Chocolate spreads. Production of chocolate paste Chocolate paste recipe step by step

Categories / Dessert

Called gianduja.

The color is deep brown, the smell is sweet, the consistency is thick. The paste should not flow, flow or crumble. In this dessert, the mass fraction of cocoa products should be at least 12%. Pasta without chemical ingredients can be stored for up to 6 months. Packaged in plastic or glass containers (jars), volume from 20 to 500 ml. Cover with foil and then roll up the lids.

Gianduja is a specialty of 19th century Turin. Distribution chocolate paste with a nut component in the mid-20th century contributed to the rise in prices of cocoa beans and taxes on chocolate after World War II. The creator of the most famous Nutella chocolate-nut spread is confectioner Pietro Ferrero. It is alleged that he invented this dessert by accident, while trying to figure out how to sell chocolates that had melted and lost their shape. The solution was to spread the chocolate-hazelnut candy mixture onto white bread.

In Italy, the Ferrero concern specializes in chocolate paste, and in Germany, the Schwartau concern. In Russia, pasta is produced by Arfo JSC and Krasny Oktyabr JSC. Some Russian confectioners prefer pine nuts when producing chocolate-nut butter.

Chocolate spread is used not only as a single dish (spread on white bread), but is also included in complex cakes - cakes, pastries, biscuits, pancakes, ice cream.

see also

  • Peanut butter is a staple of American cuisine.

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Excerpt characterizing Chocolate spread

Rostov, wiping his dirty hands on his leggings, looked back at his enemy and wanted to run further, believing that the further he went forward, the better it would be. But Bogdanich, although he did not look and did not recognize Rostov, shouted at him:
- Who is running along the middle of the bridge? On the right side! Juncker, go back! - he shouted angrily and turned to Denisov, who, flaunting his courage, rode on horseback onto the planks of the bridge.
- Why take risks, captain! “You should get down,” said the colonel.
- Eh! he will find the culprit,” answered Vaska Denisov, turning in the saddle.

Meanwhile, Nesvitsky, Zherkov and the retinue officer stood together outside the shots and looked either at this small group of people in yellow shakos, dark green jackets embroidered with strings, and blue leggings, swarming near the bridge, then at the other side, at the blue hoods and groups approaching in the distance with horses, which could easily be recognized as tools.
“Will the bridge be lit or not? Who came first? Will they run up and set fire to the bridge, or will the French drive up with grapeshot and kill them? These questions, with a sinking heart, were involuntarily asked by each of the large number of troops who stood over the bridge and, in the bright evening light, looked at the bridge and the hussars and on the other side, at the moving blue hoods with bayonets and guns.
- Oh! will go to the hussars! - said Nesvitsky, - no further than a grape shot now.
“It was in vain that he led so many people,” said the retinue officer.
“Indeed,” said Nesvitsky. “If only we had sent two young men here, it would have been all the same.”
“Oh, your Excellency,” Zherkov intervened, not taking his eyes off the hussars, but all with his naive manner, due to which it was impossible to guess whether what he was saying was serious or not. - Oh, your Excellency! How do you judge! Send two people, but who will give us Vladimir with a bow? Otherwise, even if they beat you up, you can represent the squadron and receive a bow yourself. Our Bogdanich knows the rules.
“Well,” said the retinue officer, “this is buckshot!”
He pointed to the French guns, which were being removed from their limbers and hastily driving away.
On the French side, in those groups where there were guns, smoke appeared, another, a third, almost at the same time, and at the very minute the sound of the first shot reached, a fourth appeared. Two sounds, one after the other, and a third.

However, if you carefully read the information on the labels of the pastes, you can easily make sure that there is no real chocolate in their composition. The role of chocolate in such products is played by cocoa powder, which provides a beautiful color, chocolate smell and taste. Real chocolate necessarily contains cocoa butter, thanks to which chocolate, being both a hard and fragile product, easily melts when consumed and simply “melts in the mouth” without giving a feeling of greasiness. Cocoa butter is the most expensive component of chocolate. To reduce the cost of the product and make it more accessible, vegetable fats are added to the pastes instead of cocoa butter.

