Requirements for the quality of sauces, conditions and periods of their storage. Requirements for the quality of sauces and shelf life Shelf life of cold sauces

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Features of sauce design

Mushroom sauces are not independent dishes. They are used to improve aroma, taste, appearance dishes. Sauces are served in special dishes - gravy boats, rosettes and other small dishes. Sauces are also used to decorate dishes. There are many techniques for painting with sauces. From ordinary simple strokes to entire compositions. The sauces themselves are not just released, they are often decorated with a bunch of curly parsley, this simple method adds appetizing and unusualness. Also, very often, a piece, slice or small part of the product that serves as the basis for its preparation is carefully placed on the surface of the sauce, so that it does not fall through or turn over.

Rules for dispensing and storing sauces

Sauces are judged by consistency, color and taste. They have a uniform consistency, varying degrees of thickness depending on the amount of flour, liquid and other incoming products, which must be finely chopped or pureed. A film on the surface of hot sauces is unacceptable.

The color of the sauces corresponds to the main product from which they are prepared. The red sauce should be dark red in color; white, milk, sour cream - from white to cream; tomato - red, mushroom - brown; marinade - orange, etc.

The taste of the sauces should be like the broths used (meat, fish, mushroom) or milk and sour cream with some deviations; red sauce - with a sweet and sour taste and the smell of roots; white - with a slightly noticeable smell of roots; tomato - with a sweet and sour taste. Milk with a burnt smell and too sour sour cream should not be used to prepare sauces.

Before serving, hot sauces are stored in a water bath (bain-marie) in a container with a lid. To prevent a film from forming during storage, sauces should be stirred periodically or pieces of butter should be placed on the surface of the sauce.

The storage temperature of different sauces is not the same. Depending on the type of sauce, it ranges from 40 to 80°.

Sauces based on meat, fish and mushroom broths can be stored hot in a water bath (bain-marie) for no more than 4 hours at a temperature not exceeding 85°. If sauces need to be stored longer than the specified period, they must be refrigerated and reheated as needed. Sauces that are chilled and then reheated taste better than hot sauces that have been stored for a long time. Basic sauces as semi-finished products can be stored for 2-3 days at a temperature of 0-5°.

Thick milk sauce can be stored refrigerated for 24 hours; medium-thick sauce after preparation must be used immediately; liquid sauce should be stored for no more than 11/2 hours at a temperature no higher than 65-70°. At temperatures above the specified or more long-term storage The sauce turns red due to the caramelization of sugars.

Sour cream sauces Store at a temperature of 75 °C for no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.

The main defects of sour cream sauces are the use of low-quality sour cream - with high acidity, foreign flavors or insufficient sour cream. In addition, there may be defects depending on the flour sauteing - a burnt taste, lumpiness. If the sauce is not boiled well, you can smell raw sour cream.

The quality of the sauce is determined by consistency, color, taste and aroma. When assessing the quality of sauces with fillers (sauce with gherkins, white sauce with vegetables, etc.), the shape of the cut and the amount of filler are taken into account.

Vegetables included in the sauce as a filler must be finely and neatly chopped, evenly distributed with the sauce, and soft. There should be no film on the surface of the sauce. For these purposes, sauces are salted (butter is added to the sauce and stirred thoroughly) and pinched (a thin layer of butter is distributed on the surface to prevent the formation of a surface film).

Sauces should have a consistency, color, taste and aroma characteristic of each group.

Ready-made red sauces are characterized by a homogeneous consistency of liquid sour cream, without lumps of brewed flour and particles of ungrated vegetables. They should have a rich meaty taste with a sweet and sour aftertaste, the smell of onions, carrots, parsley, pepper and bay leaf, color from brown to brown-red.

White sauces should have a uniform consistency of thick cream, without lumps of brewed flour, a pleasant taste with slight sourness, the smell of white roots and onions, and a color from white to slightly grayish.

Other hot sauces with flour should have the consistency of liquid sour cream, be homogeneous, without lumps of brewed flour and particles of ungrated vegetables. Medium-thick sauces used for baking have the consistency of thick sour cream. Thick milk sauce for stuffing should be viscous semolina porridge.

