Recipes for summer soups from chefs of Moscow restaurants. Mushroom recipes from chefs Gazpacho from Red Espresso Bar chain chef Vasily Golovin

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May 08, 2017 No comments

There are a huge variety of dishes with mushrooms from chefs, including salads with appetizers, soups, hearty stews and many others.
Mushrooms as a product stand apart from other products; they are an amazing creation of nature; they are neither plants nor animals. There are about 5 thousand species of mushrooms that can be eaten. Most likely, you can also prepare just as many dishes from mushrooms.
Currently, mushrooms are both collected wild and industrially cultivated. Many mushrooms that are rare and exotic, such as oyster mushrooms, champignons and shiitake mushrooms, are grown on a gigantic scale, so they are available all year round and can be easily purchased.

In their mushroom recipes, chefs subject them to quick cooking, as this is required by the very nature of the product; most mushrooms are poorly stored.
To preserve the aroma of fragrant forest mushrooms, do not clean them immediately, but simply wipe them first with a damp and then with a dry cloth. Mushrooms that have a slimy, sticky cap, as well as some types of tubular mushrooms, are peeled.

Some chefs' recipes call for the addition of certain types of mushrooms, but there are also recipes that include almost all types of mushrooms. Champignons with chanterelles have a universal character; they are suitable for many dishes, and, for example, milk mushrooms are well suited for pickling or frying with sour cream.

However, a good chef can choose the optimal way to prepare them for each type of mushroom. Below are several mushroom recipes from restaurant chefs; follow these recommendations and use the knowledge gained in your own kitchen.

This aspic is served as a hearty cold appetizer.

500 ml strong meat broth
2 tbsp. gelatin granules
1 leek
50 ml olive oil
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
10 small fresh (frozen) porcini mushrooms
2 cloves garlic

Pour gelatin over 100 ml of cold broth and leave for 20 minutes.

Bring the remaining broth to a boil, pour in the gelatin, stir vigorously with a whisk and heat over low heat until the gelatin dissolves. Season with salt and add Worcestershire sauce.

Pour the gelatin mixture into small rectangular molds until the layer is approximately 5mm thick. Cool and refrigerate for 10 minutes to set the jelly.

Peel the mushrooms (frozen mushrooms should be slightly thawed), cut lengthwise into thin slices. Cut the garlic cloves in half. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, add the garlic and fry it over moderate heat until golden brown, then remove.

Gently fry the mushroom slices in garlic oil, one minute on each side, transfer to paper towels to remove excess fat, and season with salt and pepper.

Cut the leeks into thin rings diagonally, wash and dry.

Remove the molds from the refrigerator and slowly place mushrooms and leek rings along the sides of each one, alternating. Then place the remaining slices of mushrooms and fill them with jelly. Place the molds in the cold again to harden.

Required ingredients:

Oyster mushrooms – 400 g
small new potatoes – 5 pcs.
fresh spinach - 200 g
leek - 1 stalk
garlic - 2 cloves
butter – 20 g
olive oil - 100 ml
lemon juice- 1 tbsp. l.
ground black pepper

Step 1
Boil potatoes in their jackets. Remove the hard stems from the oyster mushrooms and chop the caps into large pieces.

Step 2
Chop the leeks and garlic, place in a frying pan, add olive oil and simmer over low heat until softened, about 8 minutes. Remove from heat and use a blender to puree with lemon juice, add salt and pepper.

Step 3
In the same frying pan butter fry oyster mushrooms and potatoes cut into 4 pieces for 3 minutes. Divide the spinach into wide bowls, top with mushrooms and potatoes, pour over the onion sauce and serve immediately.

Required ingredients:

Any mushrooms - 1 kg
vegetable oil- 4 tbsp.
parsley - 1 bunch
vegetable broth— 700 ml
black pepper to taste
olive oil
croutons for serving

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a wide shallow baking sheet with foil or parchment sheets.

Remove the stems from the mushrooms and cut the caps into 4 pieces. Drizzle the mushrooms with vegetable oil, season with salt and pepper, and mix with your hands. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Add garlic to the baking sheet with the mushrooms and return to the oven for about 5 more minutes.

