Pizza: types, names, topping options, history. The most delicious pizza: five types you should try Varieties of Italian pizza

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If you conduct a survey and start asking residents of different cities about which dish is considered the most popular for quickly satisfying hunger, the majority will definitely name pizza. This flatbread with different fillings has long been loved by both children and adults. Today there are many recipes for making pizza, and its appearance may surprise gourmets with its unusual shape or, for example, black dough. The worldwide love for this dish is due to its versatility. Pizza can be the highlight festive table, a regular snack on the run or a way out of a situation when guests suddenly come home. In recent years, fans of this baked flatbread have been faced with the acute question of choice. After all, it is very difficult to understand which pizza is the most delicious when there are so many cafes and restaurants around that specialize in preparing and serving it. It is especially difficult to decide on the choice of establishment if you live in the capital. Therefore, today we decided to finally find out which pizza is the most delicious in Moscow, and make a rating of cafes where you can fully enjoy its taste and aroma.

Pizza - the most mysterious dish in the history of mankind

Ask people on the streets what the best pizza is and you'll probably hear a ton of names. Among them will definitely be “Margarita”, “Pepperoni”, “Four Seasons” and many other names. Every inhabitant of our planet has his own favorite pizza recipe, and here, as they say, “there are no comrades for taste and color.” But if you ask about the origin of this dish, then almost all respondents will tell you that it appeared in Italy. This unanimity is due to the myth that has become entrenched in people's minds about the poor man's food, which was invented by the Italians. However, in fact, a completely different country should be considered the birthplace of pizza, and it appeared about six thousand years ago. Surprised? If so, then we are ready to tell you the true story of the triumphant march of pizza across the planet.

Historians still cannot name the exact date of the appearance of this dish, but they still believe that its first prototype originated in Ancient Egypt. About six thousand years ago it was invented yeast dough, and the Egyptians began to bake flatbreads, which they then seasoned with cheese, dates and honey. We can say that this was the world's first pizza.

Of course, its appearance was far from modern, but the ancient Greeks corrected this shortcoming. They came up with the idea of ​​posting more on raw dough vegetables, herbs and meat, watering it all generously olive oil and only then put it on an open fire. A similar recipe was popular in Ancient Rome. Moreover, here, noble people enjoyed eating pizza.

Gradually, the method of preparing stuffed flatbread spread throughout the world, but it acquired its familiar appearance and taste in the first quarter of the sixteenth century. During this period of time, tomatoes, which had long been considered inedible and poisonous, came to European countries. However, the Italian poor quickly appreciated their taste and began adding them to pizza. By the seventeenth century, this dish had become extremely popular among the Italian nobility, and specialized cafes were opened everywhere in large cities, serving only flatbread with cheese and vegetables. Pizza spread especially widely in Naples, where several recipes were invented. Around this time, a debate began about which pizza is the most delicious, which continues to this day.

By the nineteenth century, almost every region of Italy had not only its own signature fillings, but also dough recipes. For example, in Naples it turns out crumbly, and in Rome it turns out thin and crispy.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the first pizzeria opened in America, and from that moment on the dish can be considered one of the most popular in the world. Even conservative Japanese enjoy this flatbread, sprinkling it with finely ground tuna powder. In their opinion, this type of pizza is the most delicious. Which one do Muscovites like best? Let's try to understand this issue.

Rating of the most popular pizzerias

For modern city dwellers who are always in a hurry to get somewhere, it is very important that pizza can be ordered and delivered to their location. Therefore, when considering various cafes, we will definitely take this fact into account. After all, in order to enjoy a fragrant slice of pizza, you don’t always want to leave your cozy apartment in the cold and dank Moscow winter. So, what is the most delicious pizza in Moscow with delivery? The rating of establishments is as follows:

  1. Bocconcino.
  2. "At Salvatore's."
  3. Zotman Pizza Pie
  4. Delicatessen.
  5. La Bottega Siciliana.
  6. "Cork".
  7. Pinzeria "Bontempi".
  8. Il Forno.
  9. Babetta cafe.

In general, all of the listed cafes and restaurants are of approximately the same level, but they stand out for their features, which we will tell our readers about. Which pizza is the most delicious? Read and decide for yourself.


This establishment is a chain, so you can get to the pizzeria from different parts of Moscow. Judging by the numerous reviews, this cafe cannot be called cheap, but the dishes are definitely worth it.

Pizza here is cooked on a wood-burning oven, and the chefs are ready to offer more than twenty different recipes. It's nice that they have their own delivery service, which works very well. The cost of pizza starts from 360 rubles.

"At Salvatore's"

This is a real Italian restaurant with the best family traditions. It’s impossible to decide which pizza is the most delicious, because the menu includes 30 different names of pizza. Moreover, all recipes were brought from Italy and are original.

Invented for very young visitors children's menu, and dishes from it are served free of charge to all children under six years of age. The restaurant offers delivery and takeaway packaging.

Zotman Pizza Pie

If you are a fan original recipes, then this is definitely the place for you. Here you can fully enjoy traditional recipes pizzas and the rarest ones, which not even all Italians know about. In addition, the Zotman Pizza Pie chefs have come up with a special children's version of this dish filled with candies and other sweets. What do you think, after such a treat, will your child answer the question “what is the most delicious pizza in Moscow”?

There are also no problems with delivery (customers always leave the most positive reviews about it) in the restaurant. The courier will do it as soon as possible.


