Profile: restaurant activities. Creation and organization of restaurant business in Russia. Salads and carpaccio

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What you need to know about the restaurant business - everything about restaurants.

How to improve the performance of a restaurant? Always strive to comply with the basic laws of the restaurant business. These are the rules for a successful restaurant business!

Laws of the restaurant business - 12 golden rules

1. Choosing the right restaurant concept.

2. Convenient location of the restaurant.

3. The right choice of restaurant format and cuisine.

4. Thoughtful restaurant menu.

5. Choosing a good name for the future restaurant.

6. Quality of staff work.

7. Convenience on all counts:

  • proximity to public transport stops;
  • convenient access for personal vehicles;
  • own parking;
  • the presence of a wardrobe or floor hangers for outerwear;
  • fairly bright but soft lighting of the hall;
  • volume and style of music adequate to the restaurant concept;
  • comfortable temperature all year round;
  • good ventilation;
  • convenience and safety of furniture;
  • menu folder size and weight;
  • font size and clear description of dishes on the menu;
  • professionalism and appearance personnel;
  • waiters' awareness of the menu;
  • speed of service;
  • non-slippery floor;
  • clean bathroom equipped with everything you need.

9. Personal participation of the owner in the operation of the restaurant.

10. Constant cleanliness in all rooms.

11. Restaurant feature.

12. Reliable automation system.

What are the basics of the restaurant business?

The restaurant business is different from all other types of business. This is an enterprise that combines art and tradition, the mechanisms of activity and the experience of marketers, the philosophy of service and the concept of creating a potential audience.

The restaurant business is developing rapidly from year to year. There is serious competition for visitors. It is this factor that forces top managers to think through not only the main strategy and style of the restaurant, but also the details that give the establishment uniqueness and originality.

Only with the formation of a well-developed concept and consistent integrated implementation of all components of the restaurant business, success in the development of restaurant activities is guaranteed.

Restaurants play a fairly important role in human life. In addition to satisfying physiological nutritional needs, “going out” to a restaurant has an important social function. A person needs not only to eat, but also to communicate.

Restaurants are one of the few places where all the senses work, generating an overall feeling of satisfaction. Taste, sight, smell, and tactile sensations are combined to evaluate the food, service and atmosphere of the restaurant.

The efficient operation of a restaurant depends on several factors. Like any complex system, a restaurant begins with the concept of its founders and ends with control over the functioning of the institution.

The main role in this is played by the practical philosophy of its owner and/or director. It is revealed by an approach to doing business, which determines the ethical and moral values ​​that are implemented in the process of functioning of the enterprise.

The main idea of ​​the founders of the restaurant will determine its credo, and is designed to satisfy visitors as much as possible.

General characteristics of the restaurant business

Restaurant (from French restaurer, restore, strengthen)– an establishment that sells prepared food and beverages to order for consumption on the premises.

Restaurant business– entrepreneurial activity at the expense of one’s own or borrowed funds at one’s own risk and responsibility in the field of restaurant business. Like any other business, a restaurant business requires drawing up a business plan, management, marketing research and developing your own strategy.

Taking into account potential visitors, a restaurant profile is being developed.

What is a restaurant profile?

The profile of a restaurant is determined by its profile, which characterizes its image associated with a specific market segment: casual, children's, ethnic, etc.

The concept must correspond to the characteristics of a particular area, which determines the design of the institution, menu, and more.

Of course, for the successful functioning of a restaurant establishment, the quality of food, menu, level of service, price, atmosphere, management are important, but the most significant is the location.

Among the main criteria by which a location for a restaurant is selected are the following categories:

Demographics - how many people live or come to a given area (neighborhood that is within the service radius of the institution);

Average income level of such population;

Is this area a developing area, or, conversely, is it in decline, affecting its infrastructure (sewage, drainage, etc.);

Convenience and accessibility in terms of transport connections and parking options;

Conspicuousness - is it easy to see and distinguish the restaurant from other similar establishments;

Attractiveness - how hospitable the establishment will seem to passers-by and travelers;

Location – how pleasant the surrounding structures seem.

There is no single, globally accepted classification of restaurants.

In the UK, for example, as with hotels, there are 5 levels. Instead of stars, use the sign: “crossed knife and fork.”

