How many crew members should one cook serve? Calculation of the area of ​​production premises. The most important changes this spring

home / First meal

The turnout number of production workers in a workshop is determined by the formulas: 2.28 and 2.29. Calculation of labor costs is presented in the form of table 2.41

Table 2.41-Calculation of labor costs for the cold shop

Remove the table, move the columns with a green marker to production. workshop program

Name of dish

Labor intensity factor

Labor costs person-hour

Cold dishes and snacks


Herring in sour cream with apple and onion

Salad "Bonaparte"

Czech salad

Salad with sprats " Old Riga»

Salad “Madame Courage”

Prince Salad

Warm salad with chicken

Homemade brawn

Sweet foods and drinks

Ice cream "Air"

Salad “Fruit Dream”

Cream “Almond Delight”

Smoothie “Strawberry Cloud”

Redcurrant juice

Freshly squeezed orange juice

N yav = 68770/41400 = 1.6

N list = 1.6*1.5*1.32=3.16

We are hiring 2 cooks per shift.

We draw up a shift schedule for the cooks to work in Table 2.42.

Table 2.42-Chefs' work schedule

You have a payroll of 3 cooks, which means there are 3 cooks working in total

Working time limit



2.6.7 Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment Selection of tables

The required length of tables (L, m) is determined by formula 2.20

L = 1.25*3 here we take the number of cooks working simultaneously in the workshop = 3.75

We accept 1 table with a SMVSM washing tub with overall dimensions 1470x840x900. We accept 3 SP-1470 tables. With overall dimensions 1470x840x900.

2.6.8 Determination of workshop area

The calculation of the area of ​​the hot shop is determined by formula 2.21. The calculation of the useful area of ​​the cold shop is drawn up in table 2.42

Table 2.43 - Calculation of the usable area of ​​the cold shop

Where is the table with the wash tub?

Table with installation of small mechanization equipment

Sectional modulated production table

on the table

Redmond RHB-2908

on the table


Hand wash sink

Waste tank


on the table

Continuation of table 2.43

The area of ​​the cold shop is calculated using formula (2.21)

Stotal = 7.38/0.4=18.45

We assume an area equal to 18 m2. the area is taken to the larger side

Our cadet boarding school houses 320 cadets with 24-hour stays. The dining room staff works in shifts. (Shift - 2 cooks, 2 dishwashers, 1 kitchen worker, 1 cleaner). Tell me, please, how many cooks should there be per shift for 320 cadets?


The number of employees of an organization (a separate unit, for example, a canteen) is determined by its head in accordance with the structure of the organization, its functions and levels of management. As a general rule, employers are free to determine both the staffing levels by position and profession, and the number of employees performing a particular job function.

At the same time, for certain types of activities, as well as institutions and organizations, there are legally established standards for the number that are mandatory. However, at present, no special standards for the number of employees at cadet boarding schools have been approved.

At the same time, there are a number of legislative acts on determining staffing levels, which are advisory in nature. In particular, these are provided for budgetary organizations. In this document, the calculation of staffing levels is based on labor standards, on the basis of which the required number of employees is calculated to perform a particular job function.

The number of employees based on labor standards can be determined by the formula:

The standard working time for one employee per year is conventionally taken to be 2000 hours.

accounting and financial services employees ();

labor protection service employees ();

employees of health complexes ();

A number of these standards contain special methods for calculating the number of employees, on the basis of which organizations can also form the total number of employees or the number of individual departments.

Guided by the data obtained from the calculations, the organization draws up and approves (instructions, approved).

Nina Kovyazina,

Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Russian Ministry of Health

2.Legal basis:

Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 01/08/1990 N 12/2-24

"On approval of standards for the number of workers in health-improving complexes (boarding houses and holiday homes) of enterprises, organizations and institutions in sectors of the national economy"

2.3. Standards for the number of employees,

engaged in catering

2.3.1. Standards for the number of kitchen workers

The content of the work. Ensuring complete and rational nutrition vacationers. Preparation, presentation and distribution of required dishes and snacks (salads, vinaigrettes, etc.); cooking broths (meat and bone, fish, etc.); cooking soups (dressing, puree, etc.); preparing various sautés, sauces (tomato, onion, etc.); preparing second courses of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, cereals in boiled, stewed and other forms; preparing dishes from concentrates. Kneading dough (unleavened, yeast, puff pastry, shortbread) and baking products from it (kulebyaki, pies, etc.). Preparation, presentation and release of various dietary dishes. Distribution of portioned meals.

