Christmas log is a traditional French cake. Sweet exclusive: Christmas log recipe from pastry chef Evgenia Sarovik Step-by-step recipe with photos

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Culinary historians claim that the dessert “ Christmas log" - a distant echo of pagan ideas about nature spirits living in trees. Folk magic, which migrated into Catholic rituals, connected the Christmas embers of a log burning on the holiday with the protection of the home and family hearth from misfortunes. Be that as it may, magic and folklore are a thing of the past, and the Christmas roll is here on the table.

The traditional log cake is quite economical, consisting of a simple sponge roll with whipped cream cream. First, the biscuit is baked, then it is rolled into a roll and finished with a thick layer of cream, imitating the bark of a tree with its roughness, knots, curls, etc. On top of the log is decorated with “snow” (powdered sugar), “mushrooms” (meringue), and forest figurines. flora and fauna from “berries” to “bunnies” (marzipan, chocolate, marshmallows). The cake is usually served at Christmas.

However, although basic recipe is simple, “Log” requires artistic taste and flair from the performer, so there are as many variations of the dessert as there are artists, and the culinary process always turns into inspired magic and a real master class. I suggest you see this by making a complex, time-consuming, but luxurious Christmas cake with me.

Our work will consist of 6 stages:

It will take a little over 3 hours of active time. Plus the time of waiting until something cools down, and something reaches the condition in the refrigerator, “and in general.” It's a lot of time, I agree. But you will finally receive pleasure, joy from creativity and hitting a “high note”, a festive mood, blissful fatigue from an amazing result, a miracle in such quantities that time will simply cease to exist.

Ingredients for the Christmas Log


  • water 70 g
  • flour 40 g
  • butter 30 g
  • 1 egg (large)
  • a pinch of salt and sugar


  • water 120 g
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar 2 teaspoons

Walnut sponge cake

  • egg 1 piece
  • protein 2 pieces
  • powdered sugar 65 g
  • walnuts 35 g
  • flour 30 g
  • baking powder 3 g
  • pinch of salt


  • milk chocolate 200 g
  • milk 150 g
  • gelatin 7 g

Ganache and moss

  • heavy cream 250 g
  • black bitter chocolate 200 g
  • egg 1 piece
  • glucose syrup or invert 30 g
  • flour 25 g
  • sugar 12 g
  • baking powder 5 g
  • green food coloring
  • powdered sugar
  • cocoa powder

Cooking time: active work about 3 hours + time for cooling, cooling, etc.
Output of the finished product: log 20-22 cm long and 8-9 in diameter

Making shu for the cake

  • water 70 g
  • flour 40 g
  • butter 30 g
  • egg 1 pc. (large)
  • a pinch of salt and sugar

From this amount choux pastry you will get more shu than you need for the cake, but it will be very inconvenient to prepare a smaller portion of dough. There is no need to worry, because the amount of raspberry shu filling (see below) is calculated in such a way that you can fill them all and serve them as a small addition to the main dessert. Start preparing the choux pastry. Pour water into a small ladle and add butter. Add salt and sugar there. Place the ladle on the fire.

While the mixture is heating, sift the flour. As soon as the water and oil reach a boil, pour the sifted flour into the liquid, continuously and thoroughly mixing the dough.

At first the mass will be lumpy.

Keep the dough on the fire a little longer, continuing to knead it. This will create a thin crust at the bottom of the ladle and the dough will become smooth. Thanks to this drying of the dough, it will absorb more eggs and the shu will rise better.

Remove the dough from the heat and let cool to such a temperature that you can touch it with your hand.

Meanwhile, whisk and strain the egg through a sieve.

When the dough has cooled, start adding the egg little by little, kneading the mixture thoroughly. Don't rush to add the whole egg at once - add until the dough becomes plastic. Its “stretchy” texture is clearly visible in the photo.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag or stationery file. If you have pastry cutters, use a round hole or French star tip with a diameter of 10-12mm. If there are no attachments, simply cut off the tip of the bag or file in such a way as to obtain a hole of the desired size.

