Mascarpone filling for pancakes. Pancake bags with mascarpone and berry sauce. Pancake cake with butter cream

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I tried this dessert a long time ago in one of the coffee shops. Pancake bags were served with delicate cream of mascarpone cheese on a wide flat plate in a sweet sauce of berries and wine. Each pouch was placed in the center of the plate and the sauce poured around the pouch was garnished with whole berries. It was not only very beautiful, but also incredibly tasty! Back then I didn’t even think that I would ever want this delicious dessert repeat myself, but the time has apparently come!

In fact, there is no particular difficulty in preparing pancake bags with mascarpone and berry sauce; the main difficulty here is to beautifully assemble the pancake bag. What’s also good is that you can use frozen berries for the sauce; I had cherries, raspberries and mulberries frozen from the summer. That dessert contained cherries, raspberries and blackberries, so not only in appearance, but also in taste it will be almost identical. Therefore, we take the necessary products and prepare.

First, let's bake pancakes. You can bake pancakes according to your favorite recipe, but I’ll show you mine. These pancakes were enough for me not only for this dessert, but also for other pancake bags, which you can see in my next recipe. Sift flour into a bowl, add eggs, sugar and salt, stir with a whisk.

We begin to pour in the milk, mixing with the flour from the edges of the bowl. I like to add milk at the end, this way I can regulate the thickness of the dough. If necessary, you can add a little more milk.

Let the finished dough rest for 15-20 minutes and start preparing the sauce from berries and red wine. While the dough was being prepared, the berries defrosted a little, put them together with the juice in a bowl, add sugar, sweet red wine and put on the fire. Boil them at a low boil for 7-10 minutes, stirring constantly. The alcohol will evaporate during this time, but the taste of the sauce will be brighter. If the cherries are very sour, you can add a little more sugar - in general, rely on your taste. My cherries were so sweet that I even thought about adding a little lemon juice.

And one more thing: leave just a pinch of pancake flour, and if the berries have released a lot of juice and the sauce has not thickened in a short time, add this flour to the sauce and stir. The consistency of the sauce should not be too thick so that it can be poured. Remove the bowl from the heat.

Now let's start baking pancakes. By the way, this time I did not use vegetable oil in the dough, but greased the pancake pan with a piece of lard. If you are used to adding butter to the dough, then add as usual and stir. We bake the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Afterwards we will make the mascarpone cream. Place the cheese in a bowl, add powdered sugar and beat with a mixer until fluffy. I use 10% of the cheese’s weight as powder; it’s not worth more, because pancakes and especially the sauce are sweet.

Now we make the bags ourselves, for which we put the pancake in a bowl and put whipped mascarpone in the center. Since the edges of the pancake are at the top, it will be very convenient to collect them and tie them with a string of cheese.

These are the pancake bags with mascarpone cheese and berry sauce.

We serve them immediately. We take dessert plates, pour the sauce into them, place a bag in the center and arrange the berries in the sauce. Such beautiful dessert can be prepared not only for Maslenitsa, it is perfect for finishing romantic dinner. Do you agree? Bon appetit!

How to prepare a recipe for pancakes with mascarpone - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

The most best recipes Pancakes with mascarpone are collected here. You will always find them in pancake recipes. We also have pancake recipes for diabetics.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with powdered sugar, add mascarpone, beat until smooth. Beat the whites until stiff and add to the yolk-cheese mixture. Beat thoroughly. brush each layer of pancakes. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle the cake. You will need: Mascarpone cheese - 250 gr. eggs - 2 pcs. powdered sugar-100g. ready-made pancakes - 10-15 pcs. chocolate-1/2pl.

Chocolate rolls (or chocolate pancakes with mascarpone and pear)

Bake chocolate pancakes. There are a lot of recipes on the site, I used Nata’s recipe, for which I thank her very much. Beat the mascarpone with sugar (powdered sugar) with a mixer. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste. Wash and wash. You will need: Chocolate pancakes, Mascarpone – 250 gr. Pear – 1/2 pcs. (I had a huge pear, more than 0.5 kg.), Sugar - 2-4 tbsp.