Hollandaise sauce should have a uniform consistency, without grains or flakes of coagulated protein. There should be no glitter of fat on the surface. In Polish and rusk sauces, the oil should be transparent. Eggs for Polish sauce should be coarsely chopped. There should be no oil on the surface of mayonnaises; their consistency should be homogeneous.

Vegetables in marinades should be neatly chopped and soft; horseradish for sauce - finely grated. The color of tomato sauces is red, milk and sour cream sauces are from white to light cream, sour cream sauce with tomato is pink, marinade with tomato is orange-red, mayonnaise is white with a yellow tint, mushroom sauce is brown. The color depends on the products used and the technological process followed.

Fish sauces should have a sharp specific smell of fish, white roots and spices. Mushroom sauces should have a distinct mushroom aroma. Milk and sour cream sauces should taste like milk or sour cream. You cannot use burnt milk or very sour sour cream to prepare them.

Unacceptable defects in sauces with flour are: odor raw flour and stickiness, taste and smell of burnt flour, salty taste and taste and smell of raw tomato puree. Egg-butter sauces and rusk sauce have a slightly sour taste and aroma of butter.

Marinades should have a sour-spicy taste, the aroma of vinegar, vegetables and spices. The taste of raw tomato puree and too much sour taste. Mayonnaise sauce and its derivatives should not have a bitter taste or be too spicy, and horseradish sauce with vinegar should not be bitter or not spicy enough.

Store basic hot sauces in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 80 °C for 3 to 4 hours. Protect the surface of the sauce butter, and to prevent the formation of a surface film, cover the container with the sauce with a lid. Basic sauces can be stored for up to 3 days; to do this, they are cooled to room temperature and placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0 ... 5 ° C. When storing sauces cold, their taste and smell are preserved much better than when stored hot.

Sour cream sauces Store at a temperature of 75 °C for no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation.

Milk liquid sauce stored hot at a temperature of 65 ... 70 ° C for no more than 1 ... 1.5 hours, since with longer storage it darkens due to caramelization of milk sugar - lactose, and the taste of the sauce also deteriorates. Thick milk sauce Store refrigerated for no more than 24 hours at a temperature of 5°C. Medium thick milk sauces cannot be stored and are prepared immediately before use.

Polish and rusk sauces can be stored for up to 2 hours.

Oil mixtures Store in the refrigerator for several days. To increase shelf life, the formed oil mixtures are wrapped in parchment, cellophane or plastic film. Oil mixtures cannot be stored for a long time, since the surface of the oil is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and turns yellow under the influence of light, which also leads to a deterioration in taste.

Industrial table mayonnaise stored at a temperature of 18 ° C for up to 45 days, and at a temperature of 5 ° C for 3 months. Sauce mayonnaise, prepared at a public catering establishment, its derivative sauces, as well as salad dressings are stored for 1 ... 2 days at a temperature of 10 ... 15 ° C in non-oxidizing containers (enamel or ceramic), dressings - in bottles.

Marinades and horseradish sauce with vinegar Store refrigerated for 2...3 days in the same container with the lid closed.

The quality of the sauce is determined by consistency, color, taste, and aroma. For sauces with fillers, take into account the shape of the cut and the thickness of the filler.

Hot sauces with flour should have the consistency of liquid sour cream, be “velvety”, homogeneous, without lumps of undissolved flour and particles of ungrated vegetables.

The sauce should lightly coat the spoon and drip off it. Medium-thick sauces used for baking have the consistency of thick sour cream. The thick milk sauce should look like viscous semolina porridge.

Vegetables included in the sauce as a filler must be finely and neatly chopped, evenly distributed in the sauce, and not overcooked.

There should be no film on the surface of the sauce; to do this, sauces are sealed with butter or margarine, that is, small pieces of fat are placed on the surface.

Hollandaise sauce should have a uniform consistency and should not contain grains or flakes of coagulated protein. There should be no oil (fat glitter) on the surface of the sauce. In Polish and rusk sauces, the butter should be free of protein clots. The eggs for the Polish sauce are coarsely chopped. Mayonnaises should not contain oil on the surface. The consistency is homogeneous. Marinades should contain properly chopped and fairly soft vegetables. Horseradish for sauce with vinegar is finely grated.

The color of the sauce should be characteristic of each group of sauces: for red - from brown to brownish-red; for whites - from white to slightly grayish; for tomatoes - red. Milk and sour cream sauces range in color from white to light cream, sour cream with tomato - pink, mushroom - brown, marinade with tomato - orange-red, mayonnaise - white with a yellow tint. The color depends on the products used and the sauce preparation technology.