The question is also open with nuts. Some pastes have them listed in their composition; their declared amount varies from 2 to 15%. Some manufacturers limit themselves only to nut flavoring. More common are pastes with the addition of hazelnuts, but you can also “create a miracle” based on peanuts or almonds. Real nuts are much tastier and healthier than flavorings. It was “the bread of the future” that I.V. called nuts. Michurin. Nuts are high in fat (up to 70%). Moreover, these fats are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. For example, hazel (hazelnut) oil is close in composition to olive oil. Edible oil is obtained from the nuts, which is found in stores, although it is not cheap. There is also quite a bit of protein in nuts, although they are not considered complete proteins. Nuts also contain a lot of minerals, especially potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Of the vitamins, it is worth noting E, C and PP.

In addition to cocoa products, nuts and sugar, lecithin, also known as the emulsifier E322, is found in chocolate-nut spreads. This substance is responsible for the “correct” and uniform consistency. Lecithin is part of the group of phospholipids that are found in vegetable oils. This is where it is obtained: from the sediment that forms during the hydration of oils. Lecithin is synthesized in the body of humans and animals. Studies have shown that no adverse changes occur when consuming lecithin in the human body. Its quantity when introduced into food products is limited only by technological necessity. Lecithin is also added to other chocolate products - candies and chocolate bars.

At first glance, the technology for preparing pastes is very simple - mix all the ingredients and you’re done. But if you try to prepare such a product at home yourself, it will become clear that both experience and skill are needed, especially for preparing two-color milk-chocolate paste, and most importantly, high-quality ingredients. Of course, you can add real chocolate to your homemade pasta, and don’t skimp on your favorite nuts, but such a product will turn out to be very, very expensive. In addition, if you take the proportions of the components incorrectly, the paste may turn out to be too liquid or, on the contrary, thick, and it will not be convenient to spread it on bread. The ratio of nuts and chocolate (cocoa) is also important, because they should not “clog” each other’s taste, but only highlight each other beautifully. Too much cocoa powder in the composition - the paste will turn out bitter, too much sugar - cloying, “too much” with fats, even with real butter, will not add anything tasty to the paste. If you use insufficiently thoroughly chopped nuts and sugar instead of powdered sugar, the paste will “squeak” on your teeth or taste “mealy.”

Whether to prepare chocolate-nut butter yourself or just go to the store is up to everyone to decide for themselves. We decided, through comparative testing, to understand the pastes presented in the retail chain. There are 7 samples in total in the test. In addition to the well-known Nutella paste from Poland, we managed to find Pralinutta from Belgium, 4 pastes from Russia (Chocolate Carousel, Striped Reis, Bureshka and Belisa) and even one brand from Ukraine - Multi-Cream. The overall assessment of each product was formed taking into account the assessment of organoleptics, labeling and packaging, as well as taking into account the conclusion of the physico-chemical indicator. But first things first.

Labeling and Packaging
Most of the comments were about the composition of the product. The Russian and Ukrainian versions of the composition of the pastes "Chocolate Carousel" and "Striped Flight" do not match. Thus, in the Ukrainian version of the “Striped flight” paste composition, almonds were “lost”. The “Chocolate Carousel” paste has two flavors in the Russian version, one in the Ukrainian version, and the ingredients are listed in different orders in different languages. Although in fact the order of listing the components in the composition is not at all arbitrary, all ingredients should be listed according to their quantity in the product in decreasing order, i.e. the most significant component of the product should be written in the first place. In addition, there is no code E for lecithin in Belisa, Multi-Cream, Pralinutta and Nutella pastes. Pralinutta contains no specified flavoring. On the label of the chocolate-nut product "Bureshka" the information is given in very small print. Belisa toothpaste also has small print on its label and Nutella has nutritional information in small print. There are no contact details of the representative in Ukraine on the Belisa jar.

Regarding the packaging, there was a remark regarding the “Chocolate Carousel” and “Striped Flight” pastes: the packaging material is not indicated on the polymer jars; there are icons about the material only on the lid.

Laboratory research - search for trans fats
Since all pastes tested are based on vegetable fats, it was decided to check the content of trans isomers in them.

Fat is different from fat. The simplest and most familiar division of fats is the principle of vegetable fats and animal fats. Vegetable fats are overwhelmingly liquid fats and contain a lot of so-called unsaturated fatty acids. Animal fats, with the exception of fish oil, are solid fats consisting of saturated fatty acids. Unsaturated fatty acids can exist in two configurations: "cis" and "trans". Cis isomers or cis fats are a natural version of fatty acids, that is, the correct, original version. Trans isomers are “wrong” or altered fats. The whole problem is that the body cannot distinguish cis fats from trans fats, and when trans fats enter, the body takes them at face value and includes them in all processes. For humans, this is fraught with the formation of unwanted compounds and cardiovascular diseases. In Ukraine there are no general standards for the content of trans fats; standards are only in DSTU 4445:2005 “Fat spreads and mixtures”. The mass fraction of trans-isomers of oleic acid in these products should not exceed 8%. We were guided by this norm. It's nice that all the pastes tested contained less than 8% trans fats.

