The meat smells rotten, what should I do? How to eliminate the unpleasant smell of chicken meat. Choosing the right meat

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Meat is a perishable product, so if it is improperly or long-term storage it may emit an unpleasant odor. This signals the beginning of the decomposition process caused by the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria. You should get rid of the smell before starting cooking. You can save the product using simple recipes and traditional methods. But before that, you must definitely understand the cause of the unpleasant aroma and assess the degree of deterioration of the product. This will help protect yourself from possible food poisoning.

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    Risk area

    Meat loses its natural flavor in the following cases:

    • the pulp was in the refrigerator next to the spoiled product;
    • was stored in a plastic bag and suffocated due to lack of oxygen;
    • the animal was improperly fed or slaughtered (applies to pork and rabbit meat).

    Some types of meat initially have a specific smell, for example, lamb or pork (if you get the flesh of an uncastrated boar). This does not at all indicate that the product is spoiled. In this case, it will be enough to marinate the pulp and fight off the smell with spicy seasonings.

    If the meat has not yet been on the shelf in the refrigerator and has just been brought from the market, you can assess the degree of its spoilage in the following ways:

    Universal ways to remove odor

    If the meat was stored incorrectly and simply suffocated or absorbed an unpleasant aroma from nearby foods, it should be rinsed under running water and started cooking immediately. In some cases, when the pulp has just begun to deteriorate, this is enough. If the smell is still present, it is recommended to use effective culinary secrets. These methods are suitable for processing chicken and any other types of meat.


    You can remove the smell of fragrant meat by soaking. This treatment helps to destroy putrefactive bacteria inside the pulp due to the long stay of the product in solution. Depending on which ingredients you have at home, you can use any of the following recipes:

    1. 1. Mix a liter of water with a tablespoon of vinegar and soak for an hour.
    2. 2. Pour lemon over the meat pomegranate juice or white wine (your choice) and wait 60 minutes.
    3. 3. Soak the pulp in a concentrated saline solution (2 heaped tablespoons of table or sea salt per liter of clean water), leave for 2-3 hours. For a spicy aroma, you can add charcoal to the solution. After cooking, it will seem as if the meat was cooked over a fire.
    4. 4. Dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate (until a pale pink liquid is obtained), immerse the spoiled product for an hour, then rinse under running water and leave for 15 minutes in a container with clean cold water.
    5. 5. Brew chamomile by adding 200 ml of boiling water to a tablespoon, strain, cool, and mix with a liter of cold water. Immerse the pulp in the resulting solution, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Soak for 20 minutes.
    6. 6. Pour red wine over the spoiled product, add thyme or rosemary, leave for 60 minutes. The smell will disappear, and the meat will become juicy and piquant after cooking. It is best to fry the steak after processing in a frying pan.

    After any soaking, the meat must be rinsed under running water.


    The simplest and quick way to get rid of the unpleasant amber - rub the pulp with salt and sugar, and after 40 minutes rinse under running water. If the smell is still present, you can fight it off with marinade. Any of the following recipes will work:

    1. 1. Thickly coat the tenderloin or fillet with mustard, leave for 1-2 hours in a cool place, rinse under running water.
    2. 2. Rub the meat with spicy spices and herbs: basil, nutmeg, cardamom, rosemary, thyme. You can use either one ingredient or a mixture. Leave for an hour.
    3. 3. Coarsely chop the onion and garlic cloves, add to taste herbs. Keep the product in the marinade for 2 hours.
    4. 4. Soak the pulp in soy sauce or wine, add aromatic spices, and marinate for 1-2 hours.

    Such simple culinary techniques can not only remove the smell, but also make the meat juicy and aromatic.

    Alternative methods

    Universal methods help to revive any meat, but there are special recipes that apply only to specific products.

    They include:

    • heat treatment;
    • pickling;
    • soak.


    Stale chicken can be stuffed with garlic cloves, rubbed with salt and ground black pepper, and left in a cool place for 1-1.5 hours. If you don’t have time to wait that long, you can use another method:

    1. 1. Mix flour and table salt in equal proportions.
    2. 2. Thoroughly rub the carcass or fillet on all sides.
    3. 3. Rinse under running water.

