Soft and rich dough for pies in the oven. Butter yeast dough for pies in the oven Butter pies in the oven

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You can also bake pies, kulebyaki or pies with potatoes, mushrooms, onions and eggs, rice or fish.

To prepare the pies we will need:

List of ingredients:

For meat pies
For pies with cabbage

For meat pies

  • 1.4 kg. test
  • 600 gr. minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper

For pies with cabbage

  • 1.4 kg. test
  • 1 head of cabbage
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 2 sweet peppers
  • 1 hot pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • salt, allspice


  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. milk

Pies with cabbage and meat in the oven from rich yeast dough - step-by-step recipe:

Let's start cooking, first prepare the fillings.

For the meat filling, I ground minced meat, I used beef, but you can use any meat or poultry, and now we cut one large onion into small cubes.

For cooking stewed cabbage We will prepare the following products:

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Grate carrots onto coarse grater.

Sweet bell pepper cut into thin strips.

If you wish, you can add finely chopped hot pepper.

I took fresh ones and cut them into pieces to grind in a blender.

You can grind them in a meat grinder or even replace them with ready-made tomato paste or puree, and also use any tomato sauce.

All that remains is to chop the cabbage, which we cut into not very long thin strips.

All products are prepared, we go to the stove to prepare both fillings.

Place two frying pans on the stove, heat them and pour in vegetable oil.

Add chopped onion and fry until slightly golden brown.

Add carrots to the frying pan where we will stew the cabbage and fry them together with the onion until soft.

Then add chopped sweet and hot peppers and fry all the vegetables for a couple more minutes.

Add tomato puree and mix well.

Meanwhile, in the frying pan in which we cook meat filling, add to well-fried onions minced meat, mix everything thoroughly and cover with a lid so that the meat is thoroughly stewed.

Along the way, keep an eye on the minced meat, stirring it periodically and, if necessary, kneading the meat lumps.

You can add a little water or broth to the minced meat and let it simmer under the lid until the meat is completely cooked.

At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste to both pans, and I will also add a spoonful of sugar to the cabbage filling.

Both fillings are ready.

Lightly grind the finished minced meat in a blender to make the filling more homogeneous.

But you don’t have to do this.

Before forming the pies, you need to let the fillings cool completely, transfer them to separate bowls and while they cool, make the dough.

I showed how to prepare rich yeast dough for these pies in a separate video ️

Dust a work surface with flour and place it on it. ready dough.

Cut a strip of dough from the edge and divide it into equal pieces weighing approximately 40 grams. and roll out even balls with your palms, placing them on the table with the smooth side.

But there is another way to make such balls; personally, I like this option better.

How I do this, watch the VIDEO.

Sprinkle the prepared balls with flour and roll them out into small cakes.

You can roll out each one separately or, in my case, several at once.

Place the filling in the middle of each cake and pinch the dough on opposite sides to give the pie a “boat” shape.

This method of sculpting is considered the simplest and most common, although there are many other interesting and unusual methods.

Place the pies, seam side down, on a greased baking sheet, parchment paper, or silicone mat.

Do not place the pies too tightly together so that when baking they do not stick together, but turn out golden brown on all sides.

Now let’s prepare the lezon, which we will use to grease the surface of the pies at the end of proofing before baking.

To do this, beat the egg into a small bowl, beat it lightly with a fork, add 2 tbsp. spoons of milk and mix well, the leison is ready.

We place the baking sheets with pies in a warm place without drafts to proof so that they slightly increase in volume.

In the meantime, the meat pies are ready, let’s prepare the cabbage pies.

We repeat all the same steps.

The only difference is that I prepare the cabbage pies in the form of triangles.

To do this, pinch the edges of the cake on three sides so that you get a triangle, and immediately turn the pies over, seam side down.

Meanwhile, the meat pies arrived; they were proofed for 20 minutes.

Lubricate them with the prepared lemon juice.

I also wanted to sprinkle them with sesame seeds.

Place the baking sheets in a well-heated oven at 180-200°C (356-392°F) and bake for 15-20 minutes.

Then we take them out of the oven, and while they are still hot, brush them with melted butter.

Now we place the pies with cabbage on baking sheets, grease them with leison and put them in the oven.

The duration of baking always depends on the size, shape of the product and the richness of the dough.

Small, short, and lightly baked items bake faster than large, tall, and heavily baked items.