Where do they come from and where do they stay? Under natural conditions, trans fats are formed quite rarely. The surest way to “enrich” fat with trans isomers is to hydrogenate it, i.e. Make solid fat (margarine) from liquid vegetable oil. Cis isomers readily convert to trans form under the action of nitrogen oxides, sulfurous acid and other catalysts, as well as at high temperatures. That is why margarines suffer most of all from the presence of “wrong” fats. But not only products labeled “margarine” can contain trans fats. Many delicious foods use processed fats as an ingredient, such as hydrogenated shortening, shortening, and frying fat. This is why trans fats are often found in chips, French fries, chocolate and candies. chocolate glaze, if in their production not natural cocoa butter was used, but its substitutes. Both waffles, namely the fat layer between the wafer sheets, and cookies with a fairly high fat content can also contain trans fats.

Humanity will not be able to refuse to use margarines and processed fats, because they are significantly cheaper than butter. But adjusting production technology so as to minimize the formation of trans fats is quite possible. To achieve this, the first step should be the introduction at the state level of mandatory standards for the content of trans fats in all fat-containing products.

Organoleptic evaluation
Any specific requirements for taste characteristics There are no pastes, the main thing is that they correspond to their name. Namely, since these are pastes, they should have a paste-like consistency. The promised ingredients should be felt in the taste and smell - chocolate and nuts, as well as sweetness and nothing foreign, unpleasant, or repulsive. Most of the pastes decorated their labels with hazelnuts; the “Striped Flight” paste is made with almonds, and the “Chocolate Carousel” paste is made with peanuts. Ratings for organoleptic indicators and comments on them are given in the table.

Price and quality
Chocolate-nut butters are sold in packages of various weights, so we decided to compare the cost of 100g of product. The most expensive sample in the test is Nutella paste, 100g of which will cost almost 10 UAH. The overall rating for Nutella paste, as well as Pralinutta and Belisa products, is “excellent.”

The most affordable representatives of the test are “Striped Flight” and “Chocolate Carousel”, 100g of which will cost 2.28 UAH and 2.87 UAH, respectively. Both of these pastas, as well as Bureshka pasta, have an overall rating of “good.” The Multi-Cream product received a “satisfactory” rating.