    The flour will absorb the unpleasant aroma, and the salt will clean the surface.


    Pork itself does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor. In this case we are talking about meat from an uncastrated boar. Distinctive feature The product has a fetid amber that can be felt even in the taste of the finished dish.

    In order to check the condition of the goods offered at the market, you need to light a piece of lard from the tenderloin with a match or lighter. A pungent smell will indicate that there is boar meat on the counter.

    In this case, you need to send the pulp to freezer overnight, or even better - for a day. The temperature should be -25 degrees or lower. If the smell remains, you should try soaking.

    Method 1

    You will have to soak the tenderloin at home for 10-12 hours in milk. First, remove the fatty layers from the meat and cut it into thin slices. Dairy product need to be replaced with a new one every 2-3 hours.

    You can simplify the task and pour milk over the meat by adding a head of garlic. In a day, the product will be ready for use.

    Method 2

    Another effective way to soak:

    • boil 2 liters of water;
    • add 4 tbsp. l. spoons of salt;
    • cool the solution;
    • add 5 tbsp. l. table white vinegar;
    • soak the product in the solution for 6 hours;
    • drain the solution and prepare a new one;
    • Leave the meat to soak for another day.

    Method 3

    To prepare the marinade you will need juniper, cloves, allspice, marjoram, mint, chopped onions.The recipe is quite simple:

    1. 1. All ingredients must be placed in a saucepan, add 2 liters of water, and boil.
    2. 2. Cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes, remove the container from the stove.
    3. 3. Add a head of garlic and 1 tsp to the hot solution. citric acid.
    4. 4. Immerse the meat in the cooled liquid and leave for a day in a cool, dark place.
    5. 5. After processing, the pulp should be dried.


    The specific smell of rabbit meat can be easily eliminated by soaking the carcass overnight in regular cold water. Before preparing a dish, it is recommended to marinate the meat for prevention: in this case, the smell will definitely not return during cooking, and the flesh will become softer and more tender.

    Marinade recipes:

    1. 1. Add parsley, rosemary and thyme to 200 ml of kefir, salt and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly, leave the meat to marinate for 1.5-2 hours.
    2. 2. In 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, add 3-4 chopped cloves of garlic, pepper and rosemary. A young rabbit is marinated for 3 hours, an old one for 6-8 hours.
    3. 3. Pour a glass of wine or lemon juice, distribute the liquid evenly over the surface, leave for 1-2 hours.

    To avoid becoming a victim of unscrupulous sellers, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing meat when buying at the market or in a supermarket:

    • Before purchasing, you need to smell the pulp and preferably hold it in your hands. If the tenderloin is fresh and not frozen, your hands will remain dry.
    • The color of the product should be uniform and not too dark, regardless of the type of meat. Fresh veal and pork have a pinkish tint, beef is redder. Lamb has the darkest.
    • The texture should be dense and elastic. To check this, you need to lightly press the flesh with your finger and release. If the product is fresh, the dimple will quickly smooth out.
    • To give an appetizing color to weathered and slightly rotten goods, sellers use dyes. To check for the presence of such an additive, you need to wrap the meat in a white paper napkin. If fingerprints remain, it is better to refuse the purchase immediately.

Meat is a perishable product, so if it is stored incorrectly or for too long, an unpleasant odor may develop. If it has already spoiled, it is better to throw it away so as not to harm yourself or your household. But if a gorgeous piece of meat has just been lying in the refrigerator for a long time, then it’s time to be puzzled by the question of how to remove the smell from meat when boiling or frying. How to soak or refresh it? What should you do if the meat suffocates in the bag, it becomes airy and the smell of spoiled meat appears?

What you need to know about meat?

Meat is a product that the human body needs for normal functioning. It contains a lot of protein, vitamins, and microelements. Basically, the first and second courses are prepared from this product, so freshness affects the taste and aroma of the finished culinary masterpieces.

To understand why the pulp smells bad or looks ugly, you need to know the following:

  1. If stored improperly, microbes and even putrefactive bacteria can multiply, and the smell of rotten, old meat with a smell can appear. Such microorganisms cause a foul odor.
  2. The meat must be ripe, then it will have a tasty characteristic smell and will be better amenable to culinary processing. But if you eat unripe pulp, it will be tough, without a pronounced taste and without a specific clear aroma.

