Open a workshop for the production of sauerkraut. Business in the production of sauerkraut. What documents are required to create a business?

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Sauerkraut is not only a favorite dish and an excellent source of vitamins, but also a great idea for small businesses. This low-cost and profitable business is based on an original recipe and high-quality raw materials.

This business idea, in our opinion, is most relevant for residents of the private sector, when they have their own utility rooms for organizing production, storing raw materials and finished products.

We chop cabbage all year round!

There are a sufficient number of recipes that allow you to prepare cabbage snacks and earn good money from it almost all year round. It’s worth clarifying right away that by this business we mean production sauerkraut in large quantities with established distribution channels. Otherwise, it will not be a business, but work for the sake of work.

The most difficult thing in this business, as in many other areas, will not be solving organizational issues, not finding suppliers, or even production details, but establishing distribution channels.

Equipment for pickling cabbage

Today on the market there are fully ready-to-use industrial cabbage sauerkraut lines that allow you to produce natural product high quality according to GOST requirements with high taste and consumer properties.

Sauerkraut is usually fermented in PVC containers with heat-shrinkable liners with a capacity of about 17 kg and the use of a starter culture of pure lactic acid bacteria.

Highly qualified operating personnel are not required, since all main production processes are mechanized and automated. Such lines allow the production of several product formulations and packaging in disposable containers for subsequent sale. The productivity of such a line is 2-4 tons of finished product per day.

The production line includes: a machine for cutting stalks, an apparatus for shredding cabbage, a machine for slicing carrots, a machine for sprinkling salt, an elevator for feeding the product into a barrel, and a barrel tipper.

Who should the produced sauerkraut be sold to?

There are several options: sell ready-made sauerkraut through small stores, establish connections with retail chains - supermarkets and hypermarkets, sell products in bulk to vegetable warehouses.

In the first option, it will be very difficult to sell a large number of products, and the costs associated with delivery will be very expensive. The option with a vegetable base is more suitable in this sense, but the price here will not be as high as we would like.

Optimal output - agreement with retail chains, but to get onto the shelf of a chain store, you need to produce truly competitive products.

Attachments: from 120,000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

Vegetable garden lovers and owners of personal plots can easily build a business in the production of sauerkraut, because selling this vegetable in canned form is much more profitable. And the shelf life is longer.

Business concept

Making sauerkraut is a relatively simple process that does not require many ingredients. The main thing is to choose high-quality vegetables of the right varieties. In addition to growing cabbage, the main raw material, as well as carrots in your own garden, you can consider the option of renting an entire field, which will ensure industrial scale.

The obvious advantages of such a business are low cost, which allows you to increase profits, year-round demand for the product among consumers, as well as the opportunity to expand the range by including various additives in the recipe.

It is important to remember that the issue of organizing sales, in particular determining distribution channels, must be thought out and resolved in advance, at the business planning stage. Options that can be considered are such methods as market trade, sales at fairs, sales via the Internet (it is possible to create your own online store or an agreement with existing ones), selling the product in bulk, going to chain stores, using small vegetable stalls. And this is not a complete list of possible ways to solve this problem.

What will be required for implementation?

The very first point in the process of implementing a business idea is planning, that is, drawing up a business plan. To do this, you will need to conduct a market analysis in the area of ​​interest, identify demand and available supply, study competitors, suppliers of raw materials, and also identify equipment that provides the greatest productivity. It is mandatory to include in the plan the projected amounts of expenses and income, information about sources of financing, prospects for development and expansion of the business.

You should immediately decide where the raw materials for production will be purchased. Using homegrown cabbage is perhaps the most profitable option. However, this means combining two types of business - growing vegetables and processing them, which may not always be within the capabilities of a novice entrepreneur. Therefore, if you focus on the raw material processing business, you need to look for a supplier with competitive prices.

You will need a room to work. Of course, it is possible to start production at home in the kitchen, but in this case it is unlikely to reach serious production volumes. Subsequently, you will need a suitable area to organize a small workshop. The area sufficient for placement is from 20 to 30 square meters. To ensure compliance with SES standards, the premises must have water supply and sewerage.