Place small shu on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Be sure to leave space between the shu as they will expand during baking.

Bake the shu at a temperature of 220 degrees for the first 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 and bake until golden brown. Remember that you cannot open the oven, otherwise the shu will settle. This is especially true for the first baking period, while the shu are growing.

Cool the finished shu.

Filling for shu

Ingredients needed to make raspberry filling:

  • water 120 g
  • raspberry puree 100 g (or 125-130 g raspberries, punched with a blender and rubbed through a sieve)
  • corn starch 2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar 2 teaspoons

Mix raspberry puree with sugar and starch. Pour water and lemon juice into the mixture.

Brew the filling over low heat, stirring continuously with a whisk. It should turn into a thick custard-like cream.

Transfer the filling to a small bowl and cover with cling film to prevent a crust from forming on the surface.

Let the filling cool and then transfer it to a piping bag.

Fill raspberry filling previously baked shu for “Log”.

Making nut biscuit

  • egg 1 piece
  • protein 2 pieces
  • powdered sugar 65 g
  • walnuts 35 g
  • flour 30 g
  • baking powder 3 g
  • pinch of salt

    • Mix the eggs and whites in a deep bowl and start beating at high speed. Beat the mixture until it becomes fluffy and light.

Prepare a mixture of dry ingredients: in a blender, combine flour, powdered sugar, baking powder, salt and nuts. Beat everything together until the nuts are thoroughly chopped. Grinding the nuts separately can cause them to release oil and clump together, but this method will leave the mixture dry.

Add dry ingredients to beaten eggs. Gently stir the dough until smooth with a silicone spatula, keeping it as fluffy as possible.

Spread the dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake the biscuit at 200 degrees for 7-8 minutes.

In the meantime, you can prepare your roll cake pan. If there is no suitable form, make it yourself from plastic bottle, cutting off the bottom and neck. Cover one end with foil. Secure the foil with tape.

By this time the biscuit will be ready. It will just start to turn rosy. It is very important not to overcook it in the oven., otherwise it will become brittle.

Cut out a layer of biscuit that matches the size of your log mold. Do not remove the parchment from the biscuit.

Place the sponge cake inside the mold, rolling it into a tube while it is still warm and elastic. If the cake cools down, it will start to break apart.

Preparing chocolate mousse

  • milk chocolate 200 g
  • heavy cream (homemade or 33% for whipping) 200 g
  • milk 150 g
  • gelatin 7 g

First of all, pour 40 grams of cold water into the gelatin and let it swell.

Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a deep bowl. Add milk to chocolate and microwave or water bath. The chocolate should be completely melted, but be careful not to overheat it or it will curdle. The mass will be smooth.

Melt in microwave oven or swollen gelatin in a water bath. Pour the gelatin into the chocolate and stir the mixture. Let the mass cool slightly (to about 32-34 degrees).

Separately, whip the chilled cream into a fluffy mass. Carefully mix the cream with the chocolate mixture. You will get a delicate mousse.

Assembling the Christmas log

Start filling the cake. Pour 2 tbsp into the bottom. spoons chocolate mousse and place the Christmas log preparation in the freezer for 5 minutes so that the mousse hardens a little.

Then carefully place the shu with raspberry filling inside. Pour a little more mousse on top and place the cake in the freezer for another 10-15 minutes.

Repeat these steps until the entire cake is filled with mousse and raspberry choux.

Hold the completely filled cake in freezer 1 hour The cake itself is already ready, and all that remains is to complete the preparation with finishing.

Decorate the “Log” with ganache and “moss”

Ganache for the “bark” of the Christmas log

Prepare chocolate ganache for coating the cake. To do this, break the chocolate into pieces. Add cream to it and melt in a microwave oven or in a water bath, stirring the mixture.

The ganache should be smooth and shiny. Let the ganache cool until room temperature. This will thicken it and make it easy to work with.

Remove the cake log from the mold and remove the parchment from the sponge cake.