Choosing the right meat

In order not to ask yourself the question of how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat, you need to choose it correctly:

  1. Smell the pulp before you buy - nothing should give you an unpleasant feeling.
  2. Be sure to pay attention to the color. The shade should not be too dark, and it makes no difference whether it is pork, lamb or beef.
  3. Look at the texture of the meat, it should be dense and elastic, and the color should be the same throughout the entire piece.
  4. When cooked, the flesh never wrinkles and the weight remains almost the same.

You can check the quality of the product and home sold to you. To do this you need to do this:

  1. Heat the knife.
  2. Cut the piece down to the bone.

Important! The meat spoils in the middle, that is, right next to the bones.

  1. Pull out the knife and smell what it smells like.

Important! If the meat starts to spoil, the knife blade will stink. The hotter you heat the knife, the stronger the smell will be.

  1. Place the piece in boiling water for a while and smell it.

Important! Spoiled pulp will emit a stench.

  1. If you are cooking in broth, evaluate the degree of its transparency. If the pulp has been spoiled, the broth will be very cloudy.

Important! Sometimes synthetic dyes are added to meat, which are very easy to identify. To do this, take a white sheet of paper and wrap a piece of pulp in it. You will see whether there are dyes or not, as they are clearly visible on the white paper.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?

If stored improperly in the refrigerator, even a fresh product may emit an amber that is not entirely pleasant to your sense of smell. This occurs both from the absorption of the aromas of the products lying nearby, and from the fact that it has already begun to gradually deteriorate. In this case, it can still be eaten, but it is necessary to urgently remove the unpleasant smell of the refrigerator from the meat. There are several tips, but first we need to have some food items in our kitchen.

You will need:

  • Mustard;
  • Wine;
  • Rosemary;
  • Thyme;
  • Potassium permanganate;
  • Chamomile decoction;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar.


Pulp of any kind has a short shelf life, and often when it sits in the refrigerator for a long time, it develops a rotten smell. It can be easily removed in several ways. To remove unpleasant odor from meat, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a piece with a foul aroma.
  2. Lubricate with prepared mustard.
  3. Place in a saucepan and refrigerate for 2 hours.
  4. After the standing time has passed, remove it from the pan.
  5. Rinse with cold running water.
  6. Prepare what you have planned.


Products such as wine, rosemary and thyme will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat. Do the following:

  1. Place a piece of pulp in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in red wine until the liquid covers it completely.
  3. Add thyme and rosemary.
  4. Leave everything like this for 1 hour.
  5. Start preparing the dish you have in mind.

Important! It will be better if the product is fried. With this processing, the meat will be more piquant.

Potassium permangantsovka

All odors disappear with the help of potassium permanganate. Even unscrupulous sellers use this method to ensure that the product has a good color, appearance, and delicious aroma.

In order to revive meat and remove the unpleasant odor from it, you need to do the following:

  1. Make a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Fill the spoiled product with the solution.
  3. Leave in the pan for a couple of hours.
  4. Remove the piece of pulp from the solution.
  5. Rinse with cold water.

There will be no trace of the unpleasant aroma.

Chamomile decoction

Chamomile decoction will also help to cope with this problem. To do this, do the following:

  1. Brew chamomile herb.
  2. Cool.
  3. Strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  4. Dip a piece of pulp into the broth.
  5. Add some sugar.
  6. Leave in the broth for 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse with slightly salted water.

Saline solution

Salt, or rather saline solution, is no less effective than all the options described above. In addition, every housewife always has salt, which makes this method very easy and affordable. Proceed according to these instructions:

  1. Place salt in a saucepan and add water to create a strong salt solution.
  2. Place the meat in the pan for several hours.
  3. Rinse the pulp in running cold water.

When buying pork, you may encounter meat with a smell. What to do with boar meat in this case, you can choose from several options, which are advised by culinary experts. First you need to figure out where the smell came from.

Perhaps the purchased piece of meat has lost its freshness. It could have been stored incorrectly or for a long time. Not carried out yet heat treatment, it is better to sniff the parts of the boar; perhaps they will already be emitting unpleasant odors. The heating process only strengthened them.

