Homemade chocolate hearts for Valentine's Day. Sweet valentine made of chocolate. How to make it yourself How to make a heart out of chocolate

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For you, we offer a great idea for easy romantic dinner for Valentine's Day - strawberries and chocolate. At first glance, this set of products is traditional and even rustic. But we suggest being more creative and decorating strawberries with chocolate and caramel - creating “Chocolate Hearts”. The more creative approach to unique handmade work, the better!

Ingredients for Chocolate Hearts:

Strawberry; - high quality milk and dark chocolate; - marshmallow cream (can be replaced with whipped cream); - red glaze; - red confectionery glitter.

Preparing dessert:

First, let's prepare the berries: peel them from the stems, cut them lengthwise and cut out the centers.

Then we connect them with a toothpick and form hearts.

Turn the resulting creation over and fill the grooves with marshmallow cream.

Finally, decorate with glitter. This will dilute white marshmallows and will add some piquancy and zest.

When all the berries are filled, put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to harden.

Meanwhile, we proceed to chocolate glaze. Melt the chocolate pieces in a water bath. The bottom of the pan should not touch the water to prevent the chocolate from overheating.

Now take out the strawberries, place them on a wire rack or foil and pour melted chocolate over them. Set aside to harden.

After the chocolate has cooled completely, decorate the strawberries with patterns of colored glaze.

It's easy to prepare. Beat with a mixer 200g powdered sugar with two egg whites and 5 tablespoons of warm water. The whipped mass should be homogeneous and thick.

And they will help to make the glaze multi-colored natural juices- orange, beetroot, spinach. Orange will tint the glaze yellow, spinach juice will turn it green, and fresh beetroot added to the sugar mixture will turn it rich red.

Density sugar icing can be adjusted with a few drops of hot water. To draw lines and curly curls over the chocolate glaze applied to the berries, use a toothpick and apply a pattern.

Sprinkle the painted strawberries with red sparkles on top.

This is such a wonderful dessert!

Of course, now you can buy all kinds of desserts and sweets in confectionery stores. But apart from them appearance and taste is missing the most important and important component for a holiday - the soul. Therefore, if you have already started preparing a surprise for a person close to you, then prepare it with your own hands and exclusively with positive emotions.

Have a sweet holiday!

You can’t send this kind of Valentine’s card in an envelope, but on February 14th many lovers with a sweet tooth are waiting for it. Sweet Valentine - chocolate dream. It will be very easy to give a dream. Following step by step instructions, even the most inexperienced cook can make such a gift for Valentine's Day. This can also become wonderful family fun, the result of which will be a unique work of culinary art.

Chocolate heart for Valentine's Day

To prepare a chocolate Valentine we will need:

  • The required amount of high quality natural chocolate
  • Ready-made decorations for baking
  • Fireproof heart shape of small diameter
  • Beautiful transparent packaging film or decorative box for chocolates.

The hardest part of this recipe is finding a heart-shaped baking dish in which to melt the chocolate.

The diameter of the mold cannot be too large, because if the chocolate is not thick enough, there will be a risk of breaking the heart when it needs to be taken out after hardening. This could be a muffin pan, or a fireproof pan for frying pancakes, or even a cookie stencil. The main thing is that the heart shape can withstand high temperature. If it is a mold without a bottom, then it is better to choose a mold with a weight on top, so that the melted chocolate does not flow out from the bottom of the mold.

Method for preparing chocolate hearts for February 14

  1. The oven needs to be preheated to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil, parchment or baking paper. Place the molds on a baking sheet. Place chocolate pieces tightly into molds.
  2. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cook for 5 minutes until the chocolate is completely melted. Carefully remove the pan from the oven. Start decorating before the chocolate hardens.
  3. After 10 minutes, place the chocolate in the molds in a flat-bottomed bowl in one row, cover with a paper towel. Place in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove from the refrigerator and carefully remove the molds. Now the chocolate valentine can be packaged and given as a gift.

Depending on the creator’s imagination, the heart can be made entirely of dark chocolate, or from a mixture of favorite varieties. It is better not to mix aerated chocolate with regular chocolate. You should not take chocolate with yogurt or jam fillings. On the contrary, raisins with nuts may well help chocolate acquire a more interesting taste.

Depending on the diameter of the mold, you need to select the amount of chocolate. The quality of the chocolate must be first class. Confectionery chocolate is not suitable for this case.

