Pacific saury. We checked the quality of canned fish “Natural saury” and “Saury with added oil. More details about the composition

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Until recently, canned saury fish were as popular as sprats, but it was much easier to purchase them. Today, saury is presented in a wide variety on store shelves, but in order to make the right choice you need to know some information.

Saira is a marine representative of the mackerel family. This name hides two genera living in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Fish of these genera have some external differences - the Atlantic saury has a more elongated jaw than its Pacific counterpart. Otherwise, their lifestyle and habits are practically the same. The long body of the fish is covered with scales that come off easily, the jaws are pointed and elongated. The belly of the saury is silvery, the sides have a greenish tint, and the back is much darker. With a length of up to 40 cm, this fish does not exceed a weight of 200 g. The fish lives in subtropical and temperate regions of the Earth and avoids cold waters. Saira lives in the waters of the open ocean, at shallow depths. Its food is crustacean plankton. Pacific saury is a migratory fish. She travels thousands of kilometers: saury spends the winter and spawns off the coast of eastern and southern Japan. In the summer, it moves north to Sakhalin and Kamchatka; after the onset of cold weather, it returns to winter in the warm waters of the Kuroshio Current.

Saury spawns in portions; small eggs are attached to algae or any other objects moving in the water using adhesive threads. Young animals reach commercial size in the third year of life. Saury catchers use its natural reaction to a light source: schools of fish concentrate around light traps and circle around them. Thus, a huge number of fish end up in the nets.

In economic needs, saury is still of great importance - it is one of the most important commercial fish. You can find fresh frozen and canned saury on sale. Canned food is widely used both as an independent dish and in appetizers, salads and first courses. Fresh frozen fish is good for any type of heat treatment; it can be baked, stewed and fried.

You should be wary of unscrupulous manufacturers who, under the guise of saury, produce canned food with less cheap and high-quality fish.

Information that will help you purchase a quality product:

When buying any canned food, you should pay attention to the condition of the can. The same applies to canned saury. The jar should not be damaged or swollen.

The numbers stamped on the lid contain information about the method of processing the fish. If the numbers 308 are indicated in the second row, then the saury is natural, but if the code is 186, then the fish was blanched in oil. If the information on the label does not match the codes on the cap, then this is a counterfeit product.

After opening the jar, evaluate its fullness. Golden or light-colored pieces of fish should be tightly and neatly packed and at the same time be whole and make up 70% of the total volume. The chaotic contents of the jar again indicate a fake.

Composition and beneficial properties

Not inferior to other types of sea fish, saury contains many vitamins (B, A, D), easily digestible proteins (including essential amino acids) and minerals. If you eat saury, you can easily compensate for the lack of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Saira improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and is also a preventive measure for diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis and caries. This fish can improve the functioning of the brain, heart and blood vessels due to the presence of natural antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Fish dishes occupy a special place in the menu of Russian consumers. Fresh frozen inhabitants of the ocean depths offer a wide range of recipes for dietary nutrition, simple everyday dishes and real culinary delights. An appetizing fish with numerous beneficial properties called saury is no exception.

It inhabits the open area of ​​the Pacific Ocean from the eastern coasts of the Asian continent to California. Prefers tropical and subtropical climates, migrating year-round in large flocks. In winter it spawns off the coast of Japan, in summer it moves to Sakhalin and Kamchatka, and with the onset of cold weather it returns to the waters of the warm Japanese Kuroshio Current.

It also lives in the Atlantic Ocean, but it is predominantly the Pacific species that enter the domestic market. In Russia it is found in the Sea of ​​Japan, near the Kuril Islands and in the south of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

An adult saury from the family Mackerelfish (Scumbreschukidae) no more than 40 cm in length and weighs from 200 to 400 g. The long body, pressed from the sides, is covered with small shiny scales. The back is dark, the sides have a greenish tint, and the belly is silvery. Distinctive Features: large mouth with long jaws, a row of small fins above and below in the tail and a greenish tint to the skeleton.