Coat the log with a thin layer of ganache and place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

The log in this form is ready for finishing with the remaining ganache.

Using a small spoon, knife or pastry bag, apply the ganache until it looks like tree bark. Place the finished log in the refrigerator so that the ganache hardens completely. Mobilize your artistic abilities, make grooves and curls - how it can look “at the end” is clearly visible in the final photographs of the Christmas log.

Moss biscuit for decoration

Moss sponge cake is perfect for decorating this traditional cake. It is prepared using a siphon, but at home you can do without it. So, mix the egg, sugar and glucose syrup () in a deep bowl.

Beat the mixture until fluffy. Add coloring to the dough. Then add the sifted flour and baking powder.

Gently stir the dough until smooth.

Place the dough in a plastic cup, filling it one third full.

Bake the sponge cake in the microwave for 2 minutes. The biscuit will grow a lot, reaching the top of the cup.

Divide the biscuit into small parts and decorate the log with them, imitating thickets of moss.

In some places, sprinkle the log with cocoa powder to give it a matte finish, and use powdered sugar create snow deposits.

Well, that's all. Admire, cook, enjoy.

Christmas can be celebrated in completely different ways. Each nation has its own customs, as well as its own traditional dishes. So, for example, in America they prepare for the Christmas holidays in the form of funny little men, and in France - chocolate cake"Christmas log."

Today we will look at the process of preparing French holiday baking. For the base of the cake we will make biscuit dough, and for the filling - aromatic citrus cream.


For the test:

  • flour - 100 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar- 10 g;
  • baking powder - 1/3 teaspoon.

For impregnation:

  • sugar - 50 g;
  • drinking water - 50 ml.

For cream:

  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • oranges - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • potato starch - 30 g.

For the glaze:

  • dark chocolate - 150 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

Christmas log cake recipe

How to make chocolate log dough

  1. We start with the chocolate crust dough. Beat the eggs, adding granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. We work with the mixer for at least 10 minutes, achieving a noticeable increase in the volume of the egg mass and whitening.
  2. In a separate container, mix flour with cocoa powder and baking powder. After sifting, add the mixture of dry ingredients to the eggs in parts. Mix carefully from bottom to top, bringing the dough to the most homogeneous consistency and uniform coloring in chocolate color.
  3. Pour the viscous mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place the dough in a hot oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes. Optimal temperature- 200 degrees. It is important not to overdry the cake, otherwise it may break when folding!

    How to make cream for a chocolate log

  4. In the meantime, let's make the cream. Grate the zest of one lemon and one orange onto coarse grater(don’t touch the white bitter layer). Next, squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, for example, using a manual juicer. We need to get 250 ml of freshly squeezed juice. If two oranges and one lemon were not enough for this, the portion of citrus fruits must be increased.
  5. Mix the resulting juice with zest, add eggs. Mix the mixture thoroughly and then leave for 10-15 minutes, allowing the juice to become saturated with the aroma of the zest.
  6. Strain the liquid into a saucepan through a fine sieve (we will no longer need the zest - we used it only for flavoring). Add sugar and starch to the pan, stir vigorously, and then place the juice on moderate heat.
  7. Bring the cream almost to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low. Cook, stirring, until the mass thickens significantly. Do not allow the mass to actively boil, otherwise you may get an unpleasant “surprise” in the form of curdled eggs! Remove the finished cream from the heat and cool.
  8. Beat the softened butter with a mixer. Gradually adding orange cream without stopping whisking the mass. As a result, we get a homogeneous cream, which we will use for the filling.