Do not forget about the need to officially register a business. It is possible to organize an individual entrepreneur or LLC. However, in most cases, individual entrepreneur status is chosen for this type of activity. The registration procedure is quite simple. To do this, a standard set of documents with a receipt for payment of the state duty is submitted to the tax office.

The equipment necessary for the work will include: tables, containers for fermenting cabbage (enamel vessels or wooden barrels), knives or an electric vegetable cutter. Using an electric vegetable cutter will significantly improve your productivity.

During the process, the question of packaging the finished product necessarily arises. It can be packaged in plastic bags or plastic containers (this option is very common), equipped with labels. If an entrepreneur intends to independently organize the process, then a specialized packaging line will be needed. It doesn't have to be new. It is possible to purchase used equipment in good condition, which will allow you to save significantly.

One or two employees per shift will be enough to work. Issues such as establishing sales, general management of the process, and even delivery of products at the initial stage can be dealt with by the entrepreneur himself.

Step-by-step launch instructions

The stages of launching a business project for the production of sauerkraut will include the following:

  1. Drawing up a business plan.
  2. IP registration.
  3. Finding and renting premises that comply with SES standards, carrying out repairs (if necessary).
  4. Search for suppliers of raw materials.
  5. Selection and purchase of necessary equipment.
  6. Hiring staff.
  7. Purchase of raw materials.

Financial calculations

Launching an activity is possible on a very budget with subsequent business expansion. A minimum of equipment will allow you to produce a certain volume of products even without the help of hired assistants.

Start-up capital

As an example, let's look at what investments will be required to open a small workshop. The main expense items include:

  • premises (rent) – 20 thousand rubles;
  • minimal repairs and bringing into compliance with standards - 30 thousand rubles;
  • electric vegetable cutter – 40 thousand rubles;
  • containers for ripening (barrels) – 30 thousand rubles.

Total: 120 thousand rubles.

The indicated amount of investment is minimal and will not provide the equipment necessary to produce tons of sauerkraut, but it will allow one to start operations and present the product to consumers in order to gradually increase turnover.

Monthly expenses

This type of production can operate all year round and, accordingly, there will be monthly fixed costs that the entrepreneur must take into account when planning the budget.

Such expenses will include:

  • rent for premises;
  • communal payments;
  • staff salaries.

How much can you earn?

The production of sauerkraut is a very flexible type of business. That is, depending on the effort, time and money invested, you can earn from several thousand to hundreds of thousands of rubles per month. As a guide, you can rely on the following figures: ten tons of produced product will bring income in the amount of 250 thousand rubles.

Payback period

The payback of a business project varies similarly to income, but on average, investments can pay off in just three months.

Business Features

Features of the business include:

  • an urgent need to resolve sales issues, on which the stability of sales will depend;
  • high competition;
  • the importance of the conditions for purchasing raw materials, since favorable purchasing prices will directly affect the profit of the enterprise.

Bottom line

A business based on the production and sale of sauerkraut can bring a stable and fairly high income and does not require any special knowledge. It allows you to increase volumes gradually, starting with a small workshop and expanding production over time. With the right approach to promotion issues and working on finding distribution channels, an entrepreneur can expect success already at the initial stage of activity.

Often people want to have regular additional income that does not require large financial investments.

This article will focus on the production and sale of homemade sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is a traditional delicacy in Rus' that everyone loves, regardless of age and gender. Such cabbage will find a place on any table, and will be especially relevant in winter, when vitamins, vegetables and fruits are in short supply for most people.

Selling homemade sauerkraut can give you a good addition to your main income, which is especially important for older people with low pensions.

You can buy cabbage from farmers or wholesale stores.

Now let's calculate how much 1 kilogram of sauerkraut will cost us

To get 10 kg of sauerkraut, you need:

1. 11 kg of cabbage (1 kg is waste) x 5-50 = 60-50 rubles

2. 0.4 kg of carrots x 10-00 = 4-00 rub.

