How much to cook chicken or quail eggs after boiling water, hard-boiled, in a bag and soft-boiled. How long to boil eggs in a bag, soft-boiled, hard-boiled Soft-boiled in a bag or raw

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Eggs can be found everywhere in cooking: in salads, in hot dishes, in pastries ... And how tasty it is to eat a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast with appetite! Stop! Are the eggs fresh? Are they welded correctly? Sure? Let's check!

How to know if eggs are fresh

The easiest way to check the freshness of an egg is to shake it. If you do not hear any extraneous sounds, you can eat this egg. If you hear squelching or champing, it is better to throw it away. This, of course, is not a mini-monster that lives in it and therefore champs, but only air, but it is the air that spoils the eggs.

Another way to check how fresh an egg is is to place it in a bowl of water. Everything here is also extremely simple.

  • Egg drowned - absolutely fresh product
  • The egg floated - in the trash! You can’t eat it - air got there, and useful moisture evaporated.
  • The egg rose from the bottom with an obtuse angle upwards - medium freshness. You can still eat, do not get poisoned, but do not store this egg anymore, you risk it.

What about storage?

Eggs are best kept in the refrigerator. Many refrigerators even have special nets and shelves for storing eggs - this is convenient, and the packages do not take up precious space. The shelf life of eggs is usually around 15 days. In stores, of course, eggs often stand on the shelves. It is not scary if the eggs were laid recently. Always pay attention to the expiration date: if the package is on the open shelf for more than half the expiration date, it is better to look for a fresher one.

Boil eggs

An egg, it would seem, is such an ordinary product, and there are many options for its preparation. There are also many ways to boil an egg. The most popular - soft-boiled, in a bag, hard-boiled. The degree of readiness of the egg depends, of course, on the cooking time.

How to cook the perfect egg?

  • Soft-boiled.

The most delicate watery yolk and strong boiled protein - yummy!

To boil a soft-boiled egg perfectly, you need to do this. Place a small saucepan 3/4 full of water on the stove and bring to a boil. Add a pinch of sea salt. Using a slotted spoon, lower the egg into the boiling water and immediately remove it, then lower the egg to cook for 4, 5 or 7 and a half minutes. An ideal soft-boiled egg is boiled in this way for 5 minutes, completely liquid - 4 minutes, and half-dense - 7 minutes 30 seconds.

  • In a bag.

For some reason, it so happened that eggs in a bag are not as popular as other options for boiled eggs. However, if you are an amateur, why not treat yourself?

Place the eggs in cold water, turn on the gas and boil them for four minutes.

Another option is to place the eggs in boiling water for just a minute, and then turn off the gas and leave them in the same container for about seven minutes - so the eggs in the bag will turn out tender and tasty!

  • Poached egg (no shell).

A poached egg can be added to an avocado sandwich for a wonderful and healthy start to the day. Boiling a poached egg is not that difficult.

Fill a wide saucepan halfway, bring to a simmer over medium heat, season with salt (a pinch of salt is sufficient).

Break the egg into a mug and tip it into the pan in one motion. Do the same with the rest of the eggs. Depending on the size and temperature of the egg (for example, just selected from the refrigerator), it should be boiled for 2 to 4 minutes. An egg boiled for 2 minutes will be very runny. To check if it is ready, select on a plate and lightly press with a spoon, be guided by intuition. If the egg is too soft, return to the water for another minute.

Select the finished poached eggs on a dish lined with paper towels, then serve on toast. Sprinkle with coarse salt and pepper.

  • Hard boiled.

This is probably the most popular variant of boiled eggs. Such eggs are present everywhere: in salads, soups, hot dishes. However, many people digest eggs and then the yolk acquires a rather unpleasant greenish or bluish tint, and the egg itself is not particularly pleasing in taste.

To really hard-boil an egg, you need to put it in cold water, bring the water to a boil, cook in boiling water for one minute, and then turn off the gas and cook for another seven minutes.

Another way to boil hard boiled eggs is like this. In boiling salted water, immerse the egg in a slotted spoon for a second, then lower the egg and cook for 10 minutes.

Recipe for a simple snack with boiled eggs

We offer one option for a delicate egg snack! Suitable for festive table, for breakfast, for sandwiches and for a snack.

