How to remove cocoa stains. How to remove chocolate, coffee or cocoa stains from clothes. If you have woolen or silk fabric

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A stain can permanently ruin even a completely new thing. It is for this reason that it is very important to know how to remove various types of stains so that your favorite things do not suffer and "put a stain" on your reputation. Today "Charm Lady" will tell you how to get rid of coffee, cocoa and chocolate stains, as well as the basic rules to follow when removing stains.

Fundamental rules

Before you start removing stains, test the product on a small area of ​​the fabric, preferably on the hem, inside or seam. After all, it is difficult to say in advance how this or that fabric will react to the mixture - the stain may be removed, but the texture of the fabric itself will be damaged.

In addition, you need to prepare the fabric to remove the stain. To do this, clean it well with a brush - streaks and stains can form from dust. Experts recommend removing stains from the wrong side, and before that put a sheet of blotting paper or ordinary napkins. Clean the stain itself with a cotton swab, a very soft brush, or a white felt cloth. A swab dipped in a cleaning agent must be applied at the beginning to the edges of the stain, gradually moving towards the middle - this movement ensures that the stain does not spread further along the fabric. Clean the edges with a weak solution of cleaning agent, and if necessary, increase the concentration.

How to get rid of coffee stains

Even if you put a coffee stain on your clothes, then you don’t have to think about it after that, because there is an excellent remedy that will allow you to easily get rid of this problem. Make a special solution - 1 teaspoon of ammonia or half a spoon of calcined salt per 1 liter of water, and add all this to warm soapy water.

Rinse the damaged item in the resulting solution, and then rinse in warm once, and in cold (with the addition of a small amount vinegar) water.

To remove a coffee stain from cotton or linen, boil the item until the stain is completely gone. Another option is to wipe with a swab dipped in a 5% solution of common salt.

If you didn't know and accidentally ironed the stain, then it will be much more difficult to remove it, but still possible. In such a situation, it is necessary to mix 1 teaspoon of water, a few drops of ammonia and one spoon of glycerin. once the stain is gone, wash it off with hot water.

If your thing is made of woolen or silk material, then you should grease the spots with a thin layer of glycerin, rinse with slightly warm water and iron from the inside out. And if there is no glycerin, then take a soft cloth and moisten it with ammonia mixed with soapy water.

How to remove chocolate stains

This question is relevant for inveterate sweet tooth and ordinary people who occasionally like to eat this food of the gods.

One of the most effective options is to wipe the stain with a solution of ammonia or well-salted water. The second way is to soak the stain with hydrogen peroxide and leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly in cold water.

If you have woolen or silk fabric:

Light colors, then heat the glycerin to a temperature of 40 degrees, which should wipe the stain, and after 10-15 minutes rinse in warm water;

For dark tones, make a simple mixture of one part ammonia and twenty parts water. The stain should be removed with a cloth soaked in such a solution.

How to remove a cocoa stain

Here you will need slightly different ingredients than those that we used to clean coffee and chocolate stains. For the first method, you will need either half a teaspoon of oxalic acid per glass of water, or 1 teaspoon of hyposulfite per half glass of water.

The second method involves the use of heated glycerin up to 35 degrees. The stain should be wiped with a cotton swab, and after 15 minutes, rinse in warm water.

At the mention of the word “chocolate”, memories of a bittersweet taste and a magical aroma pop up in my head. But mostly pleasant thoughts about this delicacy are visited only by optimists - realists are well aware of the spots that appear instantly and are poorly washed.

Silk or linen, wool or jeans - each of these fabrics has its own characteristics in appearance and care. But in cases where you need to remove a stain of chocolate, they are all equal. A few general rules for removing chocolate stains from clothes.

Chocolate stains can be fresh or stale. Of course, the former are easier to clean than the latter. For each case, there are effective methods using different means.

It is really possible to remove fresh stains from any fabric in just 5-10 minutes, if there are “rescue” products at hand:

  • laundry soap. The method is simple and affordable: wet the stain, lather with soap and leave for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water;
  • salt - ideally copes with stains on light-colored clothes. In order to eliminate the stain of chocolate, you need to prepare a saline solution: stir 3 tablespoons in 200 ml of water. rock salt to dissolve completely. Soak the contaminated area in the solution, leave for 30 minutes. If chocolate residues are still visible on the fabric after this time, then you can wipe them with ammonia;
  • milk - helps to whiten brown chocolate stains. They do this: soak the places of contamination in milk, leave for 30-50 minutes, then wash with your hands or with washing powder.

With outdated stains, everything is not as simple as with fresh ones, you have to spend more time and effort. Several methods that have been popular for more than a dozen years will help in this.

