Original salads and snacks in the shape of a snowman for the New Year! Snowman made from eggs

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The snowman is one of the favorite winter heroes and culinary “plots” when it comes to festive decoration appetizers and salads. And all because to formalize this or that holiday dish in the form of this wonderful creature is very simple.

For many years now, culinary specialists have been preparing salads and snacks in the form of snowmen for the New Year's feast: large, small, in different hats (from cucumber, carrots, dark bread, etc.), in savory and sweet variations. Today we’ll talk about savory options – salads and snowman snacks.
The largest snowman was made from snow in 2008. in the American city of Bothel, Maine. Its height was 37m, and its weight was 6000 tons.
You can make an edible snowman from almost any light food: eggs, rice, crab sticks, mashed potatoes, cheese, etc. The great thing is that, having made a snowman, for example, according to the following recipe, you can decorate any dish with it - cold cuts, salad, sandwiches, etc.
Recipe for making edible snowmen to decorate dishes

You will need: 2 eggs and processed cheese, garlic, sour cream/mayonnaise, salt (also, if desired, grated nutmeg, black pepper), decoration – greens, boiled carrots, peppercorns, canned green peas.
How to prepare a snowman decoration for dishes. Grate the garlic on a fine grater, boiled eggs and cheesecakes, season with mayonnaise or sour cream, mix until a plastic mass, adding salt and seasoning to taste. Form snowmen by making balls of different sizes from the mass with wet hands and stacking them on top of each other, make “hands” from greenery, eyes from black peppercorns, noses and hats from boiled carrots, and decorations for the body from green peas.
You can make a snowman using sushi rice or regular rice.

To make the figure more fluffy, you can roll balls made from any mass to taste (rice, cheese-garlic) in finely grated cheese.

In the form of such snowmen, you can even serve full-fledged salads - for example, corn salad with crab sticks, rice and eggs.

Or you can lay out the edible snowman in a “flat” version, as in the following recipe.
Recipe for New Year's salad with canned fish and rice “Snowman”

You will need: rice, canned fish, pickled cucumbers, sweet and sour apples, boiled carrots or beets, suluguni cheese, mayonnaise sauce, sour cream, soy sauce, spicy mustard.
How to cook fish salad"Snowman". Mash the fish with a fork, drain the liquid, grate the cucumbers, drain the liquid from them, also grate apples, carrots or beets, and cheese. Mix ingredients for sauce. Lay the salad in layers on a flat dish in the shape of a snowman, coating each with sauce: boiled rice, fish, cucumbers, apples, carrots or beets, cheese, coat the last layer with sauce. Design the snowman like this: from bell pepper and green onions, make a scarf, a hat - from finely chopped olives, tassels on the scarf - from pomegranate seeds, eyes and buttons - from olives, a mouth - from sweet peppers, a nose - from carrots, a broom from dill.
Recipe for New Year's salad “Snowman's Face” with chicken and mushrooms

You will need: 450g boiled fillet chicken, 3 boiled potato tubers, 250g pickled mushrooms, 3-4 boiled eggs, mayonnaise, carrots and olives for decoration.
How to make chicken salad with snowman mushrooms. Cut the chicken into small cubes and do the same with boiled potatoes, separate the whites from the yolks of the eggs, grate the whites on a fine grater, and use the yolks for other dishes. Lay out the salad in layers, covering each one with mayonnaise: mushrooms, chicken, potatoes, proteins. Make mouth, nose and cheeks from boiled carrots, eyelashes and eyes from olives, let the salad soak before serving.
Below are a few more design ideas. New Year's salads in the form of snowmen.

Is envy a very bad feeling? It prevents me from communicating normally with friends.

I am incredibly jealous of those who have help with the child, grandmothers nearby, whose husbands come at 7 pm and take care of the child. I'm absolutely terribly jealous. It’s spinning in my head - well, what’s all this for me, my husband works until night, almost seven days a week, it’s impossible to change jobs.

There are grandmothers, one sits once a month, the other doesn’t want to, she can’t force it. I do everything myself, with the child 24/7, and I solve all household problems, since my husband has no time. And my friends complain, saying that my mother comes only 3 times a week. In total, they help 15 thousand a month (nobody gives us money, everyone does it themselves).

I just want to cry. And to be honest, don’t communicate with them. Because the emotions I feel from all this are simply the most unpleasant. Has anyone had this happen? How can I stop being jealous of what I cannot change in my life?


