Make a champagne slide with your hands. How to make a champagne pyramid for a wedding. How and who can assemble a champagne slide

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A wedding is a celebration that everyone strives to make the brightest, most colorful and unforgettable, since it happens once in a lifetime (at least everyone hopes so). For this reason, neither the newlyweds nor their parents spare any money or their physical strength. One of the points wedding banquet is an aperitif served to guests during the gathering. Of course, this aperitif can be served without any pathos, but you can arrange a real bartender show or surprise guests with a pyramid of champagne.

A champagne pyramid, also called a cascade, is glasses stacked on top of each other in a pyramid shape. Champagne is poured into the top glass, gradually filling the lower glasses. This is a truly beautiful and solemn spectacle that will not leave anyone indifferent. The golden color, white foam and flowing stream from the champagne pyramid will bring aesthetic pleasure to your guests. However, it should be taken into account that the larger the champagne pyramid, the more impressive it looks, and vice versa, the smaller the pyramid, the less impressions it will leave in the memory of your guests.

A champagne pyramid, also called a cascade, is glasses stacked on top of each other in a pyramid shape. Champagne is poured into the top glass, gradually filling the lower glasses. This is a truly beautiful and solemn spectacle that will not leave anyone indifferent. The golden color, white foam and flowing stream from the champagne pyramid will bring aesthetic pleasure to your guests. However, you should take into account that the larger the champagne pyramid, the more impressive it looks, and vice versa, the smaller the pyramid, the less impressions it will leave in the memory of your guests.

A bartender from a restaurant constructs a pyramid of champagne quite deftly, but not quickly. It all depends on how many glasses you plan to use. Experienced bartenders can create a pyramid from an incredibly large number of glasses, exceeding several hundred, then they have to spend up to 4 hours. The shape of a champagne pyramid can be triangular or square, but some experienced bartenders are ready to build a pyramid accompanied by more original shapes, including a cylinder or heart shape.

But if you still have a thirst for adventure, then try to assemble the pyramid yourself, having carefully studied the recommendations given below.

The large pyramid of champagne is a very complex structure. It must not only be installed correctly, but also filled with champagne correctly. The secret is that you need to pour champagne evenly in a thin stream into the very top glass, from where the champagne flows into the second level and further, to the very last level. When the pyramid is built correctly, literally a few drops spill past the glasses - from the lowest, support level. With the slightest defect in the folding or displacement of the glasses, the pyramid can crumble - a domino effect occurs and the entire structure falls apart, scattering into a million fragments and splashes. However, those present are unlikely to appreciate such pleasure. Therefore, you should not try to assemble a large pyramid of champagne on your own - you risk being left without glasses, champagne and pleasure, as they say, “out of nowhere,” so it is better to turn to professionals.
But if you still have a thirst for adventure, then try to assemble the pyramid yourself, having carefully studied the recommendations given below.

So, if you decide to create such a miracle, you should prepare for it in advance and purchase the following items:

  • table;
  • festive tablecloth;
  • tray;
  • wine glasses with a long stem (purchased with a small margin);
  • decorations.

Tray should be of such a size that it can accommodate all the glasses of the lower tier.

Wine glassesWine glasses To build a pyramid of champagne, it is best to purchase inexpensive ones; the spectacle in itself is mesmerizing, so there is no need to spend money on crystal glasses. You can take special glasses for champagne, which are called “saucers” or “martins” - with an extended neck.

Table must be stable so that if accidentally touched it does not move.

Tablecloth most often purchased snow-white, and its shape can be any.

Technology for implementing the plan:

According to the number of glasses, you should stock up on the required number of bottles of champagne in advance, so that during the bottling process there will be enough of them, and all the glasses will be filled with champagne. On average, for 55 glasses you need to purchase 16 bottles of champagne.

Initially, you should determine the number of glasses. Most often, they focus on the number of people invited to the celebration, so that each guest has the opportunity to take a glass from this wonderful pyramid and treat themselves to champagne. If the pyramid is being built by someone who has little or no practical experience, it is best not to exceed the quantity of 35-55 glasses.

