How long to fry potato pancakes. Potato pancakes: recipes. Recipe: how to cook pancakes from boiled potatoes with cheese

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Draniki are a traditional Belarusian cuisine. Traditionally, in old recipe only potatoes and onions were included, now there are many recipes for how to fry potato pancakes, it all depends on the imagination of the cook and the gastronomic preferences of those for whom the dish is being prepared.


By classic recipe for potato pancakes you will need: 6 potatoes, an onion, an egg, 3 large spoons of flour, a little salt and pepper, as well as vegetable oil and fresh sour cream.

Peel, wash and grate the potatoes raw using a fine grater, although some prefer to use a coarse grater or grind the potatoes through a meat grinder in a blender. You need to achieve a homogeneous mass. Chop the onion well and quickly mix with the grated potatoes, otherwise they will darken.

The egg is beaten, flour, salt and pepper are sprinkled, if desired, adding a spoonful of sour cream is not forbidden, the composition is mixed together with the potatoes.

Tip: If a large amount of liquid is released in the pancake dough, you can scoop it out with a spoon.

Typically, potato pancakes are cooked in a frying pan with thick walls; fry them correctly by turning on medium heat, and when the pancakes become golden brown, switch the mode to low. The lid is placed on top, and the product simmers for several minutes, which makes it soft and juicy. It takes approximately 15 minutes to fry three portions.

Tip: Potato pancakes will turn out crispier and fattier if you don’t use a lid to cover the frying pan at all, and also add more oil.

Draniki should be served hot. The perfect combination product with sour cream.

With minced meat

Draniki, which are filled with minced meat, are also called sorcerers. Ingredients: 0.5 kilos of potatoes, minced meat from any meat, poultry (200 grams), 3 chicken eggs, half onions, 2 large spoons of flour, half a teaspoon each of suneli hops and basil, the same amount of salt, sour cream if desired.

If there is frozen minced meat, it is thawed. The peeled onion is finely chopped and pressed a little with your fingers to extract juice. In a deep bowl, mix the minced meat with onion, egg, and half the amount of salt and spices. The potatoes are finely grated. When the potato juice has drained, add a couple of eggs to the potatoes, mix the mass to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Then flour and salt are poured in and everything is mixed again.

Olive or sunflower oil is poured into a heated frying pan, and the potato mixture is laid out in the form of flat cakes with a tablespoon. Each flatbread is carefully leveled, minced meat is laid out on it, the filling is covered with additional potato mass on top, it should also be leveled.

Pancakes need to be fried on medium heat for 5 minutes. on one side, without covering with a lid, turn them over to the other side, fry for 3 minutes. in an open frying pan, and the same amount with the lid on. Sour cream is served as a side dish for the finished product.

With mushrooms

To prepare mushroom pancakes, you will need the following ingredients: potatoes (a kilo, about 6 pcs.), 350 grams of mushrooms, an onion, 3 large spoons of flour, a chicken egg, spices to taste.

The mushrooms are washed and cleaned. They should be cut into pieces. The chopped onion should be fried in a hot frying pan. Mushrooms are placed on top of the fried onions; the food must be fried until all the water released by them has evaporated.

While the filling is cooling, make a homogeneous mass of grated potatoes, eggs, pepper, and salt it. Then the fungi are placed there and the flour is poured in, mixing everything thoroughly.

The frying pan is heated, about 3 large spoons of vegetable oil are poured onto it. When the oil warms up, from potato dough form pancakes, which are fried for about 4 minutes on one side, and the same on the other, and you need to fry without a lid, the stove mode should not be turned on too high, so that the pancakes do not burn.

Tip: The looseness and juiciness of the dough, when the pancakes spread across the frying pan, can be corrected by driving in another egg and sprinkling a little flour for greater density of the mass.

The mushrooms may not be mixed into the pancake dough; the filling may be wrapped in potato pancakes. Serve pancakes with mushroom filling freshly baked, sprinkled with sour cream or put sour cream in a separate bowl.

No eggs

In the traditions of Belarusian cuisine, potato pancakes need to be fried without additives; flour and eggs are not required in this recipe; pancakes can be prepared from potatoes (5 or 6 pieces) and onions (one large head).