Pancake cake with butter cream

We bake pancakes (everyone has their own) recipe, in dough I added instant coffee (1 teaspoon of coffee and a little boiling water)), when the pancakes are fried, they give off a vanilla-coffee smell, mmmm. Making the cream: soak gelatin in 100 ml of cream, whip separately cream 35%, mascarpone seperate. Required: We will need. pancakes 15-17 pcs, mascarpone-500g, cream 35%-150-200ml, powder to your taste, gelatin 10g, cream for gelatin - 100ml, chocolate and cocoa powder for decoration.

Pancakes with ersatz mascarpone, banana puree and chocolate

Whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt, add vanilla and regular sugar. Gradually pour in the mixture of milk and water, add flour, kneading thoroughly. Until you get a dough like thin sour cream. We bake pancakes in a frying pan, pre-greasing it. ma. You will need: Pancakes: 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar, a pinch of baking powder, 300 ml milk, 200 ml water, 200-300 gr. flour (apply by eye), 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, vegetable oil for baking, Filling: ersatz mascarpone, original.

Pancakes with mascarpone, raspberries and white chocolate

Prepare the filling. Mix mascarpone, powdered sugar and lemon juice. Place some of the filling in the center of each pancake, spread over the entire surface, pour over the jam, and wrap in any way. Break the chocolate into pieces, place in a saucepan, add cream. You will need: 6 pancakes Ф 23 cm, 300 g mascarpone, 20 ml lemon juice, 40 g powdered sugar, 50 ml raspberry jam, For decoration: 50 g white chocolate, 30 ml cream, raspberry syrup

Pancake cake Tiramisu for Olga Ch

Bake pancakes according to your proven recipe. Everything is simple for me: 2 eggs, a little salt and powdered sugar, a spoon olive oil; and flour and water - intuitively, the consistency is quite liquid. As I noted, any recipe will work, I think ideally thin and elastic b. You will need: Pancakes according to your recipe, 12-15 pieces, 500 gr. mascarpone, 150 ml. cream (11%), 15 gr. gelatin, 70-100 gr. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. Roma, Instant coffee, Bitter cocoa powder, 70 gr. chocolate

Curd pancakes with mascarpone

Take mascarpone Add yolks Add sugar and vanillin and mix everything very well. Add flour and mix again. Gently fold in the beaten egg whites and mix again. Pour oil into a heated frying pan, and spoon out the pancakes. When they are about one hundred. You will need: 400 g mascarpone, 3 yolks, 3 whites, 120 g brown sugar, 50 g regular or powdered sugar, 170 g flour (you need to look, sometimes more is needed), vanillin, 15 g baking powder

Maslenitsa: Pancakes with mascarpone and salmon

First, of course, pancakes. Be sure to sift the flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and be sure to strain (even if mixed with a blender). Let the dough sit for 15 minutes at room temperature. Bake like regular pancakes. Apply an even layer of nama to the pancake. You will need: Dough: 2 eggs, 50g granulated sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt, 0.5 l milk, 200-250 g flour, 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, Filling: 250g mascarpone (or Philadelphia) cheese, 150g sliced ​​salmon, a bunch of arugula, a little red caviar for decoration (optional), olive m.

Pancake bag with mascarpone and pumpkin

Bake pancakes, peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add honey and a little water (we do not cook the pumpkin, but simmer). Bring to a boil, turn on a small flame and simmer, stirring for 10 minutes. Drain the water and beat the pumpkin in a blender until smooth. You will need: Pancakes, Mascarpone cheese (4 tbsp), 8 medium pieces of pumpkin, 2 tbsp. honey, water, mint

Pancake cake with honey cream

First, let's prepare the cream. Beat the mascarpone. Add honey and sour cream and beat. And put it in the refrigerator for now. Now let's start baking pancakes. Lightly beat eggs with salt and honey. Add flour sifted with baking powder. Knead into a smooth dough, gradually Required: for honey cream with mascarpone: 150 g mascarpone, 100 g sour cream, 2 tbsp honey (clover honey), for honey whey pancakes: 1 tbsp whey from making mascarpone, 2 eggs, salt, 2 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 50-70 g butter

Recipe: Pancakes with mascarpone and strawberries

  • Pancakes are one of the favorite dishes of the Slavic peoples. Today it is prepared all over the world. In America, pancakes are fluffy. They are served with maple syrup. In China, they add a lot of spices to the dough. But in France, they sprinkle it with zest and serve it with ice cream.
  • Pancakes are quite high in calories. But this is not a reason to deny yourself your favorite treat! For example, instead of wheat flour, you can use oatmeal or buckwheat. Instead of milk - kefir. And add fish to the filling, low-fat cottage cheese or vegetables. Remember - you should always cook in good mood. This is the rule for all dishes without exception! But personally, just the thought of homemade pancakes brings a smile and delight to me.
  • Today I offer a recipe for milk pancakes with tender mascarpone cheese and strawberries. Consolidation!