According to the established requirements, comfort, convenience, cuisine, service and atmosphere are assessed.

A modestly decorated restaurant with accommodating staff may qualify for one distinction, while an international-class restaurant that fulfills many requirements will receive 5 distinctions.

Restaurants, like hotels, are inspected anonymously. Owners are not charged a fee for inclusion in a catalog or guidebook. Only the inspector's assessment is important.

Other countries have different approaches. However, most experts agree that the vast majority of restaurants fall into one of two categories: full-service and specialty.

Full-service restaurants are those that offer a wide selection of dishes (at least 15); almost everything that is served to the table (even fresh herbs) is grown at the restaurant itself.

Full-service restaurants can be formal or casual and can be classified by prices, atmosphere and menu that is offered.

The dishes prepared in most of these restaurants fall into the category of haute cuisine - haute cuisine. Most often, the traditions of French or Italian cooking flourish there, which, according to Western gourmets, are the best in the world.

Most full-service restaurants are privately owned. They are distinguished by an atmosphere of luxury, sophisticated and fashionable design, and a high level of quality services. Sometimes they are confined to hotels.

The specialization of restaurants can be very diverse: quick service, family, casual and others. Restaurants can also specialize in preparing national dishes, breakfasts, lunches, etc.

Fast food restaurants offer menus that are limited to hamburgers, fried potatoes, hot dogs, chicken, various fish and national dishes such as Mexican tacos, Italian pizza, Ukrainian dumplings etc..

Menu standardization allows for significantly faster service. In many of them, visitors even serve food and remove dishes, which allows them to reduce the cost of food.

As a rule, a fast food restaurant specializes in preparing one main dish. Moreover, it belongs to one or another fast food chain, the most famous among which are McDonald, Burger King (hamburgers), Pizza Hut, Donino, Godfather teak (pizza), Long John Ilver, Red Lobter (seafood), KFC, Church (chickens), International House of Pancace, Country Kitchen (pancakes), ubway (sandwiches), Tako Dell, El Torto, Chi Chi (Mexican food).

Family restaurants- This is a modern version of the stylization of an old coffee shop.

Most institutions of this type are privately owned. They are usually located in prestigious suburbs, areas where families spend free time, areas for walking around the city or in picturesque areas.

The interior design, as well as the menu, are simple. In some of them you can order drinks - beer, wine or cocktails.

Sometimes, visitors are greeted at the door by the hostess (usually the cashier), who leads them to the table, and then the waiters take their order.

Sometimes these restaurants have salads, desserts and a bar.

Restaurants national cuisine(in America they are called ethnic) by type of ownership they are most often independent, their owners try to offer something “spicy” to local residents and guests, and to remind representatives of the national diaspora of their homeland.

Themed restaurants are dedicated to a specific theme: Wild West, football, rock and roll. Most often, they offer a limited selection of food, because their main task is to create a good mood and atmosphere.

The structural subsections of the hotel, which are called the food complex, include several departments (sections): kitchen, buffet, buffet rooms, restaurant, room service, minibars, lounges, bars, cleaning and dishwashing sections. The kitchen, in accordance with company policy, is managed by a chef. He is entrusted with the task of not only satisfying, but also exceeding customer expectations and achieving certain financial results.

The hotel may have several restaurants, or there may not be any, and they may also differ in type. In large hotels that are part of well-known hotel chains, as a rule, there are two restaurants - a fashionable, branded one and a small, cafe-type one (most often for breakfast). They serve both hotel clients and the general public.

Compared to others, most hotel restaurants are more original. The qualifications of the cooks and service staff in such restaurants are higher, and it is more difficult for them to operate profitably than for independent restaurants. As a rule, they are open from morning until late at night, but quite often hotel guests prefer to visit independent restaurants for lunch and dinner.

Hotel bar– a place that is ideal for communication – business and friendly. The hotel also receives an advantage: selling drinks generates significantly more profit than selling food products.

Hotel bars suffer from the same problems as others. The biggest problems are related to the direct responsibility - to sell alcoholic drinks, since in modern conditions this type of activity must be licensed.

Large hotels usually have several bars of different types.

