Recipes for a pressure cooker-multi-cooker. Dishes for a pressure cooker Recipes for dishes in a pressure cooker

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Every housewife who has a pressure cooker has already appreciated its undoubted advantages over a regular saucepan. Foods cook in a pressure cooker much faster. Potatoes are cooked for 5-8 minutes instead of 20-30 minutes in a regular pan, peas for 10-15 minutes instead of 60-90 minutes, meat for 25-30 minutes instead of 60-80 minutes. In a pressure cooker you can boil, stew and steam food. In such food, vitamins, taste, aroma and even color of the food are better preserved.

But every housewife who has bought a pressure cooker initially faces certain difficulties due to the fact that she does not have a special recipe manual that allows her to start cooking for sure, without resorting to experimentation. We hope that the collection of our recipes will initially help those who have not yet fully mastered the techniques of cooking in a pressure cooker. Before you get acquainted with the suggested recipes, remember the following:

  • Our recipes are for four servings.
  • The time is counted from the beginning of the hissing; from that moment, reduce the heat.
  • The liquid should not exceed 2/3 of the volume of the pressure cooker.
  • If you want to cook a few bowls of soup, pour the appropriate amount of water into the pressure cooker (evaporation is almost zero).
  • If you are preparing foods that tend to swell (rice, beans, etc.), pour water into the pan up to 1/2 full.


Before cooking rice, it must be washed in several waters, rubbing well between the palms to remove excess starch. Boiled rice can be prepared in two ways:

1st method. For a cup of rice, take 1.5 cups of water and cook for exactly 7 minutes, after which the pan is immediately opened.

2nd method (Creole rice). It is cooked in a much larger amount of salted boiling water compared to the volume of rice, having first been placed in a colander placed on a wire rack. Cook for 6 minutes and quickly discard so that it is crumbly. Rice is an excellent side dish for meat, vegetables, chicken and fish; you can also make a salad from it.


Cooking method: Cook Creole rice in a pressure cooker. Cool. Prepare a sauce from a mixture of mustard, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, pepper. Add rice to the prepared sauce. Place in a heap in a salad bowl. Chop onions and greens. Cut tomatoes and eggs into circles and garnish rice with them. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Compound: 250 g rice; 1 liter of water or broth; 1 tbsp. a spoonful of strong mustard; 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar; 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sunflower (or olive, or corn) oil; 2 tomatoes; 2 hard-boiled eggs; 1 onion; chopped parsley; salt; pepper.


Cooking method: Place the vegetables in a colander, having previously chopped the carrots and potatoes. Pour a 2 cm layer of water into the pressure cooker. Add salt. Place a colander (without handle) with vegetables in the water. To boil water. Close the pan and cook the vegetables for 15 minutes. Serve mixed with mayonnaise. Place chopped eggs on top.

Compound: 2 hard-boiled eggs; 250 g young carrots; 250 g green beans; 250 g green peas; 250 g potatoes; salt; 1 jar of mayonnaise.


MEAT BROTH (20 min)

Wash the meat and put it in a pressure cooker, filling it with water to no more than 2/3 of the pan. Boil uncovered and skim off the foam. Then add salt, peppercorns, herbs, the whole onion, removing the top layer of peel, and chopped carrots. Close the lid and cook the broth for 20-25 minutes.


Cooking method: Boil water with vegetables, add salt and pepper. Place the giblets and the listed parts of the chicken into boiling water. Cover and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then open and add vermicelli or noodles and cook for another 10 minutes covered.

Ingredients: Giblets from 1 or 2 chickens wings, legs, neck; 1 carrot; 1 bunch of greens; 1 onion; 2 cloves; 1 branch of celery; 0.5 liters of water, salt, pepper.

Cabbage soup or borscht (20 min)

Method of preparation, composition: Add cooked meat broth and cook in an open pan. Dressing for cabbage soup: cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, cut into strips, bell pepper. Dressing for borscht: chopped and pre-stewed vegetables in a frying pan - beets, tomatoes, carrots and chopped, but not stewed cabbage and potatoes. Cook until done. You can add a little to borscht granulated sugar for spiciness.


Method of preparation, composition
: Cut all the ingredients for borscht, put them in a pressure cooker, add as much water as needed, cook for 5 minutes after boiling. When ready, add a little butter and freshly chopped garlic, leave for another 5-10 minutes. Serve as usual - with sour cream and herbs. And by the way, this vegetarian borscht. But it’s also possible to use broth, although I don’t recommend it - you can first cook the meat in a pressure cooker, then cook borscht in this broth.

Cabbage soup from sauerkraut

Cooking method: Cut the roots and onions into slices and lightly fry. Wash the sauerkraut and squeeze it out. Cut the meat into pieces, put everything in a pressure cooker, add tomato puree. To fill with water. Add spices to taste. Close the lid and cook for 25 minutes. Cool the pressure cooker slowly

Compound: 500g meat, 500g sauerkraut, 100g roots and onions, 2 tbsp. tomato puree, 2 tbsp. butter, 2 potatoes, salt, 1.8 liters of water.


