Layered chocolate cookies. Puff pastry cookies Curls Puff pastry pastries with cocoa

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With beans. Delicate bean puree is quite neutral in taste. Therefore it is perfect for sweet filling, which does not burn and does not leak during baking. And it can be given the most varied taste. Try the chocolate one too!

Ingredients for Chocolate Layered Cookies:

Layered Chocolate Cookies Recipe:

I cook the beans using a regular pressure cooker without pre-soaking. To do this, pour a glass of beans (Kidni TM "Mistral") into a saucepan, pour three glasses of boiling water, add a spoon vegetable oil to avoid excess foam and clogging of the pressure cooker valve. Don't add salt! Cook for about an hour.

Puree the finished beans using a blender along with the remaining cooking liquid. This makes approximately 600 g of finished bean puree. You will need a quarter for the cookies. Unused puree can be stored in the freezer.

Add honey and cocoa to the bean puree. Gradually pour in strongly brewed coffee and stir until a non-liquid plastic mass is obtained.

Thaw the dough sheet and roll it out quite thin. Spread the filling over the dough and roll into a roll. Cut pieces 2 cm thick, make cuts on each side on both sides. Turn out the cut ends, forming “flowers”.

Place the resulting pieces on a parchment-lined baking sheet, brush with egg and sprinkle with brown sugar. Decorate the centers of the “flowers” ​​with chocolate drops or chocolate pieces. Bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Makes 12-14 crispy, moderately sweet cookies with a bright chocolate flavor. Invite your family for tea!

After 40 years, hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body. Metabolic processes decrease, we begin to lose muscle tissue, which is replaced by fat. Protein is needed for muscle growth. Red beans are an ideal source of vegetable protein without the animal fat found in meat.

I come home and everything is prepared: both meat and bean salad, and cookies... And my wife listened to my worries about work. I think this is happiness. It turned out to be the rear bumper.
Bon appetit and good mood!

My friends!

Our temperature has dropped to 29, tomorrow they promise rain, which means we can turn on the oven for a while. Just a little bit. And at the same time do not make any unnecessary movements. Ready-made puff pastry purchased. Toppings are on hand. And it's waiting for us sweet pastries from puff pastry: the most delicious selected recipes for my humble but seasoned eye and taste.

I have compiled a list of both fast and simple recipes baking, as well as more complex holiday desserts. And since there are a lot of recipes waiting for us, we’ll dispense with my favorite introductions on abstract topics and get straight to the point.

Yeast and yeast-free puff pastry

I can only say in theory (since I recently found out that not everyone is aware) that puff pastry tends to be yeast-free And yeast.

  1. Yeast-free puff pastry prepared from unleavened dough(flour, water and salt) with the addition of a large amount of butter, which is “beaten” into the dough by repeated folding and rolling. Puff pastries, cookies, cakes, and strudels are made from yeast-free puff pastry. By the way, the famous Napoleon cake in its French original is also made from such puff pastry without yeast.
  2. Yeast puff pastry prepared in the same way, but from yeast dough. You can make croissants, buns and a variety of so-called Viennese pastries from yeast puff pastry.

So, if you once again wondered “What kind of sweet and tasty thing can I make from store-bought puff pastry?”, listen carefully and remember!

Recipes for yeast-free puff pastry

Let's start with the basic and fastest...

1. Puff rolls with chocolate filling

Product List:

  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar, brown or white - 2 tbsp.


  1. Defrost the puff pastry and preheat the oven to 200ºC. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Sift cocoa powder onto the dough and spread it over the entire surface of the layer, leaving about a 0.5 cm gap at the edges.
  3. Sprinkle on top granulated sugar and roll up the roll along the narrow side.
  4. Using a sharp knife, cut the roll into rolls about 1 cm thick and place on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake puff rolls in a preheated oven for 15 minutes until golden brown.

If the dough is too soft and cannot be cut into rolls, place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

2. Puff rolls with apple and nuts

In a similar way, you can prepare rolls with apple and nut filling. For them we will need the following products.

Product List:

  • puff pastry without yeast dough- 400 gr.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • crushed walnuts- ½ cup
  • butter- 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp.
  • nutmeg - ¼ tsp.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • pinch of salt


  1. Defrost the puff pastry and preheat the oven to 200º. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Peel and core the apples and cut into small cubes.
  3. Melt butter in a frying pan over moderate heat, add apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt.
  4. Fry apples with butter and spices for 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the apples cool completely.
  5. Sprinkle the defrosted dough layer with the remaining ½ tablespoon of sugar and chopped nuts, leaving a gap of about 0.5 cm from the edges of the dough.
  6. Then lay out the cooled apples and distribute them over the entire layer of dough.
  7. Along the narrow edge, roll the dough into a roll and cut into rolls about 1 cm thick with a sharp knife.
  8. Transfer the rolls to a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

3. Open puff pastry puffs with apples

Product List:

  • puff pastry without yeast - 300 gr.
  • apples, green - 2 pcs.
  • peach or apricot jam— 70 gr.
  • water - 30 gr.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.