You will need: 5 boiled eggs, 2 processed cheeses of the Friendship type, about 150 g of mayonnaise and a couple of garlic cloves.

The recipe is extremely simple, but it turns out really satisfying, tasty and appetizing!

Boil hard-boiled eggs, grate cheese on a fine grater, chop the garlic with a crusher, knife or grater. Finely chop the chilled boiled eggs. Mix with the rest of the ingredients and add the mayonnaise. Stir. Snack is ready! It is especially tasty to spread such an appetizer (people called it Jewish) on toast or just bread fried in a pan. Bon Appetit!

In general, eggs, of course, occupy a special place in cooking by right. How different dishes you can cook with them. And how tasty it is to eat an egg cooked separately from everything - fried or boiled, not in a salad, but as an independent dish!

Look for more recipes with boiled eggs at. If you have a favorite, interesting, original recipe cooking dishes with an egg, share in the comments on this article!

How to boil eggs in a soft boil, in a bag and in a steep

1. How to boil soft-boiled eggs

If you put the eggs in cold water, then you need to wait for a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 2 minutes (both the yolk and protein will remain liquid) or 3 minutes (the yolk will be liquid, and the albumen almost solid - this is my favorite option).
There is one more option. Carefully place the eggs in boiling water (they should not be cold!), leave for 1 minute. Then remove from heat, close the lid and let stand for 5 minutes. As a result, you will get soft-boiled eggs, where the yolk will be liquid and the protein will be solid.

2. How to boil eggs in a bag

To be honest, eggs in a bag are not mine. favorite dish. I prefer either soft-boiled or hard-boiled. But many people love this option.
So, to boil the eggs in a bag, put the eggs in cold water, and after boiling, cook for 4 minutes. The second option - we lower it into boiling water, cook for 1 minute, turn it off and keep it in the same water for 7 minutes.

3. How to hard boil eggs

Hard boiled eggs seem to be the easiest thing to do. You definitely can’t digest it, I always told myself. However, only recently I realized why sometimes boiled eggs turn out so tasteless and ugly.

In other words, there are rules here too.

To properly boil hard-boiled eggs, put them in cold water and after 1 minute after boiling, reduce the heat, cook for 7-8 minutes.

It is important not to overcook the eggs, otherwise the protein will become rubbery in taste, and the yolk will be covered with an unpleasant grayish coating.

How to boil marican eggs

I present here the results of this experiment. True, the eggs there were American :). So, American chef Jay Kenji Lopez-Alt got confused and decided to determine the ideal algorithm for boiling eggs. The prelude is as follows: an egg is placed in boiling water, aged for 30 seconds. Then Mr. Lopez-Alt threw some ice cubes into the water and brought the water back to a boil. And then every 30 seconds he took out the eggs and checked their readiness. Here's what happened:

How to boil eggs so they don't burst or crack

1. Salt the water - 2 tablespoons per liter. Even if the egg cracks, the protein will not leak out.
2. You can not put cold eggs in boiling water. Warm them up to room temperature by placing them in the refrigerator for an hour. Or heat it up in warm water.
3. From the blunt end, pierce the egg with a needle. On this side is an air sac. When heated, the air expands, the shell cracks. If the shell is pierced, the problem disappears. Simple physics.
4. Boil the eggs in a small saucepan. If there are few eggs, and the pan is large, they will roll and knock against each other during cooking.

And a few useful tips about boiling eggs in the end:

1. Boil eggs should be on low heat.
2. Fresh eggs (up to 4 days) should be cooked a little longer - 2-3 minutes.
3. After cooking, pour over the eggs with cold water - so they will be easier to clean from the shell.
4. Check whether the egg is boiled or not, you can do this: rotate the egg. If it spins fast, it's boiled. If slowly - raw.

Delightfully tender soft-boiled eggs, bouncy hard-boiled eggs, elegant pouched eggs - all these ways to boil eggs come down to the exact number of minutes of boiling and a few subtleties that are not difficult to remember.

How many minutes to boil eggs: video

Photo Shutterstock

How to cook hard boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are not only a great breakfast or light snack base, but also a frequent ingredient in pies, salads, and an addition to various soups. It is very important that such an egg does not have an unpleasant gray rim around a bright yolk, so that the protein does not turn into rubber, or, conversely, the yolk and protein do not turn out to be liquid. The correct sequence of actions and the exact observance of the boiling time will help to avoid these culinary disasters.