Goat Agatha

Hello. Before the New Year, I created a thread with a proposal: to send the nth thing on a journey from a forum member to a forum member (or to a forum member). It seems that many were not against it. now let's clarify the details
I offer the nth thing here, a symbol of the year of my own creation (I might also fake it, stroke the tail)

now what I wanted to ask
1. how should we mark her path? Should I send stickers or a travel notebook with it? Well, where are the places of stay indicated? get a waybill? stuff notes into her pocket (but it’s not that big). Anyone have any thoughts, let's decide
2. Name? she needs a name. I think maybe the word forum is consonant with the word - Fima, Foma? Frosya? or from another area altogether? who thinks what?
3. Well, let’s actually choose where she will go now. I repeat, I would like it to be nearby, so that the transfers are short (and not so expensive), then our symbol will visit more places in a year.
geographically, who would not mind participating - respond: Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, Eastern Kazakhstan, Altai Republic.
I’ll remind you of the conditions in the comments


Irina Irina

Hello, please tell me, the following situation has arisen:
The child is going to school next year. The school has several types of classes. The building with general education classes without in-depth study of subjects is located further and across the road, and in the courtyard there is a building with classes with in-depth study of mathematics or English. All this is shuffled until the 4th grade of school. But now they are asking to indicate your wishes regarding the choice of class type. Since only the building for in-depth study is suitable, I really don’t know which one to enroll it in. The child has been studying English since he was 3 years old and is making good progress, but on the other hand, if he studies with a tutor, maybe it makes sense to enroll him in math classes and they will improve him there? I cannot determine my son’s mentality as such. The primary school teacher says that he is progressing smoothly in general subjects. Tell me, maybe there are some tests for this or someone has had such a situation.


Elena Pogodina

I’ll describe it briefly (I’ll try):
We are a family of 3, me, my husband, a 10 year old child and we are waiting for another baby. We decided to expand our housing. Buy a two-room apartment. In the area where we live now, housing prices have increased due to the construction of the metro. One cannot buy a two-room apartment for the money we are counting on, or it is completely destroyed and there will be no money for repairs. In the area where my mother lives, it’s the same thing, only the housing stock is even older and you have to choose mainly from five-story buildings. There are no apartments there (or very far from the metro) of the size we need (from 50 sq.m.) and the main thing is the price of the issue - we need up to 9,500,000.
We chose the Maryino area, found an apartment, and the deal is coming soon.
So my mom called yesterday and let’s yell at me. That we are idiots, we still need to educate ourselves, that no one does this, that we need to buy a house close to one of our relatives (either mine or my husband) - so that there is help. And I’ll dig in alone with two children, she won’t come, she has a long way to go, my dad won’t be able to either, he’s getting old and it’s hard to travel (even though he has a car) - these are her words.
Although I don’t count on their help, I told her about this, but she doesn’t hear because... Apparently he doesn’t perceive my words at all, immediately considering them either stupid or incorrect.
My mother-in-law will obviously rarely help, she works every day and has other things to do. I don't count on it either.
With my first child, the rose-colored glasses were taken off very quickly - my mother did not come (although when I was pregnant, she promised a lot) - she was far away, but she took the child with her when I went to work, so as not to take sick leave often, but she endured Every time my brain thinks that he (the child) can’t do something, he doesn’t do it right, in short, her help later backfired on me, every time it brought me to tears. Now, when the child is sick, my dad comes. Sits with him. The mother-in-law worked and works, takes the child when it is convenient for her. This is all I mean - so that they don’t think that I like to push the child off to the grandmothers and enjoy life. And in the future, I don’t count on them. But my mother decided that I would definitely need help, I definitely couldn’t handle it. It’s as if he’s installing something like this. I try not to get nervous.
So the question is - am I really wrong for leaving so far from them all. Do you really need to buy housing of worse quality, but closer?



I am divorced, raising two children, my husband pays 5,000 alimony for each. It's barely enough to live on. My salary is so-so. Not a librarian, but almost. I don’t have the strength to get an education yet, and I don’t have time either, work and children and that’s it.
And my friend. She has an excellent Moscow education, but she did not work for long (in a large bank, not in the very last position), then she met her husband, he is a very wealthy man. We gave birth to a girl in poor health, so my friend does not plan to return to work.
She now has everything I dreamed of. Cottage with fireplace. Personal car. If she can’t drive herself, she can always ask her husband’s driver for a ride. Travel around the world three times a year. Any of the most stylish clothes. Cosmetologist, stylist, personal massage therapist.

And I’m like this in traffic jams after work, returning with string bags. And she calls me: Masya, talk to me, I’m sad! My fifth fur coat doesn’t fit in my wardrobe (relatively speaking). It pisses me off, pisses me off, pisses me off!
Most of all I envy her husband. Calm, very responsible, looks at his wife and daughter with adoration. Flowers, gifts. He kisses you on the shoulder, just passing by. She offers to hire a housekeeper to make it easier for her. Take it easy!! It doesn’t work at all, what are the difficulties??
And yesterday I saw her husband with another woman. They sat at a table, holding hands, looking into each other's eyes. Definitely not a business colleague, they don’t look at colleagues that way. He saw me, hastily removed his hands, I pretended not to notice him and walked past. Now I’m fighting the urge to call to warn my friend. And I think to myself: I was probably jealous all this time in vain, you quickly get used to good things. What will she do if she loses all this?