  1. Pre-defrost the puff pastry according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180-190º and cover a baking sheet with parchment.
  3. Peel the apples, cut them in half and remove the core. Cut into very thin slices (about 4 mm).

    To prevent the apples from darkening, you can fill them with cold water and a spoonful of lemon juice.

  4. Place the jam and water in a small saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring, for 2 minutes. Pass the resulting jam through a sieve.
  5. Lightly roll out the dough on a floured work surface and cut out 4 identical rectangles measuring approximately 10x15cm.
  6. Transfer the dough to the prepared baking sheet. Place 6-7 apple slices in the center of each rectangle, placing one on top of the other. Leave a margin of 1-1.5 cm from the edges.
  7. Using a brush, brush the apples with half the jam. Grease the empty edges of the rectangles with yolk mixed with a couple of tablespoons of water.
  8. Bake for 10-12 minutes until the puff pastries are golden brown. Remove the finished puff pastries from the oven, brush with the remaining jam and let cool.

4. Sweet puff pastry pie filled with cottage cheese and jam

Product List:

  • puff pastry without yeast - 400 gr.
  • cottage cheese - 300 gr
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • fruits or berries from any jam (without syrup) - 100 gr.
  • grated zest of 1 lemon or orange
  • chopped dark chocolate - 50 gr. (optional)
  • almond petals - 2 tbsp.
For lubrication:
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • milk - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Thaw the puff pastry and lightly roll it out on a floured work surface.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200º and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  3. In a bowl, mash the cottage cheese with a fork and mix thoroughly with powdered sugar and a lightly beaten egg.
  4. Add the berries from the jam (if we use fruit jam, they need to be finely chopped), grated zest and, if desired, chocolate, and mix again.
  5. Place the layer of puff pastry on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and place it in the center curd filling, leaving a space of 3-4 cm from the edges.
  6. We wrap the free edges and pinch at the corners. It should look like an envelope, open in the middle.
  7. In a bowl, beat the yolk, milk and sugar, and use a brush to brush the edges of the pie.
  8. If desired, sprinkle the filling with almond petals and press lightly with your palms.
  9. Bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 170º and bake for another 20 minutes until golden brown.
  10. After cooling, sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar.

5. Cinnamon Puff Pastry Spirals

Product List:

  • puff pastry without yeast - 250 gr.
  • butter, melted - 1 tbsp.
  • brown sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • chopped nuts - ½ cup
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp.


  1. Defrost the puff pastry and preheat the oven to 180º. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  2. Brush the defrosted dough with melted butter.
  3. Mix sugar, nuts and cinnamon in a bowl and sprinkle the surface of the dough with this mixture.
  4. Cut the dough in half crosswise and turn one half over so the nuts are facing down.
  5. We cover this half with the other half with the nuts facing up, that is, the two layers of dough should touch with clean sides, the nuts should be on top and bottom.
  6. We cut this resulting layer crosswise into several equal strips 1 cm wide.
  7. We take each strip by its two ends and twist it into a spiral.
  8. Place the resulting spirals on a prepared baking sheet at a distance from each other.
  9. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.
  10. Remove the finished spirals from the oven and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

6. Puff pastry wreaths with blueberry jam

Product List:

  • puff pastry - 400 gr.
  • flour - for dusting
  • blueberry jam - 4-6 tbsp.


7. Garibaldi puff pastry with raisins

Product List:

  • puff pastry - 500 gr.
  • raisins - 200 gr.
  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • flour - for dusting


  1. Defrost the puff pastry and preheat the oven to 200º.
  2. Wash the raisins and dry them well on a paper towel.
  3. Roll out the defrosted dough on a floured surface until the layers have doubled in size. The thickness of the dough should be 2-3 mm, no more.
  4. Place raisins on one sheet of dough and cover with a second sheet and run the rolling pin over the dough again to seal the raisins with the dough.
  5. Using a sharp knife, cut cookies into arbitrary shapes and sizes. The top layer can be cut to form a lattice.
  6. Place the cookies on a baking tray lined with baking paper, brush with lightly beaten egg yolk and sprinkle with sugar.
  7. Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.

8. Puff pastry roll with semolina cream and jam

This recipe can be prepared with either yeast or yeast-free puff pastry.

Product List:

  • puff pastry (yeast or yeast-free) - 400 gr.
  • plum or any other sour jam - 250 gr.
For cream:
  • semolina - 150 gr.
  • grated zest of 1 lemon
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • milk - 1250 ml
  • butter - 50 gr.


