Napoleon cake healthy nutrition recipe. Napoleon cake low-calorie recipe. PP Napoleon! Treat yourself to breakfast

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Many men have a terrible sweet tooth and you can’t explain to them that you want to lose a little weight after the New Year holidays or before summer. They demand to bake their favorite Napoleon cake, which is so high in calories that it is completely impossible to lose weight with it. How to keep your figure and feed your family delicious pastries, without depriving yourself of your beloved piece.

It turns out that everything is very simple, since there is far more than one recipe for this magnificent delicacy, which is so low in calories that you can safely eat it without fear of gaining a lot of weight. Let's look at several cake recipes that are suitable for ladies on diets. Of course, even a low-calorie cake can give you a few millimeters on your waist and hips, so you shouldn’t get too carried away with it, but you can please yourself with baking.

Many also engage in nutrition, or rather proper nutrition, nowadays most are simply obsessed with this, so they count not only calories, but also look at how this or that dish will be combined with the rest of the food taken during the day. And also, the diet of people who are addicted to pp very rarely includes sugar, which is familiar to everyone. Most often it is a sweetener, which is intended for dietary and diabetic purposes.

Recipes for those with a sweet tooth trying to lose weight

I won’t say that by using these recipes you will be able to feel the taste so familiar from childhood, since Napoleon cake has always had a very unusual and memorable taste, but you will still get something similar to the famous cake.

Recipe one

In order to bake a low-calorie napoleon you will need absolutely small quantity products, and all of them are in the homes of people who are passionate about pp.


  • Corn starch – 100 gr.;
  • Low fat milk – 500 ml;
  • Powdered milk – 25 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Sweetener;
  • Vanilla sugar - small bag.

Starch is very convenient when baking in a frying pan, as it practically does not burn and dissolves perfectly.

Now about the preparation itself.

Break the eggs, beat them a little and add 85 grams of corn starch. Mix everything thoroughly, add vanilla sugar and sweetener. Mix everything again and pour in 250 ml in small portions. milk, stirring the dough constantly.

This cake is baked in a frying pan, but it is better to use a pancake pan, since it itself is equipped with a non-stick coating. We heat it up a little and bake thin pancakes without using oil. To make them thin, you don’t need to pour the dough, like regular pancakes, pour just a little bit and level the dough with a silicone spatula throughout the frying pan, as if spreading it. These cakes bake very quickly; they need to be fried on both sides.

Since the cakes are very thin, they turn out crispy.

After you're done with baking, make the cream, the recipe for which is also not too complicated.

In order to cook it, you will need a saucepan with a thick bottom or you can use a steam bath. Pour milk into the pan, pour out the remaining 15 grams. corn starch, sweetener, and milk powder. Mix everything thoroughly and place on low heat or a steam bath. Stirring constantly, cook the cream until thick. The consistency of the cream should resemble condensed milk, so don’t expect too thick fudge.

We cool our impregnation on an ice bed or in a bowl of cold water to room temperature and begin to impregnate the cakes. When one cake remains, crumble it, coat the cake on all sides, and sprinkle crumbs on top and sides.

The cake should soak overnight in the refrigerator and only after that can it be served.

Recipe two

But not only can you make Napoleon with a low calorie content using starch; this recipe contains such a miracle as bran. They are very useful for proper nutrition, and you can buy them by finding the diet section in most supermarkets.


  • Bran – 100 gr.;
  • Flour – 4 cups;
  • Refined vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • Boiled water, cooled - 1 glass;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;
  • Soy milk – 2 cups;
  • Sweetener;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet.

We start preparing Napoleon by boiling the cream, since it cools down quite a long time.

Pour soy milk into a saucepan, add sweetener and vanilla sugar, and set to simmer over low heat. When the milk begins to boil, pour half a glass of flour with half a glass of water and mix well. Gently pour this mixture into the sweetened milk. Stir again and cook for another five minutes, then remove from heat and set to cool. During the first couple of minutes in a bowl of ice water, it is better to stir the fudge so that it does not stick to the hot walls and bottom of the pan.

