Pork liver Stroganov style. Stroganoff-style liver with sour cream. Chicken liver Stroganoff style in a slow cooker

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  • five hundred grams of beef liver;
  • four tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • two heads of onions;
  • two hundred and fifty grams of sour cream.
  • Cooking process:

    1. Peel two onions, rinse them and cut them into small cubes.

    2. Rinse the liver, inspect it and remove all films and fat, if any. Using a sharp knife, cut it into small pieces so that their thickness does not exceed one and a half centimeters. This way it will cook much faster and will be juicier.

    3.Put a frying pan on the fire, heat it and pour in sunflower oil. Place the onion and fry it until a beautiful golden color (do not overcook or dry it out).

    4. Immediately add pieces of liver to the fried onion and continue cooking.

    5. Stirring, fry the liver until it brightens. Then add salt and ground black pepper (and other spices to your taste).

    6.After this, pour sour cream into the pan (if it is very thick, then add a little water). Mix everything, turn the heat to low (this is a must, otherwise the liver will turn out very tough) and simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes. After the specified time, the liver will be ready.

    7. Tender liver is ready! It should be served hot, along with a side dish such as pasta, rice porridge or mashed potatoes. The top of the dish should be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs (dill or parsley).

    The beef stroganoff recipe was created by a French chef who cooked for Count Stroganov. Translated into Russian, the name of the new dish sounded like “beef Stroganoff.” Gentle culinary masterpiece It was quickly appreciated and served more than once at the count's table. Nowadays, this dish is still popular for its relative ease of preparation and consistently delicious results. Let's talk about how to cook the right beef stroganoff, so that the juicy meat melts in your mouth, as it was originally intended.

    Delicious beef stroganoff at home: preparing the meat

    Beef tenderloin is best suited for this; in extreme cases, you can take thick edge, sirloin or kidney part. Brisket, shoulder, neck, thigh and rump are absolutely not suitable for this dish. There is no need to beat the tenderloin, but other types of meat can be lightly beaten, after which it should be cut into pieces 2-3 cm wide across the grain. At this stage of cooking, chefs differ in their opinions. Some people believe that meat should be cut coarsely, because larger pieces, the juicier the meat turns out. Other chefs prefer small strips so that the meat noodles are well-fried - usually the classic beef stroganoff of Soviet times was prepared using this technology.

    Flour breading for frying

    The pieces of meat are sprinkled with salt, pepper and flour, and then mixed thoroughly. You can simply roll the meat in flour on a cutting board. If you are preparing a holiday version of the dish, try to complicate the breading process a little - dry the meat with a towel, place it in a plastic bag, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and a pinch of salt, and then mix with rubbing movements. Next experienced chefs Place the beef pieces in a colander and shake lightly to remove excess flour. There are different opinions on when it is better to salt and pepper meat - you can do this at the breading stage, or you can do it during the frying process - it is easy to experimentally determine which cooking method will take root in your kitchen. After all, every housewife has the right to her secrets!

    We fry beef stroganoff according to the rules

    There are several subtleties of frying meat Stroganoff style. The frying pan with oil (ghee or vegetable) should be well heated. Place the pieces of meat in a frying pan and fry them on both sides until brown. Some cooks fry beef stroganoff together with chopped onions, while others fry the onions separately. The most important thing is that the meat does not leak juice - the surface of the pieces should look as if covered with varnish. All the juice remains inside, which makes the beef stroganoff very tender and juicy, and if the meat is stewed in own juice, it will turn out dry and harsh. When the meat is fried, you can add grated tomatoes from which the skin has been removed to the frying pan; after this, the beef stroganoff is immediately transferred to a saucepan and mixed with the sauce.

    The sauce is everything!

    Beef stroganoff sauce is the culmination of cooking. A bad sauce can ruin the taste of meat, but a good one will save the dish, even if the beef turns out to be a little dry. Usually, for gravy, sour cream is mixed with tomato paste- this is the simplest option. There is a more complex recipe: broth and milk are added to flour fried in butter, then sour cream and mustard are added, the meat is poured with sauce, brought to a boil and cooked for several minutes.

    IN different recipes beef stroganoff is offered in various sauces - with cream, mayonnaise, garlic, thyme, soy sauce or teriyaki, with mushrooms, onions, with fortified wine and beef jelly. Beef Stroganoff is usually served with potatoes, rice, pasta, fresh vegetables, salads and tomatoes. Experiment with different sauces and side dishes to diversify your family diet, although classic beef stroganoff, prepared according to the strict canons of Russian-French cuisine, rarely gets boring.