After 20 minutes, take the cabbage pies out of the oven and also brush with melted butter, which will give them a pleasant creamy aroma and make them softer.

Our pies with cabbage and baked meat yeast dough ready!

They turned out beautiful, soft, fluffy, very tasty, with a golden crust.

From one portion of dough, depending on the size, you get from 30 to 40 pies.

I made a double batch of dough and ended up with 66 pieces.

Delicious pies from butter dough at home, perhaps one of the most best options both sweet and unsweetened pastries.

Let me remind you that the link is to a video recipe for making dough for these pies ️

I wish everyone bon appetit!

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Pies with cabbage and meat in the oven made from rich yeast dough - video recipe:

Pies with cabbage and meat in the oven made from rich yeast dough - photo:

I don't know about you, but I'm constantly searching for a good pastry dough. I try new recipes all the time, trying to change something in the preparation for a better result, scouring the Internet, asking all my grandmothers and friends, reading books by Molokhovets and Zelenko... And it seems to me that this cycle and constant search will never end!

At the moment, the best rich yeast dough for pies and buns is the one for which I will share the recipe today. I use it for both sweet and savory pies in the oven (I like it when the dough is not bland, but a little sweet, even in pies with a rich filling). That is, this dough is perfect if you want to make pies with cherries, with or with.

So, let's start cooking?

The most delicious butter dough for buns and pies

  • Warm milk - 250 ml.
  • Flour - 500 g (the amount of flour varies, maybe a little more or less)
  • Dry yeast - 7 g (a little more than half a small bag) If you use fresh yeast, then take 20 g
  • Yolk chicken egg- 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Butter - 75 g
  • Vegetable oil - 25 g

This amount of dough makes 16-18 medium-sized pies; if you need more, double the ingredients.

How to make delicious butter dough with dry yeast

Now be careful and follow the cooking technology, this is very important. Heat the milk (250 ml). It shouldn't be room temperature, but it shouldn’t be very hot. If you have a candy thermometer, check the temperature of the milk with it, it should be 40 °C. If you don’t have a thermometer, dip your finger in, the milk should be in a pleasant, comfortable state, a little hot, but not scalding. We will combine milk with yeast, which is known to be living organisms. Our task is not to kill them with hot temperature, but also not to slow them down with cold milk. Only at a comfortable and pleasant temperature will the yeast begin to actively multiply and raise the bun dough.

You can see it in a separate article (click on the active link to go).

In a separate bowl, prepare everything for the dough. Add salt (1 tsp),

sugar (1/2 cup), dry yeast (7 g), mix with a spoon and pour in milk.

We also send the egg yolk here. Stir, tighten cling film and place for 20-25 minutes in a warm place where there are no drafts. I put it in the oven (with it turned off). The closet has the ideal atmosphere for the test: calm, quiet, no wind =).

After some time, we take out the dough (I’ll warn you right away: you won’t see any foam, there’s too much milk for the visual effect of yeast growth), but nevertheless, this time is necessary for the yeast to “play” and awaken. Now add flour. Sift the flour in advance - this will give airiness to our dough. All the pies and buns that we will make from it will receive porosity and airiness. But, of course, simply sifting the flour is not enough. For airy butter dough, you need to follow the preparation technology in everything else.

When adding flour, pay attention to the consistency of the dough. Add flour little by little, in parts, so as not to accidentally exceed the norm. After all, if you add too much of it, the dough will become dense and will not rise well. You can knead the dough by hand or using a planetary mixer with a special dough attachment. There are also special attachments for a hand mixer (they look like a hook). I like to knead with my hands (although, I won’t lie, it’s a little tiring; it takes effort to knead perfectly). But all my bright thoughts and the energy that I put into the process will definitely interfere with the dough and the pies will be tastier. Even my grandmother always said: “dough loves your hands.”
First you need to knead with a spoon or spatula.

Then dust the surface with flour and place the dough on the table, begin to knead the dough further. After adding flour, the dough should be left directly on the table for 10-15 minutes so that the flour is properly soaked in milk and the gluten swells. This is very important point. All textbooks on the technology of preparing yeast dough write that oils should be added last.

