The technology for preparing a hot dish is “Fisherman’s soup”. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products Ukha royal style technological map

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6. Technical technological map(TTK)

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products - those that are produced and sold only in a given enterprise. The validity period of the TTK is determined by the enterprise itself. TTK includes sections:

1. Product name and scope of application of TTK. Indicate the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval.

2. List of raw materials for making the dish.

3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Be sure to make a record that the raw materials food products, semi-finished products for this dish (product) comply with regulatory documents (GOSTs, OSTs, TU) and have certificates and quality certificates.

4. Norms for laying, raw materials with gross and net weight, norms for the yield of semi-finished products and finished products.

5. Description technological process, cold and heat treatment modes that ensure the safety of the dish are given by the used food additives, dyes, etc.

6. Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage. Design features, filing rules, sales procedures, and storage must be reflected.

7. Quality and safety indicators. Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, consistency), physicochemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.

8. Indicators nutritional composition And energy value. Provide data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish, which is important for organizing nutrition for certain groups of consumers (dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, baby food etc.)

Each technical and technological map receives a serial number and is stored in the enterprise file cabinet. The responsible developer signs the TTK. The TTK to “Ukha Rybatskaya” is presented below.

I affirm:

Director ……….



"Fisherman's soup"

1 Application area

This technical and technological map applies to the product “Fishing Ear” produced by the enterprise.

2 List of raw materials

To prepare the fisherman's soup product, the following raw materials are used:

The raw materials used for the production of “Fishing Chowder” must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.

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Technology for preparing a hot dish – “Fishing soup”

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  • fish fillet without skin (cod, pike perch, sea ​​bass, trout or salmon) - about 300 g
  • carrots - 1 medium (weighing about 80-100 g)
  • potatoes - 2-3 medium (total weight about 250-300 g)
  • onions- 1 small head (weighing about 60-70 g)
  • tomatoes - 2 medium (total weight about 200-230 g) or ready-made natural tomato puree - about 2 tbsp. medium heaped spoons or to taste
  • black or a mixture of 4 types of pepper - 5-8 peas
  • bay leaf- 1 medium
  • salt to taste
  • dill or green onions for decoration - a few branches


Pour 1 liter of 200 ml of cold (preferably filtered) water into a thick-bottomed metal pan with a volume of about 2.5 liters and place it on low heat. At this time, rinse a piece of fish fillet with cold tap water, cut it into several small pieces with a sharp knife and place them in a pan. Bring the water to a boil over high heat and carefully skim off the foam with a colander. Then reduce the heat and cook the fish over low heat for about 7 minutes, covering the pan with a lid.

While the fish is cooking, peel the onion and rinse with cold water. Wash the remaining vegetables, then peel the skins. Rinse the greens. Cut the carrots into medium circles or grate them on a coarse grater.

After the time specified in step 1 has passed, remove the fish from the broth and leave in a closed container at room temperature before use, and add carrots to the broth (increasing the heat slightly under it).

Then cut the potatoes into medium cubes and also add to the pan. While the broth is boiling again, cut the onion into cubes and add it there. Next, cook the fish soup over low heat. During the cooking process, you can periodically remove the foam that appears from the broth with a colander spoon.

After the carrots and potatoes are almost ready (they can be easily broken with a spoon or pierced with a knife) - this may take about 10 minutes, put in the ear tomatoes cut into medium cubes (fresh or blanched) or pureed from them, salt to taste, peppercorns and bay leaf.

After 5-7 minutes, when the tomatoes become soft, add the chopped herbs, previously set aside fish, bring to a boil and turn off the heat under the pan. You can not put the greens during cooking, but sprinkle them on your fish soup after you pour it into portioned plates, adding a piece of boiled fish to each.

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Technical and technological map No.

Black Sea fish soup, portion

(CP recipe No. 270)


This technical and technological map applies to Black Sea fish soup, produced in name of the object, city.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of semi-finished products Black Sea fish soup, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, declaration of conformity, quality certificate, etc.).

Fish broth– freshly prepared.

Appearance– fish broth is a clear liquid. Small droplets of fat are allowed on the surface.


Smell– characteristic of fish broth.

Fish, boiled for fish soup, semi-prepared

Appearance– the fish is cooked until done. The fish pieces retain their shape.

Taste– pleasant, characteristic of boiled fish. Moderately salty, with a hint of spice.

Smell– characteristic of boiled fish.

Raw materials are prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for enterprises catering and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

NameRaw material consumption per serving, g
Gross weight, g% cold processedNet weight, g% during heat treatmentOutput, g
Fish broth p.f.350,0 0,00 350,0 15,00 298,0
Boiled peeled potatoes, p\f43,0 3,00 42,0 0,00 42,0
Onion, semi-finished32,0 0,00 32,0 15,00 27,0
Peeled garlic, p/f1,0 0,00 1,0 40,00 0,6
Boiled carrots, peeled, p\f13,0 3,00 13,0 0,00 13,0
Salt2,0 0,00 2,0 100,00 0,0
Ground black pepper0,5 0,00 0,5 100,00 0,0
Vinegar10,0 0,00 10,0 0,00 10,0
Fish, boiled for fish soup, semi-prepared115,0 4,35 110,0 0,00 110,0
Dill, peeled, semi-finished1,0 0,00 1,0 0,00 1,0
Exit 500
  1. Cooking technology

Fish, cut into large cubes 2x2 cm and previously boiled with spices, is loaded into the boiling broth; boiled peeled potatoes, cut into medium cubes 1.5x1.5 cm, boiled carrots - into slices, raw onions - into strips. Bring to a boil, season with salt, ground black pepper, chopped garlic.

When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

  1. Characteristics of the finished dish

Appearance- Black Sea fish soup - a transparent fish broth, the mass of which - boiled fish and vegetables. Fish fillets of 3 types (carp, salmon and pike perch) are cut into large cubes and cooked until tender. Pieces of fish are whole. Potatoes, cut into cubes, carrots into slices, onions into small cubes. Vegetables are cooked until tender and retain their shape. Small droplets of fat are allowed on the surface of the fish soup.

Taste– characteristic of fish broth. Taste – spices, vegetables, herbs.

Smell– characteristic of fish broth, spices, vegetables, herbs.

Technical and technological map No. 2

Fishing soup

Scope of application

This technical and technological map has been developed in accordance with GOST R 53105-2008 and applies to the signature dish Fishing soup, produced and sold in catering establishments.

Requirements for raw materials

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the Fishing Ukha dish must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)

All products used must be processed in strict accordance with established sanitary standards and rules.

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for raw materials.



Broth is made from the fish and filtered. Whole potatoes, onion heads, parsley, cut into thin slices, are placed in a boiling broth and cooked until tender. 15 minutes before the fish soup is ready, add prepared portions of fish. At the end of cooking, add butter to the ear. Released in a broth cup heated to 40 0C. The broth is poured into a cup, placed on a saucer, small fish and greens, and a slice of lemon are served separately.

Requirements for registration, sale and storage

The dish is served in portioned containers immediately after preparation.

According to the requirements of SanPin, the temperature of the dish when serving must be at least 70°C.

The permissible shelf life of the fisherman's soup dish before sale, according to SanPiN, is 2 hours at a storage temperature of at least 70°C.

Quality and safety indicators

The organoleptic characteristics of the Fishing Ear dish must meet the following requirements:

The microbiological parameters of the Fishing Ear dish must comply with the requirements of SanPiN, index

Nutritional value

The nutritional value of the fisherman's soup dish per yield of 500 g of product is:

"I affirm"

Head of the enterprise

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