Recipe for buns with jam with fresh yeast. How to bake butter, cottage cheese and puff pastries with jam. What kind of dough is suitable for buns with jam?

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Step-by-step recipes making buns with jam - classic, quick, with whipped cream and original sprinkles

2018-04-17 Galina Kryuchkova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

3 gr.


53 gr.

266 kcal.

Option 1: Recipe for classic jam buns

The simplest buns with jam are in the form of pies or balls, but deft craftswomen make a variety of braids and scallops. I suggest baking round buns as in school cafeterias. Knead the sponge yeast dough and choose delicious jam.


  • 1 kg flour;
  • 25 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 10 gr. salt;
  • 350 gr. water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 300 gr. jam;
  • 10 gr. yeast (dry).

Step-by-step recipe for classic jam buns

The flour needs to be sifted, this way the dough will fit better and the products will be soft.

You will need warm water.

Dissolve a glass of flour, salt, sugar and yeast with heated water.

Shake the mixture thoroughly and place in a warm place.

The dough with modern yeast rises very quickly, so don’t miss the moment when it doubles in size.

Make a mound of remaining flour and a well in the middle.

Heat the butter.

Stir soft butter into eggs.

Attention! We begin to knead the dough for buns with jam. Add eggs and butter to the dough. Then carefully pour this mixture into the center of the flour mound.

Now use a spoon to add flour from the edges of the mound and mix.

Knead the thick dough with your hands.

Smooth the dough with flour, cover with a napkin and place again closer to the heat.

Prepare a work area for forming buns. Remove unnecessary items. You will need a cutting board, rolling pin, baking sheet, baking dish.

Check if the dough has risen well. If it has almost tripled in size, then transfer it to the table and knead it.

Divide the dough into pieces of approximately 50 grams.

Roll into balls and roll in flour.

Roll out the flatbreads.

Place jam in the center of each scone.

Gather the edges in the center and pinch.

Grease a baking sheet.

Place the buns on a baking sheet, seam side down.

Turn on the oven. Let it heat up to 180 degrees.

The products cannot be baked immediately after formation. First, they must increase in volume, that is, become more magnificent.

Place the raw products in the oven for 25 minutes.

How to decorate toasted classic buns? Brush them with beaten egg or sprinkle through a sieve powdered sugar.

Note: You can add ground cinnamon and vanillin to the dough, and pieces of walnuts and chopped cardamom to the filling.

Option 2: Quickly prepare jam buns

Conveniently and quickly prepare baked goods from ready dough, which is offered by retail outlets, but in this case there are some nuances. Read my recommendations on how to use butter dough from cooking.

For homemade scones with jam you will need ready dough, filling and vegetable oil.


  • 1 kg of finished dough;
  • 250 gr. jam;
  • 50 gr. nuts;
  • 70 gr. vegetable oil.

How to quickly make buns with jam

By the time you got home from cooking, the dough in the bag had already risen and was ready for use.

First of all, turn on the oven.

Roll the walnut kernels with a dry rolling pin and then stir into the jam.

Generously coat the cutting board, hands, knife and dough with vegetable oil.

Now cut the dough into pieces.

Using your hands, flatten each piece to form flat cakes.

Place a spoonful of filling onto the tortillas.

Shape the sides to make pies. Then connect the sharp edges.

Grease the mold with oil.

Place the buns with jam in a circle. Let them stand. Don't be alarmed if your products suddenly begin to grow and stick together. It's necessary.

Bake at medium temperature (160-170 degrees) for about 20-25 minutes.

The finished buns are easy to separate from the overall pie. Brush them with beaten egg and sprinkle with cumin.

Option 3: Scones with jam and whipped cream

The recipe is unusual in that the filling is not added raw dough, and into the recesses of the finished buns. This way the jam retains its taste and jelly-like shape. And the top with whipped cream makes them elegant and tender.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1.6 kg flour;
  • 400 gr. oils;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 gr. almonds;
  • 150 gr. cream;
  • 50 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 200 gr. jam;
  • Yeast;
  • Vanilla.

How to cook

Prepare sponge yeast dough. To do this, stir warm milk, a glass of flour, salt, sugar and yeast.

Cover the bowl with the dough with a towel. Let it bubble and rise.

Beat the eggs into the prepared dough and then mix with the rest of the flour.

Sprinkle the dough with flour, cover with a towel again and rest.

Turn on the oven heat. Prepare a baking sheet: wash, wipe dry and line with a parchment sheet.

Did the dough come up? It's time to shape the round buns.

Roll out the dough into a long sausage shape, then cut into pieces and roll into balls. Please note that the weight of one product is 50-60 g.

Arrange the buns in rows on a parchment sheet.

Grind the almonds.

Beat one egg. Brush uncooked buns.

And sprinkle almond crumbs on top.

