Citric acid production business plan idea. Own business: production of soft drinks. Business plan for the production of carbonated drinks. Video: Natural lemonade from Barnaul

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1) Classic lemonade production technology. Lemonade is made by mixing lemon tincture, apple juice with caller (burnt sugar, which is dark brown in color, giving the lemonade a yellowish tint). After this, the drink is saturated.
Other types of lemonade are produced in a similar way. For mojito, mint and lime infusions are used, for duchess - pear infusions, for tarragon - tincture of extragone (an aromatic medicinal plant).

2) Technology for the production of lemonade using flavors. Lemonade is produced by mixing natural or nature-identical flavors, citric acid, sugar and coloring E150d (Caramel coller).
In terms of taste, they are currently difficult to distinguish from natural ones, and the production process is much simpler. There is no need to burn sugar to add color or prepare tinctures.
Other types of lemonades (Duchess, tarragon, mojito) are produced in a similar way, only the appropriate flavors and dyes are used, for example, for tarragon - dye R100 (Green Apple).
The shelf life of the finished product is 2-6 months.

3) Technology for the production of lemonade with the addition natural juice . Lemonade is produced using classic or flavored technology, but with the addition of natural juice. This gives lemonades its own zest and a more interesting taste. If you pay attention, stores sell similar lemonades (the label usually says: with the addition of natural juice) and they have a more interesting and natural taste.

We do not describe here the entire line of lemonades (barberry, bell, cream soda...), but only those that are in demand. The production technology is similar for all, so we classify them into one group.
Lemonades are the only drinks that are quite competitive, even those produced without the use of natural raw materials. Those. It is quite possible to produce lemonade made with flavorings, it will be in demand and you can make money from it.

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Direct flushing of closed containers and pipelines is impossible due to their design features. Therefore, in-place washing stations, or CIP washing stations, are used for these purposes. All CIP washers for lemonade production have a common operating scheme and are designed according to the same principle. They are washed by pumping special solutions through the equipment, each of which has its own preparation system and container. Various installation parameters, as well as the temperature and concentration of solutions, are controlled during the washing process, and the modular layout allows you to connect the same set of dispensers and containers to different module routes. Depending on the level of equipment of the CIP sink, washing equipment for the production of lemonade can be performed in manual, semi- or fully automatic mode.

(we do any from 100 to 30,000 l),

both based on 2 and 3 containers).

Equipment for a CIP washing station (GIP)(option)


CIP washing station, made on a single frame, in accordance with the agreed layout of technological tanks on the frame and the approved hydraulic piping scheme, including 2000 liter two-layer tanks with thermal insulation 2 pcs (we also make from 3 tanks - one for alkali, the second for washing solution, the third for circulating hot water ): (Vertical cylindrical heat-insulated /except for the upper part/ container on legs with a conical bottom, designed for preparing a working solution at a temperature of 90°C.
Equipped with:
- thermometer;
- overflow pipe;
-measuring tube;
- inlet pipe;
-outlet pipe with installed funnel damper;
-steam heating coil
-washing head
-top hatch DN 500
-caustic soda supply pipe /in caustic soda container/),
system for supplying concentrated caustic from a container with NaOH with a feed pump /resistant to the effects of concentrated caustic at temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius/, with a drain circuit to the sewer, with a condensate drain circuit, temperature control devices on each tank, pump 4-6 atm, productivity 35 m3/h complete with an inverter for supplying the washing solution to the “consumer” / the pump is resistant to caustic soda with a concentration of 3% at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius /. Control panel, including control of temperature conditions and pumps.

2 containers 1000l
3 containers 1000l

2 containers - 2000l
3 containers 2000l

2 containers 3000l
3 containers 3000l

Lemonade production technology

The basis of the drink is a mixture of all ingredients or a blend. Usually used for its preparation cold method, but there are also hot and semi-hot. Since the quality of the finished product is determined by the dosage and composition of its components, and the largest percentage of the content is water, even if they have their own well, enterprises use special equipment to filter, disinfect and soften it.

Sugar, citric acid, Apple juice, lemon tincture and color - burnt sugar that acts as a dye. The finished drink has the aroma of lemon essential oils, a yellow color and a refreshing taste, and when poured into a glass, it releases carbon dioxide.

