Polish charlotte (Szarlotka). Seven recipes for charlotte with apples - simple and tasty Italian charlotte with apples recipe

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When you want to pamper yourself with something tasty, but don’t have time to stand at the stove creating a complicated dessert, we recommend doing something simple. French charlotte is an incredibly tasty, but at the same time easy-to-prepare pie that even a novice housewife can do. Below you will find several proven, authentic recipes for this European delicacy, which has long become popular throughout the world.

So, first, let's make charlotte with apples according to all the rules!

French charlotte with cookies: a real recipe


For the pie

  • Biscuits or dry biscuits— 450 g + -
  • Medium apples - 3-4 pcs. + -
  • loaf or wheat bread - 2-3 slices + -
  • Cinnamon, vanillin - on the tip of a knife for each ingredient + -
  • — 120 g + -
  • - 2-3 tbsp. + -

For syrup

  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Water – 50 ml
  • Alcohol - whiskey, rum, brandy (optional) - 50 g
  • Orange (lime, lemon) - 1 pc.

Making French charlotte at home

To prepare dessert according to this recipe, we can use any dry, airy cookies.

Ideally, it should be savoiardi - you can buy it ready-made, or you can bake it yourself. In addition, savoiardi can be replaced with ready-made dry sponge cakes, with them French charlotte it won't turn out any worse.

If we have ready-made cakes, cut them into slices imitating savoiardi cookies - about 2 by 5 cm. Dry them, if necessary, in the oven so that the biscuit crumbles easily.

Now prepare the syrup:

  • three oranges on a fine grater to remove the zest or any other citrus;
  • pour boiling water into a saucepan, add sugar, zest, add cinnamon, vanillin, pour in alcohol;
  • bring to a boil, simmer for 5-7 minutes over low heat and turn off.

If desired, the syrup can be strained, but with pieces of zest the French charlotte will be more aromatic. Let it cool.

In the meantime, let's start preparing the apples:

  • peel them and cut them into large cubes, about 2 by 2 cm;
  • spread to fry on 2-3 tbsp. butter with the addition of cinnamon and vanillin.
  • If the apples for charlotte are sour, add 1 tbsp. sugar, but not more, since the cookie sides will be sweet on their own.
  • You can also add 2-3 tbsp to the apples. alcohol for flavor. We don’t keep them on the fire for a long time so as not to fall apart, it’s enough to bring them to softness.

The whole beauty of this French charlotte with apples recipe is to create a contrast between the sour filling and the sweet dough.

Let the finished apples cool.

Now let's start assembling our pie:

  • grease a deep springform pan (24 cm is suitable) with butter - don’t skimp, it should lie very thick;
  • pour the cooled syrup over the dried biscuit in a deep bowl - it should not be completely soaked, otherwise thin dough will get wet. It is only important to add taste and aroma and immediately arrange the slices inside the mold;
  • place the slices vertically as tightly as possible to each other, then lay out the bottom;
  • fill the pie with filling and cover the top with slices of bread;
  • We trim the tops of the cookies to make the cake even, and use the scraps to fill the voids between the bread and the sides;
  • generously grease the top with butter and sprinkle sugar on top, trying to distribute it evenly.

Place the resulting pie in the oven at 180°C for 40-50 minutes on a medium level. If you raise it closer to the heating element and set it more high temperature, the sugar top will begin to burn.

The appetizing aroma will “let you know” that the French charlotte with apples is ready. Serve it warm, not hot, be sure to let it cool at least a little - the pie just taken out of the oven may leak when slicing.

You can decorate the dessert with cream or fresh berries, or you can immediately cut it into portions and treat it to guests and household members.

Bon appetit!

Simple French charlotte: recipe with raisins

You can make apple pie using: previous recipe, but changing it a little and simplifying it.

  1. In advance, brew 100 g of raisins with boiling water so as to completely cover the dried fruits and leave to swell for 30 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, peel 3-4 medium apples and cut into large pieces.
  3. We also peel 2 kiwis and 1 nectarine or peach. We cut everything coarsely.
  4. Grate the lemon or orange so that the zest remains - add it to the chopped fruit.
  5. Melt 2 tbsp in a frying pan. butter, lay out the fruit, zest, drained raisins, add a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla on the tip of a knife.
  6. Add 3-4 tbsp. white or brown sugar and simmer a little over medium heat. You shouldn’t let the filling get soggy, so after 15 minutes, remove it from the stove and leave to cool.
  7. In a separate bowl, whisk 2 eggs with 1 glass of milk for dipping the bread slices - we will need a loaf of already cut sandwich bread.

We remove the crust from all the pieces, we only need the crumb.

Grease the springform pan with oil - there should also be a lot of it, about 60-70 g, and begin to lay out the pie.

  • We wet each slice with the egg mixture on one side - it should be inside the pie, and dry on the outside, and lay out the bottom first, then the sides.
  • Fill the resulting “basket” with the filling and cover with the remaining bread, also moistened on one side.
  • Grease the top thickly with oil and add milk mixture if there is any left on top.

Place the French charlotte to bake on a medium rack in the oven at 190°C for 40-50 minutes. As you can see, the time is indicated with a margin, because everything depends on the stove. Since the cake is very high, we monitor the baking process, not allowing the top to burn.