Carrying out auxiliary work on food preparation and culinary products(straining, rubbing, etc.); primary culinary processing of raw materials (defrosting meat, fish, washing, peeling and cutting herbs and vegetables, gutting game, poultry, processing offal, etc.), seasoning poultry for boiling and frying, preparing fish for cooking; production of portioned semi-finished products.

Baking or frying confectionery or bakery products. Laying dough pieces on sheets, in molds; planting them in ovens, ovens; control over the temperature and humidity of the baking chamber; determining the readiness of baked goods; removing them and cooling them. Maintenance of baking chambers, ovens, donut machines and other equipment.

Peeling potatoes, vegetables and fruits by hand or by machine. Supervise the process of machine peeling of potatoes and root crops and comply with waste standards. Cleaning (from eyes, stains, remaining skin) of potatoes, beets, carrots and other root vegetables after machine peeling; sorting, calibrating, washing potatoes and root crops manually (in baths or tanks) or using machines (sorting, washing).

Delivery of products from the health complex warehouse to the kitchen. Opening boxes, barrels, bags of food. Filling boilers with water and installing them on the stove. Delivery of pots of prepared food from distribution (manually, on a cart, etc.). Delivery of used dishes and clean dishes to production workshops for washing. Delivery of empty containers to the pantry (warehouse). Sawing, chopping wood, crushing coal, heating the stove, turning on electric, gas stoves and boilers. Collection and delivery of production waste.

Receiving bakery products and cutting bread. Removing food residues from dirty dishes and collecting food waste.

Washing cutlery, tableware, kitchen utensils, trays and equipment using detergents and disinfectants. Preparation of special detergents, wiping and drying dishes and equipment. Delivery of clean dishes for distribution.

Performers: chef, cook 2 - 5 categories, dishwasher, kitchen worker.

Table 13



│Quantity │ Standard │Number ││Quantity │ Standard │Number │


│ people │ people │tiva ││ people │ people │tiva │


│ Up to 100 │ 4.52 │ 1 ││ 700 │ 27.20 │ 13 │

│ 150 │ 6,41 │ 2 ││ 750 │ 28,35 │ 14 │

│ 200 │ 8,30 │ 3 ││ 800 │ 30,98 │ 15 │

│ 250 │ 10,19 │ 4 ││ 850 │ 32,87 │ 16 │

│ 300 │ 12,08 │ 5 ││ 900 │ 34,76 │ 17 │

│ 350 │ 13,97 │ 6 ││ 950 │ 36,65 │ 18 │

│ 400 │ 15,86 │ 7 ││ 1000 │ 38,54 │ 19 │

│ 450 │ 17,75 │ 8 ││ 1100 │ 42,32 │ 20 │

│ 500 │ 19,64 │ 9 ││ 1300 │ 49,88 │ 21 │

│ 550 │ 21,53 │ 10 ││ 1500 │ 56,70 │ 22 │

│ 600 │ 23,42 │ 11 ││ 2000 │ 76,34 │ 23 │

│ 650 │ 25,31 │ 12 ││ 2500 │ 95,24 │ 24 │

│ │ │ ││ and above │ │ │


Notes 1. The number of dishwashers is not included in this standard and is determined according to the service standard - 2 people per shift for 1 dishwasher.

2. In the absence of a dishwasher, the number of dishwashers is established according to local standards developed by the technical standardization method.

3. The headcount standard does not take into account labor costs for cutting bread. The number of 2nd category cooks is determined by the production rate: when cutting bread by machine - 500 kg per shift - 1 person, manually - 300 kg per shift - 1 person.

The most important changes this spring!

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Specification of mobile bathtubs

Selection of production tables

When designing a fish workshop, the length of the tables is calculated for each technological operation in accordance with technological scheme primary processing of fish.

The length of the tables is calculated using the following formula:

where: L - table length for a specific technological operation, m;

m is the mass of simultaneously processed products, kg;

n is the standard table length for a given operation for one cook, m;

a - production rate, kg/h

t is the permissible processing time for the product.

Table length standards for one chef

Standards for the production of semi-finished products per cook

In our case, the length of the tables for removing scales, heads, tails, fins, and entrails will be:

We select 3 SP-2 production tables with a total length of 4.5 m. RO-1M fish scalers will be installed on these same tables.