Center of Expertise TEST (www..
Brand) 1 Belisa Nutella Pralinutta
(according to the manufacturer)
chocolate milk paste nut cream with cocoa chocolate spread with milk cocoa and hazelnuts chocolate-nut paste
Manufacturer LLC "Peterpak"/ Russia Ferrero Polska Sp.z.o.o./ Poland "Natra All Crump"/ Belgium LLC "Peterpak"/ Russia
Weight, g/Price, UAH) 2 700 / 30,43 200 / 19,73 400 / 23,84 350 / 16,07
Price 100g, UAH 4,35 9,87 5,96 4,59
2,4/ 36/ 45 6,4/ 31/ 56,4 1,4/ 35,8/ 60,5 2,4/ 36/ 45
513 530 570 513
Compound sugar, vegetable oils and fats, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, carob flour, cocoa powder, identical natural flavorings. "vanillin", "chocolate and nut", emulsifier lecithin, salt sugar, vegetable oil, hazelnuts 13%, low-fat cocoa powder 7.4%, skimmed milk powder 5%, whey powder, emulsifier soy lecithin sugar, vegetable oil, hazelnuts 3%, whey powder, low fat cocoa, emulsifier soy lecithin, flavoring, salt sugar, grows oils and fats, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, cocoa powder, carob flour, grated nuts, identical nature flavorings. "vanillin", "chocolate and nut", emulsifier lecithin, salt
Overall rating (100%) Great Great Great Fine
Marking (10%) satisfaction Great Great satisfaction
Packaging (10%) Great Great Great Great
Organoleptic (80%) Great Great Great Fine
Consistency Great Great Great Fine
characteristic, pasty characteristic, pasty characteristic, pasty pasty, very thick
Smell Great Great Great Great
sweet, chocolate and nuts chocolate and nuts chocolate and nuts pronounced nutty
Taste Great Great Great satisfaction
sweet, chocolate sweet, chocolate, pronounced nutty chocolate-nut, sweet very sweet
Physico-chemical indicator normal) 3 normal) 3 normal) 3 normal) 3
4,3 0,13 0,05 5,5
Grading scale
very bad
Center of Expertise TEST (www..
Brand) 1 Striped flight Chocolate carousel Supertaste Multi-cream
(according to the manufacturer)
chocolate-nut butter (almond) chocolate-nut paste pastry paste with cocoa and hazelnuts
Manufacturer LLC "Russian Industrialist"/ Russia PP "Confectioner-K" / Kiev, Ukraine
Weight, g/Price, UAH) 2 750 / 17,07 550 / 15,80 250 / 8,85
Price 100g, UAH 2,28 2,87 3,54
Proteins/fats/carbohydrates, g per 100g 5,5/ 32/ 57,8 5,3/ 31/ 58,8 2,7/ 33/ 59
Energy value, kcal per 100g 569,8 568,6 545
Compound sugar, vegetable fats and oils, whey powder, skimmed milk powder, cocoa powder, carob flour, emulsifier lecithin E322, vanilla and chocolate flavors identical to natural, almonds sugar, vegetable fats and oils, whey powder, roasted peanuts, cocoa powder, emulsifier lecithin E322, vanilla and chocolate flavors identical to natural sugar, vegetable fats, powdered milk, cocoa, hazelnuts, lecithin, vanillin
Overall rating (100%) Fine Fine satisfaction
Marking (10%) Fine Fine Great
Packaging (10%) Fine Fine Great
Organoleptic (80%) Fine Fine satisfaction
Consistency Fine Fine satisfaction
pasty, there are grains pasty, with grains
Smell Fine Fine Fine
chocolate, mild almond weakly expressed weakly expressed
Taste satisfaction Fine satisfaction
very sweet, nutty sweet, peanut sweet, the taste of chocolate and nuts is not pronounced
Physico-chemical indicator normal) 3 normal) 3 normal) 3
Content of trans fats (trans isomers of oleic acid), no more than 8%) 3 0,35 0,52 4,9
Grading scale Test results only apply to samples that took part in the test. We do not monitor future product changes.
Great 1) - brands are arranged by ratings in descending order, if the ratings coincide - in alphabetical order
Fine 2) - prices are indicated at the time of purchase of samples, December 2009.
satisfactorily 3) - in Ukraine, trans fats are regulated only in spreads and fat mixtures, the norm according to DSTU 4445:2005 is no more than 8%
very bad

There is always a place for celebration in life. And a piece white bread or an ordinary cracker can easily be turned into a delicious dessert using chocolate and nut butter. Authentic and delicious chocolate spreads are made exclusively from the most natural products, the freshest milk, high-quality cocoa and hazelnuts. But is this really so?

The spreading paste can be a la milk or dark chocolate, thick and viscous or more “viscous” consistency - it all depends on the imagination of the manufacturer. By the way, at home you can also “depict” such a pleasant addition to pancakes or cheesecakes. And most often, recipes for real and delicious chocolate spreads begin with the words: “Take cocoa powder...”. So the question arises: “Was there chocolate?”

Chocolate self-deception

Real chocolate is made from cocoa mass and cocoa butter, which are obtained from cocoa beans. A particularly valuable component is cocoa butter. It is thanks to him that chocolate, being both a hard and fragile product, melts deliciously in the mouth. But products prepared with cheap cocoa butter substitutes have a margarine aftertaste and stick unpleasantly to the palate.

Judging by the name, these pastes contain two tasty and healthy ingredients at once - nuts and chocolate. The paste is good for making sweet sandwiches for tea and various desserts. You can try using it to make the famous dessert tiramisu or make it into a filling for sweet pancakes.

But if you carefully read the composition of real and delicious chocolate spreads, you will easily be convinced that there is simply no real chocolate in their composition. Its role is successfully performed by cocoa powder, which provides a beautiful color, chocolate smell and taste. And instead of expensive cocoa butter, cheaper vegetable fats are included in the composition, making the pastes very affordable. It turns out cheap and tasty.