Serve the finished charlotte with apples and bread when it has cooled a little for breakfast or afternoon snack.

French dessert: quick charlotte with apples

Apple pie according to this recipe will be a real find for all housewives who love to treat their households delicious food, but do not have enough time to prepare it.

We will need 250 g of stale white bread— it should not be dried into breadcrumbs, but it is better to let it sit fresh in the fresh air for at least a day or two for optimal hardness.

  • First cut the loaf into slices, then into small cubes 1 by 1 cm.
  • Beat 2 chicken eggs with 2/3 cup sugar and 1 cup milk. To speed up the process, it is better to use a mixer.
  • Pour the prepared mixture over the bread. Leave for 40 minutes.
  • Peel 500 g of apples and cut into cubes the same size as bread.
  • Grind 50-70 g of walnuts in a blender. Mix half with apples.
  • Now we combine the soaked pieces of bread with raw apples. Add cinnamon and vanilla if desired.
  • Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle breadcrumbs or crushed cookie crumbs and 1-2 tbsp. sugar - it will caramelize during baking and the pie will turn out with beautiful golden sides.
  • Place the apple-bread mixture in the mold, compact it a little with a spoon or directly with your hand, and add the remaining nuts. We also sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.

Before putting the French charlotte with apples in the oven, three coarse grater 100 g butter and spread it on top. This is necessary so that the cake is soaked and is especially tasty and aromatic.

Bake the dessert at 180°C for at least 40 minutes, sprinkle the finished dessert with cinnamon and powdered sugar and leave to cool. If you take the charlotte out right now, it may fall apart, so you need to give it time to sit a little.

Serve by cutting into portions. Bon appetit!

As you can see, French charlotte with apples can be prepared very simply from completely regular products, or you can work a little magic on it and get extraordinary dessert for real French recipe. Try making a pie using any of your favorite options and the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Classic apple charlotte from the chef, video recipe

In just half an hour you will get the perfect dessert for tea, apple compote and unusual alcoholic cocktail. Our chef invites you to prepare an almost apple-like home party for unexpected guests in just half an hour.

In addition to the video recipe, we want to delight you with a selection of the most unexpected charlotte recipes.

Charlotte with apples is one of the most simple desserts modern Russian cuisine. Charlotte with apples has long been a delicious apple pie that has taken on a life of its own, acquired a dozen cooking options and won the hearts of home cooks.

A little bit of the dark past, “which was a long time ago and not true.” In the 15th century, the British prepared a strange meat pie and they called him charlet. In the 18th century, it became sweet and, they say, then received its modern name in honor of Queen Charlotte. At the beginning of the 19th century in London, the eminent French chef Carême came up with his own version of apple pie, called it Parisian charlotte, but, having entered the service of Tsar Alexander I, he came up with a new name Russian Charlotte. Then there were numerous variations of charlotte in America, Jewish and German versions, Russian landowner apple babka, strange times of the NEP with its modernization of old recipes, Stalinism with the Book of Tasty and healthy food, the well-fed times of the USSR, the hungry Perestroika and, finally, our time, in which charlotte is a simple pie with apples.

In modern Russia, there are several styles of making charlottes, choose according to your taste:
. Biscuit with apple filling,
. Cupcake with apple filling,
. Charlotte on kefir dough,
. Charlotte on sour cream dough,
. Tsvetaevskaya charlotte,
. Charlotte in a slow cooker,
. Old-fashioned charlotte with pieces of day-old white bread.

You can use absolutely any apples for charlotte. Each variety will give its own special aroma, and this is the main secret of the variety of charlottes. Apples of the variety are considered ideal in all properties Antonovka. Apples love lemon juice, this enhances their aroma, and the flesh does not darken and looks great in the pie. In all cases, the apples are cut into small pieces and mixed with the dough or the dough is poured over the apples placed in the mold. Sometimes apples are poached in butter or soaked in cognac to soften them.

The apples in the charlotte filling go well with cane sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon or orange zest, nuts, olive oil, honey, liqueurs, cognac, rum. You can add one of these components, or you can create your own unique mix and get a new taste or range of shades. However, apple charlotte will be delicious even with a basic set of ingredients.

Charlotte with apples with cake dough

For this version of charlotte, we use classic cake batter proportions. The cake will be heavy, dense, but loose. Make this charlotte when you want a dense, hearty apple pie.

300-500 g peeled apples,
100 g flour,
100 g butter,
2 eggs
100 g sugar,
¼ teaspoon baking powder,

Oil room temperature mix with sugar and beat with a mixer at maximum speed. The sugar should dissolve. Add eggs (room temperature) one at a time and beat too. Add sifted flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt and mix the dough at low speed.

Chop the apples and mix with the dough. Place the dough in a shallow, wide pan and bake for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. Check readiness with a toothpick or skewer - it should come out of the dough dry.

Charlotte with apples biscuit dough

The biscuit is distinguished by increased sweetness, lack of butter and airiness. It is not so easy to prepare; you should pay close attention to the proportions. Unfortunately for those losing weight, the amount of sugar cannot be reduced; sugar forms the structure of the dough. Beat the eggs with sugar at maximum speed, you should get a thick mass. You need to mix the dough especially carefully, since the bubbles in the egg mixture will allow the cake to rise and become airy.