While you melt the butter (75 g) and measure out the vegetable oil (25 g), the dough lies, rests, and the flour swells. And in all other recipes, girls, where oil is indicated, do the same. Mix the flour and liquid first, and only then, when the flour is moistened, add the fats. In today's recipe the liquid is milk, in some other recipes it is water or kefir, it doesn't matter. If we immediately pour fats into dry flour, the fat particles will begin to envelop the gluten molecules in the flour, and then it will become very difficult to wet. The dough will end up rough and airy. When I learned this subtlety, I began to put it into practice with all types of dough: pizza dough, pie dough, and even when I cook, I do the same. I let the flour soak and its starches swell, and only then do I add the butter. The result has become much better.

Now that the dough has rested, we begin to mix in the butter. Do this one tablespoon at a time, in small portions. At first it will seem to you that it is impossible to mix the butter, that it “crawls” across the dough, that “the butter is separate and the dough is separate.” Yes, it is, but only the first 1-2 minutes. The more you knead, the better the ingredients will come together and you will end up with a homogeneous, soft, elastic dough that is comfortable and easy to work with.

Now let’s grease the bowl in which the dough will rise with vegetable oil and place the dough ball in the bowl. Cover with cling film and place in a place without drafts. If it’s cold in your apartment, you can do this: heat the oven to 50 °C and turn it off. Place the rich yeast dough in a slightly preheated oven and quickly close it. The remaining heat will help the dough rise.

The yeast dough should rest for 1 hour. There is no need to knead and re-stand it in this recipe! Once the dough has risen well, we immediately begin cutting it into buns or pies. If for some reason the dough has not risen in an hour (the apartment is too cold, you are in a bad mood, the yeast is of poor quality, etc.), give it more time. Focus on recipes (not just mine, but all recipes in general), not on time, but on the condition of the dough. If it took me an hour to proof, this does not mean that absolutely everyone who will cook according to this recipe will also spend an hour. This time may be more, it may be a little less. But in an ideal situation (if the yeast is of high quality, you have not overheated the milk and created a warm environment for the dough to rise), proofing takes no more than an hour.

To ensure that the pies are the same size, you can divide the dough like this: first cut it into two equal parts.

Then divide each of the two into two more parts, making four. Each of the four - two more. This way you get as many pieces (future pies) as you need and they will be very similar in weight. For more accurate weights, use a kitchen scale.

From this amount of dough I get 16 pies (or buns). That is, I usually divide the pieces that you see in the photo by two more each, and it turns out 16.

Today I will spend butter dough for pies with potatoes and pies with cherries. Even though the dough is sweet, I like how it brings out the flavor hearty filling, so I use it for both sweet and savory pies.

Forming pies from yeast dough

When you shape the pies, make sure they look small. The pies increase in size very much when they rise, then “grow” additionally in the oven. Therefore, if you now make them medium in size, you will end up with bast shoes. Make small pies to get medium-sized pies after the oven.

So, lightly roll out a piece of dough with a rolling pin. You don’t have to roll it out with a rolling pin, but flatten it with your palm - whatever you’re used to. Spread the filling (a little).

Bring the edges of the dough together and press them tightly together. This creates a seam along the pie.

Now we connect the opposite ends to get a round pie.

This is how you see in the photo. You can crush the barrel a little more in the finished pie, giving it a perfect round shape. The surface of the pie should be smooth, beautiful, without a single crack.

Now place the pies on a baking sheet covered with parchment. good quality or on a silicone mat. The pies should lie seam side down. When the pies are formed, cover with a light towel and leave directly on the table for 15-20 minutes so that they rise properly.

Don't skip this step, even if you're in a hurry. Failure to proof the pies leads to tearing of the dough (often cracking on the sides, at the base).

Before putting the pies in the oven, brush them with the yolk of one egg mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Be careful when lubricating! The dough is very tender and airy: rough touches can deflate or disrupt the shape of the pie.

So, the pies are ready to go into the oven!

Attention! The pies need to be placed in a well-heated oven. If you bake with convection, set it to 180°C; if without it, set it to 190°C. I bake at 180°C for 17-20 minutes. The surface of the pie should be glossy brown. When I put the oven on preheat, I place an empty baking tray on the lowest level that I will use for steam.

I bake pies with steam. If your oven has this built-in feature, use it! If not, I'll tell you how I do it. Using a special spray bottle (I bought one for flowers, but I only use it for the kitchen), I lightly spray the surface of the pies. Then, I place the baking sheet with the pies on the middle level, and on the lower empty baking sheet, which will remain under the pies throughout the baking period, I pour a glass of water and quickly close the oven.

The steam and humidity that is created in the oven at this time prevents the surface of the baked goods from drying out. It remains soft like a baby's skin.

