Recipe for salting lard for cold smoking. Marinade with ground cumin and marjoram. How to salt lard for cold smoking

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For hot smoking, you should choose pieces from the abdominal area or sternum. It is desirable that the lard has a meat layer, and not just fat. In this case, it will turn out tastier and will be a real delicacy.

For smoking, you need to choose lard with a meat layer. When the bacon has already been purchased, it’s time to prepare it for soaking in brine: rinse it well and cut it into large pieces. It is advisable to leave the skin, since you will need to smoke it along with it. After this, it’s time to marinate the pieces of lard: you can’t leave them cut up for a long time, otherwise they will spoil.

There are different ways preparing the marinade, but classic recipe remains the most versatile. It is suitable for any occasion, lard is easy to prepare and has an excellent taste.

Ingredients: water; garlic; table salt; bay leaf, pepper, mustard seeds.

Pass the garlic through a press until you get a mushy mass. Add 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds and the same amount of black pepper to it. Mix everything well and spread on the bacon. Place a bay leaf on each piece to add additional flavor.

The marinade recipe is for 1 kg of lard.

Now you need to put the product in a container, pour 0.5 liters of water into it, add 80 g of salt and mix everything. Place in the refrigerator for two days. The marinating time can be reduced to 24 hours. After this, you can begin the hot smoking process.

Marinade for lard with soy sauce

Soy sauce is good for both fish and meat. A marinade for smoking lard with this ingredient will help make the product taste unusual. The recipe is no worse than the standard one and is easy to follow.

Ingredients: lard - 1 kg; soy sauce— 100 ml; garlic - 6 cloves; spices to taste; salt.

The garlic must be passed through a press and then mixed with spices and salt. Add soy sauce to them and mix thoroughly. Coat the lard with the resulting mass on all sides. If it is not enough, then you need to prepare more. It is important that the entire surface is covered with spices.

The bacon should be placed in a container, covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator, where it should be kept for up to three days. The marinade for smoking lard should be well absorbed and give a piquant taste to the product. After this, you can start smoking it at home.

Brine for smoking pork lard

For hot smoking, you can prepare raw materials in different ways. For example, you can use brine for lard - it will make the product more fragrant, quite salty and tasty. It is best to choose a standard, time-tested recipe.

Ingredients: water; spices to taste; garlic - 2 heads; bay leaf. The amount of ingredients directly depends on the volume of lard. If there is a lot of it, then you will have to take a larger pan. On average, a volume of 3-5 liters is enough for pickling.

Brine at home is prepared as follows:

Pour water into a saucepan and place on fire. Pour about 1 cup of table salt, add more spices and 10 pieces of bay leaf. Also add 10-15 cloves of garlic to the pan. The brine should cover the top of the lard.

The lard brine needs to be boiled for 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and let the liquid cool. Now you need to put the lard in a pan and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 days, and preferably for a week. When it is infused in brine, you can start smoking.

Marinade with ground cumin and marjoram

A simple recipe that will help you make delicious smoked bacon. It turns out very fragrant and tender thanks to this recipe. Sea salt, black pepper, crushed garlic, bay leaf, cumin, cardamom and marjoram should be mixed together. The prepared lard should be rubbed with the resulting mass so that the spices cover the entire surface. You can marinate in a jar, cover with a lid and place in a cool place. After 5 days you can start smoking.

We salt lard ourselves at home using various methods and recipes. And since you can properly pickle lard at home, you don’t need any specific or expensive ingredients. The main component is, of course, lard, as well as salt and spices. Naturally, salt and spices are available in every kitchen, but lard must be chosen correctly. How to properly salt lard at home? See below for many recipes for salting lard.

The lard needs to be salted fresh, preferably fresh. Meat products It is considered to be paired within 4 hours after slaughter. It is recommended to take lard with layers, but this depends mainly on the wishes of the housewife and household members. The thickness of the mat should be approximately 3 cm. Also, the consistency should be uniform, that is, not hardened, and not particularly loose.


