Technical and technological map of cabbage soup with sour cream. Cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with potatoes (TTK2863). Student reflection and lesson conclusions

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On "Fresh cabbage soup".

1. Scope of application. This technical and technological map applies to the dish "Fresh cabbage soup" produced by the canteen.

2. Raw materials used:

2.1. For cooking "Fresh cabbage soup" use raw materials or products that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates of conformity or a declaration of conformity, veterinary certificates for products of plant origin, and quality certificates.

3. Recipe 3.1

Name of raw materials

Gross weight

Net weight


Tomato paste

bouillon cube

Yield of finished dish

4. Technological process.

4.1 Preparation of raw materials for production " Fresh cabbage soup" produced in accordance with the “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for enterprises catering».

4.2. The cabbage is chopped. Then put into boiling broth or water and bring to a boil. Add sautéed carrots and onions and cook until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped tomatoes or sauteed tomato puree, sautéed flour diluted with broth or water, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf. Along with the spices, you can add garlic, crushed with salt, to the cabbage soup.

5.Formation, submission, sale and storage.

5.1 The dish “Fresh cabbage soup” can be served in portions in separate soup bowls as a first course.

5.2. Supply temperature 75 O WITH.

5.3. Implementation period no more than 4 hours from the moment the technological process is completed.

6. Quality and safety indicator.

6.1.Organoleptic characteristics of the dish:

appearance - in the dense part - all components retain their cut shape

consistency – vegetables are soft, the ratio of liquid and dense parts is maintained

color - broth - red, fat - orange

taste -

smell - characteristic of a set of products

6.2. Physico-chemical indicators are determined according to clause 5.13 of GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the public. General technical requirements".

Mass fraction of dry substances, % (not less) 20.7

Mass fraction of fat, % (not less) 2.1

Mass fraction of salt, % (not less) 0.5

Microbiological indicators are determined by index 6.9.15 “Public catering products” SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the quality and safety of food raw materials and food products”.

Number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms, CFU in 1g. product, no more than 1x10.

E. coli bacteria are not allowed in the product mass, g 0.01.

Caugulase-positive staphylococci, not allowed in the product mass, g 1.0

Proteus are not allowed in the product mass, g 0.1

Potogenic microorganisms, including salmonella, are not allowed in the product mass, g 25

6. Nutritional and energy value

Responsible developer____________ ___________

Technologist___________ ___________________


The manager of the canteen ____________ ___________. " __ » ________

Technological map

Fresh cabbage soup

Recipe No. 574

Leek or












Sour cream






Ready-made meat broth (recipe No. 566)





Cooking technology.

Roots and onions are peeled and cut into slices. Carrots and onions are lightly sautéed in oil. The turnips are first scalded, then simmered together with parsley in broth with the addition of a small amount of butter. The stalks of peeled and washed cabbage heads are removed, and the cabbage is cut into squares or shredded. The stalks of early cabbage are cut into slices (5-6 cm). The prepared cabbage is placed in boiling broth, quickly brought to a boil and cooking continues at a low simmer. 10-15 minutes before the cabbage is ready, add sautéed and poached roots, tomatoes, cut into slices, previously scalded and peeled, add salt to taste and bring to a boil again.

For diet No. 2, all vegetables must be thoroughly chopped or pureed. To do this, cabbage is simmered in broth with the addition of a small amount of oil until half cooked, drained in a colander, the broth is allowed to drain, mixed with sautéed and poached root vegetables, passed through a meat grinder, placed in boiling broth and cooked for 10-15 minutes until tender. Tomatoes are added at the end of cooking.

Serve the cabbage soup with sour cream, sprinkled with parsley or dill.

For diets No. 8 and 10, cabbage soup is prepared in bone broth (with limited salt content) and no more than 250 g per serving. For diet No. 10, the onion is pre-boiled, then lightly fried in oil. Cabbage soup for diets No. 5 and 7 can be prepared using vegetable broth. In this case, the roots are simmered in a decoction with butter, and the onions are pre-boiled. For diet No. 7, cabbage soup is prepared without salt and no more than 250 g per serving.

Technological map

Bone broth

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: a textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.

Recipe No. 567

Cooking technology.