Remove the baked pies from the baking sheet onto a wire rack and cover with a towel until cool.

Pies and buns made from this butter dough turn out tender, airy, and very tasty.

I’ll show you the bottom of the pies - it doesn’t burn, it’s beautiful and rosy.

The dough inside is airy and very tender.

I'm very interested in how your pies turned out. Tell us and show us in the comments! (You can attach a photo to your comment).

I really hope that everything turned out well, and that this rich yeast dough pleased you with its taste and airiness!
For those who prefer video recipes, I recorded step-by-step master class and posted it on the You Tube channel, I wish you pleasant viewing:

If you plan to post photos of pies or buns using this recipe on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos online and share your joy! Thank you!

I would like to offer you a recipe for a very simple rich yeast dough for pies in the oven. Sweet dough, prepared in a safe way, differs from “simple” yeast dough in the composition of ingredients and quality of the output.

Dough products with the addition of eggs, butter and milk are especially tasty and tender.

To make kneading the dough a joy for the housewife, start preparing it in the morning. By lunchtime, your butter dough will turn into a pliable “tool” for baking pies. For the resulting kolobok, sweet, fish, meat and any other filling is suitable.

Products are taken from the list. Milk and eggs must be brought to room temperature in advance. Melt the butter, sift the flour to saturate it with oxygen.

Warm milk is poured into the kneading bowl.

A little salt for taste.

A little sugar. In order not to slow down the fermentation process, granulated sugar You will need no more than a tablespoon.

The ingredients are mixed with a whisk.

After that, sifted flour is added to the liquid mass.

A small depression is made in the mound of flour into which the quick-acting yeast is poured.

Start kneading the dough with a whisk.

During the kneading process, warm butter is added to the dough.

Now switch to manual dough kneading. The dough should not stick to your hands. If necessary, a small portion of flour is introduced “under the dust”.

At the end we have a soft but well-kneaded bun of rich yeast dough.

But that's not all! The fermentation dough is placed in a warm place for three hours. In this case, the bowl with the kolobok is covered with a cloth or towel. We are waiting for the bun to triple in volume.

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to being sent to the village to visit our grandmother.

And there was no better snack than fragrant pies with a glass of cold fresh milk.

And there was nothing tastier in the world than these sweet products.

If you don’t know how to make such pies yet, we will be happy to help you.

It’s very easy to learn this simple task, all you have to do is try.

We will look at two recipes for oven-baked pies that support the best traditions of Russian cuisine.

Recipe for baked pies with cherries in the oven

Ingredients Quantity
milk 2.5% - 1 l
margarine - 150 g
flour premium - 1.7 kg
eggs - 4 pcs.
sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.
dry yeast - 5 g
sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
fresh or frozen cherries - 1 kg
sugar for filling - 200 g
vanillin - bag
Cooking time: 240 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 265 Kcal

This sweet product is loved by both kids and adults.

Yeast pies in the oven according to this recipe turn out to be very juicy, and the sweet and sour taste causes a pleasant setback.


  1. Sweet yeast dough is prepared with milk. First you need to heat 1 glass of milk to 35C. Pour the heated liquid into a non-cold glass container and add dry yeast there. There is no need to stir them; the yeast should dissolve on its own in the milk. To do this, leave them for 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
  2. In the same bowl you need to add 1 tablespoon of sugar, then mix everything thoroughly. Without stopping stirring, carefully add 8 tablespoons of flour. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Now cover the dough with a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. For a better reaction, the jar can be placed in a container with warm water, as shown in the picture.
  4. Checking the readiness of the dough. It should increase in volume at least twice. The dough base is ready.
  5. Pour the remaining milk into a clean saucepan and heat to 50 degrees. Add margarine there. Mix everything until completely dissolved.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat and add 5 tablespoons of sugar to it. Mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Sift the flour and divide it into two equal parts. The first one is added to a mixture of milk, sugar and margarine. Mix.
  8. Add three eggs to the container (one remains for greasing the pies). Now everything needs to be mixed thoroughly. For convenience, you can use a mixer.
  9. Now the dough is added to the dough.
  10. Next, pour in the second part of the flour and knead the dough. It shouldn't be too steep.
  11. Leave the dough to rise. To prevent it from running away, you can put a long knife on the dish. We also cover the pan (or other container) with a damp towel and set it aside in a warm and dry place. There it should stand for 1-1.5 hours in peace. To make it fit better, you can use a water bath or an oven preheated to 30C.
  12. The dough should at least double in volume. After this, it must be lightly kneaded with a spoon and left for another hour.
  13. At this time, we begin preparing the filling. The cherries are thoroughly washed and dried. All seeds are removed from the berries. Sugar is mixed with vanillin.
  14. The finished mass should be thoroughly kneaded and twisted into a rope, which is cut into pieces. The size depends on your desire.
  15. Thin (up to 1 cm thick) cakes are formed from pieces of dough. Sugar and vanilla are sprinkled on them and 5-6 cherries are placed.
  16. The dough is pinched along the edges and in the middle. A pie shape is made.
  17. The baking sheet is covered with parchment paper or greased with oil. The pies are laid out seam side down. Brush the surface of the dough with beaten egg. Future areas of contact are generously lubricated with sunflower oil. Leave the pan with the pies for 20 minutes so that they rise slightly.
  18. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180-190C. Bake until golden brown (15-20 minutes).