After the impregnation is ready, we take on the dough.

To do this, mix everything dry - salt, flour and bran. Add odorless vegetable oil and the remaining water, you should get a fairly thick but elastic dough. If this does not happen, then add more water in small portions. Constantly knead the dough. Divide the finished mass into 8 equal parts and roll out into thin layers. Each cake is cooked in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. The oven should be at 180 degrees.

After each one is baked, it must be removed from the oven and immediately cut according to the template. To do this, I usually use a frying pan without a handle, which I place on top of the crust and trim off the excess with a pizza cutter. When all the layers are ready, you need to coat them with cooled cream, crumble the trimmings from the layers and sprinkle them on the finished dish.

This Napoleon, like the previous recipe, must stand in the refrigerator overnight to be completely soaked. Only after this can it be served.

Recipe three

This cake’s composition is more reminiscent of a classic Napoleon, but very low in calories. Prepare a diet cake according to this recipe It’s also not difficult, and thanks to confiture it turns out more tasty and appetizing than with bran.


  • Skim milk – 2 cups;
  • Wheat flour – 2 cups;
  • Condensed milk – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Corn starch – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Apricot confiture, low-calorie – 100 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt – 1 pinch.

Since the cake layers of this diet cake are prepared quickly, and the cream cools slowly, then, as in previous recipe Let's start baking by preparing a layer for the cake layers. To do this, dilute starch in 50 ml. milk, and combine the rest of the milk with condensed milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Then add the starch mixture to the boiling milk and, stirring continuously, cook until thickened.

When the mass acquires a thick consistency, remove it from the heat, stir for another three minutes and add the confiture. To get a homogeneous fudge, mix this mixture in a blender, then tightly close the container with the cream. cling film and put it in the refrigerator until needed.

Now let's start preparing the dietary dough.

Sift the flour, salt and add vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and pour in a glass of warm water in small portions. Mix until completely homogeneous, then transfer the dough into a plastic bag, tie tightly and place in a pan with warm water. After 10 minutes, take out the heated dough, divide it into five equal parts and roll out each part, like a cake for classic Napoleon, that is, very subtly. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for no more than 15 minutes. It is better to place each layer on oiled baking paper, so it will be easier to remove from the baking sheet.

When all the cakes are ready, they need to be cut according to the template and coated with the prepared cream.

Assemble the cake, coat it on all sides with the remaining cream and decorate with chopped cake scraps. Like any dry cake, this one needs to sit in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours so that the fondant soaks the cake well.

Of course, you can use any diet cake recipe, but remember our grandmothers, who lived for quite a long time and did not eat properly, but cooked delicious cakes, just not as often. They simply baked the cake from high-quality products, and did not replace them with cheaper analogues.

In this case, you can maintain a slim figure with the help of prototypes of your favorite baked goods developed by nutritionists. All of them are less calorie and sweet compared to the original Napoleon. True, the delicacy still remains satisfying and nutritious, so it is not recommended to overuse the cake, even with a reduced carbohydrate content.

Diet Napoleon: recipes

Recipe No. 1

The ingredients of dietary Napoleon include the following products:

  • one hundred grams of bran,
  • four glasses of flour,
  • tablespoon vegetable oil,
  • glass of water,
  • salt.


To obtain the cream, mix two glasses of coconut or soy milk, sweetener and sachet vanilla sugar. The prepared mass is sent to simmer over low heat until it boils. Dilute the same amount of flour in half a glass of water and stir. Gradually add the prepared mixture into the milk mass and stir thoroughly. Cook the cream over the fire until thickened for another five minutes.


To prepare the dough, combine bran, flour and salt. Add vegetable oil and mix everything. Pour in water and start kneading the dough. The elastic flour mixture is cut into six to eight equal parts and rolled out into thin layers. Bake the cakes one by one in the oven for twenty minutes at 180 C.
The finished cakes are trimmed as necessary, cooled and soaked in cream. Sprinkle the cake with nuts and crumbs on top.

