General characteristics and receipt. Calcium phosphate application Calcium phosphate formula

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- is the most common calcium-phosphorus supplement used in livestock farming in many countries. Tricalcium phosphate is still considered the most common “feed phosphate”. It is part of the minerals phosphorite, apatite, and hydroxyapatite.

Tricalcium phosphate is, according to various sources, a gray or gray with a brown tint, cream or light yellow, white with a gray tint, amorphous powder, poorly soluble in water. Such a variation in the tonal characteristics of the color of the product in question is the result of unequal chemical composition feedstock from individual apatite deposits, from which tricalcium phosphate is obtained.
Density: 2.81 g/cm³. Melting point: 1670°C.

Chemical formula: Ca 3 (PO 4) 2.

It is obtained by hydrothermal roasting of apatite or phosphorite concentrate with the addition of hemihydrate phosphoric acid at a temperature of 1450-1600° C.

Relatively cheap tricalcium phosphate can be considered as the most valuable and effective source of mineral elements for the animal body at a relatively low price. Its use as a feed additive in mixed feed and feed mixtures makes it possible to easily balance the level of phosphorus in the diets of all types of farm animals and significantly increase animal productivity.

Tricalcium phosphate is also used for cleaning sugar syrups in the production of refined sugar, in the production of ceramics and glass, for the production of toothpastes and powders, it is part of abrasives for polishing and grinding metals, serves to remove fluoride from water, for conditioning table salt, is used in medicine, etc. Food grade tricalcium phosphate used to eliminate the hygroscopicity of table salt.

Depending on the type of raw material, composition and purpose, calcium phosphate is produced in three grades:
- monocalcium phosphate;
- dicalcium phosphate (precipitate);
- tricalcium phosphate.

Physico-chemical parameters of tricalcium phosphate:
Indicator name Norm
premium first grade
Mass fraction of phosphorus soluble in 0.4% hydrochloric acid solution:
* in terms of P 2 O 5
* in terms of P, no less

41 - 42

28 - 29
Mass fraction of phosphorus soluble in 2% solution citric acid:
* in terms of P 2 O 5
* in terms of P


Mass fraction of calcium,%% not less 34 30
Mass fraction of water,%, no more 1 1
Mass fraction of fluorine,%, no more 0,2 0,2
Mass fraction of arsenic,%, no more 0,0002 0,0002
Content of metallomagnetic impurity particles size:
* up to 2mm inclusive, mg/kg, no more
* more than 2mm, mg/kg


Size: residue on a sieve with holes 2 mm in diameter, %, no more 0 absence
Residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 1 mm,%, no more 1 1
Mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, % 10 25
1. The allowed mass fraction of lead is no more than 0.003% for monocalcium phosphate and 1st grade tricalcium phosphate produced from Karatau phosphorites.
2. It is allowed to exceed the upper limit P 2 O 5 for all brands of product.
3. For monocalcium phosphate intended for the feed industry, the residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 3 mm should not exceed 10%.

Security requirements
Calcium phosphate is non-toxic, fire and explosion proof. Belongs to the 3rd hazard class. The maximum permissible concentration of feed calcium phosphate dust in the air of the working area is 6 mg/m³. Inhalation of calcium phosphate dust can have a general irritant effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
Industrial premises where air pollution with calcium phosphate dust is observed must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation; workplaces associated with the most intense dust emission must be equipped with protective umbrellas with exhaust ventilation.
Those working with calcium phosphates are provided with personal protective equipment. To protect the respiratory system, respirators such as “Lepestok” and “UK-2” are used.