Transfer everything from the baking sheet, along with the released juice, into a blender cup. Add parsley leaves (reserving some for serving) and some hot broth. Grind until smooth. You may need to add the mushrooms and broth into the blender bowl in several batches so as not to overload it.

Dilute the soup with hot broth to the required thickness. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour into plates, add croutons from white bread, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with chopped parsley leaves.

Required ingredients:

100 g white fresh mushrooms
25 ml olive oil
2 cloves garlic
shallot stalk
30 g butter
20 g grated parmesan cheese
400 ml vegetable broth
100 g short grain rice
ground black pepper
parsley - for decoration

Finely chop the shallots and garlic. White fresh mushrooms peel, cut into thin pieces, fry on olive oil in a frying pan, adding 2 cloves of chopped garlic and onion. Set aside a couple of pieces of porcini mushrooms to garnish the dish before serving.

After two minutes, add uncooked rice and fry in a frying pan for about 2 minutes. Then start adding vegetable broth to the rice in portions, about 100 ml at a time. Add liquid until it is completely absorbed.

After 10 minutes, after the rice is ready and the liquid has evaporated, add butter and grated Parmesan cheese to the risotto and stir. If the risotto is too thick, add a little more vegetable broth.
Place the risotto on a plate and garnish with pieces of mushrooms and parsley.

Chef's tip:
Add the broth in batches, waiting until all the liquid is absorbed before adding the next portion, otherwise the rice may stick together in the risotto.

Required ingredients:

Chanterelles – 100 g
sweet and sour dried apricots
chicken egg – 1 pc.
butter - 50 g
milk – 100 ml
flour - 200 g
baking powder – 0.5 tsp.
roasted hazelnuts - 2 tbsp. l.
salt – 0.5 tsp.
pink pepper – 1 pinch
olive oil

Wash the chanterelles carefully, dry and finely chop. Also finely chop the dried apricots. Finely chop the hazelnuts. Fry chanterelles in 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil over high heat for two minutes, remove from heat and cool.

Mix flour, pink pepper, salt and half a teaspoon of baking powder in a deep bowl. Add chanterelles with dried apricots and mix well, making sure each piece is coated with flour. Then add the beaten egg, heated milk, and melted butter. The dough should be quite thick. Add nuts and mix again.

Grease 10 medium or 20 small muffin cups with olive oil and pour the batter into them, filling each cup about two-thirds full.

Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees until the muffins are golden brown, about 18-20 minutes. Serve warm, cut a slit into the top and top each muffin with a knob of butter.

Required ingredients:

500 g honey mushrooms
450 g sour cream
1 red onion
1 bunch of dill
40 g butter
ground black pepper
Rinse the mushrooms with cold running water, peel, place in a frying pan without oil and sauté lightly.

Peel the onion and chop finely, cook in a frying pan until the mushrooms are soft.
Combine mushrooms with onions, add butter, stir, heat, salt and pepper to taste.
Add sour cream and let it boil. Use thick sour cream.

Remove from heat after 1 minute, stir, sprinkle with dill. Serve either alone or as an accompaniment to potatoes (rice).

Mushrooms and buckwheat porridge go well together. You can use just one variety of mushrooms in the recipe, or all three at once - the dish will turn out tasty and original.

Required ingredients:

Buckwheat soba noodles – 300 g
dried shiitake - 50 g
oyster mushrooms – 120 g
champignons – 150 g
fresh ginger root
shallot bulb
soy sauce- 3 tbsp. l.
dark sesame oil
salt - to taste

Place dried shiitake mushrooms in a small container with a lid. Pour a glass of hot water and close the lid tightly. Let it swell for one hour, preferably 3-4 hours. After swelling, remove the stems from the shiitake, do not throw them away.

Remove the stems from the oyster mushrooms. Place the stems of oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms in the pan. Add a randomly cut piece of ginger root.

Cut the shallot (you don't need to peel it) lengthwise into quarters and add to the pan. Place over low heat, bring to a boil, pour in soy sauce. Cook until the liquid has reduced by half. Remove from heat.
Cook buckwheat noodles in boiling lightly salted water according to package instructions. Place in a colander, rinse with cold water and let dry.
Cut the shiitakes with oyster mushroom caps and champignons into medium, neat pieces. Strain the mushroom broth, take a wok and combine with all the mushrooms. Cook over high heat, stirring, for about two minutes.
Add noodles to wok, drizzle with sesame oil, let heat through, 40 seconds. Serve immediately, sprinkle with finely chopped chives.