  1. Yolk and glycerin. It is necessary to mix the two components in 1: 1 proportions, apply to the stain, rub thoroughly and rinse with warm water.
  2. Petrol. Many stains are removed with this oil product. And if you have comprehended the question of how to wash chocolate, then you can use this recipe: moisten a clean rag in gasoline and gently wipe the place of contamination. If the stain is very saturated, then you will have to change the rag several times. After it disappears, rinse the product with a solution of ammonia (5 tablespoons of alcohol in 5 tablespoons of water) and wash.
  3. Boric acid. Take 2 tsp for 1 glass of warm water. acid, stir and apply to the stained area. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, in no case rub into the fabric. After the specified time, wash the item using.

Outdated chocolate stains on any fabric are sometimes removed in a few washes. If it didn’t work out the first time, you shouldn’t throw the thing away, you need to acquire patience and a few more effective ways.

Removing chocolate stains from white and colored fabrics

Many people think that it is more difficult to clean chocolate stains from white and colored fabrics than from dark ones, but this is not so. If the stain is fresh, then with the help of available means it can be easily washed off. If the chocolate on the fabric has had time to dry, then it is more difficult to remove it.

Several ways to help get rid of chocolate stains on white and colored clothes.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide (9%). Soak a cotton pad or a piece of soft cloth in it, saturate the place of contamination well. Leave for 20-15 minutes (so that the peroxide sizzles), then rinse in cold water.
  2. Oxalic acid. Recipe: 2 tsp acid mix in 200 ml of warm water. Apply the solution to the stain and leave for 10-15 minutes. When the fabric brightens, it should be washed in soapy water, and then rinsed thoroughly in cold water with the addition of ammonia (10 tsp of ammonia per 5 liters of water).
  3. Glycerol- Gently removes chocolate stains from colored clothes. How to use: 200 ml of water is mixed with 200 ml of glycerin and 1 tsp. ammonia. Apply the mixture to the stain previously moistened with water, blend with a sponge. Finally, rinse the item with cold water.

Even the best folk method for removing chocolate stains does not always help, for the simple reason that in the manufacture of a sweet treat, not only the usual cocoa and sugar are used, but also dyes.

In order not to throw away the stained thing, you need to try all the "grandmother's" methods, and if they do not help, then use synthetic stain removers.

Chocolate stains on dark clothes and how to get rid of them

Probably, many people, when buying new clothes for themselves, bypass light things and choose T-shirts or trousers made of dark fabrics so that they last longer. But on dark fabrics, some stains are more visible than on light ones, such as chocolate stains.

To clean chocolate on dark fabrics, I use such folk methods.

  1. A solution of glycerin and ammonia. Recipe: 2 tbsp. glycerin mixed with 4 tbsp. ammonia and 4 tbsp. water. Apply the mixture to the stained area and gently rub with a cotton swab, rinse with cold water.
  2. Ammonium chloride and denatured alcohol. This method is suitable for cotton and synthetic fabrics that do not shed. Recipe: 1 tbsp. ammonia mixed with 3 tbsp. denatured alcohol. Apply the composition to the stain from the wrong side of the fabric, at the same time place a clean rag or napkin under the front side. When the stain disappears, you need to wash the item in warm water using a detergent.

The main thing to keep in mind when removing chocolate stains from dark fabrics is the washing temperature. It should not be higher than 40 degrees, otherwise the stain will not come out, but will only sink deeper into the fabric.

Chocolate stains on delicate fabrics: what not to do and how to clean them

Like cotton, denim, linen, delicate delicate fabrics are damaged if stains are not properly removed from them. In order to minimize the degree of damage, some points should be taken into account.

  • Do not soak delicate fabrics in chlorine bleach. This aggressive component can remove a chocolate stain, but will significantly shorten the life of your favorite blouse, T-shirt or dress.
  • So that the stain from chocolate does not eat deep into the fabric, it is better not to rub it with napkins, scarves or anything else.
  • Chocolate does not like cold water, which cannot be said about its traces on clothes. That is, delicate fabrics stained with chocolate products should not be soaked or washed in hot water. This only exacerbates the situation.

Having learned the rules, you can begin to remove stains. Some methods are easier and more affordable, some are more complicated and more expensive. It is almost impossible to determine which one is better until the moment of washing. Therefore, in order not to throw away your favorite thing from a delicate fabric on rags, you can use various recipes.

  • Hyposulfite- a pharmaceutical preparation that is used in medicine to remove salts of heavy metals from the body. Also, hyposulfite is used as a fixative for photographs, so you can buy it at a pharmacy or photo store. How to cook: stir 2 tsp in 200 ml of water. substances and apply the solution to the stained area. Wait 15 minutes, then wash the item in a soapy solution with a few drops of ammonia. Finally, rinse thoroughly with cold water, preferably running.
  • Oleic acid. It is used in the manufacture of soap and other cosmetics. To remove a stain of chocolate, it is enough to drop a few drops of olein on the place of contamination, rub it with your fingers into the fabric. Then, with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline, you need to wash the thing in a mild soapy solution, rinse thoroughly.
  • Glycerol. A fairly gentle component that is ideal for removing chocolate stains from delicate fabrics. To clean the soiled thing, you need to drop glycerin heated to a temperature of 40 degrees on the stain, rub with a cotton swab, leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wash the item.