    They are also prepared with pork, chicken and turkey, but it is better not to use lamb for these purposes - the meat is too fatty. A properly prepared dish always turns out soft and melts in the mouth, so children eat it with pleasure. Treat your loved ones to classic beef stroganoff with spicy sauce, and they will probably ask you for more!

    Cooking beef stroganoff

    Wash 500 g of meat (loin), remove tendons, cut into small slices, beat them with a hoe or rolling pin, and then finely cut into strips. Cleaned and washed onions- 2 medium heads - chop and fry in oil. When the onion is fried, add the chopped meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste, and fry for 5-6 minutes, stirring with a fork. Then sprinkle the meat with 1 tbsp. l. flour, stir and fry again for 2-3 minutes. After this, add 1 glass of sour cream, stir and boil for 2-3 minutes, season with salt to taste and simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

    Beef Stroganoff(from French Bœuf Stroganoff - Stroganoff beef), although the name is French, but beef stroganoff- This Russian dish, which has become widespread throughout the world. It can also be found under the names " Meat Stroganoff style», « Beef Stroganoff», « Beth-Stroganov" or " Beth a la Stroganov».

    As often happens with popular dishes, a unified version of the history of occurrence beef stroganoff does not exist. We only know for sure that it is connected with the name of Count Stroganov. Also, the exact recipe for this dish has not survived, so under the name "beef stroganoff" you can find many variations of the preparation, and each of them will be called “classic”, although which one was really classic recipe, unfortunately, not known. The only thing on which, perhaps, all the recipes agree is beef stroganoff- thinly sliced ​​pieces of beef sour cream sauce.


    • beef 500 g
    • onion 1 piece (150-200 g)
    • sour cream 150 g
    • flour 1 tbsp. spoon
    • tomato paste 1 teaspoon
    • water 150 ml
    • salt
    • black pepper

    Now a little about the ingredients. In general, there is nothing incomprehensible here, the only thing I would like to draw your attention to is the meat. Ideally, this should be fresh beef tenderloin, but, for example, in our stores the word “fresh” rarely applies to the tenderloin that is sold, and it is also quite expensive. Therefore, in the absence of a good cut, take fresh beef pulp (without veins).

    From the specified amount of ingredients you get 4-6 servings of beef stroganoff.


    We prepare all the ingredients. Wash and dry the meat.

    Without cutting the beef, lightly pound it. I make it through cling film so that the meat does not break, and the hammer does not become clogged with pieces of meat, which are then very difficult to wash.

    Cut the meat across the grain into thin slices (about 5 mm thick).

    Cut the slices into thin strips. The thinner we cut the meat, the faster it will fry and the more juice will remain inside.

    Cut the onion into thin quarter rings.

    Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it very well. We will fry the meat in very hot frying pan in small portions, so that the meat lies on the surface of the pan in one layer. We need the meat pieces to immediately grab a crust, and then all the juice will remain inside. If we put a lot of meat into the pan at once, it will give off juice and may be tough. There is no need to add salt at this stage, because... salt also provokes the release of juice from the meat, we will do this later. Fry the meat for 2-3 minutes, turning, until a crust forms. Because Our pieces are very thin, this time is enough, the meat will have time to fry.

    Place the fried beef on a plate and fry all the remaining meat in the same way.

    Pour a little vegetable oil into the same frying pan, heat it well again and fry the onion until golden brown.

    Sprinkle the fried onion with flour, mix well and fry for about 1 more minute.

    Add sour cream and tomato paste.

    Pour water and mix everything well.

    Place the meat in the pan, add salt and pepper, mix well and simmer for about 5 more minutes.

    After 5 minutes, open the lid and taste the meat, and now there are several options for the development of further events. If it is soft, then you are lucky with the beef, you cut and fried it correctly, and in general, in this case, your beef Stroganoff is ready. And this was the ideal option, however, due to the quality of beef in our stores, another option is increasingly happening: the meat turned out to be tough. If this happens, then we are not upset, but simply close it again with the lid and continue to simmer over low heat until soft. This may take from 10 to 40 minutes. If you have to simmer for a long time and the sauce thickens too much, just add a little more water to it. When the beef is finally tender, remove the pan from the heat.

    Choose a side dish for beef stroganoff to your taste, it goes well with potatoes (fried and mashed), rice, pasta. Bon appetit!

