Baileys cake recipe. Cake "Baileys. What is needed for cooking

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Cake with whipped cream and Baileys liqueur made of almond biscuit richly soaked in liquor and covered with a thick layer of cream with a well-perceived taste of Baileys. The liqueur present in it creates not only a festive piquant shade, but also a really high spirits. Sufficient alcohol content in it affects both the taste and the cheerfulness of your guests. Have a good time!

Cooking steps:

4) Mix almonds, chocolate and baking powder and combine with the prepared mass. Mix.


: 100 gr. grated chocolate, 5 eggs, 80 gr. soft butter, 100 gr. sugar, 2 tbsp. rum, 40 ml. Baileys liqueur, 200 gr. grated or chopped almonds, 1 tsp baking powder.

Cream: 400 ml. liquid cream with a fat content of at least 25%, 2 packs of cream thickener or sour cream, 2 packs of vanilla sugar, 6 tbsp. Baileys liqueur.

Impregnation: 7 tbsp. l. Baileys.

Decoration: 6 tbsp. Baileys liqueur, chocolate leaves or shavings or cocoa.

I baked this cake at the beginning of the month on the occasion of my departure. I treated them to close relatives who gathered at the same table and had a great time that evening, I remember how it is now. But you managed to show it only today, but I hope that the topic of cakes is always relevant for you and you decide to cook this handsome chocolate.

I collected the recipe from the world by thread, changing the proportions, changing the ingredients and the method of preparing the cakes. I'll tell you about everything, including the cream, which is known to many, I think, and whose name is on everyone's lips. In general, the process did not take much time. I spent the whole day on the cake, but with breaks, of course. But that's how it is with all cakes, I must tell you. The cakes always need to be infused so that they can be easily cut, if necessary, the cream also needs to stand so that you can easily decorate the cakes with them. Then the cake needs to rest and only after all this you can serve it to the table. In general, the process is long in general, but you definitely won’t have to hang around in the kitchen all the time, so there’s nothing to be afraid of :) The result will meet expectations.

Let's start with the cream. I don’t know how Charlotte cream appeared, I didn’t have a chance to read about its origin, but there is only one principle of its preparation. The cream is prepared without flour, it contains only butter, eggs and milk. It is clear that for sweetness we need to add sugar and vanilla, and if the cream is chocolate, then cocoa is required. It also makes sense (and always!) To add some kind of alcohol. You can add cognac if your cake will be soaked in cognac, for example, or cooked with dried fruit. You can try to add rum, but in our case it is a wonderful Baileys liquor, huge bottle which haunted me for a long time, and which I gradually build into different products.

The alcohol in the cream is needed in order to kill the egg flavor of the cream. It may not seem like a cream to you, of course, but many immediately feel the taste of eggs. If this does not bother you, you can not add anything, but I would not miss such a chance and would definitely pour a couple of tablespoons of something aromatic into the cream :)

The cream itself is custard, but without flour. In custard, the proportion is simple, there is only an equal amount. I think the proportions for Charlotte cream are also determined, but I don’t know them so precisely that I can measure everything down to the gram. I went to Irina Chadeeva's blog and found a cream recipe from her. When I began to read and study other sources, I realized that the principle is the same everywhere, and the number of ingredients varies with a difference of 10 grams, no more.

When the cream has cooled, stood and infused, it will be possible to decorate the cake with it. The cream is easy to work with, but I didn’t want to draw roses with them, although the amount of this was enough for the cake that you see in the photographs.

The cake itself is 20 cm in diameter, with two cake layers, which you can divide into two more if you wish. I didn’t experiment with this, because I wouldn’t say that the cakes were too thick, but they rose well anyway. I don’t really want to talk about the preparation of cakes, because everything is very easy and simple. We also add liquor to them to enhance the taste. Do not be afraid that there is so much alcohol in the cake, believe me, you will not feel it, no smell of alcohol, only a pleasant aftertaste of Irish cream :)

I think questions may arise on the preparation of the cream, but you do not hesitate to ask. Read the recipe card carefully beforehand, because I tried to describe the whole process in detail so that you do not have any doubts.

A simple ganache made from heavy cream and chocolate was used as decoration. Also chocolate chips. For ganache, cream must be fat, at least 33%, so the question of whether any others can be used, I think, disappears by itself. You often ask, so I clarify. In order for the ganache to harden and be able to apply it to the cake in the future, you need heavy cream and chocolate, which should be about half as much as cream. And don't overcook the cream. As soon as they began to boil, the first bubbles appeared on the surface, immediately remove from the stove.

Biscuit cake with Baileys liqueur and white chocolate

As a basis for this cake, we will use a Genoese biscuit, very light and airy! Having soaked it with liquor and coffee, covered it with ganache from white chocolate, you will never forget this wonderful taste!

