Vegetable saute. Vegetable satay How to properly prepare vegetable sauté

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Many people have more than once encountered the fact that any dish made from meat, fish or even potatoes is too heavy, or they simply don’t want it. But on the contrary, I want something light, so that it doesn’t affect my figure (especially important for girls), and the food gives me a feeling of lightness and not discomfort. The proposed option would be like good snack, so an independent dish that will be simply pleasant to put on a piece of Borodino bread and eat.

Products for vegetable satay

  • Onions – 2 heads.
  • Carrots – 1-2 pieces.
  • Eggplants – 3-4 pieces.
  • Bell pepper – 3 pieces (medium size).
  • Zucchini – 1-2 pcs. You can omit them, strictly to taste, or replace them with squash.
  • Tomatoes – 3-4 pieces.
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves.
  • Salt, sugar, vegetable oil.

Step-by-step method for preparing vegetable satay

  1. Pour a little oil into a large frying pan with high sides and place it on the fire. While it is heating up, finely chop the onion and throw it in. Mix thoroughly and leave to fry.

  2. Meanwhile, chop the carrots finely and add them to the onions. Again, mix well. The heat is medium, so as not to burn, but the ingredients are fried and not stewed.

  3. Meanwhile cut the eggplant into cubes. Not so small, but not so big that they “ask to be put in your mouth.” We’ll also put them in the frying pan and mix them in the same way, adding more vegetable oil (the eggplants will absorb it very quickly). Let them fry without a lid.

  4. Meanwhile, chop the zucchini. Also not large or small, and feel free to put it in the frying pan.

  5. Now cover with a lid and grab the pepper yourself. Did you cut it? Add to the frying pan and mix well.

  6. Then add salt, sugar and squeezed or finely chopped garlic. The vegetables will release their juice, and then they will no longer be fried, but stewed.

  7. Meanwhile, tomatoes (you can take “not the first freshness”, as long as they are juicy), cut in half, cut out the green core

  8. and grate them directly into the frying pan so that the skin remains in your hands. Stirred? Covered with a lid? Has the fire been reduced to low? Now mix well and simmer and evaporate for another fifteen to twenty minutes.

  9. That's it. It’s up to you to decide whether to eat it now or place the hot dish in jars, cover it with tin lids, and leave it for the winter.

  10. But the smell is incomparable and very soon you will want to repeat the experiment. The only thing is that this dish tastes better when it’s cooled, or even out of the refrigerator. But waiting for this is too painful.

So you found out how to cook satay. The recipe for this dish is terribly simple, and its taste depends not only on the ingredients included in its composition, but also on the order in which the products are added. Although it is very simple, and the time for sequential frying is very easy to calculate. First, wash and clean all the ingredients, and then cut and place in a frying pan. While cutting the next one, fry the previous ones. And so, you will cook everything perfectly. Bon appetit.

Among vegetable dishes, there are many other very interesting recipes. You can already find many of them on the pages of my culinary website.

Saute- a dish made from vegetables, which is cooked over high heat in a frying pan with a thick bottom or a saucepan. You tell me, yes, these are ordinary stewed vegetables... No - the sauté is fried quickly, with frequent stirring and shaking of the pan (saucepan). So we can make it delicious vegetable dish, which retains all the vitamins and benefits to the maximum. I'll cook vegetable sauté not as usual in a slow cooker, but on the stove in a thick-walled frying pan. In this version of the saute we will get a tasty, fried and very bright and beautiful.

You will need:

  • Eggplants - 3-4 pcs.
  • Sweet bell pepper - 3-4 pcs.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - for frying vegetables.

How to cook vegetable sauté in a frying pan:

We clean the vegetables, wash them thoroughly and start cutting them. I simply cut the eggplants and zucchini into thin rings, and chop the peppers and onions as desired. Place the frying pan on the stove, add oil and increase the heat to maximum.

Add vegetables to the heated vegetable oil and begin to fry them, stirring thoroughly.

Then add chopped carrots and garlic. We continue to fry. Salt vegetables to taste.

After about 5-7 minutes, add chopped tomatoes to the vegetables. I don’t remove the skin, but if you want, you can boil the tomatoes with boiling water and the skin will come off perfectly. Now all that remains is to bring the sauté to readiness. For this we will need about another 5-10 minutes.

If you wish, you can cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer the vegetables a little. I don't do this, I like my vegetables well fried.

That's all - the vegetable sauté is ready - and now we rush to put it on plates and serve it to our family as an independent dish or as a side dish or appetizer. This can be done both hot and cold. Sauté is a great addition to a wonderful dinner. I am treating all my friends to this plate of vegetable sauté - good luck!