According to the number of glasses, you should stock up on the required number of bottles of champagne in advance, so that during the bottling process there will be enough of them, and all the glasses will be filled with champagne. On average, for 55 glasses you need to purchase 16 bottles of champagne.

To build a pyramid of 55 glasses, place the first 25 glasses on a tray in the form of a square with sides of 5 glasses. Each glass should fit tightly against its neighbors, leaving no gaps. You should check the correctness of the square using available means, including cardboard.

The next row is created from 16 glasses. Each glass is placed in such a way that its stem equally grips the upper parts of the 4 lower glasses.

The third and all subsequent rows are set according to the same rule, the number of glasses with each new row decreases - 9, 4 and 1.

When you place the last glass, the only one on top, the pyramid will be built.

The next steps should be actions related to decorating the wedding pyramid. Glasses can be decorated with artificial flowers, fresh flower petals, and sweets in beautiful wrappers. In the containers where champagne bottles are placed, you can put dry ice, which will “smoke” in an original way.

Finally, all that remains is to fill the pyramid. This is done when all the guests are assembled. Such a mission can be entrusted to the newlyweds themselves. Champagne is poured in a slow stream into the topmost glass, and it will overflow in a cascade and reach the lower tier.

Of course, the higher the champagne pyramid is, the more impressive it will look.

In February 2006, Dutch businessman Geert-Jan Stock mall Wijnegem near Antwerp. It consisted of 35,990 glasses. The height of the structure was seven meters. Of course, they didn’t completely fill it with champagne, since to fix the record, it was enough to fill only a few upper levels.

At a wedding, such high pyramids are not needed, but even a medium-sized pyramid can become the most original highlight of the celebration, so it’s still worth trying to make a pyramid from champagne for a wedding.

If you decide to entrust the creation of a wedding pyramid to professionals, then know that the cost of the service usually already includes: delivery of glasses, installation of the pyramid, pouring champagne, dismantling the pyramid, collecting dishes. Additionally, various special effects and design work are discussed.

Rarely is a wedding complete without champagne. Traditionally, newlyweds drink this drink, and many guests prefer it to other wines or spirits. But you can serve glasses filled with a sunny, sparkling drink in different ways.

Most often, glasses of champagne are poured near the bar counter to each guest who expresses a desire. Champagne is served by waiters, or guests themselves come to the table with bottles and can serve themselves.

But you can turn his presentation into a real show! For this purpose, a champagne pyramid (slide) or a fountain is created.

According to the rules, bottles of champagne are kept in ice in special buckets; the taste and aroma of this wine is best revealed at a temperature of 7-9 degrees. It is served in special glasses, which can be wide, in the form of a bowl, or more common - elongated.

A pyramid of champagne for a wedding is a method of pouring this drink, in which the glasses are arranged in a special way in the shape of a pyramid, and the drink itself is poured from the bottle only into the peak glass, the top one, and already flowing over its edges, fills the next rows, flowing down to the very bottom. That is why it is also called “Cascade”.

The honorable mission of the “spill” is entrusted to the newly-made husband and wife. This technique looks very beautiful both in life and in a wedding video, where there will undoubtedly be slow motion and close-ups. The higher the pyramid, the more impressive it looks, but the risk of the structure falling increases significantly. The construction of a pyramid is carried out either in the form of a “square” or a “triangle”. Also, glasses can form a multi-tiered slide, standing in one row.

For this spectacular design, you will need specially shaped wine glasses, no less than the number of all guests.

Their base should be wide enough for better stability. The shape of these glasses resembles those in which martinis and vermouths are usually served - an inverted cone.

The upper “floor” is placed with the base of the stem at the junction of three or four glasses - and so on until the very top, until the slide is crowned with a single glass, intended for starting the pouring of the drink.

To check whether everything is done correctly and to make sure that the pyramid is “functioning”, you can give it a water test drive.

