Fermented juices such as wine. Fermented apple juice

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How to make cider, humanity has known for several millennia. The first mention of fermented apple juice is associated with ancient Egypt. But the classic cider production technology was created in Europe. The right to be called its homeland is disputed by England, Spain and France.

Real cider is made from special varieties of apples, without yeast or pasteurization. The apples used to prepare the drink resemble wild fruits with a sharp sour or bitter taste and are not suitable for food. Cider is not wine, since its strength does not exceed six degrees and the fermentation process of the juice is much shorter. An alcoholic drink prepared according to all the rules can be stored for up to three years. During this time you can...

You don't have to travel to Europe to try real cider. Let's look at two ways to make cider at home, despite the evil squeal of monopoly producers and professional sommeliers.

Easy way

You are unlikely to get special apples, so just buy juicy fruits of different varieties at the market. There is no need to wash the fruit thoroughly: there is wild yeast on the peel. Remove the core and chop the apples well with a knife or using a food processor. Then fill out glass jar a third with apple pulp (pulp). Add a few raisins and 100 grams of sugar for each liter of pulp, and if the fruit is not juicy, then pour clean water into the mixture at a 1:1 ratio.

You need to put a rubber glove on the neck of the jar, which will serve as an indicator of the fermentation process and block access to oxygen, otherwise the pulp will turn sour. Place the jar in a dark, warm (from +22 to +30 degrees) place for 5-7 days.

When the rubber glove is filled with gas and stands at attention!, the fermented juice should be strained into a clean jar, and the pulp should be wrapped in gauze, squeezed well and thrown away. If the glove does not begin to fill with gas within a week, then the cider will no longer be produced and the starter will have to be poured out.

Place the jar with the drained and strained liquid in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. During this time, sediment will appear at the bottom of the vessel. Using a flexible tube (hose), carefully pour the cider into another container so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the jar. This process is called decanting. Now all that remains is to bottle the drink. Fill bottles completely and seal well to prevent oxidation and spoilage of the product. The shelf life of cider prepared in this way is about 1 year.

The right way

Especially for those who are not looking for simple ways and who are not satisfied with the above step by step instructions , there is a correct way to make cider at home.

You'll need the ugliest wild apples you can find. Fruits that are about to fall from the branch should be collected.

You only need juice from apples, so use a juicer, and you can immediately throw away the squeezed pulp. Fill a glass jar two-thirds full with the resulting apple juice and place a water seal. This is a special lid that does not allow air into the vessel, but releases carbon dioxide from there. You can buy a water seal or make it yourself (a regular lid with a tube).

Place the vessel with juice and water seal in a dark, warm (+20 degrees) place for 3-4 weeks. After this period, decant (see above) the fermented juice into clean jars, close them with lids and store at a temperature of +10 degrees for 3-4 months.

After this, pour the cider into bottles (fill completely) and seal carefully. Such alcoholic drink Can be stored in the refrigerator for about three years.

Drinking culture

Pay attention to the label. Real cider is not made from concentrate. No sugar, yeast, dyes or flavors are used in its production.

The foam disappears quickly, so you need to pour the drink into a glass in small portions from a height of at least one meter and drink immediately. In addition, during the flight, the cider is saturated with oxygen and excess carbon dioxide is removed, which allows its taste to be fully revealed.

Fermented apple juice is how you can describe the taste of real cider. There should not be any flavors unusual for apples.

Classic appetizer: shrimp, cheeses, fried beef, pancakes with different fillings.

There is practically no hangover after moderate consumption of cider.

And finally, a video from a YouTube user who put into practice some useful tips from the article. Serega Kulish shares her experience of receiving apple juice for cider:

Here you can download the article for free in PDF format:

Fermented juice from plum

Peel, wash, cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Place halves of berries in a bottle and add sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of plums. Close the bottle with a water seal and place in a warm place for fermentation for 35–45 days. After fermentation stops, drain the resulting juice from the sediment and bottle it.

