The origin of the word dumplings. Vareniki is a traditional and healthy dish of Ukrainian cuisine. Russian history of dumplings

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Modern Russian cuisine cannot be imagined without such a traditional dish as dumplings. They entered the Russian life long and firmly. It's satisfying and tasty dish convenient for preparation and storage.

Many nations dispute the palm in the invention of this dish. And indeed, dough products similar or similar to dumplings with meat stuffing many nations have. These are Uzbek manti, and Georgian khinkali, and Jewish kreplach, and Chinese yui-pao. The form of this dish is also different for different peoples. And the filling is also very diverse.

The history of the origin of dumplings in Rus'

It is believed that it was the Chinese version that came to Russian Siberia and the Urals around the 15th century. Who exactly benefited the inhabitants of this region with such a dish is not exactly known. Some researchers believe that it was the Komi people, others call it Tatars.

Like it or not, but dumplings are ideal for the conditions of the Siberian climate: with the local frosts, dumplings could be stored all winter, taken with you on hikes, etc.

For a long time, dumplings were a traditional dish of the inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals. There, dumplings were the main and main dish holiday table. Although in other parts of Russia they also made similar “patties” with meat filling, they were only called differently: ears, shurubarks, etc. The shape, size and filling also differed in different regions.

Origin of the word "dumplings"

The common name "dumplings" this type of dough products received only in the 19th century. After the abolition of serfdom and with the development of the road network, the people in Russia became more mobile, closer ties began to be established between different regions, various cultural traditions began to actively mix and unite.

It is believed that the word "pelmeni" is of Finno-Ugric origin, and it is not known for certain which language it came from. Initially, it sounded like "pel-nyan", which translates as "bread ear" or "ear of dough."

Most likely, along the "Siberian tract", together with the exiles and the Cossacks, the dumplings came to the Russian settlers of Siberia and already there they turned into the "dumplings" familiar to our ears.

How dumplings were made in Rus'

(Vinogradov "Dumplings")

Dumplings are made like this - a meat (sometimes fish) filling with spices is placed in a thinly rolled circle of dough, the edges are pinched. If you put cottage cheese instead of meat, you get dumplings. There are even rare fruit dumplings.

Initially, the filling for dumplings among the indigenous Urals consisted of three types of meat in strict proportion: lamb, pork and beef. The Tatars began to put only lamb in the filling, and the Russians began to put beef and pork. But they also used the meat of wild animals: elk, deer, bear and others. You can put wild or poultry meat, potatoes, cabbage, etc.

The shape of dumplings can also vary: round, elongated, with an “ear”, etc.

Traditions with dumplings

It is believed that for the ancient population of the Urals, dumplings were ritual dish. Therefore, the recipe and methods of preparation were strictly observed at all times. But when borrowing, the taste of this dish changed in accordance with the tastes of different peoples.

It was a Siberian tradition to make dumplings with the whole family. This is understandable, it was necessary to stick a lot, for the whole long winter.

Another well-established tradition was to serve dumplings to guests in a large bowl. This symbolized the unity of everyone at the table. But if the owner served each guest separately, this could be regarded as a desire to get rid of the guests as soon as possible.

There is also a tradition to put various additives in dumplings and then guess what the future holds for those who find this or that filling.

Fragrant dumplings are one of the most famous dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. Made from unleavened dough and boiled until cooked in salted water, dumplings are practically not boring, because they can be cooked with a variety of fillings. Salty or sweet, fatty or lean - dumplings always turn out tasty and satisfying.

History of dumpling

Dishes from boiled unleavened dough are found in many national cuisines: hearty and tasty, they are easy to prepare and keep well in the cold. It is believed that the first unleavened dough products boiled in water were made in China. Gradually, the dish spread throughout Asia and Europe. Along the way, recipes changed, adapting to the characteristics of certain national cuisines. But, perhaps, no dough dish is distinguished by such a variety of fillings as Ukrainian dumplings.