Chefs in France prepare creamy champignon soup smooth and quite thick, which is how it will be most delicious.

Required ingredients:

150 ml – heavy cream
500 g champignons
ground nutmeg – 1 pinch
1 clove of garlic
500 ml chicken broth
3 tbsp. l. flour
dry thyme
3 tbsp. l. butter
salt, ground black pepper
30 g dried porcini mushrooms

Soak dry porcini mushrooms in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Place on a sieve and cut into pieces. Save the infusion. Cut the champignons into medium slices and fry along with the porcini mushrooms in 2 tablespoons of oil for about 10 minutes.
Heat the remaining oil in a saucepan and fry the flour, 3 minutes.

Pour broth, mushroom infusion and 200 ml of boiling water into the pan with the flour, stirring, and bring to a boil. Add mushrooms, dried thyme and one unpeeled clove of garlic. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and cook for about 7 minutes. Remove the garlic. Puree the soup. Pour in the cream and heat, but do not let it boil.

Chef's tip:
Before pureeing the soup, take a few boiled mushrooms; they will serve to decorate the soup poured into bowls.

September has come and we have forgotten about the harm fried potatoes- after all, there is nothing tastier than “jarekha”. Or mycelium and wild mushroom soup. This autumn is especially rich and fruitful: everyone who has been to the forest returns generously rewarded by Mother Nature. And Ural chefs always keep their nose to the wind and actively include mushroom dishes on the menu. But the chefs not only rush to delight with mushroom dishes, but also share their recipes with Moments. Prepare, enjoy the generous autumn and don’t forget to compare the result with the original!

This year's mushroom fashion trendsetter restaurant Monk and his chef Kirill Rusetsky, without revealing all the secrets, offers to cook chanterelle cream soup.

Kirill Rusetsky advises making creamy chanterelle soup

“We will need chanterelles, potatoes, onions, garlic, Cheddar cheese, dry white wine, chicken broth. We fry the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan along with onions and garlic in vegetable oil, then add white wine and evaporate it. Add medium-sized chopped potatoes, pour in chicken broth and simmer over low heat until tender. Five minutes before the end of cooking, add the cheese. You need to stir frequently so that the cheese does not stick to the bottom and burn. Adjust to desired taste with salt and pepper. The soup is almost ready. Now you need to beat it with a blender until it has a homogeneous consistency. If the soup turns out thick, it can be diluted with chicken broth or cream. When serving, we recommend garnishing the dish with fried chanterelles, chopped parsley and bread croutons. Bon appetit!"

On the home restaurant menu "Pate" You can find many delicious mushroom dishes. For example, a delicate parfait with a crispy caramel crust and eggplant confiture, barrel-salted milk mushrooms with fresh green onions and thick farm sour cream, rich mycelium with potatoes, fried potatoes with mushrooms and fragrant pies with mushroom filling. Ivan Orlov, the restaurant chef offers to cook something complicated, but very delicious dish French cuisinemushroom parfait.

Ivan Orlov shares his mushroom parfait recipe

“Many people, when they hear this word, immediately imagine an airy dessert, but parfaits are also prepared from meat, liver, vegetables, and mushrooms. As a result, if we talk about texture, you get a fluffy pate or mousse, which is served chilled. For mushroom parfait you need champignons, egg, butter, salt. For the sauce - onion, garlic, thyme, port wine and cognac. Finely chop one part of the mushrooms and fry with onions in vegetable oil. At the end, add thyme, garlic, sprinkle with cognac, season with salt and pepper. The champignons need to be fried well so that no moisture remains.

At the second stage, we make the residue: fry the onions in butter, add thyme, pour in white and red port wine, evaporate and strain. Fry the second part of the mushrooms in butter until golden brown, then combine with the residue, simmer a little, and then grind in a blender until consistency of porridge, season to taste with salt and pepper. Heat the water to 50 degrees and drop three packets into it: in the first - butter, in the second - yolks, in the third - a mixture of mushrooms and residue. When the butter melts, all the ingredients that we heated need to be mixed and blended in a blender until smooth.