4 eggs (separate the whites from the yolks)
120 g powdered sugar,
120 g flour,
300 g apples.

Beat the yolks with 100 g of sugar at maximum speed of the mixer. Beat the egg whites until they form a white foam, add 20 g of sugar and continue beating until the mass becomes denser. Gently add the yolks to the whites, stirring from bottom to top. Add the sifted flour and gently mix with the beaten eggs.

Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, add chopped apples and pour biscuit dough on top. Make a small depression in the center of the pan - this will make the cake smoother. Carefully, without jostling, place the pan to bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.

Charlotte with apples on biscuit dough with brandy

The whole secret is in the aromatic alcohol. Brandy can be replaced with rum or cognac. Herbal tinctures are also suitable. If you want the apples in the charlotte to not darken, pour them lemon juice. Alcohol softens the apples, and such a charlotte will be not only aromatic, but also exceptionally tender. This quality can be enhanced by cutting the peel off the apples. In this case, the cake has a chance to look like a soufflé and approach the taste of a gourmet cake.

1 kg apples,
3 eggs
1 cup flour,
1 glass of sugar,
1 teaspoon cinnamon,
3 tbsp. spoons of brandy.

Slice the apples, soak them in brandy, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and stir. Beat eggs with sugar and gradually add flour, mix carefully. Grease the mold with butter, lay out the apples, fill with dough and bake at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Charlotte with apples on kefir dough

This is a simple and reliable recipe. Sugar will not affect the structure, the dough will be dense and slightly sour, but this goes well with the taste of apples. It is for this recipe that we recommend using sweet apples.

500 g apples,
250 g flour,
2 eggs
100 g butter,
100 g sugar,
200 ml yogurt or kefir,
½ teaspoon baking powder or soda,

Beat sugar with soft butter, add eggs one at a time, then kefir, sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Mix the mixture with chopped apples. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Lay out the dough, smooth it out and bake at 190 degrees for 45 minutes.

Grandma's charlotte

The recipe differs in that the dough here is not biscuit, but not cake dough either. The rise of the dough occurs due to soda or baking powder. The cake turns out dense and slightly moist. A little more apples are used than for regular charlotte, that is, the dough only binds apple filling. This cake is very flavorful and should be eaten slightly warm. This is the perfect autumn-winter dessert when it’s gloomy outside, but the house smells of baked goods and comfort.

1-1.5 kg apples,
3 eggs
1 glass of sugar,
½ cup flour
½ teaspoon of soda,
1 lemon.

Slice the apples and sprinkle with lemon juice. Beat sugar with eggs, add flour and soda, slaked with lemon juice. Add the dough to the apples, stir. Place on a pan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake at 220 degrees until browned and then another 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Check doneness with a toothpick - it should come out dry. If the top is browned but the inside is still raw, cover the pie with foil, reduce the heat and bake for another 10 minutes.

Charlotte with meringue

This old-fashioned recipe is good because the charlotte has an unusual taste, is easy to prepare, and the ingredients are available in any store.


For the test:
5 eggs
½ sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar,
1 teaspoon baking powder,
4-5 tbsp. flour with a slide,
3-4 apples.

For the meringue:
2 squirrels,
4 tbsp. Sahara.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat into a strong foam, add sugar and beat well.

Add the yolks one at a time and keep beating. Add vanillin, baking powder and sifted flour.

Pour part of the dough into the bottom of the greased form, lay out slices from half of all the apples, fill with dough, place the other half of the apples on top.

Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Prepare the meringue: beat 2 egg whites with sugar until stiff foam. Quickly remove the pie, pour the meringue on top and cook for another 10 minutes.

Charlotte on sour cream dough

There is very little flour here, and the dough rises due to well-beaten eggs. This means that all mixing of the beaten egg mass must be done with upward movements and very carefully. Butter is required to grease the pan. You can replace it with a vegetable one. You need high-fat sour cream of the highest quality. You can take any apples.

600 g apples,
6 eggs
½ cup sugar
1 glass of sour cream,
½ cup flour
crackers for sprinkling.

Grind 6 yolks with sugar until white, add 7 tablespoons of sour cream. Grate 3 apples, add flour and mix everything together. Add the remaining chopped apples and cinnamon. Beat 6 egg whites and add to the mixture. Place in a pan greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and bake until done.

Tsvetaevskaya charlotte

Oddly enough, this recipe is the closest to the original French recipes from two centuries ago. Take apples that are juicy, ripe and aromatic. Sour cream can be replaced with very heavy cream of 33% fat content or higher - it will turn out even tastier. If you can find natural vanilla, add it; the aroma will be stricter, subtler and more solemn. Use the best eggs you can find. If store-bought, then it should be category C0 and the packaging date should not be older than a week. The recipe is designed for a mold measuring 25 by 18 cm.


For the test:
150 g butter,
1-1.5 cups flour,
½ cup sour cream,
1.5 teaspoons baking powder (baking powder).

For filling:
1 glass of sour cream,
1 glass of sugar,
1 egg,
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar,
2 tbsp. spoons of flour,
4-6 large apples.

Melt the butter and cool. Sift flour with baking powder. In a large bowl, mix flour with sour cream and pour in butter. Knead the dough. Dust with flour and spread the dough over the bottom and edges of the pan to form sides.