A simple recipe for how to properly pickle lard at home.

  • You will need: garlic, salt and a plastic bag.

Cut the lard into pieces that can fit in a bag and on a plate. Place the shmat on a cutting board, skin side down. Make several small cuts. The cuts should be so deep that there is 0.5-1 cm left to the skin. Cut several cloves of garlic in half lengthwise. Place the garlic into the cuts and sprinkle the entire garlic with plenty of salt. Now put the pieces in a bag. This should be done skin side down, laying one on top of the other. Sprinkle each layer with additional salt. Now wrap the bag and leave it to salt. Salting lasts approximately three days at room temperature. First, 50 hours in the position as described, and then the package should be turned over.

Next, in order to properly salt the lard, it should be placed in the refrigerator, creating a temperature of about 10º C. Leave for another three days until it is completely ready. Now remove the package and make sure the product is ready. The main sign of salting of lard is darkening of the veins. That is, previously pink veins acquire a grayish color. If this does not happen, you need to add salt and leave for some more time. Before eating, remove excess salt from lard and cut into small pieces. Here you have delicious salted lard, prepared at home and no worse than the one from Magazan!!

How to salt lard for smoking

Very good recipe, how to salt lard for smoking, and prepare it before smoking.

You will need:

  • salt,
  • bay leaf,
  • garlic,
  • clove pepper,
  • water,
  • salo.

Some gourmets prefer smoked lard to salted lard. But for proper smoking, lard must first be salted. We'll look at how to do this below.

First you need to cook the brine for lard. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add 150 grams of salt, three bay leaves, two cloves, garlic and pepper to taste. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat, covered. Cool the prepared lard brine to room temperature.
Place the lard in a saucepan, add brine and cover with a lid. Cover the pan with a thick cloth and place in a dark and cool place. The lard in the pan should be turned over every day so that it is better saturated with brine. This process will last for 18 days. After which the lard must be removed and washed with running water.

Now you need to get rid of the excess brine that has soaked into the scraps. To do this, you can put the pieces under a weight. Or you can wrap it and tighten it tightly with strong, natural thread. Leave the lard in this position for 1.5-2 days, after which you can start smoking. Having smoked the lard to the desired state, you can grate it with ground pepper. This will add piquancy to the taste. You should grate warm shmats, but consume them slightly frostbitten.

Lard with garlic

Many people love lard and an hour, but few people know how to pickle lard with garlic. This is what our next simple recipe will be about.
You will need:

  • garlic mass,
  • bay leaf,
  • pepper,
  • salo,
  • pot,
  • salt.

Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Add ground pepper, peas and salt to the resulting slurry.

Cut the lard into pieces suitable for containers. Place the lard skin side down on a cutting board. Make small cuts on the pieces, not reaching the skin. Coat each piece with the garlic mixture and place in the container, skin side down. You can put one bay leaf on top of each piece. Now select a lid that will fit into the container with lard. Place the lid and place a weight on it. Leave for a day at room temperature, and then put in a cool place. After two days, delicious salted lard with garlic is ready to eat.

Salo in Ukrainian

Recipe delicious lard in Ukrainian.

You will need:

  • container,
  • salo,
  • salt,
  • spices.

Ukraine is the so-called “homeland” of salted lard. In Ukraine, as well as in Russia, there are several ways to salt delicious lard. I'll tell you the most popular one.
Cut the lard into pieces approximately 20-25cm in size and stuff it with chopped garlic into the previously made cuts. Then mix red and black pepper with salt and chopped bay leaves. Rub the resulting mixture onto each piece of lard. Then take the container, you can use a parcel box lined with parchment. Place the pieces in a container and close the lid tightly. The lard should stand on the floor for two days, and then move to the freezer. This kind of lard is usually eaten frozen. We can also tell you, delicious and fast!

Lard in onion skins

Few people know, but lard in onion skins is a very tasty and gourmet dish that everyone should try.

