How long does wine ferment - the approximate duration of fermentation of grapes and other fruits. How long does the mash with sugar ferment: determining the exact time When the mash with sugar begins to ferment

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So how long should you steep the mash for moonshine? The time will depend on the raw materials used and their quality, as well as the quality of water, sugar and yeast. Do not use boiled water to prepare mash: it lacks the oxygen that yeast needs to breathe. In addition to the quality and type of raw materials, the temperature, air humidity and the presence/absence of drafts also influence how long the mash should be infused. Due to such an abundance of parameters, it is only possible to navigate the readiness time approximately. On average, this figure ranges from 7 to 10 days.

Below are the approximate fermentation times for mash made from different raw materials:

Sugar mash: 5-14 days (optimally 7-10 days)
Grain mash: 3-7 days
Grape mash without using yeast (with “wild” yeast): 3-9 weeks
Homemade jam: 5-10 days
Braga on peaches: 30-35 days
Braga with birch sap: 7-15 days

To distill fully matured mash, it is best for a beginning distiller (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand) that meets quality standards. It will make distillation an easy, non-burdensome process. High-quality moonshine will allow you to fully enjoy the organoleptic taste, as well as please your friends and family delicious drinks By .

For many beginning moonshiners, the main problem is haste and impatience, so they try to speed up all stages from preparing raw materials to obtaining the final product by any means, and as a result they lose in quality. In this material I will consider the question of how long the mash ferments over time, but not from the point of view of theory - on the Internet you will find a bunch of neat tables and mathematical calculations, but based on my own practical experience. I make moonshine all year round, so my mash matures in a wide variety of, and sometimes even fantastic, conditions, and I prepare it using various types of raw materials.

How long does the mash ferment and what does it depend on?

In my practice, the mash ripened over time intervals from 4-5 to 60-70 days. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised - this is a unique case when in the fall I collected plum carrion - about 40 kg, peeled it, mashed it, added a little water and forgot about it for 2 months. At the same time, she stood in the basement at a temperature of about +7 ... +12 C o. Many will now say - it’s nonsense, it’s lost! And I will say - the pipes, not only survived, but also magnificently fermented into alcohol due to natural yeast - I did not add them to this mash.

So what does the fermentation rate depend on? Let's look at all these factors point by point:

  • External conditions - temperature and rest. I never tire of repeating that mash is alive, and therefore it requires appropriate handling. Not only temperature, the optimal range of which is +22… +28 C o, affects the intensity and speed of fermentation, but also rest. Remember, when mom or grandma sets the dough to rise, she puts it away warm room and asks not to run there? Vibrations can “scare off” the yeast, and the dough may fall. So is the mash - ideally it should be in a quiet and dark place. That’s why in my basement, even at the lowest temperature, it completely fermented without adding yeast or sugar, albeit over a long period of time, like wine
  • Chemical composition - we are talking here about both the quality of water and the type of raw materials. For example, fruit mashes ferment faster than cereal mashes, since the sugars in them are more easily accessible to yeast. And to stimulate good fermentation of pure sugar mash, I use a little secret, which in the summer allows me to achieve optimal carbonation of homemade kvass, which I also desire myself. I add some raisins to it. For 20 liters of mash, 50 grams of raisins are enough. The microelements contained in it are a natural feed for yeast, so fermentation proceeds more actively
  • Type of container - remember - never, under any circumstances, use containers made of non-food metals to prepare mash! In such a container it does not turn sour, but is filled with metal oxide, acquiring a disgusting taste - this is mine personal experience, and I didn’t even bother distilling such mash. The optimal types of containers are glass, food grade stainless steel, aluminum, copper. These types of metals interact very weakly, and glass does not interact with liquids at all. Food-grade plastic is also suitable, but is at least preferable to glass

How to achieve optimal results and what to focus on?

