Cake “Honey cake” with sour cream. Honey cake with sour cream Homemade honey cake with sour cream

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    1. Place soft food in a bowl butter, sugar and honey.

    2. Place the bowl on water bath, heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves slightly and the mass becomes a uniform color. Add soda, keep in a water bath for another minute.

    3. Remove the bowl from the water bath, add the eggs and stir quickly until smooth.

    4. Add sifted flour and mix thoroughly. Place the bowl of dough in the refrigerator for half an hour. Flour seeder tool Flour must be sifted even if you grind it yourself and guarantee the absence of lumps and pellets. Waking up through the sieve, the flour is loosened, saturated with oxygen, the dough rises better and then has a better texture. You can sift using any fine sieve or, for example, a special OXO seeder, which works on the principle of a meditative rocking chair.

    5. Sprinkle the board with flour and divide the dough into 9 pieces (also sprinkle your hands with flour).

    6. On the back of the baking sheet (or on parchment paper), roll out each ball as thinly as possible. Place a plate on top and cut in a circle. Prick the dough with a fork. Rolling pin tool To roll out a large sheet of dough, the rolling pin must be long. It will also be more convenient to perform a trick that allows you to make the thickness of the sheet uniform: hang the dough on a rolling pin and rotate it around it in the air. “Afisha-Eda” arranged a revision of rolling pins; the most maneuverable one turned out to be the beech one from the Bérard brand.

    7. Bake the cake at 200 degrees for 5 minutes. Trim the edges and immediately remove the finished hot cake from the baking sheet. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when you need to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

    8. Bake all the cakes in this way.

    9. Place the cake scraps in a separate bowl.

    10. For the cream, you need to take the fattest sour cream. Beat with sugar with a mixer. Beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Mixer tool It is convenient to beat egg whites, as well as knead other substances like minced meat or dough, not by hand (as this requires effort and time), but using a mixer like a KitchenAid. For example, the Artisan model has ten speed modes and three different attachments for working with any consistency, and it is also a universal food processor.

    11. Place the first cake on a plate. Spread evenly with 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. Add nuts or prunes if desired. Cover the top with the second cake layer and fold the entire cake in a similar manner. Leave a couple of spoons of cream for coating the sides of the cake. Do not grease the last cake layer with cream; press the cake a little with your hands. You can put a small weight on top.

    12. Grind the cake scraps into crumbs with your hands or grind in a blender.

    13. At the end, coat the top cake and sides of the cake with cream. Sprinkle crumbs all over the cake. Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak for a couple of hours.

The familiar honey cake with sour cream. But that doesn't make him any less loved. Common and not very expensive products, ease of preparation and excellent taste make this cake popular. Very soft, tender and fragrant.

To prepare such a cake we will need: butter, sugar, eggs, honey, flour, soda, citric acid, sour cream and powdered sugar.

Combine sugar with eggs.

Grind the eggs and sugar well.

Place butter and honey in a separate bowl.

Melt butter and honey.

Place the bowl on the fire, add eggs and sugar to the honey and butter. Put soda and citric acid. Stir constantly. The mixture will foam.

Remove the bowl from the heat and gradually add the flour.

Knead the dough.

The dough should not stick to your hands. It will be soft and elastic.

Divide the dough into 7-9 parts and refrigerate for two to three hours.

When the dough has hardened sufficiently, remove it from the refrigerator. Roll out into a thin layer on baking paper and cut out a circle with a stencil.

My cake diameter is 20 cm.

Bake the cakes in the oven at a temperature of 170-175 degrees for 5-7 minutes each. I baked two at once and the process went very quickly.

I got 9 cakes. I crushed the latter into crumbs and sprinkled it on the cake.

Preparing the cream. To do this, combine sour cream with powdered sugar. The fattier the sour cream, the better. I used 21% fat. I didn’t beat it, I just mixed it gently. powdered sugar with sour cream.

Grease each cake with cream.

We do this with all the cakes.

Sour cream and honey cake is ready. Let it soak for 6-7 hours, or preferably overnight.

Serve with tea, coffee.

Everyone knows and loves this cake. At first glance, it may seem that it is very difficult and long to prepare. But in reality everything is much simpler! We recommend that you try it once to understand how everything really happens. Perhaps you will enjoy the process so much that the honey cake will be a welcome guest every weekend.

It can be prepared not only in the form of a cake, but also in the form of a pie. In any case, it will be very tasty and no less aromatic! Hurry up, put on the kettle or brew some strong coffee and join us.

To prepare the cake, you will need honey cakes, which, of course, include honey. When adding this ingredient to the dough, it is important to consider not only its quality, but also its thickness. If the honey is too thick, you need to heat it on the stove, but you can’t bring it to a boil!