In cases where the appearance of the raw product is ideal and it begins to smell only during the cooking process, during boiling, frying or baking, this indicates the fact that the meat being prepared is a knur, that is, a wild boar that has not been castrated.

Factors contributing to the appearance of an unappetizing odor:

  • uncastrated boar; the source of amber is skatole, which is formed in the muscles of the wild boar during puberty under the influence of testosterone;
  • abnormal development of the animal from the first days of life, when the appearance of a specific “flavor” of pork is facilitated by the production of a hormone and after the animal has been castrated, since a boar may have an anomaly of three testicles, one of which cannot descend.

Choosing meat

Advice: When purchasing boar meat from farms, pay attention to the age of the boar. Piglets no older than 6 months will not stink; adult males are castrated 2 months before the animal is slaughtered.

Testing pork can be done by setting a piece of meat on fire with a lighter. When heated, the pork will have a sharp, specific “smell.”

If it is not possible to test part of the boar's meat using fire, you can heat a knitting needle or needle with a lighter and pierce the raw meat.

How to remove odor

Boar meat can be removed to remove unpleasant odors. Skatole, its mass in muscle tissue, plays an important role. A persistent amber is observed in the meat of older animals.

It is possible to eliminate the smell by soaking. Stir 5 tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of boiled cool water. Add salt. To determine the correct amount of salt use raw egg, if it does not sink, but floats, then there is enough salt.

Tip: Cutting matters. It will be possible to completely cope with the “smell” of pork if it is cut into portions.

Prepared clean enamel cookware. Meat and water are placed in it. The products are boiled for 6 hours and stored in a dark, cool place. After a day the water changes.

In the next cycle, the product is soaked and re-tested. To check the purity of pork products, you should burn part of the piece and smell it. If the meat still smells, the water is changed, and the raw materials are soaked for an additional 2 or three days. If the “fragrance” is almost imperceptible, neutralize it completely by marinating.

Low temperatures also kill foreign odors, as they are detrimental to skatole. Optimal temperature for freezing boar meat is “minus” 25 degrees over a period of three months. The quality of the product improves. The process is carried out by cutting the raw materials into pieces of about 0.5 kg. weight each.

Before freezing begins, the pork is soaked for a day. To prevent products from transferring amber to nearby vegetables and other food, they should be packaged in several plastic bags or layers. cling film. The meat is checked for odor.

Having gotten rid of the primary amber that exudes from the meat of an uncastrated boar, they continue to cook it in order to completely remove the disgusting smell.

    The smell of pork appears only if the pig was not castrated, or it happened later than the due date. But everything can be prevented. To begin with, before buying, you need to sniff the meat well and if the result is satisfactory, then you can buy the piece.

    At home, you can prepare pork first soak in salted water or milk, and then you can have meat marinate in marinade from herbs, vinegar, wine or soy sauce. After the pork has been marinated, you can fry it with the addition of onions, garlic and herbs - all these tricks will help get rid of the smell, but the result will not be one hundred percent, so you need look for a trusted butcher and buy meat only from him.

    If an unpleasant, nasty smell appears when cooking or frying pork, then you have been stabbed. Or - this is boar meat (that is, boar meat - a male who has not been castrated) - then throw away the frying pans and clean the kitchen, the smell is very corrosive. If the smell is weak or is only felt during eating, then you have come across a late castrated piglet. You can kill the smell with marinating or spices.

    Unfortunately, such meat is not suitable for cooking, no matter how much you soak it. The only option is to marinate and grill it or make a kebab. Cut the meat into portions, rinse with water, and dry with paper towels. Make marinade from onions and kiwi. Chop the onion and kiwi and crush to release the juice. Spices to taste. For 1 kg of meat 1 small kiwi. Keep in mind that it marinates quickly, it really all depends on the meat. Pork needs 30-60 minutes.

    Unfortunately, pork purchased even from a trusted store often comes across with an odor. In order to remove the smell, I soak the meat for several hours. Water, milk or kefir are suitable for soaking. After soaking, the meat must be washed and marinated in your favorite spices for some more time.

