Recipe for crispy pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter. Cucumber slices for the winter: recipes for all tastes. Pickled cucumbers in slices for the winter. Classic recipe

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In the fall, we all stock up on pickles, fermentations and preserves. Every zealous housewife will probably find sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter in her treasured book, the recipes for which allow you to use even deformed or too large vegetables. After all, thanks to them we not only save, but also provide for ourselves delicious snacks, adding variety to the menu at an uncomfortable time of year.

A simple recipe for cucumber slices for the winter

This cooking option is interesting because some of the marinade is own juice cucumbers And it makes the spin even more tempting.

The process is simple: we cut cucumbers into slices for the winter (most recipes do not specify what kind they are - they can be circles, strips, or cubes). In a clean three-liter container we put onion quarters, a clove of garlic (more if you like it spicy) and an umbrella of dill. Place cucumber slices on top, which should be crushed with a spoonful of salt and half a spoonful of sugar. Pour three spoons into a jar vegetable oil and vinegar, after which we leave the container alone for half an hour. During this time, our slices will release juice and soften a little. Now we crush them slightly, if necessary, add a little more and fill them with water - drinking water, without additives and cold. 10-minute sterilization, capping, turning over - and let our cucumbers cool.

Greetings from Korea

Among the recipes for sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter, the Asian version is of particular interest to many - its spicy taste is very intriguing.

We cut four kilos of cucumbers first lengthwise into four parts, and then crosswise so that we get sticks about five centimeters long. For the marinade, mix a glass of vinegar with the same amount of vegetable oil, dissolve two hundred grams of sugar and one hundred salt in them, add two tablespoons of grated or crushed garlic, chopped hot pepper and a spoonful of peppercorns. Pour the mixture into the cucumber slices, mix and marinate them in it for at least three hours. Then we put the snack in jars, fill it with marinade and juice, sterilize it for a quarter of an hour, twist it, turn it over and wrap it.

Spicy and tomato

Now let’s look at another recipe for sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter, which will definitely appeal to lovers of fiery salads. Soak the main ingredient for a couple of hours, then cut lengthwise - small specimens only in half, large ones into four parts. Prepare the filling: crush three or four heads of garlic, mix with a glass of vegetable oil, add half a glass of salt and sugar. Spices include paprika and ground black pepper to taste. Pour this marinade over the cucumbers and place the pan with them on the lowest heat for half an hour. During this time, the sauce will greatly increase in volume due to the cucumber juice. Pour in half a glass of vinegar and keep the container on the stove for another ten minutes. Vegetables should spend the same time under the lid after turning off the heat. Then we pack in half-liter jars, sterilize for about half an hour, close and cool traditionally, under cover.

In such a salad you can put not only cucumber slices for the winter: the recipes allow you to use your imagination and supplement them, for example, with carrots or parsnips. And tomato paste can be replaced with crushed tomatoes.

Recipe “Cucumbers with mustard for the winter in slices”

Tasty piquancy combined with good shelf life is what every housewife dreams of. And achieving the goal is not so difficult! The proposed recipe for winter slices of cucumbers with mustard will provide an appetizer that will please even an avid gourmet. And it can be stored until spring (although it is usually eaten long before its arrival).

We cut four kilos of cucumbers into slices, put them in a large bowl and sprinkle with garlic (two heads, chopped), dry mustard (two large spoons), salt (four heaped spoons), sugar (we take twice as much as salt) and ground pepper Add a glass of vinegar and sunflower oil and leave for three hours to marinate. Stir occasionally to ensure even impregnation. When there is so much marinade that it completely covers the slices, place the cucumbers as tightly as possible in the jars, fill them with brine, sterilize them for a quarter of an hour, seal them, and cover them with a blanket to cool.

Important Notes

If not enough brine has formed in three hours, it means it’s cool in the kitchen and you’ll have to wait a little longer. By the way, the slow release of juice from cucumbers may also be due to their varietal characteristics.

The cloudiness of the marinade should not be confusing: it becomes less transparent due to the dissolution of the mustard. All mustard recipes for sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter give this result - the photo serves as convincing proof of this.

Georgian recipe

Another option for lovers of a pronounced taste. To prepare a Georgian twist for five kilograms of cucumbers, you will need two kilos of tomatoes. Let's also take a glass of vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar, three tablespoons of coarse salt, a third of a kilogram of garlic and spices that you personally like. The original mentions peppers - black, red, peas - suneli hops and coriander. But Georgian recipes cucumber slices for the winter are very democratic in terms of seasonings, so you can add other spices to the list.

Grind the tomatoes into puree (remove the rough part at the stem first). Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and cut them into thin circles.