    How to make a Christmas roll cake

  9. Place the freshly baked chocolate cake on a kitchen towel, removing the parchment. Before the biscuit has had time to cool, carefully roll it into a roll using a towel and leave it until it cools completely. To soak the sugar, pour boiling water over it, stir and cool. Unroll the cooled roll and soak it generously in sweet syrup.
  10. Coat the cake citrus cream. Roll again (this time without a towel). Small cracks may appear on the surface of the biscuit, but there is nothing to worry about, because in the end everything will be hidden under the glaze! Place the roll in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to firm up the shape. After the specified time, we take out our almost finished culinary product. To imitate branches, cut two small pieces from the roll and place them on the sides.
  11. Preparing the glaze. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces and add butter.
  12. Melt the mixture until smooth in a “water bath”.
  13. Cover the sponge roll with chocolate mixture, smoothing the glaze with a spatula. We “draw” a pattern with a fork, trying to make it look like tree bark.
  14. We design the “log” in any way. You can use cranberries, nuts, wafer decorations, powdered sugar and more. The main thing here is compliance with the Christmas theme. Place the finished cake roll in the refrigerator overnight. Serve to festive table with tea/coffee.

Enjoy your tea and Merry Christmas!

Refined and very delicious cake The Yule log first appeared in France and today is a classic Christmas dessert both in the country itself and in many countries that were once part of the French empire. Bûche de Noël is the classic French name for a dessert. They make it in the form of a knotty log because it is a symbol and tribute to the medieval tradition of burning natural trees cut down specially for this ceremony before Christmas. Most often cherry trees were used for this. This ritual is a symbol of Christmas grace and purification. In those distant times, it was customary to store unburnt logs in houses until next year. Over time, such a charred log began to be prepared for the holiday in the form sponge roll with cream. The classic French recipe involves a simple white sponge cake and chocolate cream for both layering and decoration. Like this interesting story this popular dessert among us today.

This New Year's dessert Christmas log has classic recipe- delicate white sponge cake and delicious chocolate cream.

And this recipe is the opposite of the classic one. Here the author suggests baking chocolate sponge cake, fill it with delicate cream and decorate with chocolate cream on top.

Next Christmas log with white sponge cake and French mocha cream. A specially made home decor turns it into a New Year's Log cake. The author of the video recipe explains everything in great detail, so it’s very possible to repeat everything at home.

The last option for preparing a very tasty and unusual dessert The log that may be useful to you includes the original double (regular white and chocolate) sponge cake and delicate mousse cream. The multi-colored sponge cake is baked at the same time. The roll turns out, in addition to being delicious, also very beautiful and intriguing. And, although the author of the video recipe designed it as an ordinary roll, it deserves to be presented as a New Year's Log cake. Moreover, from previous videos you already know how to decorate it correctly and make a chic Christmas or. 🙂

Haven't decided on the Christmas log yet? The photo shows successful and easy-to-implement ideas for the design and Christmas and New Year decor of this traditional French dessert for Christmas or New Year.

That's probably all. Choose for yourself which is the best. 🙂 I hope that now the classic French roll, no matter what name it goes by - Christmas or New Year's Log, French Christmas Log, fabulous or simply chocolate log- from now on it will be a frequent guest on your menu, regardless of the occasion being celebrated.

In France, as in most other European countries, many, many years ago the symbol of Christmas was a log. Returning from the festive mass on the evening before Christmas, the head of each family read a prayer and sprinkled a wooden log with holy water or wine, and then lit a fire and burned it.

It should be noted that the owners tried to choose the quality Christmas log wood that burns very slowly. The French believed that such a special log burning for a long time was a good sign. Hitting it with something, the owner of the house watched the flying sparks. The more sparks there were, the more numerous offspring of livestock he could hope for in the coming year.

The ashes obtained as a result of the combustion of the Christmas log were kept throughout the year and miraculous properties were prescribed to it, because they believed that it was able to heal the sick, protect the family from evil spirits, and increase crop yields in the fields.

The modern Christmas roll cake, which is called in France “Buch de Noel” (sometimes simply “buche”), with its shape symbolizes the log that once burned in every hearth on Christmas night. Our selection offers you several real French recipes, using which you can make amazing dessert dishes of this type.