  1. Defrost the puff pastry according to the instructions on the package and first prepare the semolina cream.
  2. In a saucepan, heat the milk and sugar over low heat, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
  3. As soon as the milk begins to boil, pour in a thin stream semolina with vigorous stirring with a whisk.
  4. When the cream begins to thicken, add lemon zest and continue stirring.
  5. After the semolina acquires the consistency custard, remove the saucepan from the heat, add the butter and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180º and after the cream has cooled slightly, add the eggs one at a time, thoroughly mixing with a whisk after each egg until a homogeneous smooth mass is formed.
  7. Place a layer of puff pastry into a rectangular oblong cake pan so that one edge protrudes slightly more than the other.
  8. Place semolina cream inside, plum jam on top, and distribute along the bottom of the mold.
  9. Fold the edges of the dough on all sides to cover the filling. Lightly pinch the edges of the dough where possible to form a roll.
  10. Bake the puff pastry roll at 180º for 45 minutes until the dough is golden brown.

Puff pastry recipes

9. Nut buns made from puff pastry

Product List:

  • puff pastry dough - 500 gr.
  • walnuts - 300 gr.
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs. + 1 piece - for lubrication
  • sugar - 90 gr.
  • rum or cognac - 20 ml
  • cinnamon - ½ tsp.
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr. (I take sugar with natural vanilla )
  • milk - 4 tbsp.
For the glaze:
  • powdered sugar - 50 gr.
  • cold water - 1 tbsp.


For the glaze:
  • Sifting powdered sugar and dilute with cold water. Cover the cooled buns with this glaze.

10. Puff-yeast buns with cream and raisins

Product List:

  • puff pastry dough - 500 gr.
  • — 500 gr.
  • raisins - 200 gr.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • milk - 2 tbsp.
For the glaze:
  • powdered sugar - 50 gr.
  • cold water - 1 tbsp.


Here ⇓ aunty shows how to form buns correctly. Be sure to check out:

I think I've given you enough ideas. You can start!

Good luck, love and patience.

Jam puffs are a great way to start your Sunday morning. Crispy, richly filled, aromatic, they will replace the famous croissants. Those who love french breakfast, will be pleasantly surprised to see such an alternative prepared with your own hands on the table. The housewife will need very little time to bake a tempting delicacy at home.

To make jam puffs you will need:

  1. puff pastry – 450 g;
  2. jam – 100 ml;
  3. cocoa – 2 tbsp. l;
  4. sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  5. nuts – 50 g;
  6. vegetable oil – 20 ml.

Jam puffs - recipe

We buy puff pastry in the store or prepare it ourselves. In the second case, it will take more time, but you can be sure of the quality of the products used.

Shop ready dough defrost by cutting the packaging and placing it along with the base on a flat surface in a warm place. After 20-25 minutes you can work with the dough.

From a strip of base 10 centimeters wide, cut squares 10 centimeters long. If necessary, roll out a little. We do this when we want to get a very thin base. But if you overdo it, the jam can leak and ruin it. appearance products.

Let's prepare the filling. In a bowl, combine any thicker jam with walnuts and half the cocoa.

We take nuts good quality, before use, we examine them for the presence of partitions and pieces of shell. If we find unnecessary garbage, we remove it. We chop the kernels with a knife.

Mix the filling and place a teaspoon on each square.

Then cover the filling with the free half of the dough so that you get a neat triangle. Use a fork to seal the edges, pressing them together. The top can be cut as in the photo.

We transfer the preparations to the parchment with which we covered the baking sheet. If necessary, it can be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Wet the tops of the triangles with water, egg or milk and sprinkle with the remaining cocoa mixed with sugar.

Bake the jam puffs for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 250 degrees.

Serve the finished pies warm.

The appetizing puff pastries will impress with their fragility and multi-component filling. Children and adults will ask for more after the first bite. After all, the baked goods turn out to be truly delicious.

There are a lot of options for preparing these cookies; they can be prepared with cinnamon, strawberry jam, plum jam, or covered with lemon glaze. We offer to prepare the simplest, most convenient and quick option cookies with sugar - from ready-made puff pastry. In less than 30 minutes you can prepare delicious treat for tea.

Author of the publication

Originally from Belarus. Mother of two children - Miroslava and Voislava, loving and beloved wife. By training, he is a teacher of accordion class. A creative person wants to be able to do everything: sew, sculpt from polymer clay, cook and, of course, take photographs. She believes that there is something to strive for, and most importantly, there is a desire, so I am sure that over time everything will only get better.

  • Recipe author: Ekaterina Patskevich
  • After cooking you will receive 20 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 30 min


  • 450 g puff pastry without yeast
  • 100 g sugar

Cooking method

    To puff pastry defrosted faster, it must be removed from the package in advance and left at room temperature. Turn on the oven and preheat to 180 degrees.

    Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface into a rectangular layer 4-5 mm thick. Brush the rolled out dough with water using a silicone brush and sprinkle generously with sugar; press it into the dough a little so that the sugar does not spill out when slicing.

    Roll the dough into a tight roll from two opposite sides towards the center.

    Cut the resulting roll into slices 1 cm thick with a sharp knife.

    Line a baking tray with good quality baking paper or cook on a silicone mat. Dust baking paper a small amount flour so that the cookies do not stick. Place cookies cut side up on prepared baking sheet. Sprinkle with water.

    Bake for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Puff pastry cookies ready. Bon appetit!

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