Recipe: Chicken with potatoes in an edible plate - with mushrooms and cheese. Chicken in an edible plate, baked in the oven Chicken in an edible plate recipe

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I was spying here different recipes with one eye, I analyzed it and, as I promised yesterday, today I pleased myself and my husband delicious dish. In my fantasies, I called it a Plate of Abundance, because all the ingredients barely fit in it, and I still wanted to add something else.

To be honest, the ingredients for the dish were chosen based on inspiration; I didn’t deny myself almost anything. Only the mushrooms did not appear by chance; they were collected by my mother-in-law in the forest not far from our house. They have already been peeled, washed and boiled for 5 minutes. Simply store in the freezer.

First of all, marinate the drumsticks. You can choose any marinade. I was choosing between mayonnaise and soy sauce, at the last moment the choice fell on soy. I added two cloves of finely grated garlic and a little ground black pepper.

Tighten the marinated drumsticks cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a while.
Meanwhile, make the dough onto an edible plate. I chose the simplest dough. Sift a glass of flour into a bowl. Add a little salt. Make a small depression in the center and pour in sunflower oil. It is not necessary to take sunflower oil either; it can be replaced with olive oil or even 50 g of melted butter.

If you have a larger glass and there is not enough oil to get the required dough, just add a little warm water.
The dough must be kneaded well and rolled into a ball.

Don't worry if the dough is a little tight for your liking. It should be exactly like this, because after that we wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. In just a couple of minutes the dough will become softer.

While the drumsticks are marinating and the dough is resting, let's get to the rest of the ingredients.
Cut carrots into rings.

I decided to fry the carrots a little. Fried in hot oil on both sides.

After this, add the mushrooms into the pan. You can also use any mushrooms you wish; champignons will work just as well. Salt and pepper a little.

I also fried the mushrooms a little. So we get very delicious oil, which we add to edible plates to make the dish juicier.
I just can’t cook potatoes right away in the oven, so I cut them into four parts and boil them for a couple of minutes.

Place potatoes and carrots at the same time, if possible.
While the potatoes are boiling and the carrots are fried with mushrooms, we are chopping vegetables.
Cut the onion into half rings. You don't have to use red onions, but they are less bitter and add extra color to the dish.

We cut the tomatoes into rings.

It is also better to cut sweet peppers into half rings, so that the pieces are larger and the dish turns out more colorful.

All ingredients are ready, you can turn on the oven and start assembling.
Roll out the dough into a thin layer.

We cut out a circle of approximately the same diameter as we want our edible plate to be. But don't forget to leave an allowance for the sides.

To ensure that the sides would stay in place, I decided to bake them in a mold. I didn't have any suitable sized molds at home, so I quickly made two homemade disposable foil molds. I didn’t grease them with anything, I just put the dough in them and spread it out well.

I also didn’t grease the dough itself with anything, since the chicken will give juice, plus we’ll also be pouring oil from the mushrooms. You can also pour a little soy sauce from the chicken marinade, but only when the plate is completely filled.
Lay out the chicken.

The portions are so different because one of them is for women, the other is for men, although they will differ only in quantity.
Place the boiled potatoes around the drumsticks. If by chance the potatoes are completely cooked, they may fall apart a little later, but this may also have its own twist.

Place mushrooms and carrots along with butter on top of the potatoes.

Finally, we post fresh vegetables and we get very bright plates.

Place our plates on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Although, if you are afraid that raw vegetables may start to burn, then you can first bake the chicken with potatoes and mushrooms for 15-20 minutes and only then add the vegetables. They can be eaten a little undercooked. In my oven, within the specified time, everything was baked exactly as intended.
As soon as you realize that the chicken is almost ready, you need to grate the cheese.

Although, in this particular dish, whole slices of melted cheese would look good.

We chop the dill and sprinkle it right after the cheese, because the cheese has already begun to melt on the hot chicken.

We get great dish for two. I ate well on my smaller plate. The dough turned out very sad, soft only in the center of the bottom. Inside, the entire filling, including the drumsticks, turned out to be quite juicy.

Bon appetit!

* The cost of food for one serving of a dish is indicated as an average, not taking into account the difference in the weight of servings.