To prepare sautéed vegetables, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Eggplants should be cut into convenient slices, salted and left for 30 minutes.

Cut the carrots into strips and the onion into half rings.

Remove seeds from bell peppers and cut into strips. Finely chop the hot pepper.

Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, add onions and carrots and simmer a little. Squeeze excess moisture from eggplants and add to pan. Stir and fry for 5 minutes. Then cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Add Bulgarian and hot peppers. Continue to simmer covered for 5 minutes.

Peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes. Add tomatoes to the pan, also add sugar and salt to taste. Simmer for another 5 minutes.

Add finely chopped garlic and parsley to the vegetables, stir. Leave the vegetable sauté to brew.

It is recommended to refrigerate the cooled vegetable sauté for 2 hours and then consume it, but we usually eat right away. If I’m preparing a large portion, I put some of it in the refrigerator and then eat it cold. Very tasty sauté, I recommend it!

Bon appetit!

In the classical sense, a saute is a dish prepared using a special technology, which consists of preliminary short-term frying of the products included in the recipe. To prevent them from burning, the contents of the pan must be shaken periodically. Just shake it, not turn it over with a spatula or fork. This is the secret - it is believed that this way the surface of the products will not be damaged, and they will retain all the juice. By the way, “saute” translated from French means jump (jump), i.e. By shaking the pan, the vegetables seem to bounce on it. Hand on heart, we can say that few people fry them according to all the rules, but the name “sauté” is firmly attached to the dish.

Sautéed eggplant - general principles and cooking methods

To prepare sauteed eggplant, you will need a stewing pan with a thick bottom so that the vegetables do not burn (or a cast iron casserole) and a frying pan for frying the vegetables. It’s even better if you find a special saucepan with a long handle and high sides, this is for those who want to feel like a real cook and begin tossing vegetables in a frying pan with deft movements so that they don’t burn.

Sautéed eggplant - food preparation

The main ingredients for sautéed eggplant are bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and the eggplants themselves. Alternatively, carrots can be added. Spices and herbs include garlic and parsley. Some recipes add black peppercorns or ground, sugar and bay leaf.

For sauteing, eggplants are cut coarsely - into pieces or circles, the remaining vegetables are most often finely chopped into noodles or half rings.

Eggplant sauté - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Eggplant sauté “Favorite”

Preparing this dish is not difficult; even a novice housewife can handle it. And the result will delight your household and allow you to diversify your usual menu. There is no need to peel eggplants and tomatoes. The carrots can be cut into thin strips, so they will look more beautiful in the dish. But if there is no time or special desire, you can simply grate it coarsely, the taste will not become worse.

Ingredients: 4 medium eggplants, 2 pcs. carrots and bell pepper, one head onions, greens - parsley and dill, 4 cloves of garlic and 4 tomatoes, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Cut the eggplants crosswise into 0.5-0.8 cm slices, add salt and pepper, set aside for half an hour to let out the juice (get rid of bitterness).

Coarsely chop the tomatoes into cubes, chop the onion and pepper into thin half rings, coarsely grate the carrots.

Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the vegetables, adding them one by one - first onions, then peppers, carrots and, lastly, tomatoes. Add salt to the vegetable mass and simmer a little until soft.

Rinse the eggplants with water, squeeze well and fry until lightly browned on both sides. Then put them in a saucepan, cover with fried vegetables on top, sprinkle with chopped herbs and garlic. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, covered. At the end of cooking, if necessary, add salt to taste. Stir the finished sauté and serve immediately. This dish is delicious in any form: cold, hot or warm.

Recipe 2: Eggplant sauté “Aromatic”

The magical aroma emanating from this dish during the cooking process tantalizingly tickles the nostrils, and the hand reaches for the spoon to scoop it out of the pan one more time, and more, supposedly “for testing.” Therefore, it is better not to cook sauté on an empty stomach.

In this recipe, the carrots are cut into circles, but it is not forbidden to cut them smaller, for example, into strips (for those who do not like coarsely chopped stewed carrots).

Ingredients: 2 pieces each of large eggplants, bell peppers and onions, 1 large carrot, 1 head of garlic, a bunch of parsley, 3 ripe red large tomatoes, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, salt. For those who like it spicy, you can add half a pod of small hot pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the eggplants (with peel) into 0.7-1.0 cm circles, sprinkle with salt or put in salted water (2 heaped tablespoons/1 liter of water) for half an hour to remove bitterness.

Cut the onion into small rings, fry in oil and transfer to a saucepan for stewing. The rest of the vegetables will be placed there in layers. Each layer is lightly salted. Chop the carrots into thin circles (cut into slices across the carrots), fry and place on the onion.