The products must first be spaced.

Bake at medium temperature for about 25 minutes.

While the buns are cooling, whip the cream and powdered sugar.

Cut off the top of each bun to make a box with a lid.

Place a spoonful of jam into the recess under the lid.

Place whipped cream on the jam buns and cover with a lid.

Place all the buns on a nice plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve with warm cocoa or black tea.

Option 4: Buns with jam and original sprinkles

These buns have a pleasant combination of crispy crust, airy dough and jelly filling. The sweet topping is called Streusel, a word of German origin, which translates as confectionery crumbs. The quantities indicated are for 40 buns.


  • 600 ml milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 gr. culinary margarine;
  • 1100 gr. flour;
  • 120 gr. Sahara;
  • 200 gr. jam;
  • Salt;
  • Yeast.

For the streusel (topping)

  • 100 ml milk;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 4 spoons of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Pour flour into a wide cup.

And it contains dry yeast.

Melt the margarine.

Whisk together the egg, salt, sugar and margarine.

Pour warm milk into the mixture.

Now slowly pour the warm liquid into the container with flour and knead.

Knead the dough to a thick consistency. Wipe it with flour and cover.

In order for the dough for buns with jam to be of high quality, it must be placed in a warm place for fermentation.

When it increases in volume, you should knead it with your hands.

Repeat steps 8 and 9 again.

Cut the finished dough into pieces and roll into balls.

Take one ball, roll it out, put jam in the center. Gather the edges of the flatbread together and pinch.

Repeat the previous step several times. Set the formed buns aside and let them rise.

Now we will make the streusel. The butter needs to be frozen and then grated.

Add sugar and flour to the butter shavings.

Rub the crumbs between your palms thoroughly.

Pour milk into a flat plate.

Now we will decorate the buns with “caps”. Turn the pieces seam side down and dip first in a plate of milk and then in the streusel.

Place a portion of buns on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Baking parameters: heat 170 degrees, time 20-25 minutes.
Place the finished baked goods on a plate and cover with a thin towel. Children will happily drink their portion of milk with such a wonderful bun.

Option 5: Layered buns with jam

Almost every grocery store has ready-made puff pastry, but it’s easy to do it yourself. For the filling you can use jam with nuts, poppy seeds and raisins.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 2 kg flour;
  • 600 gr. oils;
  • 300 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Salt;
  • Yeast;
  • 100 ml coffee with sugar.

Step by step instructions

Knead regular yeast dough. To do this, dilute warm milk with sugar and salt.

Then add the eggs and some melted butter.

Pour the liquid into the sifted flour.

Knead the dough, cover and leave in a warm place.

Punch down the risen dough and place in the refrigerator to cool.

Roll out a thin layer.

And grease the entire surface with butter.

Fold the dough into a book and roll it out.

Grease again with oil, roll and roll out.

Cut the dough into squares.

Add a spoonful of jam.

Glue the ends of the product.

Dip the top of the jam bun into a cup of sweet coffee.

The buns need to sit.

Oven heating 250 degrees. Time 20 minutes.

Puff pastries should cool slowly to avoid getting stale. Therefore, I advise you to grease the finished products with butter (cream) and wrap them in a towel.

  • Yeast butter dough for buns:
  • flour - 600 gr.,
  • yeast - 10 gr.,
  • sugar - 5 tbsp,
  • eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • milk - 250 ml.,
  • a pinch of salt
  • vanilla
  • butter - 70 gr.,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Grease the buns with jam:
  • yolk,
  • 2 tbsp. melted butter
  • Bun filling and decoration:
  • jam (jam) - 250 ml.,
  • decorate with powdered sugar if desired

Buns with jam (jam) – airy and beautiful

The buns came spontaneously, at the request of the family, but I wanted something special, something new) The weather was stormy and I wanted to cook something bright, warm.. You and I have already cooked very tasty, fluffy ones, and now I really wanted to make something... something with sourness! And jam or is perfect for this! The buns turn out so airy and delicious)

Here they are! The dough is good, airy, the jam does not spill out, the buns are baked)) So you can safely cook) And here is the bun itself! Airy, rich, just begging for tea))

Here's a warm bun breaker...

So don’t hesitate for a long time and start preparing this wonderful dish as soon as possible. homemade baked goods))

Buns with jam recipe:

Beat eggs with milk until smooth “omelet” consistency. Add sugar and vanilla.

Beat eggs with milk, add sugar

Pour melted butter (not hot) into the egg mixture and stir.

Add melted butter

Mix the flour and yeast separately, add to the liquid mixture and knead the yeast dough. To make the process easier, add vegetable oil and knead the dough into a smooth and pliable dough; it should stick to your hands, but leave them behind. Let the dough rest in a warm place for an hour and a half.

