Why don't they make tangerine juice. Tangerine vitamin juice. How to choose the right tangerines

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Benefits of tangerine juice

For human health, one feature of tangerines is important: they are able to retain vitamins during long-term storage. Mandarin juice contains a very large amount of three vitamins at once. These are vitamins - K, D and C. Moreover, the amount of vitamin C in tangerine juice is greater than in other citrus juices.

That is why it is recommended to drink it for the prevention and even treatment of colds. By the way, with colds, as well as with influenza and SARS, tangerine juice quenches thirst better than other drinks, which is often caused by high temperatures.

Tangerine juice is also indicated for the treatment of respiratory diseases, primarily for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. The healing properties of tangerine juice in relation to these diseases are explained by the presence in the drink of synephrine, a substance belonging to the class of anticongestants. Anticongestants are compounds that have decongestant activity and help clear mucus from the upper respiratory tract.

However, the respiratory system is not the only organ system of the human body subject to the action of tangerine juice. Tangerine juice can have a significant effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Firstly, tangerine juice increases appetite by stimulating the production of gastric juice. Recently, information has also appeared that.

Secondly, tangerine juice contains a significant amount of antimicrobial compounds, thanks to which this drink is used to treat diseases of the digestive system accompanied by intestinal disorders. So tangerine juice is indicated for dysentery. In addition, tangerine juice also has the ability to fight worms, that is, it demonstrates anthelmintic activity.

Another body system that tangerine juice has a positive effect on is the nervous system. Tangerine juice is a good antidepressant. In this case, the active components of the juice that affect the nervous system are essential oils.

Talking about healing properties tangerine juice, it is impossible not to mention that tangerine juice is used not only internally, but also externally. It has already been noted above that the composition of this drink includes a large number of antimicrobial components. Just as these substances decontaminate the intestines affected by a bacterial infection, they also cleanse the skin, helping to fight various inflammatory processes.

In addition to bacteria, tangerine juice also kills pathogenic fungi, primarily ringworm and microsporia pathogens. Tangerine juice is also active against fungi that lead to the development of onychomycosis of nails and skin. That is why it is recommended as one of the components for external use of the general complex treatment of onychomycosis.

Harm of tangerine juice

Like any other food product with high biological activity, tangerine juice should be consumed with caution.

Firstly, like all other citrus juices, tangerine juice is a very strong allergen, and therefore cannot be used by people prone to the development of allergic diseases. In this regard, with particular care, tangerine juice should be given to young children.

Secondly, tangerine juice strongly stimulates the digestive system, and, therefore, is contraindicated in many chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. So tangerine juice should be discarded when:

- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, as well as gastritis;

- colitis;

- enteritis;

- hepatitis;

- cholecystitis.

In view of the fact that many biologically active components of tangerine juice are excreted from the body by the kidneys, this juice is not recommended for people suffering from kidney diseases, such as nephritis.

The correct mode of drinking tangerine juice

The optimal dosage of tangerine juice is about one and a half liters per week. However, this amount of juice should not be consumed in just one day. It is best to drink 200-250 ml of juice daily.

Any. And tangerines too.

More about citrus juices:

Why is there orange juice, but not tangerine? What kind of discrimination based on citrus? If the stores don't want to give me a sweet drink, I'll make it myself. Let me share the recipe with you. And a bonus - a recipe for delicious tangerine tea.

Why is there no tangerine juice?

One of the most popular juices is orange, but among citrus fruits, mandarin is the leader in terms of taste - New Year's, festive, fragrant. Then why don't they make drinks from tangerines? Seems like the demand would be high.

In fact, if you look closely at the shelves of hypermarkets, there is also this. Only it will cost significantly more than familiar brands like Dobrogo, because, most likely, you will come across a foreign product.

And the reasons for the unpopularity of production are banal and simple - low profitability, especially compared to oranges. The small size of tangerines increases labor and time costs for processing, and the amount of waste increases. At the same time, the volume of the resulting drink is significantly lower.

