Panna cotta - step by step recipes for making vanilla, strawberry, chocolate or banana with a photo. Panna cotta recipe How to make milk panna cotta

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Panna cotta according to the classic recipe is an Italian dessert consisting of cream, gelatin, sugar and vanilla (or vanilla sugar). This chilled treat is perfect for hot weather when you want to indulge in something sweet while avoiding pastries. However, even on winter days, you should not deny yourself this delicious dessert. We will complement the classic panna cotta recipe with a simple strawberry sauce, thereby giving the dessert dish not only a spectacular look, but also a refreshing taste.

Ingredients per 2 servings:

  • cream 20% - 350 ml;
  • sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla (optional) - 1 pod;
  • powdered gelatin - 7 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons (more possible);
  • strawberries (fresh or frozen) - 150 g

  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan, pour in granulated sugar, the portion of which can be varied according to personal taste. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise with a knife blade, extract all the seeds and add them to the creamy mass. The pod itself is also laid in a saucepan. Thanks to natural vanilla, our dessert will be saturated with a very pleasant appetizing aroma.
  2. Place the saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Bring the mixture almost to a boil, but do not boil. Remove the vanilla bean from the pan, strain the creamy mass if desired.
  3. Cool the cream until warm, and then add the gelatin and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into clear glasses or other containers. We remove the glasses on the shelf of the refrigerator until the panna cotta is completely solidified (this will take several hours - the exact time depends on the quality of the gelatin used). If you need to cook panna cotta in a short time, instead of the refrigerator, you can place the dessert in the freezer for 10-20 minutes. But in this case, do not forget to periodically check the readiness, otherwise the panna cotta will simply freeze.
  4. To serve dessert, we will make an elementary berry sauce. To do this, mix fresh or defrosted strawberries with sweet powder and turn into a homogeneous “mashed potatoes” in a blender bowl or simply grind through a sieve. If the berry is very sour, increase the dosage of powdered sugar. If desired, you can replace strawberries with another berry, you can also use fruit, chocolate or coconut chips for decoration.
  5. We spread a layer of berry sauce on a frozen panna cotta, if desired, supplement with mint leaves and serve!

Panna cotta with strawberries is ready! Bon Appetit!


A classic dessert made from cream with milk, a real vanilla pod, sugar and gelatin.

Most often, panna cotta is served with fruit puree or berry sauce. To do this, it is enough to puree your favorite fruits or berries with or without sugar and, if desired, grind through a sieve. Determine the amount of ingredients to your taste.

Using a classic recipe and experimenting with additives, you can create different desserts every time.


  • 10–12 g of sheet gelatin;
  • 100–150 ml of water;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 500 g cream with a fat content of 33-35%;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 60-90 g sugar or powdered sugar.


Pour gelatin with cold water and leave for the time indicated on the package. As a rule, it swells in 5-10 minutes.

Cut the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the seeds with the back of a knife. Pour cream and milk into a saucepan, add sugar or powdered sugar, as well as seeds and the vanilla pod itself.

Place the saucepan over medium heat. While stirring with a whisk, bring the mixture to the first bubbles and immediately remove from the stove. Remove the vanilla pod from the mixture. Can be strained through a sieve to get rid of the black vanilla seeds.

Let the mixture cool slightly and squeeze out the gelatin. Add it to the mass and mix thoroughly until smooth. Do not shake the mass too much, otherwise bubbles will appear and the dessert will not be uniform.

Pour the mass into silicone molds, glasses or bowls. Refrigerate for 4-5 hours until completely set.

YouTube channel Cooking Studio by Umme

You can simply pour jelly on panna cotta, or you can give the dessert an unusual shape. Feel free to replace strawberries with any other berries.


  • 16 g of powdered gelatin;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 250 g cream with a fat content of 33–35%;
  • 160 g of sugar;
  • 250 g thick yogurt, such as Greek;
  • 300 g strawberries;
  • ½ lemon.


Pour 8 g of gelatin into different containers and pour 50 ml of cold water into each. Mix and leave to swell for 10 minutes.

Cut the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the seeds with the back of a knife. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the vanilla seeds and pod, and half the sugar.

Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles appear, immediately remove the mass from the stove. Remove the pod and - if desired - strain the mixture through a sieve.