The refreshing effect of lemonade is due to the presence of organic acids and dissolved carbon dioxide in its composition. Artificial saturation with carbon dioxide is carried out in special production equipment - a saturator, and the degree of saturation makes the drink lightly, medium or highly carbonated.

Carbonated Soft Drink Production Line

How to purchase equipment for making lemonade?

To order a line for lemonade produced by RossMash, you must send a completed questionnaire to the email address. After receiving the request, we will draw up a commercial proposal listing the technical characteristics, general drawings and the estimated cost of the equipment. You can obtain the necessary information by calling the contact number.

Screw conveyor for loading sugar into the boiler

In this material:

The widespread increase in demand for soft drinks adjusts market conditions in such a way that opening a lemonade business means making a good profit for a novice entrepreneur. When the production of lemonade becomes the direction of entrepreneurial activity, the business plan includes a description of the features and prospects for the development of the project, the main stages of organizing and registering a business, production technology and a list of necessary equipment, as well as financial analytics of the business project.

Description of the business idea and its advantages

Statistics show that sweet carbonated drinks are quite popular among consumers, however, at the same time, many are trying to switch to healthier mineral drinks or juices. Thus, the market for sweet carbonated drinks shows virtually no growth and development rates, leaving enviable prospects for producers of such a drink as lemonade. Business feels great in the summer; by choosing southern cities and warm regions of the country to carry out activities, the entrepreneur increases the period of receiving the main income from this seasonal business.

Prospects for the soft drinks market

The main peak in popularity of such a soft drink as lemonade occurs in the warm season, from April to October. At this time of year, lemonade companies receive the largest volumes of orders and the main income. Despite the seasonality of the business, the production of lemonades, with the proper approach, careful planning and competent implementation, can generate stable and high income for a long time after the business project reaches the break-even point.

Lemonade production technology

The initial step in the production of lemonade is the development and testing of a recipe or several recipes for a soft drink using various types of raw materials. An experienced, qualified technologist must take care in advance to develop optimal drink recipes, since this process can be time-consuming. In addition to drinking water, the composition of refreshing lemonade includes the following ingredients:

  • dyes;
  • sweeteners;
  • flavorings;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • Sodium benzoate.

These components have as their immediate goal a significant increase in the shelf life of the soft drink, and these components also have a direct beneficial effect on the taste of lemonade. At the right recipe and the proper use of suitable equipment and raw materials for the production of a soft drink, the resulting lemonade is fully compliant with mandatory state quality standards.

The basis of production is drinking water, so a novice entrepreneur must take care of the source of this raw material in advance. There are two options for obtaining drinking water for the production of lemonade: a water supply network or a natural aquifer. The second option is the most profitable from various points of view: there is no need to purify tap water and saturate it with special elements, and there is also significant cost savings. In addition to the obvious advantages, the use of a natural aquifer is a competitive advantage for the company, since water from such a source has a pleasant taste, its own unique properties, and is also rich in natural materials and useful microelements.


In the vast majority of cases, lemonade is produced in special polymer containers - plastic bottles. The most popular volume in the warm season is from 1 to 2 liters, while in the cold season lemonade is mainly produced in containers up to 1 liter.

Lemonade production: where to start a business?

Registration of activities

In addition to the standard procedure for mandatory state registration of business activities, it is necessary to obtain special permits in the field of mass production of soft drinks. Also, the authorized government body conducts an examination production premises and the equipment used and issues a sanitary and epidemiological permit for the production of a soft drink. Among other things, you will need a permit from the fire inspectorate and registration with the local tax authority. In order to complete all necessary permitting documents a novice entrepreneur is recommended to contact a specialized agency involved in the preparation and execution of documentation related to the registration and implementation of the activities of a legal entity.

Search for production premises

Since the mass production of lemonade is a food industry, the production facility is subject to a number of specialized, strict requirements. It is prohibited to use basements and premises located in close proximity to various industrial companies and factories for food production purposes.

For setting up a manufacturing plant Food Industry A sufficiently spacious room with an area of ​​150 square meters or more will be suitable, the obligatory components of which will be the production workshop itself, a warehouse for the raw materials used and a separate warehouse for the storage and distribution of finished products. Among other things, separate areas should include a utility room, a management office and a rest room for the company’s personnel.

Purchase of equipment

The bulk of the initial investment in a business project is formed from costs associated with the acquisition of the necessary production equipment. The quantity and assortment varies depending on the area of ​​the production workshop, the expected production volumes, as well as the range of the produced soft drink.