Correctly during the cooking process, mix finely grated potatoes and finely chopped or twisted onions, salt and pepper the dough, and use a spoon to form pancakes in the form of flat cakes from the resulting mass. Be sure to fry in a hot frying pan so that both sides turn out golden brown. Having switched the medium mode of the stove to low, place the lid on top, hold the potato pancakes for 3 minutes so that they can bake properly and become soft.

Tip: If the finished product seems greasy, place it from the frying pan on clean paper sheets or napkins, which will absorb excess.

With cheese

6 large potatoes, peeled and washed. A grater, food processor, meat grinder or blender is suitable for grinding them. The middle onion is also ground. The cheese should be grated separately. The amount of cheese mass is determined by eye. All crushed ingredients are mixed with a chicken egg, two or three large spoons of flour, a small amount salt and pepper.

Draniki are baked in a hot frying pan until a pronounced golden and slightly brownish hue appears on both sides. If you use a lid, the product will be fluffy, soft, but not crispy.

You don’t have to add cheese to the dough mixture; sometimes it’s sprinkled on slightly undercooked pancakes, in which case you should cover the lid and wait until the cheese melts. In addition to sour cream, different sauces can be combined with potato pancakes, depending on preferences.

From pumpkin

To fry pancakes, you need: half a kilo of pumpkin, potatoes (5 or 6 pieces), half a glass of milk, a pair of eggs, 4 tbsp. spoons of flour, a little salt and pepper, sour cream and vegetable oil.

Pumpkin and potatoes are peeled, washed and rubbed on a grater; it is better to use a fine one. The milk boils, when hot it is combined with the potatoes, the mixture is infused for 5 minutes, and the milk is drained. Pumpkin is added to the potatoes, 2 yolks are poured in, flour and spices are sprinkled. The composition mixes well. The strong foam obtained by beating the egg whites is carefully mixed into the dough mass.

Heat oil (2 or 3 large spoons) in a hot frying pan. Pancakes formed from dough using a spoon are fried on both sides until golden brown. After switching medium heat to low, cover them with a lid and steam for about 5 minutes. for complete baking. Serve hot in sour cream.

With sausages

Potato pancakes with the addition of sausages are very tasty. To fry them according to this recipe, you will need: 200 grams of sausages, half a kilogram of potatoes, 1 egg, 4 tablespoons wheat flour, a head of onion, a little dill, salt, black pepper, maybe other spices, a little vegetable oil.

The onion is finely chopped. Thin circles are cut from peeled sausages and crushed to form strips. The potatoes are grated, which requires a medium grater. All necessary ingredients Mix thoroughly by hand. The mass is infused for 10 minutes.

Potato dough with sausages is laid out with a spoon on hot frying pan with oil, the mass is leveled into a thin layer. Fry each side until both are browned.

My first memories of potato pancakes are in the village with my grandmother. Granny fried it on the stove, and all the utensils were cast iron, including the frying pan. When I first cooked potato pancakes on my own, it was already on a gas stove, but then almost everyone had cast iron frying pans. It was a good frying pan; I haven’t seen a quality one made of cast iron for a long time. In recent years I have been cooking on an electric stove in a Teflon frying pan. I will say that potato pancakes used to be tastier - perhaps, and most likely, this is because they come from childhood, and everything is delicious there) So the choice of utensils for frying does not matter much. Although, it seems to me that they will pester the aluminum one.

I prefer sunflower oil. Grandma always fried in lard, greased the frying pan with a piece of lard and put it on. I like it better with sunflower oil. Of all the frying oils, it is the most affordable and suitable. Special emphasis - it must be refined. It is known that unrefined oil has a low smoke point, which means the formation of carcinogens is high. Those vegetable oils that are recommended for salads are not suitable for frying. If you don’t want sunflower, but olive or corn or something else, first ask what smoke point they have. If it's low, it won't work.

For the simplest potato pancakes, you only need potatoes and a little salt.

An example of a quick pancake:

Grate four potatoes onto a coarse grater, lightly squeeze out excess water, and add salt. Heat a frying pan, pour in oil, lay out the potato mixture in one pancake. Use a spatula to press lightly on the side and on top so that the potatoes are pressed closer to each other. Fry over medium heat for two to three minutes, turn over to the other side. Try to do it completely. If it doesn’t work out, it’s okay, you can divide it and turn it in half. On the other hand, fry for the same amount of time or a little less. Cover with a lid so that the heat reaches the inside of the pancake. Once the golden crust has set, you can remove it. Serve with sour cream.