We take a mold, lay out a layer of mushrooms that we fried at the very beginning, and pour the mushroom mixture on top. Place all the forms in a baking tray, pour boiling water into it almost to the brim, cover the forms with lids or foil and place in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees. You can determine readiness with a skewer: when you immerse it in the middle, the mushroom mass should not stick. Cool the finished parfait and leave it in the refrigerator for 8 hours. When serving, sprinkle with cane sugar and place under the grill for 1-2 minutes to obtain a crispy caramel crust.”

Italian restaurant "PastaVino" offers risotto with porcini mushrooms, and the restaurant chef Egor Efimkin shares the exact recipe for its preparation.

Egor Efimkin will teach you how to make risotto with porcini mushrooms

“We wash the porcini mushrooms, cut them into cubes, fry them in olive oil with the addition of a clove of garlic and a sprig of thyme.
Chop the onion and lightly fry it in olive oil over medium heat until golden brown. Add the rice, wait for it to warm up slightly, pour in the wine and simmer the rice until the wine has evaporated. Then we begin to pour in the broth in small portions and cook over low heat until “al dente”. Remove from heat, add butter, mushrooms and Parmesan cheese.

You will need: porcini mushrooms - 80 g, olive oil - 20 g, garlic - 5 g, salt and pepper to taste.
Onions - 30 g, Arborio or Italeca rice - 60 g, dry white wine - 30 g, broth -250 g, butter - 10 g, Parmesan cheese - 15 g.”

The new autumn menu will soon be available to cafe guests "1991", in which, of course, there were mushroom dishes. Here you can order filet mignon with Asian-style mushroom ragout and vegetable oil. blue cheese and Veal Stroganoff with porcini mushrooms. Cooking recipe veal with porcini mushrooms shares Andrey Bova, brand chef of the Yeltsin Center.

“For four servings you will need: veal tenderloin 500 g, white mushrooms 150 g, champignons 150 g, onions 100 g, sour cream 200 g, cream (30%) 200 g, vegetable oil 100 g, potatoes 500 g, salt and pepper - to taste, milk - 100 ml, butter - 50 g, barrel cucumbers - 300 g.

Boil porcini mushrooms in hot water, dry and cut into cubes. Wash the champignons, dry and chop coarsely. In a saucepan, fry the chopped onion until it becomes translucent. Then add mushrooms and fry until golden brown. After this, add chopped veal and sour cream to the pan. Simmer it all over low heat. Once the meat is soft, pour in the cream, add spices and bring to a boil. Serve veal in sauce with mushrooms with mashed potatoes and barrel cucumbers."

On the restaurant menu "Steak House" You can find several dishes in which mushrooms play, if not a key, but important role. For example, here you can order juicy chicken breast with risotto with porcini mushrooms, fettuccine with boletus or duck leg, which is garnished with potatoes and mushrooms. And the recipe mushroom sauce from the chef Mikhail Arakelov.

Mikhail Arakelov's sauce is good for any dish

“We don’t have a lot of mushroom dishes at the Steak House, although I like white mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps, and honey mushrooms. One of the most simple recipes, which is easy to replicate at home, is, of course, mushroom sauce. At the restaurant I prepare it from boletus mushrooms, but in principle you can use other mushrooms. They need to be finely chopped and fried together with shallots in a mixture of olive and butter (30/70) oils. You can add thyme for aroma and salt and pepper for taste. To the mushrooms I add demi-glace, which I prepare in advance, as well as cream. Cook the sauce over low heat until it thickens. Instead of demi-glace, you can take a rich, aromatic broth and heavy heavy cream (33%). Mushroom sauce Can be served with a variety of steaks or chicken breast. Many guests order it with tenderloin and potato gratin.”

If it suddenly happens that the mushroom season takes you by surprise and you have no choice but, having been subjected to “mass mushroom hysteria,” go to the nearest supermarket, at least for oyster mushrooms and champignons. We also have this option thanks to the chef restaurant " Gulivani" Zurab Bakradze, who kindly agreed to share the secrets of cooking mushroom Georgian dishes. This soko And champignons with suluguni baked in ketsi

Zurab Bakradze is from Kakheti, but loves juice and champignons with suluguni

“What you need for juice: oyster mushrooms, melted butter, onions, egg, fresh herbs: cilantro, tarragon, mint. What to do: peel and wash the mushrooms. Remove their stems and tear off their caps without cutting them. Simmer over low heat in melted butter.