Wash the apples and dry them. Cut out the core and cut into thin slices or slices. Spread evenly over the surface of the dough.

Place sour cream in a bowl, add sugar, vanilla sugar and egg. Beat well with a whisk. Add flour, mix well. Pour the mixture into the mold and shake the mold a little so that the filling is better distributed among the apples.

Bake for 50 minutes at 180 degrees. The finished Tsvetaeva charlotte can be served hot or cooled.

Apple charlotte made from white bread

Almost original old recipe, as if the pie was made in England in the late 18th century. The most interesting thing is that preparing such a charlotte is even easier than using the usual biscuit dough. The main secrets: the milk should be full-fat, you can even use 10% cream, there should be more butter for greasing than usual - this will prevent the charlotte from burning. You can use yesterday's bread - that's what the British do.

500 g apples,
1 glass of milk,
300 g white bread,
1 egg,
¾ cup sugar
3 tbsp. spoons of butter,
1 lemon.

Cut the crusts from the white bread, cut the pulp into 1 cm slices. Cut some of the bread into cubes and dry. Milk, egg and 2 tbsp. Mix spoons of sugar and beat with a whisk.

Remove the zest from the lemon. Peel and seed the apples, cut into cubes, pour in lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Grease the pan thickly with butter. Soak slices of white bread in the egg-milk mixture and line the bottom and edges of the pan with slices. Lay the bread overlapping, avoiding any gaps.

Melt some butter, pour it over the dried bread cubes and mix with the apples and zest. Place the apples in the mold. Cover the apples with slices of bread dipped in milk mixture. Bake for 40-50 minutes at 200 degrees.

Leave the finished charlotte in the switched off oven for 10 minutes, then place on a plate and serve hot.

Charlotte in Swedish

This is an original Swedish recipe, which contains natural cinnamon and vanilla, rare in Russia, as well as dark cane sugar. All this gives the pie an exotic, dense aroma.

4 apples,
1 cup flour,
1 tbsp. spoon of dark brown sugar,
½ lemon (juice)
¾ cup walnuts,
70 g butter,
60 g vegetable oil,
130 g light brown sugar,
1 egg,
vanilla pod or vanilla essence(optional),
½ teaspoon baking powder,
¼ teaspoon salt

Peel the apples, cut into slices, pour in lemon juice and sprinkle with dark sugar and cinnamon. Stir. Grease the pan with butter, place the apples on the bottom and smooth out.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Heat the nuts in a frying pan, cool and chop coarsely with a knife.

Melt the butter, pour into a bowl, add vegetable oil, sugar, egg and mix with a whisk. Add vanilla or vanilla essence and lemon zest. Mix flour with baking powder and salt, sift into a bowl with butter and eggs. Add nuts.

Spread the resulting mixture onto the apples, smooth them out and bake for 50-60 minutes until the crust forms a beautiful color. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Charlotte with apples is a universal, simple and very delicious dessert for tea and coffee. Delicious aromatic apples will fill your home with the cozy aromas of real baked goods. Even a beginner can prepare charlotte with apples. Feel free to cook and share your impressions!

Everyone's favorite apple pie “Charlotte” is a mixture of recipes based on a quick fix", invented by Soviet housewives. There is no finally established recipe for such a pie and, in principle, cannot exist. I don’t know a single cook who would not conduct some kind of experiment while preparing Charlotte. By the way, the French came up with a completely different “Charlotte”, or rather “Charlotte”, it is prepared with slices of bread and no flour at all.

The classic recipe for the Soviet “Charlotte” is well known. IN Soviet times The preparation of this pie was even included in the school curriculum for home economics lessons.
1 glass of flour, 1 glass of sugar, 3 eggs, 3-4 apples.
Beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until foamy, carefully add the flour and mix quickly. Place thinly sliced ​​apples on the bottom of a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and pour the prepared dough on top. Bake until done at an oven temperature of about 180-200 degrees for about 40 minutes. There’s nothing special to write about, it’s so quick. It is also eaten quickly, I must say.

Today in the freezer I found half a box of half-eaten delicious Italian ice cream... The ice cream had been lying around in my absence for at least a month and I did not dare to eat it alive, since I am absolutely sure that this particular product is made naturally. Having scoured the Internet, I discovered that cupcakes can be quite successfully baked from ice cream. Well, I haven’t baked Charlotte with ice cream yet... There have already been experiments in Russia with cottage cheese and mayonnaise, in Italy and Malta with ricotta, and in Bulgaria with sour milk.

So, in Italy we make apple pie with Italian ice cream!

I started my next experiment with apple pie by melting about 100 grams of butter. I usually use less butter or margarine. But according to reviews, the cupcake with ice cream turns out a little dry, so I decided to correct the situation. Next I added one large egg, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a quarter cup of sugar. Beat everything together thoroughly into a foam. I added about 200-250 grams of softened ice cream and mixed everything thoroughly. Added a full glass of flour mixed with half a teaspoon of soda. Ready dough for Charlotte it turned out like sour cream. I placed thinly sliced ​​apples on the bottom of a baking dish greased with vegetable oil and filled them with dough. The cake was baked for about 45 minutes at 180 degrees and rose very well. I could smell vanilla while baking.