An example of potato pancakes.

Grate about eight potatoes on a fine grater. Strain off excess liquid. Grate one onion there. Beat in one egg. Add about three tablespoons of flour. Also heat the frying pan, pour in sunflower oil. And spread the potato mixture in the form of pancakes. For this I use a tablespoon and scoop it up full. Usually my frying pan comes out with five hash browns, four on the edges and one in the middle. And the time spent on frying is a little less than in the recipe above. Exactly the same on both sides.

There shouldn't be any difficulties in preparation. This is one of the easiest recipes to prepare. The only difficulty is in grating.

For some reason, it is believed that potato pancakes are a particularly simple dish, and making it, let’s say, is a piece of cake. But the only thing that has a bluish tint and a sticky consistency is not potato pancakes. These are clumsily prepared pancakes.

By the way, several world cuisines argue about whose dish this is. Somehow it happened that it is considered a traditional Belarusian dish. But Ukrainians will correct you and say that these are not potato pancakes at all, but potato pancakes and the dish belongs to their cuisine, and Jews will answer that latkes (these are potato pancakes again) are one of the main dishes for Hanukkah, and can be ordered in the most prestigious restaurants. These are not simple ones, potato pancakes, or teruntsy, or kremzliks, or...

If you don’t get potato pancakes (or get blue ones as described above), then read carefully, strictly follow the recipe and get correct, tender, sunny pancakes.

Since there are so many cooking recipes, we will narrow this circle to a basic recipe, then we will complicate it a little, and then we will change it slightly. The main goal is to understand all the principles and subtleties of making potato pancakes. Join us, it will be exciting because you will learn many secrets.

Basic recipe for potato pancakes

Be that as it may, potato pancakes are potatoes that have been grated. That's the whole secret.


  • potatoes - 5 large
  • onion - half
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • eggs - 2
  • salt, pepper to your taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook potato pancakes

Potatoes and onions need to be grated on a fine grater (with the smallest round holes). If you have an assistant (a food processor), then the task of making a lot of potato pancakes becomes much easier.

First, grate the onion and place it in a bowl.

Secret one. The onion, oxidizing, prevents the potatoes from darkening. Therefore, firstly, the finished potato pancakes will have a golden color, and, secondly, there is no need to rush, fearing that the potatoes will darken.

The second secret. Draniki are also called potato pancakes, hence the misconception that the consistency of pancakes should be similar to the consistency of pancake batter.

We will not be mistaken, so we will remove all the liquid from the potatoes and other products that will be used.

To do this, place the potatoes and onions in a colander, and when the liquid has drained, squeeze it out - there should be only a “dry residue” at the exit. Add salt, pepper, egg and flour, mix thoroughly.

Add salt, pepper, egg and flour, mix thoroughly.

Fry in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, adding potato pancakes with a tablespoon.

Don't make them too thick, smooth them out with the back of a spoon.

The third secret : Fry over medium heat - the potatoes should be well cooked inside.

Secret four: Place the potato pancakes on a paper napkin, which will remove excess oil, because they are best served with sour cream, and so much fat content is not very healthy, although tasty.

Secret five: If you want crispy potato pancakes, do not stack them, place them in one layer.

Draniki should be served immediately while they are hot. With sour cream, in which be sure to cut the greens.

Note. If you need to serve a large number of fried pancakes, then turn on the oven (t 120-140), cover a baking sheet with parchment and place pancakes from the pan onto it. When everything is fried, place the pan in a warm oven until serving, but not for too long so that the potato pancakes do not dry out.

Potato pancakes with filling

Yes, if to basic recipe add filling, you get a new dish. And although you never get tired of potatoes, you still want variety. What filling should I use? Imagine boiled potatoes or fried, what would you eat it with? Yes with anything. It is precisely this “anything” that can be an addition. For example, Belarusians prefer to add meat; an excellent additive is the most different vegetables: eggplant, sweet pepper, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini and others. Or sauerkraut.

Replace flour with starch to make it completely potato-like.