Subtleties of preparation:

So, the ideal pancakes are tender dough And delicious filling! To make pancakes thin, there are several simple rules.

  • Eggs and milk should not be cold. Prepare food 15 minutes before cooking. It is better to take milk of medium fat content. By the way, if you add a little water to it, the pancakes will take on an openwork shape.
  • When preparing the dough, do not use a mixer. Or beat only at low speed. If you beat the batter too much, the pancakes will lose their delicate texture.
  • Observe the proportions exactly. The rule “the more eggs the better” will work against you. It will be more like an omelette! Three eggs are enough for this dish.
  • You don't need a lot of sugar either. Some of my friends don't add it to pancakes at all. It's a matter of taste. But if there is a lot of sugar, the pancakes will start to burn. But the flour must be sifted. Then the dough will be homogeneous.
  • I always start by beating the eggs. Then I add flour and only then pour in milk! Then the dough will turn out without lumps.
  • It is very important to fry pancakes the right frying pan. I once tried to cook this dish in a heavy-bottomed frying pan. My family didn’t eat pancakes that day! The pan should be thin, preferably with a Teflon coating. Today you can find special pancake pans without sides. But if you don't have one, don't worry. There is one way - you need to heat the pan well. Let it sit on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Then you can pour a little oil, warm it up and reduce the heat.
  • If your pancakes don't turn over well and tear, add a little more flour to the dough. If too thick - milk. Another secret is oil. Add a little sunflower oil to the dough. Then the pancakes will not stick to the surface of the pan.
  • For the filling I used mascarpone cheese. I mixed it with powdered sugar. But mascarpone can be replaced with heavy cream or cottage cheese grated with cream. Instead of strawberries, use any fruit or berries!

Recipe preparation steps with photos

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Pancakes with strawberries and mascarpone

Make the pancake batter by combining milk, eggs, butter, salt and sugar in a bowl.

Beat well with a blender.

Gradually add flour and continue whisking until it reaches the consistency of kefir. Let it stand.

Place 100 g of finely diced strawberries, mascarpone cheese and powdered sugar in a bowl.

Bake pancakes in a heated frying pan, greasing it with vegetable or butter.

Spread the filling on one half of the pancake.

Cover the second one and fold again.

Garnish with berries and powder when serving.

If you have any in stock curd cheese mascarpone, I highly recommend using it as a filling for flour pancakes. You can add any sweet or fresh filling to these pancakes.

  • Flour 1.5 cups
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Boiled water, chilled 1.5-2 glasses
  • Mascarpone 100-150 Gram
  • Butter 60-70 grams
  • Vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Description of preparation:

You can prepare pancakes with mascarpone in half an hour. If you wish, season these pancakes with mascarpone with salmon, herbs, fruits or berries. Pancakes with mascarpone can be served for dessert, or served as a main course or snack. So, how to make pancakes with mascarpone? 1. First - the dough. Pour flour into a tall bowl, add a little sugar and vanillin (optional), a spoonful of vegetable oil, beat in one egg and, stirring, gradually add room temperature milk or water. Mix with a whisk until a lump-free batter forms. 2. Heat a frying pan over medium-high heat with a knob of butter. Pour in 3-4 tablespoons of dough, pour over the pan, turning it in different directions. Fry the pancake on both sides for half a minute each. 3. Place the pancake on a plate, let it cool slightly, then brush with mascarpone. If you wish, add any filling and wrap it in an envelope, triangle or tube. 4. Place the finished pancakes with mascarpone on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Pancakes with mascarpone are ready! Bon appetit!

Important! The video may differ from the text version of the recipe!