We liked the result. The cake turned out very soft and fluffy. Maybe just a little too sweet. Perhaps you should reduce the amount of ice cream and replace it with an egg.

A beautiful pie is obtained in silicone molds for baking.

Some secrets of “Charlotte”, collected over many years:

— After greasing the baking pan with vegetable oil, you can lightly sprinkle it with flour or semolina - it will be easier to separate the cake from the walls of the pan after baking.

— It is better to take apples for “Charlotte” green, sour and hard. If the apples on hand are only sweet and very juicy, then you need to adjust the situation by taking a little less sugar and a little more flour.

— After preparing the dough, some housewives mix it with chopped apples, believing that this way the apples are distributed more evenly. I personally prefer this method too. I love it when there are a lot of apples. But only with this method of preparation I understand whether I can add more. Some people cut apples into thin slices, others into strips. In all cases, the pie is wonderful, verified.

— Sometimes apples are combined with finely chopped walnuts or pieces of orange or lemon zest. Craftswomen manage to make whole pictures out of pieces of apples, and even make roses. This pie will decorate anyone festive table!

— After washing the apples, you need to dry them thoroughly before cutting them into the dough. Drops of water that get in can seriously ruin the cake.

— To form a crispy crust, you need to beat the eggs into foam as hard as possible. You can add a little more sugar. An even crispier crust is obtained if you beat the whites and yolks separately and then mix them.

— You can add cinnamon to the dough or sprinkle cinnamon on a pie prepared for baking.

— You can use hard peaches instead of apples. The pie is great too! If you are making a pie with peaches, it is better to pour half of the dough into the mold, then add the peaches and fill with the remaining dough. You can also use firm apricots, but add more sugar to the dough.

— If the apples are very sour, you can “sweeten” them slightly with honey or jam before adding them to the dough.

— When baking, do not open the oven! “Charlotte” can “settle.”

- After turning off the oven, do not take the cake out immediately, leave it there to cool for a while. You shouldn't cut the pie while it's hot for the same reasons.

Doctors do not advise eating pies warm, but few people stopped when Charlotte was ready. Bon appetit!

The name “charlotte” was assigned to this pie thanks to the courtesy of the French. According to the most popular legend, French chefs took the ancient British bread pudding as a basis and added to it. And their own dish, considerably transformed, was named after the wife of George III, Queen Charlotte (1744-1818), who is considered the patroness of apple producers.

Here is an old recipe for making apple pudding on toast (or original charlotte).

Take a wheat roll or loaf, remove the crust from it, cut it into thin slices and dip each of them in melted butter. A small saucepan is generously greased from the inside with butter and the bottom and sides are lined with slices of bread.

Peel the apples, chop them finely, put them in another pan, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, add a little butter and simmer over high heat, stirring frequently. When the apples become soft, they are transferred to the middle of the pan where the slices of bread are. Slices of bread are also placed on top and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The pan with the charlotte is placed in a heated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Not without Napoleon

The French added custard to the Old English recipe and alternated layers of croutons and fruit. And then Bonaparte came... This great character even made his mark in Charlotte! The fact is that the closest version of the dish to the modern one was invented by the famous culinary specialist Marie-Antoine Carême, who at that time was considered “the chef of kings and the king of chefs.”

In the summer of 1814, he served our victorious Tsar Alexander I (Russian troops entered Paris) a charming cold dessert - charlotte. But! Carème replaced apples in the original French recipe with cold custard Bavarian cream based on cream, pieces of bread with savoiardi cookies and sponge cake, which was prepared from fresh eggs, sugar and fine flour.

Considering the fact that Alexander was raised in the English way, and he was (oddly enough) not spoiled by gourmet cuisine, the emperor was delighted, and Charlotte was renamed Charlotte Russe. Now out of respect for the victors of Bonaparte.

Actually, from this moment a passion for charlotte begins in all cuisines of Europe and North America. In the USA, charlotte appeared as Charlotte russe, but was quickly renamed Charely roosh and recognized as a national American dish. America welcomes not only human immigrants, but also food.

American style apple charlotte

You will need: 250 g. wheat flour, 1 egg, 130 g butter, salt, 5 tbsp. granulated sugar, 800 g sour apples, juice from 1/2 lemon, 2 tbsp. rum, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, zest from 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. starch, whipped cream, 6 scoops of vanilla ice cream

Preparation: Sift the flour, then pour it onto the table in a heap, make a depression at the top, pour the egg yolk into it, add softened butter, salt on the tip of a teaspoon, with a tablespoon. Sahara. Knead the dough until smooth, then cover it with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Peel the apples, cut into large slices, sprinkle with lemon juice and rum. Add cinnamon, lemon zest, 3 tbsp. sugar, starch, mix. Separate about 2/3 of the dough, roll out into a circle, place the rolled out layer in a baking dish, press the dough into the mold, molding the sides, remove excess. Roll out the remaining dough into a circle of smaller diameter. Place the apple filling on the bottom layer of dough and smooth it out. Brush the edges of the bottom layer with lightly beaten egg white, cover with the top layer and glue their edges together. Make decorations from the remaining pieces of dough and glue them to the surface of the pie with egg white. Bake at 170°C for about 50 minutes or until the dough is browned. Serve the charlotte warm, in portions, with whipped cream and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Charlotte's trip around the world

By the way, in Russian culinary publications of the pre- and post-revolutionary period you can find a recipe very similar to the English “Charlotte” called “Babka from white bread with apples.” The recipe is very close to the English original with the difference that the bread is soaked in milk mixed with eggs (as for croutons). English-style babka is served hot, topped with sweet sauce.