Recipe No. 2

According to the rules for preparing dietary Napoleon, prepare:

  • three chicken eggs,
  • a glass of milk (low fat),
  • five sweetener tablets,
  • seventy grams of milk powder (skimmed),
  • seventy grams of corn starch.


For the dough, beat the eggs into a deep container, add starch (two tablespoons) and add two sweetener tablets. Mix the ingredients together, but do not beat them. Pancakes are baked from the prepared flour mixture in a dry frying pan.


To create the cream, milk is slightly heated over a fire. Powdered milk is combined with the remaining sweetener (3 pieces) and starch (approximately a tablespoon). Warm milk is poured into a container with dry ingredients, stirred until smooth (no lumps). All connected components are heated over low heat. Cook the cream for another five to seven minutes until it thickens (like condensed milk). Cover the cakes with warm cream and leave the cake to soak overnight.

Alternatively, for dietary cream, you can mix a tablespoon of chocolate pudding and three tablespoons of dry milk, three yolks, and a glass of fresh skim milk. Boil everything over a fire until thickened, and then soak the cake in cream.

Recipe No. 3

To prepare the flour mixture for dietary Napoleon according to the recipe, combine in a separate bowl:

  • two tablespoons of milk (powdered),
  • two tablespoons of crushed wheat bran,
  • two chicken eggs,
  • two teaspoons cornstarch,
  • fifty grams of cottage cheese without additives,
  • half a glass of milk,
  • sweetener.


Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth. Waffles are baked from the finished dough.


The cream is made from three hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a teaspoon berry syrup(cherry or strawberry), five grams of coffee (instant) and four sweetener tablets. The cottage cheese is divided into two approximately equal masses: Sweetener and coffee are added to one part, syrup and sweetener are added to the other. Each waffle is coated with two types of cream, and then the cake is left for two to three hours to soak.

Recipe No. 4


  • two glasses of skim milk,
  • two glasses of flour,
  • two tablespoons of condensed milk,
  • two tablespoons amount of cornstarch,
  • one hundred grams of apricot confiture (low-calorie),
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • a pinch of salt.


They are preparing the cream. For the process, fifty grams of milk is poured into a container and starch is diluted in it. The remaining milk is combined with condensed milk and brought to a boil over low heat. Pour starch into the hot liquid, stirring occasionally, and boil the mixture until thickened. Remove from heat, cool the mixture at room temperature and add confiture to it, stir. To make the cream completely homogeneous, grind the mass in a blender. Cover the container with the cream with film and put it in the refrigerator.


Mix flour with salt and butter, add a glass of warm water. Knead the flour mixture. Place the dough in a bag and immerse it in warm water for ten minutes. The dough is divided into five parts. To prevent the remaining pieces from weathering, cover them with a towel or film. Roll out the sheets thinly and bake them on a lined baking sheet in the oven. At the end of the process, coat the cakes with cream and decorate the cake if desired.

Recipe No. 5

This option for making a cake is ideal for those losing weight. The calorie content of dietary Napoleon per hundred grams is 190 calories.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • three glasses of flour,
  • glass of water,
  • two chicken eggs,
  • half a tablespoon of vinegar,
  • two hundred grams of butter (82.5%),
  • four hundred grams of cottage cheese (low fat),
  • four hundred grams of sour cream,
  • sweetener to taste.


Dilute the vinegar in a glass of water, pour the mixture into a deep container and pour the eggs into the bowl, stir. Combine flour with softened butter. Mix the two masses and knead the dough. Divide the flour mixture into twelve parts, cover with cling film and refrigerate for one hour.


Combine sour cream and sweetener for cream, beat with a mixer. Add cottage cheese, beat the mixture with a fork until smooth. Place the cream in the refrigerator.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and roll it out. They pierce the layer in several places with a fork and begin to bake the cakes one by one. Assemble the cake and soak each layer with cream.