Add 8 g of swollen gelatin and mix thoroughly until smooth. Put the yogurt and punch the mass with a blender.

Place the panna cotta glasses at an angle. You can insert them into cupcake liners at an angle. Or carefully put in a baking dish, propping the glasses with a towel and leaning them against the walls. The main thing is that the glasses do not fall.

Fill the glasses halfway with the creamy mass and refrigerate for 4-5 hours until completely solidified.

Put strawberries, remaining sugar, finely grated zest and lemon juice into a saucepan. Place over medium heat and bring almost to a boil.

Punch the berries with a blender, combine with the second part of the gelatin and beat again. Cool the mass and pour it into glasses with frozen panna cotta. You can add it also at an angle or put the glasses straight.

Put the dessert in the refrigerator for another 4-5 hours so that the jelly freezes.

YouTube channel Home Cooking Adventure

The delicious taste and aroma of this dessert will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • 5 g of powdered gelatin;
  • 30 ml of water;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • 240 g dark chocolate.


Pour gelatin with cold water and leave to swell for 10 minutes. In a saucepan, combine milk and 200 g of cream, add sugar and salt and put on medium heat.

Bring the mass to the first bubbles and remove from the stove. Add vanilla extract and half of the broken chocolate and stir until smooth.

Add gelatin and mix thoroughly again. It must completely dissolve. Divide the mass into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 4-5 hours.

Pour 160 g of cream into the remaining broken chocolate. Put the container on the steam bath and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Serve panna cotta with chilled sauce.


Coffee lovers will definitely appreciate this dessert.


  • 1½ tablespoons of instant coffee;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • 10 g of powdered gelatin;
  • 360 g cream with a fat content of 33–35%;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.


Dissolve coffee in 60 ml of hot water. Dissolve the gelatin with the remaining cold water and leave to swell.

Pour cream into a saucepan and add sugar. Place over moderate heat and stir until sand dissolves. When the first bubbles appear, remove the cream from the heat.

Add coffee and gelatin and mix thoroughly. Pour in the vanilla extract and stir again.

Pour the mass into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 4-5 hours until completely solidified.

BuonaPappa YouTube channel

Agar-agar is a vegetable analogue of gelatin. Such a panna cotta does not differ from the traditional one in taste, except that the structure is slightly denser.


  • 500 g cream with a fat content of 33-35%;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of agar-agar;
  • 1 vanilla pod.


Pour cream into a saucepan, add sugar, agar-agar, seeds and vanilla pod. Place over medium heat and, stirring, bring the mixture almost to a boil.

As soon as the first bubbles appear, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook, stirring, for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the vanilla pod and - if desired - strain the mixture through a sieve.

Pour the mixture into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 1 hour.

YouTube channel "Vegetarian and Lenten cuisine of Elena | Good Recipes»

You can enjoy a delicious dessert even if you do not eat animal products at all.


  • 400 ml coconut milk with a fat content of 17-19%;
  • 120 g of dark chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of agar-agar;
  • 200 ml of water.


Heat the milk in a saucepan to 70-80°C without boiling. Break the chocolate, pour in half of the milk and mix thoroughly until the bar is dissolved.

Put the remaining milk back on the fire, add sugar and agar-agar and mix thoroughly. Pour in the water and bring the mixture to a boil.

Remove from heat and immediately stir in chocolate mixture. Pour into silicone molds, glasses or bowls and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Very gentle delicious dessert- Pannacotta. Easy to cook at home: with fruits or berries!

This is an amazing dessert that can be served with fresh fruit, chocolate, or your favorite syrup.

  • Cream - 500 milliliters
  • Sugar - 100-150 Grams
  • Vanillin - 1 Pinch
  • Gelatin - 2 Art. spoons
  • Water - 90 milliliters

First of all, pour gelatin with cold water and set aside to swell.

Mix cream, sugar and vanilla in one container and bring to a boil. Pour the already swollen gelatin with the cream mixture.

Stir until gelatin dissolves, then pour into molds and refrigerate for 2 hours to set.