It feeds at a depth of no more than 230 m on crustaceans, fish larvae, and plankton. It spawns from the age of three, laying ellipsoidal sticky eggs in the form of thin threads on algae. Maximum fertility is 22 thousand eggs. The average lifespan of this fish is 6-7 years.

Rice. 1. Open jar natural Pacific saury "Aquamarine"

Judging by the number of different sauries on the supermarket shelf, we are not the only ones who love these canned foods. This is understandable.

Natural Pacific saury canned fish is

  • tasty
  • not greasy
  • nutritious
  • juicy, not dry
  • made in Russia
  • quickly, open it and eat
  • environmentally friendly product
  • small portion - you won't overeat
  • They are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate (2 years)
  • with benefits characteristic of marine fish
  • versatile in use: as an independent dish, in a salad, in a pie filling, etc.
  • produced in a fishing area on the Pacific coast in the village of Slavyanka, Primorsky Krai

Rice. 2. An example of serving saury on the label of canned fish

Saira is good to mashed potatoes, spaghetti or rice. We most often eat it with spaghetti. In force instant cooking. For example, they cook for 5 minutes, and the canned food is simply opened and transferred. That's all. The food is served. Bon appetit!

Rice. 3. Preparing canned saury for serving

We always keep it in the kitchen cabinet a few canned saury in reserve. We open them when we have breakfast or dinner without our daughter. One can of saury is just enough for two of us to have a snack, but not to overeat. All the benefits are there in the quantities the body needs, and in an easily digestible form.

In our family, we divide saury like this: for me, the tummies, and for my husband, the backs. Since childhood, I have been very fond of saury bellies. My husband doesn’t care, he loves all this fish very much. But he is pinned by my section like this:

Rice. 4. Saira, cut in half, into backs and bellies

We ended up with a small family tradition of eating natural saury, caught in the Pacific Ocean, processed at the factory and rolled up in a tin can.

What else can I say about specifically saury of the natural brand "Aquamarine"...

Rice. 5. Natural Pacific saury. Canned fish "Aquamarine"

Rice. 6 Emphasis on the naturalness and elitism of the product in packaging design

The jar says De luxe. Right all over the jar, like a watermark. This is a marketing ploy. The canned food is good, without preservatives, the fish is even, almost the same size, juicy. But the color of the fish is uneven. For example, there are no fragments of skin, etc.

Rice. 7. Canned fish: carcasses are the same size and shape, but the integrity of some is compromised

That is, the taste is good, the smell is normal, the consistency is okay, the color is a little lame.

The can itself is straight, with a correctly affixed label, with an embossed production date, which is rare now. But in a deluxe jar there would be an opener - you pulled the ring, the jar opened. Here I had to use a bottle opener.

Rice. 8. Production date and coding stamped on the lid

By cost. Price of 1 can of saury Pacific natural "Ultramarine" - 85 rubles 89 kopecks. This was in January 2016 in the Lenta retail chain in Moscow.

Definitely buy. And it is advisable to replenish your strategic reserves with them. Companies producing canned fish"Pacific saury", a lot. That's why.

Fish, as a food product, has high nutritional value, and therefore occupies an important place in the human diet. Against the general background of the entire fishing industry, ocean fish stand out favorably, all of whose beneficial properties are impossible to list. A notable representative of particularly valuable fish species is saury.

Description of appearance

Saury is an oceanic schooling fish that lives in the upper layers of water, which determines its high importance in fishing. The body of saury is elongated, from 25 to 40 cm in length, gradually becoming thinner towards the tail. The scales covering the body are small, silver-gray on the sides and dark blue-green on the back. Average weight - 180 g.

Did you know? The scientific name of saury is “Cololabis”, translated from Greek means “short lips”, which does not fully reflect its large mouth disproportionate to the body.