This establishment and its types of pizza are called the most non-trivial. And this is not surprising, because nowhere else can you taste pizza with cheese, cranberries and turkey. There are quite a few similar recipes on the Delicatessen menu.

La Bottega Siciliana

It is difficult to call this luxurious establishment a “cafe”. According to all its characteristics, it falls into the category of elite restaurants, which can be seen from its rather high prices.

The pizza here is very tasty, but most of the recipes are traditional. If you want something unusual, then try the chef's fancy filling. Judging by the reviews, this dish is very unusual and is liked by most visitors.


Those visitors who prefer food cooked almost at home should try the pizza at Probka. Here you will find a pleasant atmosphere, friendly waiters and delicious simple food no frills.

Many consider the pizza from this cafe the most delicious in the capital and order it regularly. Customers also point out fast delivery as an advantage of the establishment.

"Pinseria Bontempi"

Those who understand Italian food know that the first pizza had a completely different name. The Italians spoke of the stuffed flatbread as "pinza", and its recipe was a little different from what we know today classic version. It uses a special type of sourdough, which makes the dough very thin and crispy.

This dish has its many fans, who have tried all eighteen pints presented on the menu.


This establishment is located in Gorky Park and is not a pizzeria. However, it is prepared quite decently, so quite a lot of young people come here, tired after walking around the park. In addition, prices at 8oz are the most acceptable for most city residents.

Il Forno

Muscovites recognize Cafe Il Forno as very interesting, but it did not rise higher in our rating due to high prices and some of the features of the establishment. In the main hall there is a huge wood-burning oven, in which the chefs cook.

Interestingly, the Italians themselves, living in the capital, constantly come here for lunch and dinner. For many city residents, this is the most eloquent answer to the question of which pizza is the most delicious in Moscow.

Muscovites often work with delivery from Il Forno, and are satisfied with the speed of the couriers and the cost of the service. The establishment offers more than thirty types of pizza.

Babetta cafe

Moscow residents call this place a “modern canteen.” The menu here always has a lot of simple and inexpensive dishes, but pizza is very popular. Of course, it is not at all similar to the Italian original, but nevertheless very tasty and aromatic.

On average, pizza costs from 250 to 400 rubles.

The most delicious “Margarita”: where can you order it?

Vegetable pizza, named after Queen Margaret of Savoy, is one of the most beloved recipes around the world. However, in every metropolitan establishment it is prepared differently. Therefore, we have compiled another rating of Moscow cafes where they serve the most delicious Margarita, based on the reviews of city residents left on the Internet.

Pizza from Zotman Pizza Pie takes first place in reviews. We have already written about this establishment, so we will not repeat it. But we will definitely give a description of “Margarita”. Muscovites write that the pizza is correct and most similar to the traditional Italian version. The cooks make very tasty and crispy dough, so the dish is eaten whole with pleasure. It’s nice that delivery is carried out within an hour and costs about 250 rubles.

Second place went to “Margherita” from Pizzeria Bontempi. This cafe is also present in our previous rating. The local version of “Margarita” costs 420 rubles and has an oval shape. Some cafe customers write that in Italy family establishments often make just such a pizza. Its distinctive feature is the sweetish taste imparted by tomatoes. The owner of the cafe orders them in his homeland, so the Margarita from Valentino Bontempi is unique.

Third place was shared by “Margaritas” from “Syrovarny” and “Giuseppe’s”. The Syrovarnya cafe has a very convenient location and is famous for its cheeses, which are made right there. However, the pizza was not highly appreciated by Muscovites due to its difference from the original. Many people write that it has too pronounced a creamy taste, which Margarita should not have. However, the pizza itself is very tasty and can claim leadership in another category.

But Giuseppe’s pizza received the most negative customer reviews. Despite the fact that it has a low cost - only 340 rubles, and delivery does not exceed 300 rubles, the local “Margarita” did not impress Muscovites at all. They characterize it as dry and absolutely tasteless. Also, customers at Giuseppe’s often note that the cooks don’t add enough filling, so only the taste of the dough is felt.

Based on everything written and reviews, which is the most delicious pizza“Margarita”, Muscovites have already made up their minds a long time ago. They overwhelmingly vote for the option presented by the Zotman Pizza Pie chefs.

What is the most delicious pizza in St. Petersburg (with delivery): reviews

If you find yourself in the Northern capital and want to try pizza, reviews will help you choose the best establishment. What is the most delicious pizza in St. Petersburg? Judging by the abundance of comments, you need to order it at the Little Italy cafe. It is even located on Italianskaya Street, not to mention the interiors, which evoke thoughts of the sunny Mediterranean.

Residents of the northern capital leave a lot of positive reviews about pizza from Caffe Italia. The filled flatbreads served here are simply gigantic in size, and you will remember their great taste for a long time.

Those who are already familiar not only with pizza, but also with pinza, should go to Goose Goose Bistro. Here you will be offered a wide selection of dishes with the most unusual fillings. Pinza with arugula, truffle cream and speck evokes a lot of delight.

What is the most delicious pizza in the world?

It is quite difficult to answer this question, because every country in the world has its own favorite recipe.

For example, the Japanese are sure that their version is the most delicious and interesting. Their pizza is called "okonomiyaki" and is prepared with the help of customers. They choose their own filling, and the chef prepares the dough and bakes.

In India they say that only their chefs can cook such delicious pizza. Her recipe is significantly different from the classic Italian one, because the dish is prepared in a frying pan from batter. Moreover, a lot of spices and herbs are added to the filling, which turn the pizza into an extremely spicy dish.