The bones, washed and chopped into pieces of 5-6 cm, are poured with cold water and brought to a boil while heating at high heat. The resulting foam, after reducing the heat, is removed with a slotted spoon. Bone broth is boiled for 4-4.5 hours, at a low boil, removing fat. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add peeled and randomly chopped onions, parsley and carrots. After removing the fat from the finished broth, strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Technological map

Meat broth

Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: a textbook for beginning vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko. – 3rd ed., ster.-M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.

Recipe No. 566

Cooking technology.

The bones, washed and chopped into pieces of 5-6 cm, are poured with cold water and brought to a boil while heating at high heat. The resulting foam, after reducing the heat, is removed with a slotted spoon. Bone broth is boiled for 3-3.5 hours, at a low boil, removing fat. After this, the washed meat is placed in the broth, the fat from which has been previously trimmed off and the broth continues to be cooked at a low boil until it is ready. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add peeled and randomly chopped onions, parsley and carrots to the broth. After removing the fat from the finished broth, strain it through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.

Boiled meat is used to prepare soufflé, beef stroganoff and other main courses (diets No. 1,5,7,8,9,10).


At the present stage of development of society, the Russian education system is being reformed in accordance with the demands of the labor market, which is undergoing constant changes. A graduate of secondary vocational education will be competitive provided that he has professional knowledge, skills and abilities. A graduate of NPO and vocational education must have a complex of intellectual and social skills. This knowledge and skills, as well as the possession of professional competencies (PC) and general competencies (GC), allow you to quickly adapt to changing conditions of reality. The task of a professional school at the present time is to train specialists who, in addition to solid knowledge, also have such qualities as resourcefulness, intelligence, the ability to make non-standard solutions, the ability to creatively process an ever-increasing flow of information, etc. Only such individuals are adapted to realities of modern life, will be able to find worthy use in the labor market.

An indispensable condition for the effectiveness of learning progress is the development of students’ cognitive activity and its maintenance throughout the entire period of industrial training classes. In the process of industrial training, there is constant interaction between the master and the student.

Currently, vocational training has created favorable conditions for its implementation in the educational process.personality-oriented technologies, Since the transition to new federal state educational standards increased the number of hours for independent work, it became possible to formulate curricula taking into account the interests of students.

Individual approach to each teacher, taking into account his motivation, interests, abilities, psychological characteristics, accumulated experience, is one of the main requirements for person-centered learning. Today, when graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions have to face competition in the labor market, improving the quality of professional training is becoming increasingly important. First of all, this will depend on the effectiveness of the organization of industrial training in the conditions of a training laboratory for chefs, during which the professional skills of students are formed.

Tasks of a master of industrial training in the profession of “Cook, confectioner”:

  1. Creating an atmosphere of interest for each teacher in their work.
  2. Ability to rationally plan and organize work.
  3. Evaluation of the teacher’s activities not only by the final result, but also by the process of achieving it.
  4. Encouraging students to use the task without fear of making a mistake, getting the wrong answer, or simply speaking out, etc.
  5. Creating problem situations that allow students to show initiative and independence.
  6. Encourage learners to find sustainable or innovative ways of working.

The implementation of these tasks involves the use of various forms and methods of industrial training, the tools and techniques used that allow the potential of teachers to be revealed.

It seems to me that the basis of learning is the recognition of the individuality, originality and self-worth of each student.Based on this, I plan my industrial training lessons step by step. In the first lessons, students develop a general idea of ​​their chosen profession when visiting public catering establishments. Therefore, new modern enterprises are selected for the excursion in order to consolidate interest in the chosen profession.

In the first months of industrial training, which take place in the technical school laboratory, the main form of industrial training isfrontal work. It lies in the fact that all students perform the same tasks. With this form, the master conducts a single introductory briefing, explaining the features of the work, and warns about typical mistakes; The reasons for failures and errors are discussed collectively, completed products are compared with samples. Such collective work of students contributes to the perception by some students of successful techniques from others and the search for a way out of difficulties through the exchange of experience. Here it is necessary to give students the opportunity to speak out, even if incorrectly, and when completing the task, try to stimulate the first successes. This creates a situation of success, develops students' cognitive interest, and a sense of satisfaction with their work. And here the master pays special attention to establishing psychological compatibility, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual respect in the group. Showing observation and pedagogical tact, the master treats everyone evenly and equally kindly, relying on the asset.