If the slide was assembled in violation of technology or simply carelessly, then when the champagne begins to pour, champagne may flow past the lower tier onto the table, or the structure will simply fall apart, and some glassware may break.

If there is such an opportunity, then it is still advisable to entrust this important organizational moment to experienced professionals. Especially if it will be assembled from a large number of glasses.

It takes about half an hour to assemble or dismantle the slide, but here, of course, a lot depends on the amount of utensils used in its construction. The pyramid is beautiful in itself, but it is also possible to create additional decorative effects.

If the main lighting in the hall is extinguished, and the pyramid itself is illuminated with a garland, the result is a very impressive spectacle.

The lights and reflections of glass glasses, combined with the play of a bubbling drink and flowing foam, will create an incredibly beautiful atmosphere of magic and fairy tales.

To install the pyramid, special tables are used, which come in two types:

  1. With fixed LED backlight. On such a table, the lighting is provided evenly, without flickering or flickering, but in the dark it looks very impressive.
  2. Equipped with LED strips. The backlight on it is controlled by a remote control and you can select the color and intensity of the light bulbs blinking. This table can be placed indoors or outdoors in the shade.

With the help of special syrups, which are poured into glasses in advance, the champagne will take on its own color when poured on each tier (or, according to the idea, in a different order). Green, red, yellow, blue - filled glasses look very bright and juicy.

Glasses can be decorated with berries, flowers, and fruit slices. If you put pieces of dry ice in a drink container, the pyramid will be enveloped in a mysterious, foggy haze while it is being filled with champagne.

How to pour champagne into a pyramid of glasses - the secrets of the show

This method of serving champagne is not limited to the subtleties of building a pyramid of glasses. Champagne should also be poured in compliance with certain rules.

It should be remembered that, first of all, this is a spectacle, a spectacular and unusual technique intended to create a solemn and festive mood, and therefore there is absolutely no need for a rush or a crumpled action here.

If a bartender is working at the wedding, then you can trust him to fill a particularly complex and high slide.

If this mission is entrusted to the bride and groom, then they should not have wide and long sleeves that can sweep away part of the slide. For example, this could be the case with a themed wedding in the style of antiquity or fairy tales.

You need to pour champagne slowly, in a uniform stream, so that it is distributed equally in all directions and you get exactly the effect that was intended.

The bottles can be opened by a witness or one of the guests, serving them to the young ones fully prepared.

A champagne fountain for a wedding is a bright decoration for a wedding banquet

Another spectacular and unusual way to fill guests’ glasses with a festive drink is to install a champagne fountain. It will not leave anyone indifferent - this idea looks so stylish and spectacular in a banquet hall.

This unit operates from the mains (but there are also battery-powered models), there is practically no noise from it, the drink from the main bowl lying at the base is served to the upper level of the structure and flows in streams back into the bowl.

The fountain can be used for any drinks that do not contain pulp, which clogs the openings of the system.

The style of fountains can be very different: from modern to the best traditions of the East, the number of tiers also varies - tall and complex designs look more spectacular.

The fountain bowls differ in volume. It should be borne in mind that champagne will fizzle out during circulation, albeit slowly, but there is no point in pouring the entire holiday supply of sparkling wine at once - it is better to gradually add it as needed. The required displacement is calculated based on the number of invited guests or using a special calculator.

For a family wedding, a two-liter fountain may be enough, but for a magnificent celebration with a large number of guests, sometimes even a few ten-liter ones are not enough.

Fountains can be equipped with additional special effects: lighting, music. It is appropriate to place light snacks nearby that are in harmony with noble drink– fruit slices, sweets, cakes.

They should also be served beautifully: then they will harmonize wonderfully with both the fountain and the food pyramid.