You will need:

  • pot,
  • onion peel,
  • salt,
  • salo,
  • spices.

Let's find out a recipe for how to pickle lard in onion skins. Place in a tall saucepan onion skins and salt. Fill with cold water and bring to a boil. When the water boils, add bay leaf and peppercorns. After boiling the spices for a minute, add the chopped lard to the pan. The shmats should be drowned in brine. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Now we leave the brew for a day so that the lard is saturated with brine. After 24 hours, remove the lard from the brine and place it on a dry surface so that all the liquid drains out. While the water is draining, prepare the garlic. That is, we grind it with a knife or garlic press and leave it in a warm place for a minute. Then rub the lard with garlic and send it to freeze.

Lard in a jar

A very old recipe that everyone loves for making lard in a jar at home; it’s very easy to salt and it turns out deliciously delicious.

You will need:

  • chilled jar,
  • boiled water,
  • garlic, pepper, bay leaf,
  • salt.

In order to salt lard in a jar you need three liter jar put in the refrigerator for a day. Cut the lard into pieces that can fit through the neck of the jar. Now prepare the brine. Pour water into a saucepan, boil and cool it to room temperature. Add garlic mass, pepper and salt to cooled water. Place the lard loosely in the jar and fill it with brine. Now send the jar to a cool place for 3-4 days. Before use, remove the pieces and leave for 15 minutes to get rid of excess liquid. That's all the delicious salted lard in the jar is ready!

Lard in brine

Well, the recipe for lard in brine is not for everyone, although its taste is not ordinary, but it is also quite tasty. Worth a try!

You will need:

  • bucket,
  • spices (garlic, peppercorns),
  • salo,
  • water,
  • salt.

First, prepare the lard brine, here is the recipe. Pour water into the pan and add salt. Bring to 100 degrees and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then let it cool, and while it cools, prepare the dressing. The garlic is peeled and mixed with pepper. Then it is added to the cooled brine and allowed to brew for an hour.

At this time, you need to prepare a container; you can use an enamel bucket or glass jar. Pieces of chopped lard are placed in a bucket and filled with cold brine. The shmats must be immersed in liquid. Cover the bucket with thick cloth or gauze folded in several layers. Wrap a thread around the top of the fabric so that it does not move or get wet. Now place the bucket on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and wait 2 weeks. After the salting period has expired, you can try it by first draining the brine that you prepared for lard.

Secrets of salting lard

Little secrets of salting lard

When salting lard at home, you can use little tricks that will simplify the process or add a unique taste. I'll tell you about them now.

  1. Black peppercorns will give more flavor if you grind them just before using them.
  2. Also, various spices will give the lard a richer taste if you mash them first. You can simply rub it in your hands or squeeze it between two spoons.
  3. Lard absorbs as much salt as it needs and not a gram more. Therefore, do not skimp on salt; you won’t be able to over-salt it, but it’s easy to under-salt it.
  4. Salting using any of the methods described above is recommended in cold conditions. That is, at a temperature of +10º - +18º C, or lower.
  5. Immediately after salting, check the lard for salt. This is necessary so that it does not have time to deteriorate in case of under-salting.
  6. The brine should be prepared immediately before salting. The fact is that water after boiling acquires special properties: it becomes softer, loses harmful microbes, and so on. If you leave boiled water for a long time under normal conditions, beneficial properties will be lost.
  7. It is recommended to use alder or apple wood for smoking lard. This way you can give the lard a unique taste. It is also important to smoke over moderate heat without overheating.

Video on how to salt lard

Meat and lard


Hot smoked lard- This delicious snack, which can easily be submitted even to festive table. The dish comes out unusually aromatic and looks very appetizing, has a pleasant taste and a delicate juicy texture. To prepare it at home, you will need a portable smoker.

In order for the appetizer to be tasty, you need to salt the lard yourself before smoking. Salting lard at home is a very simple task that involves proper preparation brine. Brine, a concentrated salt solution, is best suited for this. It is very simple to prepare, just add a handful of salt to cold water, and then pour it over the lard cut into pieces.