There is a special production unit that combines several types of production equipment, which significantly saves usable space and the list of equipment used for production.

Formation of staff

The qualifications and experience of the employed personnel of a lemonade production enterprise have a direct impact not only on the production process, but also on the volume and quality of products. In addition to traditional workers, the enterprise will need to hire several technologists, engineers who carry out repairs and maintenance of the production equipment used, technical personnel and security. It is recommended that a novice entrepreneur take on management functions directly in the early stages of business, while at first it is recommended to entrust accounting services and legal support to third-party outsourcers, until the need arises to form a fully functional financial and legal department of the enterprise.

Search for sales channels for finished products

In advance at the stage of organizing a business, a novice entrepreneur needs to establish connections and partnerships with wholesale companies, supermarkets, and establishments Catering and so on. Effective ways to search for sales channels for finished products will be traditional advertising in local print media, radio and television, as well as posting advertisements and creating your own Internet resource indicating a list of manufactured products, administrator contact information and a feedback form.

Financial part of the business plan

Business Investments

The initial investment in a business project is formed primarily from costs associated with the process of state registration of business activities, the search and rental of production premises, the acquisition of the necessary production equipment and the purchase of the initial volumes of raw materials used. The amount of initial investment in an enterprise varies depending on the area of ​​the premises used, the amount of production equipment purchased and the expected production volumes and averages from one and a half to two million rubles.

Current expenses

Regular monthly expenses of the enterprise are formed from tax and utility payments, rent and expenses related to the remuneration of company employees, as well as from costs aimed at regular maintenance of used production equipment and replenishment of raw materials for the production of lemonade, advertising and marketing activities , transportation costs of the enterprise. On average across the regions, the current expenses of a lemonade production enterprise are about half a million rubles, the bulk of which goes to replenishing production raw materials and paying wages to the enterprise's employees.

Revenues and expected profit

The profitable part of the enterprise's budget is formed through the sale of finished products at a moderate average markup on the lemonade sold. With the specified input data and average production volumes (about 250 thousand liters of soft drink monthly), the regular profit of the enterprise averages about 750 thousand rubles per month, which entails a 40% profitability of the business project and a return on the entrepreneur’s initial investment during the first six months of the company’s activity .

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Despite the fact that many Russian consumers in recent years have strived to follow healthy eating rules and switch to more healthy drinks- mineral water and natural juices, the army of fans of lemonade and other sweet sodas in our country remains multi-million strong.

"Lemonade business" - a business with a taste of childhood

Tarragon, Duchess, Citro, Mojito - these and other carbonated drinks are still very popular and in demand. They are bought not only in the hot summer to quench thirst, but also as soft drinks for festive table, and just “on the hunt.”

Practice shows that today manufacturers who place an emphasis on the naturalness and high quality of their products feel very confident in the market. Labels a la “Made according to GOST”, “Recipe from the times of the USSR” and similar marketing ploys attract the attention of buyers and inspire confidence in the product.

The demand for such products today is stable, and if there is demand, then there is an opportunity to earn money.

We are launching a mini-factory for the production of lemonade

To launch your own lemonade bottling line, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel: today, many domestic equipment manufacturers offer ready-to-use automatic and semi-automatic lines that allow you to fill up to a thousand bottles (PET/glass) per hour.

If anyone thinks that opening such a business requires several million rubles, then they are deeply mistaken, since modern technologies have made it possible to significantly optimize the process of producing carbonated drinks.

Today you can purchase a set of equipment for the production of lemonade, which is located on an area of ​​10 square meters.

Such a mini-workshop includes: a keg washing machine, a machine for filling and saturating raw materials, a container for prepared water, filters for rough and soft water purification, containers for storing raw materials and a gearbox with heating functions. The productivity of such a line can reach 10,000 liters per day!

The equipment allows you to produce the following drinks: lemonade, duchess, tarragon, mojito, as well as beer, kvass, cider and mead.

A set of such equipment costs about 400 thousand rubles.

How to sell the produced lemonade?

The main problem for the vast majority of Russian lemonade production companies is product sales. Lemonade is not furniture or even sausage, and to make money in this business, you need to sell large volumes and ship entire trucks.

Working with small single stores is unprofitable. It is much more profitable to work with large retail chains and wholesale companies that sell drinks in different regions. This is the principle that many successful manufacturers operate on.