Packaging, transportation and storage
Calcium phosphate is packaged in plastic bags of the following brands: M 6-0.220, M 7-0.220, M 8-0.220, M 9-0.220, M 10-0.220, M 12-0.220, M 13-0.220 or in other plastic bags according to regulations technical documentation ensuring the safety of the product. Feed calcium phosphate is also packaged in four- or five-layer paper bags; monocalcium phosphate - in paper bags of the brands PM BMP, VMP; dicalcium phosphate - in BM brand paper bags; tricalcium phosphate - in paper bags of NM, BM brands. The net weight of the bags is no more than 50 kg for five-layer bags and 40 kg for four-layer bags with a permissible deviation of ±2%.
Calcium phosphate is transported by rail, road, sea and river transport in accordance with the cargo transportation rules in force for these types of transport.
The product, packed in bags, is transported by rail in covered wagons, by carload, by road - in cars and tractor trolleys covered with tarpaulin, film or other materials that completely cover the body, by sea and river transport in closed deck ships and ship holds.
Calcium phosphate is stored packaged in closed warehouses. It is not allowed to store calcium phosphate together with fertilizers and pesticides.
The guaranteed shelf life of monocalcium phosphate is six months, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate are one year from the date of manufacture. The guaranteed shelf life of calcium phosphate packaged in containers is six months.

Calcium orthophosphate (food additive E-341) - is a white amorphous powder, slightly soluble in water, but soluble in acids. Unlike many chemicals, the solubility of phosphates decreases with increasing temperature. Of all hydroxyapatites (calcium phosphate compounds), calcium orthophosphate most resistant to the effects of extracellular body fluids and plays an important role in a number of physiological processes. Natural springs: Calcium phosphates are found in milk. In the human body, calcium exists mainly in the form of calcium phosphates. Seventy percent of human bones are composed of calcium phosphates. Tooth enamel also mostly consists of hydroxyapatites.

Subtypes of calcium orthophosphates used in food industry:

E-341(I) monocalcium phosphate - calcium orthophosphate monosubstituted with the chemical formula: Ca2); E-341(II)dicalcium phosphate - calcium orthophosphate disubstituted with chemical formula: CaHPO4; E-341(III)tricalcium phosphate - calcium orthophosphate trisubstituted, having the molecular formula: Ca3O8P2. Receiving E-341 Calcium orthophosphate obtained from minerals, and chemically - by reacting orthophosphoric acid with calcium oxide or milk of lime and hydrolysis of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate. Since the 70s of the last century, various studies have been carried out around the world studying the biological behavior of orthophosphates. Negative effects of the supplement E-341 has not yet been scientifically proven on the body, but there are rumors circulating online that the supplement E-341 causes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and indigestion.

Applications of calcium orthophosphate

Dietary supplement E-341 used in the food industry as a stabilizer, acidity regulator, leavening agent, color fixative. In addition, calcium orthophosphates are used as an emulsifying salt in the production of processed cheeses. Food additive in milk powder and cream E-341 used as a separating agent and anti-caking agent. Calcium orthophosphates are also used as an anti-crystallizer for condensed milk and a thickener for plant tissues in the production of canned fruit and vegetables. Most Common Supplement E-341 used in the food industry in the production of bakery products, special drinks (for example, for athletes), concentrated milk with a high solids content, powdered milk, condensed milk, ice cream, fish and minced meat, alcoholic beverages, dry and herbal teas, semi-finished products, breakfast cereals, products instant cooking, confectionery products, baking powders, processed cheeses, biologically active additives, canned fruits and vegetables.

Other uses of calcium orthophosphates:

production of fertilizers and mineral feeds for livestock; one of the components of toothpastes and powders; used in the production of ceramics, glass, soft abrasives.

On the website in the Literature section there is a subsection “Nutraceuticals”, containing articles that touch upon, among other things, the use of mineral supplements.

Medicines containing calcium phosphate
In Russia, currently only forms not intended for retail trade with the only active ingredient calcium phosphate, such as substance-powder and excipient-powder, are registered.

Calcium phosphate has contraindications, side effects and application features; before use, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Calcium phosphate - food supplement
Calcium phosphate, as a food additive, has code E341 and is characterized by SanPiN as an acidity regulator, flour and bread improver, hardener, stabilizer, texturizer, leavening agent, anti-caking and caking agent, moisture-retaining agent.