3. 0.2 kg of coarse salt x 2-50 = 0-50 rub.

TOTAL: 65-00 rubles, or 1 kg of product costs 6-50 rubles.

In markets and bazaars, similar goods at low prices per package are sold in quantities equal to 100-200 kg per week.

If you provide customers with a wide assortment of four to five varieties of cabbage (for example, regular, with cranberries, with apples or with spices), the product will be sold out instantly.

The market markup can be 30-50 percent. Accordingly, if you wish, you can earn about 15-20 thousand per month without much expense or effort from selling sauerkraut, and this is a decent income for a person who wants to work from home.

Shredders for cabbage

Make your own cabbage shredder

For shredding, you will need a board, preferably made of dense wood, which is leveled with a plane and cut into two approximately equal parts at an angle of 60°. On one of the sawn-off halves at the “oblique” end along the entire thickness of the board, we chamfer at an angle of 30° and select a platform for the knife on the upper edge of the board (along the edge of the “oblique” end) (hereinafter we will call this part of the board a knife board). Then we cut out two side planks measuring 30 x 60 x 600 mm, assemble both halves of the board with “oblique” ends to each other, leaving a gap of 5...8 mm wide between the ends, and connect the halves by nailing the planks on the sides. In this case, the knife board is installed higher than the other half of the board by 2...3 mm. Next, rectangular cuts are made in the slats (above the joint of the “oblique” ends of the boards) with a depth to the plane of the knife board and inserts for the cutouts are prepared (Fig.).

The knife is made from a regular hacksaw blade, which is sharpened on one side. After this, the ends of the knife are pressed against the knife board using inserts and long screws with nuts. Now you will have to use a chisel to form folds in the side strips and inserts. This operation is performed by installing the inserts, but removing the knife. The depth of the rebate is made such that its “bottom” does not reach the surface of the knife board by 2...3 mm. I install a square carriage on the ledges in the side slats, into which the head of cabbage is placed. When the carriage moves, the head of cabbage is crushed. When “working”, the shredder is installed above the tub or above the tank. It can easily chop up to 40 kg of cabbage in 1 hour.

You can buy a cabbage shredder: prices in stores range from 300 - 500 rubles.

Cabbage shredding machines: approximate cost 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

And if you make a shredding machine, install it in the basement or garage, and hire additional people, your income will increase significantly. You can order the machine at any workshop that has a welding machine and it will cost you about $200.

If you don’t have the desire or ability to make an electric cabbage shredding machine yourself, then now you can easily buy a cabbage shredding machine. True, it will cost you about 50,000 rubles, but it will last for more than one year, and you will recoup this money in two weeks, or at most in a month.

That's all I wanted to tell you in this article. I wish you good luck and a successful home business!!!

A business that older women can do too. The idea for a small business is quite simple, and the products are in demand all year round. One of the few types of business in which the sale of finished products is guaranteed. Sauerkraut has been popular in our country for a long time. It's not only tasty dish, but a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances.

At the same time, it is quite suitable even for people who control their weight, as it is non-caloric. In winter, sauerkraut can be found on the table of almost every resident of our country. But not everyone has the time and desire to cook cabbage.

This is especially true for residents of large cities, for whom it is easier to buy the required amount of sauerkraut for the table at the market or store, rather than pick it. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to start sauerkraut for sale, why not try this type of earning money.

Since the process of sauerkraut occurs in the autumn, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. It will be preliminarily determined where and in what quantity it will be purchased. fresh cabbage. Then you need to complete all the documents: register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and, of course, issue documents confirming the quality of your products. Then choose a room where you will carry out production and purchase everything that is required for sauerkraut.

In this business, special attention must be paid to the container in which the kaput pickling process will take place. It is desirable that these are wooden tubs. You can also ferment cabbage in polyethylene containers if they are intended for food products. But cabbage will taste better in wooden tubs.

Before adding cabbage, wooden tubs must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water so that the wood is well saturated with water and does not absorb the juice from pickling. After everything else, steam it. In poorly soaked tubs, cabbage may turn out a little dry. It is also necessary to purchase plastic food buckets for transporting cabbage for sale and food containers for small packaging for sale.

