Boil eggs in a slow cooker in their shells. How to boil eggs in a Polaris multicooker. How to steam an egg in a slow cooker

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Cooking time - 25 minutes.

Chicken egg - quite healthy and very delicious product. You can also add that it is very easy to prepare. All this makes it so popular.

Eggs can be made in different ways. Some people prefer to fry them in a frying pan, others prefer scrambled eggs, and many eat the product boiled. Surprisingly, all recipes are easily brought to life using the Redmond multicooker. These devices are extremely multifunctional.

We would like to present to your attention an interesting way to cook boiled eggs in a Redmond multicooker. A little effort and a little time - and the dish is ready. We will use the Redmond RMC-SM1000 kitchen appliance model. It is convenient because it has a “Multi-cook” program with manual settings.

Ingredients for cooking boiled eggs in a Redmond slow cooker

  • Chicken egg - 20 pieces.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Salt.

Method for preparing boiled eggs in a Redmond multicooker

1) Place the eggs in the multicooker bowl, then pour water into the bowl and add salt.

2) Close the lid of the device, select the “Multi-cook” program through the menu, set the time to 25 minutes and the temperature to 100 degrees.

3) Press the “Start” button on the kitchen appliance and wait until the program is completed.

This recipe allows you to cook hard-boiled eggs. To get soft-boiled eggs in the Redmond multicooker, you can set it for less time.

Eggs are a product that has quite a wide range of uses. Eggs make a great breakfast and can be added to salads, soups, omelettes, etc. There are many ways to cook eggs. Traditional methods of cooking in a saucepan and in a frying pan are probably known to each of us. However, along with this, you can boil eggs in a slow cooker. This process is slightly different from the traditional one.

There are two different ways to cook eggs in a slow cooker. Firstly, eggs in a slow cooker can be boiled in the bowl itself in boiling water. Secondly, you can steam an egg in a slow cooker using a special container for steaming.

Let's take a closer look at these two methods.

1. Pour water into the multicooker bowl. Drop the eggs in there. Bring the water to a boil and then note the time. The time for boiling eggs in a slow cooker depends on the result you want to get. Boil soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker for 5 minutes from the moment the water boils. Boil hard-boiled eggs for about 10 minutes.

When boiling eggs in a multicooker bowl, keep the following in mind: to make the eggshells easier to peel off, lightly salt the water after boiling. After cooking is complete, remove the eggs from the multicooker and place them under cold water.

2. Now let’s figure out how to steam eggs in a slow cooker. Pour enough water into the multicooker. Place the eggs in a container for steaming. We wait for the water to boil, and then note the time. Steam eggs in a slow cooker for 5 to 10 minutes.

After cooking is complete, remove the boiled eggs from the slow cooker and place them in cold water for a couple of minutes. This will help make them easier to clean.

In addition to boiled eggs, you can prepare other egg dishes in a slow cooker. For example, fry eggs.

How to cook fried eggs in a slow cooker?

Let us immediately note that cooking scrambled eggs in a multicooker differs from cooking in a frying pan in that you do not need to add oil to the multicooker.

Break the eggs into the multicooker bowl. Salt and pepper them to taste. Set the “Steam” mode for 10 – 15 minutes. Cooking time depends on the model of your multicooker.

We wait for the end of cooking and enjoy the delicious fried eggs in a slow cooker.

If desired, you can fry sausage or vegetables along with the eggs, such as bell pepper or tomatoes, for example.

Those housewives who have purchased and use multicookers are convinced that these gadgets are capable of many things: cook porridge, pilaf, dairy dishes, bake or fry meat, steam cutlets, bake a pie and cook compote. But the manufacturers did not provide a special mode for boiling eggs.

But it turned out that there is a way to boil eggs in a slow cooker, and not just one, but several. They were established experimentally. We will present all the methods known to us, and you choose the one that suits you best.

How to cook eggs in a slow cooker? Options

1. Pour water into the bowl, immerse the eggs in it and cook in the “Steam” mode for about 10 minutes.

2. You can boil eggs while preparing vegetables for Olivier or vinaigrette, or while cooking porridge. To do this, the eggs are first thoroughly washed, placed in a bowl along with cereals or vegetables, and one of the available modes “Milk porridge”, “Soup” or “Buckwheat” is turned on. Cook eggs together with other products for 30 minutes.