Optimal fermentation times for mash

If we do not take into account exceptional cases, my mash, regardless of its composition, ferments on average 8-10 days. Purely sugar mash ferments approximately the same amount at the proportions of 1 kg of sugar per 3 liters of water and 50 grams of live baker's yeast. In principle, it can be distilled (especially summer wine) already on the 7th or 8th day, but I try to achieve maximum yield. Most often I drive from what grows in the garden, and in my case it is plum, apple, quince, pear, apricot and grapes. Yes, yes, quince is added solely for the sake of flavor, since its yield is small. Most of all I have plums, so my mash is often made from it. I prepare mash as follows:

  • I collect carrion - fallen fruits
  • I clean the seeds (if I’m not too lazy)
  • I load it into an aluminum forty-liter flask (aka my alembic), press into puree
  • For 15-20 kg of pulp I add about 15 liters of water
  • I add to this volume 2 kg of sugar and 100 grams of baker's yeast
  • Mix well and place under a water seal
  • I let it ferment for 8-10 days - during this time the fermentation process at a temperature of +25 C o completely stops

And then, attention! I take out the silicone tube from the water bottle, which acts as a water seal, and place the flask on the gas burner. Yes, yes, no pulp separation, no clarification - just gas! And I connect the pipe to the refrigerator through my homemade steamer. Nothing burns for me, everything distills perfectly, and I talked in detail about how I distill mash into moonshine in another article.

When I prepare a mash for whiskey, and its main component is corn grits, I let it ferment for at least 14 days! I will say more, you can safely leave it for 17-20 days - the main thing is that the water seal and container are airtight. Even after boiling down to wort cornstarch It is quite difficult to process with yeast (both baker's and wine-alcohol yeast). Therefore, 15 days is the optimal period during which the sugars will be completely processed and the aroma will be revealed properly.

What is mash?

Braga is a wort containing sugar and yeast. When the yeast ferments, the sugar produces ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and a small amount of foreign substances and impurities.

How to make mash from sugar?

There is a very simple way to prepare mash: 1 kg of sugar needs to be dissolved in 4-5 liters of warm water, then in small quantity warm water (about 30*C), you need to dissolve 20g of dry, or 100g of fresh pressed yeast and pour the yeast into sugar syrup. Mix well and leave to ferment for several days.

Alcoholic fermentation is a process in which, through fermentation with yeast, sugar is converted into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.

What temperature should be for successful fermentation?

The optimal temperature is from 18 to 40*C. If the temperature is below 18 degrees, the process can slow down greatly, but if it is overheated to a temperature above 40*C, the yeast bacteria will die.

How long does it take to prepare the mash?

The readiness of the mash depends on two factors: the raw materials used and the temperature. Usually the mash ferments from 3 to 14 days

How to determine whether the mash is ready?

The main criterion for readiness is taste. The mash should not be sweet (that is, all the sugar should dissolve). Carbon dioxide also stops being released, and the required fermentation time has passed. But all these signs need to be looked at as a whole. For example, enough time has passed and the mash no longer emits carbon dioxide, but the taste remains sweet - this means that you made a mistake in the proportions between the ingredients or in the choice of yeast. In this case, it is necessary for the mash to “ferment.” If you don't want to lose any amount of product.

How much moonshine should I make from my mash?

Typically, 1 kg of mash sugar can yield 1 liter of moonshine with a strength of up to 50%. On an industrial scale, 1.28 liters of 50% strength is considered an excellent result, 1.24 liters is a good result, and 1.2 is satisfactory. For accurate calculations, you can use a moonshiner's calculator.

How to make mash for moonshine?

You can make mash in any container designed for food products. It is better that the lid does not close tightly or has holes so that carbon dioxide can escape freely. Typically, fermentation proceeds very vigorously and no additional protection from foreign bacteria is required.

What does moonshine consist of?

Moonshine consists of ethyl alcohol, water and impurities formed during the life of yeast, and their interaction with oxygen. To produce a high-quality drink, you need to strive to reduce the amount of impurities. This can be achieved by using high-quality raw materials and strict adherence to fermentation technology.