Carefully remove from molds. Dessert is served chilled. You can decorate it with a mint leaf and chocolate chips. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2: Homemade Panna Cota with Strawberry Sauce (Step by Step Photos)

  • milk cream 32% - 200 gr
  • gelatin - 2-4 gr
  • vanilla - 1 pod
  • sugar - 50 gr
  • sugar - 50 gr
  • strawberries - 100 gr
  • lemon (juice) - 1 pc.

Soak gelatin sheets in cold water for ten minutes.

Pour the cream into a saucepan. Add sugar, vanilla, mix. Boil.

Squeeze out the swollen gelatin well.

Remove cream from heat, add gelatin and stir with a whisk.

Pour into molds, cool and refrigerate.

Prepare berry sauce: beat strawberries, vanilla, sugar and lemon juice in a blender.

To easily remove the finished dessert, the mold must be lowered into hot water for a few seconds.

Decorate the panna cotta with berries and a mint leaf.

To sprinkle powdered sugar and drizzle with berry sauce.

Recipe 3: classic strawberry panna cotta at home

  • Cream 42% - 400 ml;
  • Milk 3.2% - 100 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 100 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • Gelatin - 10 g;
  • Water - 100 g;
  • Fresh (frozen) strawberries - 250 g;
  • Sugar sand - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Open a bag of gelatin, pour into a deep plate and pour 100 g of water. Let it swell for the time indicated on the package. When the gelatin swells, heat in a water bath until completely dissolved. If this is not done, then there is a danger that, after adding to the cream, the lumps will not dissolve, and a homogeneous mass will not be obtained.

Pour cream and milk into a saucepan. We put on fire and warm up, but do not bring to a boil. Add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar to the creamy milk mixture. We mix everything well.

Mix well.

Cool the resulting mixture. Stir again to make sure the mixture is homogeneous. Pour into wide glasses, leaving room for the sauce and berries. Put the glasses in the refrigerator or in the cold for 2–2.5 hours to set.

Let's move on to making the sauce. To do this, cut the strawberries (leave 3 berries for decoration) and put in a blender, pour sugar, beat.

We take out glasses from the refrigerator and pour the resulting syrup on top of the cream. Place one strawberry in the middle. Fragrant, tender panna cotta is ready.

Recipe 4: Italian panna cotta with nuts (with photo step by step)

  • cream 33% - 400 milliliters,
  • sugar - 30 grams,
  • vanilla powder - 2 grams,
  • instant gelatin - 15 grams,
  • cinnamon - 1 stick,
  • hazelnuts - 5 pieces,
  • butter- 50 grams,
  • cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • powdered sugar - 30 grams.

The cream is heated, sugar is added to the pan. Stir cream until sugar dissolves.

Cinnamon stick, vanilla are thrown into the pan. The cream is simmered for 10 minutes over low heat. The mass acquires a light cream shade, is saturated with the aroma of spices and becomes thicker.

Boil 50 milliliters of water, dissolve gelatin in it. Gelatin grains dissolve easily in hot water with normal stirring.

The pan with cream is removed from the stove, the cinnamon stick is taken out. Hot cream is mixed with "gelatin water". Gelatin is poured in a thin stream and thoroughly stirred so that solid clots do not appear in the tender panna cotta.

Hazelnut kernels are slightly dried, divided into halves, added to panna cotta.

Coffee cups are rinsed with cold water, then filled to the brim with panna cotta. When the cream has cooled, the cups are placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. During this time, panna cotta will gel.

Softened butter is combined with powdered sugar and cocoa powder. It turns out a beautiful chocolate mass. For flavoring, you can add a few drops of cognac. Chocolate butter is laid out in miniature molds in the form of roses. Forms are placed in the freezer for 2 hours.

Ready panna cotta easily slips out of the mold if you turn the cup on a flat plate. If the panna cotta “does not want” to get out of the mold, the cup is immersed in hot water for a couple of seconds.

Panna cotta is placed on coffee saucers, decorated with frozen chocolate roses. As alternative decor options, you can use any fresh berries, chocolate chips.

Recipe 5: coffee panna cotta with chocolate at home

  • 500 ml cream 18-20%
  • 2 tsp instant coffee
  • 80 ml water
  • 50 g sugar
  • 15 g gelatin
  • 100 g chocolate

Dilute gelatin according to the instructions on the package.

2 tsp pour 80 ml of boiling water over instant coffee and stir well. If there is no instant coffee, you can brew 80 ml of ground coffee.