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Fermented juice from apples For a 10-liter bottle: 8 kg of apple pulp, sugar at the rate of 100–150 g per 1 kg of pulp. Wash the sorted apples, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder with a large grid. Place the resulting apple pulp in a large bottle. Neck

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Fermented raspberry juice For a 10-liter bottle: 8 kg of raspberries, sugar at the rate of 100–150 g per 1 kg of berries. Take ripe, undamaged berries, rinse them 3–4 times with clean water and let it drain. Lightly mash the berries with your hands. Pour the resulting pulp and juice into a large bottle. If desired

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Fermented currant juice For a 10-liter bottle: 8 kg of black or red currants, sugar at the rate of 100–150 g per 1 kg of berries. Sort the berries, removing damaged ones. After rinsing the berries 2-3 times in water, let them drain and then mash in a colander placed over the pan. Received

From the author's book

Fermented cherry juice Mash the berries, pour into a bottle, fill with 30% sugar syrup, install a water seal and leave for 20–25 days until fermentation stops. Then filter the fermented juice and pour into

From the author's book

Fermented plum juice Peel the plums, wash them, cut them into halves and remove the pits. Place halves of berries in a bottle and add sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of plums. Close the bottle with a water seal and place in a warm place for fermentation for 35–45 days. After

The name of the juice itself suggests that such juice is ready for consumption after the fermentation process.

Fermented cherry juice
knead, place in a container, fill with 30% sugar, install a water seal and incubate for 25-30 days until fermentation stops. The juice is then filtered and bottled.
To prepare 5 liters of sugar syrup, 1.6 kg of sugar is required.
After separating the juice from them, berries (any) can be poured with moonshine and you will get a tincture .

Fermented raspberry juice
Rinse ripe, undamaged fruits 3-4 times with clean water and let the water drain.
Then lightly mash the berries with your hands. Place the resulting pulp and juice in a glass container (8 kg of pulp is placed in a 10-liter container). You can add sugar to the pulp (100-150 g per 1 kg of berries). Then the neck of the balloon is tied with gauze and placed in a warm place for 2-3 days.
The juice that has formed in the cylinder is poured into another cylinder and immediately closed with a water seal. Leave for 30-50 days, after which the juice is carefully drained from the sediment using a siphon. The juice is packaged in bottles, which are sealed and stored in a supine position.
To more completely extract extractive substances from the remaining pulp, pour into the container with the pulp as much 30% sugar syrup as the fermented juice was poured in, after which the mixture is put for further fermentation. After 3-4 days, the resulting juice is drained again and the pulp is squeezed out. The collected juice is poured into a bottle and placed for further fermentation under a water seal. After fermentation is complete, the juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon, bottled and sealed.

Fermented currant juice
Sort the berries, peel, rinse 2-3 times in water and let it drain. Then mash the berries in a colander placed over a saucepan. Pour the resulting pulp and juice into a glass container (a 10-liter container contains 8 kg of currants). Also cover the neck with gauze and leave in a warm place for 2-4 days.
When the pulp floats to the surface and the juice is released at the bottom of the cylinder, it is poured into another cylinder, sugar is added (100-150 g per 1 liter of juice) and left for further fermentation under a water seal for 12-20 days until fermentation is complete. After this, the juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon.
The fermented juice is placed in a cold place for 1.5-2 months. When stored in a cold place, tartaric acid and cloudiness fall out of the juice. Purely clarified juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon, poured into bottles and sealed. To completely extract extractive substances from the pulp, add as much 30% sugar syrup as the amount of fermented juice that was drained. After 3-4 days, the juice is drained and the pulp is squeezed out. The resulting secondary juice is placed in post-fermentation under a water seal for 20-30 days until fermentation is complete. Then it is bottled and sealed.
This is how fermented juice is prepared from black and red.