The taste and smell of the sauce are the main indicators of its quality. Broth-based sauces are characterized by a pronounced taste of meat, fish, mushrooms with the smell of sautéed vegetables and seasonings.

Red base sauce and its derivatives should have a meaty taste with a sweet and sour aftertaste and the smell of onions, carrots, parsley, pepper, and bay leaves. White sauces should have the taste of broths with a subtle smell of white roots and onions, with a slightly sour taste. Tomato sauce has a pronounced sweet and sour taste. Fish sauces should have a sharp, specific smell of fish, white roots and spices, mushroom sauces - the taste of mushrooms and sautéed onions with the smell of flour. Milk and sour cream sauces should taste like milk and sour cream. You cannot use burnt milk or very sour sour cream to prepare them.

In sauces with flour, unacceptable defects are: the smell of raw flour and stickiness, the taste and smell of burnt flour, the presence of a large amount of salt, the taste and smell of raw tomato puree.

Egg-butter sauces and rusk sauce have a slightly sour taste and aroma of butter.

Marinades should have a sour-spicy taste, the aroma of vinegar, vegetables, and spices. The taste of raw tomato puree and too sour taste are unacceptable.

Mayonnaise sauce and its derivatives should not have a bitter taste or be too spicy, and horseradish sauce with vinegar should not be bitter or not spicy enough.

Store basic hot sauces in a water bath at temperatures up to 80°C for 3 to 4 hours. The surface of the sauce is protected with butter, and the container with the sauce is covered with a lid. Basic sauces can be stored for up to three days. To do this, they are cooled to room temperature and placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0-5°C. When storing sauces cold, their taste and smell are preserved much better than when stored hot.

Sour cream sauces are stored at a temperature of 75°C for no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation. Milk liquid sauce is stored hot at a temperature of 65-70°C for no more than 1-1.5 hours, since during longer storage it darkens due to caramelization of milk sugar - lactose; and the taste of the sauce also deteriorates. The thick milk sauce is stored refrigerated for no more than a day at a temperature of 5°C. Medium-thick milk sauces cannot be stored and must be prepared immediately before use. Polish and rusk sauces can be stored for up to 2 hours.

Oil mixtures are stored in the refrigerator for several days. To increase shelf life, the formed oil mixtures are wrapped in parchment, foil or plastic film. Oil mixtures cannot be stored for a long time, since the surface of the oil is oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and turns yellow when exposed to light. This also leads to a deterioration in taste.

Industrially prepared table mayonnaise is stored at a temperature of 18°C ​​for up to 45 days, and at a temperature of 5°C for 3 months. Mayonnaise sauce prepared in-house catering, its derivative sauces, as well as salad dressings are stored for 1-2 days at a temperature of 10-15 ° C in non-oxidizing containers, dressings - in bottles.

Marinades and horseradish sauce are stored refrigerated for 2-3 days in the same container with a closed lid.

Questions and tasks for review

1. By what criteria are sauces classified?

2. What sautés and broths are used to prepare sauces?

3. Compose technological scheme preparing the red base sauce.

4. How are white base sauces made with meat and fish stock?

5. Draw up a cooking process diagram tomato sauce.

6. What amount of flour is needed to prepare 5 liters of medium-thick milk sauce?

7. For what dishes are sour cream sauce and its derivatives used?

8. Draw up technological schemes for preparing sauces based on butter.

9. Name the quantity of products required to prepare 1000 g of salad dressing, mustard dressing.

10. How is vegetable marinade with tomato prepared and what is it used for?

11. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing fish jelly.

12. How are sweet sauces made from apricots and apples?

Sauces with flour should have a uniform consistency, without lumps of flour and the formation of a film on the surface. To prevent a film from forming, the finished sauce is “pinched” and pieces of butter or margarine are added.

In sauces without flour, with butter, there should be no flakes from coagulated protein. In marinades, vegetables are cut into the correct shape, they should be soft, and the taste should be sour-spicy. Color of sauces: red - from red to brown, white - from white to soft cream. Milk and sour cream sauces have a color corresponding to the main product, with a slightly grayish tint. The taste of red sauces is sweet and sour, white sauces have a pronounced taste of basic products.