One of the most effective solutions to the sales issue is to organize your own service for delivering drinks to stores and other retail outlets. Entrepreneurs are more willing to agree to allocate space on the counter if the contract provides for payment for products upon sale.

Many novice businessmen are puzzling over how to open a lemonade production. This interest in this issue is due to the high demand for non-alcoholic carbonated water (especially in the warm season). If everything is done correctly, the business will develop steadily and generate high income.

The lemonade production line consists of a water preparation system, a boiler for boiling syrup, a saturator (apparatus for carbonating liquids), containers for combining and storing raw materials, a bottling system and packaging.

Equipment for the production of lemonade is produced by Russian, European, and Chinese companies. Its cost depends on the configuration, performance and how automated the workflow is. The minimum price is 1 million rubles.


The lemonade production technology is based on blending (cold, semi-hot, hot), i.e. mixing food products in certain proportions.

There's nothing complicated about it, so it can be mastered by a person without relevant experience.

Main stages

The technological process for producing lemonade consists of 6 steps:

  1. Preparing the liquid.
  2. Feeding ingredients into the digester.
  3. Cooking syrup.
  4. Cooling, carbonation.
  5. Supplying the mixture to the filling machine.
  6. Packaging, moving products to the warehouse.


It is necessary to register the company with the tax office. If you wish, you can open an LLC, but this is not necessary: ​​individual entrepreneurs can also engage in this type of activity. When filling out the form, you must indicate the code OKVED 11.07.2– production of sugar-containing and/or flavored soft drinks (with the exception of mineral waters).

Documents for the production of lemonade include certificates for the production of non-alcoholic products (1 type of product - 1 certificate) and a sanitary and epidemiological permit. Thanks to them, products can be sold through stores and retail chains.

You can get detailed advice from your local Rospotrebnadzor office. General requirements are listed in GOST 28188-89.

Raw materials

The quality of the finished product depends on the ingredients used in its creation. The main difficulty is to ensure uninterrupted access to water.

If large enterprises often take it from their own arterial wells, then a mini-factory for the production of lemonade can use tap water.

In the latter case, the manufacturer must organize the cleaning and saturation of the liquid with useful substances.

Before opening a lemonade factory, 1 or more recipes should be developed.

You can do this yourself, but you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take weeks or even months to obtain the optimal taste. Contacting an experienced technologist will help speed up the process.

Possible components

Raw materials for the production of lemonade can include a variety of ingredients, including flavors, colors, sweeteners, citric acid, sodium benzoate, carbon dioxide.

Most often, a carbonated drink is created using 1 of 3 technologies:

  • classical (used natural ingredients, artificial substances are kept to a minimum);
  • with the addition of synthetic flavors;
  • using natural juice (the composition includes lemon or apple concentrate, which gives the drink a brighter taste).

When work on the assortment comes to an end, you will have to choose reliable partners. It is better to buy sugar, syrup, dyes and other additives from 1 supplier. This is necessary to reduce shipping costs and receive discounts.


To make it come true, you will need a room (you can rent it at a price $3.5 per 1 sq. m). The lemonade production workshop must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have an area of ​​at least 150 sq. m. To place 1 production line, you need 50 sq. m. You will also need space for an office, staff room, utility room, warehouses (raw materials and finished drinks).
  2. Have running water (the main raw material is water purified using special equipment).
  3. Have a three-phase electrical network with a voltage of 380 Volts.

Mini-production of lemonade can be located in any room, with the exception of basements and those where appropriate communications cannot be provided.

The workshop should not be located near industrial enterprises, as this may affect the quality of the finished product.


To ensure uninterrupted production of drinks, it is necessary to create a staff of hired workers. In total, at least 10 people will be required.

Some of them will be involved in production, others will take on advertising and distribution of the finished product. Wherein accounting is outsourced.

Costs and profits

Current costs consist of premises rental ($500), utility bills ($830), employee wages ($5,000), raw materials ($25,000), PET containers ($8,000), transportation costs ($830), other expenses (1,000 $).

With a productivity of 240 thousand bottles per month (1 liter each), the cost is $41,000. If you sell each bottle for 0.5 cents, your monthly revenue will be $120,000, and your net income will be $79,000. Exemplary payback period – 6 months.

Lemonade production as a business deserves attention, but its organization requires significant investments.

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