The same recipe in restaurant collections of the late 30s is called “Apple Charlotte”. In it, in addition to the fact that pieces of white bread soaked in lezone (milk and eggs) are laid out on the bottom and walls of the mold, the middle is filled with the same pieces, mixed with apple cubes and lemon zest, and the filling is also closed on top. The charlotte is baked for 40-50 minutes at medium temperature, then baked for another 10-15 minutes in the oven with the flame off.

In Europe, charlotte made from apples was and remains the most popular, although the Germans try to introduce currants there, and the Poles try to introduce starch... And we, Russians, also honestly consider charlotte to be ours, our favorite, national food. Pourquoi pas?

Classic charlotte with apples

You will need: Butter - 150 g, Sour cream - 150 g, Sugar - 3/4 cup, Eggs - 4 pcs., Soda, quenched with vinegar - 1 teaspoon, Flour - 1.5 cups, Potato starch - 0.5 glasses, Apples - 2 pcs., Raisins - 100 g., Powdered sugar


Charlotte in French

You will need: large eggs 4 pcs., flour 1 cup (150-200 g), sugar 1 cup, vanilla sugar 1 package, zest of 1 lemon, sour apples(ideally Antonovka) 2-3 pcs., whites of 2 eggs, powdered sugar 2 tbsp. l.

Preparation: Combine eggs with sugar and beat everything into a fluffy, homogeneous mass. Grate the lemon zest and add vanilla sugar put into mass. Add flour, beat. Peel the apples from the seed box and cut into small cubes. Grease a baking dish with butter and add apples. If desired, sprinkle the pan with flour or breadcrumbs. Pour the fragrant batter over the apples. Place the dish with the charlotte in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until done. Separate two whites from the yolks, beat them into a foam along with powdered sugar. Apply tightly beaten egg whites to the surface of the prepared charlotte. Leave for 4-5 minutes hot oven. Remove the charlotte from the oven, let it cool slightly, and remove the springform pan. Transfer the charlotte to a plate, cut into portions and serve with a mug of your favorite drink.

Charlotte in Swedish

You will need: For the dough you will need 125 g butter, 120 g flour, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. For filling: 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 750 g of apples, 60 g of raisins, 0.5 teaspoons of cinnamon, 0.4 liters of heavy cream.

Preparation: Mix flour, butter and sugar thoroughly. Place chopped apples and raisins in a baking dish, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Place dough pieces on top. Bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Ready pie Place on dessert plates and top with whipped cream. You can use vanilla cream instead of whipped cream.

Polish apple charlotte

You will need: Flour (dough) - 4 cups. Baking powder (dough) - 1 tsp., Powdered sugar (dough - 1 cup, filling - 1 cup) - 2 cups. Butter (dough) - 1.5 pack. Egg yolk (dough) - 6 pcs. Sour cream (dough) - 2 tbsp. l.

Apple (filling, sour, cut into slices) - 8 pcs., Water (filling) - 1/4 cup, Cinnamon (filling) - 2 tsp., Potato starch (filling) - 2 tsp., Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l., Rusks (for sprinkling, a few spoons of crackers, powdered sugar)

Preparation: Filling. Apples, sugar Place the powder (sand) in a saucepan, add water and simmer under the lid for about 15 minutes without disturbing. Add potato starch, cinnamon, lemon juice and simmer for another 2 minutes. The mass should be thick, but not boiled. Dough. Sift flour, powdered sugar and baking powder. Cut the butter into small pieces, add to the flour, stir in the yolks, sour cream and knead the dough. Divide the dough into two parts, wrap in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Preheat oven 180°C. Grease the mold or line it with paper. Place one piece of dough on the bottom and bake in the oven for approximately 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with grated breadcrumbs (absorbs excess moisture from the apples), lay out the apples. And post the second part of the test. Press the edges with the tines of a fork. Cool, sprinkle with powder.

Charlotte with apples from Jewish cuisine

You will need: butter - 150 g, sour cream - 150 g, sugar - 3/4 cup, eggs - 4 pcs., soda, quenched with vinegar - 1 teaspoon, flour - 1.5 cups, lartofel starch - 0, 5 cups, apples - 2 pcs., raisins - 100 g, powdered sugar

Preparation: Grind eggs with sugar. Add sour cream, melted butter, slaked soda, sifted flour and starch. Mix thoroughly. Wash the apples, peel them and cut them into cubes. Grease a round pan (24-26 cm) generously with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or flour. Pour in a third of the batter, top with apples and raisins, then cover with the remaining batter. Bake in the oven at 160-180 degrees. Check for doneness with a splinter or wooden skewer. Transfer to a plate. Using a sieve, sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

Irish Charlotte

You will need: 225g flour with baking powder, a pinch of salt, a pinch of cloves, 115g butter, 3-4 apples, 115g sugar, 2 beaten eggs, 50g milk, sugar for sprinkling on top