Recently, new types have appeared: night bars, sports bars, each of which can complement the range of hotel services.

A modern feature of the functioning of large hotels is the organization of various events on their premises. Nowadays, there are mass events that are accompanied by eating. To carry them out, both specialized (restaurant halls, bars, buffet rooms) and general premises of hotel enterprises are used.

Licensing, advertising, safety of restaurant services

The main requirements imposed by society and the state on public catering establishments include:

Availability of necessary licenses established by law;

Certification of catering products;

Sanitary and hygienic rules;

Rules for the provision of catering services.

In accordance with Russian legislation, licensing means the receipt by a legal entity or individual (registered as an individual entrepreneur) of a special permit (license) to conduct a certain type of activity.

The types of activities for which a license must be obtained are listed in Article 17 of the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 128-FZ). The provisions of Article 17 of Law No. 128-FZ do not require a license to provide catering services, that is, in other words, a license is not needed to conduct this type of business activity.

But, the opening of any catering establishment is accompanied by the collection, receipt and approval of various documents that every cafe, bar, restaurant must have.

In each specific case, the procedure for approvals and the composition of the necessary documentation may change and this depends on various factors related to the premises in which it is planned to open a restaurant.

Organizations providing public catering services must undergo certification of these services in accordance with the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation”. Certification body for services of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification. The certificate is issued for a period of one year.

In this case, the restaurant owner pays a fee and submits a number of documents:

1. Charter.
2. Foundation agreement (if there are more than two founders).
3. Certificate of registration of the organization.
4. Certificate of changes (if there were changes).
5. Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
6. Lease agreement.
7. Conclusion of the SES, UGPS (originals).
8. Seal of the organization.
9. List of employees.
10. Medical records of employees.
11. Certificates of food products from suppliers.
12. The act of sampling dishes (three dishes to choose from).

Before receiving a certificate, an inspection team consisting of two people leaves from VNIIS to check the object of certification. After this, a certificate is issued within three days.

To ensure the implementation of mandatory certification of these services, the following fundamental standards have been developed and put into effect:

GOST R 50762-95;

GOST R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the population”, approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia of April 5, 1995 No. 199;

GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. General requirements”, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated April 5, 1995 No. 200.

The Letter of Roskomtorg dated July 11, 1995 No. 1-955/32-7 “On regulatory and technological documentation for public catering establishments” indicates the need to apply the above-mentioned fundamental state standards.

Certification of catering products is carried out for the purposes of:

Creatures necessary conditions for the activities of economic entities in the Russian Federation, as well as for their participation in international economic cooperation;

Assisting consumers in competent product selection;

Protecting consumers from low-quality products;

Control of product safety for the environment, life and health of people.

In order to control the implementation of disinfestation and deratization measures, each stationary food facility must be provided with a sanitary passport. This is a document that records the work carried out to combat insects and rodents at a frequency consistent with sanitary rules.

A sanitary passport is issued at the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.

A production control program (plan) must be submitted to the Rospotrebnadzor technical specifications for approval. Its main goal is to organize production control over compliance with sanitary rules at the facility.

The activities of such enterprises as a cafe, bar, restaurant, night club, etc., related to the retail sale of alcoholic products containing ethyl alcohol over 15%, is subject to licensing in accordance with the Federal Law of November 22, 1995 No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.”

To obtain a license, you must fulfill a number of requirements, here are some of them:

The total area of ​​retail and warehouse premises must be at least 50 square meters

The premises must be equipped with a security alarm

It is also necessary to obtain opinions from specially authorized government bodies on the compliance of the organization’s production and warehouse premises with sanitary-epidemiological, fire safety, environmental standards and requirements.

Regulatory documentation regulating the work of public catering establishments includes state, industry and enterprise standards (STP), as well as Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments that are technological standards.

The safety of restaurant services is also regulated by regulatory documents. Due to the fact that public catering products are directly related to human health and vital activity, food products produced by public catering enterprises must comply with established sanitary rules.

T What rules are established by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards, namely:

SanPiN 2.3.2. 1078-01 “Hygienic requirements for safety and nutritional value food products”, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on November 6, 2001;

SanPiN 2.3.6. 1079-01 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them,” approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia on November 6, 2001.