There are several types of calcium phosphates used in the food industry:

  • E341(i) - monosubstituted calcium orthophosphate (written in SanPiN 1-substituted ortho-calcium phosphate, English Monocalcium orthophosphate)
  • E341(ii) - disubstituted calcium orthophosphate (in SanPiN: 2-substituted ortho-calcium phosphate, English Dicalcium orthophosphate)
  • E341(iii) - tri-calcium orthophosphate (in SanPiN: tri-substituted ortho-calcium phosphate, English Tricalcium orthophosphate)
SanPiN separately identifies the food additive E542 Bone phosphate (calcium phosphate) (BONE PHOSPHATE (essentiale Calcium phosphate, tribasic)), which is characterized as an emulsifier, an additive that prevents caking and clumping, and a moisture-retaining agent.

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One of the important nutritional supplements for the body is calcium phosphate, which corresponds to the symbol E341 and should moderately predominate in the daily diet. It is the active ingredient (mineral salt) of some medications and pet foods and is an insoluble compound in the form of a white powder. The unique properties of calcium phosphate are valuable for the human body, since they are responsible for the development and regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues.

What is calcium phosphate

Every body urgently needs vitamins and minerals for normal functioning. Calcium phosphate is an inorganic compound (abrasive) that is actively used in agriculture as an effective mineral fertilizer. It is also an indispensable product for cooking - it improves the quality of dough, and in industry it serves as an emulsifier and paint fixative. The substance is crystalline in structure, has white and free-flowing form, obtained from a mineral of natural origin. Dissolves in water if exposed to elevated temperatures.

The formation of the compound occurs under laboratory conditions. Calcium phosphate is part of the minerals phosphorite and apatite, dihydrates. The deposit is the earth’s crust, and the surrounding nature has a number of sources for obtaining the future phosphate compound by laboratory methods. If we talk about the production of calcium orthophosphate, the unit is obtained by reacting a suspension of calcium hydroxide and orthophosphoric acid with further filtration, drying and grinding. The molecular formula of calcium phosphate is: Ca3(PO4)2. Molar mass - 310.18 amu.

This inorganic compound is an essential component of agriculture, industry, cooking, and mass production. It needs to be included in groundbait, mineral fertilizers for domestic animals and birds, for high-quality fertilizer in low-acid soil. In addition, regular use of calcium phosphate is appropriate in the following areas of human life:

  • production of glass and ceramics;
  • raw materials for the production of phosphoric acid;
  • fertilizer for acidic soils;
  • stable color fixative;
  • structural unit of complementary foods (feed dicalcium phosphate);
  • building material for teeth, bones;
  • raw materials for processed cheeses, emulsifying salts;
  • component of dry, condensed milk;
  • process of canning vegetables and fruits.

Phosphates in food

Doctors recommend including this valuable component in moderation in the daily diet in order to prevent a number of serious diseases and improve the functioning of internal organs and systems. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly consume products containing phosphates, which provide a sustainable therapeutic and preventive effect in the body of every person. The names of such food ingredients are known to everyone and are presented below:

  • hard cheeses;
  • walnuts, peanuts;
  • peas, legumes;
  • almost all seafood;
  • fish products;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • refined oils;
  • sturgeon caviar;
  • wheat germ.

Calcium phosphate in such foods does not pose a significant threat to human health. You need to be more wary of chemical compounds obtained in a laboratory. Select the daily diet so that it is not only satisfying, but also balanced. Be sure to include calcium phosphate. The body equally needs calcium and phosphorus as the basis of the musculoskeletal system and ligamentous apparatus.

Food additive E341

Use phosphates in food products allowed, but in moderation - harmful components are also present. The specified inorganic compound will be adsorbed into the gastrointestinal tract of the body; it must be taken in strictly limited quantities. Food additive E341 can be used as a leavening agent, food acidity regulator, antioxidant, and sealant for individual dishes. Food phosphates can be used for the production of processed cheeses, powdered and condensed milk, and cream. They bind the components of the dish and give it a uniform consistency.