To portion fish:

We select one production table SP-3, 2 m long, and dial scales VNTs-10 will be installed on it.

Specification of production tables

Selecting scales

To weigh the fish before portioning, mobile platform weight scales VSP-500 m installed in the meat shop will be used. To control the weight of fish portions, we use dial scales VNTs-10 without calculations.

We record the equipment intended for the fish workshop in the fish workshop specification table, indicating the name, brand, quantity and occupied area. Then we determine the total area occupied by the equipment, which will be called S floor (useful).

Fishing workshop specification

We determine the total area of ​​the fish workshop using the formula:

where: q - coefficient of utilization of the area of ​​the fish workshop (q = 0.5)

S total =30.2 m 2

Calculation of the staff of cooks and daily workload

The staffing level of canteen workers is determined based on the number of employees required to prepare lunch dishes.

The calculation is carried out in conventional dishes, taking into account the time standards established for preparing a unit of product.

The number of cooks is calculated using the formula:

where: N y - number of conditional dishes;

t y - time norm for one conventional dish (0.028 h)

t is the duration of cooking, which depends on the operating conditions of the canteen of the military unit, h.

1.15 - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity

Calculation of the number of conditional dishes

Based on this, to prepare lunch you need:

Thus, the need for cooks for a maximum shift will be 9 people.

Some of the cooks on this shift also prepare dinner. Another shift of cooks must prepare breakfast, consisting of one hot dish and tea. This shift consists of 20% of the number of cooks involved in preparing lunch.

In our case this will be 2 people.

The third shift of cooks is resting; the cooks can conduct combat, political and special training. It includes up to 40% of the number of cooks preparing lunch. This will make 4 people. Thus, the total number of cooks will be 15 people.

The composition of the shifts is finally determined when drawing up the work schedule of the cooks. The schedule is drawn up for 7 days, indicating the working time of each shift and taking into account weekends.

However, in a military unit, the number of cooks in the canteen is established by its staff.

In accordance with the Guidelines for organizing catering for personnel of military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, when determining the number of cooks, the following standards are used:

in the canteen where they eat:

· up to 150 people - 3 cooks,

· from 151 to 200 people - 4 cooks,

· subsequently, for every 125 meals, 1 cook is added.

An instructor-cook is employed when there are more than 500 people eating and is not counted in the estimated number of cooks, and a food preparation technology master is kept when there are more than 1000 people eating.

We will create a work schedule for the cooks.

Chefs' working hours

Days, weeks and times

Number of duties

Number of hours

The chefs' work schedule, signed by the chef instructor, is approved by the head of the canteen.

Calculation of the number of persons in a daily canteen outfit for workshops and premises is made on the basis of production standards for semi-finished products, the number of natural or conventional units of product that a cook or shift must produce per unit of time.

In accordance with the Guidelines for organizing catering for personnel of military units and institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a daily canteen assignment is assigned for cleaning premises, delivering food from the warehouse to the canteen, cleaning and finishing fresh potatoes and vegetables, serving dinner tables, washing tableware and kitchen utensils and other utility work.

The daily attire for the canteen is allocated on the basis of: up to 100 people eating in the canteen - 3-4 people, an additional 2 people are allocated for every subsequent 100 people eating.

Based on this, the total number of persons per day in the dining room will be in our case:

For slicing bread, portioning sugar and dispensing them, a bread cutter is allocated for a period determined by the unit commander, based on the number of people eating in a given canteen: up to 500 people. -1; 501-1000 people - 2 and over 1000 people. - 3.

We accept - 2 people.

How many cooks does a restaurant really need?

There is a formula that I developed a long time ago for cooks. We multiply all dishes sold by gross output and divide by thirty days, the number of hours per shift and the number of cooks and get output in kg per hour per cook. And we are surprised by the result.

“There are clearly more of them than needed,” you might think. “There are too many of them,” I will answer. It is impossible to get rid of extra cooks in one iteration. The establishment will stop. The kitchen will come up. What to do?