Just as the famous heroes of Swift, the Laputians, could not come to a consensus on which end to break eggs, so cooks cannot agree on what water to put them in to boil hard-boiled - boiling or cold. Supporters of the first method say they see no difference, and the cooking time is significantly reduced. Those who advocate the second option argue that this is how you will definitely protect the eggs from cracking.

Those who boil eggs in boiling water suggest piercing them with a special machine to avoid cracks, or adding a little vinegar, salt or soda to the water to help coagulate the protein and thus prevent it from “escaping” through the cracks.

Regardless of the method of preparation, eggs should be initially at room temperature.

Place one or more eggs in a saucepan or ladle. If you boil a lot of eggs, pay attention to the fact that they should all lie on the bottom of the dish in one layer, or you should boil them in several stages. Pour the eggs with cold water so that the liquid rises 3-4 centimeters above them. Bring the water to a boil. You can cover the eggs with a lid and turn off the heat, or you can turn the heat down to medium and cook the eggs uncovered. Eggs under the lid will be ready in 12-15 minutes, eggs in boiling water will be cooked in 10-12 minutes. The exact cooking time also depends on the size of the egg. The smaller it is, the faster it will be ready, and vice versa.

To stop the cooking process, the eggs must be cooled quickly. There are also two ways here. You can carefully drain the hot water and pour the cold water into the pot with the eggs, or you can use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs from the boiling water and transfer them to a bowl of ice water.

Boiling eggs for more than 15 minutes or leaving them in hot water for a long time after cooking will cause the yolk to become discolored and give off an unpleasant sulfuric odor.

How to cook soft-boiled and bagged eggs

Cooking a soft-boiled egg is not much more difficult than hard-boiling it. Time also plays a crucial role here. It is worth a little underexposure of the egg - and you will have a liquid protein. Overcook - instead of a soft-boiled egg, you end up with an egg in a bag, with the yolk seized around the edges, still liquid in the middle. But by boiling an egg in a bag and not calculating the time, you can get either a soft-boiled egg - with a delicate yolk and a seized protein, or a hard-boiled egg with a “grainy” yolk.

Get a ladle or saucepan large enough to hold the eggs in one layer. Fill a pot with enough water to cover the entire food, and bring the liquid to a boil. Take eggs at room temperature and, using a slotted spoon or tablespoon, drop them into boiling water. Reduce the heat, the water should boil "softly", without bubbling. To boil soft-boiled eggs, cook: - large egg - 3 minutes 30 seconds; - medium egg - 3 minutes exactly; - a small egg, such as a quail - 2 minutes 40 seconds.

To get an egg in a bag, boil: - large egg - 4 minutes 20 seconds; - medium egg - 3 minutes 50 seconds; - small egg - 3 minutes 30 seconds.

Dip the finished eggs in cold water for 1-2 minutes. Drain the water and again fill with fresh cold water for 1-2 minutes.

Choose eggs for boiling that are at least 5-7 days old. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to free them from the shell without damaging the protein.

The famous "culinary chemist" Heston Blumenthal cooks soft-boiled eggs a little differently. He puts them in a pot of cold water, just like for hard-boiling, covers them with a lid and brings them to a boil over high heat. As soon as the water boils, Blumenthal turns off the heat or removes the pan from the stove and keeps the egg under the lid in hot water for exactly 6 minutes. He serves hot eggs immediately, cutting off the lid from them with a special guillotine device.

What is the reason that sometimes the yolk stubbornly does not seize and flows out of the protein or, on the contrary, becomes rubbery? The thing is that protein and yolk must be cooked at different temperatures: the protein needs a temperature of 82 C, and the yolk 77 C. It is this temperature that is optimal, but it is not so easy to provide it in an ordinary saucepan. However, there are some tips on how to boil eggs quickly and tasty.

How to boil an egg in a bag?

Eggs in a bag are not as popular as soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, however, there are also a lot of connoisseurs of such a dish. Put chicken eggs in cold water, turn on the stove and boil them for four minutes. You can also try another option - put the eggs in already boiling water and forget about them for one minute. After that, the stove can be turned off and the eggs left for seven minutes. During this time, both protein and yolk will acquire the desired consistency and will please even the most demanding gourmets.