Why does distillation from mash produce moonshine?

If all the technology is followed, alcohol begins to boil already at a temperature of 77 degrees, and this is much earlier than water. When mash (a fermented mixture of alcohol and water) boils, the alcohol evaporates much more intensely than water. When this steam is cooled, the alcohol content in the resulting liquid increases significantly. In addition, non-evaporating impurities (for example, salts) remain in the cube - this is cleaning.

How to properly distill moonshine?

At the very beginning of distillation there are “heads”, or, as they say, “primary”; these impurities contain a large amount of harmful substances that have a boiling point lower than alcohol. This part is not used for consumption and is approximately 50 milliliters for every kilogram of sugar in the mash. Next comes the used part. And then - again the unusable part - the “tails”, which contains a very large amount of harmful and bad-smelling components that boil after alcohol. The beginning of the “tail” part is determined when the strength of the moonshine is 40% - at this moment it stops boiling. The amount of such “tail” waste is approximately 100 ml per 1 kg of sugar in the mash.


No. 1 Is water for mash very important?

The main requirement is that the water must be potable. You should not use boiled or distilled water, as it may be too soft and may not have the necessary trace elements and sufficient oxygen to ensure good yeast fermentation.

No. 2 What is the best yeast to use?

The choice of yeast must be taken seriously. Most often, fresh pressed baker's yeast is used in mash; it ferments well and gives excellent results. But it’s best to get special yeast for alcohol - this will be an ideal option.

No. 3 Why does mash ferment poorly?

This can happen for several reasons: not enough heat, bad - not fresh or low-quality yeast, not enough yeast.

No. 4 Yeast loves warmth, should the container with mash be insulated?

Yes, the yeast should be kept warm, but whether to insulate it additionally depends on the temperature in the room. And it is worth remembering that during fermentation heat is also released. Well, in a cool room you should still wrap the barrel with mash, but constantly monitor the temperature.

No. 5 Braga has stopped fermenting, but is still sweet, why?

Most likely, the yeast has already released so much alcohol that it is no longer able to develop normally. Apparently, the proportions were violated when preparing the mash - a lot of sugar was added or the wrong yeast was used.

#6 Can you make moonshine from fruits?

Of course you can. Moreover, such moonshine will be best quality than from sugar. But most likely, you will have to add sugar, since fruits often do not have sufficient sugar content.

No. 7 Why is yeast fermentation necessary and how to determine its ability to ferment wort?

Typically, yeast is sold in a depressed state and cannot immediately begin to ferment well, or it may not be viable at all. In order to ensure the quality of the yeast, you need to put it on preliminary fermentation. To do this, yeast is diluted in 0.5 liters of unboiled drinking water and 70g of sugar is added. Then this mixture is placed in a warm place (ideally the temperature should be 30 degrees) in an open container for 1-1.5 hours and stirred frequently to dissolve oxygen. The main sign of yeast activity is fluffy foam.

No. 8 Under what conditions should yeast be stored?

All conditions and storage periods for yeast are usually indicated on the packaging. But, despite the standard shelf life of compressed yeast is 7-10 days, it can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 year without the risk of loss of fermentation ability. Such yeast must be defrosted in warm water and then be sure to ferment it.

No. 9 How to close the container with mash?

There is an excellent folk method - a rubber glove is put on a container with mash, and 1-3 punctures are made on the fingers with a needle to release carbon dioxide. Popularly, such a water seal is called “Greetings to Gorbachev.” This device helps control the fermentation process. If the glove is inflated, the process is underway, if it falls off, it means it has completely fermented, it’s time for distillation. However, it should be borne in mind that with a sharp drop in temperature, the glove also falls off, sometimes even being sucked into the vessel.


No. 1 How much mash should I pour into the cube of the apparatus?

It is better not to fill the cube more than 3/4 in height. This prevents foam from splashing outward, and also reduces splashes getting into the refrigerator tube.