Method of preparation, composition: Soak a glass of dry peas in boiling water for half an hour. In a pressure cooker, fry bacon slices (as many as you like), chopped onion and half of grated carrots in vegetable oil. Then pour the peas into the pressure cooker (drain the water first), pour in 1.2 liters of water (You can boil water - it will boil faster, you can add a bouillon cube - then do not add salt), add salt, pepper, put two bay leaves, and you also need to put one mint leaf. Close the pressure cooker, put it on the fire, wait until it sizzles, reduce the heat and remove after 15 minutes.


Method of preparation, composition Everything is as in previous recipe, only instead of peas, beans, 1.5 liters of water, and cut two medium potatoes.


Cooking method: To boil water. Peel and finely chop the vegetables. Place in water, salt and pepper. Close the pan and cook the soup for 30 minutes. Remove from heat. Wait to open for another 10 minutes. Then add the broken pasta and butter. Boil for another 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Before serving, season the soup with finely chopped garlic, tomato paste and grated cheese.

Compound: 125 g green beans; 125 g carrots; 125 g leeks; 125 g turnips; 125 g celery root; 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste; 2 cloves of garlic; 50 g butter; 50 g thin pasta; 50 g grated Swiss cheese; 2 liters of water salt pepper.


Cooking method: Coarsely chop the washed greens and onions, simmer in an open pressure cooker in oil for 5 minutes. Boil 1.5 liters of salted water separately and pour it over the vegetables in the pan. Close the pan and cook the soup for 10 minutes.

Compound: Green bunch of radishes with stems; 2 onions; 30 g butter; 0.5 liters of water salt

JULIEN SOUP (20 min)

Cooking method: Grate or finely chop turnips, thinly slice leeks and cabbage. Lightly simmer in a saucepan with oil. Close the pan and simmer for another 5 minutes. Open the pan, pour in water, add potatoes, cut into small cubes. Add salt, cover and cook for another 15 minutes.

Compound: 200 g turnip white part from 2 pcs. leeks; 5 cabbage leaves; 250 g potatoes; 50 g butter; 1.5 liters of water salt

ONION SOUP (10 min)

Cooking method: Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan with 30 g of oil until pink, sprinkle with flour and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture turns brown. Pour cold water over it, close the lid and cook the soup for 10 minutes. Fry thin slices white bread in a frying pan. Place croutons on each plate, pour over the prepared soup, and sprinkle with cheese.

Compound: 125 g onion; 80 g butter; 1 tbsp. spoon of flour; 50 g grated Swiss cheese; 1.5 liters of water salt leek croutons

SORREL SOUP (10 min)

Cooking method: Prepare meat broth as indicated above. Sort out the sorrel, rinse, pour boiling water over it, and place in a colander to drain. Place chopped sorrel and potatoes in hot broth, add salt and cook for 10 minutes. Place an egg cut in half into each plate, pour in the soup and season with sour cream.

Compound: Meat broth(see above); 400-500 g sorrel; 500 g potatoes; 4 hard-boiled eggs; sour cream for dressing salt.


Cooking method: Cut the meat and brisket into pieces. Finely chop the onion. Melt butter in a pressure cooker. Place meat and onions in it, add salt and sprinkle with red pepper. Pour in some water. Cover and simmer the meat for 35 minutes. Open and place a wire rack on top. Place peeled potatoes on it. Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve topped with sour cream

Compound: 700 g beef stew; 150 g raw brisket; 500 g onions; 30 g butter; 1 or 2 coffee spoons of ground red pepper; 1 cup sour cream; 1 kg of potatoes; salt



Cooking method: Cut the meat into 5 cm cubes and marinate overnight. Slice the ham and place it on the bottom of the pressure cooker; place the meat drained from the marinade on top. Flour. Lightly moisten with marinade. Add salt. Add a bunch of greenery. Close the pan and simmer the meat for 50 minutes.

Compound: 800 g meat pulp; 200 g raw ham; 2 tbsp. spoons of flour a bunch of greens; salt pepper; For the marinade: 0.5 liters of dry red wine; 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil; 1 onion; 1 clove of garlic Bay leaf; pepper, cloves


Cooking method: Cut the meat and brisket into pieces. Finely chop the onion. Melt butter in a pressure cooker. Place meat and onions in it, add salt and sprinkle with red pepper. Pour in some water. Cover and simmer the meat for 35 minutes. Open and place a wire rack on top. Place peeled potatoes on it. Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes. Serve, topping the dish with sour cream.

Compound: 700 g beef stew; 150 g raw brisket; 500 g onions; 30 g butter; 1 or 2 coffee spoons of ground red pepper; 1 cup sour cream; 1 kg potatoes salt.

BOILED MEAT (60 min)

Cooking method: In a pressure cooker, boil 2 liters of water with the above vegetables (stick the cloves into the onion). When the water boils, put the whole meat into it. Cover and cook for 40 minutes. Then put the potatoes in the pan and cook for another 10 minutes. Remove the meat, place on a plate and cover with vegetables.
The broth can be seasoned with vermicelli, which can be cooked in an open pan for another 5 minutes.

