I assembled the cake, since I get a lot of mousse. If you have a small-diameter mold, the amount of ingredients can be reduced by a third or half. The sponge cake can be baked a couple of days in advance, the cake prepared the night before, and the finishing touches can be done shortly before serving.

Let's prepare the biscuit: Beat eggs with sugar for a few minutes until fluffy. Then, adding flour in small portions, gently knead the dough with a spatula from bottom to top. Pour the dough into a greased mold (26 cm in diameter), bake in an oven preheated to 180 C until dry, approximately 15-25 minutes.

Place the peaches in a sieve and pour off all the syrup. 5 tbsp. l. soak the biscuit with syrup.

Add 20 g of gelatin to 120 ml of peach syrup. My gelatin is instant, so I immediately heat it until completely dissolved.

Cut half the peaches into cubes.

Prepare the mousse: add sugar and vanilla sugar to the yogurt. Beat until sugar dissolves. Add cottage cheese or cream cheese, beat until smooth. Pour warm gelatin in a thin stream, continuing to beat.

Gently beat the cooled cream into soft peaks with a mixer at low speed.

Add pieces of peaches to the cheese-yogurt mixture and gently fold in the whipped cream. The mousse is ready.

Assembling the cake: In a springform pan with a larger diameter (28 cm), line the bottom with a square sheet of parchment and snap the pan into place - this will make it easy to transfer the cake to a plate. Place the soaked sponge cake in the center. Pour the mousse on top and smooth it out. Place in the refrigerator until the mousse hardens. Usually, this happens quickly, in about 40 minutes. I check with my finger - if the mousse has become elastic enough, I continue decorating the cake. To do this, cut the remaining peaches into slices and place on the cake. Add 5 grams of gelatin to the remaining peach syrup (about 200 ml), heat until dissolved, cool and cover the top of the cake. Place the cake in the refrigerator to allow the jelly to set. Usually, I leave the cake overnight and then decorate it the next day.
Carefully remove the finished cake from the mold; to do this, run a knife along the side and remove the split wall. Wrap the paper under the bottom of the mold and, slowly pulling it, transfer the cake to a plate. A piece of white chocolate, 10 grams, grate.

Next, I make openwork decorative chocolate sides. Take baking parchment and prepare three pieces with a height equal to the height of the cake and a length equal to 1/3 of the circumference of the pan. To do this, you need to measure the circumference of the shape with a centimeter tape. Divide the resulting length of the side by three (I got 84 cm: 3 = 28 cm). In the end, I cut out three strips 6 cm x 28 cm. Place the remaining 50 g of white chocolate (confectionery icing) in the corner of a plastic bag. Place in boiling water or melt in the microwave. Cut off a small corner and apply a random grid on the parchment from edge to edge. Now you need to wait until the chocolate sets, does not smear, but still remains flexible - in order to wrap it ready cake. I put it in the refrigerator (I was in a hurry), but I missed the right moment, so my sides broke a little, but thanks to the tape, they still stayed on the cake.

Sprinkle white chocolate over the top of the cake until the peaches are visible. Decorate the sides of the cake with openwork sides one by one, end to end (apply the chocolate side to the cake, press a little with your hands and carefully peel off the parchment by the edge). Tie with ribbon.
So our handsome one is ready - “Mousse Cake with Peaches”!

Who needs another piece?!

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