No. 2 At what speed should you distill moonshine?

Only the “heads” need to be selected at low speed, so it is easier to separate them from the food part. The speed of distillation of the food part can only be limited by the design capabilities of the apparatus and the ability to effectively conduct and cool steam. The quality of the moonshine body does not suffer at all from the high distillation speed.

No. 3 Why does the distillation speed drop and I have to increase the heat?

Since there is less and less alcohol left in the tank, more water evaporates, and more heat is required to evaporate the water. And also, when the tank is heated strongly, heat is more actively transferred to the environment.

No. 4 Why did I suddenly get cloudy moonshine? So what should I do?

Most often, cloudy moonshine is obtained when mash is thrown into the refrigerator (this phenomenon was previously called “shoulder strap”). At a strong boil, the mash “runs away” like milk, and the foam goes into the tube. The heat needs to be reduced. This cloudy moonshine can be poured into the next portion of mash for distillation.

No. 5 The distillation had to be unexpectedly interrupted. Then you can continue, and how?

You can simply heat it up and continue distilling. In this case, there is no need to select the “heads” - they have already left the first time.


No. 1 Why clean moonshine?

When yeast ferments, harmful substances are released that end up in the moonshine. You need to get rid of them through cleaning. Many moonshiners are also encouraged to perform additional cleaning bad smell and turbidity of the drink. But still, the main argument in favor of cleaning is considered to be the large number of harmful impurities, which sometimes even have a very pleasant smell.

#2 What cleaning methods are available at home?

You can filter through substances that absorb impurities - activated carbon. Repeated distillation with dilution can also help. You can also use protein-rich foods, such as milk or eggs, to clean moonshine. We add the product to moonshine, the protein coagulates and precipitates over time. Protein retains harmful substances, which are then filtered out along with it. Only rectification will help completely remove the unpleasant odor.

No. 3 How to distill moonshine 50% a second time, just pour it into the machine, and the process starts!?

Before the second distillation, the moonshine must be diluted to at least 40, and preferably to 10%. Repeated moonshine is carried out not only to increase the strength, but also for additional purification from harmful and foul-smelling impurities. Distilling strong moonshine makes it very difficult to separate out impurities.

There are many recipes for making mash, and its choice depends on the type of raw material that we intend to use to prepare the wort. Certainly classic recipe Moonshiners are: 3-4 liters of water, 1 kg of sugar and 100 g of yeast. If you follow this proportion, then ideally you get 0.51 liters of pure 96% alcohol. The expected output is 1/1, i.e. 1 liter of moonshine with a strength of 40° from 1 kg of sugar. This takes into account all losses, when for various reasons it is impossible to accurately comply with all process both fermentation and distillation. The choice of all three main components of the wort from which the mash will ultimately be made: water, sugar and yeast is very important, because the quality of the final product mainly depends on them.

Yeast— For the best result, it is best to use ready-made pressed yeast, alcoholic or brewer’s, but you should not use yeast for baking, you won’t get mash, but the yield of the final product will be much less.

Sugar— What can we say about ordinary store-bought sugar, “it’s sugar and sugar in Africa”, the only thing that can distinguish it is what it’s packaged in, because... It is more convenient to measure sugar in 1 or 5 kg bags than from a 50 kg bag.

Water— by and large, any water can be used. But the main thing is that any water, whether from a tap or from a “holy spring,” must be allowed to settle and passed through a household filter. Note: I have the opportunity to use water from a source not far from the city, they say the water there is healing, and much more (people generally say a lot of things), but the moonshine turns out good, maybe for this reason, so the choice is yours.


To prepare mash, we need a fermentation container. Naturally, we select its volume depending on the amount of wort that we want to ferment. Glass cylinders (or jars) or plastic containers (labeled “for food products”) are best suited for this, but iron or galvanized ones cannot be used at all. Note: I only use glass containers. I can’t say anything bad about plastic containers (for food), but for me glass is more reliable (in terms of at least the theoretical possibility of releasing foreign substances in the mash from plastic containers).


