How long to dry peanuts in the oven. Video: How to fry peanuts in a frying pan and remove the skins. How to roast peanuts - the best ways to roast nuts with sugar, salt and glaze How long to roast peanuts in the oven

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How to cook roasted peanuts in the oven? Useful tips and recommendations. Step by step recipe with photo. Video recipe.
Recipe contents:

Peanuts are the most inexpensive nut that can be purchased raw and roasted at home with your own hands. There are several ways to prepare roasted peanuts. But the nuts will bake most evenly in the oven. This method is the simplest, but also the longest. However, it gives good results with a minimum of effort and no culinary skills. For example, heat treatment in a frying pan will take 15 minutes, and frying on a baking sheet will take from 30 minutes to an hour. To roast peanuts in the oven, you need to know the correct operating algorithm.

  • Peanuts in the shell do not need to be washed. It takes 25 minutes to prepare.
  • Peanuts in thin husks, can be washed and dried. It takes 20 minutes to prepare.
  • Peeled peanuts must be washed. It takes 15 minutes to prepare.
  • If desired, the baking sheet can be covered with parchment or foil. This will simplify the cleaning process.
  • To bake peanuts, heat the oven to 100 degrees.
  • When cooking nuts in the oven, stir them every 5 minutes. This way they will cook evenly.
  • Place peanuts on a baking sheet in one layer so that they bake evenly.
  • A large number of nuts are fried in several batches.
  • The nuts are not removed from the baking sheet immediately, but are left to cool on it. This way they continue to bake without the threat of being overcooked.
  • You can cook peanuts in the oven salty or sweet, with spices, seasonings and herbs. The selected additive is sprinkled on the peanuts after removing them from the oven.
  • The shelled nut is cooled for half an hour, in the shell for several hours.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 622 kcal.
  • Number of servings - any quantity
  • Cooking time - 20-30 minutes


  • Peanuts - any quantity

Step-by-step preparation of roasted peanuts in the oven, recipe with photo:

1. Place the peanuts in a sieve and wash. Although it is not necessary to wash it. Therefore, do this action as you wish. Place the nuts in a thin layer on a clean, dry baking sheet. There is no need to grease the pan with anything. It is advisable that there is a small distance between the peanuts.

2. Heat the oven to 100 degrees and roast the peanuts for half an hour. At the same time, take it out of the oven every 5 minutes and stir it so that it bakes evenly. If the nuts have been pre-washed, they will dry for the first 15 minutes, so there is no need to stir them.
Leave the finished roasted peanuts in the oven to cool on a baking sheet. After this, peel it. The husk is very easily removed from the roasted nut; just rub it in your palms. Pour the peeled peanuts into a glass bowl and serve.

The pleasant-tasting, salty nuts have long won millions of fans around the world. Moreover, such a delicacy is not only an excellent snack, but also nourishes the body useful substances. Don't look for fresh and natural product on the shelves, since you can fry peanuts in your kitchen, at home.

When eating roasted peanuts, remember that they contain calories. Per 100 grams – 551 kcal. The benefits of this product are very great. It has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on wounds that do not heal for a long time, and increases potency in both men and women. Indicated for sleep problems.

The harm lies in the fact that raw beans, and these are legumes, will cause the stomach to panic and may disrupt its functioning, and eating it with the shell can cause an allergic reaction in some. This nut is not suitable for constant eating, or eating in large quantities, since over time your scales may unpleasantly surprise you with an increased number.

How to choose and prepare raw peanuts for a dish

  • Examine raw peanuts to ensure that their skin is a soft pink color and free from damage or blemishes.
  • Feel free to smell it when purchasing. There should be no smell at all, the maximum should be a light pleasant aroma, without any foreign odors, otherwise the roasted peanuts will not be tasty.
  • When you get home, rinse it under running cool water, making sure that during the water procedure the nuts do not get wet or steam.
  • After such a shower, let them dry on a clean towel.