3. You can also boil eggs by steaming: place the eggs in the steaming tray, pour 2 measuring cups of water into the bowl, and turn on the “Steam” mode. If you set the time to 20 minutes, you will get hard-boiled eggs, and if you set the time to 10 minutes, you will get soft-boiled eggs.

A multicooker is truly a godsend and a real helper in the kitchen. You can cook both the most complex and the simplest in it, for example, boiling eggs. There are even several ways to do this. Let's look at them in this article.

Eggs have long been universally recognized as a dietary and healthy product, especially for growing young organisms. Let's figure out why they deserve such fame:

  1. People, and especially children, need proteins, including those of animal origin, for proper nutrition. And egg white is the most easily digestible animal protein. The yolk is considered no less useful, since it contains a whole range of vitamins and microelements.
  2. According to the latest data from scientists, eggs can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities. Yes, they contain cholesterol, but it is believed that it does not cause any harm and is completely absorbed. 1-2 eggs in the daily diet will not harm any adult.
  3. IN baby food eggs must also be present. Children over 2 years old can be given 1 egg every other day.
  4. Eggs are a source of lecithin. This substance is responsible for the development of brain cells, which is very important for children during their active growth phase.
  5. Another advantage of this product is that it quickly saturates the body and gives a colossal boost of energy.
  1. Neither the nutritional value nor the taste of eggs depends at all on the color of their shell. When buying eggs, you should not focus on this factor. The main thing is that the product is fresh.
  2. The quality of the eggs is directly determined by what was given to the chicken as feed. If the bird ate well and nutritiously, natural products, the yolks of her eggs will be bright yellow, sometimes even orange. Well, chickens kept on low-quality feed with an abundance of chemicals will lay eggs with pale yellow yolks.
  3. If you are unsure how fresh the eggs are, dip them in water. Fresh eggs will drown, rotten ones will float.
  4. To correctly calculate the cooking time for eggs, remove them from the refrigerator a few hours before cooking.
  5. When cooking soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker, immediately place them in cold water when the time is up. If they remain in the slow cooker, the yolks will be fully cooked.
  6. Eggs are convenient to cook with other vegetables or cereals. First you need to wash them very thoroughly and put them in a bowl with other products. Prepare eggs in a similar way in the “Buckwheat”, “Milk Porridge” or “Soup” programs for half an hour or until everything else is cooked.

How to steam an egg in a slow cooker

It is convenient to cook eggs in a multicooker in a steam bowl. It's a very simple process:

  1. Prepare the required number of eggs and 3 glasses of water.
  2. Pour water into the bowl, place the container on top, and place pre-washed food in it. chicken eggs.
  3. Activate the steam cooking program.
  4. When the liquid boils, the timer will begin counting down the time. Record the right time. To boil hard-boiled eggs you will need 12 minutes, soft-boiled eggs - 7 minutes.

How to boil an egg in a slow cooker in water

In this way, eggs in a slow cooker are cooked in almost the same way as on the stove in a saucepan. Let's describe the process in more detail:

  1. Place cleanly washed chicken eggs in the bowl of the device and pour cold water. Water should cover the product.
  2. Set the same “Steam” mode or a similar one, after heating the timer will start.
  3. Boil hard-boiled eggs in a slow cooker for 10 minutes, soft-boiled eggs for 5 minutes.

How to boil eggs in a slow cooker using the Multicooker program

The Multicook program starts counting time not after the water boils, but immediately. Therefore, boiling eggs in this mode has its own characteristics:

  1. Wash the chicken eggs and place them in a bowl.
  2. Add enough water to cover them completely.
  3. Set the "Multi-cook" mode. At a temperature of 100 °C, boil hard-boiled eggs for 20 minutes, at the same temperature, cook them soft-boiled for 15 minutes.

How to cook quail eggs in a slow cooker

Quail eggs in a slow cooker are cooked in almost the same way as chicken eggs. Only in terms of time this process is somewhat different. So, here's how such a product is prepared:

  1. Quail eggs are thoroughly washed and placed in a container for steaming.
  2. The bowl is filled with water to the bottom line.
  3. Place the container on top and press the “Steam” button.
  4. After activating the timer quail eggs cook for 10 minutes. During this time they will be hard-boiled.
  5. After cooking, you should immediately put the product in cold water so that you can easily clean the shell later.

How to cook poached eggs in a slow cooker

A multicooker is also useful for creating this gourmet dish like poached eggs. Here are the components they need:

  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • silicone molds – 4 pcs.;
  • a little vegetable oil.