Biscuit, like a sponge, absorbs impregnation and becomes, as it were, “wet”, incredibly tender and fragrant! Decorate the cake with festive patterns and eat it at a party with a group of friends. Children should not be allowed to this delicacy!


Chicken eggs 6 pcs
Sugar 170 gr
Wheat flour 130 gr
Butter 80 gr

White chocolate ganache:
White chocolate 300 gr
Cream 150 ml

Impregnation of the cake:
Baileys liqueur 400 ml
Instant coffee 50 gr

Confectionery mastic 200 gr
Chocolate black 30 gr

We will need: Genoese biscuit ready and "rested" for about 10 hours, homemade Baileys liquor, white and dark chocolate, cream, instant coffee, mastic.

Chop up white chocolate.

Bring cream to a boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and add the chocolate to the cream.

Stir until chocolate dissolves. It is better to use an immersion blender until the consistency of condensed milk is obtained.

Pour the cream into a bowl and cover it tightly with cling film so that a crust does not form. Refrigerate the cream for at least 3 hours (you can leave it overnight or for several days).

Cut the biscuit into 3 even cakes. I use a special thread for biscuits.

Prepare the impregnation: mix 50 ml of Baileys liqueur with 50 ml of hot instant coffee.

With a silicone brush, grease the lower cake with liquid impregnation.

Cover the bottom layer with the hardened white chocolate ganache.

Cut the second cake into even squares.

Pour the Baileys liqueur into a wide bowl and, wetting each square in turn in it, lay out the middle layer of the cake.

Biscuit is like a sponge. Don't keep it in the liquor too long, lest it gets too wet. Spread the white chocolate ganache over the lined squares.

Lubricate the last cake with liquor and coffee impregnation.

Lay the last third layer on the cake with the soaked side.

Brush the sides and top of the cake liberally with white chocolate ganache.

On the sprinkled powdered sugar work surface, roll out the mastic into a thin layer.

Gently cover the cake with fondant.

Draw patterns with melted dark chocolate and refrigerate for several hours. Before serving, remove the cake from the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Cake "Baileys"

The recipe is from the Internet and I have lain with it for 7 (!) Years. And then his finest hour came - I prepared this cake for my Anniversary.

Help yourself! Dedicated to Baileys liqueur lovers!!!

eggs - 5 pcs.

Sugar - 200 g

Flour - 100 g

Corn starch - 50 g

Cocoa - 50 g (I took 30 g)

Baking powder - 1 tsp

Vanilla sugar - 1 p.

Salt - a pinch

For impregnation of cakes:

6 tbsp chilled strong coffee

6 tbsp Baileys liqueur

cream cheese - 250 g

Vanilla sugar - 2 p.

Baileys liqueur - 4 tbsp

Cream 38% - 250 ml

Powdered sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp (or to taste)

Strawberries or any fruit - optional.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt and add 100 g of sugar. Whisk.

Beat the yolks with 100 g of sugar and vanilla sugar until the sugar dissolves.

Gently fold the egg yolk mixture into the beaten egg whites at a low mixer speed.

Sift flour with cornstarch, baking powder and cocoa. Stir and fold into the egg mixture.

Pour the dough into a springform pan lined with baking paper. 26 cm and bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30 minutes. or to a dry stick.

Biscuit turned out 6 cm high

Let the biscuit stand for a day, then cut into 3 cakes.

Prepare cream.

Mix cream cheese with vanilla sugar and liqueur.

Whip the cream and add cream cheese to them. Whisk lightly until smooth.

Soak the cakes with syrup and grease with cream.

I also cut strawberries into slices and laid them between the cakes.

Cover the top and sides of the cake with cream and decorate as desired.

I sprinkled cocoa.

The cake turned out very tasty, chocolate and liqueur.

This cake turned out somehow by itself =) I had some Baileys liqueur left and I had to use it somewhere. And in my opinion, the creamy taste of liquor goes well with chocolate biscuit. So it turned out gentle and with a hint of "Baileys".

What is needed for cooking

  • Detachable form with a diameter of 20-22 cm;
  • Foil or baking paper;
  • Mixer;
  • Wide bowl for kneading dough and stuffing;
  • Whisk for making the filling (even a fork will do);
  • Scales or glass for measuring (I have 200 ml.).


  • 4 things. chicken eggs, category C1 (~ 200 gr.);
  • 1 egg white, category C1 (~ 30 gr.);
  • 170 gr. sugar (~ 1 cup);
  • 110 ml. clean water;
  • 70 ml. vegetable oil;
  • 150 gr. wheat flour(~1.4 cups);
  • Salt (a little less than half a teaspoon);
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder for dough:
  • 10 gr. cocoa powder.


  • 600-650 gr. sour cream, fat content not less than 20%;
  • 100-120 gr. sugar (~ 0.8 - 1 cup).


  • 100 ml. liqueur "Baileys" (the amount can be reduced or increased to taste).