The clothes of adults and children often suffer from chocolate contamination. And it’s not strange, because this sweet dessert quickly melts, drips and smears when heated.

If such a nuisance happens, and your favorite dress, blouse, trousers are stained with chocolate, you should not make radical decisions, for example, throw the thing away. With the help of simple and affordable means, you can quickly and efficiently “neutralize” the most terrible chocolate stains.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Before you use any recipe for cleaning clothes (you need to be especially careful when removing stains on dyed fabrics), test it first somewhere on the wrong side, in a seam or hem.

When removing stains, it is necessary to carefully remove the dust with a brush, otherwise, after cleaning, spreads may appear on the fabric. It is recommended to remove the stain from the inside out by placing a sheet of blotting paper under the fabric (you can replace the blotting paper with paper napkins) or a small board covered with a white cloth in several layers. Clean the stain with a cotton swab or a soft white cloth, or with a soft brush. A swab is first moistened near the stain, then gradually move from the edge to the middle. With this method, the stain will not blur. They begin to clean with a weak solution, if necessary, gradually increasing its concentration.

Coffee, chocolate, cocoa

  • Coffee stains are removed with a brush dipped in warm water. Then the whole thing is thoroughly washed in a warm soapy solution (half a teaspoon of soda ash or 1 teaspoon of ammonia per 1 liter of water). After that, rinse twice in warm and once in cold, slightly acidified with vinegar water.
  • Stains from chocolate, coffee, cocoa on light-colored woolen and silk fabrics are removed with glycerin heated to 35 degrees. The stain is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with glycerin, and after 10-15 minutes it is washed with warm water.

  • For silk fabrics, a mixture is used, consisting of 20 parts of glycerin, 1 part of 10% ammonia and 20 parts of water. Moisten the stain with this mixture, wipe with a cotton swab and rinse with warm water.
  • Coffee stains on linen or cotton fabric are removed by boiling, after lathering the fabric. Boil until the stain disappears.

Coffee stains from cotton and linen fabrics are removed with a 5% solution of sodium chloride with water.

  • Old coffee stains are moistened with a mixture of glycerin (1 teaspoon), water (1 teaspoon) and ammonia (a few drops). When the stain disappears, this place is washed with hot water.
  • Old stains of chocolate, coffee, cocoa on a light fabric can be removed with a solution of oxalic acid (half a teaspoon per glass of water) or a hyposulfite solution (1 teaspoon per half a glass of water). After the thing has been cleaned with one of these products, it should be washed in soapy water, adding two teaspoons of ammonia to 1 liter of water, and rinsed well in warm water.

On woolen and silk fabrics, coffee stains are smeared with a thin layer of glycerin, after which they are washed with warm water and ironed from the inside out.

  • Woolen and silk fabrics are also cleaned with a cloth moistened with soapy water with the addition of ammonia (a few teaspoons of ammonia per 1 liter of water), and then the thing is washed.
  • On a suit, stains should first be wiped with gasoline, and then washed with ammonia, diluted in half with water.
  • Another coffee stain on the suit can be wiped with a wet brush and squeezed out in a towel.


  • It is enough to wipe chocolate stains with a solution of ammonia or rinse with heavily salted water.
  • Old chocolate stains on whites can be removed with hydrogen peroxide by soaking the fabric with it and holding it for 10-15 minutes. After that, the thing is rinsed in cold water.

  • Chocolate stains on woolen and silk light fabrics can be removed with glycerin heated to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. After 10-15 minutes, the cleaned product must be rinsed in warm water. The same stains on dark fabrics are removed with a solution of 20 parts of glycerin, 1 part of ammonia and 20 parts of water. The stain should be moistened with the prepared mixture, wiped with a cloth, and then rinsed with warm water.

Photo in text:

It is always insulting and unpleasant to put a stain on your favorite wardrobe item. Especially if it is a stain from the category of difficult to remove, such as dirt from coffee, chocolate, blood, beets, etc. You should not wait until it dries, moreover, postpone its removal until later.