And here is the cooking process itself:

  1. Grease clean and dry silicone molds vegetable oil.
  2. Wash the eggshells and carefully break the eggs into molds. Place them in a steaming container.
  3. Cover the top of the molds with foil to prevent water from dripping inside from the lid.
  4. Fill the bowl with water up to the bottom line and place the container on top.
  5. Cook poached eggs in the “Steam” mode for 3 minutes or more, depending on the power of your multicooker. The main secret of this dish is a completely cooked white and a runny yolk.
  6. You can serve poached eggs with herbs, vegetable salad or something else.

How to boil eggs and potatoes in a slow cooker

You can cook eggs in a slow cooker at the same time as potatoes, getting a full-fledged, but at the same time diet lunch. Here's what it needs:

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 4-5 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cook potatoes and eggs in a slow cooker like this:

  1. We clean the tubers, wash them, if necessary, and cut them into large pieces. Place in a multi-cooker form.
  2. We peel the onion and send it there entirely.
  3. Pour in water to cover the food. Salt to your taste.
  4. Wash the chicken eggs, put them in a container for steaming dishes, and place it on top.
  5. In the “Steam” program, cook the dish for 30-40 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.
  6. Then drain the water from the potatoes and remove the onion. Cool the eggs in cold water. Lunch or dinner is ready.

How to Cook Eggs Benedict in a Slow Cooker

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to boil eggs in a slow cooker, and here’s another one interesting recipe- Eggs Benedict. We will cook them with sauce, and take the following:

  • chicken eggs – 10 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • lemon juice– 1 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground paprika - 0.5 tsp.

Let's make eggs Benedict with sauce like this:

  1. Wash 4 eggs, break them and separate the yolks. Place them in a blender bowl.
  2. Add ground paprika, a little salt and lemon juice to them. Beat the yolks with a blender for a few seconds.
  3. Melt and cool the butter, slowly add it to the sauce and whisk it for a couple more minutes. Pour the sauce into a bowl and cool.
  4. Let's take cling film, fold in half and place in a small bowl. Let's lubricate the film a small amount butter and break an egg there. Gather the edges of the film and tie it in a knot. We will do this with the remaining 5 eggs.
  5. How to boil an egg in a slow cooker. Video

Eggs are widely used in cooking. They are great for breakfast and added to soups and salads. Eggs can be prepared in several ways, the most common being fried and boiled. And today I will tell you exactly how to boil eggs in a slow cooker. Everyone knows the traditional method of boiling eggs in water. I use another method, which is a little different from the usual one - I steam the eggs in a slow cooker. To do this, I use a steamer basket, which probably comes with all models of multicookers.



So, to steam boil eggs in a slow cooker, you need to wash the eggs well, remove any possible dirt from them, and put them in a steamer container. Don't forget to pour two or three glasses of water into the multicooker bowl.

Soft-boiled eggs are steamed for 3 minutes, eggs in a bag for 5-6 minutes, hard-boiled eggs will be ready in 10 minutes.

Keep in mind that in the “steaming” program, the time countdown does not start immediately, but from the moment the water boils. When you boil soft-boiled eggs, after cooking they must be immediately removed from the multicooker and placed in cold water so that they do not overcook.

Hard-boiled eggs can be left in the slow cooker after the signal.

Steamed eggs are easy to peel, their shells do not stick to the cooked white, and a gray rim does not form around the yolk.

If all members of your family like eggs of varying degrees of readiness - some hard-boiled, some soft-boiled, it doesn’t matter - remove soft-boiled eggs from the slow cooker early, and continue cooking others.

We are talking here about the most common chicken eggs.

For those who like to eat quail eggs, the cooking time should be reduced by about 3 times.

It would seem that it could be simpler: boil eggs! But be prepared for the fact that the first time you may not get an egg of the intended consistency.

The time for steaming eggs may vary depending on the model of the multicooker, the size of the eggs, the amount of water poured into the bowl, whether hot or cold water was poured (if you pour hot water, the time will be reduced as it will boil faster). By adapting to your multicooker, you will definitely find the right time and achieve the desired result.

Bon appetit!!!

Best regards, Natalya

Other recipes from the site:

How to boil eggs in a slow cooker, steamed, in water and as an omelette?