Let's prepare fried salted peanuts, following simple instructions, with a step-by-step action plan.

How to fry peanuts in a frying pan?!

It won’t take you long to figure out how to fry peanuts, because the recipe is quite simple:

  1. Look for a roomy frying pan with a heavy bottom and add nuts into it. There is no need to pour it right to the top; haste will ruin the job. The thickness of the layer of nuts should not exceed a couple of centimeters. Turn up the heat as much as possible.
  2. As soon as the frying pan is hot, turn on the oven and fry, stirring with a spatula. Be sure to taste while cooking.
  3. You will have to stand at the stove for about a quarter of an hour. If the pan is thicker, then a little more time. The difference is a couple of minutes.
  4. Roasted peanuts are ready. It will be an excellent snack for various drinks.

It is very important that in order to properly fry the peanuts, do not forget to turn them over with a spatula during the process. A couple of rancid nuts can discourage you from enjoying this dish.

How to roast peanuts in the microwave?!

  1. On a special microwave-safe saucer, place the beans in a thin layer.
  2. There is no need to cover it, just turn on the oven at full blast for about five minutes. Voila, the delicious roasted peanuts are ready.

This option is best served with salt, then it will gain real popularity in your kitchen.

Can you roast peanuts in the oven?

Answer: of course you can. You can prepare this versatile nut yourself in a delicious way. For culinary impromptu we present step by step instructions to action.

  • Spread the nuts in the shell onto a baking sheet in a thin layer. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Send the beans to simmer there for half an hour. Remove the pan and let it cool.
  • If you have time, you can improve this recipe. Peel the cooled nuts, pour in a salt solution or sugar syrup, and return to the heat for 5 minutes. After this, turn off the oven and forget about the nuts for a quarter of an hour.

Your aromatic roasted peanuts are ready. You can already invite guests to cozy gatherings.

How to cook salted peanuts “For Friends”

There are several secrets to preparing this delicacy. You just need “nuts”, salt and water. Let's lift the veil of secrecy:

  1. Add nuts to the pan. Secret No. 1 - do not pour oil into the frying pan, as this product has enough of its own oil, much better quality, peanut oil.
  2. Fry until done. Secret No. 2 - the nut is ready if its skin cracks loudly and is removed with light pressure.
  3. Peel the nuts. Secret No. 3 – rub it with your fingers, the skin will quickly come off and it will become easy to handle further. Or you can pour the nuts into a metal sieve and mix them well. The skins will be immediately strained, and the peeled nuts will remain in the sieve.
  4. Season with salt. Secret #4 – Mix the brine solution. Combine half a teaspoon of salt with a teaspoon of water. You can increase the dose, but keep the proportions. Pour the nuts with this solution. Return them to the pan and fry until the water has evaporated.
  5. If you want to keep up with the store-bought counterpart, when finished frying, sprinkle the nuts with any vegetable oil.
  6. Sweet peanuts are prepared using exactly the same principle, only instead of salted water, you need to pour in sweet water and wait until the crystallized sugar sticks tightly to the kernels.

Rest assured, such a dish will not harm the body of either an adult or a child, because no chemical additives were used in its composition.

Video: How to fry peanuts in a frying pan and remove the skins

Peanuts or groundnuts are a tasty, relatively inexpensive and accessible product native to southern countries. It is sold already fried or raw, completely peeled, in shell and without shell, but with films. You can make your own raw peanuts. There are many recipes, but uniform roasting is achieved only when baked in the oven. You can extract oil from the fried kernels or use them as an ingredient in your favorite dishes. Nuts add a hint of piquant flavor to baked goods, desserts, snacks and even side dishes, soups, and sauces. If you want to learn this simple art, then it's time to learn how to roast peanuts in the oven.