The need for sanitary and epidemiological examination of products is directly indicated in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2001 No. 325 “On the sanitary and epidemiological examination of products.”

It should be noted that sanitary requirements are imposed not only on the products manufactured by the catering establishment, but also on its personnel.

Thus, in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, catering workers are required to undergo a special medical examination. This is the requirement of Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, a similar requirement is enshrined in Article 34 of Law No. 52-FZ. Advertising in the restaurant business is basically similar to advertising of any other product or product and is designed to attract the attention of potential customers. In this case, various advertising media can be used: television commercials, advertising blocks in print media, leaflets, flyers and others.

Cozy room. Quiet classical music. Mysterious twilight, which is slightly dissipated by the flickering of candles on the tables. Original dishes. The waiters are all politeness, accuracy and attentiveness. All this creates a special atmosphere good restaurant, for which people come here... But few visitors realize what hard work is hidden behind such splendor.

Sphere of prospects and opportunities

Moscow, St. Petersburg and the area of ​​the so-called Greater Sochi are rightfully considered the centers of the hotel and restaurant business in Russia. This is where people can afford to spend money on vacation.

In Moscow, an average of five new restaurants open per week. True, no one counted how many of them were closing, but the fact remains: the hotel and restaurant business in the capital is developing very rapidly. This is facilitated by the program of the Moscow Government, which assumes that by 2010 about 50 new hotels will be built in our city. It is clear that all of them will require qualified personnel. Many Moscow universities, even those that had not previously specialized in this area, enthusiastically responded to the demands of the time and began training students accordingly. And, as a rule, not on a budgetary basis, but on a commercial basis. And the tuition fee is not small, on average - from $1000 to $2500 per year... Nevertheless, there are more than enough people who want to get a “hospitable” profession. Moreover, in some universities there is a competition for admission to a paid department.

So what attracts applicants? The fact is that while still a student at a specialized university, you will probably be able to earn good money by working part-time as a waiter, maid or bartender to begin with. Already at the age of 18–19 you become an independent person, independent of your parents and even paying for your own education. Of course, you shouldn’t think that money will literally rain down on you immediately after entering college, and the path up the career ladder will resemble climbing an escalator.

Why does a maid need a higher education?

Of course, universities do not train certified specialists with qualifications: “waiter”, “bartender” or “maid”. These are all working professions, so, in principle, secondary vocational education is sufficient. The institutes produce so-called general managers who can engage in a wide variety of activities, from receiving guests to marketing research.
However, from the very beginning it is necessary to take into account: the hotel and restaurant business is not an area where you can “slowly” study, get a manager’s diploma, and only then look for a job. Here, from the very first courses, you are invited to try yourself in business. Combining study and work- a common case. Moreover, this a prerequisite for a successful career. Many students start out as waiters, maids, and by the time they receive a management diploma, they already occupy relevant administrative positions in restaurants and hotels.

But success doesn't come easy. Working in the hospitality industry is hard both physically and psychologically.

“A waiter loses as many calories per shift as a miner,” says N.I. Anurova, head of the personnel service at the Pushkin cafe. – He doesn’t sit at all, he’s on his feet for 12-14 hours. In order not to faint, you need good physical preparation, so we require our guys to play sports. In addition, you should not enter the gym in a bad mood; it is important to always control your internal state. The guests came to the holiday, paid money for it, and your personal problems should not interfere with them.”

Working as a maid in a good hotel is no easier. During the shift you have to move from room to room, bringing them to shine. No communication with people - just work, with a short break for lunch. It would seem that making the bed, cleaning the room - what’s so difficult about that? In fact, this is a whole science. It is necessary to follow a number of generally accepted rules and correct the slightest shortcomings. For example, place matches so that they do not cover the inscription on the ashtray, know at what angle the chair in the room should be, etc.

Imagine that, in addition to all this, an unfinished coursework or another test at a university is still hanging over you. It is not surprising that some students cannot withstand such a “race”, transfer to the correspondence department, or drop out of college altogether.
Well, this is a personal matter for everyone, but know: without a higher specialized education, you cannot make a career in the hotel and restaurant business.
Working in a prestigious restaurant or luxury hotel will require even the service staff to be fluent in a foreign language, the ability to communicate with different people, and knowledge of service. So draw your own conclusions...