Honey cake with sour cream cream

Ingredients Quantity
water - 20 ml
butter - 50 g
honey - 100 g
powdered sugar - 0.2 kg
soda - 5 g
sugar - 0.2 kg
flour - 400 g
vanilla sugar - 10 g
eggs - 2 pcs.
sour cream - 0.7 l

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

The simplest recipe for a well-known cake that each of you can do.

How to cook:

  1. Place the honey in a saucepan and put it on the stove, turn on the heat.
  2. Let it become liquid while stirring.
  3. Add soda and mix well.
  4. Stir until the mixture becomes fluffy and thick.
  5. At this stage, add sugar, pour water and stir.
  6. Return the saucepan to the stove and let the contents warm up thoroughly. This is necessary to completely dissolve the sugar and to obtain re-lushness.
  7. As soon as the mass becomes fluffy, increase the heat slightly and boil the mass until golden brown. This will take no more than five minutes.
  8. After this, remove from heat, add oil and stir.
  9. Let cool slightly, stirring everything occasionally.
  10. When the mixture has cooled slightly, beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing the ingredients until smooth each time.
  11. Add all the flour in parts, but be sure to use a sieve.
  12. Knead the dough and divide it into ten equal parts.
  13. Roll each piece into a ball and place on a plate or tray.
  14. Place in the refrigerator for forty minutes.
  15. When time has passed, take out the ball and roll it into a thin layer.
  16. Cut a circle of the required diameter from the layer and place it on a baking sheet.
  17. Bake the cake for five minutes at 180 degrees.
  18. Repeat with all the balls, and use the rest to make another one.
  19. Place the finished cakes in a stack.
  20. Mix fat sour cream with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.
  21. Whisk to dissolve the sugar crystals.
  22. Bake the remaining cakes too, then grind into crumbs using a blender.
  23. Assemble the cake, brushing each layer with the prepared cream.
  24. Sprinkle the sides and top with the crumbs from the blender.
  25. Place in the refrigerator for six hours to soak.

Tip: the finished cakes should be placed in a stack immediately, as after a few seconds they will become hard and difficult to remove from the paper. Such cakes break easily.

Sponge cake with sour cream

This cake will not be with traditional cakes, and with biscuits. This means that it will be even softer, more tender and tastier.

How long is it - 1 hour and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 235 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Place the eggs in a deep bowl without shells.
  2. Pour in liquid honey. If it is dense and thick, then it needs to be heated quite a bit on the stove or in the microwave.
  3. Add sugar and whisk the mixture into a fluffy, light, light foam.
  4. Add baking powder and beat the mixture again.
  5. Next, start mixing in the flour in parts and always using a sieve. In this case, it is better to use a spatula, spoon or whisk. But you need to stir carefully with a whisk so as not to disturb the structure of the dough.
  6. Pour it into the mold, distribute it and put it in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 170 degrees.
  7. Remove the finished cake, cool and let stand for a couple of hours to become denser.
  8. Mix full-fat sour cream with condensed milk and beat until creamy. Its color will be caramel.
  9. Cut the completely cooled sponge cake into three parts and assemble into a cake, not forgetting to coat each cake layer.
  10. Grease the top and sides of the cake with a spatula and decorate to taste.

Tip: to avoid thickening the cream, use full-fat sour cream.

Honey cake with sour cream and condensed milk

Another recipe that will definitely hit the spot. A cream based on condensed milk and sour cream can drive even those who don’t like sweets crazy.

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 374 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour half the sugar into a saucepan, add butter (50 grams).
  2. There are also eggs, honey and a third of wheat flour.
  3. Be sure to add flour in parts, kneading the mixture each time. And this must be done using a sieve.
  4. Place on the stove and brew the dough. If you have ever cooked choux pastry, then the process will be familiar to you. You just need to vigorously mix all the ingredients over medium heat using a spatula. Stir until the dough begins to pull away from the sides and bottom, forming into a ball.
  5. Place the finished dough on the work surface and let it cool slightly.
  6. When cool, stir in the remaining flour and knead into a smooth dough.
  7. Roll the sausage and cut it into eight pieces.
  8. Roll each part into a ball and roll it out into a layer.
  9. Using a lid, plate or mold, cut out circles of the desired size.
  10. Place them in the oven one at a time on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for five minutes at 180 degrees.
  11. While the cakes are baking, prepare the cream. For it, mix the remaining sugar, sour cream, soft butter and condensed milk.
  12. Beat everything with a whisk or mixer until smooth.
  13. Assemble the cake, alternating cream with layers.
  14. Use the remaining cream to grease the sides and top of the cake. Decorate to taste and refrigerate overnight.