What is the most delicious pizza in the world? Probably the one you prepare yourself with love. Therefore, stock up on all the necessary ingredients and please your loved ones with a tasty and aromatic dish.

Pizza has long been an integral part of international culture - perhaps it is extremely difficult to find a corner of the Earth where they do not know what it is (unless, of course, you go to extremes, citing ancient African tribes as an example). The popularity of the dish in question has led to the fact that it is almost impossible to surprise someone with names like “Margherita” or “Neapolitana” - everyone knows what it is and what it is eaten with.

However, let’s still briefly, just for a couple of minutes, dwell on the main types of pizza (just to refresh our memory), and then move on to the most interesting thing - ideas for unusual shaping and serving of familiar food.

So, types of pizza. Depending on the type of dough, classic pizza can be found in two main versions:

In general, everything is clear here without further ado: the first option is crispier and flatter, it reveals the theme of the filling more clearly, and the second has a solid fluffy base that pleases lovers delicious dough. Both types of pizza invariably have many fans, and when this dish is prepared (ordered) big company, try not to forget about either one or the other.

Separately, it is worth mentioning this type of pizza, pizza calzone, are the tomato sauce, cheese, cold cuts and any other ingredients familiar to us all, which are baked not on an open round base, but “hidden” in a “pocket”. To prepare calzones, the same yeast dough is used, which is initially rolled into a round piece. All the necessary filling is laid out on one half, covered with the other half, and the edges are pinched. This pizza takes a little longer to bake, but in the end you get a rather impressive-sized “pie”, inside of which there is stringy cheese, juicy meat, tasty sauce and a bunch of other amenities.

And yet, the bulk of pizzas, which are served in large and small restaurants, cafes and cafés, eateries and catering outlets, in the kitchen at home and in specialized pizzerias, are called, no matter how trite, simply pizza - with one filling or another. True, there are also standard options that are worth remembering when talking about the classification of this common dish.

Famous types of pizza

Unusual types of pizza

Pizza braid

This delicious beauty is based on the famous Pepperoni pizza - spicy, hot sausage and stringy cheese, however, the toppings, of course, can be changed at your own discretion.

Cooking instructions:

Roll out the pizza dough on a work surface into a rectangle measuring approximately 20 x 30 cm. Place the filling in a strip along the long side of the rectangle, leaving about 7 cm of loose dough on both sides. Cut the dough in successive transverse strips on both sides, stopping where the filling begins. Wrap the strips over the filling alternately from one side, then from the other, repeating until you have “braided” the braid along the entire length of the pizza. Sprinkle cheese on top and garnish with pepperoni slices if desired. Bake in the oven like regular pizza until done.

Pizza croissants or pizza bagels

This original way serving portioned pizza, which can be used as a hot appetizer rather than as a main course.

Cooking instructions:

To prepare pizza this way, roll out the dough mixed according to your favorite recipe into a round layer of small diameter, and then cut it into triangular segments (usually 16 pieces). On the wide part of each piece (the base of the triangle), spoon some toppings of your choice (e.g. tomato sauce, olives, pepperoni, mozzarella), then roll the triangles into bagels, starting with the wide part and moving towards the sharp corner. Place the resulting “croissants” on a baking sheet and bake until done. If desired, you can lightly sprinkle hard cheese on top of the bagels.

Pizza rolls

A very fast, convenient and original way to prepare a hot appetizer without putting in almost any effort. This type of pizza shaping is also often called “snails”, apparently because of the way the dough is folded. However, regardless of the name, absolutely charming mini-pizzas come out, and it is simply impossible to resist devouring them in insane quantities.

Cooking instructions:

Roll out pizza dough, store-bought or homemade according to your favorite recipe, into a rectangular layer. Lubricate it tomato sauce, sprinkle evenly with finely chopped meat products. You can add small quantity greens, olives, mushrooms, sweet corn and any other ingredients to taste. Spread the grated cheese on top, then roll the dough along the long side of the rectangle. Remove for half an hour freezer– after this it will be easier for you to cut the roll into pieces. Place the raw “snails” on a baking sheet lined with baking paper or a silicone mat (the cheese will leak onto the metal sheet and, if you do not cover it with parchment or silicone, the pizza will stick thoroughly). Bake until done.

The famous Pizza Cone or pizza cone

This type is popular, perhaps, in all places where pizza is respected and eaten often and with pleasure. Pizza “horns” have gained particular love in places with large crowds of people – entertainment centers, recreation parks, stadiums and other events where people usually walk, walk and enjoy street food: such a snack is convenient to hold in your hands and eat without getting dirty.

They say that the authorship of this invention belongs to the Italian Marco Piva - an artist and architect, he loves pizza and eats it as often as possible. To make it convenient to have a snack on the go, without worrying about stains on a business suit or grease on your hands shaking a partner’s hand, a pizza fan came up with this original way of preparing a popular dish.

Cooking instructions:

In the absence of special baking attachments, it is necessary to prepare in advance the base on which the pizza cone will be baked. To do this, cut out circles from cardboard and baking paper (in equal quantities), cut them in half. We place the parchment on the cardboard and roll each semicircle into a cone, fasten it with a stapler or paperclip (cardboard at the bottom, baking paper at the top). The base is ready.

Chop and grate the ingredients for the filling and mix in one bowl. Ready dough for pizza, roll it into one long and not very thick rope (for convenience - 2, 3, 5 ropes).