Combine cream with sugar and heat over medium heat.

When the cream is already hot, add the broken chocolate bar and, stirring with a whisk, bring to a boil and completely dissolve the chocolate.

Remove cream from heat, add coffee and gelatin, stir until completely dissolved.

Fill molds and refrigerate until completely set.

Before removing the panna cotta from the molds, dip the pan for a few seconds in hot water and then invert onto a plate.

Decorate with nuts or chocolate chips, serve! Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6, simple: homemade panna cotta in molds (with photo)

Panna cotta can be cooked with cream alone (20%), or with a mixture of heavy cream and milk (up to 1:1), but the more cream, the tastier.

A fatter but tastier option:

  • 250 gr cream (from 33% and above, homemade)
  • 150 gr milk

or lower calorie option:

  • 200 gr cream (from 33%)
  • 200 gr milk
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 1.5 teaspoons of agar-agar

Mix milk, cream, sugar (including vanilla) and agar-agar in a saucepan.

Put on fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Turn off the fire.

Pour the hot mixture into molds (or bowls). It is best to use silicone (put the whole form on a tray so that you can easily transfer it to the refrigerator later). I have molds in the form of hearts with a bulge inside.

When the spilled mixture has cooled to room temperature, transfer the molds to the refrigerator and leave there for 1-2 hours.

When the panna cotta has hardened, transfer it to a plate.

Pour berry sauce on top, for example, from thawed strawberries grated with sugar, or jam syrup.

Recipe 7: banana panna cotta with cherries at home

This recipe for panna cotta involves the use of banana and cherries, at home it turns out very tasty!

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • egg yolks - 3 pieces;
  • 1 banana;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of gelatin;
  • 2 grams of vanillin;
  • cherries (or other berries) for garnish

Separate the yolks from the whites.

Beat the yolks with sugar until foamy.

Gelatin is diluted with hot boiled water, left to swell.

Pour the beaten egg yolks into milk at room temperature (the milk must first be boiled and cooled), do it very carefully, stir.

Bring this mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. The mixture will gradually thicken. Remove from heat as soon as bubbles appear, otherwise the milk will curdle.

We add the prepared gelatin to the milk-egg cream (only before that it needs to be cooled a little). Mix thoroughly so that the gelatin "glue" dissolves well.

Cut banana into small pieces.

Put the sliced ​​banana in a bowl.

Pour prepared panna cotta, leave in the cold for 2-4 hours.

When the panna cotta hardens, it can be served at the table. To do this, you need to lower the mold for a couple of seconds in hot water (but do not wet the panna cotta itself), and then turn it over onto a dish.


To make panna cotta you will need:

milk (any fat content) - 500 ml;

vanilla extract - 1 tsp (you can replace 1 tsp vanilla sugar);

white chocolate - 50 g;

gelatin - 15 g;

warm water - 2 tbsp. l. (to dissolve gelatin);

strawberry puree - 3 tbsp. l.

For decoration on a plate:

strawberry puree - 3 tbsp. l.;

fresh strawberries - to taste.

Cooking steps

When the milk is hot, add white chocolate (in pieces) and strawberry puree to it. Stir all the time until the chocolate melts. In this recipe, I used strawberry puree made in the summer. In winter, it is often necessary when preparing various desserts.

Dissolve gelatin in advance in 2 tablespoons of warm water, let it swell (15 minutes), then stir until it is completely dissolved.

Add the dissolved gelatin to the hot milk, stirring all the time, and without bringing to a boil, turn off the heat.

Pour the resulting milk mixture into molds. Take the filled molds to a cold place. It is better to do this at night, because. the required time for solidification (approximately 6 hours).

When serving, it is necessary to overturn the mold and thus pull out the panna cotta. It is convenient to do this by substituting a form for 1 minute under hot water. Pour the sauce onto a plate and place the finished panna cotta directly on the sauce. You can decorate according to your taste.

Happy tea!

Delicate and delicious dessert of cream, sugar and vanilla was born in northern Italy, in the Piedmont region. This culinary masterpiece has a very beautiful name - panna cotta, which in Italian means " boiled cream". If you have tried real Italian panna cotta, you will never forget its taste. This is a real culinary shock and a celebration of life! However, it is unlikely that anyone will be happy with the prospect of constantly traveling to Italy for this dessert, so the only way to enjoy a creamy delicacy is to learn how to cook panna cotta at home. . It's much easier than it looks!