Get your money ready...

When entering a university to major in hotel, restaurant and tourism business, first of all, you will need money. There are very few budget places here, and competitions for them range from 7 to 20 people. Therefore, if you are not a child prodigy, then the commercial department is a more acceptable option.
In addition, when choosing a university and specialty, you will need to decide what specific diploma you would like to receive. You can become an economist-manager or manager-organizer in the service sector. The goals and objectives of specialists in these two areas are different.
“Economists” are developing a strategy and pricing policy that will help a hotel or restaurant survive in the conditions of modern competition. “Managers-organizers” are managers who supervise service personnel, are responsible for order, and ensure the normal operation of a hotel or restaurant.

Some universities train only “economists”: Russian Economic Academy (REA) named after. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS (Institute); others – “managers” (RUDN), others – both the first and the second: the Moscow Academy of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business under the Moscow Government (MATGRB), the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of the Moscow State University of Service.
Entrance exams depend on your choice of specialty and university. It is clear that the “manager-organizer” in the service sector needs knowledge of Russian and foreign languages, geography, and history. And the future economist, in addition to languages, will also need mathematics. Usually, when entering a paid department, you need to undergo testing in these subjects and an interview for professional suitability.

Restaurant business is an integrated sphere of entrepreneurial activity related to the organization of production and restaurant management and aimed at meeting the needs of the population for varied, healthy and tasty food, services, as well as making a profit.

The object of the restaurant business is the restaurant, and the subject is the restaurateur.

Restaurant - a catering establishment that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery, including specialty and complex preparations, as well as a high level of service combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

Restaurateur– restaurant owner, a person who owns and manages a restaurant.

Today, the success of a restaurateur depends on many facts, but, first of all, on the presence of good management, modern kitchen, the presence of a restaurant, bar concept, impeccable service, interesting interior and reasonable prices.

The most important element of the restaurant business, without paying attention to which you should not count on success, is restaurant location. The correct choice of location allows you to determine what kind of restaurant to be: democratic or elite. An affordable restaurant is usually located in a large area. The halls can be located on two floors. An elite restaurant is placed in a small area in order to ensure its return on investment. Having parking next to it is mandatory. The choice of location is preceded by a demographic analysis of the area in which the restaurant will be located. The age, occupation, and average income level of people who regularly visit the area and are future potential consumers of the new restaurant are studied. Traffic flows must be carefully studied. In places where there is a large flow of pedestrians, affordable restaurants are located, for example, taverns and fast food establishments.

Having defined the concept, the restaurateur must pay attention assortment policy and quality of service, which must be interrelated. Russian restaurateurs have a clear idea of ​​how to organize the preparation of national cuisine. In addition, they widely use the work experience of foreign restaurateurs. Many Russian cities have accumulated enormous potential for creating a restaurant business.

Many Russian cities are centers of tourist, spiritual and cultural life of the country. One of the main tasks for the near future is the creation of an established infrastructure and public catering. According to official statistics, there are more than 2 thousand restaurants in Moscow alone. And, despite this, currently existing restaurants, bars, cafes do not meet the needs of all segments of the population with different income levels.

A restaurant is a living organism. Just as a person cannot save on his health, in the same way in a restaurant one cannot save on equipment, porcelain and glassware, and most importantly, on staff. The name of the restaurant is made by the team, which must realize that everything in the work of the restaurant is interconnected. When choosing a restaurant or bar, consumers take into account the following features: the quality and range of dishes, the level of services provided, the attitude of staff towards consumers, the general atmosphere of the establishment, external and internal decoration, the relationship between the location of the enterprise and the prices of food and drinks.

Today in Russia there are many restaurants that meet all these requirements. Managers are trying to become more democratic and attract potential clients with a greater variety of services. They began to pay more attention to service, menu quality and wine list. The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose cuisine to suit every taste: Italian, Spanish, German, Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Russian, etc.