Separately, sauté chopped onions in melted butter. Then add it to the pan with oyster mushrooms. When the mushrooms arrive, add salt, pepper, chopped herbs - tarragon, cilantro, mint and at the very end break the egg. Stir and garnish with herbs when serving. This dish takes at least 2 hours to prepare, faster if the oyster mushrooms are young. In Georgia, oyster mushrooms are darker than ours and translated from Georgian they mean “trout”.

Champignons with suluguni baked in ketsi: champignons, for “minced meat”: heavy cream, suluguni cheese, utskho-suneli, garlic, mint, salt, pepper. What to do: clean the mushrooms, remove the film and cut off the caps, fry them to release the moisture. We make “minced meat”: finely chop suluguni, mint, garlic, mix with fat plums, salt and pepper. “Put the filling into the hat and bake the ketsi in a frying pan for 5 minutes at 250 degrees.”

At the restaurant James There are several dishes with mushrooms. Appetizers include Ural milk mushrooms with onions and sour cream, side dishes include mushroom sauté, and for lunch you can order creamy champignon soup.

Mikhail Chesnokov presented a recipe for creamy champignon soup

Mikhail Chesnokov, the chef of the James restaurant willingly shares the recipe with you cream of champignon soup.

“Preparing this dish is quite simple. Fry onions and fresh mushrooms in a mixture of butter and vegetable oils. Then simmer the mushrooms and onions in cream and milk, and then beat until smooth. We bring the finished cream soup to taste by adding spices, and before serving we decorate it with slices of fried champignons, cream and basil oil.”

The official arrival of spring has already taken place, but the weather is in no hurry to warm up. We have collected three simple recipes vegetable soups, which can be prepared in less than an hour and will keep you warm all weekend long.

Mushroom soup with leeks

from Titian Casilio, brand chef of the Scrocchiarella cafe

Ingredients for 2 servings:

Potatoes - 100 g

Canned artichokes - 100 g

Leek - 180 g

Olive oil - 50 ml

Porcini mushrooms - 100 g

Truffle cream - 3 ml

Fresh sage - 3 g

Salt - to taste

Pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

Cut the potatoes into cubes and boil in 500 milliliters of water. Fry porcini mushrooms in olive oil and add to the soup. Coarsely chop the leek, add to the soup and boil. Add artichokes and truffle cream to the finished soup.

Salt and pepper. Drizzle the soup with olive oil and garnish with sage.

Creamy eggplant and pepper soup

from Andrey Makaev, chef of the Food Embassy restaurant


Red bell pepper- 300 g

Onions - 150 g

Garlic - 120 g

Eggplants - 300 g

Olive oil - 40 ml

Salt - to taste

Pepper - to taste

Spices - to taste

Thyme - to taste

Sugar - 15g

Potatoes - 100 g

Cilantro - a few leaves

Cooking method:

Cut the bell pepper, half the onion, garlic and potatoes into any shape. Fry the potatoes in olive oil until golden brown.

Add pepper, onion, garlic and spices to the potatoes, add 500 milliliters of water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Puree with a blender until pureed.

Peel the eggplant, cut the remaining potatoes, onion and garlic into slices.

Fry the chopped vegetables in olive oil, add 500 milliliters of water, add spices and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Puree with a blender until pureed.

When serving, pour both types of cream soup into a bowl, being careful not to mix them.

Vegetable soup Georgian style

from Rusiko Shamatava, chef of the Jonjoli restaurant


Onions - 120 g

Red bell pepper - 120 g

Potatoes - 160 g

Carrots - 120 g

Zucchini -120 g

Garlic - 12 g

Red canned

beans - 170 g

Celery stalk - 120 g

Vegetable oil - 50 ml

Olive oil - 50 ml

Freshly ground black pepper - 1 g

Rock salt - 20 g

Khmeli-suneli - 1 g

Water - 2.45 l

Parsley leaves - 15 g

Cooking method:

Cut potatoes, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini with skin, onion, and celery into cubes. Mix olive and vegetable oil in a saucepan, heat, add carrots and fry over medium heat without coloring.