Compound: 800 g beef thigh with marrow bone; 3 pcs. leeks; 4 carrots; 2 turnips; 1 branch of celery; 1 onion; 1-2 cloves; 1 clove of garlic; 1 kg of potatoes; a bunch of greenery; salt pepper

BEEF RAGU (30 min)

Cooking method: Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the meat in it. Place the onion cut into 4 parts. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, immediately peel them and cut into 8 pieces. Remove the seeds from the cream. Sprinkle meat with flour. Stir. Add tomatoes, garlic, herbs, bay leaf, cloves, cream, pepper. Add salt. Close the pan and simmer the stew for up to 20 minutes. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into 4 parts. Place on top of the meat. Cover the pan again and cook the stew for another 10 minutes.

Compound: 800 g beef stew; 50 g butter; 1 tbsp. spoon of flour; 100 g cream; 1 onion; 800 g tomatoes; 1 kg of potatoes; 2 cloves of garlic; Bay leaf; carnation; parsley; salt pepper.


Cooking method: Cut the meat into thin slices. Brown 50 g of butter in a pressure cooker. Place chopped onion, 25 g of butter in a pressure cooker, place browned meat on top. Pour beer, salt, pepper, add herbs. Cover and simmer for 50 minutes. Then open and place the potatoes cut into halves. Cover again and cook for another 10 minutes.

Compound: 600 g meat pulp; 75 g butter; 300 g onions; 0.5 liters of beer; a bunch of greenery; salt pepper; 1 kg potatoes

Roast (10 min per 1 kg)

Cooking method: Heat oil in a pressure cooker and fry the meat on all sides. Place the onion there, cut into 4 parts, salt and pepper. If the meat has fat on one side, put the fat on the bottom. Close the pan. Simmer for exactly 10 minutes. You can simultaneously place potatoes on the grill over the meat, add salt, or pre-fry the potatoes and place them around the meat.

Compound: 1 kg tenderloin; 30 g butter; 1 small onion; salt pepper

STEW (35 min)

Cooking method: Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry the meat on all sides. Then take it out and put chopped onions and carrots in its place. When the vegetables are well fried, put sour cream and meat on top, salt, pepper and sprinkle with herbs. Close the pan and simmer the meat for 35 minutes. Can be served with steamed potatoes as described in the previous recipe.

Compound: 4 pieces of meat (entrecote); 50 g butter; 4 carrots; 2 large onions; 1 glass of sour cream; a bunch of greenery; salt pepper

BEEF KIDNEYS (20 min+ 10 min)

Cooking method: The mushrooms should be small so that they can be placed whole by cutting off the lower part of the stems. Cut the kidneys into large pieces. Melt the butter in a pressure cooker and brown the chopped kidneys on all sides. Add chopped onion and flour. Stir with a wooden spoon. Pour in sour cream, salt and pepper. Stir again. Add mushrooms and add water. Close the pan and simmer the kidneys for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and do not open the pan for another 10 minutes.

Compound: 500 g kidneys; 30 g butter; 250 g fresh mushrooms; 1 coffee spoon of flour; 1 onion; 0.5 cups sour cream; ;0.5 cups of water; salt pepper


Cooking method: Season the medallion with salt and pepper and spread with mustard. Fry in oil in a pressure cooker, add mushrooms, pour in sour cream, close with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.

Compound: 4 flat pieces of meat; 6 mustard spoons of mustard; 70 g butter; 250 g fresh mushrooms; 0.5 cups sour cream


Cooking method: Wash your tongue thoroughly. Boil water in a pressure cooker and put the tongues in it. Close the lid and cook for 10 minutes. Remove tongues and remove skin. Clean the pressure cooker, put chopped lard in it along with carrots and onions, cut into slices. Place tongues on top. Add salt. Pour in 2 cups of water. Cover and cook; 60 min. When serving, you can top it with tomato sauce.

Compound: 1 large tongue or 2-4 small ones; 100 g brisket; 2 carrots; 2 onions; salt


Cooking method: Place the legs and meat into the pressure cooker. Add water and boil. Skim off the foam, add salt, pepper and bay leaves. Cover and cook for 2 hours. Open. Cool. Separate the pulp from the bones and chop together with the meat. Place meat and chopped garlic on the bottom of the dish, pour in the broth, after straining it. Place in a cool place. Serve the jelly with horseradish. Well... yes, it’s a purely French dish.

Compound: 1 beef or 2 pork legs; 700-800 g beef pulp; salt peppercorns; garlic; 1 onion; Bay leaf.



Cooking method: Melt the butter in a pressure cooker, put the escalopes in it, add salt, and put a piece of bacon and cheese on each. Spice up. Fry in an open pan for 5 minutes. Then close and fry for another 5 minutes. Serve with the resulting sauce.

Compound: 4 veal escalopes, 40 grams of butter, 4 slices of bacon, 4 slices of Swiss cheese, pepper, salt.