Any woman dreams not only of delicious food, but also of... quick cooking various dishes. Unfortunately, housewives are not always able to make dinner for the whole family without being at the stove for a long time. That is why today such a kitchen device as a multicooker is very popular. She can cook perfectly different dishes, and also keep an eye on them until you arrive. It is also worth noting that food in a slow cooker takes a little longer to cook than on the stove. But at the same time, such a device does not require special attention, acting on the principle of loading products, selecting a program and turning on the timer.

When purchasing this device for personal use, many housewives do not have the slightest idea how to boil eggs in a slow cooker, or whether it can be done at all. It should be noted that almost anything can be cooked in this device, including the presented product. We will look at how exactly this is done below.

How to steam eggs in a Redmond multicooker?

Surely everyone knows that this product contains a huge amount of useful elements. That is why experts recommend that a person eat one egg 2 or 3 times a week. It should be clarified that the presented ingredient must be boiled or steamed. After all, when fried, it does more harm than good.

So how to cook eggs in a slow cooker and what do you need for this?

  • Filtered drinking water – 2 glasses.
  • Chicken eggs of any size - from 1 to 10 pcs.

Steaming process

Having found out how to boil an egg in a slow cooker, you need to wash it (if necessary) and inspect it for cracks. If they are present, then there is a high probability that during the heat treatment the shell will burst and the protein will come out. That is why it is better not to use such eggs.

After selection, the ingredient should be placed in a special mesh of the multicooker, which is intended for steaming dishes, and a little water should be poured into the main container. Next, the bowl with the main product must be installed in the device, close the lid and immediately turn on the steam mode. If you want to make hard-boiled eggs, then after boiling the water, it is recommended to set the timer for 14 minutes. If you like a liquid and soft yolk, then it is advisable to cut this time exactly in half.

Proper serving to the table

Now you know how to cook eggs in a slow cooker using the double boiler mode. After the set program stops cooking, the product must be immediately immersed in cold water and kept in it for 5 minutes until it cools completely. If you neglect this advice, the eggshells will be cleaned very poorly. Serve a soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg along with fine salt and fresh butter.

Cooking chicken eggs in water

This product is boiled in the same way as on a gas stove. To do this, you should prepare the following components in advance:

  • filtered drinking water – 3 glasses;
  • chicken eggs of any size - from 1 to 10 pcs.;
  • fine sea salt - dessert spoon.

The process of boiling eggs in water

For this preparation, you should take any number of eggs that fit in the multicooker, and then put them in a bowl, fill with water room temperature and add a little salt. Next, the kitchen appliance must be closed and immediately set to the soup or steamer program. As a rule, after these steps, housewives have a new question about how long to cook eggs in a slow cooker in water? It should be noted that this figure is similar to that which is followed when preparing the same dish on the stove. So, to get hard-boiled eggs, you need to keep them in boiling water for 10 minutes. As for a product with a liquid yolk, the time should be reduced exactly by half.

How to serve it for breakfast?

After boiling chicken eggs, they should be briefly placed in ice water, and then carefully peeled and served along with salt, wheat bread, sweet tea and butter. Bon appetit!

Making a delicious and satisfying omelette

When thinking about how to cook eggs in a slow cooker, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just classic options preparation of this product (hard-boiled or soft-boiled). After all, you can make a very tasty and nutritious omelette from it. For this we need:

  • fresh full-fat milk – 4 cups;
  • large eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sea ​​salt – a few pinches (to taste);
  • butter – 30 g.

How to cook?

In order to make a tasty and nutritious omelette in a slow cooker, you should beat chicken eggs, pour fresh milk into them, add butter and add salt. Next, all the ingredients must be mixed and placed in the bowl of the device. You can make this dish in soup mode, milk porridge and even in a double boiler. In any case, its cooking time should be about 30-37 minutes.

How to boil an egg in a slow cooker. Boiling eggs in a slow cooker: description of methods and recipes. What are the benefits of eggs? How to cook eggs in a slow cooker in different ways

A multicooker is truly a godsend and a real helper in the kitchen. You can cook both the most complex and the simplest in it, for example, boiling eggs. There are even several ways to do this. Let's look at them in this article.