Many housewives cannot come to a decision about which lard tastes better: hot or cold smoked? In this regard, we can only say that both of these dishes are very tasty and have slight differences, but hot smoked lard is juicier and has a richer taste.

It is quite difficult to smoke lard in an apartment, since it is best to use an open fire for this purpose, which is contrary to fire safety rules in a closed room. It is better to make a fire in the yard and smoke lard, meat, fish or any other products in the fresh air.

To properly smoke lard you need sawdust. It is best to take alder chips, as they will saturate the lard with a pleasant woody aroma. As for the time during which this procedure must be carried out, on average, smoking lard at home takes no more than two hours.

Having prepared the product for hot smoking by keeping it in brine or marinade, it is very important to know that the finished lard has a limited shelf life, which is no more than two weeks. If you keep the snack in freezer, then the storage time may increase slightly, but the taste of the product will become less intense over time.

To quickly and tasty smoke lard at home using hot smoking, you need to prepare everything in advance necessary ingredients, and also arm yourself with our recipe with step by step photos, which will tell you in detail about all the secrets of this procedure. Let's start right now.



    Choose responsibly when choosing lard for smoking. It is necessary to take a product whose meat veins are dark pink, almost purple, and the lard itself is white or soft cream. The smell should be pleasant, without any foreign unpleasant odors..

    Having prepared an appetizing piece of lard, it should be rinsed, dried with paper napkins, and then placed on a cutting board and cut into fairly wide pieces. This is done in order to simplify the process of salting the product before smoking..

    It is better to choose a container for salting that is plastic and deep, into which all your prepared lard will fit. Having chosen a suitable container, place the ingredients in it as tightly as possible, but do not fill it to the top, as you need to leave room for the brine.

    Now you need to prepare the brine. It is better to do this in deep metal not enamel dishes. Fill a saucepan with water; you can use both drinking water and tap water. Next, measure out the required amount of salt and add it to the water. The optimal amount is considered to be one hundred grams..

    Stir the salt in the water until it is completely dissolved. Next, you should add a little dried garlic to the water so that the lard has time to become saturated with its aroma during salting.

    Fresh garlic will also come in handy, so peel a few cloves and add them to a strong salt solution, stirring the liquid thoroughly.

    After preparing the brine, pour the lard into the container so that the liquid completely covers all the ingredients and no part of the product is outside the solution. Fill the lard with brine, close the container with a lid and send it to steep in the refrigerator for a week.

    After seven days, remove the lard from the solution. You may notice that the meat veins have noticeably faded, but do not be alarmed. This is just the effect of the brine. Take a clean, dry rag and wipe the pieces of lard dry, putting them in a separate container for now.

    Take out your smoker, make sure it is clean, and then put sawdust on the bottom. Next, place the lard on the grate, close the smokehouse lid and place it on the fire. Under good weather conditions, this lard will take a little over an hour to smoke. In the worst case, all this will take you two hours, no more.

    When the appetizer takes on the same color as shown in the photo, you can remove the smoker from the heat and leave the hot smoked lard to cool. This completes the process of preparing a delicious, aromatic dish. You can enjoy the resulting delicacy and treat your family and friends.

    Bon appetit!

High-quality salting of lard for smoking at home is 50% of successful smoking. Read the article about the features and advantages of each method, choose the best one. Whether you want to salt the lard in brine before smoking or prefer another option is up to you.

To ensure that the salting of lard for smoking is successful, select the brisket and belly portion of the carcass.

It is allowed to use pieces with a thickness of 4 cm, with a layer of meat.

Important! To make lard tasty, pay attention to quality. When purchasing, refuse the product if there is no purple stamp on the skin and the seller cannot provide the appropriate quality documents.

By appearance It is very easy to identify a low-quality product. To do this, pay attention to the color and smell. Do not buy if the color is not white or slightly pink, the raw materials are obtained from a boar (the skin is practically not separated from the pulp) or there are unpleasant odors spoilage, mustiness.