Add onions, fry without coloring and add finely chopped garlic, simmer without coloring.

Add bell pepper and celery at the same time and fry until the vegetables are half cooked.

Pour cold water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add fried vegetables, stir. Bring to a boil over high heat.

Place the potatoes in the pan and cook until the potatoes are half cooked.

Add beans and zucchini, cook for 3 minutes, add suneli hops, freshly ground pepper and salt. Stir and cook until done.

When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped parsley.

Photos: cover, 2 – Food Embassy, ​​1 – Scrocchiarella, 3 – “Jonjolie”

300 milliliters of kvass
75 grams of cucumbers
75 grams of radish
50 grams of boiled potatoes
74 grams of boiled sausage
two boiled eggs
20 grams of homemade sour cream
10 grams of dill
10 grams of green onions
20 grams of mustard
10 grams of green onions
salt, pepper to taste

Method of preparation. Cut all ingredients into cubes or strips and mix. Separate the egg yolk and grind with mustard. Pour kvass over everything until smooth, add salt, pepper and chopped dill. Serve sour cream separately or add to the total mixture.

Summer Russian nettle soup from the chef of Luciano and White Rabbit restaurants

two liters of chicken broth
200 grams of leek (white part of the onion)
200 grams shallots
300 grams of zucchini
500 grams of young nettle leaves
300 grams of spinach leaves

salt, pepper to taste

Method of preparation. Fry all the vegetables over low heat until tender, add broth and cook until soft. Blanch the spinach and nettles and grind them together with the soup in a blender, and then strain through a sieve. Add salt and pepper.

Country soup with chanterelles from the chef of the Luciano and White Rabbit restaurants Konstantin Ivlev

600 milliliters of water

10 grams dried chanterelles
250 grams of fresh chanterelles
100 grams celery stalk
100 grams of carrots
10 grams shallots
100 grams of leek
150 grams of new potatoes
30 grams of garlic
one bunch of dill (50 grams)
200 grams of sour cream
150 milliliters olive oil
two grams of bay leaf
three grams of allspice peas
salt, pepper to taste

Method of preparation. Make broth from water, dried porcini mushrooms and dried chanterelles. Peel the celery stalk and carrots and cut into slices. Cut shallots and leeks into large rings. Peel the garlic and crush it with a knife. Wash fresh chanterelles. Saute all ingredients in olive oil until golden brown, then add to mushroom broth. Put it in the soup bay leaf and allspice, bring to a boil, season with fresh dill, salt and pepper.

Cold sorrel soup from the chef of the Zolotoy restaurant

Ingredients for dressing (per 200 milliliters of liquid base)
10 grams of boiled veal tongue
20 grams of radish
20 grams of cucumber
two quail eggs
one boiled chicken yolk
30 grams of natural yogurt

Ingredients for sorrel broth
Three liters of water
1300 grams sorrel
400 grams of potatoes
200 grams of carrots
100 grams of celery
200 grams of onion
50 milliliters vegetable oil
two chicken eggs

Ingredients for sorrel soup
One liter of sorrel broth
200 grams of steamed spinach
lemon juice
salt, pepper to taste

Method of preparation. Cook a delicious meal from sorrel and vegetables sorrel soup, it will serve as the basis for cold soup. Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. Strain through a sieve. Combine the resulting broth with steamed spinach, add lemon juice, pepper, and salt. Grind everything in a blender until smooth and strain through a sieve. Leave in the refrigerator. Place yogurt, diced boiled veal tongue, sliced ​​cucumbers and radishes, chicken yolk and egg yolk on a plate. quail eggs. Pour the cool sorrel soup over the ingredients on the plate.

Beetroot soup with fish from the chef of the Turandot restaurant Dmitry Eremeev

Ingredients for beetroot base (serves 4)
170 grams of peeled beets, baked with salt
90 grams of blanched beet tops
90 grams blanched beet stalks
80 grams of fresh cucumber
60 grams of fresh sorrel
30 grams of green onions
12 grams of dill

Fish part for beetroot soup
120 grams of salmon
120 grams of pike perch
40 grams of crayfish necks
four fresh beet leaves

Liquid foundation
240 milliliters fish stock
120 milliliters beet broth
240 milliliters of kvass
salt, sugar, horseradish, mustard to taste

Method of preparation. Mix chilled fish broth, beet broth and kvass. Pour the diced beetroot base ingredients into the liquid base. Add fresh cucumber, cut into small cubes. Place crushed ice on a second plate, lightly blanched pieces of salmon, pike perch, crayfish tails and a fresh beetroot leaf on it.