In the Italian region of Lombardy they began to produce cream cheese mascarpone. Now this product is used to make sandwiches, different dishes, including pancakes. You can also add sweet or savory filling to this curd product.

To cook delicious pancakes with mascarpone, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • one and a half glasses of premium or first grade wheat flour,
  • one egg,
  • you can take one and a half to two glasses of water, and instead of water you can use milk or mix half the water and milk,
  • mascarpone needs 100 - 150 grams (half a glass or more),
  • two tablespoons of butter and one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Additionally, you can use vanillin, for the filling - chopped salmon, herbs, or fruit, depending on how the pancakes will be - salty or sweet.

The recipe makes four servings and the cooking time is 30 minutes.

  1. Pour sugar into a deep bowl, sift flour over the sugar, during sifting the flour will gain air and the pancakes will taste better. At this stage you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar for aroma, if you think it's necessary.
  2. Add about a tablespoon of vegetable oil, an egg, and, stirring with a mixer or blender, pour water (milk or a mixture of water and milk) in a thin stream. Mix well to avoid lumps.
  3. Heat a frying pan, dissolve the oil in it and add three or four tablespoons of batter per pancake, the amount depends on the size of the frying pan. Frying time is 30 seconds on one side, and 30 seconds on the second.

Place the pancakes on a wide plate, wait until they cool, add the desired filling and make an envelope, triangle or roll.

The benefits of cream cheese

Mascarpone is made from cream to which a starter is added, cream from cow or buffalo milk is heated to an average of 80 degrees, white wine vinegar or lemon juice is added. Juice and vinegar are poured in so that the cheese begins to curdle.

The energy value of mascarpone is about 400 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. This curd product contains a lot of vitamins - A, CC, B, D, PP, as well as microelements - iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus. Nutrients in cheese help vegetables and fruits to digest. Mascarpone fats have a particularly important role in digestion, which in the dry residue can be up to half of the weight.

Thanks to fats, cheese is similar to cream, so it is sometimes replaced with butter, and it is also used in desserts, for example, Tiramisu, Gorgonzola. Mascarpone is similar in consistency to very rich sour cream, therefore, in the absence of this exquisite Italian product, in extreme cases it can be replaced with thick sour cream.

Pancakes with mascarpone cheese and fresh berries

Outside the window it was snowing and a company of Red Army soldiers. Joseph Vissarionovich turned away from the window and asked:
- Comrade Zhyukov, haven’t you been killed yet?
- No, Comrade Stalin.
- Then let me smoke...

Of course not! Below the reader will not see a kind of political recipe for Soviet cuisine. Because the well-known story, including the dialogue between Stalin and Zhukov, was simply inspired by the weather outside the window. You wake up on a gloomy November morning, and it’s snowing outside the window... (and, hey, hey, a company of Red Guards). In disgusting and slushy weather, you don’t want to crumble the reagent on the sidewalks with your shoes. But eating something tasty and high in calories is easy and fun. Moreover, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything from recipes to the blog. The justification for this is the busy work schedule in the summer, which, by the way, brought generous results in the form of... Stop though! This is a completely different story, which has nothing to do with pancakes with mascarpone cheese and fresh berries! 🙂

Directing my eyes to the history of past recipes, I discovered a beautiful, but still ownerless recipe for raspberry sauce. Hmm-hmm... Undeservedly! What the hell is this? And this bright sauce will be used today. The recipe for pancakes with mascarpone cheese and fresh berries.

So. What do we have? Zero temperature with wet snow outside the window. Mascarpone from the supermarket (Lieutenant Rzhevsky, not a word about the manufacturer), Hand Made raspberry sauce and fresh berries for decoration. What else do you need to pamper your loved ones and yourself? an extraordinary dessert. Just a little bit, get off your butt and go to the kitchen to create!