Fermented plum juice
The plums are peeled, washed, cut into halves and pitted. The fruit halves are placed in a glass container and sugar is added (150 g per 1 kg of plums). Then the bottle is closed with a water seal and placed in a warm place for fermentation for 35-45 days. After fermentation is complete, the juice is carefully drained from the sediment, bottled and sealed.

Fermented apple juice
The apples are sorted, washed, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting apple pulp is placed in a glass container (a 10-liter container contains 8 kg of pulp) and sugar is added (100-150 g per 1 kg of pulp). Tie the neck of the container with gauze and leave for 2-4 days. After the pulp floats to the surface and the juice is released at the bottom of the container, the resulting juice is drained and the pulp is squeezed out. Sugar is added to the resulting juice at the rate of 100-150 g per 1 kg of juice, closed with a water seal and left to ferment for 15-25 days until fermentation is complete. After this, the juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon, bottled and sealed.

Ancient recipes

Vishnevka Malorossiyskaya
Method No. 1
Place the peeled cherries on the boards with the holes facing up so that the juice does not flow out of them, put these boards with the cherries in the oven in the freest spirit so that the cherries only wilt and wrinkle a little, but do not dry out, then cool them and fill the prepared barrel or bottle with them . When pouring the berries into the bottle, shake often and roll the barrel so that more cherries are included. When the barrel is completely full, pour as much vodka as will fit onto the berries, let them stand in a cold cellar, but not on the glacier, for 10 days; then pour all the liquid into a separate bottle, pour vodka over the berries a second time, leaving to stand for 2 weeks, drain the liquid, pour vodka over the berries a third time, let stand for 7 weeks. Then mix all these three liqueurs together, sweeten to taste with ¼ to ¾ sugar per bottle, cork, tar, and keep in the cellar.

Method number 2
Take cherries, crush them with pits, pour them into a cube, drive plain vodka through them, which you first infuse on coals to take away the bad stuff from it; pour this vodka on fresh cherries, pouring them into a full bottle, but so that the vodka covers them by 4 fingers, the readiness of the liqueur is recognized by taste and thickness, if, poured into a glass, it sticks to the glass like syrup, it means it’s ready, you can then drain it and sweeten it to taste ¼ to ¾ pound of sugar per bottle, but you can skip the sweetening altogether. In general, the longer the liqueur sits on the cherry, the better it is.
It is made as follows. Choose a good and dense barrel. For this preparation, they must be ripe and clean, without twigs and leaves. Pour an almost full barrel of cherries so that there is no more than an inch or an inch and a half of empty space in the barrel. Pour raw and pure honey onto the cherries, without any admixture of wax; it is better if it is white than red. You need to pour the honey slowly and pour in so much of it that it covers all the cherries and fills the empty space between them. Then seal the barrel tightly, fill the cork with resin and tie the barrel through the cork with a strong rope and it is better to tar the entire barrel so that there is no contact with air. Place the barrel in the cellar, but not on the ice itself, or it is better to bury it in the ground or sand in the basement and leave it like that for 3 months; At this time, fermentation will occur.
After 3 months, the cherry will be ready, then uncork the barrel and pour the cherry into bottles, straining through canvas, cap the bottles tightly, fill the necks with resin or sealing wax. Cherry prepared this way can be preserved for several years. A 3-bucket barrel will contain 2 buckets of cherries and 1 bucket of honey.

Sweet berry wine
Squeeze juice from strawberries, red and black currants, raspberries, cherries, add 1 pound of sugar for every 2 bottles of this juice, mix well with the juice. Place 3 tablespoons of yeast on 1 bucket of juice, pour into a barrel or bottle and place in a warm place for fermentation; if there is no fermentation, add yeast. After three hours of fermentation, put it on ice, let it sit for 3-4 days, then strain and pour 2 bottles of vodka into each bucket of juice, pour into bottles, cork, tar and put the bottles sideways in sand in a cool place; the longer it stands, the better.
Note!Each berry is taken separately.
Take 10 shtofs (1 shtof = 1.2 l) of birch sap and put 8 pounds of sugar on this portion, stir and cook in a tinned saucepan until 3 parts boil, skim off the foam while boiling. Then remove from heat, strain directly into barrels and let cool until the fresh milk is warm, pour in 4 tablespoons of yeast and 2 bottles of purified vodka, 4 lemons, cut into slices and without seeds. The barrel should not be full, then put it in a warm place so that the birch tree can ferment for 10-12 hours. Then put on ice for 7 weeks, then, after straining, pour into thick glass bottles, pouring up to the hanger, seal, tie with wire, and store in a cool place.