Homemade recipes for “Christmas log”

Homemade recipe for tangerine “Christmas log”

Product List:

for test:

  • 4 tbsp wheat flour
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 4 eggs

for the tangerine layer:

  • 10 tangerine
  • 200ml water
  • 8 tbsp granulated sugar

for truffle mass:

  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 20g butter
  • 4 tbsp cream
  • 1 tbsp cognac

for cream:

  • 250g fermented milk cheese
  • 80g butter
  • 8 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 5 tbsp cream
  • 1 tbsp lemon zest

Cooking process:

  1. The truffle mass is made in advance. To do this, melt chocolate and cream in a water bath, and then cool it to forty degrees and combine it with butter.
  2. The products are mixed thoroughly. After adding cognac, the truffle mass is placed in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. Tangerines intended for bouche are washed, cut into thin slices and boiled in one liter of water for three or four minutes.
  4. Then the water is drained, and the tangerines are filled with 200 milliliters of water diluted with granulated sugar and boiled in it for two minutes.
  5. They are taken out of the syrup, shaken off a little and laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment, not randomly, but in strips (you need to make gaps between the stripes, because then it is in these gaps that the roll will be cut into portions).
  6. For the dough, beat the eggs with granulated sugar until the whipped mass turns white and triples in volume. Flour is introduced into them using gentle circular stirring movements directed from the edge to the middle.
  7. The dough is poured into an even layer onto tangerine circles laid out on a baking sheet and baked for fifteen to seventeen minutes at 180 degrees.
  8. The hot layer is rolled into a roll along with the parchment and left in this form until it cools completely.
  9. To make the cream, butter is whipped with powdered sugar into a fluffy mass, into which grated fermented milk cheese and cream are then added in portions with constant whipping. Lemon zest is also added.
  10. The truffle mass is rolled into a sausage, the length of which corresponds to the length of the roll.
  11. The cooled roll is unrolled, greased with cream and a sausage made from truffle mass is placed on one edge. The roll is rolled up again, but this time the parchment must be gradually removed during the rolling process.


  1. After cooking, this log roll is placed in the refrigerator for several hours.
  2. When serving, it is cut into portions. The cuts are made in the spaces between the circles of tangerines.

Homemade recipe “Christmas log with praline and lemon”

Product List:

for test:

  • 100g granulated sugar
  • 80g flour
  • 20g starch
  • 4 eggs

for lemon confit:

  • 125g lemon juice
  • 80g eggs
  • 75g butter
  • 75g granulated sugar
  • 70g yolks
  • 2g gelatin (in plates)

for praline cream:

  • 125g milk
  • 100g butter
  • 100g cream
  • 50g praline
  • 30g yolks
  • 13g dry cream

for streusel (that is, large sweet crumbs that usually serve as decoration):

  • 50g butter
  • 50g granulated sugar
  • 50g wheat flour
  • 50g almond flour

for punch:

  • 60g granulated sugar
  • 50g water
  • 20g rum

for decoration:

  • almonds and chocolate

Cooking process:

  1. While preparing the dough, you will need to beat the whites, gradually adding granulated sugar. Then add flour, previously mixed with starch and sifted.
  2. After kneading the dough, place it on parchment paper laid out on a baking sheet. Bake for eight to ten minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. Take it out and press it down with something so that the cake is even.
  3. For the lemon confit lemon juice, yolks and egg, mashed with granulated sugar, bring together to a boil (you can also use a steam bath).
  4. Next, gelatin soaked in cold water is added to them. The resulting mixture is cooled to thirty-five to forty degrees and mixed with softened butter until smooth.
  5. To get cream praline, you need to cook it from milk, yolks, dry cream and praline custard(you can also do this in the microwave or in a water bath). Once cooled, beat with softened butter and add whipped cream.
  6. For streusel, the ingredients indicated in the recipe must be mixed one by one, placed in a cool place, and then crumbled onto a baking sheet and baked for fifteen minutes at an oven temperature of 150 degrees.
  7. For punch, water with granulated sugar dissolved in it is brought to a boil, and only then rum is poured into it.
  8. The baked cake is soaked in punch, first spread with a layer of praline cream (about half of the cream is used), then with lemon confit.
  9. Roll up carefully into a roll. Cooling down. Cover with the remaining praline cream, sprinkle with streusel, and decorate with chocolate and almonds.