Benefits in the composition

The question is also open with nuts. Most often there are pastes with the addition of hazelnuts, but you can also create such a “sweet miracle” based on peanuts or almonds. Some pastes list them in their ingredients; some manufacturers limit themselves to only nut flavoring. Of course, real nuts are much healthier than their smell!

In addition to cocoa products, nuts and, of course, sugar, real and delicious chocolate spreads contain such an ingredient as lecithin, also known as the emulsifier E322. This substance is responsible for the “correct” and uniform consistency of the product; lecithin is part of the group of phospholipids that are found in vegetable oils. Studies have shown that no adverse changes occur when consuming lecithin in the human body.

Follow the recipe

The technology for preparing pastes is very simple at first glance: mix all the ingredients and you’re done. But if you try to prepare such a product at home yourself, it will become clear that experience, dexterity, and most importantly, high-quality ingredients are required. Of course, you can add real chocolate to your homemade pasta, and don’t skimp on your favorite nuts, but such a product will turn out to be much more expensive than a store-bought treat. And if you do not maintain the correct proportions of ingredients, the paste may turn out to be too liquid or, conversely, too thick. The ratio of nuts and cocoa is also important: they should not “clog” the taste, but harmoniously complement each other. Too much cocoa powder in the composition - and the paste will turn out bitter, too much sugar - cloying, and “too much” with fats, even with real butter, can result in not a paste, but chocolate butter.

Chocolate spread is a favorite delicacy for small and large sweet tooths. Its traditional use is making sandwiches, but in addition it can be used as a filling for bagels, a layer of cakes, and in baking. There are as many ways to use it as there are recipes.

The paste according to this recipe turns out very smooth, similar to thick chocolate cream. The intensity of its taste is mainly determined by the taste of chocolate, so this product must be of high quality and should not be replaced with confectionery glaze.

Ingredient proportions per serving:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 120 g granulated sugar;
  • 120 g flour;
  • 120 g cocoa powder.

Chocolate paste recipe step by step:

  1. Pour sugar into a suitable sized container. Sift flour and cocoa powder there. Carefully mix all components of the bulk mixture with a whisk.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil and pour it into the dry ingredients in a thin stream, stirring everything with a whisk until smooth.
  3. Return the resulting mixture to the stove and simmer until thick. Remove from the heat and first add the chocolate broken into small pieces and then the butter cubes. room temperature.
  4. Stir the paste until the chocolate and butter are completely dispersed into the total mass. When the chocolate mixture has cooled, beat it a little with a mixer for extra lightness. Store the treat in a glass jar.

Nutella at home

Nutella chocolate spread, which made the Ferrero family of Italian confectioners famous, is popular in corners all over the world. An important component of the paste are nuts. IN classic version roasted hazelnuts are used, but home version Other nuts (walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds) can also be used in the treats.

List of products used in making homemade Nutella:

  • 400 ml milk;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 150 g of roasted kernels of selected nuts;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 60 g cocoa powder;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 g salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator and cut it into small cubes so that it reaches room temperature faster. Grind the nuts into powder. The smaller its particles, the more uniform the texture of the finished product will be.
  2. Combine milk with sugar, flour and cocoa. This mixture must be stirred as thoroughly as possible so that there are no even the smallest lumps, and bring it to a boil over low heat.
  3. Add to container with bubbling mixture nut flour and salt. The last component will act as a natural flavor enhancer. Boil the paste to the required thickness.
  4. Then cool the chocolate mass to 40-50 degrees, add butter and beat with a mixer until smooth.

How to make a cocoa treat

The recipe for this paste differs from most in the absence of heat treatment, however, the mass turns out thick with a rich chocolate taste.

To prepare it you need to take:

  • 175 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • 100 g roasted and powdered walnuts;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 2 g vanillin powder.

How to prepare chocolate spread step by step:

  1. Combine milk and sugar in an immersion blender bowl. Beat these products until all grains are completely dissolved.
  2. Then turn on the device at maximum power and add vegetable oil in a thin stream. The mass will gradually thicken.
  3. At the end of whipping, add cocoa and crushed nuts. After this, beat for a couple more minutes, transfer to a suitable container and put in the refrigerator overnight to stabilize.

Chocolate-nut butter

Nuts are an essential component in many chocolate spread recipes.

For preparation, you can use either one type or a mixture of several nut components, as in this recipe based on condensed milk:

  • 370 g condensed milk;
  • 100 g assorted nuts, ground into powder;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 50 g dark chocolate;
  • 40 cocoa powder;
  • 10 g wheat flour.