A few words about the benefits of eggs and choosing a quality product

Eggs have long been universally recognized as a dietary and healthy product, especially for growing young organisms. Let's figure out why they deserve such fame:

  1. People, and especially children, need proteins, including those of animal origin, for proper nutrition. And egg white is the most easily digestible animal protein. The yolk is considered no less useful, since it contains a whole range of vitamins and microelements.
  2. According to the latest data from scientists, eggs can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities. Yes, they contain cholesterol, but it is believed that it does not cause any harm and is completely absorbed. 1-2 eggs in the daily diet will not harm any adult.
  3. Eggs must also be present in baby food. Children over 2 years old can be given 1 egg every other day.
  4. Eggs are a source of lecithin. This substance is responsible for the development of brain cells, which is very important for children during their active growth phase.
  5. Another advantage of this product is that it quickly saturates the body and gives a colossal boost of energy.
  1. Neither the nutritional value nor the taste of eggs depends at all on the color of their shell. When buying eggs, you should not focus on this factor. The main thing is that the product is fresh.
  2. The quality of the eggs is directly determined by what was given to the chicken as feed. If the bird ate well and nutritiously, with natural products, the yolks of its eggs will be bright yellow, sometimes even orange. Well, chickens kept on low-quality feed with an abundance of chemicals will lay eggs with pale yellow yolks.
  3. If you are unsure how fresh the eggs are, dip them in water. Fresh eggs will sink, rotten ones will float.
  4. To correctly calculate the cooking time for eggs, remove them from the refrigerator a few hours before cooking.
  5. When cooking soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker, immediately place them in cold water when the time is up. If they remain in the slow cooker, the yolks will be fully cooked.
  6. Eggs are convenient to cook with other vegetables or cereals. First you need to wash them very thoroughly and put them in a bowl with other products. Prepare eggs in a similar way in the “Buckwheat”, “Milk Porridge” or “Soup” programs for half an hour or until everything else is cooked.

How to steam an egg in a slow cooker

It is convenient to cook eggs in a multicooker in a steam bowl. It's a very simple process:

  1. Prepare the required number of eggs and 3 glasses of water.
  2. Pour water into the bowl, place the container on top, and place pre-washed chicken eggs in it.
  3. Activate the steam cooking program.
  4. When the liquid boils, the timer will begin counting down the time. Record the right time. To boil hard-boiled eggs you will need 12 minutes, soft-boiled eggs - 7 minutes.

How to boil an egg in a slow cooker in water

In this way, eggs in a slow cooker are cooked in almost the same way as on the stove in a saucepan. Let's describe the process in more detail:

  1. Place cleanly washed chicken eggs in the bowl of the device and pour cold water. Water should cover the product.
  2. Set the same “Steam” mode or a similar one, after heating the timer will start.
  3. Boil hard-boiled eggs in a slow cooker for 10 minutes, soft-boiled eggs for 5 minutes.

How to boil eggs in a slow cooker using the Multicooker program

The Multicook program starts counting time not after the water boils, but immediately. Therefore, boiling eggs in this mode has its own characteristics:

  1. Wash the chicken eggs and place them in a bowl.
  2. Add enough water to cover them completely.
  3. Set the "Multi-cook" mode. At a temperature of 100 °C, boil hard-boiled eggs for 20 minutes, at the same temperature, cook them soft-boiled for 15 minutes.

How to cook quail eggs in a slow cooker

Quail eggs in a slow cooker are cooked in almost the same way as chicken eggs. Only in terms of time this process is somewhat different. So, here's how such a product is prepared:

  1. Quail eggs are thoroughly washed and placed in a container for steaming.
  2. The bowl is filled with water to the bottom line.
  3. Place the container on top and press the “Steam” button.
  4. After activating the timer, quail eggs are boiled for 10 minutes. During this time they will be hard-boiled.
  5. After cooking, you should immediately put the product in cold water so that you can easily clean the shell later.

How to cook poached eggs in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is also useful for creating such a delicious dish as poached eggs. Here are the components they need:

  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • silicone molds – 4 pcs.;
  • a little vegetable oil.

And here is the cooking process itself:

  1. Grease clean and dry silicone molds with vegetable oil.
  2. Wash the eggshells and carefully break the eggs into molds. Place them in a steaming container.
  3. Cover the top of the molds with foil to prevent water from dripping inside from the lid.
  4. Fill the bowl with water up to the bottom line and place the container on top.
  5. Cook poached eggs in the “Steam” mode for 3 minutes or more, depending on the power of your multicooker. The main secret of this dish is a completely cooked white and a runny yolk.
  6. You can serve poached eggs with herbs, vegetable salad or something else.