The taste of natural mandarin fresh juice is quite specific: slightly sweet with bitterness.

But the most unpleasant thing is that the vitamin benefit is completely lost during packaging, canning, and storage. Only freshly squeezed tangerines can give away all organic acids, vitamins, and nutrients.

Benefits of Tangerine Juice

Mandarin is a natural antidepressant. The consumption of the fruit itself or a drink from it helps to improve the emotional background, increase appetite, feel cheerful and fresh.

It is this citrus that contains the most vitamin C, it also contains vitamins A, D, E, PP and many others. useful substances, including minerals - potassium, calcium, copper. Sunny tangerines strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, tone up, have antimicrobial and antioxidant effects.

What to do if the product is so useful, but you can’t find it on sale? Make homemade tangerine juice!

How to make tangerine juice?

The main tool for making a freshly squeezed drink is, of course, a juicer.

Peel the fruit, divide into halves or slices - as it fits in the juicer. Helps me with this simple gadget from Aliexpress , which costs literally 5 rubles, and copes with its task by 100%.

Advice: To improve juice yield, pour boiling water over fruits without peel, you can hold it for a couple of minutes in hot water.

Load the slices one by one into the juicer, getting fresh at the exit. Leave the pulp as you wish. Then dilute a little with water, sweeten to your taste.

A healthy, tasty, bright drink is ready in a couple of minutes!

If you like fresh juices with pulp, use a blender:
  • clean the slices
  • remove the bones
  • immerse in a blender
  • mix until smooth.
Add water and sugar to taste.

Ready fresh can be filtered through a fine sieve to get rid of possible large inclusions.

If you only have a meat grinder of all the tools at hand, it will quite successfully replace a blender. Skip the pulp, then strain and add crushed ice. Tangerine juice at home is ready!

Tangerine tea: a step by step recipe

The rich orange fruit juice pairs well with other beverages such as black tea. A simple recipe for tangerine tea will give a lot of positive delicious emotions, and is especially well suited for the cold season.

Would need:

  • 100 ml of tangerine juice;
  • 150-200 ml of water;
  • 1 bag of black tea (or loose leaf tea for 1 serving);
  • 1-2 tsp honey;
  • spices to taste.
Usually cinnamon is chosen from spices, but add cloves, cardamom, star anise to taste. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise unpleasant bitterness will appear.
Advice: take whole spices, then they are easy to remove without straining.

Mandarin has long been valued for its rich vitamin composition and general strengthening effect on the body in winter. The fruits of the plant are used not only in pure form, but also in the form of juices and compotes. As a spicy additive, even the peel of this citrus fruit. Mandarin juice at home can be prepared different ways: in a juicer, blender, using gauze or a regular sieve. But first you need to note what useful properties this fruit has.

The benefits of tangerine juice for the body

Mandarin has a valuable vitamin and mineral composition. Vitamin C in its juice contains more than any other citrus. In addition, the pulp contains phytoncides, and essential oil and carotene were found in the peel. Freshly squeezed tangerine juice is recommended to drink every day in the winter season as a prevention and treatment of colds and viral diseases.

In addition, the beneficial properties of tangerine juice for the body are as follows:

  • alleviates the patient's condition during an exacerbation of asthma and bronchitis, since it contains substances that help remove puffiness and remove mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • increased appetite, effective stimulation of gastric juice production;
  • fight against disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery and worms;
  • soothing effect on the nervous system due to the essential oils contained in the peel;
  • antimicrobial action;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • fight with different types fungi on the skin and nails.

The beneficial properties of the fruit make it possible to use it not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine.

How to make juice from tangerines in a juicer?

The quickest and easiest way to make tangerine juice is to squeeze out the healthy nectar with a juicer. But before proceeding directly to the process of extracting juice, it is necessary to prepare the fruit.

First you need to decide what kind of drink you want to get - sweet or sweet and sour. Clementine tangerines with a thick bright orange peel have a richer taste. The fruits brought from Abkhazia are distinguished by their small size and sweet and sour taste.