Cooking steps:

  1. In hot melted butter put the chocolate chopped into small pieces, mix so that the butter and chocolate become a single mass.
  2. Pour condensed milk into the resulting mixture, sift the flour and cocoa and place on the stove. Stirring continuously, bring the contents of the container to a boil. Immediately remove from heat, add nut flour, stir and the paste is ready.

Dessert with coffee flavor

Light invigorating notes of coffee will not only delight coffee lovers, but will also give a boost of energy in the morning if this chocolate spread complements crispy toast.

To prepare an invigorating dessert you will need:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 350 g sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 90 g cocoa;
  • 90 g flour;
  • 5 g instant coffee.


  1. Sift flour and cocoa into a thick-bottomed pan, add coffee and sugar. Stir dry ingredients with a whisk. Next, pour in the milk, whisk all the lumps again until smooth and add butter.
  2. Place the contents of the pan over medium heat and cook until thick, stirring continuously. Cool the pasta, covered cling film into contact, and then put into jars.

Cooking with white chocolate

Chocolate spread from white chocolate this recipe is prepared with a small amount nuts In this case, it is best to use almonds, especially since they can be purchased in the form of almond flour.

To prepare the treat you will need:

  • 150 g condensed milk;
  • 100 g white chocolate;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 20 g almond flour or finely chopped almonds.


  1. In a container of suitable capacity, combine diced butter and chocolate broken into pieces. Bring these ingredients to a liquid state in a steam bath.
  2. Next add almond flour and pour in the condensed milk, stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Literally two minutes after this, remove the pasta from the heat. After cooling, the product is ready for use.

Chocolate spread with milk powder

If you use powdered milk rather than natural milk as the basis for the paste, the preparation technology will change slightly. There will be no need to boil the product until it thickens, and the consistency of the lipstick can always be adjusted by the amount of nuts.

For a half-liter jar of chocolate spread with milk powder, take:

  • 250 g milk powder;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 150 g peanuts (or other nuts);
  • 100 ml water;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • 50 g butter.


  1. Fry the peanuts for 10 minutes in a dry frying pan, stirring occasionally. Then peel off the husks, which will be easily separated, and grind into flour using a blender or coffee grinder. The size of the grains can be adjusted according to your taste preferences.
  2. Put sugar and water on fire. Cook the syrup for five minutes after boiling, making sure that the sugar does not burn. Remove the syrup from the stove.
  3. First add cocoa powder to the hot syrup and stir thoroughly. Follow with the butter, stir the mixture until the creamy product is completely dispersed.
  4. Next, add dry milk one tablespoon at a time into the mixture, stirring thoroughly to eliminate any lumps. Stir in the nuts last. After this, remove the pasta for further storage or serve.
  5. The vegetarian version of chocolate spread includes:

  • 200 g black beans;
  • 90-120 g honey;
  • 80 g nuts;
  • 80 g cocoa powder;
  • 40 g coconut oil.

How to make chocolate spread:

  1. Soak the beans in cold water for 12 hours. You can do this the night before. Boil the swollen beans in water until tender. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan. Grind the prepared beans and nuts through a meat grinder.
  2. All ingredients of the paste are placed in a blender bowl and blended until the desired texture is obtained. The paste should be grain-free, smooth and homogeneous. The shelf life of such a product in a hermetically sealed jar on a refrigerator shelf is up to one month.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Chocolate spread is a favorite treat for adults and children. It is spread on bread, added to desserts, or simply eaten with a spoon. And although pasta is inferior in popularity chocolates, nevertheless, it has long been firmly established in the diet of those with a sweet tooth and is not going to leave it, because it is so nice to start your day with a cup of coffee and a bun with the most delicate chocolate spread.

If you decide to open own production chocolate paste, then, first of all, you need to choose a suitable room. Since we are talking about food production, sanitary requirements should be taken into account when choosing space.

Production area should not be located in a residential building. It is desirable to be 50 meters away from residential areas and located on the leeward side to prevent the drift of plant emissions towards residential buildings during prevailing winds.

The production area consists of a warehouse for raw materials, a warehouse for finished products, work shops, and sanitary facilities. When preparing the premises for work, a technological project is created that regulates issues related to the production of the product and takes into account the features of product manufacturing and the layout of the building. The project assumes compliance with all necessary sanitary and fire requirements, labor safety standards, plans the internal space of the workshop, calculates the amount of energy carriers, communication and engineering systems necessary for the operation of technical equipment. You can order a technological project from design organizations. The approximate cost of work is from 2 thousand rubles per square meter.