Cooking method: Soak raisins and prunes in cold water for several hours. In a pressure cooker, brown the veal in butter, then add the onions and carrots, cut into slices. Sprinkle with flour, stir and pour in water. Boil, salt, pepper, add herbs. Cover and simmer for 25 minutes. Open and add raisins and prunes. Close again and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Compound: 1 kg of veal; 50 g butter; 250 g prunes; 50 g raisins; 1 tbsp. flour; 1 kg carrots; 100 grams of onion; 1/4 liter of water; a bunch of greenery; salt; pepper


Cooking method: Cut the meat into 8 - 10 pieces. Brown the meat and onion, cut into 4 parts, in a pressure cooker with 50 grams of butter. Then add wine, half a glass of boiling water, herbs, salt, pepper. Bring to a boil in an open pan, then cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Remove the meat and place on a warm plate. Mix the remaining 25 grams of butter with the flour with a fork. Whisk into roast sauce. Mix well. Boil for a few seconds. Pour the resulting gravy over the meat

Compound: 800 g brisket or shoulder; 75 g butter; 250 grams of onion; 1 glass of dry white wine; 1 coffee spoon of flour; salt; pepper; bunch of greenery


Cooking method: Melt the butter in a pressure cooker, fry the meat cut into pieces along with the chopped onion. Sprinkle with flour and pepper. Stir with a wooden spoon. Fry for a few minutes. Pour in wine and 0.5 cups of water. Place bay leaf tomato paste, garlic, salt, pepper. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

Compound: 800 g veal; 50 g butter; 1 glass of dry white wine; 1 onion; 1 clove of garlic; 1 coffee spoon of ground red pepper; 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste; 1 tbsp. spoon of flour; salt; pepper; Bay leaf.


Cooking method: Season the chops with pepper, but do not add salt. Place a piece of ham on each, roll it up and tie it with thread. Melt the butter in a pressure cooker and fry the rolls in it along with the onion, cut into 4 parts. Sprinkle with flour, stir, pour over sour cream. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Before serving, remove the strings, remove the greens and garnish the rolls with rice or fried potatoes.

Compound: 10 thin veal chops; 120 g butter; 10 thin slices of smoked ham; 2 onions; a bunch of greenery; 1 glass of sour cream; 2 tbsp. spoon of flour; salt; pepper.


Cooking method: Cut the meat into 5 cm cubes and marinate overnight. Slice the ham and place it on the bottom of the pressure cooker; place the meat drained from the marinade on top. Flour. Lightly moisten with marinade. Season with salt and add a bunch of herbs. Close the pan and simmer the meat for 50 minutes.

Compound: 800 g meat pulp; 200 g raw ham; 2 tbsp. spoons of flour; a bunch of greenery; salt pepper
For the marinade: 0.5 liters of dry red wine; 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil; 1 onion; 1 clove of garlic; Bay leaf; pepper, cloves.

Thematic products:

Recipes for a multicooker are so varied that among them you can find different ways of preparing both main and dessert dishes. This miracle of modern technology is perfect for preparing simple seed dinners and treats for festive table. Vegetables, mushrooms, meat, various soups and cereals, cheesecakes, muffins, cakes and even savory sauces for the second and homemade jam. Meat and vegetables can be stewed, boiled and even baked whole.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

The best thing about cooking this way is that during the process you don’t have to constantly stand near the stove, stir and worry that the food will burn. The multicooker will take care of everything on its own. The advantage of this method of preparation is that much more useful elements are retained in the finished food than with traditional ways heat treatment. It requires virtually no oil, which will undoubtedly benefit the whole family.

For instant cooking food under high pressure and, accordingly, a higher cooking temperature than in a regular pan. The products in it retain their natural color and taste.

A pressure cooker can become your assistant in the kitchen if you value your time and care about proper nutrition.

Advantages of pressure cookers

Cooking a dish in a pressure cooker occurs approximately 3-4 times faster than in a regular saucepan, which allows you to reduce the time spent at the stove.

When cooking foods in a pressure cooker, vitamins are preserved better than in foods cooked in regular pans.

You can steam dishes; a special grill or basket is included for this purpose. The pressure cooker allows you to cook frozen product, without defrosting it first. You can also use the pressure cooker like a regular saucepan, just replacing the lid with a glass one.

What you can and cannot cook in a pressure cooker

The list of foods that can be cooked in a pressure cooker is quite large - in fact, it all depends only on your imagination. It is not recommended to cook only those products that, when cooked, can clog the operating valve inside the pan.

What not to do with a pressure cooker:

  • Place the pressure cooker on fire without water.
  • Fill the pan more than 2/3 full.
  • Immerse the pressure cooker lid in water and wash it in the dishwasher.

Safety of modern pressure cookers

Modern pressure cookers have several safety levels, so various troubles can be eliminated. All pressure cookers have a release valve that regulates the pressure. After cooking, you can quickly or slowly, depending on the need, reduce the pressure to the desired level to open the lid.

Electric pressure cookers give you even more free time. You can pre-program the cooking time and duration, as well as the time for maintaining the temperature of the finished dish. There are various modes: “porridge”, "meat" , “soup”, “rice”, “potatoes”. Also, some models of electric pressure cookers have a baking function.

First courses in a pressure cooker

Chicken vegetable soup


  • Chicken - 1 piece,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Leek - 0.5 stalks,
  • Celery root - 1/4 part of the root,
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.,
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves,
  • Greens to taste - 1 bunch,
  • Spices.


Rinse the chicken carcass, cut into portions and boil for 5 minutes, drain the water, rinse the meat and place in a pressure cooker.

