Meatballs with buckwheat and minced meat - a dish from childhood. How to cook tender meatballs with buckwheat and minced meat: the best recipes. Meatballs with buckwheat and minced meat Baked buckwheat with meatballs

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Meatballs with buckwheat and minced meat can easily compete with classic meatballs with rice. This is understandable, because buckwheat is much healthier than rice. And then, it is an original Russian product, because buckwheat has been known in Rus' since ancient times.

The combination of buckwheat with minced meat in the company of gravy or without gravy is excellent hearty dish, which is suitable for the menu of both adults and children.

Meatballs with buckwheat and minced meat are prepared simply, in the usual way. You can cook them in a frying pan, saucepan or put them in the oven.

Prepare the following foods.

Boil buckwheat, cool.

Add to buckwheat minced meat, finely chopped onions and egg, salt, knead until smooth. Form small meatballs - the size can be the one you are used to, I make a little larger walnut. Bread them in flour.

In heated sunflower oil, fry the meatballs with buckwheat and minced meat on all sides.

Turn over to the other side. The sauce can be made straight away or prepared separately.

Toast the flour in a dry frying pan until it turns slightly pink and has a nutty aroma. Cool slightly and dilute with water.

Add sour cream and tomato paste, salt the resulting sauce. Boil it.

Simmer the meatballs in the resulting sauce.

Meatballs with buckwheat and minced meat can be served with or without a side dish. After all, the composition already contains both cereals and meat, so it is more logical to add vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit!

Hello, dear friends!

I decided to share with you a very simple to implement and very delicious recipe meatballs that will definitely please your household, and especially children!

To prepare meatballs you will need minced meat.
You can use beef, pork, and poultry fillet.

I took pork, sometimes with a layer of lard. In general, I recommend cooking the minced meat with a little fat. This will make the meatballs softer and tastier.

I ground the minced meat in a meat grinder, along with one onion and one carrot.
Leave the second carrot and onion for gravy.

Season the minced meat with spices to your taste and add salt.
I usually use black pepper, a little coriander and oregano for minced meat. You can buy a ready-made spice mixture “For minced meat”.

Weigh out the buckwheat. To prepare meatballs from a kilogram of minced meat, I take 150 grams of buckwheat. You can throw more - up to 250 grams.
I add two eggs and mix the minced meat well.

I prepare the gravy for the meatballs on the stove. You can use a frying pan (which you often use in the oven) or a sheet with high sides.
I took a cast iron frying pan. Pour the tomato into it, or tomato paste diluted in water (broth). Place on the fire and bring to a boil. I add grated carrots and finely chopped onions.
As the pan heats up, I form meatball balls (do not envelop them in anything).
I eat large meatballs, because their size becomes a little smaller during cooking.

Place the pan with the meatballs in the oven over medium heat.
Cook for 30-40 minutes. Although it all depends on the meat used, the size of the meatballs and the oven itself.
During cooking, you will need to turn the meatballs over once (so that the buckwheat fits better) and add some water (broth).

And now you can eat!

Suitable as an independent dish or as a side dish.
My child loves these meatballs with mashed potatoes and vermicelli.

In general, I advise you to cook it.
Easy, fast and completely dietary. After all, no additional products were fried in oil.

Thank you for your attention to my recipe, Zoya :)

Cooking time: PT00H50M 50 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 60 rub.

Meatballs are a wonderful dish. We are used to the fact that they are usually cooked with rice. Meanwhile, meatballs with buckwheat are no worse. The dish takes on a slightly different taste and is perceived in a new way. And sometimes people simply don’t even notice that buckwheat was used instead of rice. This is especially true for children who do not like her. So, with the help of buckwheat meatballs, kids can be tricked a little.

Meatballs in creamy sauce: ingredients

To prepare meatballs with buckwheat in cream sauce, we will need:

  1. Minced meat (you can use pork or beef) - 0.5 kg.
  2. A couple of cloves of garlic.
  3. One onion.
  4. One hundred grams of buckwheat.
  5. "Amber" ( processed cheese OK) - 100 g.
  6. One egg.
  7. Sour cream - 130 g.
  8. Dry Italian herbs - ½ tsp.
  9. Paprika - 1 tsp.
  10. Dill or parsley.
  11. Salt.
  12. Ground pepper.

with cream sauce?

To prepare meatballs, you can use ready-made minced meat, or you can make it yourself. Certainly, home option much tastier and better. But you'll have to tinker with him. Therefore, decide for yourself which option is most suitable for you. As you already understand, instead of traditional rice, we will use buckwheat. It needs to be boiled and cooled. Peel the onion and garlic and chop finely. Chop the greens. Add all these components to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. We should get a homogeneous mass.