Pour the tomato mixture, butter, sugar and salt into a large saucepan. The filling should cook quietly for about a third of an hour. Then add the garlic, pour in the vinegar, mix, wait a little and add the cucumbers. After boiling, under the lid, simmer the salad for about ten minutes. Place the cucumbers in sterile jars, roll them up and leave them under a blanket until they cool completely.

Try to deviate from the standard of thinking and roll cucumbers into slices for the winter: recipes with photos will help you overcome all difficulties if you encounter them. Look, this snack will become a favorite among your family members.

Strong, smooth, small cucumbers with pimples, if they are not eaten fresh, they are canned.

In winter, pickled cucumbers are a very common and favorite snack.

They are also included in many dishes: salads, snacks.

Overgrown or simply irregularly shaped cucumbers remain out of use. And in vain, they are quite suitable for home preparations and are no worse than neat, sturdy ones.

There are a lot of recipes for preparing cucumbers of non-standard shape. Here are some of them.

Pickled cucumber slices

The classic way to pickle cucumbers in slices

It depends on how many of these cucumbers you have. If there are a lot of them, then increase the amount of marinade. The recipe suggests it per 2 liters.

Marinade composition:

Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons with top.

Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons

peppercorns -40 peas.

Laurel - 20 pcs.

Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Table vinegar - 1/3 cup.

Onion - 1 pc.

Water -2 liters.

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, bay and pepper. Boil for 2 minutes and cool.

Cut the cucumbers and onions into transverse slices. Fold them tightly into prepared jars. Place onion slices on top.

Send the workpiece for sterilization, covering it with sterilized metal lids. The process will take 10 minutes.

Roll up the lids with a machine, turn them over and cover the jars with a warm blanket. Pickled cucumbers have a fresh, pleasant taste and do not linger on the table for a long time.

Pickled cucumbers, Korean style

Be sure to try making one like this.

For the recipe take:

Cucumbers - 4 kg.

Salt -100 gr.

Sugar - 200 gr.

Sunflower oil - 1 cup.

Table vinegar - 1 glass.

Chopped garlic - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Black peppercorns - 1 spoon.

For lovers of even more savory snacks, add a pod of hot, fresh pepper.

Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into quarters. Depending on the length of the cucumber, divide the quarters into 4–8 parts. You should get pieces about 5 centimeters in size. Place in a deep bowl.

For the marinade, mix all the ingredients in one container: salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, pepper, chopped garlic. Pour the resulting marinade over the cucumber slices, stir and leave for 3 hours.

Sterilize both lids and jars.

Distribute pickled cucumbers into slices into jars and pour in the juice that was released during pickling.

Sterilize the filled jars for 15 minutes and roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and insulate them.

One of the most popular winter snacks is pickled, canned or pickled cucumbers. Many recipes for preparing such cucumbers are described in cookbooks; they contain methods for pickling and marinating according to old recipes our grandmothers, modern and exotic, amazing recipes for every taste. Today we offer you one of the unique, but simple ways pickling cucumber slices for the winter. For those who love crispy cucumbers with a sharp, piquant taste, our recipe is as suitable as possible; by the way, the appetizer will satisfy the needs of all gourmets. Let's get started, I guess.


  • Cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Vinegar 9% - 80 ml;
  • Vegetable oil -100 ml;
  • Garlic - 1 head.

The quantity of products is provided for 4 jars with a capacity of 500 ml.

How to cook pickled cucumbers, sliced ​​with garlic for the winter

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends at both ends, cut into small cubes 10-12 cm long so that they fit freely in the jar. Place them in a bowl and add salt, sugar, pepper, chopped garlic. Pour vegetable oil and vinegar on top.

The result was slices of cucumbers with garlic, prepared for harvesting for the winter.

Mix well so that the spices are evenly distributed on the cucumbers. Place the bowl in the refrigerator for 2 hours. During this time, stir 2-3 times. After the expiration date, the cucumbers will release enough juice.

Place cucumber slices into prepared sterile jars, trying to place them tightly in a vertical position.

Pour in juice and cover with sterile lids. The amount of juice should fill the jars completely, but if it is not enough, add boiling water to the jars.

Sterilization is not required, since we use already sterile jars and lids. It would be a good idea to pasteurize them additionally, since the cucumbers have not undergone heat treatment. To do this, place a napkin or towel on the bottom of a large saucepan (you can use special devices for sterilization), put jars in it, fill it with warm water, and bring to a boil.

Pasteurize the jars over low heat for 7 minutes.

Immediately after paterization, carefully take them out and roll them up tightly. The jars should be allowed to cool in the air, or for additional sterilization, you can turn them over onto the lids and cover them with something warm. When they have cooled completely, we move them to the refrigerator or cellar, that is, to a cool place, so they will not spoil for a long time.