To obtain a quality product, it is important to properly prepare semi-finished products.

Before salting lard for smoking, the pieces are washed, dried with a napkin, and cut into bars 5-7 cm wide.

The purple stamps are cut off with a sharp knife before the lard is salted for smoking in brine.

Advantages of products smoked at home

  • If we salt and smoke lard at home, the finished products are more environmentally friendly.
  • You can salt lard for hot or cold smoking using your favorite spices.
  • Salting lard for smoking at home and preparing smoked products is much cheaper than buying it.

Types of salting

Salted lard for cold and hot smoking in a non-oxidizing container. Best choice There will be wooden barrels made of beech, oak, and aspen. If they are not available, you can use enameled (without chips) dishes or stainless steel containers.

You cannot salt lard for smoking in galvanized buckets.

Important! During any salting, periodically rearrange the pieces of lard, changing their order so that they are evenly soaked.

Salting semi-finished lard products for cold and hot smoking is the same.

Dry salting

Important! Use medium-ground salt (No. 2) to salt lard for dry smoking. Coarse grinding does not rub well into the product and does not salt it enough, while fine grinding forms a drying crust.

A simple method of dry salting

This method of salting lard for smoking involves using only salt (100 g per 1 kg of raw materials), sometimes with the addition of ground black pepper.

Semi-finished products are rubbed with salt on all sides.

Place salt 0.5 cm thick into a container, place the pork skin side down, trying to compact the pieces as much as possible. They are laid horizontally, and the rows are generously salted. Peppercorns may be used. The quantity is determined by taste. The top layer is salted and pressed down with pressure.

You can salt lard before smoking 2-3 days in advance or increase the period to 10 days.

According to the proposed salting recipe for hot and cold smoking, the finished lard turns out to be more dehydrated.

Dry salting with spices

Lard will be aromatic if you salt it before smoking with a set of seasonings. The mixture is made up of salt with allspice, cloves, coriander, cinnamon, garlic, ground black pepper, chopped bay leaf, and paprika. Mix the ingredients well.

The semi-finished product is rubbed with the resulting spice mixture and placed on salt. Salt the layers generously, especially the top one. This salting of lard is often used for smoking at home.

Wet Ambassador

If you salt lard for smoking with wet salting, the products will turn out more juicy. Use clean, filtered water.

Pork in brine

You can salt the lard before smoking according to the following recipe:

  • lard – 1 kg;
  • table salt – 100 g;
  • peppercorns – 7 pcs.;
  • citric acid – 10 g;
  • allspice – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.

The water is brought to a boil, salted, bay leaf, black and allspice are added. Continue heating until all the salt has dissolved. Cool the brine for salting lard for smoking.

The prepared lard is placed in a bowl, skin side down, and the brine is carefully poured in. It is possible to supplement the marinade with garlic cloves, hop-suneli seasoning, and coriander.

According to this recipe, lard for salting is kept in a marinade in the cold for 7-10 days and used for smoking.

Pork in brine

Brine is a saturated solution, strongly salted. It can be obtained naturally by sprinkling foods with large amounts of salt. It creates osmotic pressure, moisture is released from the products, forming brine.

It is also easy to prepare brine yourself and pour it over pork. The strength of brine is checked with an egg. In a concentrated solution it floats to the surface.

  • lard – 2 kg;
  • table salt – 250 g;
  • peppercorns – 7 pcs.;
  • allspice – 3 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.

Boil water, salt, add black pepper, bay leaf, allspice. Boil until the salt dissolves. The brine is cooled to 20 °C.

To salt lard for hot or cold smoking, the prepared semi-finished products are placed in a non-oxidizing container. Top with chopped garlic slices.

For salting, pour lard with brine. Leave in the refrigerator for 14 days and use for smoking.

So you can easily pickle lard in a strong brine for further smoking.

Before using semi-finished products, they are removed from the brine, dried and proceed directly to smoking.