And next time we will look at how liqueurs and other fruit and berry drinks are prepared.

Fermented raspberry juice

Select ripe, undamaged berries, rinse them 3-4 times with clean water and let it drain. The berries are lightly kneaded with your hands. The resulting pulp and juice are placed in a glass container (8 kg of pulp is placed in a 10-liter container). If desired, add sugar to the pulp (100-150 g per 1 kg of berries). Then the neck is tied with gauze and placed in a warm place for 2-3 days. The juice formed in the cylinder is poured into another cylinder, which is immediately closed with a water seal. The fermented juice is kept under a water seal until the formation of bubbles in a glass of water stops, i.e. until the end of fermentation.

To clarify the fermented juice, the container is taken to a cold room and kept under a water seal for 30-50 days, after which the juice is carefully drained from the sediment using a siphon. The juice is packaged in bottles, which are sealed and stored in a supine position.

To completely extract extractive substances from the remaining pulp, pour into a container with

The pulp contains as much 30% sugar syrup as the fermented juice was poured in, after which the mixture is put for further fermentation. After 3-4 days, the resulting juice is drained again and the pulp is squeezed out. The collected juice is poured into a bottle and placed for further fermentation under a water seal. At the end of fermentation, the juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon, bottled and sealed.

Fermented currant juice

The berries are sorted and cleaned, removing damaged ones. After rinsing the berries 2-3 times in water, let it drain and then mash the berries in a colander placed over the pan. The resulting pulp and juice are poured into a glass container (up to 8 kg of berries are placed in a 10-liter container).

The neck of the container is covered with gauze and placed in a warm place for 2-4 days. When the pulp floats to the surface and the juice is released at the bottom of the container, it is poured into another container, sugar is added (100-150 g per 1 liter of juice) and left for fermentation under a water seal for 12-20 days (until fermentation stops completely), after whereupon the juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon.

The fermented juice is placed in a cold place for 1.5-2 months so that the tartaric acid and dregs fall out. Pure clarified juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon, poured into cylinders and sealed.

To completely extract extractive substances from the remaining pulp, add as much 30% sugar syrup to the container as the fermented juice was drained. The syrup set for fermentation is poured into a container after 3-4 days, and the pulp is squeezed out. The juice obtained a second time is put into further fermentation under a water seal for 20-30 days (until fermentation is completely completed). After the specified period, the juice is drained using a siphon, poured into bottles or cylinders and sealed. This is how fermented juice from black and red currants is prepared.

Fermented cherry juice

The berries are kneaded, placed in a container, filled with 30% sugar syrup, a water seal is installed and kept for 20-25 days until fermentation stops. The fermented juice is then filtered and bottled.

To prepare 5 liters of sugar syrup, take 1.6 kg of sugar.

Fermented plum juice

The plums are peeled, washed, cut into halves and pitted. Halves of berries are placed in a glass container and sugar is added (150 g per 1 kg of plums). Then the bottle is closed with a water seal and placed in a warm place for fermentation for 35-45 days. After fermentation stops, the resulting juice is carefully drained from the sediment and poured into bottles, which are sealed and stored.