Preparation: Preheat the oven (190C), grease a 20cm round, tall pan with butter. Sift flour, salt, cloves. Cut the butter into pieces and mix with flour, forming crumbs. Peel and thinly slice the apples, add them to the flour crumbs along with the sugar, and mix gently. Stir in the eggs and add as much milk as needed until the dough is firm enough. Pour the mixture into the mold and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Bread charlotte Milanese style

You will need: 1 kg of apples - peel, core and cut into eighths, 3/4 cup (150 g) sugar, 100 ml dry white wine, 1 tsp. lemon zest, 1/2 cup (75 g) raisins, 50 g butter, 12 large slices of white bread, crusts cut off, 2 1/2 tbsp. Roma (optional)

Preparation: Preheat the oven to 180C. Place the apples, 3/4 of the sugar, lemon zest and wine in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add water to completely cover the mixture. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Place the raisins in a small bowl and cover with water. Let soak for 10 minutes, then drain and set aside. In a small bowl, cream together the butter and remaining sugar until smooth. Use this mixture to coat the edges and bottom of a 2-quart baking dish. Line the edges and bottom of the loaf pan with slices of bread, overlapping slightly. Discard the apples and mix them with the discarded raisins. Spoon fruit mixture into lined pan. Place the remaining bread on top. Sprinkle with remaining sugar. Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour. To serve, turn the pudding out onto a serving plate, pour the rum over the warm pudding and light it with a long match.

Charlotte in Czech

You will need: flour - 200 g, sugar - 200 g, apples - 1 piece, cherries - 100 g, walnut- 100 g, cinnamon, eggs - 4 pcs, baking powder

Preparation: Beat the eggs until foamy, add sugar, flour and baking powder. Add chopped nuts, finely chopped apple and cinnamon, mix everything. Pour the resulting mixture into a greased form, scatter the cherries on top (when the charlotte rises, the cherries will “settle” into the dough and will not color the dough lilac). Place in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 35 minutes. Sprinkle the finished charlotte with powdered sugar.

Charlotte from a colleague on the site, Sergei Mironov

You will need: 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 3 eggs, 3 apples.

Preparation: All in one bowl, beat, stirring with a fork, or a whisk, or a mixer. When the infernal mixture takes the form of liquid creamy sour cream, the first stage is completed. This is 3-5 minutes. Stage two: integration of a mega-additive into the resulting hellish mixture, that is, baking.

One of the meanings of the word is (Efremova’s Dictionary): baking. outdated 1) What is baked sticks during baking. 2) A pie filling or a seasoning for something.

Apple Spas has just passed, so the filling will be apples. About 3 large ones usually go away. You can clean it, you can not - it's up to you. We cut into longitudinal slices or cubes or bricks or spirals. The main thing is not small, but quite solid pieces. Let's connect. I assume that while the dough was whipping, you already rubbed the mold with butter and powdered it with semolina? No? Strange... Well, it’s not scary, you can do it now.

We pour the mega-mixture into the mold, and load it into the same oven where the pot of Brianzorian beef was bubbling yesterday. Medium heat, it usually takes me 14-15 minutes to bake. By this moment the tea has already been poured, the lemon has been cut and all the children have been sent out for a walk, otherwise they will devour everything and won’t leave it))

Traditional charlotte is made from white bread, custard, apples and liqueur. But as time goes by classic recipe was gradually supplemented and altered, and today a lot of charlotte recipes are known - from the simplest and most unpretentious to the complex and sophisticated.

Apple charlotte with cake dough

This recipe uses classic cake batter proportions. The pie turns out quite heavy, but loose. It’s best to cook it when you want hearty apple baked goods.
You will need:
- about half a kilogram of apples without peel;
- 100 g flour;
— 100 g butter;
- 2 eggs;
- 120 g sugar;
- a quarter teaspoon of baking powder;
- salt.

Beat the softened butter well with the sugar. Add the eggs one at a time. Add flour with baking powder, salt, knead the dough. Chop the apples and combine with the dough. Bake on a baking sheet for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to medium temperature.

Apple charlotte on biscuit dough

This sponge cake is very sweet and airy. The proportions of products cannot be changed, because... the composition of the test will be disrupted. You need to beat the eggs at maximum speed so that the protein mass is thick. You need to stir the dough very carefully so that it is airy.

You will need:
- 4 eggs;
— 120 g of powdered sugar;
- 130 g flour;
- 300 g apples.

Grind the yolks with 100 g of sugar. Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar until they form a dense white foam. Gently mix the yolk and protein mixtures. Then stir in the flour using gentle movements. Grease the mold with butter and powder with breadcrumbs, lay the bottom with apple slices and fill with dough on top. Bake for half an hour at 198 degrees.

Apple charlotte on sponge dough with brandy

The secret of this charlotte is the subtle aroma of brandy, which can be replaced with rum, cognac or liqueur. The alcohol will soften the apples and the pie will become fluffy. If you like your apples to remain light, brush them with lemon juice.

You will need:
- a kilogram of apples;
- 3 eggs;
- 160 g flour;
- a glass of sugar;
- a spoon of cinnamon;
- 3 tablespoons of alcohol.

Soak apple slices in a mixture of brandy, lemon juice and cinnamon. Beat eggs with sugar and slowly add flour. Knead the dough. Place the apples in the greased pan and pour the dough on top. Bake the pie for about an hour at 180 degrees.