Effect on the body E341

It is better not to use technically produced calcium phosphate in dishes; it is a raw material for agriculture and industry. But the intake of food additives is not prohibited in strictly dosed portions. E341 has a positive effect on the body in the formation and strengthening of bone tissue, for diseased teeth (prevents the process of enamel decomposition). Even in the composition of some antibiotics, this inorganic compound predominates, which under normal conditions does not dissolve, but enhances the overall therapeutic effect.

Harm of food additive E341

Since calcium phosphate does not dissolve in water, but falls to the bottom as sediment, its harm to human health is obvious. Very soon a person suffers from slagging and excessive accumulation of salts in the body, which significantly disrupts the functioning of internal organs and systems. The harm of the food additive E341 for adults and children is as follows: this mineral salt radically changes the composition of biological fluids, negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes the deposition of salts in the body, exacerbating the accompanying diseases.


Calcium Phosphate is... What is Calcium Phosphate?

Calcium phosphate (orthophosphate) Ca3(PO4)2 is an inorganic substance, a salt of calcium and orthophosphoric acid.


Calcium orthophosphate is also called calcium phosphate. Calcium orthophosphate is a colorless crystalline substance. It exists in two modifications - α (monoclinic system) and β (hexagonal system). It is poorly soluble in water - 0.0025% (wt.) at 20 °C.

When exposed to acids, it turns into more soluble hydrophosphates.

Being in nature

Calcium orthophosphate is widely distributed in nature. It is part of the minerals phosphorite, apatite, and hydroxyapatite.

Biological role

It is the main building material for the bones and teeth of vertebrates.


It is used as a source of calcium for feeding livestock and birds. As part of phosphate rock, it is used as a fertilizer for acidic soils. Used in the production of ceramics and glass, abrasives. It is the starting material for the production of phosphoric acid and phosphorus.

See also

  • Calcium hydrogen phosphate
  • Calcium dihydrogen phosphate
  • Phosphorus fertilizers


  • Duff reaction - Copper // Chemical encyclopedia in 5 volumes. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1990. - T. 2. - 671 p.

Calcium phosphate: properties and all characteristics

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It exists in the form of two polymorphic modifications: monoclinic and hexagonal.

Rice. 1. Calcium phosphate. Appearance.

The main characteristics of calcium phosphate are given in the table below:

Preparation of calcium phosphate

Laboratory methods for producing calcium phosphate involve the action of orthophosphoric acid on calcium salts (1) or calcium hydroxide (2):

3CaCO3 + 2h4PO4 = Ca3(PO4)2 + 3CO2 + 3h3O (1);

3Ca(OH)2 + 2h4PO4 = Ca3(PO4)2 + 6h3O (2).

Calcium phosphate is an average salt formed by a strong base - calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and a weak acid - phosphoric acid (h4PO4). Hydrolyzes in aqueous solution. Hydrolysis proceeds through the anion (theoretically, the second and third stages are possible). The presence of OH- anions indicates the alkaline nature of the medium.

First stage:

Ca3(PO4)2↔ 3Ca2+ + 2PO43-;

3Ca2+ + 2PO43- + HOH ↔ HPO42- + 3Ca2+ + OH-;

Ca3(PO4)2 + HOH ↔ CaHPO4 + Ca(OH)2.

Second stage:

CaHPO4 ↔ Ca2+ + HPO42-;

Ca2+ + HPO42- + HOH ↔ h3PO4- + Ca2+ + OH-;

CaHPO4 + HOH ↔ Ca(h3PO4)2 + Ca(OH)2.

Third stage:

Ca(h3PO4)2 ↔ Ca2+ + h3PO4-;

Ca2+ + h3PO4- + HOH ↔ h4PO4 + Ca2+ + OH-;

Ca(h3PO4)2 + HOH ↔ h4PO4 + Ca(OH)2.