    There are a couple of tricks that will help get rid of the smell of pork so that it does not appear during frying (cooking, depending on how you like it). To begin with, the simplest one is just after purchasing, soak the pork in kefir for 3-4 hours. It almost always helps, and the future kebab is half ready. Further more complicated:

    • take baking soda and vinegar. Roll the pig in soda and leave for ten minutes. After this we extinguish with vinegar. And now we wash it abundantly (preferably several times). There is no smell.
    • Another option is to coat the pork with mustard and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. The smell will go away almost completely in the morning.
    • and if you have potassium permanganate lying around at home, then you can follow the path of many sellers. Soak in potassium permanganate and everything is fine, there is no smell and the appearance is perfect.
  • Pork itself is a smelly meat, and soup made from such meat often turns out not tasty due to its specific taste. One of my friends gave me advice to use milk, you can take a bowl, pour milk into it and keep the pork there for at least two hours, after a while You can use this meat for cooking. And if you suddenly don’t have milk, you can use lemon juice; lemon juice can be used for meat.

    An uncastrated pig stinks, the smell when cooking is so disgusting that you want to castrate the seller.

    It is recommended to soak all smelly foods in water or milk, but the meat and lard of a castrated pig cannot be removed from the smell. You can soak it for at least two days, the smell will still remain. You can add more fresh parsley and dill; greens are a little distracting. But if you once sniffed a non-castrated smell, it will always haunt you when cooking. Brrr

    In general, pork smells when the pig was not castrated or castrated very late. Such meat can be recognized when purchasing it; it will smell a little.

    To prevent the meat from emitting a smell, for example, I always soak it in cold water before cooking (about 1-2 hours). This allows you to get rid of the smell and excess dirt and blood.

    First, you need to choose the right pork that you buy. If the meat returns to its shape when pressed, then it is fresh, and if when pressed, a mark remains on a piece of pork, then it is better to avoid such a piece of pork. After taking the meat, the following methods can be recommended for those who are afraid of the smell. The most common method is to soak the meat in milk or salted water, but I don’t bother too much, but coat the pieces of pork olive oil on both sides and sprinkle Provencal herbs. Then we put the meat in the refrigerator for a while and you can fry it. The taste of the meat is tender, and the smell becomes pleasant.

Mustard. Meat does not have a long shelf life, and it often develops a rotten smell, which can be removed in several ways. But when the smell is strong and pungent, then it is better to get rid of such a piece. To remove the unpleasant odor from the meat, it should be smeared with ready-made mustard, after which the piece is placed in a pan and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After this time, you need to take it out, rinse it with cold water and start cooking the planned dish.

Wine. When thinking about how to remove unpleasant odors from meat, you should purchase red wine, thyme and rosemary. After this, you need to take a piece of meat, put it in a pan and pour in red wine, which should be in excess so that it covers the product completely. After this, you need to add thyme and rosemary, in this form the meat should lie for an hour. After this, you can start cooking the meat, but it is better if it is fried, so the taste will be more piquant.

Potassium permanganate. It is worth noting that all meat odors can be removed using potassium permanganate, because this is the method used by unscrupulous sellers to give the product a good appearance, color and aroma. You will need to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate, pour it over the meat and leave in a cup or pan for 3 hours. After this time, you should rinse the meat thoroughly; as a rule, it will not have an unpleasant odor, but rather will acquire a good presentation.

Chamomile decoction. You can also get rid of the unpleasant odor from meat using chamomile decoction. You will need to brew chamomile, cool and strain it through cheesecloth. After this, you need to lower the meat into the broth and add a little sugar to it. The meat should lie in the pan for only 20 minutes; after this time, it should be removed and washed in lightly salted water; not a trace of the smell will remain. Sometimes it happens that the meat emits a very pungent odor, which you can get rid of, but it is better not to risk your health, since most likely it has already gone rotten.

Saline solution. When meat has an unpleasant odor, it can be destroyed with a saline solution. You need to cook it in a saucepan and put the meat there for 2 hours. After this, you will need to rinse it with cold water and not even a hint of the smell will remain. You can also rub the meat first with sugar and then with salt and rinse it immediately; this quick method will help out when you urgently need to cook something. Using one of the above methods, you need to be sure that the meat is not rotten, otherwise you can harm your health.

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