Burnt flour, foreign odors, excess salt and spices are not allowed.

Mayonnaise sauces should have a uniform consistency, without separation of fat from the main mass.

Hot sauces are stored on a steam table at a temperature of 70-80°C for up to 4 hours, sour cream for up to 2 hours, milk sauce for 1.5 hours.

Milk sauce of medium thickness cannot be stored.

Oil mixtures are cooled and used for their intended purpose.

Marinades are stored with the lid closed in a non-oxidizing container for 48-72 hours.

Security questions and tasks

1. By what criteria are sauces classified?

2. For what purpose is flour sautéed?

3. Make a technological scheme for preparing red main sauce.

4. What dishes are served with red sauces?

5. How are white sauces made with fish broth?

6. What products are included in the mushroom sauce?

7. What is the difference between Polish sauce and rusk?

8. What products and in what quantity are included in the mayonnaise sauce?

9. Name the number of products needed to prepare milk sauce of different thicknesses.


General provisions

Most cereals are easily absorbed by the body, so they are widely used in baby food. Cereals according to their biological value are ranked as follows: in first place are buckwheat and oatmeal; in last place are semolina and rice. The nutritional value and digestibility of cereals is higher if they are initially boiled in water and then in milk, or porridge is served separately as a side dish. Energy value All cereals are almost the same.

Semolina contains the least amount of vitamins. The nutritional value of buckwheat is high. Cereals are an important source of protein. To replenish porridge with essential amino acids, they are combined with milk, cottage cheese, fish, meat, etc. Fat is added to improve taste and appearance. The duration of cooking cereals varies, it depends on the type, degree of grinding of the cereal, pre-processing.

Dishes made from legumes and corn have a high nutritional value and contain a large amount of protein, on average up to 25 %. The largest amount is found in soybeans. Dishes from legume products Difficult to digest than from cereals. They are rich in carbohydrates - up to 45%, B vitamins and others, fats - up to 2%, contain the largest amount of potassium, which exceeds the content of other minerals by 2-3 times, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

According to the method of heat treatment, porridges are classified into crumbly, viscous and liquid.

Crumbly porridges are prepared by poaching and cooking in a large amount of water - the folding method. Porridges increase in volume and weight (Table 8).

Pasta cooked in two ways: the first method is folding (cooking in a large amount of water, for 1 kg - 5-6 l water); the second method is poaching (per 1 kg - 2.2 liters of water).

Preparation of cereals Barley groats are washed in slightly warm
water, "Hercules" And Semolina grains are not washed.
Pearl barley pour cold water for 3-4 hours to speed up cooking.

Rice is washed in warm water several times, the first time at a temperature of 40°C, the second at a temperature of 50°C, the third at a temperature of 60°C.

Wheat cereal sorted, sifted and dried in the oven at a temperature of 100-110°C.

The millet is washed until the water becomes clear, and the grain is scalded to remove bitterness.


Crumbly porridge. The porridge should be cooked in a container with a thick bottom. Porridge is cooked in water or broth from all types of cereals. The prepared cereal is poured into salted boiling water, and the empty grains that float to the surface are removed. Initially, the porridge is stirred. Fat is added during cooking, then it is evenly distributed in the porridge. When the porridge thickens, cover it with a lid and bring it to readiness on the edge of the stove or in the oven. Porridges are prepared in small containers.

Crumbly rice porridge can be prepared using the folding method (5-6 liters of water per 1 kg of cereal). The finished rice is discarded and washed with hot boiled water, then seasoned with melted butter or margarine.

When leaving, the porridge is placed in a heap on a plate, poured with fat or sprinkled with sugar. Boiled milk served in a glass or milk jug. Porridges with fillings are prepared from all cereals except corn. Porridges are prepared with bacon and onions, with champignons, mushrooms and onions, with carrots, onions and eggs, with mushroom sauce, pumpkin, cottage cheese, etc.

Buckwheat porridge with bacon and onions. Cook the crumbly porridge as indicated earlier. Lard cut into small cubes is placed in a frying pan to warm up, and onions, cut into rings or half rings, and fried until golden brown. Season the porridge with lard and onions. When leaving, sprinkle with herbs.