In this video you will hear a lot of practical tips on how to make a champagne slide:

You can combine both options: for example, for the first toast, the newlyweds fill the cascade with champagne, and then the fountains work. Such extraordinary ways of serving a sparkling holiday drink will be remembered by you and your guests for a long time as one of the key moments of the celebration. A spectacular spectacle is guaranteed for all those present.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Most often, champagne is served as a strong drink at a wedding. And sometimes it literally flows like a river, or rather a fountain. We are talking about the so-called “fountains of love” - pyramids made of glasses and filled with sparkling wine.

Which pyramid to choose?

So, structures made from wine glasses can be square, triangular, or less often they are simply lined up in several tiers. The choice among these options, as well as the size of the pyramid, directly depends on the number of people present at the event. If there are few guests, then it is better to choose a 2-story slide in the shape of a triangle. For 20 glasses you will need approximately 4 bottles of champagne.

Small pyramid of champagne for a wedding

When it is planned to gather a large number of people, the pyramids are naturally larger and are built in 6, and sometimes even 7 tiers. Well, what the maximum dimensions can be for a glass structure are known to the craftsmen from Belgium, who broke the Guinness record: they made a pile of 43 thousand wine glasses.

Large pyramid of champagne at a wedding

Where to order?

You can make a pyramid from glasses of champagne yourself. But to avoid any unpleasant incidents on such an important and important day, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

  • First of all, ask the restaurant or cafe where you are booking the event if they have such a service. This could save you a considerable amount of money, because Prestigious establishments often have a good discount on the “fountain of love” for their own customers, sometimes even one hundred percent.
  • You can also find a bartenders association in your city and order a service from them. This option is good because in addition to the pyramid, you will definitely be offered other interesting “tricks”, for example, juggling bottles.

A bartender show is an exciting and popular spectacle at mass banquets, which will certainly give all guests a great mood and will remain in their memory for a long time!

  • You can also ask the agency that organizes your celebration about the possibility of this service, the most advanced ones have long included it in their price list. The glasses will be delivered to the event site and arranged in the required order. Also, holiday experts will certainly tell you when it is best to display and present the pyramid to guests, and will help you decorate it creatively and stylishly.

What glasses are needed?

Traditionally, champagne is served at narrow oblong glasses with elongated stems. The rule is quite logical, because this drink is best drunk cold, and through the glass it can quickly heat up from the warmth of human hands.

However, when it comes to a pyramid, first of all it is necessary to take care of the stability of the structure. In this regard, wine glasses with short stems and wide necks will be most preferable.

Wine glasses on low legs in a champagne pyramid

Important nuances

If you decide to assemble a structure from glasses yourself, then in order to avoid an unpleasant incident with it falling at a celebration, follow a number of simple but very important rules:

  • First thing draw a pyramid on paper, to make sure that the number of glasses matches (or slightly more) the number of guests.
  • Plan in advance the surface on which the slide will be installed: it should be perfectly flat, without tilting.
  • Before building a glass structure, first practice on plastic cups.
  • And finally, one more important point both for those who ordered the pyramid from specialists and for those who made it on their own: so that the balance is not disturbed and the process looks beautiful, fill the champagne from the topmost glass in a very thin stream.

Newlyweds pour champagne in a thin stream into the top glass

5 creative design ideas

A slide of glasses filled with sparkling wine looks elegant and unusual, but at the same time this idea is by no means new and is used at many celebrations. For newlyweds looking for a creative approach to everything, we suggest taking note of one or more of the following ideas:

  • Place candy in empty glasses or add a few drops of syrup: a multi-colored fountain will definitely surprise everyone present;
  • If it is not possible to install the pyramid on a special table with an LED pendant, use at least a garland for decoration: iridescent lights will add a luxurious effect to the structure;
  • Place 2 pieces of dry ice in each glass: when you pour champagne, the structure will be enveloped in thick fog, it looks magical;
  • Add a miniature berry, such as a strawberry, to the glasses or attach to each of them: it will be attractive and juicy.

Glasses with champagne and strawberries

  • You can also put a flower in all or several glasses: a romantic gift that will be given to each guest along with the drink.