Carrots, celery root cut into cubes, Bell pepper straws, leeks into thin rings. Chop the garlic and herbs.

Add vegetables to the pressure cooker with the chicken, add hot water, add spices, bring to a boil, cover with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat.

Pea soup with pork ribs


  • Pork ribs - 500 g,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • Peas - 3/4 cup,
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.,
  • Greens to taste
  • Salt,
  • Pepper.


Soak the peas in plenty of water in advance. During soaking, the water can be changed 1-2 times. Cut the ribs into portions, add salt and pepper and, if desired, lightly fry in a pressure cooker without a lid in a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Grind the carrots and parsley root, chop the onion finely and the potatoes into slices. Add the prepared vegetables to the meat, pour hot water 1.5-3 cm above the food. Close the lid and cook for 25–30 minutes, or on the “Soup” setting.

Main meat courses in a pressure cooker

Goulash with mushrooms

Pressure cooker dishes /


  • Young beef - 500 g,
  • Champignons - 300 g,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Tomato juice (water) - 1.5 cups,
  • Salt,
  • Pepper.


Cut the meat into cubes of equal size weighing from 15 to 30 grams, add salt and pepper. Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Cut the mushrooms into 2 or 4 parts, depending on the size.

Place all ingredients in a pressure cooker, stir, pour tomato juice or water, cover and cook for 20 minutes.

You can pre-fry the meat in a pressure cooker without a lid with 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Pork stewed in wine


  • Lean pork - 600 g,
  • Dry white wine or broth - 400 ml,
  • Rosemary - 1 sprig,
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.,
  • Salt,
  • Pepper.


Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces, add salt and pepper. Pour 2 tbsp into the bottom of the heated pressure cooker. l. vegetable oil. Fry meat in oil on 2 sides for 2 minutes. Add rosemary, bay leaf, a glass of wine or broth. Cover the pressure cooker with a lid and cook for 20-25 minutes.

Poultry main courses in a pressure cooker

Chicken breasts in sour cream sauce


  • Chicken breasts - 4 pcs.,
  • Curry seasoning - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Sour cream - 200 g,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch,
  • Salt,
  • Pepper.


Salt and pepper the chicken breasts and leave for half an hour. Chop the onion and sauté in oil in a pressure cooker without a lid. Combine sour cream with chopped herbs and curry seasoning, add a little water, mix well. Place the breasts on the sauteed onion, pour sour cream sauce. Close the lid and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Chicken with vegetables


  • Chicken - up to 1 kg,
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.,
  • Celery - 0.5 roots,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg,
  • Various greens - 1 bunch,
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Ground hot red pepper - to taste.


Cut the chicken into portions, marinate in soy sauce, mixed with ground red pepper, for 30-40 minutes.

Cut carrots and celery root into cubes, sweet peppers (preferably different colors) into strips, tomatoes into slices. Mix everything.

Place the chicken pieces on the bottom of the pan, place the vegetables on top, add 200-250 ml of water, cover with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Second fish courses in a pressure cooker

Pressure cooker dishes /

Perch in tomatoes with herbs


  • Perch fillet - 2 plates,
  • Large tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • Fresh basil - 1 sprig,
  • Dill, parsley - 0.5 bunch each,
  • Onions - 0.5 pcs.
  • White wine - 1/4–1/2 cup,
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.,
  • Spices.


Cut the tomatoes crosswise, pour boiling water over them, hold in it for 2 minutes, remove and remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into 4 parts. Chop the greens and basil. Combine tomatoes, chopped herbs and basil, wine, spices in a blender bowl and puree everything. Pour the puree into the pressure cooker and place it in fish, close the lid and cook for 3-5 minutes.

Serve fish with sauce and chopped onion.

Cod in marinade


  • Cod fillet - 500 g,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Large carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Dill greens for decoration,
  • Spices,
  • Boiled rice as a side dish.

Cut the onion into half rings. Grind the carrots on a grater. Sauté onions and carrots in a pressure cooker without a lid; if the pressure cooker is electric, then sauté the vegetables in a frying pan.

Add spices to the tomato paste and dissolve the mixture in 1 glass of water, mix well. Add to the vegetables, stir, heat a little and pour the mixture into the pressure cooker if the vegetables were sautéed in a frying pan. Fillet cod cut into portions, place in marinade. Cover with a lid and cook for 5-8 minutes. Serve cod with rice and chopped dill.

Cereal dishes in a pressure cooker

Lentils with vegetables

Pressure cooker dishes /


  • Lentils - 1 cup,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Tomato - 2-3 pcs.,
  • Chicken broth - 1 glass,
  • Dill greens - 0.5 bunch,
  • Parsley - 0.5 bunch,
  • Green onions - a couple of feathers,
  • Salt,
  • Pepper.


Lentils pre-soak in water. Grind the carrots, chop the onions, chop the greens finely, and chop the tomatoes into medium cubes.

Place the prepared lentils, vegetables and herbs into the pan, except green onions. Mix everything well, pour in hot broth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Close the lid and cook for 15 minutes.

Ready dish serve with chopped green onions.

Milk rice porridge


  • Rice - 1 measuring cup
  • Milk - 3 measuring cups,
  • Water - 1 measuring cup,
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Butter.