Nanny(porridge dish). Buckwheat sorted and washed. You need to put salt in boiling milk, add cereal (for 1 kg - 3.2 liters of milk), bring to a boil, skim off the foam. Stir occasionally and cook until fully cooked (30 minutes). The porridge is cooled to a temperature of 40-5°C, add raw eggs, mix. Pre-treated pork intestines are filled and the ends are tied. Fry in a frying pan with lard until golden brown. When leaving, place it on a heated dish, pour the fat formed during frying on top, and decorate with herbs. Served with cabbage soup from sauerkraut or as an independent dish. Temperature: 65°C.

The quality of the sauce is determined according to consistency, color, taste, and smell. When assessing the properties of sauces with fillers (onion, onion with gherkins, etc.), the shape of the cut and the amount of filler are taken into account.

Hot sauces with flour must have the thickness of watery sour cream (liquid sauces), be elastic, homogeneous, without lumps of brewed flour and parts of ungrated vegetables. Medium-thick sauces used for baking have the consistency of thick sour cream. A thick white marinade for stuffing should look like sticky semolina porridge.

Vegetables included in the sauce as a filler must be finely and neatly chopped, evenly distributed in the sauce, and soft. There should be no film on the surface of the sauce.

Hollandaise sauce should have a uniform consistency, without grains or flakes of coagulated protein. There should be no lumps of fat on the surface of the sauce.

In Polish and rusk sauces, the oil should be transparent. The eggs for the Polish sauce are coarsely chopped.

There should be no oil on the surface of mayonnaise; consistency is homogeneous.

Vegetables in marinades should be neatly chopped and soft; Finely grate the horseradish for the sauce.

The color of the sauce should be characteristic of each group of sauces: red - from brown to brownish-red; white - from white to slightly grayish; tomato - red. Milk and sour cream sauces - from white to light cream color, sour cream with tomato - pink, mushroom - brown, marinade with tomato - orange-red, mayonnaise - white with a yellow tint. The color depends on the products used and the technological process followed.

The taste and smell of the sauce are the main indicators of its quality. Broth-based sauces are characterized by a pronounced taste of meat, fish, mushrooms with the smell of sautéed vegetables and seasonings.

The main red sauce and its derivatives should have a meaty taste with a sweet and sour taste and the smell of onions, carrots, parsley, pepper, and bay leaves.

White sauces on meat broth should taste like broths with a slight smell of white roots and onions, with a slightly sour taste. The taste of tomato sauce is pronounced sweet and sour.

Fish sauces should have a sharp, specific smell of fish, white roots and spices.

Mushroom sauces - pronounced mushroom aroma.

Milk and sour cream sauces should taste like milk and sour cream. You cannot use burnt milk or very sour sour cream to prepare them.

The unacceptable defects of sauces with flour include: the aroma of raw flour and stickiness, the taste and smell of burnt flour, the presence of a colossal amount of salt, the taste and aroma of raw tomato puree.

Egg-butter sauces and sugar marinade have a slightly sour taste and aroma of butter.

Marinades must have a sour-piquant taste, the aroma of vinegar, vegetables and spices. The taste of raw tomato puree and very sour taste are unacceptable.

Marinade sauce and its derivatives should not have a bitter aftertaste or be very spicy, and horseradish sauce with vinegar should not be bitter or slightly spicy.

Store basic hot sauces in a water bath at temperatures up to 80°C for 3 to 4 hours. Basic sauces can be stored for up to 3 days. To do this, they are cooled to room temperature and placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0-5°C. Sour cream sauces are stored at a temperature of 75°C for no more than 2 hours from the moment of preparation. Milk liquid sauce - hot at a temperature of 65-70°C for no more than 1-1.5 hours, since during long-term storage it darkens due to caramelization of milk sugar. Thick milk sauce should be stored refrigerated at 5°C for no more than 24 hours. Medium-thick milk sauces cannot be stored; they must be prepared immediately before use. Polish and rusk sauces can be stored for up to 2 hours. Oil mixtures are stored in the refrigerator for several days. To increase shelf life, they are wrapped in parchment, cellophane or plastic wrap. Industrially produced mayonnaise is stored at 5°C for 3 months. Mayonnaise own production and salad dressings are stored in the refrigerator for 1--2 days, marinades and horseradish sauce are stored refrigerated for 2--3 days.

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