For wall decoration, it is best to use glazed tiles set with non-toxic adhesive. It is enough to lay the tiles to a height of 1.75 meters, and then the surface can be covered with non-toxic paint, for example, water-based paint. The height of production premises must be at least 4.8 meters, storage premises - at least 3 meters. Floors in the food production area must be waterproof and sloped for drainage.

In the production workshop, you can use combined, natural and artificial lighting. Artificial lighting is provided by fluorescent lamps. Lighting should be uniform, avoiding sharp shadows and not irritating the eyes.

The workshop must be equipped with a heating system and water supply. Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation system, since you will be working with sugar, which is a flammable substance, and when grinding sugar, dust is released, which is fire and explosive.

Equipping a small workshop with all the necessary communications will cost no less than 600 thousand rubles.

To open a food production facility, it is necessary to issue a Sanitary and Epidemiological Certificate issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To be sure that the premises are suitable for production needs and will receive all the necessary permits, you can first invite specialists from Rospotrebnadzor to assess the suitability of the future workshop for food production. In order to obtain an opinion, the entrepreneur must provide the following documents to the regulatory authority:

  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  • Certificate of state registration of a legal entity (OGRN).
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).
  • Information letter indicating the OKVED code.
  • Lease/sublease agreement/certificate of ownership of the applicant's premises.
  • Plan (explication) of BTI.
  • Previous sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (if any).
  • Assortment list of sold (manufactured) products.
  • A project for redevelopment of premises, agreed with Rospotrebnadzor (if there was a redevelopment of the facility).
  • Technological project agreed with Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Production control plan-program.
  • Contract for disinfestation and deratization.
  • Contract for removal of solid waste.
  • Contract for washing workwear.
  • Agreement for the recycling of fluorescent lamps.
  • Agreement with the medical center for medical examinations of employees.
  • Contract for cleaning and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Logbook for cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems.
  • Logbook for disinfectants.
  • Personal medical records of employees.
Drawing up a sanitary and epidemiological report with the help of a law firm will cost from 20 thousand rubles.

To prepare the paste, you will need to purchase an industrial mixer or five-roll mill, a conche machine and a filling machine.

A five-roll mill designed for the production of chocolate paste, with a capacity of 350-900 kilograms per hour depending on the grinding fineness and a power of 75 kW, costs about 100 thousand rubles.

An industrial food grinder-mixer designed for grinding, mixing and heat treatment of viscous pasty products will cost 80-120 thousand rubles. The apparatus consists of a sealed bowl with a heat exchange jacket, equipped with a low-speed mixer with a scraper and a high-speed cutting attachment, which allows a significant number of processes, such as preparation, grinding, mixing, homogenization, etc., to be carried out in one technological cycle in a fairly short time.

The conche machine was invented back in 1879 by Swiss chocolate maker Rudolf Lindt and has since been widely used to make chocolate products. The lumpy mass in the conche machine undergoes a process of kneading and mixing, due to which unwanted bitter substances evaporate, the aroma of the components is revealed and a dense mass of the desired consistency is formed. The cost of equipment starts from 500 thousand rubles.

A filling machine with a piston dispenser, designed to work with pasty products, will also cost a lot - from 500 thousand rubles.

The chocolate spread recipe includes following ingredients: cocoa powder, milk powder, powdered sugar, fat. Sometimes peanuts or hazelnuts are added to the paste. Cocoa powder must contain at least 12%. The total amount of fat depends on the recipe and type of grinder and should not exceed 28 percent. It is best to use cocoa butter, as coconut and palm oils are not safe for the body. They contribute to metabolic disorders and cholesterol deposition. It is recommended to use natural lecithin as an emulsifier, which is absolutely harmless to the body, although E-emulsifiers are not prohibited by law. A high-quality fat base adsorbs other oils in pastes (for example, nuts), which prevents the release of oils onto the surface of the paste, and also makes the paste stable against separation when high temperature and allows for good spreadability at low temperatures.

Fats for making chocolate spread, as well as other ingredients, can be purchased from food supply companies. The cost depends on the manufacturer and order volume.