There is also this recipe on the Internet:
  1. Dip eggs into boiling water. After immersing the eggs, the water should boil again quickly, so you need to cook them over high heat and in a sufficient amount of boiling water.
  2. After 5-6 minutes after immersion in boiling water, the eggs should be removed, poured over with cold water and served hot.
We haven't tested it, but if you do, be sure to write in the comments and we'll make changes to make the pack more useful.

How to boil a soft boiled egg

First of all, you need to wash the chicken eggs. Then they must be lowered into cold water, put the pan on the fire and turn on the stove. Did the water boil? Now reduce the heat and boil the eggs for a couple of minutes over low heat - in this case, both the yolk and the protein will be liquid. True, many people like the other option: the yolk remains liquid, and the protein becomes solid. If you are in this category, then extend the process to three minutes.

Another interesting option is to put the eggs in boiling water and leave them for one minute. After that, the pan must be removed from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for five minutes. The result will be the same as in the first case - the yolk will still be liquid, and the protein will turn into a solid.

How to hard boil an egg

Many people think hard boiled eggs are easy. It is simply impossible to digest them, however, if you overexpose them in water even a little, their color will become unpleasant, and the eggs themselves will not acquire the best aftertaste. Also, eggs can become “rubber” - this will also negatively affect their taste.

Do you want your eggs to be tender? Then dip them in cold water, turn on the stove and when the water boils, wait until one minute has passed. Now turn down the heat and forget about the eggs for seven minutes. A good way out is to set a timer - it will help you remember that it's time to turn off the stove and, at the same time, eliminate the need to stand near it inseparably. Eggs cooked according to this recipe will be soft, neat and beautiful, and you will surely like their taste.

How to boil an egg perfectly?

It turns out that some people put on whole experiments in order to understand: is there an ideal recipe for boiling a chicken egg. And, surprisingly, they find out that there is! Jay Kenji Lopez-Alt, a chef from America, conducted an unusual experiment: he threw an egg into boiling water, kept it for half a minute, threw it into the lady's pan and brought the water back to a boil. Every half minute he checked to what stage the egg was cooked. Based on the results of his experiment, he found out what life hacks need to be applied in order for the eggs to be tasty and easy to cook.

  1. Salt the water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per liter. This will help prevent egg whites from leaking out even if the shell cracks or breaks.
  2. Pre-warm the eggs to room temperature. To do this, it is better to lay them out an hour or two before cooking. If you don't have time, just put the eggs in warm, but not hot, water to warm them up.
  3. Pierce the egg with a needle from the blunt end. There is a so-called "air sac", due to which, as a rule, cracks appear on the shell. Accordingly, if you let the air out, it will not expand, and the shell will not crack.
  4. Use a small saucepan to boil your eggs. This will help to avoid cracks, as eggs can roll, slam and bang against each other in a large pot. In a small bowl, this problem will not arise.

What to do if you can't boil eggs? First of all, do not panic: there is nothing wrong with the fact that they are fighting or covered with a cobweb of cracks, no. Most likely, you simply did not follow the above tips. Well, so that boiling eggs does not bring you absolutely no trouble, try to follow these rules as well. Then you will forget that once boiling eggs caused you unpleasant emotions.

  • You need to boil the eggs on low heat - this allows them to cook evenly and remain whole.
  • If you have fresh eggs in the refrigerator, remember that they need to cook a couple of minutes longer.
  • To make it easier for you to peel the eggs after boiling, put them under running ice water for two to three minutes. With this tip, you can quickly and easily get rid of the shell.
  • Want to know if an egg is cooked? There is no need to break it right away. Just spin it on the table: if it spins slowly, then it's raw, but if it spins quickly, then it's already cooked and you can eat it with pleasure.
  • In order for the egg to be easily peeled, lightly tap on its sides with a knife. This will help the shell quickly and easily move away from the protein.

Ready! Now you will have no doubts about how to boil eggs properly. Ready-made eggs can be eaten just like that, lightly sprinkled with salt, or used in hundreds of different dishes: from salads to hot dishes. We have collected for you best cooking recipes so you can experiment and enjoy your food. Experiment and share your experience with us!

Video recipe how to boil eggs

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