Combined Ambassador

Combined - a mixed method of salting lard - is used less frequently.

The prepared semi-finished products are ground with salt, placed in a container, sprinkled with salt, as with dry salting. Press down with pressure and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Next, in order to salt lard for smoking in brine, dry-salted pieces are poured with the prepared solution. Do this carefully so that the salt from the pieces does not crumble too much. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for 10-14 days and smoke.

So lard can be salted before hot or cold smoking.

Warm Ambassador

Lard for smoking can be salted in cold or hot brine.

To prepare, use the following recipe for salting lard before smoking:

  • lard – 1 kg;
  • table salt – 50 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • peppercorns – 7 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice – 2-3 pcs.;
  • water – 1 l;
  • garlic – 7 cloves.

The prepared lard is placed in a container. Sprinkle with chopped garlic.

To salt lard for smoking, prepare a marinade. Heat the water to a boil, add salt, add sugar, 2 types of pepper, and bay leaf. Boil for no more than 3 minutes, turn off, add bacon.

A pressure is placed on top and kept for 3-4 hours, cooled to room temperature.

This method allows you to quickly salt lard in brine to use it for hot and cold smoking.

Salting using onion skins

The following recipe for a unique salting of lard for smoking will help reduce the smoking time, and the product will be bright in color.

  • lard – 1 kg;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 7 pcs.;
  • onion peel – 100 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • table salt – 50 g;
  • garlic – 5 cloves.

Before smoking, lard is boiled using onion peels.

The water is heated to a boil, the husks are placed in it, and on top - bacon, bay leaf, pepper, garlic, and salt. Heat to a boil, reduce the heat, and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Then you should cool the broth to room temperature.

The finished product is kept in the refrigerator for a day.

This method allows you to salt lard quickly and use it for smoking within a day.

Quick salting method

With this method, brine is not used to salt lard before smoking.

The peculiarity of the recipe is a quick and unusual salting of lard for smoking:

  • lard – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 6-7 cloves;
  • table salt – 50 g;
  • ready-made seasoning for pork – 1 packet;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • peppercorns – 7 pcs.

In order to salt lard at home in a short time and immediately use it for smoking, the lard is first boiled.

Combine table salt, sugar, seasoning, apply the mixture to the semi-finished pork products. Pack in a plastic bag along with pepper and garlic and seal it hermetically. For strength, it is advisable to place the pieces of pork in 2 bags at once.

Heat water in a container and carefully lower the bag into it. Cook at low simmer for 80 minutes.

This way you can quickly salt the lard before smoking.

Have you already chosen your recipe and figured out how to properly salt lard for hot and cold smoking? If so, feel free to get ready to smoke and invite your guests to a tasting!

Salo - delicious product, rich in vitamins D, E, A and useful elements: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, magnesium.

If you eat less than 100 grams per day, it will not harm your health or figure.

Lard strengthens the immune system, stimulates bile formation and protects the gastric mucosa, which is why it has become a favorite snack “with vodka.”

It is eaten salted, boiled and smoked; Ukrainians produce lard in chocolate, but it is especially valued when smoked.

How to smoke lard in a hot smoker

Even a beginner can handle hot smoking lard. Cooking does not take much time if the product is properly prepared.

How to choose

By these signs you can distinguish “correct” lard from low-quality lard:

    white color (yellowness is a sign of an old product);

    light odor or no odor;

    thickness from 2.5 to 4 cm;

    thin layers of meat.

Pieces are taken from the sides or peritoneum. They should be fresh, juicy, with skin.

How to prepare lard for smoking in a smokehouse

Whatever recipe for smoking lard in a smokehouse you choose, it is important to properly prepare the product.

    Cut into large pieces up to 10 cm wide (any length).

    Don't remove the skin!

  1. Salt or marinate.

The ideal lard is 3-4 cm thick with layers of meat. Pieces thinner than 2.5 cm should not be smoked - it is better to salt them.