Gazpacho from the chef of the Red Espresso Bar chain Vasily Golovin

200 grams of fresh cucumbers
150 grams of bell pepper
100 grams pesto sauce
500 grams of tomatoes in their own juice
one red onion
10 grams of garlic
50 milliliters olive oil
50 grams of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, basil)
salt, pepper to taste

Method of preparation. Peel and chop the garlic, grate the cucumbers and bell peppers on a fine grater (avoiding the peel). Place garlic, grated cucumbers and peppers, pesto sauce, tomatoes, salt and spices in a blender and grind for one minute. Then put the resulting soup base in the refrigerator to cool.

Cut one bell pepper and one fresh cucumber into cubes, chop the red onion, add herbs, mix everything with olive oil. Pour the soup into a plate, adding vegetables mixed with oil in the center. Serve cold.

Gazpacho with crab meat from the chef of the Ju-Ju restaurant

Ingredients for gazpacho
one kilogram of beef tomatoes
half a liter of tomato juice
20 grams of wine vinegar
10 milliliters olive oil
three grams of Tobasco sauce
five grams of green basil
salt, sugar, pepper to taste

Ingredients for crab salad
50 grams boiled meat crab
10 grams of fresh cucumber
five grams of iceberg lettuce
five grams of mayonnaise
salt to taste

Method of preparation. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin and remove the seeds. Place in a blender and add all ingredients. Grind until smooth. Cool.

Separate the crab meat into fibers. Cut the cucumber and iceberg into thin strips. Mix everything with mayonnaise. Place the salad in the center of a deep plate through a round form. Pour 1-2 cm of soup around, remove the mold. Garnish with basil leaves and olive oil. If it's very hot, you can add some crushed ice to the frappe, both as a base and as a garnish for the finished dish.

Beetroot gazpacho from the chef of the Ponton restaurant Dmitry Nivichkov

Soup ingredients
260 grams bunch tomatoes
140 grams of bell pepper
160 grams of long-fruited cucumbers
four grams of basil
24 grams of onions
two grams of garlic
eight milliliters sherry vinegar
eight grams of salt
one gram of pepper
30 milliliters olive oil
30 milliliters refined sunflower oil
16 grams of tomato paste
40 grams of sliced ​​loaf
280 milliliters of drinking water
300 grams of peeled boiled beets

Ingredients for garnish
200 grams lightly salted salmon
20 grams of radish slices
20 grams of fresh beet slices
five grams of finely chopped dill

Method of preparation. Grind all the ingredients for gazpacho thoroughly in a blender until smooth. Cut the salmon into 1.5 x 1.5 cm cubes and roll them in finely chopped dill. Place on a plate and garnish with slices of radish and beets. Cold soup served separately from the side dish.

Tsiziki from the chef of the Red Espresso Bar chain Vasily Golovin

200 grams feta cheese
one liter of kefir
six fresh cucumbers
50 grams of fresh mint leaves
30 grams fresh basil leaves
10 grams of garlic
salt, pepper, ground paprika to taste
100 grams crushed ice
a little olive oil

Method of preparation. Finely chop half the cucumbers, put them in a blender, pour in kefir, add mint and basil leaves, spices and ice. Grind everything until foamy. Cut the remaining cucumbers (one cucumber per serving) into thin slices. Cut the feta into cubes and place along with the cucumbers on the bottom of the plate. Pour in the prepared soup, garnish with olive oil, ground paprika, basil and mint leaves on top.

Light soup with porcini mushroom ravioli from the chef of the Prichal restaurant

Soup ingredients
two liters of water
20 grams of dried porcini mushrooms
200 grams of onions
300 grams of fresh frozen porcini mushrooms
100 milliliters olive oil
200 grams wonton dough
one chicken egg
two bay leaves
three grams of thyme
20 grams of garlic
20 grams of parsley
salt, pepper to taste

Ravioli dough ingredients
100 grams regular bread flour
100 grams of premium durum wheat flour
one tablespoon olive oil
two eggs
two pinches of salt

Method of preparation. Soak dry mushrooms in two liters of cold water, add bay leaf and cook until 1.5 liters of broth is formed. Add salt and pepper. Fry onions and carrots in olive oil and add to the broth.