Sweet baked goods are ready.

At first it seems that the cooking process is complicated, but in fact it turns out to be a fairly simple recipe for pies in the oven.

To add more flavor, sprinkle with powdered sugar after baking.

The filling can be varied according to your taste.

You can add cinnamon, nuts (walnuts and almonds are best) or raisins to the cherries.

Also suitable as a filling canned cherries in syrup.

They are a great replacement fresh berries in winter.

This recipe for delicious pies in the oven is great for both breakfast and snacking.

For drinks, cold milk or aromatic tea is preferable.

We have attached a video to the photo recipe in which you can see in detail all the stages of preparing pies in the oven.

Only the filling is different.

It consists of dried apricots, apples, orange and coconut.

Recipe for making pies with chicken and mushrooms in the oven

These baked pies go great with any broth or soup.

They are very filling and incredibly tasty.

To prepare, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

For the test:

  • 350-400 g flour;
  • 220 ml milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 20 g fresh yeast;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt.

For the filling:

  • 5 chicken thighs;
  • 300 g of mushrooms (preferably champignons);
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and pepper.

Preparing a recipe for lush pies in the oven:

  1. First, let's prepare the dough. Heat the milk to about 40 degrees. Pour it into a warm container and add yeast and sugar there. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes. The dough should approximately double in volume.
  2. Sift the flour into a separate large bowl. Add melted butter (not hot) and milk mixture. Mix the mixture and leave for about an hour. You should choose a quiet and warm place. The container can be covered with a damp towel. Ready dough should be twice the volume.
  3. While the dough is rising, start preparing the filling. Remove skin and bones from chicken thighs. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  4. Fry it over a hot vegetable oil within 10 minutes.
  5. Wash the mushrooms, clean them and cut them into slices. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Fry it all for 5-7 minutes. Mix the chicken with mushrooms and onions and cook to taste.
  6. We twist the risen dough into a flagellum and divide it into equal parts.
  7. Carefully roll each piece into a thin cake (about 5 mm). Place the required amount of filling in the center.
  8. We pinch the pies and place them on a greased baking sheet. Beat the egg and coat them with this mixture. Let them stand for 10-15 minutes at room temperature.
  9. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200C. Butter products should be baked for approximately 20 minutes, depending on the amount of filling and the thickness of the dough.

The pies are ready.

They can be eaten either warm or completely cold.

You can also use any other meat to taste (pork, beef, lamb, etc.) and mushrooms (honey mushrooms, wild mushrooms) as a filling.

You can add any ingredients to taste (chopped herbs or eggs).

In principle, preparing dough for sweet pies in the oven is no different from the recipe for dough for salty flour products.

The main thing is to remember to maintain the proportions of ingredients and maintain temperature.

The kitchen should be free of drafts, noise and excessive vibrations.

On your next “fish day”, don’t know what to cook? But our experts already know the answer and recommend various recipes for fish cutlets

By the way, here are other recipe options for the “fish menu”:

All ingredients should be at room temperature.

You should also take care of the quality of the flour used.

It must be fresh and saturated with oxygen (to do this, just sift it).

These simple rules will help you bake the most delicious, fragrant and airy pies.

These are exactly the ones you tried in your grandmother’s village.

And here is a video of the recipe for pies “Like Pooh”!

Let's cook fragrant muffins together.

For the filling, take minced meat and rice.

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