Today, the restaurant business requires professionalism. The requirements for production and service personnel of restaurants have increased, the level of qualifications of which must meet the requirements of the standards. The restaurant business is being structured: designers and suppliers of equipment, food and beverages have appeared working exclusively in the restaurant market. On the other hand, control on the part of government bodies (sanitary and epidemiological supervision, state trade inspection, fire and tax authorities) has been tightened. Competition among restaurants has intensified, and new criteria for assessing the quality of culinary products have emerged. There is an increasing need to constantly expand knowledge about wines, supporting them with new information that the consumer wants to know.

Forms and methods of service in the restaurant business are dictated by the specific circumstances of time and place, as well as the technology of preparing culinary products. With the advent of new cooking technologies, modern forms of service (business lunches, Sunday brunches, etc.) are further developed.

The quality of service affects the financial results of the restaurant, as it forms a steady flow of consumers who want to use the services offered and enjoy the level of service provided. With the growth of service culture, turnover increases, profitability increases and distribution costs of restaurant business enterprises decrease.

In modern conditions, the activities of a restaurant are based on the following principles: reimbursement of all expenses for carrying out production and economic activities with income, the dependence of further development of production on work efficiency, the connection of material incentives for employees with the final results of the enterprise.

The main trends in the development of the restaurant business in Russia are:

– creation by restaurants of a favorable image for their establishments;

– timely settlements with suppliers, on which the credit limit and the attitude of the suppliers themselves towards a given restaurant depend;

– formation of a positive opinion about the restaurant among regular consumers.

In the future, small, inexpensive restaurants and bars in the mid-price group will see promising development. There won't be many expensive and elite restaurants and bars left.

At the same time, the creation of democratic restaurants will undergo rapid development in the restaurant business.

Democratic restaurant- a new direction in the restaurant business, located at the intersection of technologies such as fast food and high-quality national (or mixed) cuisine, requiring an individual approach.

World practice shows that democratic restaurants are the most dynamic trend in the restaurant market.

The main visitors to such restaurants are middle class people. On the one hand, in developed countries, eating is transferred to restaurants due to lack of free time; on the other, thanks to new technologies and high competition, democratic enterprises are becoming accessible to the population. Some democratic restaurants are united in networks.

This is a popular direction for both education and development of the country. Many people think about what kind of education to get to successfully work in this field. Understanding this issue is not as difficult as it seems. In fact, it is enough to know just a few features of training. But choosing a place to receive an appropriate education is more difficult. There are a lot of different institutions that allow graduates to work in the hotel and restaurant business. And an ignorant person may simply get confused in the choice.

What kind of work

So, the first step is to understand what a citizen who has decided to work in a direction called “hotel and restaurant business” will have to do. It is not entirely clear what will need to be done in this or that case.

The point is that upon graduation from one or another institution a person will become a restaurateur. Or, as he is also called, a hotel and restaurant business manager. The tasks of such an employee are varied.

Among the main activities are:

  • work quality control;
  • management of hotels or restaurants;
  • establishing a supply of items necessary for the functioning of the business;
  • marketing planning.

In other words, such a manager is a universal worker in the hotel and restaurant business. Most often found as an administrator in a particular institution.

Ways of learning

Didn't the definition scare you away? Then you should think about training. Where can you master this type of activity as the hotel and restaurant business? Where should a person go to receive an appropriate education? There are a lot of options. Everyone chooses one or another institution to build their career and receive education in the hotel and restaurant industry.

If we briefly list all possible places of study, we can highlight the following organizations:

  • universities in Russia and outside the country;
  • colleges;
  • organizations offering retraining;
  • private training companies.

Each training option has its own characteristics. They will be discussed further below. What should you pay attention to in this or that case? How to become a restaurateur without any problems?


It's probably worth starting with the least common scenario. We are talking about taking retraining courses. They are usually organized either by the employer or by specialized labor exchanges.

The average training period is 2-3 months. No entrance tests will be required. Upon graduation, the citizen receives a certificate of retraining as a restaurateur. From now on, he will be able to work in the hotel and restaurant business.

Private centers

The next training option is to contact private training centers. This good way obtaining additional education, as well as self-development. With the help of specialized courses, you can easily master the hotel and restaurant business. It is recommended to inquire about the programs offered by certain private educational institutions.