Cut the mushrooms into small cubes and fry until golden brown in butter with garlic and thyme (add salt and pepper to taste). Make the ravioli dough: sift the flour onto a work surface, crack the eggs into the center, add salt and olive oil. Mix until you obtain a rough, homogeneous dough. Place fried mushrooms on the dough circles, brush the edges with egg and cover with another layer of dough, carefully pressing the edges. Throw the ravioli into the mushroom broth and cook for 3-4 minutes.
Pour the finished soup into bowls and sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Refreshing soup of green peas and mint with smoked salmon from the chef of the Prichal restaurant Sergei Nosov

500 grams frozen green peas
150 grams of white onion
250 grams of potatoes
one liter of chicken broth
250 milliliters cream (33% fat)
150 grams smoked salmon
50 milliliters olive oil
50 grams of mint
10 grams of garlic
salt, pepper to taste

Method of preparation. Fry onion, garlic and potatoes in olive oil until golden brown. Add peas and chicken broth and simmer until tender. Add mint and grind in a blender, then rub through a sieve. Add cream, salt, pepper to the homogeneous prepared mass and boil. Pour into plates and place pieces of smoked salmon on top.

From Alexey Pavlov, chef of the Sochi restaurant Barceloneta, this is a real vacation by the sea. Here you will find langoustines and vongole clams with mussels. Not to mention that the base was fish stock and bisque. By the way, bisque, a thick sauce cooked on the shells of sea creatures, can become a soup in itself. And you'll want a bisque for an encore. Of course, a portion of such soup is a real waste. But when can you afford to indulge in luxury, if not on the main day of soup?

Creamy cauliflower soup with gorgonzola

Carrot soup with baked pear, ginger and pecans

No, this is not a dessert, as one might think: this one from Roman Zakirov, chef of the St. Petersburg restaurant Kuznya House, along with pear puree, ginger and pecans, contains completely non-pastry potatoes and onions. In total - satisfying, rich, warming and invigorating. An indispensable remedy for our leisurely spring.

Carrot soup, ginger, baked pear, pecan

This one from Anton Patankin, the chef of the Rostov Macau restaurant, is very reminiscent of gazpacho in its meaning, taste and composition of ingredients. But, unlike its Spanish brother, it is much more satisfying thanks to fresh tuna and quail eggs embedded in the tomato grounds.

Cold tomato soup with tuna and basil

It’s no more difficult to prepare than purees made from any other vegetables. But thanks to the mysterious Jerusalem artichoke and oxtails, it acquires a completely unique, earthy and refined taste. If you can’t find the oxtails that Pavel Kazmin, the chef of the St. Petersburg restaurant Molto Buono, suggests using, simply replace them with good beef. Or beef cheeks, if possible.

Jerusalem artichoke cream soup with oxtails

Fish tomato soup

Don’t be intimidated by the large number of ingredients in this soup, because the main thing is the result. Halibut gives richness, salmon gives color and richness of taste, both fish go well with tomatoes, and Asian spices add a bright Asian accent. Therefore, from Alexey Strakhov, chef of the Moregrill restaurant (Moscow), it should come out to match this noble combination.

Fish tomato soup

Ukrainian borscht with pampushki

It’s hard to refuse good, rich food and donuts. And it's not necessary. You just need to take it and cook it, as Elena Nikiforova, the chef of the Shinok restaurant, suggests doing. That is, exactly according to the canon: with sautéing tomatoes and beets, potatoes and beans and adding a spoonful of lard minced through a meat grinder at the very end.

Ukrainian borscht with pampushki

Porcini mushroom and shiitake soup

Porcini mushroom soup always turns out to be especially aromatic and rich. Shiitake gives it “meatiness” and thickness. And to help with mushrooms for a voluminous taste, Dmitry Eremeev, chef of the Turandot restaurant, suggests adding pine nuts.

Porcini mushroom and shiitake soup

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