Seasonings that are planned to be used in the process of fermenting cabbage must be of high quality; table salt for pickling is not iodized. Iodized salt is not used in any types of canning or pickling of vegetables. During preliminary work, it is necessary to look for places to sell your products: offer them for sale in stores, cafes and canteens.

In order to acquire a large clientele for the future development of your business, it is a good idea to enter the market with your products. It is best to ferment cabbage according to different recipes because consumers have different tastes. Some people like classic sauerkraut, others with various additives: cranberries, lingonberries, apples or red beets. The number of customers and, of course, your income for the season will depend on how tasty the first batch of sauerkraut is prepared.

Over time, you can expand your production and harvest not only cabbage, but also pickle cucumbers, and also prepare soaked apples. If the purchase price for fresh cabbage from farmers is 5 rubles per kg and the cost of a kilogram of sauerkraut is from 50 rubles to 160 rubles, you can calculate whether it is worth starting this type of business. Moreover, you can combine income from this business idea with your main job and consider it as an additional type of income.

You won’t believe how much unsold fresh cabbage is used to feed livestock on peasant farms, where formic acid from is also required for fermenting colostrum when feeding calves. Let's help farmers by purchasing cabbage from them directly on the spot before it rises in price (beneficial to you) or simply rots in piles due to improper organization of sales (beneficial to farmers). Everyone benefits from agricultural processing.

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Used for fermentation white cabbage mid-season, mid-late and late-ripening varieties - Moscow late, Slava, Belorusskaya, Zimnyaya Gribovskaya, Podarok, Belosnezhka, etc. Early varieties of cabbage have loose heads and contain little sugar, so sauerkraut is of low quality. Carrots are always used as raw materials, and depending on the recipe - apples, cranberries, lingonberries, caraway seeds (seeds), Bay leaf, sweet vegetable pepper, etc.

According to the method of preparation, sauerkraut is divided into:



cabbage with shredded or chopped,

whole cabbage, etc.

Each type of cabbage is prepared according to special recipes in accordance with current technological instructions, but most often cabbage is fermented with the addition of 3% carrots and 2% salt, and sometimes up to 8% apples, 0.05% cumin, 0.03% bay leaf, 2% cranberries and 2% lingonberries depending on the recipe. When fermenting, whole cabbage is poured with 4% brine. Sometimes according to the recipe, cabbage is fermented with sweets vegetable pepper and carrots (or without them), beets and carrots, etc.

The production process for sauerkraut includes stripping the heads, removing the stump, shredding or chopping the cabbage, preparing auxiliary raw materials, placing in containers and compacting (self-pressing or vacuum pressing), fermentation, storage, unloading and packaging.

Cabbage, cleared of green and damaged leaves, with the stump trimmed flush with the head of cabbage, after sorting by quality, is fed to a shredding machine, which shreds it into narrow strips no more than 5 mm wide; the particle size of chopped cabbage should be no more than 12 mm in the greatest dimension. Cabbage is also fermented in whole heads or in the form of half-heads, as well as interlayered with shredded or chopped cabbage.

At the same time, carrots are prepared, which improves the taste, appearance and nutritional value of sauerkraut. Carrots are washed, peeled using root peelers, further peeled by hand, and chopped into strips, columns or circles of certain sizes. Apples, cranberries, lingonberries, bay leaves (sorted and washed), caraway seeds (cleansed of twigs and foreign impurities), salt (sifted) are also prepared. Apples are laid whole or in halves or quarters without seed chambers.

Place clean cabbage leaves at the bottom of the doshnik. Chopped cabbage along with auxiliary materials is loaded into a doshnik, leveled, compacted tightly and sprinkled with table salt in layers. Dense compaction helps create anaerobic conditions during fermentation.

When using a starter culture of pure cultures of lactic acid microorganisms, use a watering can to water each layer of cabbage placed in the trays. Non-gas-forming lactic acid bacteria and yeast are used to prepare starter cultures.