First of all, we need to dissolve sugar and yeast in water. Pour 4-5 liters of water into a saucepan and heat to about 30°C (accuracy is not important for now), and pour 1 liter into a separate container (there we will dissolve the yeast), then heat the remaining water to 40-45°C. Dissolve 100 g of yeast in warm water (the temperature of which should not exceed 30°C (otherwise the yeast will die). Stir until it is completely dissolved, then it should sit for a while.

Having heated the water in the pan to the required temperature (40-45°C), and removed the water from the heat, add 1 kg of sugar in small portions (it is very important that all the sugar dissolves). The water in the pan should cool to 20-25°C (during this time the yeast will rise). Now the sugar solution is ready, pour it into fermentation containers (for this we use two three-liter glass jars).

Add yeast diluted in water into containers. It is convenient to use measuring cups for this.

Fermentation takes place in three stages: initial, main and post-fermentation.

Initial fermentation

During the fermentation process, yeast breaks down the sugar contained in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide. At the initial stage of fermentation, a violent reaction occurs with a large release of carbon dioxide, and the temperature of the wort rises by several degrees. Very important: to prevent the entry of air and the exit of carbon dioxide, close the fermentation container (in this case, a jar) with a special fermentation seal.

As you can see in the photo, the carbon dioxide released during fermentation filled the rubber gloves put on the lids of the jars. Gloves are the “classic” option; it is more convenient to use a special lid with a water seal for these purposes.

Main fermentation

The main fermentation is also accompanied by abundant foam. In order not to use various defoamers (for example, crushed cookies), simply leave free space in the fermentation tanks. You need to be more careful with foam, because it can come out, clog the valve, and most of the wort will simply disappear.


During fermentation, the foam settles, carbon dioxide bubbles stop appearing, and the mash itself becomes lighter and stratifies. Now it is important to correctly determine the moment when the mash is fully ripe. It must be said that this skill is acquired only with experience. According to technology, this takes 7-10 days.

That's it, we drain the mash from the sediment through a tube and distill it.

Situations when the mash stops fermenting, or the process is greatly delayed, happen not only to beginners, but also to winemakers who have a wealth of experience behind them. Braga can ferment for a long time for various reasons, and no one can give an exact answer to the question of why this happens. There are quite a few factors that influence this process, so the choice of ingredients, utensils and temperature control should be treated with the utmost responsibility. But sometimes, even if you strictly follow the instructions, trouble can happen. In this case, you need to find the cause and eliminate it as quickly as possible.

Why is the fermentation process delayed?

There are several main reasons why the fermentation process slows down or stops altogether. More often than not, mash can be saved by resorting to simple or complex manipulations. And sometimes the product can be considered irretrievably damaged.

Factors influencing the process:

  • non-compliance with the temperature regime;
  • low quality raw materials;
  • incorrectly selected yeast;
  • not enough sugar;
  • incorrectly selected location.

Maintaining temperature conditions is the key to successful fermentation. When the temperature is higher or lower than necessary, the winemaker will most likely encounter the problem of slow fermentation. When too high temperature microorganisms contained in yeast die. In the cold they simply hibernate, but under optimal conditions they can be activated, that is, the mash can still be saved. Simply move it to a warmer place and saturate it with oxygen.

If poor raw materials were used when preparing the mash, the mash will not ferment. Sometimes it is possible to save the situation with the help of fertilizing, but most often the mash is simply disposed of, because low-quality products will negatively affect the taste of the final product.

The fermentation process also directly depends on the type of yeast. It is important to choose yeast that is resistant to alcohol; it is with their help that you can distill high-strength alcohol. When preparing not too strong drinks, it is optimal to choose wine yeast. But with wild yeast the process can take up to two months. In this case, there is always a risk of completely spoiling the moonshine, because there is not always a sufficient number of microorganisms on the surface of the fruit.

