Recipe: Pancakes with milk powder - with holes. Pancakes with milk powder: no worse than usual! How to make pancakes from powdered milk

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There are situations when the housewife wanted to pamper her loved ones with golden-brown pancakes, but there was no milk in the refrigerator. Don't give up on delicious food. In this case, the optimal solution would be to cook pancakes with milk powder. They will have a subtle milky taste and will be a great addition to any breakfast or dinner.


  • milk (in powder form) – 4 – 5 tablespoons;
  • boiled water (warm) – 2 cups;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour - 10 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pieces;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons for dough and a little more for greasing baking dishes;
  • butter - for greasing the finished dish.


Making pancakes with milk powder is not difficult. They not only cook quickly, but are also eaten just as quickly by the household. And you can choose the filling for them to suit every taste. To prepare the dish:

  1. Mix powdered milk with water. You can use a mixer (or blender). This will allow you to mix well powdered milk with water without lumps. If the milk is fresh, then you can simply mix everything using a regular spoon or fork.
  2. Beat eggs separately with salt and granulated sugar until you get an airy foam.
  3. Add the egg mixture to the milk mixture. Mix everything carefully but well.
  4. Sift the flour using a sieve.
  5. Add flour to the liquid and knead the dough. It should be homogeneous, without clots.
  6. IN ready dough add vegetable oil and mix again. This is necessary to ensure that the pancakes do not burn or stick.
  7. Leave the prepared dough for 15 or 20 minutes. It should “rest” a little. During this time, all components will dissolve well and the pancakes will turn out elastic and will not tear or clump.

After the dough has stood, you should heat a frying pan (preferably cast iron or a special pancake pan), grease vegetable oil and bake pancakes.

In order for the dish to acquire a subtle, pleasant aroma, do not forget to grease them with butter.


Fans of overseas cuisine use a slightly different recipe for making pancakes with milk powder. And this food is called “pancakes”. Like pancakes, it can be served with sweet sauce, condensed milk or jam. In order to cook pancakes the American way, you need to:

  1. Mix the dry ingredients: milk (1 glass, we make milk - 2 tablespoons of dry milk per glass of water), baking powder (1 teaspoon), pancake flour (one and a half glasses), sugar (half a glass), a pinch of vanillin and salt.
  2. After this, pour warm (but not hot) water (2 cups) into the dry mixture.
  3. Beat in a separate bowl chicken eggs until light foam.
  4. Gently mix the dough with the eggs with a wooden spatula, mixing direction from top to bottom. If you do not destroy the structure of the whipped proteins in the dough due to mixing, the dough will turn out light, and the finished pancakes will be soft and airy.

Pancakes should be baked immediately. It is better to use dishes with Teflon. Although you can do it in a regular cast iron frying pan.

Baking with powdered milk turns out no worse than those made with fresh milk. In addition, this product has some advantages. One of them is a long shelf life and the ability to take it with you, for example, to the country. Therefore, if it is not possible to purchase fresh cow's milk, but you really want to pamper your family with something tasty, then powdered milk will be an excellent substitute.

Just recently I came across a recipe for pancakes with... slaked soda and decided to transform it in my own way. Since we hardly drink milk at home, we almost never have it at home, and for baking I specially bought powdered milk, which I actively use when preparing delicious treats.

We take powdered milk (it clumped up for me due to improper storage, but it should be in powder form)
add warm boiled water

mix with a whisk so that there are no lumps

Fat remains on the walls of the bowl, not pieces of milk; although it is dry, it is milk that has fat content.
Add egg, salt and sugar
beat with a whisk into a homogeneous mass

Next, you need to extinguish the soda with citric acid. To do this, pour soda into a large spoon and citric acid

add a few drops of water and it all starts to hiss or, in other words, go out

add to the dough and mix. Next, add a little flour

Use a whisk to mix the dough to the desired consistency - it should be liquid so that the pancakes turn out thin

I usually leave the dough to “rest” for 15-20 minutes so that the dough rests well and all the lumps dissolve. if you have them, but when you don’t have time, you can bake pancakes right away, which is what we’ll do now.

Pour oil into the frying pan

heat it for 15-20 seconds so that it is hot. but not boiling. Make a funnel in the dough (constantly stir the dough in a circle with a ladle so that the dough does not curl) and pour in the hot oil

Now you can pour the batter into the pan to form a pancake

As soon as the pancake begins to brown around the edges, you need to turn it over

bake on the other side for about a minute and you can remove from heat

so different and very delicious pancakes I got it

There are no photos of all the pancakes in the stack, since my men eat them immediately as soon as I took them off the stove, so I put them on two plates at once - the men took the baked goods, and I again have an empty plate for a new pancake)
Bon appetit everyone;)

Cooking time: PT00H15M 15 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 16 rub.

There are only 5 days left before the start of Maslenitsa week, and housewives are already selecting pancake recipes that they will feed their families. I suggest trying pancakes with milk powder. I often use powdered milk when baking bread, but this was my first time baking pancakes and I was absolutely delighted. Pancakes made with milk powder turn out very tasty, besides, milk powder lasts much longer than fresh milk, and the packaging can be used for several batches of pancakes. You can serve these pancakes with any jam or honey.

Prepare the necessary products from the list.

Sift flour with baking powder into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons heapingly. milk powder, sugar, vanillin and salt.

Heat water to 50 degrees and add to the dough. I recommend adding half the water at once and stirring the dough with a spoon.

Then add the egg to the dough.

Beat the dough with a mixer and gradually add the remaining water. The consistency of pancake batter made with milk powder is liquid.

Heat a frying pan and grease it with sunflower oil. Pour a portion of the dough with a ladle, twist the pan in a circle so that the dough spreads evenly.

When the bottom of the pancake is fried, turn it over with a spatula and fry on the other side.

I got 13 pancakes. We lay them out in a slide.

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