Recipe ingredients

  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1
  • sauerkraut - 130 grams
  • egg - 1
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook potato pancakes with filling

Finely grate the onion and potatoes and drain in a colander.
Chop the cabbage very finely.
Squeeze the potatoes and cabbage and place in a bowl.

Break the egg into a small bowl, whisk and pour into the potatoes. Add starch and stir.

Fry as in the first case, in vegetable oil, medium heat. Place on a napkin.
Serve hot.

Potato pancakes with carrots

Why with carrots? Because she and potatoes are a very tasty combination. Carrots give potatoes tenderness and sweetness, and potatoes give carrots satiety.

But so that life doesn’t seem like a culinary paradise, let’s make potato pancakes, grated on coarse grater.

Recipe ingredients

  • potatoes - 4
  • carrots - 1 medium
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste
  • egg - 1
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook potato pancakes with carrots

Grate the carrots and potatoes on a coarse grater. Place in a colander, then squeeze out and transfer to a bowl. By the way, coarsely grated potatoes produce significantly less liquid.

Add the egg and finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Stir.

Add flour and mix well again.
Fry over medium heat in vegetable oil.

Serve hot with sour cream.


After trying variations with finely and coarsely grated potatoes, you will understand which one you like best. But this is not a reason to stop, because you can combine, for example, finely and medium grated potatoes - you will get a soft center and a crispy top.

If some vegetables do not grate well on a fine grater, pass them through a meat grinder.

P.S. It seems that we have diligently revealed all the secrets of making potato pancakes, and they are clearly visible on your monitor. Or have we forgotten something?.. Then please remind us in the comments of everything that you consider necessary, important and useful.

Potato pancakes are called draniki. This dish is considered Belarusian, but it is loved and prepared in many countries. Depending on the country in which the dish is prepared, potato pancakes have a different name and composition. Plyatski, potato pancakes, tertiukhi, kakorki - all these are names of the same dish.

Pay attention to several recipes that can diversify your idea of ​​potato pancakes.

This is the main recipe that housewives prepare at " a quick fix" Basically, our grandmothers and mothers prepared these pancakes for us.


  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 large spoons of flour;
  • frying oil;
  • spices.

How to cook potato pancakes:

  1. The hardest part of making potato pancakes is grating the potatoes. Peel the potatoes and grate them on a fine grater.
  2. Add egg, chopped onion, flour and salt to potatoes.
  3. Mix everything well. That's it, the “dough” for frying is ready.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and start spooning out the pancakes. Press them down on top with a spatula.
  5. Fry for 4 minutes on each side and serve immediately.

Eat with sour cream.

With added mushrooms

Potato pancakes with mushrooms – favorite dish residents of Western Ukraine. They put mushrooms in almost all of their dishes, and potato pancakes are no exception.

What is required:

  • potatoes – 700 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons, porcini, chanterelles – to choose from) – 300 g;
  • onion 1 large head;
  • flour up to 2 tablespoons (as much as you need);
  • egg;
  • spices.


  1. First we'll start cooking the mushrooms. Finely chop the onion, then the mushrooms and place them in a heated frying pan with oil. Salt and fry until the water evaporates.
  2. Now let's cook the potatoes. We clean it and grate it on a medium grater.
  3. Beat in the egg, add salt, add spices and mix everything.
  4. Add the fried mushrooms and flour and mix again.
  5. Now let's start frying. Place potato pancakes on a hot frying pan with a spoon and press down on top so that they are flat.
  6. We wait until they acquire a golden color and remove them. Serve warm with the addition of sour cream.

Potato pancakes with minced meat

This dish turns out to be more satisfying and, of course, high in calories. This version of potato pancakes tastes like belyash. Another name for this dish is sorcerers.


  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 8 potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • eggs – 2 pieces;
  • flour 2 tablespoons;
  • spices and oil for frying.


  1. Peel the potatoes and grate on the fine side of a grater. If you have a food processor, use the hash brown attachment.
  2. Add eggs, flour, salt and mix to the potatoes.
  3. Salt the minced meat and add chopped onion to it. Stir until everything is evenly distributed.
  4. In the meantime, we should warm up a frying pan with oil.
  5. Now the most interesting part: put 1.5 tbsp on the frying pan. composition, top with a small cake of minced meat, cover with a layer of potatoes.
  6. Fry until golden brown, and when we turn over, leave on moderate heat under the lid for 5-6 minutes.
  7. Place the finished pancakes on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  8. Serve warm.