They usually study for about a year. In rare cases, the training lasts several months or years. After listening to lectures, you usually need to take a final test and pass an exam. And after this, the person is given a certificate stating that he is now considered a restaurateur. The document usually lists the skills acquired.

Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? What subjects will you have to take to study at private centers? None. And this makes me happy. There are no entrance tests in private educational centers. You just need to pay for your education.


A more serious approach is to study at universities in the country. Modern universities offer several options for mastering the specialty of a restaurateur. You can study at a university on the basis of secondary vocational education or get a higher education. In the first case, education will be obtained. He is not very valued by employers. In the second, the graduate will receive a diploma of higher education. This is what attracts many employers. Although, as practice shows, the hotel and restaurant business allows you to successfully build a career with a diploma of secondary specialized education.

Depending on the type of study chosen, you will have to spend either 2 years, or 3, or 4 as a student. In the first two cases, we are talking about secondary specialized education based on grade 9 or 11, respectively. Higher education takes 4 years.

A distinctive feature of studying at universities and colleges is the presence of entrance tests. To be accepted as a student, you will need to pass certain exams. More on them a little later. First, you should find out where exactly in Russia you can go to study to become a restaurateur.

Universities for studying

There are a lot of higher educational institutions in Russia. Where do they study in the field of "hotel and restaurant business"? Universities in Russia that offer to become restaurateurs include the following:

  • Plekhanov University;
  • RSUH;
  • Sechenov Moscow State Institute;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow).

These are not all educational institutions. In almost every humanitarian university you can become a restaurateur. Only the above-mentioned places, as students say, provide the best training in their chosen field.


Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? College is the most common option for getting an appropriate education to start a career. Usually, admission to specialized schools is considered after 9th or 11th grade.

Depending on the chosen educational institution, entrance examinations are either present or absent. Where exactly should I go to study? You can choose a humanitarian technical school. And there you can see if there is a direction that interests the applicant. As already mentioned, after 9th grade they study for 2 years, after 11th grade - 3.

Where exactly should I go? You can pay attention to:

  • management and hotel and restaurant business;
  • Small Business College No. 48;
  • food college in Moscow;
  • Krasnodar Trade and Economic College.

This is all just the beginning. The list could take a very long time. Are you interested in the hotel and restaurant business? The college in St. Petersburg at 154a embankment is considered the most successful choice among residents of St. Petersburg.


What's next? Now it is important to understand what tests you will have to pass. As already mentioned, technical schools sometimes admit students simply by application. It is enough to simply present a certificate of secondary education, an identity card and an application for enrollment.

And if the university is studying the hotel and restaurant business, what should I take? Mandatory exams include:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

Both subjects must be passed at the basic level. But in the major you will have to take social studies. In some cases, they may also request the Unified State Exam or State Examination in English. These are all the exams that you will have to pass. And then enrolling in a hotel and restaurant business college or university will not be difficult.

A restaurant is a special type of enterprise that combines:

  • - production of a wide range of complex culinary products;
  • - high level of customer service in special halls. The most important distinguishing feature of the restaurant (unlike other catering establishments) is the individual approach to the client R.V. Kryukov. Restaurant business: textbook. allowance - M.: Prior-izdat, 2006. - P.3-5.

Restaurants perform the following basic functions:

  • - organization of quality food;
  • - business (holding meetings, presentations);
  • - recreational (rest in a suitable environment: restaurant interior, dishes, music, etc.).

Restaurant business is a type of activity for organizing a restaurant and its work. The restaurant business has its pros and cons.

Pros of the restaurant business:

  • - owning a successfully operating restaurant is profitable, because... the restaurant business is a free activity that is constantly expanding and is not influenced by sudden leaps and whims of fashion;
  • - with proper organization of the business, it consistently brings profit;
  • - restaurants become centers of local social life.

The negative aspects of the restaurant business are the following: there is little free time left (the owner needs to personally participate in the life of the restaurant every day); maximum concentration of attention (the restaurateur is constantly distracted from the main task, constant switching of attention is very tiring); restaurant workers have to work during hours when everyone else is resting (night work often leads to general depression); the availability of alcohol and constant observation of people drinking can become a temptation for those who are prone to drinking; communicating with people is quite hard work, and it is much harder for the service personnel than for the owner himself.