Apple charlotte with kefir dough

It's lightweight and reliable recipe. The dough comes out dense and has a slightly sour taste, which goes well with the aroma of apples. Sweet apples are more suitable.

You will need:
- half a kilogram of apples;
- 250 g flour;
- 2 eggs;
- 100 g butter;
- 120 g sugar;
- a glass of yogurt or kefir;
- half a teaspoon of baking powder or soda;
- salt.

Grind the sugar with soft butter, add the eggs one at a time, then kefir, flour, baking powder and salt. Place chopped apples into the dough. Transfer the dough into a greased pan and cook for 45 minutes at 195 degrees.

Grandma's charlotte

This is the best autumn-winter dessert, eaten warm. It's dense, a little moist with plenty of filling.

You will need:
— 1−1.5 kg of apples;
- 3 eggs;
- a glass of sugar;
- 0.5 cups flour;
- half a spoon of soda;
- 1 lemon.

Sprinkle chopped apples with lemon juice. Beat sugar with eggs, add remaining ingredients. Mix the dough with the apples. Bake at a temperature of 198 degrees until the crust is crispy, then reduce the heat to 180 and wait another quarter of an hour.

Charlotte with meringue

This old recipe has an interesting taste. The ingredients for it can be found in any refrigerator.

You will need:
- 5 eggs;
- 0.5 sugar;
- 1.5 packets of vanillin;
- 1 spoon of baking powder;
- 4-5 heaped tablespoons of flour;
- 3-4 apples.
For the meringue you need:
- 2 squirrels;
- 4 tablespoons of sugar.

Beat the whites and sugar thoroughly, then add the yolks one at a time. Without ceasing to beat, add flour, baking powder and vanilla. Place part of the dough into the mold, then slices of half the total amount of apples, again the dough and the rest of the apples on top. Bake for 20 minutes at 210 degrees. Then prepare the meringue by whipping the egg whites and sugar until foamy. Remove the pie from the oven, pour in the meringue and place in the oven for another 10-12 minutes.

Apple charlotte on sour cream dough

The dough rises due to well beaten eggs. Oil is only needed to lubricate the pan; you can use vegetable oil instead of butter.

You will need:
- 600 g apples;
- 6 eggs;
- half a glass of sugar;
- a glass of sour cream;
- half a glass of flour;
- cinnamon;
- butter.

Grind the yolks until white with sugar. Add 7 tablespoons of sour cream. Grate 3 apples and mix with flour. Combine with the yolk mixture. Cut the remaining apples into slices and sprinkle them with cinnamon. Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the batter.

Tsvetaevskaya charlotte

A pie baked according to this recipe is closest to the old French recipe. All products for this dessert must be the freshest. The fattier the sour cream, the tastier the charlotte will be.

You will need:
- 150 g butter;
- 1−1.5 cups flour;
- half a glass of sour cream;
- 1.5 spoons of baking powder (baking powder).
To fill you need:
- a glass of sour cream;
- a glass of sugar;
- egg;
- 1 spoon of vanilla sugar;
- 2 tablespoons of flour;
- 4-6 large apples.

Stir in flour, sour cream and melted butter. Knead the dough. Distribute it according to the shape, sculpting low sides with your hands. Cut the apples into thin slices and place them on the surface of the dough. To fill, beat sour cream, sugar, vanillin and egg. Add flour. Distribute the resulting mixture over the apples in the pan. It bakes for about an hour.

Apple charlotte made from white bread

This pie was made back in the 19th century in England. The secret of this dessert is the high fat content of milk, day-old bread and abundant greasing of the mold.

You will need:
- 500 g apples;
- 1 glass of milk;
- 300 g of white bread;
- 1 egg;
- ¾ cup sugar;
- 3 tablespoons of butter;
- 1 lemon.

Cut the bread pulp into slices 1 cm wide. Cut some of the bread into cubes and dry. Beat the egg, milk and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Remove the zest from the lemon and strain the juice. Cut the apples into cubes, pour in lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar. Grease the mold with plenty of oil. Dip the bread slices into the milk-egg mixture and place them on the bottom of the pan so that there are no voids. Small quantity Melt the butter and pour it over the bread cubes, mix with apples and zest. Pour the mixture into the mold. Cover everything with the remaining slices of bread soaked in milk. Bake at 200 degrees for 50 minutes, then leave the pie in the turned off oven for 10 minutes.

Charlotte in Swedish

This is a national Swedish dessert with natural cinnamon, vanilla and cane sugar. Due to this, the charlotte acquires an original aroma.
You will need:
- 4 apples;
- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 spoon of dark brown sugar;
- ½ lemon (juice);
- ¾ cup walnuts;
- 70 g butter;
- 60 g vegetable oil;
- 130 g light brown sugar;
— 1 egg, vanilla pod or vanilla essence;
- half a spoon of baking powder;
- a quarter spoon of salt.
Divide the apples into slices, pour in lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and dark sugar. Place the apples on the bottom of the greased pan. Turn on the oven in advance, the temperature in it should be 190 degrees. Roast the nuts and chop coarsely. Mix melted butter with vegetable oil, add sugar and egg, then vanilla and zest. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into the butter mixture. Add the nuts and knead the dough, which you then place on the apples and cook until golden brown. It's better to eat warm.

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