In industrial training lessons, and in particular, the lesson proposed in this work, I use various teaching methods (verbal, visual, practical), which allow students to realize their cognitive and creative abilities.

Students repeat and consolidate knowledge and skills previously acquired in special disciplines lessons and previous industrial training lessons, in particular, they practice shredding, slicing,

When conducting lessons, I try to set problematic tasks for students, create problematic situations, and encourage the children’s aspirations on one's own strive to resolve them.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the use of various technologies in industrial training lessons makes the educational process more diverse and interesting for students.

I think the goal of the work isintroduction of student-oriented technologies into teaching lessons, setting problematic tasks and motivating students to solve them independently.


  1. Consider applicationpersonality-oriented technologies in industrial training lessons.
  2. Show the relevance of using student-oriented technologies and the use of problem situations in industrial training lessons.
  3. Orient the lesson in such a way that it is interesting for students.

Conducting an industrial training lesson

Subject: "Preparing first courses."

Lesson topic: “Technology for preparing cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with potatoes, in chicken broth”

Lesson objectives:

  • educational:To develop in students professional knowledge of preparing seasoning soups. Study the technology of preparing cabbage soup; their varieties, supply, quality requirements and storage.
  • developing: Teach students to find ways to improve their work and increase its efficiency, to think quickly and analyze the performance of work
  • educational: To form professionally important personality qualities: a creative and responsible attitude to work, activity and independence in educational and work activities

Lesson type: lesson on learning labor techniques and operations

Lesson type: lesson using ICT presentation demonstration

“Cooking cabbage soup from fresh cabbage in chicken broth”

Technical equipment of the lesson.Equipment and inventory: PESM -4ShB; ShZhESM – 2K; SESM – 0.5 D1; KPI – 160, refrigerated cabinet, production tables; pots with a capacity of 2.3.5 liters, frying pan, slotted spoon, pouring tablespoon, colander, sieve, cutting boards marked “OS”, “MV”, chef’s knives, trays, plates, soup bowls, stewpan, mortar, baking sheets, spoons.

Raw materials: Meat broth - bone, fresh white cabbage, potato. Roots, carrots, onions, tomato puree, sour cream, herbs.

Interdisciplinary connections.

POP equipment (Topic “Thermal equipment”), Fundamentals of nutritional physiology, sanitation and hygiene (Topic “Personal hygiene of POP workers”, “Sanitary requirements for culinary processing of products”), Basics of calculation and accounting (Topic “Calculation of raw material consumption”). Organization of public catering establishments (Topic “Rational placement of equipment in public catering establishments”)

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment (1-2 min.)

Mutual greetings, marking those absent and finding out the reasons, checking the availability of work clothes, industrial training diaries, and replacement shoes.

II. Introductory briefing (30 min.)

Communicating the topic and goals of the lesson, motivation, updating students’ attention to the content of the lesson topic.

Cabbage soup - national Russian dish made from cabbage, a symbol of Russian cuisine.

My ideal now is a mistress,

My desires are peace,

Yes, a pot of cabbage soup, and a big one.

(A.S. Pushkin)

1. From history

Historians claim that this dish was known in Rus' long before its baptism. In the 16th century almost all stews were called cabbage soup (cabbage cabbage soup, beet cabbage soup, turnip cabbage soup). Later, cabbage soups, as well as stews made from sorrel and nettle, began to be called cabbage soup. Until the beginning of the 20th century. The word “cabbage soup” meant not only soup, but also special sour kvass. Russian writer V.A. Gilyarovsky writes that this drink “is so carbonated that it had to be sealed in champagne, otherwise it would burst every bottle.” In the summer, fresh cabbage was stewed with the addition of such “sour cabbage soup” and used as a replacement sauerkraut when preparing various dishes.

Over time, the technology for preparing cabbage soup has changed several times, as well as the composition of the ingredients included in them. Many types of cabbage soup have appeared, characteristic of certain regions of the country, as well as for certain categories of consumers (vegetarians).

Shchi has been the main liquid hot dish on the Russian table for more than a millennium. It has been steadily preserved in different eras, although tastes have changed, and has never known social barriers; it was used by all segments of the population. Of course, cabbage soup was not the same for everyone: some, fuller in composition, were called “rich”, while others were called “empty”, since they were sometimes cooked from only cabbage and onions. However, with all the numerous variations from “rich” to “empty” and with all regional (regional) varieties, cabbage soup has always remained traditional way their preparation and the associated taste and aroma. Huge value for creation unique taste The thing about cabbage soup was that they were cooked and then languished (infused) in a Russian oven. The indestructible aroma of cabbage soup - the “shchi spirit” - has always lingered in the Russian hut.