It is believed that varenyky came to Ukrainian cuisine from Turkish. Small Turkish dumplings "dushbara" fell in love with Ukrainians. Gradually, the name was transformed into "vara-niki", and then into vareniki. This, however, is not the only version of the appearance of a new name for the dish: many culinary historians believe that dumplings were so named according to the method of preparation - boiling.

Compared to Turkish food, dumplings have also changed in appearance. Dumplings have become much larger than "their parents", many new fillings have appeared, including sweet ones. Hearty dumplings quickly became a real symbol of Ukrainian cuisine: Nikolai Gogol and other lesser-known writers mentioned them in their works.


The dough for dumplings is traditionally used unleavened, without the addition of yeast and other leavening agents. It should be elastic, tender and at the same time dense, so that the filling does not leak out of the dumpling during the boiling process.

The variety of fillings for dumplings is impressive. The most famous dumplings are with cottage cheese and cherries, and almost any berries and fruits can be used as a filling. Sweet dumplings are served as an independent dish or as a hearty dessert. Dumplings with salty filling may well replace the main course. In fasting, such dumplings have long been cooked with cabbage , potatoes, mushrooms or beans , and in fast days, the filling was made from meat, eggs, cheese.

A traditional Ukrainian lunch is unthinkable without a large bowl of dumplings in the center of the table. Sour cream is usually served with dumplings. Other additives are also allowed. For example, to dumplings with sweet stuffing honey or fragrant jelly sauces are often offered. And savory dumplings are eaten with vegetable or butter or with cracklings.

In addition to ordinary dumplings, reminiscent of small pies, they also cook lazy dumplings. Such dumplings are rather reminiscent of layered cake or a casserole of several layers of dough and filling. Before serving, such a casserole is cut into small squares and poured with sour cream. Of course, such a dish is prepared much faster than traditional dumplings, but the taste is completely different.

Another kind of lazy dumplings is made only with cottage cheese. While industrious housewives diligently enclose in a shell of dough fragrant stuffing, lazy people simply mix all the ingredients, cut the dough thus obtained into pieces, and then boil these pieces in boiling water.

delicious dough

The dough for dumplings is made from eggs, wheat flour and liquids - water, milk, kefir, whey. Sometimes a little melted butter is added to the dough. The dough is usually lightly salted, but sugar is never added: this worsens the taste of the dish, the dough becomes fragile, easily torn. If dumplings are planned to be served for dessert, then sugar is added to the filling and used to sprinkle the finished dish.

The chef faces a difficult task: the dough must be soft, elastic and at the same time durable. There are many recipes for dumplings, but the main secret is delicious dough is not to use any secret ingredients but in technology.

So, you should use hot water or other liquid to prepare the dough. Water is mixed with egg or salt, after which the resulting emulsion is gently mixed with flour. There should not be too much flour: dumplings made from very tough dough turn out to be tough and tasteless.

The finished dough must be left to “rest” in the cold for half an hour to forty minutes. During this time, the dough will “ripen”, gain elasticity and softness.

After that, you can start sculpting dumplings. You can cut out circles of dough with a glass, or you can lay the filling on square dough plates. In any case, there should not be too much filling, and the edges of the dumplings must be sealed very carefully. Properly molded dumplings do not fall apart and retain their shape after cooking.

Cooking is carried out in salted boiling water. As soon as the dumplings float to the top, they are ready. They should be caught with a slotted spoon, quickly dried and served.

So many different toppings

The filling for dumplings can be anything, as long as it is not too juicy, liquid. Therefore, when preparing, for example, dumplings with cherries, you must first fill the berries with sugar, then drain the resulting syrup and dry the cherries. It will be useful to add to the berries a small amount starch, which will "bind" the excess liquid and prevent it from soaking into the dough.

Very tasty dumplings with meat. They differ from traditional dumplings not only in size, but also in the fact that the meat in the filling is not raw, but pre-boiled (or cooked in another way), and then chopped. For juiciness, onions and sometimes mushrooms are added to the filling.