Basic principles of decontamination

Not a single thing is insured against pollution in the process of wearing. There are many folk ways to bring things back to their original presentation, but before we talk about them, you must do the following:

  • Remove excess chocolate with a blunt-ended object, blot cocoa with a dry, clean cloth.
  • It is necessary to move from the edges to the center
  • Washing the product involves the transition from gentle to stronger products.
  • Avoid rough movements and pressure, in order to avoid damage to the fibers
  • You need to wash the canvas from the back side, attaching a napkin to the wrong side
  • Test the cleaner on a small area of ​​the product
  • Water should be at room temperature, not higher than 40 degrees

Removing excess chocolate

Removing fresh stains

You should not delay the removal of dirt from clothes, so that you do not have to regret the money spent later and throw the thing away. The basic rule for removing dirt is that delicate, woolen and colored items should be gently cleaned, without harsh chemicals, in water at room temperature.

  • Experiments should begin with improvised means - laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. Apply soap or product to the dirt, hold for 15-30 minutes, rinse with warm water
  • A simple mixture of table salt and water can help with a small cocoa or chocolate stain on a linen or cotton item, such as jeans. Mix 2 teaspoons of salt and half a glass of water. Surface treatment
  • If there is rock salt in the house, it can also be used in a similar combination by soaking the contaminated product in the solution for half an hour
  • The combination of ammonia and soap is suitable for cleaning any type of fabric, t-shirts, shirts, etc. In half a glass of water, add 3 tablespoons of alcohol and ¼ of crushed soap, stir until completely dissolved. Treat the place of contamination with a sponge until the stain fades. Wash with the classic method
  • Chocolate and cocoa stains on cotton or linen tablecloths can be removed with white spirit combined with ammonia. Remember that the use of a solvent can damage textiles, so test on a small area. If the test is successful, you need to soak a napkin or cotton pad in the solvent and put it on the dirt for 8-10 minutes. Then, treat the stain with ammonia previously diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3. Wash with powder
  • Acids, thanks to their aggressive formula, do an excellent job of dissolving contaminants. However, they cannot be used on delicate fabrics, silk, wool, which have bright colors and patterns. Oxalic acid can only be used on plain, light-colored fabrics without bright prints. Combine a tablespoon of oxalic acid and half a glass of water, stir. The resulting mixture should be distributed according to contamination and left for 30 minutes. Wash in the usual way
  • Boric acid is added in the amount of two teaspoons to 1 glass of water. Dirty surfaces are treated with a solution. Exposure time - 20 minutes. Then machine wash with powder.
  • Products made of silk, light-colored wool can be treated with glycerin, heated in a water bath to 35-50 ° C, and after 15 minutes rinsed with water at room temperature. Repeat method as needed
  • Glycerin is good for removing stains, either alone or in combination with other products. For example, with ammonia in a ratio of 1:20. Mix 1 part of alcohol with 20 parts of glycerin, dissolving the mixture with 20 parts of warm water. The solution should remove the stain, wipe and rinse with clean water.
  • The combination of glycerin with egg yolk is effective for removing chocolate blots in a 1: 1 ratio. Mix the components, apply to the dirty area with a sponge, rinse in clean water
  • For delicate fabrics and products made from dense fibers, products such as gasoline and kerosene are suitable. The cleaning method is simple - apply the product to a cotton pad, wipe the speck until the pollution comes off. Be sure to machine wash or hand wash.
  • Ethyl alcohol is an excellent solvent, especially when combined with ammonia. With a solution in a ratio of 1: 1, treat the surface until the chocolate trace disappears, after placing a napkin under the wrong side. After processing - wash by machine or by hand

- Spots from are red-brown in color and have sharply defined borders. Part of the cocoa penetrates the material, and part remains on the surface, making the fabric hard.

- Woolen material with a cocoa stain should be placed on the board, put a clean substrate under the stain. At the beginning, the stain should be wetted with a few drops of gasoline soap (a solution of 1-2 g of colorless soap in 10 g of gasoline). After that, you need to scrape off the stain with a dull knife, soak again with gasoline soap and rub with a swab dipped in gasoline, changing the substrate frequently. The edges of the stains should be moistened with a clean swab dipped in gasoline, and the wet surface should be sprinkled with bran. If after removing the bran, yellowish marks remain on the material, they must be moistened with a warm 2% ammonia solution. And with a soft brush, rinse immediately with warm water. So repeat until the stain is completely removed, and then immediately wipe the wet places with a sponge moistened with water, dry with a towel and dry in a ventilated place.

- Stains on colored and acetate silk must first be moistened with a few drops of oleic acid, which is rubbed with a finger. After moistening with a swab moistened with gasoline, often changing the substrate. If the stain is old and dried up, the operation must be repeated several times. The contours of the stains must be moistened with a swab moistened with gasoline, sprinkle the surface with bran. If, after removing the bran, yellowish marks remain, they should be moistened with warm glycerin. And after a short time, wipe with a sponge moistened with a 10% solution of borax (10 g of borax per 100 ml of distilled water). The treated areas should be washed with warm water, dried with a towel and sprinkled with bran.

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