How to boil eggs and potatoes in a slow cooker

You can cook eggs in a slow cooker at the same time as potatoes, giving you a complete, but also dietary, lunch. Here's what it needs:

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 4-5 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cook potatoes and eggs in a slow cooker like this:

  1. We clean the tubers, wash them, if necessary, and cut them into large pieces. Place in a multi-cooker form.
  2. We peel the onion and send it there entirely.
  3. Pour in water to cover the food. Salt to your taste.
  4. Wash the chicken eggs, put them in a container for steaming dishes, and place it on top.
  5. In the “Steam” program, cook the dish for 30-40 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.
  6. Then drain the water from the potatoes and remove the onion. Cool the eggs in cold water. Lunch or dinner is ready.

How to Cook Eggs Benedict in a Slow Cooker

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to boil eggs in a slow cooker, and here is another interesting recipe - eggs Benedict. We will cook them with sauce, and take the following:

  • chicken eggs – 10 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground paprika - 0.5 tsp.

Let's make eggs Benedict with sauce like this:

  1. Wash 4 eggs, break them and separate the yolks. Place them in a blender bowl.
  2. Add ground paprika, a little salt and lemon juice to them. Beat the yolks with a blender for a few seconds.
  3. Melt and cool the butter, slowly add it to the sauce and whisk it for a couple more minutes. Pour the sauce into a bowl and cool.
  4. Take the cling film, fold it in half and place it in a small bowl. Grease the film with a small amount of butter and break the egg there. Gather the edges of the film and tie it in a knot. We will do this with the remaining 5 eggs.
  5. In a multicooker, boil water in any program, preferably in the most powerful one.
  6. Dip the nodules into boiling water and cook the eggs for 4 minutes each.
  7. Serve eggs Benedict with sauce and crispy toast.

How to boil an egg in a slow cooker. Video

How to boil eggs in a slow cooker

Boiled eggs are a product that can serve either as an independent dish or as part of appetizers, first and second courses. At the same time, the traditional method of preparation boiled eggs Cooking in a container of water on the stove is considered. Modern technologies suggest replacing it with another, more convenient option - cooking in a slow cooker. How to do this, read our article.

Method No. 1 - boiling eggs in a slow cooker in water. This method is closest in its technology to the traditional one. To boil eggs this way, put the required amount in the bowl of our kitchen multi-helper and fill them with water. Regarding the required amount of liquid, be guided so that it covers the eggs. Although there are recipes that indicate that it is not necessary to completely cover the eggs with water. Now close the lid and select the “Steam” mode on the multicooker panel and press “Start”. In this way, you will get hard-boiled eggs in 10-12 minutes, “in a bag” in 7-9 minutes, soft-boiled eggs in 4-5 minutes.

Method number 2 - steaming eggs in a slow cooker. In this case, place the eggs not in a bowl, but in a special steamer basket. Pour water into the bowl (at least 2 multi-glasses), place the basket with eggs, close the multicooker lid and cook in the same “Steam” mode, but longer – 15-20 minutes. In this case, you will get hard-boiled eggs, the shells of which separate perfectly, and the yolk does not have a grayish rim. For poached eggs, reduce the cooking time to 8-10 minutes, for soft-boiled eggs - to 5-7 minutes.

Method No. 3 - poached eggs in a slow cooker. To cook this original dish, we will need silicone molds, sunflower oil and the eggs themselves. Grease the molds with oil, pour the eggs into them (it is better to break them not over the mold itself, but into a cup), add salt, spices, herbs if desired, and place them on a removable steamer basket. Heat the water until hot and pour it into the multicooker bowl, place the basket with the molds, close and cook the eggs in the “Steam” mode for about 3 minutes. Exact time Periodically check the preparation visually: the whites of the finished poached eggs should be cooked, and the yolk should remain liquid.

Some practical tips for cooking boiled eggs in a slow cooker. Firstly, do not forget to properly prepare the eggs for cooking, that is, wash them thoroughly under running water. Secondly, after finishing the cooking process, it is advisable to place them in cold water (especially in the case of cooking soft-boiled eggs), as with traditional way preparations. Thirdly, keep in mind that the “Steaming” mode has its own characteristics: the cooking time countdown does not start immediately, but from the moment the water boils in the multicooker bowl.

We also note that the cooking times indicated for cooking boiled eggs in a multicooker are approximate, since they largely depend on the model of the kitchen appliance, the temperature and volume of water poured into its bowl, as well as the size of the eggs. To learn how to boil eggs in Redmond multicookers, watch the video below.

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