You can cook dumplings and just with mushrooms - a great idea for a post. Mushrooms are always pre-cooked, for example, stewed in oil or in own juice with onion, salt, pepper, dill . If there are few mushrooms, then you can add to them mashed potatoes This classic combination guarantees excellent taste.

Maria Bykova

Vareniki is a traditional Ukrainian dish. They can be made with various fillings: cottage cheese, cabbage, cherries, potatoes and many others. Dumplings are also loved in Russia.

However, vareniki did not appear in Ukraine immediately. The so-called forefather of this dish was a Turkish dish called dush-vara. It was a dish resembling dumplings. Lamb with tail fat was used as a filling. Seasonings and garlic were added to give flavor.

Despite the dislike for the Turks, the Ukrainians really liked the dush-vara. But it is not in the traditions of the Ukrainian people to eat lamb. Therefore, the "inside" was changed to cherry. Later, the filling became more diverse. Her choice depended not only on the preferences of the household, but also on religious considerations. So, in the posts and the filling was lean. To make the dough, rye, wheat or buckwheat flour was taken, which was mixed with whey and egg.

Initially, vareniki were called vara-niki, and later the name passed into modern vareniki.

Dumplings not only took pride of place on the table of Ukrainians, but also appeared on the pages of the manuscripts of famous writers. Gogol's description alone in the work "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" causes a surge of appetite among readers.

Modern dumplings

The popularity of the dish has continued to this day. Many Ukrainians are happy to cook this dish, as in Everyday life, and on the festive table.

Russia is no exception. Here, dumplings are also actively prepared and eaten, allowing you to diversify the daily menu.

However, in order to fully enjoy the taste delights, you need to cook the dumplings correctly. If you don’t really want to work on their manufacture, then you can buy ready-made semi-finished products.

But here there is one caveat: not all manufacturers can treat you to delicious and excellent dumplings. What can not be said about the MPZ "Rublevsky Meat Processing Plant". The manufacturer offers dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. But this is not the most important thing. More important is quality. Rublevskie vareniki are indistinguishable from homemade dish: delicious, juicy, filled with fresh stuffing. Mmmm, lick your fingers. And it proves this about MPZ "Rublevsky" customer reviews. After reading them, it is easy to form an opinion about the manufacturer: the quality and taste of dumplings are at the highest level.

Vareniki are boiled in broth. The cooking time depends on the filling. But the readiness of the dish is easy to determine: dumplings float upside down. They are caught, placed on a plate, poured abundantly with butter. On the table with dumplings, there must be sour cream. Dinner is served, bon appetit everyone!

Know that this is the same cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people as language, literature, art.

As they say: "Dumplings, dumplings, God's praisers, not everyone cooks them, but everyone praises them."

And you think, for the winter holidays, as always, they will be on our table, which we all know about, not by chance: from the constituent parts to cooking. But in reality, few people know everything about them. Even me! Let's talk about the history of dumplings!

For you to know: the name of vareniki is common Ukrainian, but it is Western Ukrainian (Galician). It is believed that dumplings existed in pagan times and even meant something. Their first consumption is attributed to the ancient Trypillians, and this, God knows, what millennium BC. Here in them they symbolized the month and fertility. They were molded from: rye, wheat, buckwheat, barley flour; stuffed with: potatoes, cheese, cabbage, sheep cheese (in the Carpathians), millet porridge or crushed beans (Polesie), buckwheat porridge with cheese (Volyn), boiled beans, sometimes grated with viburnum (Poltava region).

Typical for all regions of Ukraine, there are dumplings with cherries and cheese. And there are lean fillings: urda (“gurda”, “vurda”) was common, which was prepared in this way: slightly fried hemp (rarely flax) seeds were crushed and ground in makitra, poured with boiling water, stirred, filtered and put on fire. The yellowish foam that formed during boiling was removed and used as a filling. Instead of seeds, they often took makukha (remains after squeezing oil from seeds). And there were also dumplings with sand! But the fern filling remains an unusual filling.