Tip: eggs can be replaced with one banana.

Baking with chocolate

We present to you a great recipe according to which you will get a crazy honey cake with sour cream based cream, covered with chocolate.

For the cakes

For cream

For the glaze

How long is it - 1 hour and 15 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 324 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Break the eggs into a saucepan, add liquid honey and soft butter. To do this, you must first take it out so that it becomes soft and pliable.
  2. Pour in the sugar and place the saucepan on the stove, turn on the heat.
  3. Heat the mixture, but never bring it to a boil.
  4. When the sugar has dissolved, you can remove it from the heat.
  5. Suppress the baking soda and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Start mixing in the flour, but add it in parts, be sure to use a sieve, and be sure to knead everything until smooth each time.
  7. When it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon or whisk, start kneading by hand.
  8. Divide the resulting ball of dough into eight parts.
  9. Roll out each piece and cut out a circle.
  10. Bake the cakes for five minutes at 210 degrees Celsius.
  11. Bake the rest of the dough too, and then grind it into crumbs.
  12. Mix sour cream with powder, stir in chocolate paste.
  13. Assemble the cake, alternating layers with cream.
  14. Break the chocolate or cut it into small pieces, mix with butter.
  15. Drizzle the glaze over the cake when it has cooled slightly. Sprinkle with crumbs if desired.

Tip: you can use granulated sugar instead of powder, but it will take longer to dissolve.

To make the dough easier to roll out, handle it immediately after kneading. Then it is still as soft and tender as possible. The cooled dough is denser and a little harder to roll out.

Korzhi in finished cake will be caramel color. If you want dark, chocolate cake, use cocoa powder or melted chocolate in the dough.

Honey cake is delicious, moderately sweet and incredibly aromatic! Each of you should definitely try this cake!

First, let's make the cakes. Let's beat eggs with sugar. In a separate saucepan in a water bath, melt the honey and when it becomes liquid, add soda. If the honey is good, of high quality, then the soda will react and there will be a large honey foam, but you need to continue stirring. Melt butter in warm honey. I have oil room temperature so it quickly dissipated in honey. And add the egg-sugar mixture. Mix and add flour and salt. When it becomes difficult to stir the flour into the bowl with a spoon, you can stir in the remaining flour on the table. In this case, the dough should be soft; you should not add more flour than in the recipe. The longer you knead with your hands, the more sticky the dough will be, and in this case, too, there is no need to add more flour. On the contrary, in some recipes honey cake is made from liquid dough, spooning the dough onto a baking sheet.

So, we kneaded the dough, divided it into equal parts, rolled it into balls and will keep the dough in the refrigerator, taking out each ball as needed. I got 8 cakes per pan with a diameter of 20 cm. I divided them evenly using scales so that all the cakes were exactly the same.

We roll out each cake on the mat or paper on which we will bake. We check with the help of a mold that the future cake exactly fits our diameter, pierce it with a fork so that it does not bubble and send it to a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 5 minutes. So that the cake bakes until golden brown.

For sour cream you only need three ingredients - butter, powdered sugar and sour cream. The oil should be at room temperature, so it is better to take it out a few hours before cooking. Beat the butter with a mixer and add powdered sugar. The powder should be free of grains, otherwise all the sugar grains will creak on your teeth. Then add 20% fat sour cream one spoon at a time.

We have a long tradition: we always prepare desserts for the New Year and Christmas tables. This year for dessert we ordered honey cake with sour cream step by step recipe with a photo of which will be presented today. Classic honey cake is our signature family recipe. For as long as I can remember, we baked this cake for all holidays, and the recipe for honey cake with sour cream was distributed to all guests and neighbors. How delicious it is! Not a single modern cake with intricate decorations can compare with the simple Soviet classic - a delicate honey cake soaked in sour cream and sprinkled with golden crumbs.


To prepare honey cakes you will need:

  • wheat flour – 550 g + flour for dusting;
  • thick honey - 2 tbsp. l. or 3 tbsp. l. liquid;
  • eggs – 3 pcs;
  • soda – 1 tsp. without slide;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 cups;
  • butter – 100 g.

Sour cream for honey cake:

  • thick sour cream (I buy homemade at the market) - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5-2 cups (to taste).

How to make honey cake with sour cream. Recipe

The entire cooking process is divided into three stages: we bake the cakes, make sour cream and assemble the cake. For convenience, I decided to write each stage separately, there will be useful tips and recommendations on how to prepare honey cake without mistakes, what to pay attention to.

Preparing cake layers for honey cake

Prepare the dough for the honey cake in a water bath. It's very easy to do. We take two pans, the diameter of one will be slightly larger. Pour water into a large one. The smaller one should fit into the larger one without touching the bottom, and, as it were, sit with its hands on the side. We place this structure on the burner over low heat. Bring water to a boil and place pieces of butter in a smaller saucepan. Melt it.