Homemade recipe “Christmas log with passion fruit and raspberries”

Product List:

for test:

  • 100g granulated sugar
  • 80g wheat flour
  • 20g starch
  • 4 eggs

for raspberry confit:

  • 125g raspberry puree (seedless)
  • 125g raspberries
  • 65g granulated sugar
  • 5g lemon juice
  • 5g pectin NH

for passion fruit cream:

  • 125g milk
  • 100g cream
  • 100g butter
  • 50g passion fruit puree
  • 30g yolks
  • 25g granulated sugar
  • 13g starch

for the streusel:

  • 5 ogre butter
  • 50g granulated sugar
  • 50g almond flour
  • 50g wheat flour

for punch:

  • 60g granulated sugar
  • 50g water
  • 20g rum

for decoration:

  • whites whipped with powdered sugar, almonds, chocolate

Cooking process:

  1. The dough is made in the same way and baked exactly as in the previous recipe.
  2. To prepare raspberry confit, raspberry puree and chopped raspberries are combined with granulated sugar, previously mixed with pectin.
  3. Everything is brought to a boil, then it boils for two or three minutes, and then lemon juice is added. Then the mixture is cooled.
  4. To prepare passion fruit cream, you need to cook the custard from passion fruit puree, milk, yolks and starch (you can do it in the microwave). Cool, beat with softened butter and add cream.
  5. Streusel and punch are prepared in the same ways as described in detail in the previous recipe.
  6. The prepared cake is soaked in punch, covered with a ball of raspberry confit, then with passion fruit cream. Using parchment paper, on which it was lying all the time before, it is rolled up in the shape of a roll.
  7. The log roll is covered with whites whipped with powdered sugar, sprinkled with streusel, and decorated with chocolate and almonds.

01/12/2010 Niksya

Each confectionery house in France produces its own version of the “Christmas log” for Christmas. And everyone tries to anticipate the result of the other - to amaze, touch, sweeten - anything, just to be the best. They are decorated with Swarovski rhinestones, ice figures, macaroons, or simply encased in chocolate. It’s impossible to say for sure who has it better, who has it tastier, since it’s impossible to try everything.

They are called “B?che Plaisirs Sucr?s” (as in Pierre Hermé), “B?che de No?l” or simply “French yule log”, the main component is the layers. Many, at least 4, different, like rings on a tree. And they have the shape of a semicircular “log”. If you don't have one, you can also make it in a rectangular loaf pan.

This dessert has clear lines, a bright smooth shine of glaze, tender soufflé, similar to ice cream, and several layers. Which seem to be different, but retain a clear focus - chocolate. Chocolate inside and out, but how different it is! Having tasted it, you cannot believe that chocolate can have so many facets. Soufflé, glaze, praline, ganache. Black, milk, and white chocolate are intertwined in a single symphony, intertwined with thin threads of vanilla aroma. It ennobles the overall composition, being in the very heart of the dessert - creme brulee with lavender. The composition is completed by a soft biscuit. Perfect in everything. Easy and elegant.


Biscuit "La Gioconda":
55 g
50 g powdered sugar
1 egg (75 g)
10 g butter, melted
50 g egg whites (from about 1 egg), room temperature
10 powdered sugar
15 g flour

100 g milk chocolate
25 g butter
50 g praline (if desired, it can be replaced with puffed rice)

For the praline:
25 g hazelnuts
25 g almonds
50 g sugar

115 g cream 33%-35% fat
115 g milk
4 medium (72 g) egg yolks
25 g sugar
large pinch of lavender flowers or 1 vanilla pod

Vanilla ganache:
100 g cream 33%-35%
2 vanilla pods
110 grams white chocolate

280 g dark chocolate, coarsely chopped
2 large eggs, room temperature
5 large egg yolks, room temperature
2/3 cup sugar
3 tbsp. l. water
400 ml cream 33%-35%
1 tbsp. l. gelatin

75 g water
150 g sugar
150 g honey
100 g sweet condensed milk
1 large tbsp. l. gelatin
150 g milk chocolate



Line the log form with cling film.