Necessary conditions for successful work in the restaurant business:

  • - experience in this field;
  • - availability of reserves in case of non-receipt of profit during the initial stage of activity;
  • - having a clear business development plan and clear ideas on how to attract clients;
  • - confidence in the prospects of the selected premises, the absence of negative factors associated with possible redevelopment of the territory or new construction;
  • - a real need for a new restaurant in this location;
  • - availability of original methods of attracting clients;
  • - ability to adapt flexibly and quickly;
  • - knowledge of local market conditions;
  • - ability to hire and fire people;
  • - strong character;
  • - calm perception of the need for constant contact with a wide variety of people and adaptation to them.

It is important for restaurateurs to understand that today they must either provide more services for the same money as yesterday, or - with the same number of services - reduce prices. Successful restaurants update their menus regularly; make changes to the design of the hall; constantly improve the service system. For the success of a restaurant, it is also very important to achieve mutual understanding between the restaurant owners, its staff and visitors E. S. Orobeyko, N. G. Schroeder. Organization of service: restaurants and bars: textbook. allowance - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - P. 8-15.

Since the amount of initial capital when opening a restaurant is very high, most restaurants are usually owned jointly by several people. Partnership also has its pros and cons. Pros: concentration of capital and the possibility of mutual assistance. Cons: the possibility of one of the participants leaving the business, conflicts over profits, shares, etc. If it is difficult to initially insure against the above factors, then one potential problem is often created by the hands of the restaurateurs themselves. The source of additional conflicts is disputes over the directions of business development and organization, and the distribution of leadership powers. The danger for the restaurant business is a situation where several people at once try to become centers of power in the business. Given the high-stress nature of the restaurant business, this can often be confusing for staff and customers.

The restaurant business is characterized by a network form of organization (franchising), when it is not the entire business that is purchased, but the technology and the right to operate under a brand. This is how the chains of McDonald's restaurants and other restaurants (especially in the fast food sector) were built.

The most common reasons for failure in the restaurant business:

  • - lack of funds - money may run out before the restaurant attracts enough visitors and becomes profitable;
  • - ineffective management;
  • - absence personal experience from a restaurateur;
  • - the opening of a competing restaurant nearby (a significant blow to the business. Usually a new restaurant, if it provides better services and a range of dishes for the same price, “leads away” a significant part of the customers and staff. A real disaster for a restaurateur is the opening of a fast food restaurant nearby - the place immediately becomes unprestigious for sophisticated clients, crowds of ordinary people, students and other typical fast food visitors distract attention, destroy the entire surroundings and “trample down” the road to a “classic” restaurant. A professional restaurateur should always have connections in the authorities and local government in the territory where he is located. his restaurant; other levers to prevent competitors from appearing in the immediate vicinity);
  • - global economic factors beyond control;
  • - changing urban transport routes; the beginning of construction nearby (road closures, a large amount of construction equipment, etc.);
  • - fire (a restaurant is always exposed to such a risk for a variety of reasons: wiring, negligence of staff, malicious intent of ill-wishers, smoking of customers and employees. An experienced restaurateur must take preventive measures to reduce these factors to a minimum, for example, ensure proper security of the premises, serviceable equipment , compliance with safety regulations by personnel, etc.);
  • - internal problems, such as quarrels with partners, departure of key employees, conflicts in the team, etc.

Even in Europe, where this business is more stable than anywhere else, approximately 45% of projects do not survive the start-up period of 2 years. According to Dan and Badstreet's World Bankruptcy Directory, the restaurant business ranks fourth in the list of bankruptcies behind ready-to-wear stores; furniture; photo products Orobeyko E.S., Schroeder N.G. Organization of service: restaurants and bars: textbook. allowance - M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - P. 8-15. To save his business, a restaurateur must always be prepared for the unexpected (insure property, establish contacts with banks, authorities, know restaurant specialists in other restaurants, etc.).

Restaurants provide an opportunity for people to have great food and socialize with each other. To succeed, a restaurant must attract the attention of a large market, and this can only be achieved when it is located in the right place and offers the right food and atmosphere, and the philosophy of restaurant managers is aimed at politely and skillfully introducing people to good food for reasonable price.

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