And before dear reader goes into the depths of the kitchen shelves to rattle the pan for pancake batter. I'll take another minute of your precious time to give you one piece of advice. You can prepare pancakes with mascarpone cheese, and bring them to readiness, that is, fry and warm them in the oven, only then, just before serving. Thus, the main secret of the filling will be hidden, and your guests will be in for a real taste surprise! 🙂

  • Depending on the size of the pancakes and the volume of their filling, you will need:
  • For the test:
  • 3 large chicken eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 tbsp. l. white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • Vanilla extract - optional and to taste
  • For the filling:
  • 250 gr. ricotta cheese
  • Half a cup of cream cheese, preferably mascarpone
  • A pinch of lemon zest
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp. powdered sugar (or more if you have a sweet tooth)
  • 1 chicken egg
  • Mint leaf and berries for decoration

Step by step instructions

  • 2. Lemon zest and egg
  • 6. Do it once!
  • 7. Two, sir!
  • 8. Cover the sides
  • 10. Another turn
  • 11. Done!
  • Servings: 5-6
  • Total time preparation: 55 min
  • Menu: Desserts
  • Recipe type: Pancakes
  • Ingredients: Flour. Cheese. Fruits and berries

Step by step instructions

  • 1. Of course, in the recipe for pancakes with mascarpone cheese, the main role is given to the filling. Therefore, you can cook any thin pancakes or use one of the recipes that we have already prepared. Let's not waste time and start preparing the filling. Place ricotta and mascarpone in a suitable bowl, add powdered sugar and salt.
  • 2. Lemon zest and egg
  • 3. and stir with a whisk into a uniform mass
  • 4. The result should be a fairly thick porridge.
  • 5. Start rolling the pancake. Damn is not a slang word, but a real pancake. One of those that you baked ahead of time and cooled to room temperature.
  • 6. Do it once!
  • 7. Two, sir!
  • 8. Cover the sides
  • 9. We begin to roll it into a pillow
  • 10. Another turn
  • 11. Done!
  • 12. As I said above, at this stage you can slow down and put the pancakes in the refrigerator to wait in the wings or for the arrival of guests. If no guests are expected, or they are already here (sticking their heads out from behind), or you want to eat terribly and don’t care about anything...
  • 13. Fry the pancakes in a very hot frying pan for a couple of minutes on each side until golden brown
  • 14. Then place in a suitable container and place in an oven preheated to 200 C for 15-20 minutes.
  • 15. Damn it! These pancakes with raspberry sauce, decorated wild berries, powdered sugar and mint leaf. Perfect on a cloudy November afternoon with a glass of cool champagne.)
  • 16. Did you like the recipe? I would be extremely grateful if you rate the recipe and/or write a comment. Thank you.)

Culinary recipe Pancakes with mascarpone and raspberries

Few people know what mascarpone is. This is an Italian cream cheese originating from the Lombardy region.

How is this cheese produced? Take cream with a fat content of 25%, heat it in a water bath to 75-90 degrees, stirring constantly, and add traditional recipe tartaric acid and lemon juice (or white wine vinegar). Thus, the process of coagulation (clotting) of milk protein occurs. The mixture is heated for a while, then cooled and placed under a press in a linen bag to remove the whey, or hung in a cool place.

Mascarpone has a creamy consistency and contains approximately 75% fat in the dry residue. This cheese of Italian origin is ideal for making cheesecakes, tiramisu and other desserts. Mascarpone is also sometimes used for sandwiches instead of butter.
I suggest cooking today very delicious pancakes and make a mascarpone filling, adding honey, vanilla and lemon zest. It turns out very tasty, sweet and tender. The most wonderful decoration for the dish will be raspberries, bright red and so desirable. An excellent dessert that will not be difficult for you to prepare!

To make pancakes with mascarpone and raspberries, you will need:

for test:
milk – 1 tbsp.
butter – 10-15 g
eggs – 2 pcs.
brown sugar with lemon zest - ¼ tbsp.
flour – 1 tbsp.
dark chocolate – 50 g
for filling:
mascarpone – 200 g
honey – 2 tbsp.
lemon zest – 2 tbsp.
vanilla extract – 1 tsp.
for decoration:

How to cook pancakes with mascarpone and raspberries:

1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and put on fire. Keep it on the fire until the butter melts.
2. Grate dark chocolate and add to the pan. Mix. Cook until the chocolate melts.
3. Mix eggs (large) with sugar and lemon zest, beat well. Add to our pan. Mix.
4. Gradually introduce flour into the main mass and mix well until smooth.
5. Let the dough rest for about 20-30 minutes.
6. Now you can proceed directly to frying the pancakes. Place a frying pan with oil on the fire, heat it up and fry thin pancakes on both sides. Then cool completely.
7. Prepare the filling for the pancakes. Mix mascarpone, honey, lemon zest and vanillin. Beat until smooth.
8. Fill the pancakes with the resulting mass. Decorate with raspberries.