April 5, 2017

I could never imagine that Napoleon cake can be made according to all the rules of proper nutrition. It turns out that it’s still possible! No fuss with the oven and baking cakes, no butter in the custard. And at the end you get a cake very similar to a real “Napoleon”, only completely pp. Don't believe me? See for yourself.

- yeast-free lavash 350 gr.
- skim milk 500 ml.
- chicken egg 2 pcs.
- sweetener to taste
- corn starch 30 gr.

- vanillin

KBJU for 100 gr. dishes:
Calories: 147.43
Proteins: 6.62
Fat: 2.67
Carbohydrates: 24.29

How to prepare:
First you need to cook custard. To do this, carefully mix the egg with starch, sweetener and vanillin with a whisk. Heat the milk and pour the egg-starch mixture into it. Bring to a boil, constantly stirring everything with a whisk. This must be done so that our custard is free of lumps. As soon as it thickens, turn off the heat and let the cream cool.

While the cream is cooling, cut the pita bread into equal-sized layers. These will be our layers in the cake. Then everything is extremely simple. We coat each pita bread with cream, stacking the layers on top of each other. Adjust the height yourself. Decorate the top of the cake coconut flakes, cover ready cake cling film to prevent it from drying out. Then put it in the refrigerator until the morning so that all layers are saturated with cream. In the morning, cut off a piece of the cake and enjoy.

Bon appetit!

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Greetings, comrades! Napoleon cake... Who doesn't love this flaky deliciousness with a creamy layer?! IN classical variation Napoleon is very high in calories and quite dangerous for the figure - about 380 kcal per 100 grams. I suggest preparing a dietary and healthier version of Napoleon without butter or sugar. This is incredible quick recipe preparing a delicious cake.

Note! Diet pita bread differs in taste from classic one, since the ingredients used are different. And rather, it is a layered diet cake. And yet, Napoleon’s recipe was taken as a basis, which is why I gave it the appropriate name.

About Napoleonic layers

There is a separate class of quick, simplified options for preparing Napoleon. In most cases, Armenian lavash is used as the thinnest crust. We use it in this recipe too.

When purchasing, I advise you to pay attention to the calorie content and composition of the lavash. You can take whole grain, but I have yeast-free sheet lavash with a calorie content of 220 kcal made from premium flour.


  • Armenian lavash – 120 gr;
  • Soft low-fat cottage cheese (I don’t recommend using yogurt - it’s sour) – 200 g;
  • Apples – 100 g (weight of the finished mass – written about it further);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese in a briquette – 220 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • Soda – ½ tsp;
  • Vanillin – 10 g;
  • Salt and sakhzam - to taste.

Cooking Napoleon

The peculiarity is that when frying, the apple mass begins to caramelize (a pleasant aroma will be released and a barely noticeable fry will form). This gives the filling a special taste, reminiscent of apple pie.

  • The final layer should be made of curd cream. The cakes will be a little awkward and tough at first. But after some time they will absorb the cream, become softer, swell and become closer to each other.

Once the cake is assembled, place it in the refrigerator. My cake sat there all night because I made it in the evening. But I think an hour or two will be enough so that you can cut the napoleon and serve it for tea.

The taste is amazing! Caramel apple aroma from the fruit layer, pleasant softness of the lavash layers, creaminess of the cheese and delicate airy curd cream... Mmm... Unification!

I’ll tell you a secret: while eating, I had the idea to add a little caramel syrup on top (low-calorie, from Mr. Djemius, it seems) - it’s even tastier!

Nutritional value and calorie content of dietary supplement Napoleon:

Proper nutrition does not mean a complete rejection of delicious and sweet desserts. But even if you very strictly adhere to proper nutrition and deny yourself your favorite sweets, you can always prepare pp Napoleon in a simple and delicious recipe! And this cake will appeal not only to those losing weight! Don't believe me? Decide for yourself! We offer you 7 best recipes Napoleon pp, which you can always prepare in a matter of minutes!