Recipe without eggs

Who will benefit from this recipe? Perhaps for those who fast. Vegetarians will also be happy to use the recipe for potato pancakes without eggs.


  • 8 large potatoes;
  • optional carrots;
  • flour 3 tablespoons;
  • spices;
  • frying oil.

How to cook?

  1. Prepare vegetables: rinse, peel.
  2. Grind the potatoes on a fine grater, add salt and let stand for 10 minutes until the juice comes out.
  3. Grate the carrots and add to the potatoes.
  4. Add flour, favorite spices and mix everything well.
  5. Now we must heat the frying pan with oil well. If the oil sizzles, you can cook.
  6. Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.
  7. Repeat until you run out of mixture.
  8. Make sure that they are not high, otherwise there is a risk that the potato pancakes will not cook through.
  9. Serve during Lent with Lenten mayonnaise. With garlic if desired.

With cheese in the oven

Draniki in the oven turn out less fatty, which means that they are healthier and can be eaten by people who suffer from stomach diseases. And the fact that these potato pancakes are prepared with cheese gives them a special piquancy.


  • 7 potatoes;
  • hard cheese about 120 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • melted butter– 30 g;
  • oregano teaspoon;
  • spices.


  1. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Then chop the garlic.
  3. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and fill them with cold water. Let it sit for a while, then squeeze it out and transfer it to a container.
  4. Mix cheese, potatoes, eggs, butter, garlic and all spices well.
  5. Lightly grease the parchment with oil and lay out a thin layer of potato pancakes.
  6. Bake at 200C for about 20 minutes. Bon appetit!

Lenten pancakes


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • flour 2 tablespoons;
  • spices;
  • oil for frying.


  1. Peel the potatoes and grate them. Squeeze out the juice.
  2. If possible, also grate the onion and add to the potatoes. Add flour and all the spices there and mix.
  3. Place potato pancakes in portions on a hot frying pan and press them on top so that they are flat.
  4. Fry for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown.
  5. Then hold them on a paper towel to remove the fat.

From potatoes and zucchini

Draniki made from zucchini and potatoes are a dish of June-July. In summer, when vegetables are young, they can be used in any dish. But the potatoes must be old.

What is needed?

  • half a kilo of zucchini;
  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • one onion;
  • one egg;
  • flour about 2 tablespoons;
  • spices and oil.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Wash the vegetables, peel and remove the seeds.
  2. Using a coarse grater, first grate the potatoes, then the zucchini and onion. If you get a lot of juice, you should squeeze it out.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients to this mixture: egg, flour, spices.
  4. Fry in a hot frying pan for 3 minutes on each side.
  5. Stir the mixture in the bowl constantly before each frying portion.
  6. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

With green onions

Green onions add a summer flavor to classic hash browns. They will be beautiful and juicy.

Products for potato pancakes:

  • 8 potatoes;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • one egg;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • spices and oil.


  1. Three potatoes on a grater, which you consider necessary. Many people like it on small cells.
  2. Add egg, flour and salt to the “dough”. Mix well and add chopped green onions.
  3. If a lot of liquid comes out, drain it.
  4. Now you can fry. Heat a frying pan with oil and place pancakes on it in portions.
  5. Fry until golden brown, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Serve warm.

Diet potato pancakes without flour

There are many reasons to eat dietary pancakes. Perhaps someone carefully monitors their figure and does not want to eat extra pounds. To others dietary food indicated for health reasons. Anyway, this recipe will be useful to absolutely everyone.

Products for preparing dietary pancakes:

  • half a kilo of potatoes;
  • sour cream 2 large spoons;
  • oil 50 ml;
  • egg;
  • spices.


  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them and grate them. There is no need to squeeze the juice.
  2. Add egg and sour cream to potatoes.
  3. Salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.
  4. Now place pancakes in portions on a hot frying pan and press down on top so that they are flat.
  5. Fry for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.
  6. Repeat the process until the entire portion of potato dough is gone.