The chocolate bar will need to be broken into small pieces. If you take several colors of chocolate, you can distribute the chocolate according to color zones, for example, the left half of the heart is white, and the right half is black. It is worth understanding that different chocolate will melt at different rates.

After the chocolate has melted, you can quickly draw a pattern corresponding to Valentine's Day using a toothpick. You can leave the chocolate design untouched and instead cover the top surface with decorative edible sprinkles such as beads or hearts.

You can also try attaching a vertical decoration made of the same chocolate. To do this, you need to melt some chocolate in a water bath or microwave, and using a culinary syringe, draw a fan, a lattice, the tips of crossed arrows or any other design that can be slightly sunk into the heart at an angle of 90 degrees without it falling off. To do this, you will need to wait until the chocolate hardens a little so that the decoration does not just sink, but fits tightly into the chocolate.

The more complex the decoration of a chocolate Valentine for February 14, the more careful the packaging should be. For a voluminous valentine, it is better suited than a bag.

You shouldn’t be modest in choosing jewelry - the more elegant the Valentine’s card, the more pleasant it will be to give and receive.

Last year I prepared chocolate hearts for my beloved on February 14th. I learned how to make them by watching a video on YouTube. So what do you think? This year I thought I’d surprise him with something different, but he asks for hearts. Well, I can’t refuse, especially since the recipe is simple, so I run to prepare it. But first I’ll share with you, maybe you will please your loved ones with such a delicacy!


  • chocolate - 200 grams;
  • sour cream - 300 grams;
  • sugar - 50 grams;
  • gelatin - 15 grams;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 grams;
  • biscuit (can be a roll) - 100 grams.
  • Silicone molds and brush.

Chocolate heart. Step by step recipe

  1. Pour gelatin with cold boiled water (50 grams of water will be enough). Leave for some time to swell.
  2. While the gelatin is swelling, melt the chocolate in a steam bath. To do this, pour into a saucepan small quantity water, place a bowl of chocolate on top (break it into pieces first) so that it does not come into contact with the water. This will help us avoid the chocolate from separating, because the temperature of the steam is much lower than the temperature of the water.
  3. Using a silicone brush, grease the silicone heart molds with melted chocolate. Do not skimp on the chocolate, spread generously.
  4. Coat all the hearts and place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the mold from the freezer, warm the chocolate in a bowl with steam if it has thickened, and apply the second layer in the same way. Place in the freezer again for the same amount of time.
  6. Mix sour cream with vanilla and regular sugar. Cut the biscuit into small squares.
  7. Place the gelatin on low heat and warm it up a little.
  8. While still warm, add gelatin to sour cream and stir.
  9. Remove the chocolate hearts from the freezer and take one tablespoon at a time sour cream add to hearts.
  10. Then lay out the sliced ​​sponge cake and completely fill the heart with sour cream.
  11. Place the dessert in the refrigerator until the jelly has completely hardened.
  12. Carefully, stretching the mold a little, remove the chocolate hearts. If they are difficult to reach, help a little with a knife.
  13. Melt the remaining chocolate again in a steam bath, let it cool slightly. Do not apply hot chocolate on jelly.
  14. Using a brush, brush the chocolate onto the untreated side of the cake, where the jelly is, and place it in the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens.

Instead of sponge cake, you can add whatever you like to this recipe. This year I’ll try to add strawberries, and you can please your loved ones with hearts with cherries. It's very tasty! And most importantly, you don’t need to bake. You will succeed. Cook with us on “I Love to Cook.” Please your loved ones on this wonderful holiday

Of all the different shapes and designs, the heart shape is perfect for Valentine's Day like no other. At the same time, making them at home from the most ordinary chocolate bars is as easy as shelling pears! Such cute figurines will be an excellent decoration for any table and at the same time will evoke a special romantic mood.

Well, let's get down to making the dessert itself. To do this, you and I will need to perform several actions, which I have broken down into easy steps especially for you.

1. Gather all the necessary components

Here, in fact, everything is quite simple; we need a very small amount of ingredients, most of which everyone already has at home:

  • 2-3 chocolate bars;
  • silicone heart molds;
  • a butter knife (to carefully cut the chocolate out of the molds if it doesn’t come out very well on its own);
  • microwave oven;
  • freezer;
  • spoon;
  • deep cup.