We wrap each base cone with a rope of dough in one layer, place it on a baking sheet and bake until almost done. We remove the horns from the cardboard and put them in glasses. Lubricate the inside of each cone with tomato sauce and fill it with filling. Sprinkle additional grated hard cheese on top if desired. Place glasses with horns on a baking sheet, hide the baking sheet in hot oven. We bake pizza at high temperature(200-220 degrees) another 5-10 minutes - the cheese should melt, but be careful not to burn the dough.

Simple pizza ring

A convenient way to form a ring or wreath that does not involve complex manipulations. Just lay it out, just wrap it up, just serve it. And enjoy, of course!

Cooking instructions:

Roll out the finished pizza dough into a rectangular layer and cut into medium-sized squares. Place the resulting blanks on a sheet of parchment paper in a circle, leaving an empty space in the middle. Grease with sauce, spread the filling, sprinkle with cheese. Fold the remaining edges of the dough inward to form a ring. Bake until done, enjoy delicious and beautiful pizza.

Pizza Bite or one bite pizza

This is another very popular type of pizza, designed for portioned and convenient serving. A hot snack for the whole family, a pleasant treat for friends, a convenient snack in nature.

Cooking instructions:

Divide the finished pizza dough into small balls the size of walnut. For a more accurate and beautiful execution, use a kitchen scale - they will help divide the dough into pieces of equal size. Roll each of the resulting pieces into a circle of small diameter with a rolling pin and brush with tomato sauce. Place some filling on the center - mushrooms, ham, olives, onions, herbs, sprinkle with grated cheese. Gather the edges of the round base at one point, pinch thoroughly, forming a ball. Place all the balls in a baking dish tightly together and seam side down. If desired, sprinkle Parmesan or any other hard cheese on top. Cook the pizza in the oven as normal.

Pizza waffles

Strictly speaking, this is no longer pizza at all, however, the idea is so interesting that it is impossible to remain silent. This method of preparing the famous dish will be of interest to owners of electric waffle irons - thanks to a simple kitchen device, the result is incredible. delicious snack: crispy, juicy, unusual.

Cooking instructions:

Roll out the finished pizza dough into a sheet and cut into round pieces using a glass. Grease half of them with tomato sauce, place finely chopped filling in the center, sprinkle with cheese. Cover with the second circle, pressing lightly around the edges. Bake pizza in an electric waffle iron following the instructions for use.

Ideas unusual preparation pizzas are far from limited to the described options. “Pizza on a stick” (like a lollipop or “chupa chups”) is very popular among children; many housewives often resort to “quick” pizza prepared on the basis of a ready-made bun. You can prepare pizza in the form of puff pastry sticks twisted into spirals, you can “play” with cupcake or muffin tins, calling the resulting dish pizza cupcakes. However, the most important thing to understand and adopt is courage in realizing your fantasies. Don’t be afraid to come up with something new, don’t hesitate when thinking about whether you can take a risk and implement your idea. Thanks to people like you, new ideas for an old dish are born.

Pizza is probably one of the most popular Italian dishes. This is not surprising - ease of preparation, high nutritional value and excellent taste make it an excellent dish for a quick snack.

Nowadays pizza is on the menu of almost any cafe or restaurant. And Moscow establishments are no exception. So where in Moscow can you try the most delicious pizza?

1. Papa John's pizzeria chain

Despite the fact that this chain of pizzerias came to us from the USA, Papa John's takes pride of place in our ranking of establishments with the most delicious Italian pizza. Thin or traditional dough, a lot delicious filling and a guaranteed bonus - pickled peppers and garlic sauce in every pizza box!

Papa John's pizza can be ordered in as many as 4 (!) sizes: from small to XXL with a diameter of 40 centimeters. This pizzeria chain also has very convenient delivery and 50 pickup points in Moscow and the Moscow region.

By the way: when you order pizza on the website and pick it up, the pizzeria gives you an additional discount!

The list of pickup points can be found on the official website of the network.

2. Delivery service "Mosgorpizza"

Mosgorpizza does not have a restaurant chain or pick-up points, while the delivery zone covers not only Moscow, but also the immediate Moscow region: Kotelniki, Lyubertsy, Khimki, Krasnogorsk, Reutov. Delivery is made strictly within an hour.

Here you can choose 3 sizes of thin crust pizza: 25, 33 or 45 cm. For true romantics, Mosgorpizza offers exclusive heart-shaped pizza. And instead of everyone’s favorite “4 cheese” pizza, “Mosgorpizza” offers a new product – “5 cheese” pizza! You can also try Arabic pizza with chopped beef, mozzarella cheese, hot pepper jalapeno, Arabic spices and vegetables.

Among the additional bonuses, the pizzeria provides a 15% discount on birthdays, drinks or sushi, and discounts of up to 15% on large orders.

3. Cafe-pizzeria "Academy"

Cozy furnishings with a Mediterranean accent will help you immerse yourself in a warm, homely atmosphere.

Regular guests of the cafe rate the local pizza as “correct,” that is, as close as possible to Italian in taste. The cafe is ideal for friendly meetings, business lunches or spending time with children.

On weekends, families with children gather here: the pizzeria starts a children's entertainment program, and cheerful animators will help keep the kids busy with games or teach them how to cook the restaurant's signature dishes.

The signature dish at the Academy is especially popular - pizza with grilled vegetables and spring sauce.