  • Before preparing cucumbers for the winter, you should soak them in cold water for at least 2-4 hours so that they turn out crispy and do not absorb excess moisture.
  • Fans can add sprigs of dill and parsley to our recipe to taste.
  • When pickling vegetables, we recommend using coarse salt; very fine salt is not suitable here due to some of its qualities; it is well absorbed by the fruits, therefore, vegetables may have an over-salted taste.
  • The small one has the same qualities. granulated sugar, use beet sugar with large crystals.

The main thing is to prepare your dishes with good mood, then everything will definitely work out for you. We wish you good luck.

The cucumbers are topped with tarragon, which gives them a special taste. This herb can be bought at the market and used in cooking.

Ingredients for 1 jar 720 ml:

  • mixture of different peppers (whole) – 1 teaspoon,
  • bay leaf– 1-2 pcs.,
  • tarragon - 1 sprig,
  • cucumbers – 2-3 pcs. depending on size,
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons,
  • salt – 1 teaspoon,
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • boiling water – 500 ml.


The jars must first be sterilized. This can be done in any way convenient for you. Pour the pickling mixture into a jar, which includes herbs and mustard seeds, and add a bay leaf.

After this, put the tarragon in the jar.

Wash fresh cucumbers prepared for rolling well under running water, remove the tails. Cut them into pieces as you like. Add cucumbers to the jar.

Add the required amount of granulated sugar and coarse table salt.

Boil water and pour it into a jar. Finally add vinegar. Cover the jar with a lid and place in a pan of boiling water to sterilize. Don’t forget to put a cloth or towel on the bottom of the pan and only after that put the jar of preserved food there.

Sterilize for 20 minutes. After this, take out the jar and screw the lid on tightly. Turn it over and let it sit until it cools down. Then put it in the pantry until winter.

Pickled sliced ​​cucumbers in halves for the winter

If you want to prepare fragrant crispy cucumbers in jars, then this recipe for 1 liter will be just right. Thanks to the large number of herbs and greens, everything turns out very fragrant. Cucumbers pickled in halves are good to serve in winter, when fresh vegetables practically none or their quality leaves much to be desired. The recipe is simple in that it contains a minimum of ingredients. The main emphasis is on vegetables and herbs.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • dill seeds - 1 sprig,
  • tarragon - 2 sprigs,
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.,
  • whole pepper (mixture) – 1 teaspoon,
  • sugar – 3 teaspoons,
  • dried garlic – 1-2 pcs.,
  • coarse salt - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • onions – ½ pcs.,
  • vinegar 9% - 2 teaspoons,
  • cherry leaves and other – 2-3 pcs.,
  • boiling water - approximately 700-800 ml.


First of all, you need to sterilize all the jars so that the cucumbers are well preserved until winter and do not explode. Place dried garlic seeds, tarragon sprigs and cherry or other tree leaves into a clean, sterilized jar.

Wash small fresh cucumbers, remove the stems and cut them in half lengthwise. Carefully place the halves into jars.

Add a mixture of various peppers and bay leaves for aroma and taste.

To better preserve cucumbers until winter and have a pleasant taste, add granulated sugar. Then add coarse table salt.

Add a few cloves of dried or fresh garlic. You can also add some dried vegetables.

Place chopped onions on top.

Pour boiling water and add vinegar.

Now you need to sterilize the jars. This can be done in a large saucepan with a towel on the bottom. Place the jars there and boil for 20-30 minutes. The water should cover half the jar. When the required time has passed, remove the jars from the pan and screw on the lids.

Cucumbers cut into quarters for the winter with onions

Cucumbers with sweet pepper and onions can be done easily at home. This will take a little time, but in winter it will be nice to open a jar for the table.


  • dill – 1-2 sprigs,
  • parsley – 1-2 sprigs,
  • green onions– 2 pcs.,
  • bay leaf – 1-2 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar – 3 teaspoons,
  • coarse salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • marinating mixture (mustard, herbs) – 1 teaspoon,
  • dill seeds (dried) – 1 sprig,
  • onions – ¼ pcs.,
  • sweet pepper – ¼ pcs.,
  • fresh cucumbers – 3-5 pcs. depending on size,
  • boiling water – 0.5 liters,
  • vinegar 9% - 2 teaspoons.


First, you need to pre-sterilize the jars in any way convenient for you. Place any greens you have in a sterilized jar. It could be dill, parsley, green onions, basil.

Add bay leaf. A few leaves are enough for an average jar.

To preserve vegetables for a long time, add sugar and coarse table salt.

Now add special spices for canning cucumbers. You can collect this mixture yourself: mustard seeds, various herbs.

If you have it, add a sprig of dill seeds.

Peel the onions, cut into half rings and add to the jar.

Cut some sweet pepper into strips and add to the jar.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tails, cut them into 4 parts. Add lengthwise to jar. You can also place halves on top.