Pancake cake with mascarpone

Servings: 8

  • For the test
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup walnuts (ground into powder)
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • pinch of salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • Filling
  • 4 yolks
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 500 g mascarpone
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Cooking method
Prep: 15 min › Cook: 20 min › + 20 min rest › Total time: 55 min

  1. Prepare pancakes. It’s good to add ground nuts to the pancake dough, then the layers will be more porous and dense, like for a cake. Mix dry ingredients: flour, chopped nuts, sugar, salt. Lightly beat the eggs and add to the flour mixture. Pour in hot milk and vegetable oil. Mix well so that there are no lumps, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. For the filling: beat the yolks into a fluffy light mass with sugar, add mascarpone and vanilla. Beat for a couple of minutes.
  3. Make pancakes from the dough, layer with mascarpone cream. Coat the top with cream, sprinkle with nuts or decorate with chocolate. Place in the refrigerator to soak for 2 hours.

How to separate whites from yolks:

Pancake cake with sour cream

Pancake cake with condensed milk

Pancake cake with mushroom filling

Pancake cake with cream

Pancake pie with tomatoes and cheese

Pancake cake with mushrooms

Chocolate curd pancake cake

Sponge cake with mascarpone

Coffee mascarpone dessert

Ravioli in mascarpone cream sauce with walnuts

Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

  • Pancakes are one of the favorite dishes of the Slavic peoples. Today it is prepared all over the world. In America, pancakes are fluffy. They are served with maple syrup. In China, they add a lot of spices to the dough. But in France, they sprinkle it with zest and serve it with ice cream.
  • Pancakes are quite high in calories. But this is not a reason to deny yourself your favorite treat! For example, instead of wheat flour, you can use oatmeal or buckwheat. Instead of milk - kefir. And add fish, low-fat cottage cheese or vegetables to the filling. Remember - you always need to cook in a good mood. This is the rule for all dishes without exception! But personally, just the thought of homemade pancakes brings a smile and delight to me.
  • Today I offer a recipe for milk pancakes with tender mascarpone cheese and strawberries. Consolidation!

Subtleties of preparation:

So, the perfect pancakes are tender dough and delicious filling! To make pancakes thin, there are several simple rules.
  • Eggs and milk should not be cold. Prepare food 15 minutes before cooking. It is better to take milk of medium fat content. By the way, if you add a little water to it, the pancakes will take on an openwork shape.
  • When preparing the dough, do not use a mixer. Or beat only at low speed. If you beat the batter too much, the pancakes will lose their delicate texture.
  • Observe the proportions exactly. The rule - “the more eggs, the better” - will work against you. It will be more like an omelette! Three eggs are enough for this dish.
  • You don't need a lot of sugar either. Some of my friends don't add it to pancakes at all. It's a matter of taste. But if there is a lot of sugar, the pancakes will start to burn. But the flour must be sifted. Then the dough will be homogeneous.
  • I always start by beating the eggs. Then I add flour and only then pour in milk! Then the dough will turn out without lumps.
  • It is very important to fry pancakes in the right pan. I once tried to cook this dish in a heavy-bottomed frying pan. My family didn’t eat pancakes that day! The pan should be thin, preferably with a Teflon coating. Today you can find special pancake pans without sides. But if you don't have one, don't worry. There is one way - you need to heat the pan well. Let it sit on medium heat for about 10 minutes. Then you can pour a little oil, warm it up and reduce the heat.
  • If your pancakes don't turn over well and tear, add a little more flour to the dough. If too thick - milk. Another secret is oil. Add a little sunflower oil to the dough. Then the pancakes will not stick to the surface of the pan.
  • For the filling I used mascarpone cheese. I mixed it with powdered sugar. But mascarpone can be replaced with heavy cream or cottage cheese grated with cream. Instead of strawberries, use any fruit or berries!

Recipe preparation steps with photos

Prepare necessary products. Remove eggs and milk from the refrigerator a little in advance. They should be at room temperature.

Beat the eggs and add sugar. You can also add a pinch of salt, it will highlight the taste of the dough. But this is optional.