And in the end, we present a few secrets for preparing perfect pancakes:

  • Potatoes for pancakes must be old. Young ones are overly starchy, which prevents the products from keeping their shape.
  • You don't have to grate the potatoes by hand. Progress is moving forward and now this work can be done by blenders, food processors, and meat grinders.
  • Don't add too much flour. This can turn them into rubbery pancakes.
  • In addition to the classic salt and pepper, dilute the potato pancakes with various seasonings. Garlic is perfect.
  • You only need to fry in a hot frying pan. If the dishes are just warm, then your pancakes will look like steamed potato cutlets. There should also be enough oil. Many people prefer to fry in lard or ghee and sunflower oil at the same time.

Grated pancakes raw potatoes Belarusians do it best. Therefore, the word potato pancakes is known throughout the world, at least to the Slavic world.

Belarusians in part potato dishes In general, they can give odds to all other nations. There are a lot of potato dishes in Belarusian cuisine: sorcerers, zrazy, dumplings, drachena, babka, etc. From raw potatoes with juice, from potatoes with squeezed juice, from boiled and crushed potatoes... Potatoes are added to pancakes, pies are made from them, and they are not only used for filling, but also for dough. So you can safely trust Belarusians in potato matters.

How to get very tasty potato pancakes with a crispy crust? There are several tricks.



All ingredients for potato pancakes must be removed before cooking. Prepare everything so that the dough can be made as quickly as possible. Don't forget about cheesecloth for squeezing potatoes and a grater.

To prevent potatoes from turning black

You need to rub it last. Squeeze quickly and immediately add a little milk or sour cream. And then add the dough prepared previously to the potatoes.

To make potato pancakes tender

Potatoes should be grated on the finest grater. Grate the onion along with the potatoes. Mix. Onion juice will prevent the potatoes from darkening.

Instead of flour

Draniki will turn out even better if you let the squeezed liquid from the potatoes sit, then drain it, and add the settled starch to the dough. In this case, you don’t have to put flour in the dough.

Even easier

You can fasten the potato mass not with a whole egg, but replace it with two whites. The pancakes will turn out to be very fluffy, and although it’s somehow strange to remember the calorie content when frying potato pancakes in lard, they will be a little easier on the stomach and liver than it could be when using yolks.

What to fry with

The best potato pancakes are made with lard. It heats up better than meat and sets the potato dough better. And in general it goes very well with the taste of potato pancakes. But, unfortunately, many people cannot stand the smell of frying lard.

In this case, you can take either vegetable oil odorless, or melted. Regular butter is bad. When heated, it will hiss and “spit”, since there is water in it, and additional impurities, everything that is melted out of the oil, will burn and give a black precipitate.

Preheat the frying pan

Draniki should be placed on a very well heated frying pan. And the fat on it should also warm up, so after pouring the oil (if you cook with it), wait a couple of minutes and lay out the potato mixture.

What to serve with

Very hot potato pancakes with very cold sour cream. If fried in lard, you can also sprinkle with cracklings.


The classic Belarusian recipe for potato pancakes does not include eggs or flour. Only potatoes, onions, salt, fat for frying. But now eggs are most often added to pancakes. Usually about 1 egg for 4-5 medium potatoes.



5 potatoes

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

4 tbsp. vegetable oil

A little soda

1 cup sour cream

Salt and pepper

Step 1. Peel the potatoes and onions and grate them. Drain the juice or squeeze through cheesecloth.

Step 2. Add egg, flour, baking soda, salt and pepper. Stir everything well.

Step 3. Pour oil into the frying pan, heat it properly and lay out the pancakes, forming them with a spoon.

Step 4. Fry over medium heat on both sides, add oil if necessary.

Step 5. Serve with sour cream.

Draniki with meat or sorcerers

5 large potatoes

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

200 g minced meat

Salt and pepper

Vegetable oil

Step 1. Wash the potatoes and onions, peel them and grate them on a fine grater. Add eggs, flour, salt and pepper.

Step 2. Salt and pepper the minced meat.

Step 3. Heat a frying pan with oil. Place portions of potato dough on it with a spoon and smooth it out to form pancakes.

Step 4. Place a little minced meat on top of each pancake and cover with a spoonful of potato mixture.

Step 5. Fry on both sides, then close the lid, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. Serve hot with sour cream.

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