    Beef Stroganoff is small appetizing pieces of beef drenched in a fragrant sour cream sauce, to which slices of porcini mushrooms can be added. There are several versions of the origin of the dish. According to the most plausible theory, beef stroganoff was invented by the French chef Count Alexander Stroganov. As he grew older, the count lost almost all his teeth and could no longer eat his favorite beef. His personal chef Andre Dupont came up with a recipe with small pieces soft meat, which Stroganov could eat. The Count's guests were absolutely delighted with this dish and dubbed it “beef Stroganoff,” which translated from French means “beef Stroganoff.” Other noble houses and restaurants began to cook meat in a similar way.

    Photo: Shutterstock.com

    Unfortunately, the classic recipe for beef stroganoff has been modified, supplemented and modernized so often that we will never know how this dish was prepared in its original form. It is believed that the version of the Soviet expert on Russian cooking, William Pokhlebkin, is closest to the original. According to this recipe, beef cut into small pieces should be rolled in flour and fried together with onions in oil, then poured with a mixture of sour cream and tomato paste and simmered until the meat is soft. The best side dish for classic beef stroganoff, according to the same V. Pokhlebkin, are French fries and fresh tomatoes. For a long time, the only meat suitable for this dish was considered to be beef tenderloin. However, over time, the concept of “beef stroganoff” began to mean more of a cooking method, namely long-term stewing and simmering of meat in sour cream sauce. So, for example, in Soviet canteens, due to the lack of scarce tenderloin, beef stroganoff was quite often prepared from beef liver, stewed in sour cream sauce, and served with white boiled rice. In cookbooks you can also find recipes for beef stroganoff not only from beef or veal, but also from pork, and even from chicken or turkey. There was also a lot of debate among chefs about how exactly the meat should be cut. A classic of Russian culinary literature, Elena Molokhovets, recommends that housewives cut meat into large square pieces. They do not fall apart during cooking and look beautiful on the plate. In Soviet classical gastronomy, the rules of which have been inherited by many modern restaurants, the meat in beef stroganoff is cut into thin strips.

    As for the sauce in which the meat is simmered, there are many different options. The simplest, which is also considered the oldest version of the dish, includes only sour cream, broth, flour, butter and mustard. Subsequently, the cooks supplemented this simple recipe with mushrooms (white, champignons or chanterelles), tomato puree, soy sauce, satsebeli, and beef jelly.

    By the way, beef stroganoff should not be heated, since when heated, the sour cream in the sauce can disintegrate into fractions, and the dish itself can lose all its taste. It is better to cook the sauce separately and pre-fry the meat, and combine it together and simmer in small portions immediately before serving the beef stroganoff.

    Classic sauce for beef stroganoff:

    Melt 2 tbsp in a saucepan. l. butter, fry 1 tbsp in it. l. wheat flour. Separately, mix 200 ml of sour cream with 1 tsp. Dijon mustard and dilute with broth until kefir thick. Add the sour cream mixture to the flour in a saucepan and heat slightly, stirring. You can already place pre-fried pieces of meat into this sauce and simmer until the beef is cooked.

    Beef Stroganoff: recipe by Sergei Vekshin, chef of the Tatler Club restaurant

    Photo: Shutterstock.com

    4 servings
    Mushrooms (white, chanterelles, champignons) - 280 g
    Beef (tenderloin) - 800 g
    Onions - 3 pcs.
    Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.
    Broth - 2 cups
    Cream - 1 l
    Vegetable oil - for frying
    Salt and pepper - to taste

    1. Clean and fry the mushrooms and onions.
    2. Fry the meat separately.
    3. Combine mushrooms, onions and meat. Add cognac meat broth and cream. Simmer until beef is soft. Salt and pepper to taste.

    Beef Stroganoff with mashed potatoes: recipe by Victor Grimailo, chef of the Tchaikovsky restaurant

    4 servings
    Beef tenderloin - 700
    Onions - 2 pcs.
    Champignons - 200 g
    Beef broth - 1.5 cups
    Cream - 1.5 cups
    Sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.
    Dijon mustard - 4 tbsp. l.

    Salt and pepper - to taste
    Mashed potatoes - 600 g
    Gherkins - 200 g
    1. Cut the tenderloin, previously cleared of fibers, into pieces, fry in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil until a golden crust appears over not too high heat, add salt and pepper.
    2. Once the beef is ready, transfer it to a plate and fry the chopped onion in a frying pan. When the onion turns golden, add the pre-chopped mushrooms and fry for about 10 minutes.
    3. Next, add meat, broth, after 5 minutes - cream, sour cream and mustard. Simmer over low heat until the meat is soft.
    4. Serve beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes and lightly salted gherkins.