Cooking process

  • Start by preheating the oven to 180 degrees. Let's start preparing biscuit dough for chocolate cake sour cream. Separate the whites from the yolks. This must be done very carefully so that in no case do the yolks get to the proteins. Otherwise, the squirrels simply will not whip. Set the yolks aside for now and prepare the whites. We put them in a dry bowl (corollas should also be dry), add salt and beat. We start first at a low speed, gradually increasing it. When a good foam appears, add sugar (half of the norm in the recipe) and continue to beat the proteins until stable peaks. You can check the readiness of the proteins by turning the bowl with the whipped mass upside down. If the mass does not move and remains in place, the proteins are ready. We remove the whipped mass in the refrigerator.
  • Now let's move on to the second part of the biscuit dough. Take all the dry ingredients (flour, the remaining half of the sugar, baking powder and cocoa powder) and mix them well. In a separate bowl, mix the liquid parts (yolks, water and oil) and pour it into the previously prepared dry mass. Mix everything with a whisk until smooth. Then we take out the whipped proteins from the refrigerator and introduce them into the yolk mass. It is better not to add proteins all at once, but gradually, in several stages. And in order for the mass not to lose its airiness, it is better to mix the proteins with a spatula, and not with a whisk, and do it with smooth movements from top to bottom.
  • The next step is preparing the baking dish. We put baking paper or foil on the bottom of the form and clamp the ring of the form over the bottom. This will make it easier to remove the biscuit from the mold in the future. The sides do not need to be lubricated with anything, because. it is for them that the dough will “cling” and rise well. Next, transfer the dough to the form and level it. In order to avoid the formation of a “bump” in the middle of the biscuit during baking, before putting the dough in the oven, scroll the form right on the table several times clockwise. Only you need to do this not much, but slightly. This will allow the dough to spread out and bake more evenly. We send the dough to the oven for 50 minutes - 1 hour 10 minutes. Everyone has their own oven, so watch and check the biscuit with a wooden stick, it should come out of the biscuit dry.

    Cream preparation

  • If your sour cream is thick, then you can skip this step. And if the consistency is liquid, it is better to drain the sour cream. To do this, it is necessary to pour sour cream into a clean cotton cloth, tie it tightly and hang it in the refrigerator over a plate. This is where the liquid will flow. It is better to leave this design for several hours so that as much liquid as possible drains.
  • In the event that you skipped this process, then you can start preparing the cream when the biscuit is baked and cooled.
  • When the biscuit is ready, let it cool a little in the form, and then carefully remove it from there. Be sure to run a sharp knife around the edges of the mold before removing the biscuit. This will help avoid problems with extracting it from the form. Once the biscuit is taken out, let it cool down completely. If possible, it is better to put the biscuit on a wire rack so that moisture does not accumulate from below. It is recommended to leave the biscuit to cool for 5-6 hours, but this happens very rarely, because. I want to eat it soon =)
  • Before collecting our chocolate cake with sour cream - prepare the cream itself. Take sour cream (strained or straight from a jar) and add sugar to it. The recipe indicates the approximate amount of sugar, because. Everyone loves sweetness. And then beat the sour cream with a mixer until a homogeneous mass (you can use just a whisk). It is important that the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Cake assembly

  • Let's start assembling the cake. Cakes must be divided into 3 equal parts. This can be done with a long sharp knife or armed with a special fishing line to separate the cakes. We put the first cake on a plate and soak it with liquor (for this I use a brush, but you can do it simply with a spoon). Next, lay out a layer of cream and cover with a second cake. With the second cake we do the same. We impregnate the third cake not from above, but the side that we put on the cream layer (i.e. the upper part of the third cake remains dry). When the cake is assembled - coat it with the remaining cream. If possible, it is better to pre-divide the cream into 3 parts: two for the layer of cakes, and one for covering the cake on top. Next, put the cake in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours so that it is well soaked.
  • We make tea or coffee and enjoy =)

On a note

  • You can come up with absolutely any decoration for a chocolate cake with sour cream. You can just sprinkle cocoa and put your favorite fruits and berries. You can also pour chocolate ganache or chocolate fondant over the cake. Decorating a cake is a huge field for fantasy. By the way, I have an interesting option on the site.
  • The cakes are very tender, and sour cream perfectly impregnates the biscuit, so you can not use impregnation. But still, I would advise, in this case, to add some extra creamy note. And if this is a cake for children or for some reason you do not want to add alcohol, then you can soak it with berry or fruit syrup.
  • Sour cream can also be replaced, for example, with whipped cream. But of course it won't be chocolate cake with sour cream, but a completely different delicious dessert =)

It turns out very delicate cake with creamy chocolate flavor. If you like this combination, then you will definitely like this cake.

If this recipe turned out to be useful to you, then I will be glad if you leave your feedback about what you got =)

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