With the meaning of cabbage soup in everyday life Russian sayings were associated: “Shchi is the head of everything”, “Shchi and porridge are our food”, etc.

The flavor palette of cabbage soup is truly immense, primarily due to the variety of broths in which they are prepared, as well as the infusions from cabbage and other vegetables included in the recipe. Both broths and decoctions serve as appetite stimulants. To increase calorie content and nutritional value, various products and additions to cabbage soup are used.

I would like to say a few words about the consistency of cabbage soup. Cabbage soup of all types can be thick or liquid, depending on the ratio of water and the mass of the included products. Once upon a time, thick cabbage soup was considered ideal, in which “a spoon stands”, or “cabbage soup with a slide,” that is, when a piece of meat rises above the surface of liquid and thickening poured into a plate. Our recipes in collections of recipes are designed for cabbage soup of more than medium thickness; this means that the amount of liquid per 1 serving (500g) should not exceed 350g.

The technology for preparing all types of cabbage soup is the same. Taking into account the duration of heat treatment of products, knowing the general rules for cooking seasoning soups and the characteristics of individual types of cabbage soup, you can prepare a large assortment of them.

2. Updating the knowledge of students to perform educational and production work of the lesson.

2.1 Test group survey

Test survey

1 . Select from the water characteristics listed in the answers the one that meets the requirements for water used for pouring products when preparing broths:

A) cold B) warm C) hot

2. Choose from the following answer options the one that matches the definition of broth:

A) a decoction obtained by cooking bones, meat, fish

B) liquid remaining after cooking any food

3. How many minutes before the end of cooking the soup are sautéed roots added??

A) 5-10 min B) 20-25 min C) 10-15 min

4. What is the characteristic feature of seasoning soups?

A) use of sautéed roots and onions

B) use of leison

5. Why, when cooking soups, the recipe of which includes products containing acid, potatoes are first added, and after a while products containing acid

A) to preserve nutrients

B) in an acidic environment, vegetables soften poorly and remain undercooked

6. For what purpose are ready-made soups kept on the edge of the stove for 10-15 minutes?

A) so as not to get burned B) so that it stops boiling C) so that the fat floats and the soup becomes transparent

7. What soups can be classified as filling soups?

A) cabbage soup, borscht, solyanka B) sweet soup, cream soup C) milk soup, clear soup

8. Why can parsley and celery root not be sautéed and added raw to the soup?

A) because they have a dense consistency

B) they contain water-soluble vitamins

C) I boil it for a long time

standard answers: 1- A; 2 – a; 3 – in; 4 – a; 5 – b; 6 – in; 7 – a; 8 – b

Evaluation criteria:

“5” – 8 correct answers

“4” – 6 - 7 correct answers

“3” – 5 correct answers

2. 2 Complete the task

From all the proposed types of raw materials, select the ones necessary for the corresponding cabbage soup;

Mark with a sign according to the types of raw materials

1. Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes

2. Ural-style cabbage soup (with grains)

3. Cabbage soup daily allowance

4. Sorrel cabbage soup

1. 2 . 3. 4. __________________________________________________________________

White cabbage



Tomato puree



Parsley (root)



Onion - leek

Wheat flour

Smoked pork bones

Cooking fat

Margarine tables





2.3. Individual work on a card (1 student)

List the quality requirements for cabbage soup:

view - ____________________________

Color - ____________________________________

Taste - ______________________________________

Smell - ____________________________________

Consistency of vegetables - ___________________________


Appearance of cabbage soup

Color : golden, orange fat.


Smell: without the smell of steamed cabbage.

Consistency of vegetables

3. Explanation of the sequence of work, safe methods of performing them and showing the technological process of preparing the dish “Soup soup from fresh cabbage with potatoes, in chicken broth”»

3.1. Parsing the circuit technological sequence preparing the dish “Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes, in chicken broth.”

Types of raw materials used.