To prepare fruits for juicing, they must be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water. The fruits are then cut in half on a cutting board. Then, using a special citrus juicer, tangerine juice is squeezed out of each half. Then it is poured into a glass and used for its intended purpose. But remember that a freshly squeezed drink is considered the most useful, because it contains the largest amount of valuable vitamins and minerals.

How to get juice with a blender?

Delicious juice can also be prepared in a blender. To do this, peeled tangerine into slices is folded into a blender bowl and whipped until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After that, the cooked puree is filtered through a sieve. The result is a very tasty and healthy tangerine juice. If desired, sugar can be added to it or diluted with boiled water.

Tangerine juice can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. You can also boil it with sugar and seal it in glass jars.

How to squeeze juice from tangerines with your hands?

If you don't have a juicer or blender in your kitchen, you can juice tangerines using the tools at hand. There are two such ways to prepare a drink. To do this, you only need gauze or a sieve.

According to the first method, tangerines are peeled, after which the bones are removed from the slices. The peeled fruits are folded into a gauze cut and, holding it over a deep bowl, squeeze out tangerine juice with your hands. The second method involves squeezing the juice with a potato masher and a sieve. The peeled tangerine slices are crushed with the help of the first device and the resulting soft mass is filtered through a sieve. It turns out a very tasty and healthy drink.

Canning juice for the winter

One of the benefits of tangerine juice is that it useful composition persists for a long time. Therefore, this healing drink can be safely preserved for the winter. To do this, you will need: 1 liter of ready-made tangerine juice and the same amount of sugar syrup, as well as sterilized glass jars and lids.

boil thick sugar syrup can be from 600 g of sugar and water in the same volume. When it is ready, tangerine nectar is brought to a boil in a separate saucepan. Then the sugar syrup is poured into the juice, boiled for 15 minutes, poured into clean jars and sealed with lids. Without fail, the drink in cans is subject to sterilization for 20 minutes. Then the jars are turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket.

Harm and contraindications

Mandarin juice has a high biological activity. This does not allow people who are prone to allergic reactions to citrus fruits to use it. M andarine juice is contraindicated in patients with cholecystitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, nephritis. Drinking or juice from them can exacerbate chronic diseases.

People who do not suffer from the above diseases should use this juice with caution. Doctors recommend consuming no more than 250 milliliters of a freshly prepared or canned drink. This amount is sufficient for the prevention of viral and colds during their seasonal exacerbation.

    the tangerine itself is smaller, more expensive, and not readily available. making such juice is not profitable.

    In the markets, under the guise of tangerines, they sell Pakistani mandora, this is a hybrid of tangerine and orange, a very juicy fruit, but a lot of seeds, it’s a pleasure to squeeze juice from it. And it is unprofitable to produce pure tangerine juice for sale, tangerines are rather dry.

    Well, why do you think so? Of course, tangerine juice is on sale, but it can be found on store shelves much less frequently.

    When I was visiting Kazan, I bought Don Simon direct tangerine juice, I won’t say how much it costs:

    We can sometimes find Marrakech tangerine juice on the shelves in stores. But it is quite expensive, a liter bag costs more than 150 rubles. I often meet him in Magnit.

    Most often comes across tangerine juice I, but it is not purely tangerine if you read the composition, there is also orange. It is available in both a cardboard box and a plastic bottle.

    In Soviet times, tangerine juice was sold in three-liter glass jars. The taste is very sharp, not as tasty as orange. And do not compare with the taste of real tangerines. I tried it only once, there was no more desire to taste it again. And now I don't even notice if it's on sale or not. At home, we somehow switched to making compote from our own frozen berries.

    Hello. Who said there is no tangerine juice? My friends went to Abkhazia - so it is sold there at every turn. Moreover, natural and not at a very high price. And if you buy yourself even an inexpensive juicer, you will have the juice you want.