Add flour with yeast and knead the dough

That's how well the dough came up, it took me an hour and 15 minutes, you can already work with it)

The dough has risen

Pinch off a piece of dough into a woman’s fist and make a flat cake. Place 1 tsp jam or preserves in the middle. with a slide, pinch the edges as for pies, and then connect the opposite ends and form a round bun.

Pinch off a piece of dough and add jam

So round and beautiful buns turned out (30 cm shape), you can make smaller buns, then there will be much more of them for this shape) We leave them to rest in a warm place for literally 20 minutes.

These are the buns that came out of yeast dough

These are the fluffy buns you got, maybe it will take less time, mine took 15 minutes and you can grease them with beaten yolk and melted butter (not hot).

The buns have risen

In this already lush form, we send our buns to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25,030 minutes until cooked and golden brown.

Place the buns in the oven

And here they are! , lush and delicious! You can say that they are not buns, but tear-off pie, but I call them that way because a separate bun with jam turns out to be very independent and beautiful))

Buns with jam are ready

And here comes the breaker! For this reason, it’s worth preparing such a super bun with jam for tea)) Have a pleasant and warm tea party, dear readers!

Delicious buns with jam

Step 1: knead the dough.

First you need to knead the dough. Since it is yeast, it will take quite a long time to knead. Therefore, it is better to prepare the dough in advance, for example, in the evening.
First, mix salt, sugar and yeast in a deep plate, pour warm milk over them (its temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees). Leave the yeast to brew in a warm place on 25-30 minutes.
After the specified time, add softened and cut into pieces margarine to the yeast with milk. Now gradually, in small portions, add the sifted wheat flour while kneading the dough with your hands.
As a result, you should get a soft, but not sticky mass; do not add too much flour so that the dough does not turn out too tight.
Wrap the finished dough in a towel or wrap it cling film and leave it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

Step 2: form buns with jam.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, knead it and divide it into 20-25 equal balls.
Now the fun begins, we will form our beautiful buns. Take one ball and roll it into a round cake, but not very flat.
Using a glass or shot glass, cut a circle in the middle of your flatbread.
Take the part that looks like a donut and fold it in the middle to make a figure eight.
Place one piece of the figure eight on the previously cut circle.
Wrap the second part of the figure eight inside and place it on top, ring within ring, to make a kind of “rose”.
Immediately place the dough on a baking sheet greased with butter or covered with baking parchment and begin forming the next bun.
When all the dough has gone into the dough, place a spoonful of your favorite jam in the center of each bun. Now leave your products for a while so that they fit and spread out a little in all directions.

Step 3: bake buns with jam.

Preheat oven to 180-190 degrees Celsius, brush the buns with jam with loose yolk, and then bake them until they are golden brown. As soon as the dough is baked and changes color, take out your baked goods and leave to cool at room temperature. After cooling, the buns with jam will be ready to serve.

Step 4: Serve the buns with jam.

Buns with jam are great for tea and as gifts. They are beautiful, rosy, sweet and very fragrant, so they look good on the table and invite everyone to a tea party. And what can warm you up better in the cold autumn than a cozy and relaxed atmosphere when everyone is at home? Probably nothing.
Bon appetit!

Similar buns can be prepared with natural marmalade, it also turns out very tasty.

Always look at the expiration date of your yeast. Only with fresh yeast will your dough be sufficiently airy, otherwise all your efforts may be in vain.

To prevent the edges of the buns from falling apart, fasten them together with slightly damp hands.

Buns with jam are a delicious excuse to tell your loved ones about your feelings. Delicate yeast dough and apricot jam inside they will tell the story of the most tender emotions. Homemade baked goods are flavorful and amazing.

Making baked goods at home is a whole sacrament that only initiates can do. Children hang around to play with pieces of dough and eat a few spoons of delicious apricot jam. Adults mentally count the time remaining until the buns are removed from the oven. And everyone is happy. And everyone is fine. And after execution simple recipe it will be delicious. Incredibly tasty, warm and cozy.

We have already prepared « » And « » . The dough was kneaded using the simplest and simplest technology with a minimum of ingredients, and the result was surprisingly tasty and reliable.

Today we will take jam, a method of cutting the dough, as in the recipe « » , and depict buns with jam.

What kind of dough is suitable for buns with jam?

To decide on the test, you need to answer the following questions:

1. what period of time does the hostess have to spend in the kitchen;

2. what foods are in the refrigerator;

3. what the family loves.

The base for buns with jam can be yeast, puff pastry or kefir dough. The last option is the fastest. The first can be super quick if you use store-bought yeast or puff pastry.

What shape can you give to buns with jam?

It all depends on the hostess’s imagination. You can do real miracles with dough. Buns can be filled inside or open. They can be in the form of balls, snails, roses, cheesecakes, envelopes, bagels, braids, etc.