3.2. Joint (master and students) calculation of the amount of raw materials for preparing 10 servings of soup. Entry in the first column of the payment card of the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

Technological map No. 1

Raw materials

Weight per 1 serving, g

Gross weight (kg) per number of servings

Gross net

1 Fresh white cabbage 150 120

2 Potatoes 80 60

3 Turnip 20 15

4 Carrots 25 20

5 Parsley (root) 6.5 5

6 Onions 24 20

7 Tomato puree 10 10

8 Cooking fat 10 10

9 Broth 325 325

3.3. Rules for organizing work and safety precautions when preparing the dish “Soup soup from fresh cabbage with potatoes in chicken broth.”

What safety precautions should be followed when preparing first courses?

Sample answer: Rules for the operation of electric stoves, rules for the operation of ShZhESM; KPIs, safe work rules when performing culinary work.

The electric stove must be grounded

You need to move the cookware smoothly, without jerking

Open the lid of the cookware towards you

The floor must be level, non-slip, and without protrusions

Before turning on the oven or electric stove, check the wiring

Check the serviceability of the switches

During operation, it is prohibited to leave equipment unattended or take samples.

Additions to the industrial training master.

3.4. Demonstration of the technological process of preparing the dish “Soup soup from fresh cabbage with potatoes, in chicken broth” Appendix 1 ( technological map )

Master shows process and asks students to suggest:

What conditions should be created in the workshop when preparing seasoning soups?

The temperature in the workshop should not be higher than 250C

Work tables and equipment are treated with disinfectants and thoroughly washed.

What is the purpose of straining the broth before cooking?

Response standard : for removing small bones, foam clots, roots.

Why do you pour cold water over food to make broths?

Sample answer: so that all the nutrients go into the broth.

Invite students to resolve possible difficulties(implementation of a problem situation)

Name the reasons and a possible way out of the situation if:

The broth is “cloudy” - make a “draw”.

The taste is not sour enough - add sautéed tomato puree.

3.5. Showing how to portion a dish

The master personally shows the techniques and rules for preparing and serving the dish, taking into account portioning.

Two students repeat the techniques of serving, portioning and decorating the dish.

At this time, questions to the group:

What products are included in the dish “Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes, in chicken broth.”

Sample answer: Chicken broth, fresh white cabbage, potatoes, roots, carrots, onions, tomato puree, sour cream, herbs.

List the requirements for the quality of the dish.

Standard answer: appearance, consistency, color, taste and smell.

Appearance of cabbage soup : cabbage and roots retain their cut shape, with a sheen of fat on the surface.

Color : slightly golden, orange fat.

Taste : slightly sweet, with the aroma of sautéed vegetables, moderately salty.

Smell: without the smell of steamed cabbage.

Consistency of vegetables: roots and onions - soft, cabbage - slightly crispy

4. Communication of evaluation criteria. (Appendix No. 2)

So, we have decided on the goals and objectives of today’s lesson, repeated the technological process of preparing the dish, methods of preparing and cutting food, and identified what difficulties may arise.

I think we are ready to work independently.

III. Current briefing (5 hours)

Issuance of prescription and instruction cards, self-assessment cards.

Student activities

1. Organization of the workplace, selection of utensils and equipment.

Master's activity

1. Walk around to check the correct organization of the workplace.

2. Weighing products

2. Monitoring the activities of students

3. Preparation of raw materials.

3. Walking around to monitor the correct execution of labor techniques and operations. If necessary, individual instruction and demonstration. Enter data into the evaluation criteria card.

4. Preparation chicken broth.

Slide 6

4. Bypass in order to control compliance with the technological sequence of cooking.

5. Correct execution of vegetable cutting forms

Slide 7

5. Monitoring the activities of students and compliance with sanitary standards And safety precautions when working with a knife.

Enter the data into the card of criteria for assessing students’ performance of educational and production work.

6. Self-cooking Cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage, in chicken broth.

6. Walking around to monitor the correct execution of cooking techniques. If necessary, individual instruction and demonstration.

7. Design and serving of the dish.

7. Monitoring the activities of students, compliance with sanitary standards, and organization of the workplace.

8. Self-assessment of completed work, filling out cards. Delivery of work.

8.Acceptance of work.

Quality assessment.

Filling out a map of criteria for assessing students’ performance of educational and production work.