Calcium phosphate has all the properties of salts:

Interaction with strong mineral acids

Ca3(PO4)2 + 6HCl = 3CaCl2 + 2h4PO4;

Interaction with salts, as a result of which one of the reaction products is a water-insoluble compound

Ca3(PO4)2 + 3Li2SO4 = 2Li3PO4↓ + 3CaSO4;

Heat decomposition

Ca3(PO4)2 = P2O5 + 3CaO.

Applications of calcium phosphate

Calcium phosphate has found application as an additive in the production of feed for cattle and poultry. It is used in the production of mineral fertilizers, ceramics and glass. In the food industry, calcium phosphate is known as additive E341 - leavening agent.

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Calcium phosphate formula in chemistry

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Chemical Formula –

Molar mass is g/mol.

Physical properties– A white or colorless crystalline solid that melts without decomposition.

Does not dissolve in water.

Does not form crystalline hydrates.

Chemical properties of calcium phosphate

  • Interacts with mineral acids, for example:
  • Calcium phosphate reacts with aluminum at a temperature of the order of, for example:


The main methods for producing calcium phosphate are based on exchange reactions:


Calcium phosphate is used as a source of calcium for feeding livestock and poultry.

Used as a fertilizer for acidic soils.

Used in the production of ceramics.

In inorganic synthesis it is the starting material for the production of phosphoric acid and phosphorus.

Calcium phosphate (food additive E341) is an inorganic substance, a salt of calcium and orthophosphoric acid. Of all hydroxyapatites (calcium phosphate compounds), calcium orthophosphate is the most resistant to extracellular body fluids and plays an important role in a number of physiological processes.

Calcium phosphates are found in cow's milk. In the human body, calcium exists mainly in the form of calcium phosphates. Seventy percent of human bones are composed of calcium phosphates. Tooth enamel also mostly consists of hydroxyapatites.

There are several subtypes of calcium orthophosphates used in the food industry:

  • E341(i) - monosubstituted calcium orthophosphate with the chemical formula: Ca 2;
  • E341(ii) - disubstituted calcium orthophosphate with the chemical formula: CaHPO 4;
  • E341(iii) - trisubstituted calcium orthophosphate, having the molecular formula: Ca 3 O 8 P 2.

Calcium orthophosphate is obtained from minerals and chemically - by reacting orthophosphoric acid with calcium oxide or milk of lime and hydrolysis of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate. The result of the chemical reaction is a white amorphous powder, slightly soluble in water, but soluble in acids. Unlike many chemicals, the solubility of phosphates decreases with increasing temperature.

Since the 70s of the last century, various studies have been carried out around the world studying the biological behavior of orthophosphates. The negative effects of the E341 supplement on the body have not yet been scientifically proven, but there are rumors on the Internet that the E341 supplement causes gastrointestinal diseases and indigestion.

Food additive E341 is used in the food industry as a stabilizer, acidity regulator, leavening agent, and color fixative. In addition, calcium orthophosphates are used as an emulsifying salt in the production of processed cheeses. In milk powder and cream, the food additive E341 is used as a separating agent and anti-caking agent. Calcium orthophosphates are also used as an anti-crystallizer for condensed milk and a thickener for plant tissues in the production of canned fruit and vegetables.

Most often, the E341 additive is used in the food industry in the production of baked goods, special drinks (for example, for athletes), concentrated milk with a high solids content, powdered milk, condensed milk, ice cream, minced fish and meat, liquor, dry and herbal teas , semi-finished products, breakfast cereals, instant foods, confectionery, baking powder, processed cheeses, dietary supplements, canned fruits and vegetables.

Other uses of calcium orthophosphates:

  • production of fertilizers and mineral feeds for livestock;
  • one of the components of toothpastes and powders;
  • used in the production of ceramics, glass, soft abrasives.

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