The entire cooking process can be divided into three days, if desired:

Day 1: praline, creme brulee
Day 2: sponge cake, ganache, mousse
Day 3: glaze


Preheat the oven to 210C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Combine in a mixing bowl almond flour, 50 g of powdered sugar, half an egg. Beat for 5 minutes. Add the remaining half of the egg and continue beating for another 15 minutes. Then add melted butter.

In another bowl, beat the egg whites until light foam, gradually add 10 g of powdered sugar. Beat until stiff peak forms. Combine the 2 mixtures obtained in several stages.

Finally, sift flour onto the resulting dough and stir gently.

Pour the resulting dough onto the prepared baking sheet and smooth with a spatula. The height of the dough should be about 8 mm.

Bake for 7-10 minutes, immediately place the finished biscuit paper side up on the prepared surface and remove the paper. Let cool completely. Then shape it as you wish.

There are several options:

1. You can put the sponge cake in the mold itself, and then spread the mousse on it with layers, covering all the chocolate splendor with the remaining sponge cake at the end, thereby creating a “house”.

Or, give free rein to the chocolate by just making a biscuit bottom, as in my version - it’s up to your will and imagination.

In a well-heated frying pan without fat, fry the nuts and sprinkle with sugar.

Continue frying until the sugar caramelizes (until golden). Pour onto prepared sheet of parchment paper and let cool completely.

Break into pieces. Chop coarsely.

Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave or in a double boiler. Mix well to form a single mass.

Add praline.

Mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture onto a sheet of parchment paper. Flatten into a thin layer the size of your pan.

Cover the top with a sheet of parchment paper, press well, you can lightly use a rolling pin.

Place on a hard surface, such as a cutting board, and refrigerate until completely set.

When the chocolate praline has set well in the cold, take it out and cut it so that when you put it in the mold, about 2-3 cm will be missing from all sides to the walls.

Place the milk, cream and lavender in a small saucepan.

Heat, but do not bring to a boil. Cover with a lid and leave to steep for 1 hour. Then strain.

Preheat the oven to 150C.

Beat the egg yolks and sugar for 1 minute. They should not change color to white. Add the lavender milk in a thin stream, continuing to beat on low speed until the two mixtures are completely combined.

Pour the resulting cream into a baking dish.

Place a deep pan of water in the oven on the lowest level. One level up is the wire rack, onto which you will place your crème brûlée pan. Bake for 1-1.5 hours. It should be golden brown, but still slightly jelly-like in the center.

Let cool completely, then place the pan in the freezer until the creme brulee is completely frozen—at least 1 hour. And keep it there until you assemble the dessert.

Vanilla ganache:

For ganache you can also use lavender.

Cut the vanilla beans in half. Use a knife to remove all the seeds. Add them along with the pods to a saucepan where you pour the cream.

Bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat, cover and leave for 30 minutes.

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath.

Remove from saucepan vanilla pods and gradually, in a thin stream, pour the vanilla cream into the chocolate, constantly stirring with a whisk so that there are no lumps.

Refrigerate until use.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler. Pour the chocolate into a deep, large bowl large enough to hold all the mousse.

Place the eggs and yolks in a bowl and beat for 1 minute.

Place the sugar and water in a small saucepan and stir to moisten the sugar. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

Continuing to beat the eggs at medium speed, slowly and gradually pour in sugar syrup. Once all the syrup has been poured out, increase the speed to a higher speed and continue beating until the eggs have tripled in volume.

Soak the gelatin in cold water.

Heat 1/3 of the cream and dissolve the swollen gelatin in it. Combine with chocolate, stirring well until the mixture becomes completely smooth.

Whip the remaining cream to stiff peaks.

Place some of the egg cream into the chocolate, then the cream, then more cream, etc. until it's all over. Mix carefully, trying not to disturb the foam structure.