How long to smoke lard in a hot smoked smokehouse

The smoking time of lard in a hot smoked smokehouse is affected by

    sizes of pieces;

    salting duration.

How more piece, the longer it will take to cook! A sign of readiness is a golden brown crust and a dry surface of the product.

Boiled bacon is cooked for 30 minutes at a temperature of 50-60ºС (over coals or medium heat).

Hot smoking will require more time salted lard in the smokehouse. The temperature should initially be above 80ºC. After 15-20 minutes, reduce the heat to medium and leave the product for at least another 30 minutes, and if the pieces are large, then for 1 hour.

Useful advice! Watch the color of the smoke.

While the food is being smoked, you should not open the smokehouse. To make sure the process is proceeding correctly, keep an eye on the smoke. It should be thick at first as the moisture evaporates. Then, when the food dries, the smoke will turn white. This is the "correct" color.

Yellow or brown smoke is a sign that food is burning. You need to reduce the heat. If the wood chips catch fire, fill the fireplace with new sawdust. The wood chips should only smolder.

When the fat actively melts and gets on the wood chips, the smokehouse begins to smoke. To prevent this from happening, do not heat the lard for too long or too much. And don't forget to use a grease tray!

Popular recipes for hot smoked lard in a home smokehouse

Marinating lard is an important stage in preparation for smoking. Necessary to add flavor to the future delicacy.

Recipe 1. Wet method

To prepare a simple brine for smoking lard in a smokehouse, prepare the ingredients in advance:

    allspice and/or peas;

    bay leaf;

    optional - cloves of garlic, a few buds of cloves.

The bacon should be placed in a container and water should be poured in so that it covers the pieces completely. This way you will determine the required volume of marinade. Then start adding salt. On average, they take 100-150 grams per 1 liter, but it is better to resort to tricks.

To avoid oversalting the marinade, use a raw egg!

Dip it into the brine and add salt to the solution until the egg floats to the surface. If you oversalt the bacon, the layers of meat in it will become tough.

Add the indicated spices to the prepared brine, omit the lard and do not forget about the pressure. You need to marinate food in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Then dry and smoke first over high heat. After 15 minutes, the heat can be turned low and the lard can be left for 1-1.5 hours.

Recipe 2. Dry method

If there is no time to prepare a marinade for hot smoked lard, dry-salted products are placed in the smokehouse. Use spices according to your taste. Goes well with lard

  • black pepper;

    bay leaf;


Rub each piece thickly with salt and spices. Salt is also poured onto the bottom of the container where the lard will be marinated. The pieces are laid in layers, adding laurel leaves from time to time.

Salt the lard in this way for 2.5-3 hours. If you don’t have time, you can leave it under pressure in the refrigerator for an hour, and then send it to smoke.

The better the lard is marinated, the faster it will smoke!

Before sending food to the smokehouse, you need to rinse it of salt and dry it. Time and temperature - as in the previous recipe.

Recipe 3. Boiled smoked lard

To prepare boiled-smoked lard, you need to salt the food, as in recipe 2. Then boil the bacon.

Pour water into the pan with the food, add another 3-4 tablespoons of salt, dried dill, and a few peppercorns. There is no need to cook for a long time - 30 minutes after boiling is enough.

Cooked smoked lard takes 30-60 minutes over medium heat. This is an approximate time - the exact time depends on the size of the pieces.

How to store homemade hot smoked lard

When the lard smokes (becomes golden brown), it needs to be cooled and ventilated. You can leave it overnight or for a day in the refrigerator or hang it in a dark place with good ventilation.

At room temperature, hot smoked lard is stored for 10-14 days. In the refrigerator - up to 3 months. In the freezer - a year. A cellar/basement is not suitable for storage due to high humidity!

Even a beginner can master smoking lard in a home smokehouse! It is important to choose a fresh product, marinate it well and smoke it on alder chips. You can add a little cherry or currant sawdust, a sprig of rosemary or juniper berries. The main thing is not to overdo it! The base should remain alder chips.

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