Place thinly sliced ​​noodles (half rings) on top sweet pepper. Those who like it spicy can add hot pepper. Chop the garlic into thin slices (lengthwise or crosswise), and sprinkle along with chopped parsley on top of the pepper (1/3 of the total mass).

The next layer is eggplant. They must first be washed in water to remove salt, squeezed out and fried until golden brown. Sprinkle garlic and parsley on top.

To make it easier to remove the skin, the tomatoes must be scalded with boiling water. Clear. Cut into slices or circles, cover them with a layer of eggplants. Sprinkle the remaining herbs and garlic on top and cover the pan with a lid.

Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and, reducing the heat to low, simmer with the lid closed for about 50 minutes without stirring the layers. At the end of cooking, taste for salt and add ground pepper. The finished saute, laid out on plates, is sprinkled with fresh herbs. Served cold or hot.

Recipe 3: Eggplant sauté “In a hurry”

The peculiarity of this recipe is that the chopped vegetables are not fried, but placed in layers in a pan in their raw form. This is a bit of a departure from classic version preparing a sauté, in which the ingredients must be pre-fried. But why not give this recipe a chance, especially when you want to cook a delicious and quick meal.

Ingredients: 4-5 tomatoes, 2 eggplants, onions and bell peppers, 4-5 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt and pepper to taste, half a glass of vegetable oil, parsley.

Cooking method:

Cut the eggplants and tomatoes together with the peel into 0.5-0.8 cm circles (if the vegetables are large in diameter, the circle can also be cut into 2 halves), onions and peppers into half rings. It is advisable to take eggplants young so that you do not have to soak them first.

Place vegetables in rows in a pan, lightly adding layers - onions, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes. Repeat again. The last layer should be tomatoes. Sprinkle sugar, chopped herbs and garlic, ground pepper and oil on top. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 40 minutes.

This recipe for eggplant satay with photo is the most delicious. And although there are many varieties and variations, I make it very, very often. After all, it is prepared from ordinary products in a minimum of time, and you use very simple utensils. However, judge for yourself, my recipe for homemade eggplant satay with step by step photos below.

Preparation time: No
Cooking time: Less than an hour
Total time: Hour
Exit: 5-7 servings minimum

Ingredients for eggplant satay

  • Eggplants – 600 grams
  • Zucchini – 250…300 grams
  • Bell pepper – 150 grams
  • Tomatoes – 300…350 grams
  • One large onion
  • Two medium carrots
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • head of garlic
  • A teaspoon of salt and the same amount of sugar

How to cook eggplant satay

But even before you get to the first vegetable that goes in the eggplant satay, pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and put it on the fire to heat up.

Peel the onion, chop finely, and place in a frying pan.

We peel the carrots, cut off the tail and nose, and chop them as finely as the onions, but under no circumstances chop them even coarse grater. This way the carrots will release juice and then, instead of frying, we will end up with a carcass of the components, and this will greatly affect the final taste of the eggplant satay. Place it in the frying pan with the onions and stir.

There is no exact time for how long to fry which vegetable, so follow the simple rule of the three “Ps”: peel, cut, put.

Wash the eggplants, also cut off the nose and tail, and cut them, but larger. Place in a frying pan and fry in the same way, uncovered, over medium heat.

We clean the bell pepper from the stalk, seeds and white soft veins. Chop coarsely and add to other vegetable satay ingredients. Usually in bell pepper there is a lot of moisture, so the frying pan will screech a lot.

Zucchini is similar to eggplant, only this vegetable is much more tender, which is why we fry it last. And so, nothing new: wash it, cut off all the excess, chop it coarsely, and put it in a frying pan. Now all the ingredients for the eggplant satay are fried together.

We clean the head of garlic and crush it with a press directly into the frying pan. Add salt, sugar, and cut the tomatoes in half and three so that the outer thick film remains in our hands, and the juice with pulp, so necessary for the carcass, ends up in the pan.

Stir, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to low and simmer for another 15...20 minutes.

That's all the wisdom, the vegetable satay, the recipe for which we just brought to life, is ready. Bon appetit.

So it’s not at all difficult to prepare, and you’ve just seen it for yourself. And it’s delicious both hot and room temperature, and even from the refrigerator, so the same eggplant satay from the photo is worth cooking at least once. Which won't be the last for most of us.

And one last thing. 100 grams of the dish contains:

Fat – 2.5 grams;

Proteins – 1.0 grams;

Carbohydrates – 7.9 grams;

The calorie content of the dish is 60 kilocalories.

Not much, not even enough for something like this delicious dish, so eat it for your health.

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