Combine water with milk, heat and add rice. Add salt, sugar to taste and stir. Cover with a lid and cook for 10–15 minutes. Serve the finished porridge with butter.

In this section I collect my recipes for multi-pressure cooker Redmond.

I think you will find this recipe interesting, because in the “ro” bottom" recipe book attached to multicooker-pressure cookerRedmond, there is no similar method of cooking meat. Although, in general, the book, despite many negative reviews about it, was very useful to me personally in the first couple of days. There's a lot basic recipes, which are easy to add or change to your own taste.

I received several letters with questions about exactly how and how long large pieces are prepared meat in a pressure cooker. I will answer everyone with this recipe at once. That's why we're preparing today large piece beef in own juice, with onions and potatoes. The method is extremely simple. You will see for yourself how delicious it is. stew meat in a slow cooker you can do it in just 50-60 minutes. At the same time, the piece will be soft and remain very juicy.

Meat in a slow cooker Redmond:

Piece of veal 550-600 gr. (diameter 17-20 cm, thickness 5-6 cm)

2 onions

2 potatoes

1 tbsp. water

1 tsp olive oil

black peppercorns

How to cook meat in a pressure cooker:

    For cooking we will use unfrozen veal, a medium-sized piece. If necessary multi-pressure cooker Redmond can accommodate and simultaneously cook up to 3 pieces of this size. The cooking time will not change.

    Pour 1 tbsp into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. water. Black peppercorns need to be crushed. Cut the onion into medium-sized rings. We cut the potatoes into slices of any size, I like large ones.

    The piece of meat should be cut along the muscle fibers. Wash the meat thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel. Season the piece well with salt and pepper on both sides, then place it in the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle olive oil on top of the meat.

    First put the onions on the meat, then the potatoes. Add a little salt to the potatoes on top.

    This meat in a slow cooker Redmond will cook for about 50-60 minutes, if you have veal and 10 minutes. longer if you have beef. A piece of pork of this size will need 40-45 minutes.

    We set the valve to the “closed” position, select the “quenching” program, and set the time. Actually that's all.

As you can see, stew meat in a slow cooker not that difficult. After finishing the program and opening the lid, you will find that the piece of meat has shrunk somewhat and there is quite a lot of broth at the bottom of the bowl. Therefore, the dish can be served together with broth gravy, or without it.

Of course, at the beginning of the last century, Escoffier did not use a pressure cooker, but it is safe to say that these days he would prepare his broths in one.

Part 1.
Operating principle and types.

A pressure cooker is an amazing work tool for any cook. The traditionally long and labor-intensive cooking process is reduced several times - a pressure cooker needs much less time to reveal the magical aromas and transform the textures of food than a regular saucepan. Risotto takes 7 minutes instead of 25, strong chicken bouillon- 90 minutes instead of 2-3 hours. You can put canning jars, ovenproof bags, or vacuum bags (those designed for high temperatures) in the pressure cooker—the polenta no longer needs to be constantly stirred to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan. And the high temperature inside the pressure cooker promotes caramelization and browning until golden brown—a reaction that adds subtle flavors to your dish that can't be achieved in a humid environment like braising. If you're still not a fan of the pressure cooker, try our caramelized carrot soup (recipe in the appendix).

A pressure cooker is essentially just a saucepan with a sealed lid and a valve to control internal pressure. The principle of its operation is that the lid does not release steam, which, as it forms, increases the pressure inside the pan. Increasing the pressure gives an increase in the boiling point of water, which is usually limited to 100 C (at sea level, since in higher places the boiling point is slightly lower due to lower atmospheric pressure). And since the useful temperature in a pressure cooker is higher, about 120 C, the cooking time is significantly reduced.

Fast, and therefore energy-saving, cooking is, of course, great, but what really makes a difference is the quality of the dishes prepared. During normal cooking, the wonderful smells wafting through the kitchen warm the heart, but at the same time the fundamental components of taste disappear into the air without a trace. The sealed environment inside the pressure cooker traps most of these escaping flavors. The finished dish retains the fullest range of flavors, since the evaporating elements condense on the lid and then flow back down into the pan.

Too many people avoid pressure cookers simply because they are too lazy to follow safety rules. Relax, in the production technology of modern pressure cookers, safety comes first. We recommend using pressure cookers with a built-in spring valve, such as those from Kuhn Rikon or Fagor, or pressure cookers with a moving valve. Electric pressure cookers are even simpler - you just need to set the time, and it does the rest itself. Older models of pressure cookers or autoclaves (devices for home canning) can also be used, but they will definitely be louder and will not retain the aromas as well.
Consumer grade pressure cookers come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 4 to 10 quarts. Choose a three-layer pressure cooker made of stainless steel (aluminum with a stainless steel layer) - this is guaranteed to save you from burns. Also make sure that the pressure cooker has an indicator indicating the level of absolute internal pressure. Typically, recipes specify a pressure of 1 bar (or 1 technical atmosphere) or 15 psi (pounds per square inch).