Friends, on the eve of the holidays I would like to introduce you to another wonderful idea for decorating a table so that it will delight both children and adults. After all, the snack must correspond to the atmosphere: be winter, cheerful, New Year's and a snowman, which we will make from eggs exactly what we need!

Read our step-by-step master class, study the photos, and you can easily make such a fun treat with your own hands!

We will need

And there should be 2 times more than the planned number of figures. It makes no sense to take less than a dozen, since on a festive table laden with food there must be at least 5 snowmen to be noticeable.

  • Skewers

There must be long sticks, and not short toothpicks, otherwise the eggs will not stick to each other and our snack will fall apart.

  • Carrot

If desired, you can boil it to make it easier to put on or leave it raw. In the latter case, it will look more aesthetically pleasing, but the skewer must be really sharp.

  • Parsley

We choose the strongest short branches, since we will need to pierce the boiled protein with the stem, and at the ends they should have nice “panicles” of leaves.

  • Black peppercorns

If we make a snowman not only with eyes, but also with three buttons, we will need at least 50 pieces - 5 for each.

Preparatory work

Now that we have prepared all the ingredients, let's start making: it's very fast!

  1. Cook the eggs for at least 15 minutes after boiling so that they turn out strong. Then we cool them either in water or by taking them out into the cold. Keep until completely cool. This is important so that the shell is easier to peel off and does not cling to the squirrel. Agree, if it is damaged it will not look very nice.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into slices. You should get 10 pieces: 5 larger and 5 smaller. They should match each other in size: the large ones are in the first row, the smaller ones are in the second row.
  3. We cut out thin noses according to the number of snowmen. They should be sharp at both ends so that they look more natural and are easier to sink into the protein.
  4. Select 10 suitable sprigs of parsley and pour peppercorns into a saucer.

Step-by-step execution

Preparations are complete, let's start creating our New Year's appetizer!

1. Take 2 eggs and cut off 4-5 mm from both edges of each to make even edges. From the egg that will become the bottom, cut off a little more white to make snowman more stable.

2. Place the eggs on a skewer, one on top of the other. There should be a reserve on top that will be useful for the hat.

3. Take the prepared carrot circles and fasten them one by one so that there is a circle of larger diameter at the bottom.

4. Place peppercorns in place of the snowman’s eyes and three black buttons.

5. Making a nose. Use parsley sprigs to imitate stick hands.

We collect the rest from the eggs in the same way New Year's snowmen and place them on a flat plate.

Our original snack for festive table ready! As you can see, nothing complicated!

For quail eggs You can use wooden toothpicks.


Boil hard-boiled eggs: chicken - 8-9 minutes of boiling when placing in cold water; quail - 5 minutes. Cool and peel.

Cut off the ends of the eggs to make them firm.

To make a snowman's hat, cut two carrot circles of different diameters: cut a large circle from the thick end, and a small circle from the thin end.

Cut a wooden skewer from one end to a length equal to the height of two eggs placed on top of each other. When cutting, make sure that there are no splinters on the cut.

The prepared skewer has one sharp end and the other blunt end.

Using the sharp end, make holes in the centers of the carrot circles.

Then insert a skewer into the circles with the blunt end, as shown in the photo.

Place two eggs on top of each other and stick a skewer with a carrot hat into them vertically on top.

If the snowmen are intended for children, cut the eyes and buttons from black olives or from the crust of black bread.

Insert the peppercorns and carrot nose into the indentations made in the egg whites with the sharp end of a skewer.

Decorate the snowmen with parsley sprigs or add anything you like.

The House & Holder “Owl” appetizer plate, made of high-quality ceramics, is designed for beautiful serving of dishes. It is decorated with an original image and has an exquisite appearance. There is an owl-shaped stand in the center for storing toothpicks. The beautiful design of the product is ideal for serving a holiday or dinner table.

Appetizers with shrimp and lime, with foie gras and honey, in Italian and Chinese style, yakitori and tsukune skewers - dishes from simple products or exquisite delicacies, for every taste. We suggest serving them not on the usual plates, but on ardoise - boards made of natural slate. Such elegant serving will not leave anyone indifferent. The ardoise boards and bamboo skewers included with the recipe book are intended for food preparation.

The Premium Quatro spice set consists of a salt shaker, pepper shaker, toothpick jar, napkin holder and stand. The set items are made of ceramics. Thanks to its small size, the set will not take up much space in your kitchen. The design, aesthetics and functionality of the Premium Quatro set will allow it to become a worthy addition to your kitchen equipment.

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