Cooking features

Although baking peanuts in the oven is not that difficult, even this simple task has its tricks. Nuts should be placed on a baking sheet in one layer. This method will ensure uniform roasting, and you will not find half-baked or overcooked kernels in the portion. If you have too many peanuts in stock, then you shouldn’t save time; it’s better to fry them in several batches. The baking sheet should be covered with parchment paper. Although the kernels will not stick to it, it will be much easier to remove them.

During the roasting process, every five minutes you need to open the oven and stir the nuts with a spatula. After the cooking time is over, do not rush to remove the pan from the oven. Let the kernels simmer a little more and gradually cool down. Peeled nuts will need about half an hour to cool, and the kernels in the shell should be left for twice as long. It’s not worth stocking up on this delicacy for future use, as its shelf life is limited.

Step-by-step recipe for shelled peanuts in the oven

The process of preparing shelled peanuts begins with preparing the product. Although high temperature and kills most germs, it is not known what the product survived before it came into your hands. First you need to figure out how to properly wash and dry peanuts before roasting:

  • First, you need to rinse it thoroughly under cold running water. For this you will need a colander.
  • Then the nuts are allowed to drain in a colander, and then poured onto a spread towel.
  • Now it will take at least 30 minutes for the excess moisture to be absorbed into the fabric.

While the nuts are drying, you can turn on the oven to save time. The product, like baked goods, should only be placed in a preheated oven. You need to set the temperature to 150-170 degrees. The prepared kernels are poured onto a baking sheet and placed in the oven. How long to roast peanuts without shells? For completely peeled nuts, 10-15 minutes will be enough. If they have a pink film on them, then the time needs to be increased by an additional 3-5 minutes.

How to Roast Peanuts in Shells

This frying method is practically no different from the previous one, except for the time required for cooking. It is also advisable to lightly rinse and dry peanuts in the shell. Then the same algorithm of actions is used as with peeled kernels, but the shell will bake a little longer. The nuts need to be kept for about 15-20 minutes.

With salt

Salted nuts are classic recipe preparing peanuts. Get something so simple, but delicious snack possible in two ways. In the first option, you need to prepare and bake the nuts, and after turning off the oven, when they have not yet cooled down, simply sprinkle salt on top and stir.

For the second method, you need to prepare a brine. You will need 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 glass of water. The washed kernels are placed in liquid for 30 minutes. Then they are removed and allowed to drain a little. Now in the oven using the same technology as simple unsalted nuts. Kernels with salt will be an excellent snack for beer.

Spicy peanuts roasted in the oven

To cook spicy snack For gourmets, you will need a set of spices. First you need to roast the peanuts in the oven. When it is evenly baked, remove the baking sheet and sprinkle the kernels with a mixture of a pinch of salt, white and black pepper, paprika and dried garlic. To taste, you can add a couple of grams of grated ginger to this set to obtain fiery notes or aromatic curry.

Peanuts in honey glaze

Roasted peanuts with honey glaze - great option for lovers of sweets. You will need honey and butter in a 1:1 ratio. For 1 cup of peanuts, 1 tablespoon of honey and butter. While the kernels are drying on a towel, the other two ingredients are placed in a bowl and heated in a water bath. Then all the components are mixed and the nut mass is placed in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees. In this case, the peanuts are fried until the kernels are browned. After cooking, they can be sprinkled with sugar.

For lovers of unusual tastes there is another recipe. The nuts are prepared using a similar technology, but while they are simmering, mix a pinch of red pepper, salt, garlic and sugar in a separate container. When the appetizer is ready, sprinkle it with this mixture and leave to cool completely.

The benefits and harms of roasted peanuts

Groundnuts are a high-calorie product. If a person adheres proper nutrition, then you should not abuse peanuts. When used in moderation, this product is perfect even for the diet of those losing weight and athletes, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Do not get carried away with salty and spicy snacks, the recipes for which were given above.