Addresses you can see the pizzeria cafe.

4. Restaurant "Rukola"

The main slogan of the restaurant: “Italian cuisine for fair money!” And indeed, pizza prices here start from 280 rubles. For example, authentic Italian Neapolitano pizza with bacon and mozzarella cheese costs only 460 rubles.

Here, even a person with a small income can try all the dishes that were previously considered a symbol of a glamorous life. Parma ham with baked pear and honey sauce, risotto with seafood - you can try all this without fear for your wallet. And at the same time everything is very tasty!

At the moment, 4 Arugula restaurants are open in Moscow. The interior is dominated by green color, there are checkered curtains on the windows, and bright accents are placed in the interior, which makes the serving of even the most ordinary pizza soulful.

Restaurant addresses:

  • Arbat street, 19;
  • st. Trade Union, 104;
  • Klimentovsky lane, building 10, building 2;
  • Nikolskaya, 8/1 building 1.

5. Zotman Pizza Pie Restaurant

If you are tired of the same old pizza and want to try something new, then this is the place for you! Have you ever seen a pizza with Nutella, M&M's and cream cheese with berries? What about Brooklyn thick crust pie pizza? It’s very easy to try new things at the Zotman Pizza Pie restaurant!

Potatoes, fennel seeds, pistachios are all traditional pizza toppings at Zotman Pizza Pie. By the way, delicious sauces for the edges of pizza - also an invention of this restaurant.

In summer you can relax on the open veranda, and in winter - under a cozy roof.

Restaurant addresses:

  • B. Nikitskaya, 23/14/9;
  • Marshala Tukhachevsky, 41, building 1;
  • Rublevskoe highway, 42 building 1.

6. Restaurant “Il Forno”

This trendy restaurant positions itself as a restaurant with real Italian pizza, which is cooked in a wood-fired oven (by the way, “il forno” is “oven” in Italian) according to traditional Italian recipes.

The bright interior will help you plunge into the atmosphere of comfort in the very center of Moscow. Here you can try delicious traditional pizza prepared according to the author's concept. It has a lot of toppings, and the pizza is made with a crispy thin crust.

Specialties include pizza with pear and Gorgonzola and pizza with rye dough with arugula, shrimp and cherry tomatoes. The average price of 1 pizza is 700 rubles.

The restaurant offers several bonuses for its clients:

  • 20% discount on the menu on weekdays from 11.00 to 17.00;
  • homemade breakfasts;
  • delivery from 11.00 to 23.00.

Restaurant addresses:

  • st. Neglinnaya, 8/10;
  • st. Ostozhenka, 3/14;
  • Kutuzovsky prospect, 2/1, building 6.

7. Restaurant "Extra Virgin"

The main menu in the restaurant is Mediterranean: charcoal grill, pizza and wood-burning oven, homemade bread, signature wines and cocktails.

The restaurant's menu includes a large number of flour dishes: focaccia, bruschetta, Italian bread with olive oil and, of course, real Italian pizza. Pizza here is served in a single size – 40 cm – and is made with exquisite thin dough. The average price of pizza is quite affordable and is about 650 rubles.

In the “Extra Virgin” restaurant, in addition to the most popular types of pizza, guests are offered to try pizza with roast beef, Kalamata olives and mustard sauce, pizza with caprese, basil and tomatoes, as well as a unique black pizza with seafood! The effect of black dough is achieved due to natural dye obtained from seafood.

Address: st. Pokrovka, 17.

8. Restaurant “La Prima”

This restaurant is famous not only for its excellent pizza, but also for its various musical delights. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings there is live music by the band SLANG. The repertoire includes only foreign hits - in the styles of “disco”, “house”, “Latin”, “pop”, “soul”. Sometimes famous Italian singers perform at the restaurant.

In the menu as hearty breakfasts, as well as dishes for a relaxing dinner in a relaxed atmosphere. Pizza, Italian salads and delicacies, meat and fish dishes, pasta - any guest can try all this.

The restaurant is famous for its exquisite interior, reminiscent of the classic style of imperial times. The effect of liveliness is created by small trees in tubs placed throughout the restaurant.

The assortment of pizza in this restaurant is quite wide; it is served on thin dough with a substantial amount of toppings. The signature pizza “La Prima” is stuffed with smoked duck breast, chicken fillet, quail eggs and tomato sauce with herbs. The average price of a pizza is 700 rubles.

By the way: the restaurant is open 24 hours a day, which is very convenient for guests with a busy pace of life.

Address: st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka building 32 building 1

8. Pizzeria “Bocconcino”

The origins of this pizzeria are in the Italian Forte dei Marmi, a popular resort town. This is where everyone's favorite pizzeria exists, with a Mediterranean atmosphere and authentic homemade food, attracting both tourists and the sophisticated local crowd.

Mikhail Gokhner, owner of the Bocconcino pizzeria in Moscow, decided to become a worthy successor to the traditions of the Italian establishment. Original designer interior and homemade Italian cuisine with delicious pizza!

An important advantage of pizzeria “Bocconcino” is real Italian ingredients: parma ham, mozzarella, gorgonzola, scamorza, stracchino, pecorrino cheeses, etc. This is where guests can try pizza with real black truffles and truffle oil.

The pizzeria's pricing policy is quite affordable. The average price of a pizza is 600 rubles, while the cheapest pizza (pizza with champignons) costs 380 rubles, and the most expensive (pizza with truffles) costs 1,100 rubles.