Braga can ferment for a long time even if there is a lack of nutrition, when there is not enough sugar, or they completely forgot to add it. Sugar is an essential food for yeast, because its processing produces alcohol. Sometimes you just need to add sugar to the container to speed up or start fermentation.

The fermentation process can also be influenced by external factors, such as sun rays, draft or temperature changes. It is very important to store the wort in a dark and dry place, securely protected from drafts. The material from which the container is made also affects the mash. Experienced winemakers recommend choosing food-grade stainless steel or tinted glass.

If quite a lot of time has passed and the mash is still not ready, do not despair. You need to calmly analyze the situation and identify any non-compliance with the standards in the process. In most cases, not all is lost; the mash can still be revived. There are several proven methods for this. They will not help only if poor quality products were used in preparing the wort. However, most often it is enough to simply move the container to a warmer place, and fermentation will be activated with renewed vigor.

How to activate fermentation?

Experienced winemakers know several ways to revive mash that has stopped fermenting. Following simple rules, you can revive the wort and still get a good final product.

When fermentation slows down, it is recommended to periodically shake and stir the mash, saturating it with oxygen in this way. You can use a large spoon or a wooden kitchen spatula. Some experts share their experience instant cooking bases for moonshine using a blender, mixer or washing machine. The wort is poured into a washing machine and processed for several hours; at the end you can get a completely suitable mash. Some people use an automatic machine, but there is a risk of getting low-quality raw materials, which will not produce strong enough alcohol.

You can revive the mash using a special starter, which you prepare yourself or buy ready-made in the store. The composition of such fertilizers includes various microelements, vitamins and enzymes, which help improve the quality of the mash. The most popular starter is a mixture of hops and yeast; it is added to the mash to start the process. Malt also copes well with this task. Sometimes it’s enough just to add a little yeast, no more than 2 grams, and fermentation will begin with renewed vigor. Just first you need to dissolve the yeast in water and add it to the wort little by little.

You can save the mash by adding glucose, sugar and dextrose. Such complementary feeding will resume the work of bacteria. Often the mash is saved by simply adding a new portion of the base, thus renewing the work of the fungi.

All these manipulations can be used either independently or in combination. If none of the manipulations helped, the wort will have to be disposed of; it will no longer be possible to save it. If the product sits for quite a long time, most likely it contains pathogenic microflora, and mold will soon attack the mash. In any case, it is easier to avoid problems than to deal with them later. Therefore, the preparation of mash should be treated as responsibly as possible.

Winemaking is a kind of science in which there are many nuances and subtleties.

Delicious wine can be prepared at home, but it will take some time. Typically, this drink can be prepared from grapes, fruits and various berries. But many winemakers and wine lovers prefer grape wine.

Good wine is also good for health if consumed in moderation.

The most important point in the process of making wine is considered fermentation, i.e. the natural process of converting grape juice directly into this drink.

Back in the early days of winemaking, people made wine by simply squeezing grapes by hand. In general, the wine should form on its own, since the surface of the berries is replete with wild yeast. For winemaking it is important alcoholic fermentation. Thanks to the action of yeast fungi, sucrose contained in fruits is processed into carbon dioxide and alcohol.

Important! Before making the drink, the berries cannot be washed, as they themselves contain a sufficient amount of wild yeast on their surface.

Today, experienced winemakers use yeast or sourdough.

One type of sourdough is raisin sourdough, which is considered the most accessible at home:

  • This starter should be stored in a warm place before adding it to the pulp - the wine material obtained from berries.
  • The shelf life of the starter should not exceed 5 days.
  • To be on the safe side, winemakers sometimes add some high-quality raisins, which play the role of wild yeast in this case.

Another important factor influencing the fermentation time of the drink is the correct temperature regime.

Important! For a normal fermentation process, the temperature of the room in which containers with wine material will be stored should be 18-23 degrees.