Pour boiling water and add vinegar to the jar. Place the lid on top, but do not screw it on.

Now you need to choose a convenient way to sterilize filled jars. Either in a slow cooker or in a regular saucepan. 20-30 minutes will be enough for this. When you take out the jars, immediately screw on their lids. Then put them somewhere upside down.

When they have completely cooled down, you can put them in the pantry until winter.

And here's another very interesting video winter cucumber recipe

How to cook sliced ​​cucumbers with mustard for the winter

Mustard seeds give vegetables a delicate spicy taste. In crushed form they are used as a natural preservative. Sunsets are perfectly stored, cucumbers retain their crunchy properties.

For such spicy salad fruits can be used in different sizes, but not overripe. For them, you can see what to prepare for the winter from overgrown cucumbers. Mustard cucumbers can be served with meat or fish, potatoes, pasta.


  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers,
  • 50 grams of table salt,
  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder,
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 1 tablespoon chopped garlic,
  • 100 milliliters of refined vegetable oil,
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper,
  • 100 milliliters of 9% table vinegar.


Wash the sorted pimply gherkins and place them on a wire rack to dry or pat dry with a towel. Cut the prepared vegetables into rings of equal thickness, no more than 1.5 centimeters.

Peel the garlic and chop it very finely. Place cucumber wheels in a convenient container, add chopped garlic mass, add regular coarse table salt and sugar. Give mustard powder, ground pepper, pour in odorless sunflower oil and vinegar.

Mix thoroughly again assorted vegetables and leave for two to three hours. During this time, the vegetables will release their juice and become saturated with the marinade dressing. Prepare the container in advance. Rinse the jars with baking soda and pour boiling water over them. Place the aromatic mixture into clean containers, add marinade mixture and cover with lids treated in boiling water.

Place the jars in a container of warm water and bring to a boil. Once active temperature bubbles appear, reduce heat. Complete sterilization 8 minutes after the water starts boiling. Screw the lids on tightly and invert the jars.

Cover the jars with cucumbers with warm materials at hand. After a day, move to storage away from sunlight.

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I liked the recipe for such crispy pickled cucumbers - no need to bother with boiling water. I'm not a fan of sterilization, but this time everything went somehow without any stress.

In addition, in winter, cucumbers pickled according to this recipe do not need to be cut into slices or cubes, just open the jar and place on a plate.


  • 2 kg cucumbers
  • 100 ml sunflower oil
  • 0.5 cups 9% vinegar
  • 40 g salt (2 tablespoons)
  • 0.5 cups sugar
  • 1 tsp. tablespoons ground pepper
  • 6-8 cloves of garlic
  • Parsley, finely chopped (large bunch 200 grams)
  • cans 0.5 l or 0.7 l

Recipe for making crispy pickled cucumbers in oil for the winter:

Wash the cucumbers well; if they were picked a few days ago, you need to soak them in water for 3-4 hours. IN this recipe we do not use water at all - cucumber juice will play the role of marinade.

So, cut the cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts, if very large cucumbers can be cut into 6-8 parts.

Wash a good bunch of parsley, dry it, chop it finely and add it to the pan with the cucumbers.

Add vegetable oil

Pour out table vinegar

Add the required amount of salt (preferably coarse). Mix

Add sugar. Mix

Add ground black pepper. Mix

Peel the garlic and cut lengthwise into 3-4 pieces.

Place in a saucepan with cucumbers.

And mix well again.

Cover the pan with cucumbers with a lid and leave for 4-6 hours at room temperature.

During this time, you need to shake the cucumbers several times so that they are simultaneously soaked in the marinade.

During this time, cucumber juice is actively released - it will be the basis for the marinade, along with vegetable oil and vinegar.

Then you will need to use a fork to place the cucumber slices into sterilized jars. It is better to take small jars 0.3 l, 0.5 l, 0.7 l. Place the cucumber slices while standing, placing the jar on its side. When the first row is laid and there is still space left in the jar, we lay the second row of cucumbers “lying”, maybe in rings, because cucumbers soaked in marinade become softer.

When all the cucumbers are placed in jars, pour the marinade into them, along with herbs and garlic.

Now you need to sterilize the jars of pickled cucumbers so that they are well stored in the winter.

Place a cloth at the bottom of the pan, place the jars and pour cold water into the pan so that it reaches the hangers of the jars (maybe 1-2 cm less).

Place sterilized lids on top of the jars.

Turn on the heat and wait for the water in the pan to boil, reduce the heat so that there is a slight boil, and sterilize the jars of cucumbers for 25 minutes.

At the end of sterilization, remove the jars from the water and close the lids for the winter: if they are screwed, we tighten them, and if they are under the machine, we tighten them with a machine accordingly.

We turn the jars upside down and leave them in the air until they cool completely.

Bon appetit!

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