Pancake napoleon

This pp cake is prepared quickly and tasty, and it is based on everyone’s favorite pancakes.

  • 3 eggs
  • 250 ml milk. In this recipe we will use 2.5% fat milk.
  • 2 tablespoons rice flour. It is this flour that is used in dietary cooking, as it contains a large amount of starch.
  • This type of starch has a lower degree of thickening, so it is often used in cooking.
  • 2 tablespoons of milk powder. Try to find it, it will give the cake a special taste.
  • ½ tsp. baking powder.

For the cream you will need:

  • 3 yolks
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch. It will make the cream soft.
  • 450 ml milk. Use 2.5% fat milk
  • Any sweetener or sweetener to your liking.
  • 30 grams of nuts. In this case, hazelnuts are perfect.

First, let's prepare pancakes for our dietary Napoleon. Mix all the ingredients for the dough in a blender and bake the pancakes until they are soft. It is important not to overcook them in the pan, because we don’t need a crust at all. It is best to use a non-stick frying pan with a small diameter. You should have about 7 small pancakes. If you want tall cake, you can double the ingredients.

Now let's move on to our diet cream. Gently mix the yolks, sweetener and starch. Whisk a little and add milk. Now we put our cream for napoleon pp on the fire. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. When the cream is ready, cool it. We grease our pancakes with cream and put them in the refrigerator for several hours. Our dietary napoleon must brew properly. In the meantime, we will fry the hazelnuts in a frying pan and chop them. Sprinkle your napoleon with hazelnuts and you can enjoy a delicious dessert!

PP Napoleon with dietary cream

Do you want Napoleon with condensed cream? Who said there is no diet condensed milk? Here is a recipe for another Napoleon recipe based on pancakes with condensed cream!
So, for the test you will need:

  • 3 eggs.
  • 100 ml milk. We use milk with a fat content of 2.5%
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch.
  • Vanillin. This will make your pancakes more flavorful and sweet.
  • Any sweetener to your taste.

Now let's move on to our cream:

  • 4 tablespoons skim milk powder. This ingredient cannot be replaced with another, so take the trouble to find it.
  • 300 ml milk.
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Do not replace it with potato starch, otherwise your cream may be too thick.

Prepare the pancakes: mix all the ingredients and bake the pancakes in a non-stick frying pan. You can add a drop of vegetable oil if the pancakes burn. Again, use a small-diameter frying pan, then your cake will be taller.

Now let's start preparing dietary condensed milk: in a dry frying pan you need to fry the milk powder until it turns brown. Be prepared for the milk to clump into lumps, but they are easy to grind. Take a saucepan, pour milk into it and add fried milk powder, starch and sweetener to taste. Place on low heat and cook, stirring! Important: do not bring the cream to a boil! As soon as the cream begins to thicken, remove from heat. We grease our cake with cream and the dietary Napoleon is ready!

PP Napoleon with curd cream

To pamper not only yourself but also your family members with a cake, be sure to try this low-calorie Napoleon!
So, for pancakes you will need:

  • 8 eggs. Don't forget that we are cooking for a large family.
  • 400 ml milk
  • 180 grams cornstarch.
  • Any sweetener of your choice.

And now the ingredients for our dietary cream:

  • 250 grams soft cottage cheese. You can use low-fat cottage cheese, or maybe cottage cheese 5% fat.
  • 250 grams of milk.
  • 250 grams of plain water. This way we will make our cream even lower in calories.
  • 60 grams cornstarch.
  • Any sweetener to your liking.