The head is long, proportional to the body, with a noticeably protruding lower jaw. The relationship with the mackerel family determined that the fish has longitudinal caudal fins - dorsal and anal. In this case, the dorsal fin is slightly shifted towards the caudal fin and is supplemented with five or six small fins. The caudal fin has a pronounced deep notch. Appearance The difference between the Pacific and Atlantic saury is somewhat different and lies in the degree of displacement of the lower jaw - in the Atlantic saury, in comparison with the Pacific saury, the lower jaw is more pronouncedly protruded.

Composition and nutritional value

The high value of saury is explained by its rich chemical composition and low calorie content, which makes it an indispensable source useful substances, especially when following a diet.

Nutritional value of 100 g of product:

  • complete, easily digestible - 19.5 g;
  • saturated and unsaturated fats - 14.1 g;
  • simple and complex - absent.
Caloric content of 100 g of product is 204.9 kcal.

Important! Compared to freshwater fish species, saury exceeds the content of useful substances.

The chemical composition is presented:
  • vitamins: (retinol), group, (calciferol), (tocopherol), (nicotinic acid);
  • microelements: (Fe), (Ni), (F), (Cr), (Mo);
  • macroelements: (Ca), (Mg), (Na), (K), (Ph), (S), (Cl).
By consuming saury, the body is replenished with the bulk of the daily supply of vitamins and minerals, and nutritional value guarantees a high supply of energy for an active day.

Useful properties

Saira, like any other representative of the aquatic world, is certainly useful product, the main feature of which is explained by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and. The body does not produce these fats on its own, so fish is an excellent source of replenishing these substances. Useful properties of saury, due to the high content of substances in chemical composition, consist in a wide range of actions on all body systems:

  • unsaturated fats, reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, thereby improving their function cardiovascular system. Possessing antioxidant properties, they prevent early aging and the development of cancer;

Did you know? The intake of unsaturated fats Omega-3 and Omega-6 into the body increases the level of the “element of youth” independently produced by the body - the antioxidant coenzyme Q10, which increases life expectancy.

  • vitamins, stimulating the hematopoietic system, improve blood quality, regulate metabolism, strengthen bone tissue, increase skin elasticity and ensure good hair condition;
  • the mineral composition prevents the development of anemia, strengthens the immune system and has a general anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the high content of the amino acid taurine provides a protective effect on liver cells, promotes the production of bile and, accordingly, the production of insulin, which is especially valuable for people with diabetes.

Canned fish: what are the benefits?

Fish is a universal product in the kitchen. It can be boiled, stewed, fried, smoked, dried, and used not only as a main dish, but also as a filling in snacks or baked goods. A win-win option is canned saury. No one can argue about the benefits of fresh fish, but what benefits can there be from canned fish? Everyone knows that long-term heat treatment “kills” all the beneficial substances in the product, but this property does not apply to canned fish.

Did you know? Mineral elements extracted from fish scales are used in the production of lipsticks.

Of course, heat treatment reduces the concentration of vitamins and minerals in fish, but in the final residue they are found in maximum quantities. During preservation, all vitamins and macroelements are preserved, and antioxidants reach their maximum when heated and prolonged heat treatment. Therefore, saury, not only natural, but also canned, has great benefits for the body. Another important advantage of canned fish is the fact that after a long heat treatment, all pathogenic microflora and dangerous microorganisms are destroyed during preservation.
And this, first of all, concerns such an infectious disease as botulism. Toxins produced by bacteria pose a deadly threat to human health, but when high temperatures die. It is also worth mentioning that canned fish, having high nutritional value, is a self-sufficient product, ready for consumption without any additional processing.

Important! When purchasing canned fish, you should pay attention to the presence of the “C20” marking on the tin can- this is an indicator that the product is of low quality.

Contraindications and harm

Hippocrates’ expression “Everything is good in moderation” is also true when it comes to eating canned fish. In moderate quantities, such a product does not pose a threat to human health, but it is still worth exercising caution. Like any other manufactured product, violations of technology are harmful to the human body. This also includes the manufacturer’s dishonesty regarding the production time and suitability of the product.