Since we are preparing meatballs with buckwheat, we add chilled cereal and egg to the minced meat and mix everything again. Don't forget to pepper and salt the mixture. We send our preparation to the refrigerator for twenty minutes. Let's start preparing the sauce ourselves. Take sour cream and melted cheese, mix them in a frying pan, add a little water and put on the stove (on the lowest heat). We will heat the mixture until it acquires a homogeneous consistency. The cheese should be completely dissolved. If desired, you can lightly add salt to the sauce and add dry

The baking dish should be greased with vegetable oil. And then with wet hands you can begin to form our meatballs with buckwheat. The oven must be preheated. We send the dishes with meatballs to bake, pour cream sauce for 35 minutes. You can serve mashed potatoes as a side dish.

Meatballs with buckwheat in tomato sauce: ingredients

Meatballs turn out very tasty. To prepare, take the following products:

  • Minced meat - 350 g.
  • A few carrots.
  • ½ cup buckwheat.
  • Flour - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Two onions.
  • Tomato juice - 450 ml.
  • Peppercorns.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Salt.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking meatballs in tomato sauce

Peel the carrots and grate them coarse grater. Cut the onion into cubes. Lightly fry the vegetables in a frying pan. Buckwheat must be boiled until almost fully cooked and cooled. Then mix it with minced meat and half stewed vegetables. Be sure to add salt and pepper to the resulting mixture.

Now, having wetted our hands in water, we begin to form the meatballs themselves. Roll them up and roll them in flour, and then fry them in sunflower oil on both sides. Then place the remaining vegetables on them and pour tomato juice(if you don’t have it, you can use tomato paste diluted with water). Cover our meatballs with buckwheat and simmer them for ten minutes. Then you can add bay leaf, pepper to add flavor to the gravy. After five minutes you can turn off the gas.

Meatballs in a slow cooker

You can cook meatballs with it. It's quick, tasty and convenient. You will need the following ingredients:

  1. Any minced meat - 300-400 g.
  2. Provençal herbs.
  3. One egg.
  4. Salt.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Bulb.
  7. Two sweet peppers.
  8. Sour cream - 250 g.

The meatballs presented in the article are very easy to prepare. But you can feed your family even faster by making this dish in a slow cooker. You only need forty minutes - and delicious dinner already on the table.

So, let's move on to cooking. First you need to boil the buckwheat until half cooked. This can be done either on a regular stove or in a slow cooker. Then we clean sweet pepper and chop it finely. Place the minced meat in a plate, salt it and add pepper. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. If children choose it from any dish and do not want to eat it, then you can outsmart them. Just grate the onion and add it to the minced meat.

Add the egg, ground pepper and mix the whole mixture. And don’t forget about buckwheat, it should also be added to the minced meat. Now that everything is ready, you can start shaping meat balls. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the bottom of the container in the multicooker. Next, lay out the meatballs. If the multicooker does not have a suitable mode, then you can fry the dish for a couple of minutes, and then set it to the “Stew” program and thus finish cooking the dish.

Meatballs in a steamer

When preparing meatballs with buckwheat, do not forget about the double boiler. Dishes prepared with its help are suitable for those people who have problems with the digestive system. It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend cooking all food in a double boiler for those who are forced to adhere to a strict diet. Steamed meatballs will also be good for small children, since their stomachs are not yet adapted to adult dishes. Any of the recipes we have given is suitable for cooking in a double boiler. As a result you will get good dietary dish. It may not be as tasty as when traditional preparation with frying, but more healthy.

Meatballs in mushroom sauce

To prepare meatballs with buckwheat we will need:

  • Minced meat - ½ kg.
  • One onion.
  • A little cabbage.
  • Salt.
  • One egg.
  • Seasonings.
  • ½ cup buckwheat.

Add all the ingredients and some finely shredded cabbage to the minced meat (it adds juiciness to the dish). We also add the egg, salt and seasonings. Mix everything thoroughly. Ready minced meat put it in the refrigerator. Let's move on to preparing the sauce.

It will require the following ingredients:

  1. Mushrooms (any) - 250 g.
  2. One onion.
  3. One carrot.
  4. Two glasses of milk.
  5. Two tablespoons of flour.
  6. Salt.

You need to chop the carrots and onions and fry them until golden brown. Finely chop the mushrooms. And also fry for seven minutes. Add flour. Next, pour milk into the pan in a thin stream. Stir the mixture slowly. After a couple of minutes, the sauce can be removed from the stove.