It is better to take thick jam so that it does not spread.

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Today, the shelves of shops and supermarkets are simply bursting with various sweet products: candies, cookies, bars, as well as all kinds of baked goodies. However, they cannot compare with extraordinary taste homemade baked goods. One of these unforgettable delicacies for both children and adults are buns with jam.

Baking filling

When starting the hassle of preparing homemade baked goods, you must first prepare everything necessary ingredients. And if you prepare pies or buns, you first need to take care of their filling. It can be anything: cottage cheese, potato, mushroom, vegetable, fruit. But delicious treat Apricot, apple, pear, and strawberry will be suitable for this. Red currants are also very tasty, rich in vitamins, healthy and aromatic. It is prepared in this way. After preliminary cleaning of the berries, you need to squeeze out the red currant juice. When it starts to boil, add ripe strawberries, which are boiled for about ten minutes. Then sugar is added, and the whole thing is cooked for another quarter of an hour. After cooling, the jam can be eaten and also used as a filling.

Economical recipe for delicious buns

To cook on a quick fix Tasty doesn't have to have expensive ingredients. They may well be simple products. In addition, preparing this baking takes small quantity time.

To obtain the dough, combine one glass of sugar and sunflower oil, one teaspoon of salt and one liter of water in a deep bowl. Mix all this well and put on fire. After the mixture boils, set it aside to cool. At this time, yeast (four tablespoons) and one tablespoon of sugar should be diluted in a glass of warm water. After they are well suited, they are combined with the cooled mixture, flour is added and they begin to knead. Rolls are formed from the finished dough and placed on a greased baking sheet. After that, they go into a well-heated oven.

Making Inimitable Yeast Breads

They always turn out very tasty yeast buns with jam. The universal dough is also suitable for Easter cakes.

The method of preparing it is as follows. One liter of milk contains one hundred grams of yeast, a little sugar and flour. The result is a pancake-like dough that should ferment for about an hour. Next, half a kilogram of sugar, four hundred grams of margarine, six eggs, vanilla sugar and salt to taste. All this is thoroughly mixed and left for a while to come up. Now buns of the desired shape are formed from the finished dough, jam or boiled condensed milk is added to them. After preheating the oven to the desired temperature, you can start baking them.

To make the yeast dough soft and airy, before baking, add already cooled yeast dough, which is then grated on a fine grater (take 2 potatoes for 1 kilogram of flour).

Buns that always work

Many women, despite their great love for home flour products, don’t want to bother with the dough. Added to this is the fear that baking may not work out. However, even the most inexperienced housewife can prepare buns with jam in the oven according to this recipe.

So, thirty grams of yeast are ground with one teaspoon of sugar. It is better to do this in a deep bowl. To the existing ingredients add seventy-five grams of butter or margarine (melted), one glass of warm milk, half a teaspoon of salt, one hundred and fifty grams granulated sugar and four hundred grams of flour. The dough is kneaded and placed in a warm place to rise. After this happens, it is rolled out into a thin layer and transferred to a greased sheet to “proof” into the desired shape. Place jam on the risen dough and spread evenly. The edges remain uncovered; they are lifted onto the filling and pressed with your fingers. These buns are baked in a sufficiently preheated oven until lightly browned.

Making puff pastry buns

They say that making puff pastry is not a job for the lazy. But this is not true at all. Puff pastries with jam can be prepared very quickly if you use this recipe. 500 grams of flour are sifted onto a board, 300 grams of chilled margarine or butter, cut into pieces, is placed on it. All this needs to be chopped with a knife until smooth. Next, make a hole and add 4/5 cup of salted water, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar. The dough is kneaded in the same way - finely chopped with a knife. After this, it is rolled into a ball and, covered with a napkin, placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then the dough is rolled out and you can shape it delicious buns with jam.

There is also another little secret that is used when baking various homemade products. To make them bright and shiny, before putting them in the oven, they are brushed with an egg diluted with water.

Formation of "roses"

Every mother, when she wants to please her children with baking, becomes a real sorceress at that time. And she can create a real miracle from ordinary buns. For example, turn dough into flowers. In fact, there are ways to form “rose” buns.

In the first case, a small piece of dough in the form of a ball is stretched by hand into a flat cake. A circle is cut out with a glass so that the rim around it remains intact. The resulting circle is placed on the prepared baking sheet. Jam is laid out on it, and the top is covered with a circle of dough in the shape of a figure eight. It should be noted that every recipe for buns with jam can be combined with this forming.

In the second version, the cake is created in exactly the same way. Next, the jam is placed in the center, and the circle of dough is divided into five petals using a knife. One of them should be the largest. Pulling the edges a little, you need to circle the petal around the jam, and the second one is fixed towards it. This is how we form a bud. The last petal must be stretched further so that it completely encircles the flower and secures it.

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