    I suppose the problem is related to the many varieties of tangerines and, accordingly, taste qualities, which in turn have a strong dependence on the degree of maturity. It was unrealistic to get juice on an industrial scale with the same parameters over time. At the present time, with a widely advanced chemical industry, we are solving this issue)))

    The pulp of mandarin is a storehouse of vitamins.

    Mandarin juice is very useful, especially in spring, when our immunity is lowered due to a lack of vitamins. Juice stimulates appetite and improves metabolic processes in the body. But the reason is that all these useful properties are inherent only in freshly squeezed juices. It is not intended for long-term storage because all the vitamins are lost. The cost of this product is quite high, although tangerine and juicy fruit, very little juice is obtained. His taste is quite peculiar, one can say that not everyone will have to the soul. Therefore, they do not mass-produce it, as orange.

    Tangerine juice - juice for everyone. It is available for sale. With a targeted search, you can find it in many stores. But, it is inferior in taste to orange. Therefore, tangerine juice is used in combination with others, the so-called multifruit juice.

tangerine juice is a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink made from ripe tangerines. Needless to say, this juice is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy? Surely, everyone has long known that citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamins. If the juice is freshly squeezed, then all of them from the fruit will go directly into your body.

Today in any store you can find a huge variety of drinks, including juices, which can be bought at a relatively inexpensive price. There are many varieties of them, but tangerine juice is rarely found among them. Even if you find such a drink on store shelves, it will not bring any benefit, since such juice differs only in its rich taste. All useful vitamins from tangerines instantly die when they are in plastic or cardboard packaging. That is why it is much more useful to make tangerine juice at home. We will tell you how to cook it in our article.

How to do at home?

Making tangerine juice at home is quite easy. In addition, you can go beyond tangerines by adding orange, apple, lemon, banana or any other fruit juice to your drink. Improvise if you want to get original and delicious drink made by hand. We invite you to take note of a few simple recipes making real tangerine juice at home.

  • Choose the most ripe tangerines, peel them and remove white layers, as they can cause bitterness in the juice. Then take out the juicer, fill it with peeled tangerines and start extracting juice.
  • The second method is similar to the first, but if you do not have a juicer, you can use gauze, which should be folded in several layers. After placing tangerines in it, start squeezing the juice with your hands.
  • If you want to preserve tangerine juice so that it does not lose all of its useful properties, you need to know this technology of its conservation. To begin, wash and drain the tangerines, carefully remove the zest from them, peel them and squeeze the juice with cheesecloth or a juicer. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan and put on fire, adding pure tangerine zest. You can throw it into the pan whole or grind it - as you like. Do not let the juice boil, just heat it at 70 degrees so that the essential oils from the zest mix with the juice, and leave to cool in a cool place.

Store ready-made homemade tangerine juice in glass bottles in a cool place for no more than two weeks. After this period, the drink will lose its beneficial properties, and its taste and aroma will become less saturated.

You can learn about the beneficial properties of tangerine juice in the next section.

The benefits and harms of tangerine juice

Tangerine juice can do both good and bad depending on whether you have stored or consumed it properly. An expired drink will not cause much harm, but drinking it will not be very pleasant. In addition, it will contribute to indigestion. It is also not recommended to drink tangerine juice for people with allergies to citrus fruits, infants and pregnant women in the long term of pregnancy. With gastritis or stomach ulcers, this drink can cause heartburn.

As for the beneficial properties of tangerine juice, they look like this:

  • The drink is dietary, as it contains almost no calories. It is recommended to drink it to people who are watching their figure and are on a diet, but not on an empty stomach.
  • Asthma and bronchitis can be cured much faster if you combine folk remedies for these diseases with the use of tangerine juice. It contains a large amount of folic acid, which prevents stagnation and swelling of the respiratory tract.
  • Thrush and dysentery are another couple of reasons to drink this citrus drink.
  • You can also drink tangerine juice for general immunity strengthening.

Be sure to check with your doctor for allergies to citrus fruits so that drinking healthy tangerine juice does not harm your body. It is also not recommended to give the drink to infants.

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