Now you can return to the minced meat. With wet hands, form meatballs from it and fry them a little in a frying pan. Then transfer to a baking dish and pour in the prepared sauce. Place the dish in the oven to cook for 25 minutes. If desired, the finished meatballs can be sprinkled with grated cheese. It melts quickly and gives the dish a special taste.

Meatballs with buckwheat - popular dish homemade. Its main ingredient is minced meat or fish. Traditionally, meatballs are balls of minced meat with the addition of various grains (usually rice) and vegetables (onions and garlic). They can be prepared in a variety of ways: they can be sautéed, fried, baked or steamed. They are sometimes fried before baking or stewing. It is customary to serve the dish with sauce. The sauce can be tomato, sour cream or any other.

The recipe presented here works well baby food. Many children are very fond of dumplings, cutlets and other products made from minced meat. Unfortunately, not all children agree to eat cereals and vegetables. It is for such children that you can prepare meatballs with buckwheat according to this recipe.

The rice traditionally used in cooking is replaced here with buckwheat. In addition, in addition to commonly used vegetables, carrots are included in the composition. Buckwheat with carrots in meatballs stewed in cream is practically not noticeable and does not take away the children’s appetite. Considering the purpose of the dish for children's table I don't fry them. To ensure that they do not lose their shape when stewing. raw balls I throw it into the boiling sauce.

For cooking you will need: minced meat, buckwheat, carrots, onions, garlic, cream, water, salt and pepper. For the recipe, it is better to use mixed minced meat consisting of beef and pork, beef and chicken, or other combinations.

60 min. Seal

Meatballs are a fairly popular dish, which is prepared mainly from any meat, and sometimes from minced fish. They are usually prepared with the addition of rice, but they also turn out great with buckwheat. This recipe for meatballs with buckwheat will be relevant for baby food, because not all children like cereals, and this way you can easily outwit them. Adults also eat this wonderful dish with great pleasure, and not everyone even notices buckwheat in their composition. more often prepared with a sauce, which can be tomato, as in this recipe, and any other to your taste. They can be baked in the oven or stewed in any deep frying pan or cauldron. I like to use a slow cooker at the last stage of cooking, pile the meatballs, pour the sauce on them and forget about them for 15-20 minutes. In addition, they can be prepared in advance, because in a multicooker they can remain hot for a long time if you use the “warm” mode at the end of the program.

You can serve ready-made meatballs with buckwheat as a separate dish or with any side dish of your choice. From this amount of ingredients I get 20-22 pieces, if you consider that on average you need 2-3 meatballs per serving, then you can note that this is quite enough to feed the whole family a tasty, satisfying and nutritious dinner. If this is too much for you, then feel free to halve the amount.


For the meatballs:

  • minced meat – 500 grams.
  • Boiled buckwheat – 400 grams.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • salt - to taste.
  • spices - to taste.
  • vegetable oil.

For the sauce:

  • onion – 1 pc.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • garlic – 2 cloves.
  • water – 2.5 cups.
  • salt - to taste.
  • spices - to taste.
  • Number of servings: 10.

How to cook meatballs with buckwheat in tomato sauce:

Minced meatballs can be made from any meat, I used pork + beef. I make the minced meat in advance and store it in freezer. I defrost the finished minced meat and put it in a deep bowl.

I add buckwheat, boiled in advance, to it, a little less in volume than minced meat.

Then I add eggs, mayonnaise, finely diced onion, salt and spices.

Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

We form small balls from the resulting minced meat and place them on a hot frying pan. You can roll the meatballs in breading, but I do without this step.

Fry the meatballs over medium heat vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Then put the onions, chopped with feathers and grated carrots into the same frying pan.

Fry the vegetables for literally 2-3 minutes until soft and add tomato paste and finely chopped garlic.

Fry everything together for a couple more minutes and add water. Add salt and spices to taste, bring everything to a boil and turn off.

Place the fried meatballs in a slow cooker or any deep frying pan, such as a saucepan.

Pour tomato sauce over them. Set the “baking” mode and cook for 15-20 minutes. Or simmer the same amount in a frying pan over low heat with the lid closed.

The result is a very tasty, aromatic and satisfying dish that you won’t be ashamed to serve to your guests! Meatballs with buckwheat turn out juicy and tender!

Bon appetit!!!

Multicooker POLARIS PMC 0511 AD. Power 650 W.

Best regards, Oksana Chaban.

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