Pressure cooker with spring valve.
Pressure cookers with a built-in spring valve are best for preparing broths and sauces. The valve seals the pan tightly, allowing all the volatile flavor components to be trapped before they evaporate into the air. Fagor pressure cookers deliberately release a little steam when internal pressure needs to be regulated, but they still lose much less flavor than open pans.
When the internal pressure reaches 1 bar, the indicator shows 1 red stripe.

Price: $80 for Fagor and $200 for Kuhn Rikon

Electric pressure cooker.
There is hardly anything easier to use than an electric pressure cooker: plug it in, press the button and set the timer. The only downside is that food cannot be cooked on the stove, and you will have to find a separate place in the kitchen for this unit - after all, in fact, this is a device with only one function.
Where to buy: in kitchen equipment stores, in hypermarkets
Price: $100-$135

Pressure cookers with a movable valve.
Our grandmothers used such pressure cookers: a rattling, steam-spewing machine, the behavior of which is not so easy to determine the level of pressure. In addition, it is not so safe in comparison with its modern counterparts. But if used strictly according to the factory instructions, pressure cookers with a movable valve are quite safe and cope with the assigned tasks.
Where to buy: in kitchen equipment stores, at flea markets
Price: $35-$50

This hefty unit is the closest relative of the pressure cooker and is intended for preservation. You can also use it for cooking, but then you will have to deal with countless clamps on the lid, which is not very convenient to use. Also, autoclaves are usually made of aluminum, and therefore the food in them burns. Before canning, it is customary to vent the air from the autoclave, but do not try to do this before cooking in it - again, the delicious aromas will be lost. Autoclaves often have a movable valve installed, but it does not always work.
Where to buy: Kitchen equipment stores
Price: $80-$200


So, what is so great about a pressure cooker? Yes, because when the pressure in it reaches the set value of 1 bar, it heats up very much inside - up to 121C. Whether you are preparing broth, simmering goulash, or simply boiling legumes, the temperature of these water-containing dishes, as a rule, cannot exceed the boiling point of water - 100 C, and then the water will boil away, which is also undesirable for the cooking process. But in order to quickly extract important flavor-forming reactions from products or quickly destroy the cell membranes of plant products, this temperature is simply not enough. Increasing the pressure helps overcome this difficulty.

Pressurized steam quickly transfers heat to the surface of food that is not immersed in liquid.
The lid is closed with a pin that tightens the walls of the pan. Frequent overloading can damage the mechanism and render the pressure cooker useless. There are pressure cookers that use bolts that clamp the walls from the outside.

In mountainous areas, atmospheric pressure is lower, and water boils at a lower temperature. In Denver (elevation 1.6 km above sea level) water boils at 95 C, in Chamonix (France; rise 1 km) it boils at 97 C, in the city of Cusco (Peru; rise 3.4 km) - at 89 C. On At similar heights, both pressure cookers and open pots take longer to cook food, but even at the top of the pressure cooker it is still more efficient.

There is also a lock on the handle - it holds the lid so that it does not open while the contents are under pressure.
Add enough water to the pan - around the food or under the food insert - to create a lot of steam.

The spring valve is initially open to allow air to escape. When the contents begin to heat up, the increasing vapor pushes the valve up and it closes (if there is excess pressure, it rises even higher and opens again, releasing excess steam). The valve regulates the pressure inside the pressure cooker according to specified values: usually 0.7 or 1 bar (10 or 15 atmospheres), this value is called absolute pressure. At this pressure, water boils at 114 C or 121 C. Once the pressure cooker reaches the set pressure level, reduce the heat to avoid overloading.

Sealing ring. As a rule, this is a dense rubber gasket that prevents the resulting steam and air from escaping from the pan. As the temperature inside rises, the steam pressure increases - it is this process that increases the pressure. Any food particles stuck in the gasket can cause leakage, so wash and check the rubber carefully before each use.

There is too much liquid in this pressure cooker. In short, the pan should be filled no more than two-thirds.
The water becomes steam, increasing the pressure inside the pressure cooker as it heats up. The boiling point also rises because it is directly related to pressure, just enough to keep the temperature of the water and steam at its boiling point so that the pressure can in turn rise. The pressure continues to increase until the release valve operates.

Spoiler: They are much more functional than you think.


Cooks new to pressure cookers often cook too hot. high temperatures, which leads to overload of the unit. It is very important to understand that excess pressure inside the pan does not increase the temperature, but only provokes the emergency valve to release steam, causing the water inside the pan to boil. Constant overloads can damage both the sides and the sealing rubber on the lid. Check the manufacturer's instructions to know exactly when the pressure cooker is at absolute pressure, when it is overloaded, or when it is depressurized.