Mix well until smooth. Important - do not beat the eggs too much.

Add some of the milk to the resulting egg mixture. Add the sifted flour, all at once. Mix. At this stage the dough will be lumpy. But don't worry. We'll fix everything later!

Add the rest of the milk. This is the main secret of the dough - milk at the end! Stir until our mixture becomes homogeneous. The dough should be liquid, but have a thick, viscous texture.

Pour some sunflower oil into the dough. Mix well.

Grease a preheated frying pan with oil. Pour in the dough. I use a ladle. Distribute the dough evenly by rotating the pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes. Our pancake should turn over easily. Fry on the other side and remove.
If desired, you can grease the finished warm pancake with butter. But remember - if you plan to wrap meat, fish or other fatty filling in a pancake, you should not do this.
Before each pancake, stir the dough so that the butter does not rise to the top. I didn't add any more oil to the pan. But look at the situation.

When all the pancakes are ready, leave them aside. They must cool completely! In the meantime, let's prepare the filling.

For the filling I used mascarpone cream cheese, powdered sugar and fresh strawberries. I washed the strawberries and removed the tails.

Pancake cake Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with powdered sugar, add mascarpone, beat until smooth. Beat the whites until stiff and add to the yolk-cheese mixture. Beat thoroughly. brush each layer of pancakes. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle the cake...You will need: Mascarpone cheese-250 gr., eggs-2 pcs., powdered sugar-100 gr., ready-made pancakes-10-15 pcs., chocolate-1/2 pl.,

Chocolate rolls (or chocolate pancakes with mascarpone and pear) Bake chocolate pancakes. There are a lot of recipes on the site, I used Nata’s recipe, for which I thank her very much. Beat the mascarpone with sugar (powdered sugar) with a mixer. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste. Wash and discuss...You will need: Chocolate pancakes, Mascarpone - 250 gr., Pear - 1/2 pcs. (I had a huge pear, more than 0.5 kg.), Sugar - 2-4 tbsp.

Pancake cake with butter cream We bake pancakes (everyone has their own recipe, I added instant coffee to the dough (1 teaspoon of coffee and a little boiling water)), when the pancakes are fried, they give off a vanilla-coffee smell, mmmm... We make the cream: soak gelatin in 100 ml cream, whip separately cream 35%, mascarpone sepa...You will need: We will need: pancakes 15-17 pcs, mascarpone-500g, cream 35%-150-200ml, powder to your taste, gelatin 10g, cream for gelatin - 100ml, chocolate and cocoa powder for decoration.

Pancakes with ersatz mascarpone, banana puree and chocolate Whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt, add vanilla and regular sugar. Gradually pour in the mixture of milk and water, add flour, kneading thoroughly. Until you get a dough like thin sour cream. We bake pancakes in a frying pan, pre-greasing it. ma...You will need: Pancakes: 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar, a pinch of baking powder, 300 ml milk, 200 ml water, 200-300 gr. flour (apply by eye), 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, vegetable oil for baking, Filling: ersatz mascarpone, original...

Pancakes with mascarpone, raspberries and white chocolate Prepare the filling. Mix mascarpone, powdered sugar and lemon juice. Place some of the filling in the center of each pancake, spread over the entire surface, pour over the jam, and wrap in any way. Break the chocolate into pieces, place in a saucepan, add cream, ...You will need: 6 pancakes Ф 23 cm, 300 g mascarpone, 20 ml lemon juice, 40 g powdered sugar, 50 ml raspberry jam, For decoration: 50 g white chocolate, 30 ml cream, raspberry syrup

Pancake cake Tiramisu for Olga Ch Bake pancakes according to your proven recipe. Everything is simple for me: 2 eggs, a little salt and powdered sugar, a spoonful of olive oil; and flour and water - intuitively, the consistency is quite liquid. As I noted, any recipe will work, I think ideally thin and elastic...You will need: Pancakes according to your recipe, 12-15 pieces, 500 gr. mascarpone, 150 ml. cream (11%), 15 gr. gelatin, 70-100 gr. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. rum, instant coffee, bitter cocoa powder, 70 gr. chocolate