The pizzeria also provides delivery services.

Addresses :

  • Leninsky Prospekt, 109, shopping center "RIO", 3rd floor;
  • Strastnoy Boulevard, 7;
  • Novoslobodskaya street, 24;
  • Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 48, shopping center “Vremena Goda”, 2nd floor.

9. Pesto Cafe

Pesto Cafe position themselves as affordable family restaurants serving homemade Italian cuisine. At the same time, prices in this establishment are affordable for the vast majority of guests.

The cafe recreates the pleasant atmosphere of an Italian cafe, the interior is dominated by a soothing green color, and porcelain plates and paintings hang on the walls with authentic checkered wallpaper. From the very beginning, the cafe has set itself a high standard for the quality of service and menu - and strictly adheres to this standard.

The cafe menu was developed by Italian chef Andrei Dipino. Italian products are used in the kitchen, and Dipino inherited recipes from his grandmother and father. All ingredients for pizza (dough, sauces) and other dishes are prepared in the restaurant itself and are stored for only 24 hours. No semi-finished or frozen foods – that’s the motto of Pesto Cafe.

All pizza in the establishment is prepared on thin dough and has delicious toppings. They also serve rare Italian pizza “Tonno Chipolla” with mozzarella cheese, red onion and tuna at a very affordable price of 370 rubles.

The average price of pizza at Pesto Cafe is only 400 rubles. If you wish, you can order pizza delivered to your home.


  • Zatsepsky Val, 2;
  • Mira Avenue, 74;
  • st. Skhodnenskaya, 56, shopping center "Kaleidoscope";
  • Pyatnitskaya st., 29/8.

As you can see, Moscow is rich in establishments with delicious Italian food: both famous and intimate, both expensive and affordable. And we are confident that in the future you will be able to successfully add new establishments to our selection!

The favorite dish of young people is pizza. In European countries, hot flatbread is considered fast food, and Italians are ready to eat cheese products for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For the period Since the existence of the dish, many cooking options have appeared.

Find out what unusual types of pizza there are.

Origin of the dish

First recipe prototype classic pizza was recorded at the beginning of our century by the culinary specialist Marcus Gavius ​​Apicius. The filling was placed on the flatbread, sprinkled with cheese.

In the 16th century, tomatoes brought from the New World were used for cooking, and at the end of the 18th century, a piece was sold on the streets of European cities for 20 cents.

Until the 17th century, such food was intended for commoners. At the end of the 19th century, pizza was recognized royal dish Italy.

The famous “Margarita” is named after the Queen of Savoy of the same name. After this, pizza began to gain popularity.

The most popular names and types of pizza

The restaurants offer a varied menu of Italian cuisine. The dish differs in the method of preparation, the variety of fillings and the form of serving.

The main ingredients that are invariably present in the recipe are dough, tomatoes, cheese.

The most famous types:

  1. Margarita. Preparing them three ingredients: dough, tomato paste, cheese. Basil and oregano are added for flavor.
  2. Vegetarian. Good choice for people who do not eat meat and are on a diet.
  3. Hunting. A men's dish, stuffed with various types of sausage and meat.
  4. Hawaiian. An amazing combination of meat ingredients and fruits. A popular set is with chicken and pineapples.
  5. Dessert. Mini cake designed like a pizza.

Important! For sweet types, classic dough is used.

Varieties of Italian pizza

True pizza fans have tried all types in local cafes and restaurants. Check out the new flavors. Real Italian pizza is prepared on a very thin dough with a variety of with different fillings.

Advice! If you are undecided on which variety to choose, order the “4 pizzas” type, where each slice has a different topping.

Delicious dough prepared by an Italian chef will delight even the most picky people.

In order not to waste time studying the menu and know right away what you want to order and try, study the table:

Name Compound
Margarita Dough with tomato base, covered with mozzarella cheese
Napoletana Combination of anchovies with tomato paste and cheese
Veronese Mushroom flatbread
In Apulian Onion pizza with olives, tomatoes and cheese
Capricious A dish with boiled eggs, ham and mushrooms. Olives and artichokes are added as additional ingredients
Marinara A seafood dish usually filled with anchovies.
Four seasons Sector pizza, conventionally divided into 4 parts, on which different toppings are placed
Four cheeses “Very cheesy” dish, which includes parmesan, ricotta, gorgonzola and mozzarella
Sicily An unusual combination of seafood, peas and eggs
With tuna Seafood and fish dish

Advice! For dough lovers, try a calzone - a closed type of pizza with a second layer of flatbread on top.

Spend your leisure time tasting all of the listed types. Compare the tastes of the dish and the cooking methods of different chefs.

Try on a kitchen apron yourself. Knowing a few culinary secrets at home Italian dish It will turn out no worse than a professional.

Cooking recipes

You can cook pizza in a frying pan without much effort.

This type is called lazy:

  1. For this mix 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise with the same amount of sour cream, add 1 raw egg, baking powder and 10 tablespoons of flour.
  2. Mixture transfer to a frying pan and heat over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Prepare during this time any filling from sausage or meat, cheese.
  4. On the floor Spread the finished layer with mayonnaise, tomato paste, spread the filling, sprinkle generously with cheese. Add dried basil and spices for flavor.

Important! For Italian recipe be sure to use dried basil and oregano.

Real Italian pizza requires more time and effort. Not every housewife can cope with preparing the dough.