The production process begins with cocoa powder, milk powder, powdered sugar, fat and grated nuts (if needed in the recipe) being mixed for 5-12 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then the mass coming from the mixer is crushed to particles of 20-25 microns in size. At the next stage, the paste is conched for 5-7 hours. An hour before conching is completed, lecithin is added, which is necessary to reduce the viscosity of the final product. Conching is carried out at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. The paste is hung in a container using a filling machine.

Glass or plastic jars or doypack bags are used as packaging containers. The last option is the most economical and also has a number of other advantages. A doypack is a bag with a bottom that allows the package to stand vertically when filled. Bags are made from multilayer films of various combinations. Each bag is equipped with a plastic fitting through which the product comes out when you lightly press the bag. Pasta in doy bags is convenient to transport and store; it takes up little space. The cost of one package depends on the size of the batch and ranges from 5 to 20 rubles.

To avoid becoming a victim of unfair competition and not to face the extremely unpleasant situation when another manufacturer uses the name and logo of your product, it is recommended to register a trademark. Assistance in registration is provided by numerous legal companies operating in all regions of the country.

A trademark can be a verbal, figurative or combined designation. The information contained in the trademark must not be misleading regarding the properties and qualities of the product. The registered mark must not coincide in whole or in part with an existing trademark, be a generally accepted symbol, characterize the product by place, time and method of production, include elements of state symbols, have similarities with historical and cultural monuments of Russia, or works of art. A complete list of requirements for trademarks is contained in the Civil Code (Part IV), Articles 6 and 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 3520-I “On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods”, “Rules for Compiling, Submitting and Considering an Application for registration of a trademark and service mark."

After the designation is created, a patent search is carried out to make sure that a similar mark does not exist on the territory of the Russian Federation. The search is carried out both in the database of existing designations and in the database of signs awaiting registration. If the search has confirmed the uniqueness of your mark, then you can contact the Federal Institute of Industrial Property with an application to register a trademark. The fee for registering an application is 2,700 rubles, the fee for conducting an examination is 11,500 rubles. Registration of a mark lasts approximately 12-18 months from the date of filing the application. During this period, you already have certain rights to the trademark.

When FIPS completes all checks, the applicant can receive a certificate of registration of his own trademark, but first he must pay a fee of 16 thousand rubles. Every 10 years the validity of the sign must be renewed. The renewal fee is currently 20,250 rubles.

Package food product must comply with numerous requirements established by the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, by-laws of federal executive authorities, directives and regulations of the European Economic Community. First of all, the information on the packaging is written in Russian and can be duplicated in foreign languages ​​or languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The information must be reliable, clearly understood, not allowing any ambiguity or misconceptions regarding the composition, nutritional value, nature of origin, method of preparation, etc. The label contains the following information:

  • The name of the product, printed in a clearly legible font, understandable to the consumer, specifically and reliably characterizes the product.
  • Information about the distinctive properties of the product, for example: “with the addition of hazelnuts”, “peanuts”, “hazelnut butter with the addition of cocoa”.
  • Manufacturer's trademark (if any).
  • Name and location of the manufacturer (legal address, including country, and if the legal address does not match the address(es) of production(s)) and the organization in the Russian Federation authorized by the manufacturer to accept claims from consumers on its territory (if any).
  • Net weight.
  • Composition of the product. The ingredients are listed in order of decreasing mass fraction in the product. If the mass fraction of a component is less than 2%, it is allowed not to indicate it in the list. When specified food additives First, the group name is applied, for example, emulsifier, and then the index according to the International Numerical System (INS) or the European Numerical System (E). For flavorings indicate: “natural”, “identical to natural”, “artificial”.
  • The nutritional value(calorie content or energy value, content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements).
  • Product storage conditions. For example, store in a dark and cool place.
  • Best before date. Calculated from the date of manufacture. For chocolate paste, an average of 12 months.
  • Date of manufacture. Applied in the form of two-digit numbers indicating the day, month, year, or marks on the edges of the label.
  • Designation of the document in accordance with which the product is manufactured and can be identified (GOST).
To take a strong position among chocolate manufacturers, it is not enough to offer the consumer a quality product. The market is already quite saturated with a variety of products, and the one who knows how to attract the buyer’s attention wins. If we talk about chocolate spread, it is worth noting that most products contain too much fat and too little cocoa, which causes natural dissatisfaction among people purchasing these products. Making chocolate spread more chocolatey is a good chance for a startup to make a name for itself. According to experts, the profitability of chocolate production is about 50%.

Natalia Merkulova

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