Mirror glaze:

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Place sugar, honey and water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil. When the syrup reaches 103C, turn off the heat, mix with condensed milk and swollen gelatin. Add the chocolate broken into pieces into this mixture and stir with a spatula until it is completely dissolved. Try to avoid getting air in; to do this, do not raise the spatula high.


Pour some mousse into the mold.

Take out the frozen creme brulee and shape it in such a way that when you lower it onto the mousse there will be 2-3 cm on all sides. Place it on top of the mousse and press lightly with your fingertips.

Pour in and smooth out some more mousse.

Then place the chocolate praline, also slightly pressing it into the mousse.

Close it a small amount mousse and place in the freezer for 1 hour.

Once the mousse has set well, spread the white chocolate ganache in the center.

Cover it with the remaining mousse and place the sponge cake on top. Press it in a little.

Place back in the freezer, preferably overnight.

In the morning, turn the pan over onto a wire rack and place a bowl under it. Remove your form, carefully remove the film from the frozen mousse.

Drizzle glaze over top. Do not help with a spoon or spatula. The glaze should flow off the dessert itself to form an even, smooth layer. About 1/3 of the glaze should be gone.

Let stand for 5 minutes so that the last drops drain and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, preferably in the freezer, carefully transfer to a cutting board.

Repeat the glaze process 2 more times.

The finished dessert is good to freeze.

Before serving, use a hot knife to trim the “log” on both sides by 3 cm to fully expose the beautiful layers.

If desired, you can decorate with chocolate macaron halves. Or leave it as it is.

Store in the freezer, remove 1-1.5 hours before serving.

Enjoy your tea!

    03/08/2011 at 18:04

    13/09/2011 at 23:48

    Ninochka, please tell me what dimensions the “Log” mold has? I saw this form in “Metro”, it seemed a little small to me (compared to the cupcake).

    05/10/2011 at 22:44

    I’m mentally preparing for the Angel Cake, but the dua asks me to create something - I chose this one :)
    Tell me, please, for chocolate praline you need to use only half of regular praline? The usual one generally comes out to 100 g by weight, but the chocolate one needs 50 g. Maybe half of it should be done at once?))

    09/10/2011 at 16:26

    In the end, I took about 75 g of praline, although you could really use 100 :) The cake turned out excellent! 🙂 There are a few little things that I would fix the next time I make it... The most noticeable thing is that the vanilla ganache melts very quickly, I would add gelatin or use more chocolate. But overall I’m just delighted, the taste is amazing :)))

    And the macarons are not the same again... but I can handle them! 🙂

    13/11/2011 at 07:46

    Ninochka, I came across your site by accident and am simply delighted with your art! Instead of working around the house, I can’t tear myself away for the second day! I have a question: is it possible, how and for how long to store leftover glaze?

    22/11/2011 at 12:31

    22/11/2011 at 16:18

    22/11/2011 at 19:56

    Nina, question about lavender. Is this a special food grade (that is to say) or regular? I collected some money this summer to embroider a sachet. There's still a little left. Is it possible, what do you think? And do they only use flowers or twigs? (still strain later).

    12/12/2011 at 01:36

    Ninochka i po etomy poleny tot je vopros,za kakoi srok ranshe ego mojno prigotovit,i skolko dnei mojno xranit v zamorozke?

    13/12/2011 at 01:52

    Xorosho,spasibo.bydy staratsya delat za den do rojdestva,problema chto mne ix nyjno dva i tort,Achto eto za keksi rojdestvenskie,na saite est ix recepti?
    I eshe vopros,v zerkalnyu glazyr nyjno dobavit sgyshnky,one varennaya or obichnaya?

    15/12/2011 at 19:01

    I've been looking at this amazing log for several months now, I decided to make it... New Year) True, I still can’t figure out in what form it would be better to make it, I’ll probably still buy a special one for this occasion. By the way, regarding lavender, I bought a huge dried bunch at the Business Bouquet store on Voikovskaya. I wonder if they have sprayed it with anything?) I’ll check it on myself first, drink some tea with it, if I don’t die, I’ll use it :))

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