A champagne pyramid at a wedding always looks very impressive. To prevent it from collapsing in the midst of the celebration, it is important to have a perfectly flat surface, the right wine glasses, and do not forget to practice before creating a complex glass structure. Well, to serve sparkling drink looked even more unusual, be sure to think about its design.

13 June 2018, 21:45

Pyramid of glasses video

A slide of glasses photo

G champagne orca

Despite its name, a glass stack can be made with martinis, punch and other drinks. But a sparkling wine considered a classic. It effectively foams and hisses, flowing from the upper tier to the lower one, has a specific intoxicating aroma and is considered an integral sign of celebration. The haze effect looks especially chic when dry ice is used.

Just imagine the emotions of your guests when, before their eyes, a cascade of glasses arranged in a pyramid is filled with a sparkling noble drink. What if the slide also glows in different colors of the rainbow and drowns in clouds of smoke? A “fountain” made from glasses is always a spectacular show for guests and an unforgettable gift for the hero of the occasion, the embodiment of a solemn atmosphere and a sea of ​​positive moments.

Our professional bartenders embody their and your fantasies in each pyramid, turning it into a unique work of art. And the installation, filling glasses and serving drinks will be a real mix of professionalism, personal charm of the bartender and his artistry. Our aces show their dexterity in entertaining tricks and performances. You can additionally order flairing - juggling bottles, various special effects, for example, cold flames or pyrotechnic performances.

We'll tell you, show you... and let you try pouring the champagne to the guests yourself to the applause of the audience!! For a welcome drink, the most popular option is to pour glasses in advance, with or without decoration. Decorations, at your request, can be flowers, exotic fruits, all kinds of syrups to give different color shades. You can also order a smoke effect and illumination of the pyramid, which give the glass slide a special spectacle.

Price for a glass slide

Number of glasses Number of levels (tiers) Pyramid shape Minimum number of bottles (0.75 l.) Price per pyramid
35 5 triangle 6 6000
55 5 square 8 7000
56 6 triangle 8 7000
84 7 triangle 10 8000
91 6 square 11 9000
120 8 triangle 14 10000
140 7 square 18 12000
165 9 triangle 20 14000
204 8 square 25 16000
220 10 triangle 28 18000
Download prices

Options for customers:

    Children's parties (non-alcoholic champagne or non-alcoholic cocktails) Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, New Year Business corporate events, presentations, etc. (relevant for welcome drink)

Included in the price:

    Delivery of glasses Installation of the pyramid Work of a bartender for an hour (pouring and distributing glasses) Dismantling of the pyramid and collection of dishes.

Separately discussed:

    Number of glasses in the pyramid Shape of the pyramid Who buys the champagne - us or the customer Decor of the pyramid (optional) Smoke effect (optional) Separate lighting (optional) Table with lighting (optional)

Three main conditions (from the customer’s side):

    absence of wind. presence of a flat floor. presence of a level, stable table (or our table)

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However, most adults are also not averse to enjoying this delicious product. And therefore, chocolate fountain for wedding Many guests of the newlyweds will like it. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to eat every day fresh berries and fruits covered in chocolate. Moreover, chocolate fountain for the holiday It can be not only the usual dark brown color, but also white. For individual orders, it can be given any color. Depending on the set festive table fruit, the taste of chocolate flowing in the form of amazing cascades is selected. Sour taste citrus fruits are balanced by the sweet chocolate mass, and the sweetness of bananas, mangoes and other berries and fruits is ideally neutralized bitter chocolate fountain for wedding, price which is quite accessible even to people with average incomes.

Rarely does a wedding celebration go without pyramids of glasses filled with wine and other drinks. It is impossible to imagine any presentation without it. Pyramids from glasses filled with juice or lemonade can be built during a children's party. Looks amazing pyramid of champagne glasses different flowers at a wedding celebration. This is a unique spectacle. A cascade of foaming drink with playful tints, enchanting with a light stimulating aroma, will not leave guests indifferent. The company "mobile bar.rf" can build pyramid of champagne glasses, price which will suit any customer, on a table with LED lighting.

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