IV. Final briefing (10-15 min.)

communication about the achievement of lesson goals;

Questions for students:

  1. What skills and abilities have you acquired?
  2. Was the goal of the lesson achieved?
  3. What difficulties did you encounter while performing the work?
  • analysis of the ability to perform production work independently using a technological map;
  • analysis of typical mistakes when performing educational and production work;
  • demonstration of the best works;
  • evaluation of students' work, comments;
  • message about the topic of the next lesson;
  • handing out homework:
  • Prepare any cabbage soup at home yourself.
  • If possible, take several photographs of your actions.
  • Repeat the topic “Cooking Solyanka”, create an algorithm for preparing the dish “Homemade Solyanka”;
  • cleaning of workplaces by students, handing over to the duty officer.
  • tasting


I consider the goals and objectives that I set during the industrial training lesson to be fully realized.

A comprehensive application of visual aids and technical teaching aids was carried out, thereby creating motivation.

Updating knowledge in the form of a survey made it possible to determine the readiness of students to perceive new material. Restore in memory the necessary information about the rules for preparing various broths, consolidate knowledge about the forms of cutting vegetables.

When performing independent work, students applied, repeated and consolidated the skills of chopping and slicing vegetables. During the industrial training lesson, students used self- and mutual control, which allowed them to perform production tasks more efficiently.

When summing up the results of an industrial training lesson, the students themselves provide an analysis of achievements, goals, and self-analysis of mistakes made.

During the lesson, the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities were formed. Students have mastered the ability to apply in practice general competencies (GC) and professional competencies (PC), which are necessary for this lesson.

In my opinion, the main goal of industrial training lessons is for each student to have high qualifications, professionalism, to reveal their individual abilities, etc. as a result, he saw the prospect of his development and strived for professional growth. He must feel confident in the labor market and become a competitive specialist.

To create personal-oriented interaction, the industrial training master needs to believe and trust the students, stimulate and support their desire for self-development.


  1. Solovyova O. M. Cooking: theoretical foundations of professional activity. - M.: “Academy”, 2011. -205 p.
  2. Anfimova N. A. Cooking-M.: “Academy”, 2012.-400 p.
  3. Kachurina T. A. Commodity research of food products. - M.: “Academy”, 2013.-96 p.
  4. Androsov V.P. Industrial training for the profession “Cook”. - M.: “Academy”, 2012.-112 p.
  5. Kharchenko N. E. Collection of recipe dishes and culinary products. - M.: “Academy”, 2013.-512 p.
  6. Zolin V. P. Technological equipment public catering. - M.: “Academy”, 2012 - 320 p.
  7. Lutoshkina G.G. Hygiene and sanitation of public catering. – M.:, “Academy”, 2013-64s
  8. Usov V.V. Organization of production and service at public catering enterprises. - M.: “Academy”, 2013. 431 p.
  9. Lutoshkina G. G. Refrigeration equipment of public catering enterprises. – M.: “Academy” 2012.-64 p.
  10. Lutoshkina G. G. Thermal equipment of public catering enterprises. – M.: “Academy” 2012.-64 p.
  11. Internet resources.
  12. Photo archive of group P 2-12 (master of production team G. I. Mansurova)
  13. Kruglikov G.I. Handbook for industrial training master - M.; Academy, 2009.-272p.
  14. Semyonova V.A. A person-centered approach to teaching and students as an aid to further professional self-determination of groups of tailors. (date of access: 03/28/2014)

Appendix 1

Technological map№ 96

Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes



Product consumption rate per serving with net weight 100 g

recipe No. 1

recipe No. 2

recipe No. 3


gross, g


net, g


gross, g


net, g


gross, g


net, g

White cabbage


Savoy cabbage




Parsley (root)




Fresh tomatoes

Tomato puree


Broth or water

Table salt








Sour cream 10%

fat content

Calorie content


proteins, g

fats, g

carbohydrates, g

Fresh cabbage soup with potatoes:

recipe No. 1

recipe No. 2

recipe No. 3

Cooking technology:prepared white or savoy cabbage is cut into pieces or strips, peeled potatoes are cut into cubes or slices. Carrots, turnips, parsley root, onions, leeks are chopped and simmered in small quantity water with added butter for 10-15 minutes.