Curd pancakes with mascarpone Take mascarpone Add yolks Add sugar and vanillin and mix everything very well. Add flour and mix again. Gently fold in the beaten egg whites and mix again. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and spoon out the pancakes. When they are about one hundred...You will need: 400 g mascarpone, 3 yolks, 3 whites, 120 g brown sugar, 50 g regular or powdered sugar, 170 g flour (you need to look, sometimes more is needed), vanillin, 15 g baking powder

Maslenitsa: Pancakes with mascarpone and salmon First, of course, pancakes. Be sure to sift the flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and be sure to strain (even if mixed with a blender). Let the dough rest for 15 minutes at room temperature. We bake like regular pancakes. Apply an even layer of nama to the pancake...You will need: Dough: 2 eggs, 50g granulated sugar, 0.5 tsp. salt, 0.5 l milk, 200-250 g flour, 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, Filling: 250g mascarpone (or Philadelphia) cheese, 150g sliced ​​salmon, a bunch of arugula, a little red caviar for decoration (optional), olive oil...

Pancake bag with mascarpone and pumpkin Bake pancakes, peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add honey and a little water (we do not cook the pumpkin, but simmer). Bring to a boil, turn on a small flame and simmer, stirring for 10 minutes. Drain the water, beat the pumpkin with a blender until...You will need: Pancakes, Mascarpone cheese (4 tbsp), 8 medium pieces of pumpkin, 2 tbsp. honey, water, mint

Pancake cake with honey cream First, let's prepare the cream. Beat the mascarpone. Add honey and sour cream, beat... And put in the refrigerator for now. Now let's start baking pancakes... Lightly beat the eggs with salt and honey. Add flour sifted with baking powder. Knead a smooth dough, gradually...You will need: for honey cream with mascarpone: 150 g mascarpone, 100 g sour cream, 2 tbsp honey (clover honey), for honey whey pancakes: 1 tbsp whey from making mascarpone, 2 eggs, salt, 2 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 50-70 g butter

Russian pancakes are so tasty that other nations gladly adopted them, making them an independent element of their cuisine. It turns out that pancakes and pancakes are popular even in Italy, where they came up with the nationally consonant name mascarpone and are served with the same cheese and berry sauce. The recipe for a dish with mascarpone is designed for 4-6 servings. To make mascarpone pancakes you will need: half a kilogram of cheese […]


400 grams of frozen berries (any, but preferably assorted),

100 grams of sugar,

30 grams of butter,

half a kilogram of mascarpone cheese,

700 milliliters of milk,

300 grams of wheat flour,

150 grams of butter,

1 table. spoon of sugar,

12 tsp. spoons of salt.

Russian pancakes are so tasty that other nations gladly adopted them, making them an independent element of their cuisine. It turns out that pancakes and pancakes are popular even in Italy, where they came up with the nationally consonant name mascarpone and are served with the same cheese and berry sauce. The recipe for a dish with mascarpone is designed for 4-6 servings.

To prepare mascarpone pancakes you will need:

half a kilogram of mascarpone cheese, 700 milliliters of milk, 300 grams of wheat flour, 150 grams of butter, 3 eggs, 1 table. spoon of sugar, 12 teaspoons. spoons of salt.

For the sauce for mascarpone pancakes you will need:

400 grams of frozen berries (any, but preferably assorted), 100 grams of sugar, 30 grams of butter.

The process of making mascarpone pancakes

Mix sugar, salt and eggs thoroughly in a bowl. Add a third of the warm milk (from the norm according to the recipe). sifted wheat flour add into the egg-milk mixture in portions, stirring evenly all the time and trying not to leave lumps: the batter will be ready when there is not a single unstirred lump left in it.

Next, pour the remaining heated milk into the resulting mixture and stir everything again (it is important to pour it in a stream). Heat the butter. Heat a frying pan, grease with oil and bake the pancakes, frying on both sides until golden brown (the pancakes should be thin). Place the finished pancakes on a plate, brushing each one with butter to prevent sticking.

Then prepare the sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a frying pan and add sugar to it. When it dissolves, add frozen assorted berries and fry for two or three minutes. Before serving, heat the pancakes in a frying pan, placing 1 pancake on each pancake. spoon of grated mascarpone cheese. We form pancakes into bags, pinning the top with a toothpick. Place on a plate and pour over sweet berry sauce.

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