It was believed that the process of kneading dough for dumplings was a symbol of the process of creating the universe, its structure. Therefore, it was the woman who created this universe, as the mother and progenitor of the human race. Themselves for dumplings in an interesting old-fashioned way - clapping: palm on palm and also with the help of a rolling pin - swinging or splashing loaves on women's hips. Nowadays food industry such methods have not been resorted to for a long time, oddly enough!

And now I’ll tell you about fun and fortune-telling with dumplings that were on the territory of Ukraine: Ukrainian women could make dumplings and put a piece of paper with any male name, not necessarily familiar guys, into them. It was necessary to carefully monitor when the water boils: with what name the dumpling will float to the surface first - that will be the name of the future husband; or it happened that a girl put her dumpling in front of a cat or a dog, which was a kind of oracle of fate. The animal, choosing a certain one, indicated primacy in married people. But, if the cat bites someone’s dumpling and leaves it, then this meant that both the betrothed and the girl will do this in life, but if the cat takes a certain dumpling far away from them, then this meant that the matchmakers would come from afar and the marriage will be far from his father's house.

This is the story of the dumplings we make.

Vareniki dumplings

Ukrainian National dish from unleavened boiled dough with various different stuffing: cottage cheese, potato, onion, cabbage, mushroom, fruit (apple, cherry). Ukrainian dumplings with cherries are especially tasty.

The main feature of the preparation of dumplings is that their dough shell is strong and at the same time well-cooked, tender, not raw. The secret here is as follows: a steep unleavened dough is kneaded in ice water, and the preparation itself is carried out as far as possible from the stove, in a cool room. The dough is made tough, but not thick. The second secret is in preparing the filling in such a way that when heated, no liquid would form in it, which usually causes perforation of the dough. For this purpose, the cottage cheese is pre-boiled in boiling water and carefully squeezed out, egg yolks are added to it. The cherries are freed from the pits, covered with sugar for several hours, and the resulting juice is carefully and several times decanted. Only then can the cherry filling be used without the risk that the dumplings fall apart. Finally, the third secret is to firmly seal the seams of the dumplings and cook in a wide, low saucepan with a calm boil and so that the dumplings are not crowded. One of the features of dumplings is their use with filling-dependent gravies. So, cottage cheese dumplings are eaten with sour cream, apple dumplings with honey, cherry dumplings with boiled, sweetened cherry syrup (previously expressed!), potato dumplings with melted bacon, mushroom dumplings with sour cream and onion broth, etc.

In the catering network, a product consisting of a mechanical mixture of 2/3 cottage cheese and 1/3 flour (or a 1: 1 mixture of these products), rolled out with a flagellum and cut into pieces 3 cm long, which are then boiled in salted water, has become widespread. These so-called lazy dumplings, that is, made somehow out of unwillingness to mess with real dumplings, are not a national Ukrainian dish, but a restaurant dish that appeared only about 80-90 years ago. Ukrainian dumplings have been known since the end of the 16th century.

(Culinary Dictionary of V.V. Pokhlebkin, 2002)

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Ukrainian dumplings. They are made from unleavened boiled dough with a variety of fillings: cottage cheese, potato, onion, cabbage, mushroom, fruit (apple, cherry). Served dumplings with gravy. Cottage cheese dumplings are eaten with sour cream, apple dumplings with honey, cherry dumplings with cherry syrup, potato dumplings with melted bacon, mushroom dumplings with mushroom broth, etc.

(Culinary dictionary. Zdanovich L.I. 2001)

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(Source: United Dictionary of Culinary Terms)


Vareniki - boiled pie with berry, cottage cheese or other stuffing. In this word, the root\"var \" came from the Old Russian \"cook \". True, there are many other dishes that are cooked, but the name associated with the verb \"cook \" was assigned to only three dishes - jam, dumpling, varenets.

Dictionary of culinary terms. 2012 .

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