Pure cultures of microorganisms and yeast are propagated separately. Cabbage broth is used as a medium for preparing the starter, which is obtained by boiling fresh shredded cabbage in water. When the cabbage softens, the broth is filtered and added to the juice.

The cabbage loaded into the doshnik is covered with leaves with a layer of about 5 cm, and on top with plastic wrap or gauze, a pressure circle is applied, and pressure is set with a screw press until the juice appears.

The most promising is the pressure-free method, which reduces losses and improves product quality.

Sauerkraut is carried out in specialized box trays with polyethylene liners with a capacity of 500 kg. A feature of the technology is the separation of fermentation and storage processes, which allows maintaining optimal temperature conditions for each of them. Prepared cabbage and auxiliary raw materials according to the recipe, as well as a starter of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria, are loaded into containers with strong and dense polyethylene liners (200 microns thick). A container with cabbage is placed under the head of the vacuum installation and the air that is in the spaces between the pieces of vegetables and partially dissolved in the cell juice of the cabbage is sucked out of it using a vacuum pump. The total volume occupied by cabbage is sharply reduced. The liner is tightly tied, leaving free space for the gases released during fermentation, and on top, to prevent the entry of air from the outside, it is clamped using special clamps consisting of two wooden planks bolted together.

The containers are placed by loaders into the fermentation chamber and kept there at a temperature of 20-24°C for 3-4 days. Then, when the total acidity of the cabbage reaches 0.7-0.8%, the containers are transported to a storage chamber at a temperature of 0...+2°C, where it can be stored for several months. Before sale, sauerkraut is packaged in plastic film bags.

The fermentation process that occurs during sauerkraut includes three periods. In the first period, intensive reproduction of lactic acid bacteria occurs; in the second - the accumulation of lactic acid - this is the main period of fermentation; in the third period, further fermentation occurs.

In the first period, table salt causes plasmolysis of cabbage cells and extracts the moisture contained in the cabbage. The extractive substances contained in the cabbage cells pass into the brine. During this fermentation period, the salt concentration in the brine is high and microorganisms cannot develop in it. As moisture is further released from the cabbage, the salt concentration in the brine decreases and conditions are created for microbiological processes. There is a slight cloudiness of the juice and strong gas formation caused by the activity of yeast, coli bacteria and other microorganisms. The foam that appears is removed, as it serves as a good environment for the development of foreign microorganisms. At the same time, lactic acid bacteria begin to act and gradually occupy a predominant position. The rate of fermentation, and therefore the quality of the product, depends on temperature. The most favorable temperature is 17-22°C. At lower temperatures, fermentation proceeds slowly, which degrades the quality of the finished product. Also undesirable high temperatures, as this will contribute to the development of foreign microflora.

The first stage of the process ends with the beginning of the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria. This stage should be carried out quickly so that the resulting lactic acid suppresses the development of foreign microorganisms as quickly as possible.

The second period - main fermentation - is characterized by the accumulation of lactic acid as a result of the decomposition of sugars.

The most favorable temperature for the second period of the process is also about 20°C, at which fermentation lasts 5-7 days. At this fermentation temperature, the relatively rapid development of lactic acid bacteria is ensured and side processes are inhibited. Sauerkraut is obtained with less alcohol and volatile acids, with greater retention of ascorbic acid.

Lactic acid fermentation stops when 1.5-2.0% lactic acid is formed in the product. The most pleasant to taste is cabbage with an acidity of 0.7-1.3%, containing 1.2-1.8% table salt.

The third period of the fermentation process is characterized by the fact that the accumulated lactic acid begins to suppress the activity of lactic acid bacteria. At the same time, in conditions of high acidity, molds and filmy yeasts develop well, which destroy lactic acid. To prevent their development, sauerkraut is stored at a temperature of 0... -2°C, using natural and artificial cold. Cabbage is stored in the same pots in which it was fermented, at a relative air humidity of 90-95%, which significantly reduces the evaporation of moisture from the surface. The best ones are the doshniks, the lower part of which is located in an artificially cooled basement.