Place cabbage in boiling broth or water, bring to a boil, add chopped potatoes, stewed carrots, turnips, parsley root, onions and cook until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped tomatoes or tomato puree, simmered in water or broth, and iodized table salt to the cabbage soup. Cabbage soup is cooked over low heat. Cabbage soup according to recipe No. 3 can be prepared with tomato puree (1 g per 100 g of cabbage soup). Season the finished cabbage soup with 10% fat sour cream and bring it to a boil again.

Serving temperature: 60 to 65 0 C.

Selling time: no more than three hours from the moment of preparation.

Appendix 2

Criteria for evaluating the dish: “Soup soup made from fresh cabbage with potatoes, in chicken broth”


Full name _____________________________________________________________

Color (2 points)

Appearance(2 points)

10 points - “5” excellent

7 points - “4” good

4 points - “3” satisfactory

less than 4 points - “2” unsatisfactory

They evaluate dishes and products that fully meet the requirements established by the recipe and production technology and all organoleptic indicators corresponding to the highest quality products.

Evaluate dishes and products with minor, easily removable defects appearance(insufficiently expressed aroma of chicken broth, color, irregularities in the form of cutting products) and taste (slightly under-salted, incomplete set of raw materials).

They evaluate dishes and products prepared with more significant violations of the cooking technology, but allowing them to be sold without modification or after modification (under-salting, partial burning, violation of the cutting shape).

They evaluate dishes and products with defects that do not allow their sale (foreign odor, taste, inappropriate consistency, excessive salting, improper cutting shape, burnt, etc.)

A student who scores 7-10 points is considered to have mastered the material by 70%

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Search for recipes

To open the recipe search form, click the button Find the recipe located on the top panel of the site.

In the window that opens, you must specify the recipe parameters that it must comply with.

  1. Name of the dish- a word or phrase included in the name of the dish
  2. Menu group- select from the list the menu group that includes the dish.
  3. By the way...

    When selecting this option, selection will be made only from the specified section group Portioned dishes our Collection of Recipes.

    If you need to include all sections of the Collection of Recipes in the search, set the flag Search in blanks and semi-finished products. In this case, there is no need to specify a menu group!

  4. Highlight additional properties of recipes:
  5. Free TTK Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps), access to which is provided free of charge (without a subscription). Only for authorized users!!! School meals Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for kindergarten(preschool educational institution) and schools. Medical nutrition Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for medical nutrition. Lenten dishes Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps) and TC (technological maps) of dishes and culinary products, in the preparation of which no products of animal origin are used.
  6. Composition of the dish- if necessary, select from the list the main products from which the dish is prepared.
  7. National cuisine - from the list you can select the cuisine to which the dish belongs.

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If, when creating a request, you specified Menu section, the group you selected from the section will open Portioned dishes and a list of dishes that meet the previously specified properties.

If you used the search in all sections (checked the Search in blanks and semi-finished products property), you will see general list recipes for dishes and culinary products that meet the previously stated properties.

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Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally used in public catering establishments, because they comply with all currently valid laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of product production, or deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

Not everything is clear?...

Learning to work with FOODCOST services is not difficult, but it will require attention and a certain amount of perseverance. Various types of reference information will help with this, links to which are located in the User Support Center.

Reference information includes.

The main component of the side dish are leafy vegetables: white cabbage, fresh or pickled, Savoy, young cabbage seedlings, spinach, sorrel, nettle. Cabbage soup is prepared with meat and poultry (goose or duck), on mushroom broth, as well as vegetarian. Sauerkraut cabbage soup is cooked in fish broth.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with potatoes

Potatoes are cut into cubes or cubes. The cabbage is shredded or chopped and placed in boiling broth. After 5-6 minutes add stewed cabbage with sauteed vegetables and tomato puree, and before the end of cooking, garlic crushed with salt

Technological maps (calculation)

Technological map

Product name: "Sauerkraut cabbage soup."

Cooking technology

Sauerkraut is chopped and stewed with the addition of tomato puree for 3-4 hours. Carrots are cut into small cubes, onions are finely chopped and sautéed. Place stewed cabbage and sautéed vegetables into boiling broth (on the bone or shank) and cook until tender. Add salt and spices 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Ready cabbage soup is seasoned with crushed garlic and salt. Cabbage soup can be prepared with meat and other meat products.

Requirements for decoration: When leaving, add sour cream to the plate and sprinkle with herbs; you can serve cabbage soup with cheesecakes.

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