1. Prepare the ingredients. If you want to brown onions or any other herbs before cooking them in the pressure cooker, save the extra frying pan; you can fry them directly in the pan and then close the lid.
2. Add all ingredients, stir, and close the lid. Stirring is a must—distributing liquid or fat evenly throughout the pan will help prevent burning. Remember that once you close the lid, you will no longer have the opportunity to stir the dish.
3. Heat a saucepan on the stove over medium heat. Watch and listen - the pressure cooker will beep when it reaches the absolute pressure level, and then reduce the heat to low. Increase the heat to maintain absolute pressure in the pressure cooker.
4. Timing can begin when the pressure inside the pressure cooker reaches the level specified in the recipe. If your pressure cooker has a spring valve, it should pop up to the red line, no higher. The pressure cooker should not hiss loudly. If you have a pressure cooker with a moving valve, it should move 3-5 times per minute, it should not shake continuously and wildly.
Most pressure cookers with a spring valve have 2 lines drawn on them indicating the pressure - low and high. We recommend cooking at 1 bar absolute pressure or 15 psi.
A jet of steam from a popped valve means that the pressure cooker is overloaded and the valve is releasing excess pressure for safety reasons. Overloading can dent the sides that hold the lid tightly against the pan, and if they don't seal tightly, the pressure cooker will be of little use.
5. Once cooked, remove the pressure cooker from the heat and cool it down. You can simply leave the pan alone for a few minutes if the dish allows it (for example, broth). And for dishes that are more sensitive in terms of cooking time (for example, risotto), run a stream of cool water (26-36C) along the edge of the lid - this will depressurize the pan faster (be careful and do not let water get inside the valve). Some pressure cookers have a quick pressure release button or wheel, make sure you read the instructions and know how to use this feature safely. Never try to open a pan under pressure. The dish will instantly lose its aromas, not to mention the fact that all the contents will be splashed around the kitchen.
6. Place the pan in the sink and open the lid. If the lid does not budge, do not strain - let it cool a little more until it opens with less resistance.
7. If the dish is not ready, simply place the pan on the stove and complete the process without closing the lid. Alternatively, close the lid, bring the pan back to absolute pressure, and continue cooking.

Be sure to read and follow the factory instructions for using your pressure cookers.
Opening the lid of the pressure cooker before it cools down will cause boiling water to splash all over the kitchen or even on you. Before opening the pressure cooker, use the quick pressure release button, or cool the pressure cooker under running water, or simply let it sit. The pressure valve will drop when the pan is completely depressurized.
Before you start cooking, check the rubber gasket on the lid to see if it is dry or cracked. These gaskets do not last forever - change them according to the manufacturers' recommendations.
Also make sure the cap rim and gasket are clean. Any food particles stuck there can break the seal.
Do not fill the pan more than two-thirds full. For legumes and grains, which tend to expand in volume, fill the pressure cooker only halfway.
Avoid cooking foamy foods (such as oatmeal or pasta). Foam can block the valve and prevent pressure from being released when needed.
Open the lid away from you to avoid being scalded by the hot air from the pressure cooker.
Use canning tongs to handle hot jars and be sure to let the contents cool slightly before opening them.

Several recipes in this book reflect the benefits of cooking in glass jars. We use them for preparing ingredients that require intense, constant stirring such as polenta, for making small batches of rendered fat, for garlic confit, or for extracting flavors. Always leave at least 1.3 cm of lid space when filling the jar. Also, the jars should not touch the bottom of the pressure cooker: place them on a metal grate or on a hot rack or, in extreme cases, on crumpled aluminum foil. Add enough water to cover the grate so the pressure cooker can create steam. Once the jars are fully screwed on, loosen the lids a quarter turn, otherwise the pressure may crack the glass or rip the lid off during cooking. After using the jar in the pressure cooker, be sure to check the glass for cracks.

Quantity: 6 servings (1.3 kg)
Time: 40 minutes (20 minutes prep and 20 minutes cooking)
Difficulty: Medium
Special Requirements: Pressure Cooker, Ghee carrot oil(optional, recipe on page 121)
The quality of this soup depends entirely on the quality of the carrots, so try to find the best ones. Calcium-rich carrot stems can add a bit of bitterness and ruin the texture of a smooth, creamy soup, so it's best to get rid of them straight away. But it’s up to you, one way or another, you can try making soup with or without rods and compare. Serve the soup with a spoon coconut cream and a sprig of tarragon - this will emphasize the inherent sweetness of carrots. You can also use fresh coconut shavings and cumin seeds.
500 g peeled carrots
113 g unsalted butter
30 grams of water
5 g salt
2.5 g soda
635 g freshly squeezed carrot juice
40 g melted carrot oil
Salt to taste
1. Cut all carrots lengthwise into quarters and remove the rough fibrous core. Then cut into 5 cm pieces.
2. Melt the butter in a pressure cooker pan (to prevent the carrots from sticking to the bottom).
3. Dissolve salt and soda in water. Add this mixture and chopped carrots to the melted butter and stir well.
4. Cook at absolute pressure (1 bar) for 20 minutes. The countdown begins only when the pressure cooker reaches the specified pressure level. To prevent anything from burning inside, you can shake the pan slightly. After 20 minutes the carrots will be completely caramelized.
5. Cool the pressure cooker under running cool water.
6. It’s good to puree the finished carrots in a blender.
7. Pass the puree through the shinoa.
8. Boil in a separate container carrot juice. Strain through a fine sieve.
9. Mix the juice with carrot puree and bring to a boil. Add water if needed to bring the soup to the desired consistency.
10. Stir the cooled carrot oil into the soup. It is necessary to use an immersion blender - this is very important to give the soup a velvety texture.
11. Add salt to taste and serve warm.

original text and photographs - Modernist Cuisine at home.
translation - Anya Chapterova

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