How to cook panna cotta away from Italy

Unfortunately, in Russia they rarely know how to cook the right panna cotta, and most often it turns out to look like rubber jelly. The Italian dessert is very soft, delicate, it is more like a cream pudding or ice cream, with a velvety surface on the cut. If the cut is even and smooth, this is not panna cotta, but still jelly.

This delicacy is made from cream, milk, sugar, vanilla and gelatin. Cream with sugar and vanilla is heated over low heat and boiled for about 15 minutes. After that, gelatin is added to the mass and the mixture is poured into molds, and then served on dessert plates. Panna cotta is eaten with fruit, chocolate or caramel sauce, decorating the dessert with spices, berries or pieces of fruit.

The classic panna cotta has White color, but some confectioners create real multi-colored and multi-layered masterpieces that are even a pity to taste.

French blancmange and German Bavarian cream are very similar to panna cotta. In the cuisines of different nations, you will find a variety of delicacies that will remind you of a dessert from Piedmont.

Choosing products for panna cotta

Experienced Italian chefs advise using sheet gelatin and natural vanilla in pods, while the pods should not be dry, but soft and moist. Do not take vanillin powder or sticks for panna cotta. Carefully cut open the pod and carefully scrape the seeds from both halves with a knife. Some gourmets argue that if there is no natural vanilla, it is better not to put anything into the cream at all, so as not to spoil the taste. But you can argue with them. In the end, even with vanilla extract or sugar, you get a very decent dessert.

The best cream for this dish is Parmalat from 33% fat. They always beat well and behave predictably in cooking. However, replacing them will not work even with very fat milk - the result will not be the same! But instead of milk, you can take any other delicious liquids, such as juices and syrups, the taste will not be worse from this. But never make panna cotta with homemade cream, because when heated, it turns into pure fat.

Italian panna cotta secrets

If you do not have vanilla, feel free to throw fragrant green tea, lavender, chamomile, mint and any fragrant herbs into cream or milk. On vanilla, the world did not converge like a wedge! Cognac, chocolate and coffee add piquancy to this dessert, but if you replace sugar with stevia and gelatin with agar-agar, you get dietary sweetness. Homemade panna cotta recipes also include cornstarch, which gives the dessert a thick texture.

Some confectioners soak gelatin in ice water to maximize its gelling properties. When using powdered gelatin, you need a little more water for soaking than for sheet gelatin. The most important thing is that after boiling the cream has time to cool down to about 82-85 ° C, otherwise the panna cotta will not harden. You should evenly stir the swollen gelatin in the cream until completely dissolved and do not beat so that the dessert does not lose its tenderness and softness. Sometimes housewives filter the mixture to remove undissolved gelatin crumbs.

How to make panna cotta at home

This is a classic panna cotta recipe, and by following it, you can be sure that the dessert will always turn out.

Soak 8 g of gelatin in a small amount of ice water and let it swell - this usually takes about 3-4 minutes. If you are using powdered gelatin, pour 6 times the weight of water into it, i.e. 48 g. In this case, the proportions are important, since you will have to use the gelatin directly with the liquid.

Take 250 g of 35% fat cream, 125 g of 3-5% fat milk and 40-60 g of sugar. Add lime juice and zest for flavor and aroma. If you are used to cooking by eye, remember a simple rule - each next product is taken in proportions 2 times less than the previous one. Pour the cream and milk into a saucepan, add the sugar, toss the seeds and vanilla bean halves into the cream and milk, and then heat the saucepan over low heat. Bring milk and cream to a boil and strain.

Now remove the gelatin from the water, squeeze it well and place it in the cream that has slightly cooled to 85 ° C. Pour powdered gelatin with water. Stir the mass well with a whisk, without beating, let it cool slightly and pour into silicone molds or porcelain bowls. Put them in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. Dip the mold for a second in boiling water and carefully turn it over onto a beautiful plate. If you cook panna cotta in bowls, you can serve dessert directly in them.

Chocolate panna cotta: it doesn't taste better!