You will need a small set of products:

  • Flour.
  • Yeast.
  • Water.
  • Sugar, salt.
  • Olive oil.
  • Products for filling.
  1. The secret of success- in the test. Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add a spoonful of sugar and flour. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes in a warm place.
  2. Fill up air cap with flour, add salt and 2 tablespoons vegetable oil. Knead into a stiff dough and leave to rise in a warm place.
  3. Important! Use deep dishes, keep in mind that the mass will increase 2-3 times. Cover the pan with a towel to prevent the dough from overheating.
  4. Knead the mass can be 2 times. Roll out a thin layer, spare no flour. Take the circle in your hands, the dough turns out very flexible and does not tear.
  5. Sprinkle mold with flour, spread the sauce on the flatbread, place the filling and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Advice! If you're afraid of fiddling with yeast, buy ready-made dough at the supermarket.

Prepare a fluffy pizza on a regular one butter dough- you will get a delicious homemade pie. On a puff base you get an airy dinner. Delight your loved ones with new dishes!

Unusual types of molding and feeding methods

Dishes should be not only tasty, but also appetizing. The speed at which the pizza is eaten depends on the serving.

Experiment with the shapes, cut out the cake like a heart for Valentine's Day, like a star for February 23rd.

Use this cheat sheet for unusual serving ideas:

  1. Make pizza in a pan in the form of pancakes.
  2. Prepare the calzone in the form of a braid or wreath.
  3. Bake French croissants with Italian filling.
  4. Use a waffle iron to prepare the dough.
  5. Prepare a pizza roll that resembles sushi.

Useful video

Do you like to eat delicious food? Then pizza is an ideal option, especially since it will not be difficult to make it at home.

In addition, pizza is one of the most versatile dishes: a variety of pizza sizes, shapes, toppings and cooking methods guarantee that everyone will find something to their taste.

Even without knowing the original recipes, you can prepare a hearty pizza for the whole family, because you can add almost any ingredient that you can find in the refrigerator. But if you want to surprise your loved ones, prepare this dish using one of the best recipes.

We will not only tell you how we came up with some types of pizza, but also show you a list of names and recipes with photos of simple and delicious pizzas.

The most delicious pizzas: recipes with photos

Which pizzas were included in the rating?

The most popular pizzas in Russia are made not only on the basis meat products and cheese. Such dishes may include sea ​​ingredients, vegetables and even fruits. In addition, different types of pizza use different sauces and dressings to achieve a delicious taste.

We suggest that you don’t look for what types of pizzas there are, but immediately familiarize yourself with the names of the most delicious pizzas included in the TOP 10:

  • “Four Seasons” pizza with ingredients representing each season;
  • Hawaiian pizza with pineapples;
  • Italian “Capriciosa” with champignons;
  • Calzone - closed type;
  • Neapolitan style pizza with anchovies;
  • seafood pizza;
  • cheese pizza;
  • spicy pizza "Diabola";
  • pizza according to a Sicilian recipe with salami and mushrooms;
  • Margarita with tomato sauce and cheese.

Advice: The recipes for the most delicious pizzas can always be supplemented with your own ingredients.

So, we have found out a list of pizza names that are considered the best according to Russian reviews.

Let's figure out what cooking features made these dishes the best in their segment.

Pizza “4 seasons”

Why do both adults and children like this pizza so much? The main secret is that it combines four different recipes. At the end of the 19th century, when this pizza was first prepared, olive oil and brewer's yeast were added to the dough. But this dish was baked in a Pompeian oven, unlike modern recipes.

Today it is considered one of the largest pizzas and combines the following ingredients:

  • the first part is “spring” - artichokes and olives;
  • “summer” pizza zone – salami and pepper;
  • third quarter of pizza - “autumn” tomatoes and mozzarella;
  • winter zone - with mushrooms as the main component.

If you wish, you can make this pizza rectangular. Add olive oil to all ingredients and bake at 230 degrees for fifteen minutes.

Hawaiian pizza

If you are looking for the most delicious pizza, then the Hawaiian recipe will definitely be included in this list. This type of pizza was popular in Canada, the USA, Europe and even Australia. In Russia it is only gaining popularity.

Where does Hawaiian style pizza come from? It was first prepared in Australia by a local teacher in 1973. Since then, the recipe has been modified, the name has also changed, but it is the first option that is considered one of the most successful and is not in vain included in the TOP.

By the way, preparing this dish is very simple. The dough is topped with sauce, grated cheese, bacon slices, and chopped onion and pineapple. Set the oven to 250 degrees - and wait until the pizza is covered with a golden crust.


We present to you another recipe for good pizza. The name hints to us who invented this type of pizza. Capricciosa was prepared in Italy, and today they even produce cosmetics with its scent!

This is considered to be one of the best pizza recipes. What does it contain? In addition to the sauce, champignons, garlic, cherry tomatoes, ham, olives, Ricotta and Parmesan are added to the dough.

Attention! Often this recipe is supplemented with meat and fish ingredients, as well as corn, artichokes and other products.

Types of pizza: names with photos

Add some olive oil. To add some spice, you can lightly sprinkle the pizza with pepper. Cook for twenty minutes at 250 degrees and served with herbs.


You may have already seen this dish, but didn’t know what a closed pizza is called. So, the name of the closed pizza is Calzone (which translates as “an envelope with filling”). In Italy she has a middle name - Panzerotto. The dough with additives is folded in half and placed in the oven exactly in this form.