Fermented apple juice

The sorted apples are washed, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting apple pulp is placed in a glass container. Place 8 kg of pulp in a 10-liter container and add sugar (100-150 g per 1 kg of pulp). Having tied the neck with gauze, the balloon is placed in a warm place for 2-4 days. After the pulp floats to the surface and the juice is released at the bottom of the container, the resulting juice is drained and the pulp is squeezed out. Sugar is added to the resulting juice (100-150 g per 1 liter of juice), closed with a water seal and left to ferment for 15-25 days. After fermentation is complete, the juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon, bottled and sealed.

Fermented raspberry juice

Take ripe, undamaged berries, rinse them 3-4 times with clean water and let it drain. Lightly mash the berries with your hands. Pour the resulting pulp and juice into a large bottle. If desired, add sugar to the pulp. Then tie the neck with gauze and put the bottle in a warm place for 2-3 days. Pour the resulting juice into another container, which is immediately closed with a water seal. Keep the fermented juice under a water seal until the formation of bubbles in a glass of water stops, that is, until the end of fermentation.

To clarify the fermented juice, take the bottle into a cold room and keep it under a water seal for 30-50 days, after which the juice is carefully drained from the sediment using a siphon. Pour the juice into bottles, which are sealed and stored in a supine position.

To completely extract the extractive substances from the remaining pulp, pour into the bottle with the pulp as much 30% sugar syrup as the fermented juice was poured, after which the mixture is put for further fermentation. After 3-4 days, drain the resulting juice again and squeeze out the pulp. Pour the collected juice into a container and place it for further fermentation under a water seal. At the end of fermentation, drain the juice from the sediment using a siphon, pour into bottles and seal. For a 10 l bottle Raspberry 8 kg Sugar 1-1.5 kg
Fermented currant juice

Sort the berries, removing damaged ones. After rinsing the berries 2-3 times in water, let them drain and then mash in a colander placed over the pan. Pour the resulting pulp and juice into a large bottle. Cover the neck with gauze and place in a warm place for 2-4 days.

When the pulp floats to the surface and the juice is released in the lower part of the container, pour it into another container, add sugar and leave for fermentation under a water seal for 12-20 days (until fermentation stops completely), after which the juice is drained from the sediment using a siphon.

Place the fermented juice in a cold place for 1.5-2 months so that the tartaric acid and dregs fall out. Drain the pure clarified juice from the sediment using a siphon, pour into bottles and seal well.

To completely extract extractive substances from the remaining pulp, add as much 30% sugar syrup into the container as the fermented juice was drained. After 3-4 days, pour this syrup into a bottle and squeeze out the pulp. Place the resulting juice for further fermentation under a water seal for 20-30 days (until fermentation is complete). Afterwards, drain the juice using a siphon, pour into bottles and seal. For a 10 l bottle Black or red currant 8 kg Sugar 800-1200 g
Fermented cherry juice

Mash the berries, pour into a bottle, pour 30% sugar syrup, install a water seal and leave for 20-25 days until fermentation stops. Then filter the fermented juice and bottle it.

Fermented plum juice

Peel, wash, cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Place halves of berries in a bottle and add sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of plums. Close the bottle with a water seal and place in a warm place for fermentation for 35-45 days. After fermentation stops, drain the resulting juice from the sediment and bottle it.

Fermented apple juice

Wash the sorted apples, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder with a large grid. Place the resulting apple pulp in a large bottle. Tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and place it in a warm place for 2-4 days. After the pulp floats to the surface and the juice is released at the bottom of the container, drain the resulting juice and squeeze out the pulp. Add sugar to the resulting juice, close with a water seal and leave to ferment for 15-25 days. After fermentation is complete, drain the juice from the sediment using a siphon, pour into bottles and seal. For a 10 l bottle Apple pulp 8 kg Sugar 800-1200 g
Sweet strawberry wine

Due to the difficulty of extracting juice from berries, as well as the lack of stability of wine during storage, wines are prepared relatively rarely.

To prepare 10 liters of wort, take 8 liters of strawberry juice, 2.4 kg of sugar and 0.5 liters of water. Wine is prepared in the same way as any fermented juice.

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