Look for a competent manager. Production, able to work on workpieces. One small shocker in a restaurant will solve your problems. You divide cooks into preparers and preparers. Procurers are people without family or tribe in the profession who make cutlets for lunch and cook soups and side dishes, pour them into buckets and shock (in the good sense of the word). They come early in the morning, led by this woman of about fifty, and wander around all the shops, while the cooks - pre-cookers - evening workers sleep peacefully after a long evening shift. They give lunch from 12 to 14 and go home. Five days. Salary 20,000 rubles in any region. Three people + a foreman for one establishment with 150 seats. There is no need to roll the meatballs into the soup every day - they lie in the chamber and wait to be added to the broth, which in a bag stands next to a stone block of ice in the same chamber. All this splendor is defrosted without loss of taste and collected in soup for lunch. Therefore, they do not work like Groundhog Day, but every day they make different groups of semi-finished products. People without qualifications, not cooks - kitchen workers. Like at McDonald's - the adaptation period is three days. If you don’t like your job, good-bye to the crisis labor market.

At lunchtime, partygoers arrive with everything ready. Everything is marked. Arranged in gastronorm containers, in disposable trays, wrapped in cling film, packaged in bags, hung, washed. Freebie.

Only regeneration (frying pan, grill, deep fryer, wig, stove), hanging and mixing (cold shop) and defrosting (confectionery shop). Two of them come out on weekdays, and on weekends the manager comes out with them. production to help. The confectioner works 5/2 according to the same scheme - she has her own small shocker and freezer.

No fuss, no fuss, no excitement, nerves, psychosis and jambs and stops on the menu. Everything is clear, fast and of stable quality. Study the properties of blast freezing. 99% of what you feed your children at home was once frozen raw materials, so don’t be prudes and read obscenities. Part.

What will this approach to the separation of the kitchen and the functionality of cooks give:

Reduction of payroll;

Increasing sales volume due to the speed of work and the speed of delivery of dishes;

Transparent accounting;

Avoiding scales (everything was weighed in advance);

No write-offs;

Stable staff (work is easy and not stressful);

Satisfied guests and increased profits due to word of mouth.

P.S. I’ll tell you a secret that all the largest holdings have been working this way for a long time. And you don't need sous vide or vacuum. Almost anything can be frozen without losing quality or nutrients.

There are no standard standards for the number of catering establishments. There is only Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 1993 No. 88 “On approval of standards for determining the number of personnel engaged in servicing preschool institutions (nurseries, nursery schools, kindergartens)”, standards for the number of employees for the function “preparing baby food” were approved.

It is necessary to develop standards for the production of cooks ourselves, based on the standards of labor legislation provided for in Art. 160-163 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To do this, the employer must adopt a local regulatory act providing for the introduction of appropriate labor standards for cooks. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance.

Labor rationing is carried out according to the main categories of working professions (maids, cooks, waiters, etc.), whose work can be rationed. For each position, a photograph of the working day is created, in which the production process of an average employee in terms of labor productivity is timed step by step.

To determine labor standards, a mathematical method is used to calculate production standards. The production rate (Nvyr) is the amount of products/services produced per unit of working time or per one average hotel employee for a certain period (hour, shift, month, quarter, year). It is calculated as the ratio of the volume of products produced or services provided (OP) to the working time spent on the production of these products or services (T) or to the average number of employees (H):

Nvyr = OP: T or Nvyr = OP: Ch.

Hourly (HF) and daily (VDN) output per employee is determined similarly:


OPMES - volume of products/services per month (quarter, year);

TCHAS, TDN - the number of man-hours, man-days (working time) worked by all employees per month (quarter, year).

When calculating hourly output, man-hours worked do not include intra-shift downtime, so it most accurately characterizes the level of labor productivity.

When calculating daily output, all-day downtime and absenteeism are not included in man-days worked.

The standard number of workers is established for the most common conditions for performing work in a hotel in accordance with current quality requirements, safety and technical operation rules, taking into account the provision of workplaces with the necessary technological equipment and inventory in relation to the nature of the work performed. Number standards are established taking into account the necessary time spent on preparatory and final work, rest and personal needs, on transitions to ensure standard operation technological equipment. If the numerical values ​​of factors differ significantly from the limit values, it is recommended to determine the standard number based on production needs, ensuring rational loading. At the same time, in each individual case it is necessary to resolve the issue of employees performing additional functions, taking into account economic feasibility and ensuring the quality of work.

When determining the number of employees (Nn) according to production standards, the formula can be used:

Nch = OPpl: (Nvyr x Kvn),

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