Chicken drumsticks - 199.55 RUR/kg - 330 g - 65.85 RUR
Carrots - 13.70 RUR/kg - 70 g - 0.96 RUR
Potatoes - 21.60 RUR/kg - 260 g - 5.62 RUR
Tomato - 96.5 rub/kg - 120 g - 11.58 rub
Red onion - 27.3 rubles/kg - 60 g - 1.64 rubles
Ground pepper - 42.9 rubles/kg - 110 g - 4.72 rubles
Flour - 23.36 rubles/kg - 120 g - 2.8 rubles
Sunflower oil - 119 rub/l - 50 ml = 5.95 rub
Cheese - 426.76 rubles/kg - 100 g - 42.68 rubles
Dill - ~3 rub.

Total: 144.8 rub.
Portion: 72.4 rub.

** Information for people who calculate calories.

Dish/100 g/Serving:
Proteins - 45.4/5.1/22.7
Fats - 81.8/9.2/40.75
Carbohydrates - 159.9/18/79.95
Energy value (kcal) - 1557.6/175/778.8

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

Approximate cost per serving: 72 rub.

If you have some dough left and don't know where to put it, pay attention to this recipe. The thighs turn out tasty, juicy and aromatic, but the “plate” of dough is a separate story. The crispy crusts left no one indifferent!


1. Chicken thighs - 4 pcs. approximately 800 g
2. Lemon - 0.25 pcs.
3. Dried basil - 1 tbsp. spoon
4. Garlic - 6 cloves
5. Coarse salt - 1–1.5 teaspoons
6. Pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
7. Olive oil- 4 tbsp. spoons
8. Dough (200 g) - store bought

How to cook chicken baked in an edible bowl:

1. First, we make a dressing for the chicken: to do this, chop the garlic and mix with basil, salt, pepper, add oil. If you have a mortar, grind it in it.

2. Next, wash the chicken thighs, dry them and rub them on all sides with the mixture. The meat in the thighs is tender and there is a lot of it, but there are few bones, which is why the thigh part was chosen for this dish.

3. Now we need to roll out the dough (any dough will do) into a thin layer and transfer it to a greased Teflon mold (22 cm). There is no need to prick the bottom so that the juice does not leak out and burn!

4. Transfer the chicken pieces to the dough, place half circles or lemon slices between them.

5. Pinch the edges of the dough and pass along the edge with a brush with oil.

6. Set to bake for 45–50 minutes at 180 C. During the cooking process, you need to collect the melted juices from the bottom and pour them over the thighs. After the specified baking time, you need to leave the dish in the switched off oven for another 5-10 minutes.

7. We get a kind of thin pizza with a portion of tender and flavorful chicken. Even the lemon turned out like it came from the grill. We serve our dish with fresh or pickled vegetables.

Bon appetit!

Chicken baked in the oven is a delicious dish for holidays and everyday life.

It looks beautiful and elegant. It turns out thin pizza with a portion of tender and flavorful chicken. Even the lemon comes out like it came from the grill.

Chicken in an edible plate, baked in the oven


  • Chicken thighs - 4 pcs. (770 g)
  • Lemon - 0.25 pcs.
  • Dried basil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 6 teeth.
  • Coarse salt - 1–1.5 tsp.
  • Pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Dough (200 g) - you can use any dough, I used puff pastry

How to cook:

1. First, make a dressing for the chicken: chop the garlic and mix with basil, salt, pepper, pour in the oil. If you have a mortar, grind it in it. I like to buy the top part of chicken legs, the meat is tender and there is a lot of it, and there are few bones.

2. Wash, dry them and rub them on all sides with the mixture. For now, roll out the dough (any dough will do, puff pastry, yeast, dumplings) into a thin layer and transfer to a greased Teflon mold (22 cm). I decided not to prick the bottom so that the juice wouldn’t leak out and burn!

3. Transfer the chicken pieces to the dough, with lemon half-circles between them.

4. Pinch the edges of the dough and brush along the edge with a brush with oil.

5. Set to bake for 45–50 minutes at 180 C. During the process, I collected the melted juices from the bottom and poured them on top.

6. Let stand in the switched off oven. If your oven has a grill function, you can turn it on at the end.

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