    Veal Stroganoff with porcini mushrooms: recipe by Andrey Bov, chef of the Ded Pikhto restaurant

    Photo: Shutterstock.com

    4 servings
    Veal tenderloin - 500 g
    Porcini mushrooms (frozen) - 150 g
    Champignons - 150 g
    Onion - 100 g
    Sour cream - 200 g
    Cream 30% - 200 g
    Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.
    Potatoes - 500 g
    Milk - 100 g
    Butter - 50 g
    Barrel pickles - 300 g
    Salt and pepper - to taste
    1. Boil porcini mushrooms in hot water, dry and cut into cubes. Wash the champignons, dry and chop coarsely.
    2. In a saucepan, fry the chopped onion until it becomes translucent. Then add the mushrooms and fry them until golden brown. After this, add chopped veal and sour cream to the pan. Simmer over low heat.
    3. After the meat becomes soft, pour in the cream, add spices, salt and pepper to taste, and bring to a boil.
    4. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces and boil until tender in salted water, add butter, milk and mash with a masher.
    5. Serve veal in sauce with mushrooms with mashed potatoes and barrel pickles.

    Beef Stroganoff with homemade horseradish and raspberry jelly: recipe by Nikolai Sarychev, chef of the Dynasty restaurant

    4 servings
    Beef tenderloin - 600 g
    Cream 33% fat - 300 ml
    Cognac - 4 tbsp. l.
    Shallots - 0.5 pcs.
    Green onions - 4 arrows
    Parsley and dill - 4 sprigs each
    Carrots - 1 pc.
    Vegetable oil - for frying
    For crap:
    Vodka - 500 ml
    Horseradish root - 80 g
    Flower honey - 50 g
    For the raspberry jelly:
    Raspberry puree - 120 g
    Sugar - 1 tsp.
    Agar-agar - 5 g
    Water - 1 tbsp. l.

    1. For horseradish: cut the horseradish root into thin slices, add vodka, add flower honey, stir and leave for 2 weeks. Then strain and store in the refrigerator.
    2. For raspberry jelly: pour water into a saucepan, add raspberry puree, sugar and bring to a boil, add agar-agar, stir, pour into a mold, cool and cut into pieces.
    3. Trim the beef tenderloin from films, cut into strips and fry on vegetable oil until golden brown, add chopped shallots and fry for 4-5 minutes. Then pour in cognac, evaporate, add cream, salt and pepper to taste and simmer until the meat is soft.
    4. Cut the carrots into strips, mix with dill and parsley leaves, season with oil.
    5. Place beef stroganoff on plates, next to them are carrots and raspberry jelly, serve separately a shot with homemade horseradish.

    The dish is prepared from beef, pork and chicken liver. Sour cream, mayonnaise, milk, cream gives the product a delicate taste. To make the sauce thicker, add wheat flour, corn or potato starch.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in Stroganoff-style liver recipes:

    The dish also includes mushrooms, onions, sweet pepper and carrots. For taste, aromatic herbs and spices are added to it.

    Features of cooking liver in Stroganoff style

    The history of this dish is connected with the name of Count Alexander Stroganov. The nobleman often held receptions at which guests were served meat in sour cream sauce. The combination turned out to be so successful that the dish became popular all over the world.

    Five of the most nutritious Stroganoff-style liver recipes:

    1. The liver is freed from films, the ducts are cut out. To make the task easier, the product is scalded with boiling water or rubbed with salt.

    2. The liver is cut into long pieces and mixed with salt, flour and pepper. Then the pieces are fried in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. At the end you can add mustard, ketchup or tomato paste to them.

    3. If you fry the liver too long, it will become dry and tough. The time of the first heat treatment should not exceed 3-4 minutes.

    4. For classic dish The sauce is prepared separately. The flour is dried in a dry frying pan, the onion is cut into strips and fried until golden brown. Sour cream is mixed with broth and brought to a boil. The products are combined, salt and spices are added. The liver is poured with hot sauce and simmered until cooked over medium heat.

    5. If there is no time, then the liver is immediately fried with onions, and then sour cream is added.

    6. Stroganoff-style liver with mushrooms has a rich, pleasant taste. To prepare it, the liver, onions and champignons are cut into strips. All products are fried separately, then mixed and poured with sauce. The products are simmered together for 10-14 minutes.

    The treat goes well with fresh vegetables and herbs.

    This hearty dish is prepared from healthy ingredients, so it can be included in the children's menu.

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