If the temperature is higher, the quality of the drink will decrease, and it may turn into vinegar. If the temperature is below normal, then fermentation may not even begin. If the process of preparing this drink occurs in the autumn, then it is better to store it in a room that will be heated in the future.

It must be remembered that the resulting pulp must be placed in a container with a wide neck, for example, a wooden barrel, a glass container or an ordinary enamel pan.

Reference! You cannot use copper or aluminum utensils, since the reaction of their interaction with the wort is unpredictable.

Fermentation is a rather capricious process; any omission, deviation from the rules and non-compliance with these standards can lead to the loss of wine material or stopping the process.

As mentioned above, when sucrose is processed, gas and alcohol are formed. But an increased amount of gas can lead to an explosion in the container, so it is necessary to sometimes open it and release the gas.

At the same time, we must not forget that prolonged contact of a drink with oxygen can also lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, the appearance of mold or souring of wine.

For such purposes, special seals are installed on the container with the fermenting drink, and at home you can also use regular medical glove.

It can serve as an indicator of the ongoing process:

  • For example, an inflated glove indicates that the fermentation process is active, and a deflated one indicates that problems have arisen in the process.
  • Before installing the glove, you need to make several punctures with a needle in its upper parts.
  • During fermentation, you need to periodically check whether the glove has fallen off the neck.

What to do if fermentation stops?

Sometimes it happens that the fermentation process begins on its own, even if you simply forget a bottle of it somewhere. fruit juice or fruit drink. But it also happens that the process does not proceed, even if enough time has passed.

In total, this process may take 30-90 days.

Reference! The length of time depends on the amount of sugar, the quality of the yeast and the temperature.

Almost always, the reason for stopping the fermentation process is non-compliance with any rules for preparing wine, so first of all it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the yeast to work:

  • To do this, you need to check the temperature conditions of the room and, if necessary, move the container to a room with a suitable temperature.
  • You can also add a little yeast to the pulp, since wild yeast cannot always give the desired result.

Sometimes it happens that there is not enough sugar in the pulp. In this case, you can also add regular sugar and check its level using a special device; its indicator should be 10-20%. If there is too much sugar, then the pulp must be diluted with water.

What to do if homemade wine does not wander, is explained in the video:

Rules for a competent winemaker

Competent winemakers with considerable experience in this matter use their proven methods for harvesting, storing and making delicious wine. For an experienced winemaker, not only the weather or time of year during the berry harvest plays an important role, but even the time of day.

Basic rules:

  1. To obtain a sweet white wine, it is necessary to leave the berries on the bushes for as long as possible, but not to over-expose them. To increase the sugar content of grapes, their ridges are even curled at the base.
  2. When picking berries, you need to make sure that you don’t come across rotten ones; it will be better if they are ripe enough. Collection containers must be dry and clean.
  3. After production, the wine must be periodically poured into another container to drain the sediment. The drink should not be stored near foods or animals that have a pungent odor, as wine tends to absorb their smell.

For different types of homemade drink

On average, any wine ferments from 20 to 45 days, and some – up to 70 days.

Fermentation duration different types guilt:

  • Cherry The wine has a tart taste and excellent aroma. It must be prepared from freshly picked berries; in extreme cases, they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. When preparing this type of wine, sugar, alcohol and wine yeast are also required. In general, the fermentation process of cherry wine will take about 10-15 days. If you use the glove fermentation method, the fermentation process will take 3-4 weeks.
  • Classic homemade wine from grapes may ferment longer than wine made from other berries. The process can even take several months. The time required to complete fermentation will depend on the sugar content of the grapes, the quality of the yeast and the temperature conditions in the room where the wine is made.
  • For making wine currant Usually berries, water and sugar are required. The process does not take much time. For example, the fermentation process of such wine can last one week. Some recipes for making currant wine require several weeks of fermentation to obtain a tart, characteristic drink.

How to make cherry wine at home and how long it should ferment is explained in the video

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