Some people have an individual intolerance to peanuts. Fried kernels must be cleaned of films in which the allergen concentration is highest. The product removes “bad” cholesterol from the body and supports cardiovascular system, helps normalize blood pressure. It contains antioxidants that bind free radicals. This allows you to maintain the elasticity of your skin and the beauty of your hair and nails. Peanuts even act as a sedative, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Both children and adults love to enjoy delicious peanuts. In stores you can buy something for every taste. But the most appetizing, aromatic ones are obtained only when you make them yourself. There is nothing complicated about preparing peanuts at home - you just need to fry them. Before frying peanuts, you should decide on the recipe and cooking method, but the main thing is to choose a quality product.

How to fry deliciously

To make homemade roasted nuts tasty, you need to buy good raw peanuts. It should not be too littered, with rancid unpleasant smell. It is also better not to take wet kernels. You should take a closer look to see if there are any traces of insects.

If you buy unshelled peanuts, shake one fruit - the kernels should not rattle too loudly, as this means that this is a dry and most likely stale product.

Fresh peanuts are not only tasty, but also healthy. It contains a lot of vitamins, microelements, fats. For exhaustion, vitamin deficiency, after protracted illnesses, etc. this product is irreplaceable.

True, its benefits are not always clear, especially if a person is prone to food allergies. Harm also occurs with excessive consumption due to high calorie content. Also, you should not get carried away with nuts if you have problems with your joints.

Fry in a frying pan

Let's move on to frying. The most basic and affordable way- in a frying pan, which should be thick-walled, with high sides and a comfortable handle. It is advisable that its diameter be larger, since the nuts are poured in a thin layer. The frying process is simple:

  • quickly rinse cleaned raw kernels under running water;
  • dry on a towel;
  • pour into a hot frying pan;
  • stirring constantly with a spatula, fry over low heat for 10-15 minutes;
  • turn it off and let it cool;
  • Peel the finished roasted nuts from the husks, kneading them with your hands.

If you want, you can add a little vegetable oil - the kernels will be more aromatic and rosy.

Salted peanuts can be prepared in a frying pan by simply sprinkling with fine salt 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking. And here a drop of vegetable oil is extremely necessary - it will play the role of a link between the kernels and the salt.

Roast in the oven

It's even easier to fry in the oven, especially if you have a good modern oven with simultaneous heating from below and from above.

Pour the washed, dried nuts onto a baking sheet in one layer and place in a preheated oven.

At what temperature to fry? 170-180 degrees is considered ideal. After 10-12 minutes, take it out, cool it and peel off the pink shell.

You can cook salted peanuts in the oven in the same way as in a frying pan - adding salt 2-3 minutes before the end of the process. Or you can pre-soak the kernels in brine for 20 minutes (1 glass of water - 1 tablespoon of salt).

Microwave cooking

IN microwave oven Peanuts roast the fastest - it takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare a whole glass. The power should be maximum. It is also important to remember some nuances:

  • put the wet product in the microwave;
  • Be sure to stir every 1.5-2 minutes;
  • We check the readiness by taste - in a microwave oven there is no golden brownness on the kernels, that is, it is difficult to determine visually.

If you want salted nuts, add salt at the very beginning of cooking, mixing it well with the wet kernels.

Is it possible to fry in a slow cooker?

A multicooker is a great helper in the kitchen. And with its help you can prepare almost any dish. Including roasted peanuts.

What to do if the peanuts are unshelled?

You can often find unshelled peanuts in shells on the shelves. It is believed that such nuts are healthier and also safe from a hygiene point of view. Frying them is also easy.

You can, of course, peel the shells first, or you can cook it just like that. If you want to fry peanuts in the shell, it is better to use the oven; it takes 12 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Now, I think you know for sure that homemade roasted peanuts are tasty, healthy and very simple.

Video - roasting peanuts and peeling them

The video shows how easy and simple it is to peel roasted peanuts.