First of all, we prepare the basis for our low-calorie Napoleon - pancakes. Mix all the necessary ingredients and bake thin pancakes in a non-stick frying pan.
Now let's make the cream. Mix milk and water in one container. Add starch, milk powder, sweetener and mix thoroughly. Place on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until our cream thickens. In this recipe it is also important not to bring the cream to a boil. When our cream is ready, you should cool it well and only then add cottage cheese to it. Mix our dietary cream thoroughly.
We grease our cakes with cream and put them in the refrigerator.

Diet Napoleon on pita bread

If you are completely limited in time and do not want to bake pancakes for the Napoleon recipe, you can always prepare it using pita bread!
So, for this pp recipe you need:

  • 1 yeast-free lavash. It will need to be cut into rectangular or square pieces and lightly dried in a frying pan.
  • For the cream take:
  • 2 eggs. We will only use yolks!
  • 200 ml milk of any fat content.
  • Vanillin. For aroma and special taste.
  • Any sweetener. You can use agave or Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

Since our cakes are prepared easily and quickly, let’s start preparing the cream. Mix all the ingredients in one container and place on low heat. Stir our cream and cook until it begins to thicken.
Grease the pita bread with cream and put it in the refrigerator for the whole night! And in the morning we enjoy dietary Napoleon!

Diet Napoleon with coconut milk

How to make real vegan napoleon? This is not a problem at all. So, you will need:

  • 2 packs of pita bread. Use Armenian thin yeast-free lavash.
  • coconut flakes

For cream:

  • 400 ml coconut milk. You can replace with any plant milk. Almond milk also works well.
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch.
  • Any sweetener to taste. You can use agave or Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

We prepare the base of our pp cake simply and quickly. Cut the pita bread into pieces convenient for you and lightly dry in a frying pan on both sides.
Now let's prepare the cream for Napoleon pp. Mix in a saucepan coconut milk, starch and sweetener. Cook over low heat until our cream becomes like thick sour cream.
When our cream is ready, we can begin to grease our cakes. At the very end, sprinkle the cake with coconut and refrigerate for a couple of hours!

Chocolate Banana Napoleon

Want to try something new? Then we offer you a recipe for chocolate-banana napoleon!
For the test:

  • 1 pita bread. We use Armenian yeast-free.

For cream:

  • 3 eggs. We will only use yolks.
  • 400 ml milk. We will use milk of the lowest fat content - 0.5%.
  • 30 grams of skimmed milk powder.
  • 30 grams cornstarch
  • Any sweetener to taste. In this case we will use fitpard.
  • 2 tablespoons Fit Parad hot chocolate. This is the chocolate that is used in dietary recipes. 20 grams of this chocolate contains only 47 calories.
  • 1 medium banana.

Since our dough is already ready, all you have to do is cut the pita bread into the pieces we need and dry it in a non-stick frying pan.
For the cream, you will need to grind the yolks with a sweetener, then add dry milk, starch and, stirring, add milk. Place on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until you get the consistency of thick sour cream. When our cream is ready, add it hot chocolate and banana puree (beat in a blender).
We grease our cakes with cream and put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. You can decorate our low-calorie Napoleon with banana slices on top!

Dietary Napoleon with protein

How to add some protein to your low calorie napoleon? Try a recipe with protein.
For the test:

  • 500 grams of yeast-free Armenian lavash.

For cream:

  • 20 grams of protein. You can use flavored protein if desired.
  • 500 ml milk. You can use ghee, it will give a special taste.
  • 20 grams cornstarch
  • Any sweetener to your liking
  • 1 gram vanillin for flavor

Cut the pita bread and dry it in a frying pan. To prepare the cream, simply mix all the ingredients and simmer over low heat until the cream thickens.
Once your cream is ready, cool it a little and grease the cakes. The advantage of this dietary Napoleon is that it does not need to be refrigerated; you can eat it immediately after cooking. Don't forget to decorate your PP Napoleon!

Did you like our recipes? Then be sure to prepare PP Napoleon, enjoy it yourself and treat your friends and family! If you have your own proven Diet Napoleon recipes, be sure to tell us! Let's lose weight together!

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