Initially, ham, mushrooms, mozzarella, ricotta, oregano and parmesan were added to the Calzone. And this dish was prepared in a frying pan. Today you can add cheese, herbs, ham, and pepper to pizza.

It is important to make the dough thin, but not brittle, and carefully fold it into the desired shape so that the ingredients do not fall out during the cooking process. By the way, this TOP 10 pizza takes only 10 minutes to bake.

Types of pizza: photo with description

Delicious Neapolitan pizza

One of the best pizzas in the world is prepared according to the Neapolitan recipe. But these people are very sensitive to any ideas for pizza, so you are unlikely to be able to find and cook it yourself according to the true recipe. To protect the recipe, the local minister of agriculture, Alfonso Pecoraro Scaño, even legalized this dish.

But, nevertheless, we can prepare something similar. What is included in homemade Neapolitan pizza? These are anchovies, tomatoes, parmesan, mozzarella, oregano and garlic. Traditional TOP pizza toppings. A little effort and delicious dish ready!

Types of pizza - recipes with photos

Pizza with seafood additives

When studying the names and recipes of types of pizza, you cannot lose sight of the recipe with seafood. What do these types of pizzas come with? Yes, with anything: shrimp, squid, crab sticks, small fish and other ingredients. It is the seafood that will give such a dish a special sophistication.

Now in more detail about its features. Standard size pizza covered garlic sauce with the addition of pepper and olive oil. You can add lemon or its juice to seafood and let it soak in sourness. Thyme is added to some pizza options.

Complete the dish with black olives or olives, as well as grated cheese. And put the pizza in the oven: baking at 250°C is enough for eight minutes.

Pizza "4 cheese"

In the ranking of pizzas, cheese ranks high. For lovers of this product, the recipe “4 cheeses” is best way enjoy a variety of tastes. Pizza circle and hot cheese different types: What could be better? In Italy, this dish is no less popular than traditional dishes with meat and fish additives.

The name of the type of pizza is Quatro formaggi. The composition includes only dough and delicate cheeses. So all you have to decide is what kind of pizza cheese to use.

We suggest sticking to Italian taste traditions - and focusing on varieties such as Fontina, Mozzarella, Dor Blue and Parmesan. TO the best cheese for pizza, add oregano and basil, as well as olive oil, which will soak the ingredients.

This beautiful pizza takes about 15 minutes to prepare in an oven preheated to 230 degrees.

The most beautiful pizza, photo

Spicy "Diabola" or "Pepperoni"

The TOP pizza also includes a spicy pizza – Diabola. Why pizza is called that is clear from its composition. In Calabria (south of Naples), where the recipe for excellent spicy pizza was first invented, salami and pepper were added to the dough.

Description of pizza for homemade: dough similar to Neapolitan pizza, spicy sausage, parmesan and mozzarella, chili pepper, champignons, sauce to your taste and olive oil.

The pizza is baked for about eight minutes and served cooled with basil.

Sicilian pizza

Another popular name Italian pizza- Sicilian. Here, pizza is common as a traditional street food and is sold throughout the year, regardless of seasonal preferences. One of the many names of the dish according to the Sicilian recipe is San Giovanni.

By the way, both in Sicily and abroad it often has a square rather than a round shape.
Those who have ever used the Sicilian recipe or tried this dish in restaurants will say with confidence that this is the most delicious pizza in the world. In our ranking she took an honorable second place.

What do they add to pizza? Three products must be present in the composition. These are anchovies, Pecorino cheese and maximum tomatoes. For a more refined taste, you can use nutritious additives such as onions, mushrooms, salami, olives or black olives. Greens are traditionally used as spices: basil, oregano or cardamom.

Pizza - best recipes with photo

One of the differences between this pizza and the others included in the rating is that it is lush and soft dough. You shouldn’t roll it out into a thin “pancake”: let it brew with the yeast to get the most nutritious dish possible. This pizza is baked for about half an hour at 220 degrees.

Important! Be sure to check how well the dough is baked inside.

Margherita is the leader among the best pizzas

The most popular pizza in the world - Margherita - will turn out delicious even at home. But, we must admit, this dish did not always top thematic ratings.

For a long time, Margarita was not popular, especially among the wealthy population, since the dough was kneaded with feet. Only over time, the nobleman Gennaro Spadaccini ordered that the cook be provided with a special whisk for kneading. And to make pizza easier to eat, they came up with a four-pronged fork.

The best pizza got its name in honor of Margherita of Savoy: at the celebration of her birthday, the dish was an incredible success. After this, Margherita pizza fell in love with all royal representatives.

By the way, the recipe for such a dish is officially standardized in the Denominazione di Origine Controllata. The dough is brushed with tomato sauce made from San Marzano tomatoes. Next, the pizza base is baked in the oven for ten minutes.

After removing from the oven, cover the pizza with mozzarella and drizzle with olive oil. Additionally, sea salt and basil leaves are used.

It remains to bake the pizza for a few more minutes so that the cheese melts slightly. As you can see, a very simple recipe.

Knowing the recipes for different pizzas - simple, quick, tasty - you can please your family and friends with goodies every day.

You are convinced that most dishes of this type are prepared simply and quickly. And, most importantly, for delicious pizza on the table there is no need to buy expensive products if you have something suitable in your refrigerator.

Spend a few minutes cutting and preparing the dough (if it's not made with yeast), pop it in the oven, and voila! A delicious snack is ready.


Watch the video on how to make the most delicious pizza at home - top 5 recipes with different toppings and bases:

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