Peanuts are one of the most inexpensive nuts, especially if you buy them raw and cook them at home yourself. Cooking methods roasted peanuts there are many recipes at home, even more. But if you want the nuts to bake evenly without any special tricks on your part, then it won’t hurt you to learn how to roast peanuts in the oven. After all, this method allows you to get excellent results with a minimum of effort and even in the absence of any culinary skills.

Cooking features

Although roasting peanuts in the oven is not difficult, knowing how to do it correctly is essential.

  • Raw peanuts are sold in-shell, unshelled, and fully shelled. The method of preparing peanuts for frying and the cooking time depend on how well they are “dressed”. Peanuts enclosed in a shell do not need to be washed, but they do need to be cooked for quite a long time - 25 minutes. Peanuts covered only with a thin husk are best washed and dried well. Its preparation time is 20 minutes. Fully peeled peanuts must be washed. It prepares the fastest - only a quarter of an hour.
  • To simplify the cleaning process, it would not hurt to cover the baking sheet on which the peanuts will be roasted with parchment or foil.
  • Peanuts should not be roasted too hot hot oven(at 100 degrees), placing the baking sheet approximately in the center of the oven. In this case, it is recommended to remove the baking sheet with nuts from the oven every 5 minutes to mix them. This is not necessary, but it is advisable to ensure that the nuts are roasted evenly.
  • Place the peanuts on a baking sheet in one layer - this is the only way they will bake well and evenly. If you want to fry more nuts, you will have to do this in several batches.
  • Once the baking sheet with peanuts is removed from the oven, you do not need to immediately remove the nuts from it. As they cool, they will continue to cook without the risk of overcooking.
  • Roasted peanuts are delicious on their own, but many people like them salty or sweet, with various spices and seasonings. If using them, it's best to sprinkle them on the peanuts immediately after they come out of the oven.
  • If peanuts in the husks were used for frying, then it will be easy to remove them after they are fried: just rub them in your palms.
  • Make sure the peanuts are cool before you try them. Shelled nuts need half an hour for this, and shelled peanuts need several hours.

The peculiarities of cooking peanuts in the oven may depend on the chosen recipe.

Spicy peanuts roasted in the oven

  • peanuts – 0.5 kg;
  • salt (fine) – 20 g;
  • ground cayenne pepper – 2 g;
  • dried ground garlic – 5 g;
  • paprika – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the nuts and place them on a baking sheet.
  • Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for 15–25 minutes.
  • Every 5 minutes, take out the baking sheet with nuts and mix them with a spatula.
  • Once the nuts are ready, remove the pan from the oven.
  • Mix salt with hot seasonings, sprinkle peanuts with it and stir.
  • After half an hour, remove the peanuts from the baking sheet and place in a vase. It is also advisable to remove peanuts from paper bag– it can be stored in it for 4 weeks.

Recipe for the occasion::

This recipe makes Asian-style spicy peanuts. If you want to get a less spicy snack, the amount of spices should be reduced. You also need to add half as much salt. Spices and herbs You can use others, choosing their bouquet to suit your taste. If you want sweet peanuts, instead of salt and pepper you should use powdered sugar and cinnamon. For the amount of peanuts specified in the recipe, two tablespoons of powder and one tablespoon of ground cinnamon are enough.

Peanuts in honey glaze

  • peanuts – 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • honey (melted) – 50 ml;
  • salt (fine) – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Take completely shelled peanuts. If necessary, peel the peanuts by soaking them in hot water for 5 minutes.
  • Melt the honey by mixing it with vegetable oil(refined).
  • Using a pastry brush, brush the honey glaze over the nuts. If you need to save time, you can simply immerse the nuts in the sweet mixture and remove them from it using a slotted spoon, allowing the excess glaze to drain off.
  • Roll the glazed peanuts in small quantity salt.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the glazed peanuts on it.
  • Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees, for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the baking sheet with nuts, stir the nuts with a spatula and let them cool for an hour.

Peanuts in honey glaze turn out appetizing, aromatic and sweet. It can be served with tea and cocoa, or eaten just like that.

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