If you are a chocolate addict, you will love this delicious dessert. Chocolate panna cotta is able to cheer up even in moments of apathy and sadness. Try it - and see for yourself!

Bring 250 g of fat milk to a boil in a saucepan, cool slightly and pour 250 g of 33% fat cream into warm milk.

Soak 14 g of instant gelatin in 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature and leave for 7 minutes.

Melt 90 g of dark chocolate in a water bath and pour it over dairy products, add 90 g of sugar and a pinch of vanilla sugar to the mass for a pleasant aroma.

And now pour the dissolved gelatin into the creamy chocolate mass, put the saucepan on a slow fire and, stirring, wait for the gelatin to dissolve. Never bring the mixture to a boil!

Pour the appetizing mass into bowls and cool in the refrigerator. Decorate the dessert with fresh raspberries and mint leaves. It turns out beautifully, elegantly and, most importantly, delicious!

Diet panna cotta: the waist is safe!

Do you know how to cook a panna cotta that won't harm your figure? Many women who are on a diet are hesitant to prepare this dessert because of the high fat content of the cream. Especially for those who lose weight, a dietary panna cotta recipe was created, which instead of cream includes egg yolks and corn starch, and instead of sugar, stevia. You will have to cook a little longer, but the result is worth it.

Fill with water at room temperature 2 tsp. agar-agar for about half an hour. Beat 6 yolks and mix them with 600 ml of 0.5% fat milk, add 4 drops of stevia, 2 drops of vanilla extract and 4 tsp. corn starch.

Beat the mass with a mixer at a slow speed, then place it on water bath and heat until thickened. The cream should boil a little, after all, it uses raw yolks. Also bring agar-agar to a boil and cook it for a minute. Pour the agar-agar into the milk cream and beat again with a mixer, pour the dessert into molds and refrigerate.

Decorate low-calorie panna cotta with fresh strawberries and enjoy life!

Panna cotta with coffee for morning vigor

Coffee desserts are great for breakfast, because they not only help to cheer up, but also raise our vitality. Pour 15 g of gelatin with water in the ratios indicated on the package, brew 2 tsp. instant coffee 80 ml of boiling water or brew 80 ml of coffee in a Turk.

Mix 500 ml of heavy cream 33-35% and 50 g of sugar, heat them over low heat, when the cream becomes warm, throw in a bar of chocolate broken into pieces. While stirring with a whisk, bring the cream to a boil, and the chocolate until completely dissolved.

Remove the saucepan from the heat, pour in the coffee and gelatin, mix well, pour into the molds and refrigerate.

As soon as the dessert has completely hardened, remove it from the molds and put it on plates, decorating them with chocolate.

Mango panna cotta: a tropical paradise

And now we will be transported to the tropics and enjoy the summer with a touch of juicy and fragrant mango. Mix 350 ml of 33% fat cream and 250 ml of full fat milk, add 90 g of sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar and a piece of lemon zest 2 cm long. Put the mixture on the fire and pour 10 g of gelatin a small amount water according to package directions.

While the milk and cream are heating, peel the mango, cut it into pieces and puree it with a blender. Divide the milk mixture into two equal parts, do not forget to stir it. Once the mixture comes to a boil, remove the lemon zest and add the mango puree to one half. Boil the mixture for 2-3 minutes, then pour the gelatin into the milk and stir until it is completely dissolved. In this recipe, be sure to strain the milk-mango mixture so that there are no fruit and gelatin pieces left - this way the dessert will turn out to be more uniform and tender.

Pour the milk-mango mixture into bowls or molds, tilting them at an angle. Cool in the refrigerator for 4 hours. When the dessert hardens, pour the milk panna cotta into molds and leave to harden. Decorate the panna cotta right in the bowls with mango slices, for showiness, add a leaf of green mint.

The calorie content of panna cotta is 298 calories per 100 g of dessert. This is not much, so all slimming sweet teeth can cook panna cotta from time to time and try it without feeling like strangers at the celebration of life. As a last resort, you have diet recipe, which will fit into a low-calorie diet. Especially good for losing weight panna cotta with strawberries , raspberries or blackberries, although any fruit and nuts are combined with this dessert. Do you have favorite and proven panna cotta recipes with photos? Share your delicious discoveries with the readers of our site!

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