To make the melting process go a little faster, you can crumble the chocolate into small pieces and then carefully pour them into a prepared deep bowl. Make sure that there are no lumps left in the chocolate, stir the resulting mass. In order to melt chocolate, in principle, just 15 seconds in the microwave is usually enough. Just please be careful not to burn the resulting chocolate mass, it can easily overcook or even burn out. You can also use a double boiler rather than a microwave.

Peanuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, etc. are perfect for this dessert. walnut, almonds, seeds and other dry additives. You can also easily add berries, fruits, or even mix different types chocolate - for example, white and milk. It will turn out very original, and most importantly – delicious!

Now we will need the heart molds that I mentioned earlier. Using a spoon, carefully pour the chocolate into the molds, but please be careful not to burn yourself. If you don’t have a special heart shape in your kitchen, fill some flat, even baking sheet with chocolate. And after it hardens, cut out the heart shapes with a knife.

5. Leave the chocolate to harden in the freezer

This process usually takes 2 to 4 minutes. Make sure to cover the plate with the chocolate molds with a lid before putting it in the freezer. Personally, in my house there is only one department used for freezing food, so, unfortunately, there is a special mixed smell reigning there. If you don't want your chocolate hearts smelled of frozen meat or other products stored there, it is best to cover the solidifying molds with something.

6. Remove the resulting chocolate hearts from the molds

If you have frozen chocolate in silicone molds, It won't be difficult for you to get them from there. To do this, you just need to let them stand for a minute room temperature. If you are going to cut out hearts from a flat, straight shape, make yourself special stencils that will make it easier to cut out the shape with a knife.

Beautifully arrange the resulting chocolate hearts on plates and enjoy their taste together. Agree, it’s incredibly pleasant to prepare such interesting decorations for the table, and then eating them is doubly pleasant.

What do you usually get as a gift for Valentine's Day? Postcards, flowers and sweets. And of course, there are hearts, hearts, hearts, and declarations of love everywhere.
I suggest you make your own sweet Valentine’s card and combine business with pleasure, namely flowers and chocolate.
For this we need very little. First, of course, chocolate. Secondly, a silicone ice mold with hearts. Several wooden skewers and a plastic cup. Well, and a refrigerator, so that all this splendor freezes as quickly as possible, but I hope you have a refrigerator.

The very first thing we do is break the chocolate into pieces and put it in a steam bath to melt. For those who don’t know about a steam bath, it’s simple. A saucepan of water is on the stove, the water is boiling, there is a colander on top of the saucepan (without touching the water), and in it there is a container with chocolate.

While the chocolate is melting, let's make the mold. Cut off one “heart”.

From the bottom of the form, along the fold line, we make a cut to approximately half the height of the form. At the end of this cut, we make another cut, transverse, cross-shaped, very small, so that a wooden skewer can pass through.

Now we place the skewer in the slot and check the readiness of the chocolate.

If the chocolate has already melted, stir it and carefully pour it into the mold. To ensure that no air bubbles remain, you can shake the mold slightly, lightly tap the sides, or gently mix the chocolate mass with a toothpick. We put the mold in the refrigerator, or maybe in the freezer to speed up the process.

Now pour the liquid chocolate into a plastic cup. This will be a pot stand for our chocolate flower.

Let's wait a little, and when the chocolate mass thickens slightly, put three skewers in the glass. That's it, you can put it in the refrigerator.

Every 10 minutes, check how the chocolate hardens in the glass. You need to catch the moment when you can easily remove the skewers, but the holes will remain.

I decided to take the initiative and melted a little more white chocolate, and ruined everything and made some decorations. It's simple to do - you need to pour melted chocolate into a regular medical syringe and squeeze it onto a sheet of parchment in the form of some kind of design. For me, these are, of course, hearts.

When the chocolate has completely frozen in the heart mold, carefully remove the mold. At this stage, it is best to work with gloves, or take the chocolate, grabbing it with a piece of napkin or parchment, since chocolate melts very easily from the warmth of your hands, and the shape may no longer be so neat.
So we have a heart on a stick. In theory, now you can pack it in a beautiful bag, tie it with a ribbon, and give it as a gift, like a cockerel on a stick. Or you can stick a skewer with a heart into the pot. A few decorations and the gift is ready.

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