There are also always risks that the raw material (raw fish) was improperly stored, poorly cleaned and processed for production, which significantly affects not only the quality of the product, but also the consequences after its consumption. Often, depending on the manufacturer, saury in oil is produced using vegetable oil low quality, which can affect the functioning of an important human organ - the liver.
Canned fish contain a large amount of salt, so they can cause harm if there are malfunctions:

  • cardiovascular system, especially with arterial hypertension (so-called “high blood pressure”);
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

Important! The amount of salt in canned fish is 10 times more than in fresh fish, which is 1.5 times the body’s daily requirement.

Therefore, people with diagnosed diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract are recommended to eat canned fish in small portions in exceptional cases and only after consultation with their doctor. A direct contraindication to the use of saury is individual intolerance to the product.

How to choose a good fish

When choosing canned fish, including saury, you must follow the basic rules of choice:

  • a label must be carefully affixed with a readable composition, where in the first place the type of raw material (fish or fish waste) from which the product is made is indicated;
  • the tin can must be free of flaws and damage with an easily noticeable production date (in dd/mm/yy format) embossed in the “inside-out” direction or laser-marked (in dd/mm/yy format) and product range code (for saury: 177 - “smoked in oil” is used) , 186 - “blanched in oil”, 308 - “natural”, 931 - “natural with added oil”);

Important! There must be a marked or embossed letter P on the lid, which is a sure sign that a natural fish product was used as a raw material.

  • When opening the can before use, you should pay attention to the color (the meat should be light, without dark spots) and the smell of the canned food. If you have the slightest suspicion of a low-quality product, you should not consume canned fish.

It is unlikely that you will be able to buy fresh saury in our country, but when buying fresh frozen saury, it is important to pay attention to the following properties:
  • there should not be a lot of ice (glaze);
  • visible natural, without yellowness, carcass color;
  • smooth, not wrinkled carcass;
  • presence of factory markings on the packaging.
Compliance with these conditions when purchasing will help protect yourself from poisoning and intestinal disorders.

Storage rules

The shelf life of sealed canned fish is no more than 2 years from the date of production. It is advisable to store in the refrigerator at the temperature indicated on the label. If a can of canned fish is opened, then such a product can only be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 24 hours.

When opening, it is recommended to remove canned fish in glassware, thus preventing chemical oxidation reactions of the metal upon contact with air. Shelf life of fresh fish freezer can reach up to a year, provided that the temperature is below 0 ºС and is not subject to frequent fluctuations.

Did you know? The higher the fat content of the fish variety, the shorter the shelf life is acceptable. This is due to the fact that the fish oil contained spoils first and subsequently becomes bitter when cooked.

Saira- oceanic fish with high value in food industry. Being a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, its moderate consumption prevents the development of many diseases. Regardless of the method of processing and preparing saury, the amount of nutrients and the benefits provided do not decrease. Despite this characteristic, saury can be harmful to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver and kidneys. Therefore, remember that everything is good in moderation.

Back in the distant 70s, canned saury became more popular than sprat, and at the same time was sold at a very affordable price. Decades later, natural Pacific saury also often ends up on the dinner table, and you can still buy it for a reasonable price.

Benefits for humans

The beneficial properties of this fish lie in its rich vitamin and mineral composition (contains Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine) and are confirmed by many studies in Russia and abroad. Canned Pacific natural saury is recommended by nutritionists to be consumed regularly for a balanced diet.

Description and Application

It is worth noting the “correct” calorie content of canned food, they perfectly saturate the body and satisfy the feeling of hunger, and do not contain carbohydrates, that is, they are safe for the figure. Canned saury is often added to homemade soups and salads, baked into aromatic pies, served as a snack, and also used for cooking fish cutlets. Thanks to proteins of natural origin, canned natural saury is perfectly digestible and does not cause excess weight.

We offer seafood

We produce canned fish on the high seas to preserve all the beneficial properties Pacific fish, eliminating the need to freeze raw materials for subsequent transportation.
We supply canned Pacific natural saury wholesale and retail throughout the Russian Federation, where you can buy products under the Dobroflot brand at the price from the manufacturer.

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