Add sugar in portions and stir. After about five minutes, the sugar will begin to melt.

Add honey. Heat the mixture in a water bath until the sugar and honey crystals are almost completely dissolved.

Add eggs one at a time. Make sure they don't overcook! As soon as one egg is added, quickly and vigorously stir the mixture until all the ingredients are combined. Then we add the second, mix in and then beat in the third. Stir continuously all the time so that the protein does not “grab” into the flakes.

Add a teaspoon of baking soda; there is no need to extinguish it. Stir and continue heating the mixture.

After a few minutes, the honey will react with soda, the mass will noticeably lighten, become fluffy, and increase several times.

Now you need to bring it to a golden caramel color. To do this, increase the heat slightly and cook for 15-20 minutes. Gradually, the mass will begin to turn yellow around the edges, and then a reddish tint will appear. The photo shows that the mixture is not uniform in color. Be sure to stir so as to lift the dough from the bottom and separate it from the walls of the dish, otherwise it will remain light in the middle and may burn at the bottom and around the edges.

Having brought the mass to a caramel color, remove from the water bath, cool slightly so that it is warm and hot. After about five minutes, you can add flour in portions, after sifting through a sieve.

See what the dough for honey cakes will be like at first. This is about half the flour added. Quite viscous, like very soft plasticine. Next you need to knead it on the table, with your hands.

Pour more flour onto the table and lay out the dough. Gradually taking the flour, knead a soft, plastic dough, similar to plasticine. You need to knead it while it’s still warm; if it’s cooled down, it won’t take in the flour and will crumble when you roll out the cakes. Divide into six equal pieces. Immediately roll into balls and flatten slightly. Place it on the flour, otherwise it will stick!

Roll out the cake layers for the honey cake on a table sprinkled with a layer of flour. The dough is warm, sticky, flour is necessary in this case, you can’t roll it out without it. Sprinkle the surface of the dough and go over it with a rolling pin. We turn the workpiece over, sprinkle it again and roll it out to a thickness of about 1 cm. My cakes were about 0.7 cm each, the honey cake turned out to be 28 cm in diameter and there were still scraps left for decorating the honey cake. Transfer to a floured baking sheet and prick with a fork.

Place the baking tray in hot oven with a temperature of 200 degrees. Honey cakes bake very quickly, don’t forget about them and don’t leave the oven. Roll out the next cake at this time. After about five minutes, look into the oven - the finished cake will brown a little and become more fluffy. Immediately, while still hot, cut to the desired size. Place the lid on the cake and circle it with a knife. Place the scraps in a bowl and place the cake on the table. So we bake the second and all subsequent ones. Leave to cool. You can bake ahead of time or the day before – they keep well for several weeks.

Preparing sour cream for honey cake

I only take homemade sour cream; I’ll go to the market in the morning. I choose thick, fatty, with a barely noticeable sourness in the taste. When mixed with sugar, sour cream will have an amazing creamy sweet and sour taste. The sour cream sold in stores is not suitable, it does not whip up. Take the sour cream out of the refrigerator in advance and let it warm up to room temperature. Mix with a glass of sugar and start beating with a mixer at minimum speed. Gradually add more sugar - the amount depends on your taste and the acidity of the sour cream.

We make sure not to overwhelm the cream, turn off the mixer more often and check the consistency. When whipped, fatty sour cream may separate or become grainy, so you need to control the process. The cream will become fluffy, airy, whipped and when you lift the whisks it will remain a lush lump on them.

Assembling a honey cake with sour cream

Place the first cake layer on a flat dish. Spread three or four tablespoons of cream and smooth it out. The second cake is exactly the same, followed by the third and so on to the top. The top of the cake does not have to be covered with a thick layer of cream, the main thing is to level it so that there are no depressions or bumps.

I grind the scraps from the cakes through a meat grinder. You can use a blender or use a rolling pin or pound in a mortar. Let the crumbs be different - small and large.

Now homemade cake The honey cake needs to be decorated. I simply sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with a thick layer of crumbs. First, I coat the sides with the remaining cream, then sprinkle it on.

Well, that's all - our delicious honey cake with sour cream is ready! All that remains is to put it in the refrigerator and let it soak. It will soak for several hours or overnight.

From the specified amount of products, honey cake with sour cream turns out to be large and quite tall. You can divide the dough into eight parts instead of six and make the cake smaller in diameter and taller. I am sure that you will like my step-by-step honey cake recipe, photos and tips will help you understand the cooking process and your honey cake will turn out delicious and festive! Enjoy your tea! Your Plyushkin.

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