Is it possible to make cream with kefir? Kefir cake - recipes for step-by-step preparation of cakes and cream at home. how to make custard cake step by step photo recipe

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Delicious and original custard cake It is very easy to prepare at home. All you need is to prepare the necessary ingredients according to the recipe and a little time. We present to your attention a classic custard cake Lady fingers and custard Honey cake.

Recipe No. 1

Custard cake Lady fingers

The Fingers cake made from custard cookies is light and tender. The sweet dessert got its name due to the cakes’ resemblance to graceful women’s fingers.

how to make custard cake step by step photo recipe

  • water in the amount of 280 ml,
  • flour in the amount of 290 g,
  • eggs in the amount of 5 pcs.,
  • margarine in the amount of 150 g.

For cream:

You need to pour water into the container. Place the saucepan on the stove. Place margarine in water.

We wait for the margarine to melt in the water. The mass should be brought to a boil.

We begin to introduce the sifted flour. In this case, the mass should be stirred periodically so that the flour does not burn on the pan.

We get a viscous mass. After rolling the mass into one lump, it must be removed from the stove and cooled.

Let the choux pastry cool slightly. Then we begin to beat in the eggs one by one and mix everything thoroughly.

The mass will first separate into lumps. But in the end it should be homogeneous choux pastry yellow color with a dense consistency.

Let's start forming and baking custard cookies. To do this, grease the baking sheet with oil. Place the dough in a bag and cut off a corner. Squeeze the mixture into thin strips onto a baking sheet. You should get cakes from choux pastry up to 5 cm long.
We make a distance between the fingers. As a result of baking, the choux pastry increases in size.

Place the baking sheet with the fingers into a preheated oven. Bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of no more than 180° C.

While the dough is baking, start preparing the sour cream. First of all, add granulated sugar to the cooled sour cream.

Beat the sour cream and sugar mixture. As a result, we get a thick sweet and sour cream.

After baking the custard cookies, remove them from the oven. The fingers will turn out airy and tender.

Remove them from the baking sheet.

Dip each custard cake in sour cream cream.

Place the cream fingers on a plate in layers.

The custard cake must be decorated with ground walnuts(grated chocolate or cocoa).

Delicate custard cake Lady fingers will diversify any festive table.

The custard cake recipe will become a favorite and will definitely be in demand.

Cake custard recipe with photo from Elena Vitalievna.

Recipe for custard cake from Julia:

Custard honey cake Maria

I would like to bring to your attention a simple recipe for custard cake. For it, choux pastry is prepared in a water bath, and the light kefir cream will pleasantly surprise you with its pleasant taste! Believe me, in our family the striped custard cake Honey cake has become a favorite treat for tea. This dessert is familiar to many under the name Maria.

Prepare the choux pastry in a water bath. To do this, mix the oil, chicken eggs, honey, sugar and soda. Steam in a water bath for 15 minutes.
Add 2 cups of flour and cook for another 5 minutes. Then add 1 more cup of flour.

Mix the remaining flour into the resulting choux pastry using your hands. With extreme caution, as the dough is still quite hot.

To make it easier to roll out the custard cake layers, put the dough in the freezer for 15 minutes, dividing it into 6-8 parts. Then roll out the cakes half a centimeter thick. Let's bake.

I recommend making and baking 2 servings. Add cocoa to one of them. Then you will have a beautiful striped custard cake!


To prepare the choux pastry for the cakes we need:

  • 50 gr. butter,
  • 3 pcs. chicken eggs,
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey,
  • 1.5 cups sugar,
  • 1 tsp. soda (I always extinguish soda with vinegar),
  • 3 cups flour.
For the cream we need:
  • 2 glasses of kefir,
  • 1.5 cups sugar.

Cooking process:

One of the portions of custard cakes can be wrapped cling film and put it in a dry place for future use. This way, the cakes will be stored for a month and will remain just as soft and fresh. And you will have the opportunity to offer unexpected guests a delicious homemade cake by quickly preparing kefir cream.

I would be glad if the custard cake recipe takes root in someone’s family and this striped cake also becomes a favorite treat!

Kefir cream is a dessert that can be prepared in 10-15 minutes, taking all the ingredients in the refrigerator. Delicate fermented milk cream, airy, light, low-calorie, made from healthy kefir- An excellent delicacy for children, and adults will also like it.

You will need (for 4-6 servings):
Kefir – 0.5 liters;
Sour cream – 200 gr.;
Gelatin – 10 g;
Sugar - a third or half a glass;
Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
For decoration and additions - grated chocolate, fresh berries.

A few words about gelatin. There is gelatin in stores now different types and manufacturers, and you can choose. If possible/seen on the counter, buy gelatin in plates - it is a little more expensive than gelatin in the form of crumbs or powder, but it is well purified and almost tasteless and odorless. This is important for preparing desserts and dishes with a delicate, delicate taste; In addition, it is very easy to operate. A pack of 12 sheets (22 grams) is enough for a liter of fairly dense jelly. I also like Dr. gelatin. Oetker, it also has a normal taste and does not require long soaking.

At the beginning of cooking, soak gelatin (10 g., or 6 sheets) in small quantity cold water for 5-10 minutes.

In a bowl, mix kefir, sour cream, sugar and vanilla sugar. Stir until sugar dissolves.

The gelatin has already swollen, the leaves have increased in size and become soft, and the powdered gelatin will also become not hard, but elastic, soft, and increase in volume. Drain excess water from it and melt and dissolve in a water bath/microwave/over low-low heat. It takes 10-15 seconds in the microwave; it will take a little longer in a water bath.

Stir the gelatin and make sure it is all dissolved. Pour into the kefir mixture in a thin stream, stirring all the time so that the gelatin is evenly distributed in the mixture. Place in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes, during which time the cream will thicken and begin to gel slightly.

Take out the bowl and beat the cream with a mixer or beater - the cream will become more tender and airy, fluffy, and slightly increase in volume.

You can pour into glass molds; if desired, add fresh fruit or grated chocolate to the cream.

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to whip the cream, you can stir it well, immediately pour it into molds and cool it, it will also be tasty, but not so airy. To completely harden, cool the cream in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

The kids liked it with grated chocolate, but it reminded me of Danissimo cottage cheese. It's delicious and you can top it with some crumbled cookies - I think it would be a good combination of flavors. With cherries it turned out very fresh and juicy, I liked it - the combination of berries and dairy products is a win-win, after all, a classic. I’m thinking of repeating it again, with cherries and strawberries, or better yet, wild strawberries, fragrant and sweet!

Bon appetit!

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

Nothing tastes better homemade baked goods. Kefir cakes are especially good. “Fantastika” and “Nochenka” are in the leading group.

Kefir cake

8-12 servings

1 hour

238 kcal

5 /5 (3 )

Home baking lovers, rejoice! We offer you wonderful simple recipes cakes made with ordinary kefir, which any housewife can prepare.

Kefir cake “Fantastika”

To begin with - quick cake"Fantastic" on kefir, step by step recipe with photo. Delicious.

  • Cooking time: at least 3 hours for impregnation.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: 2 bowls, whisk, glass, spoon, baking dish, serving dish.

Required Products

Products included in the recipe chocolate cake“Fantastic” on kefir, divided into two categories.

To prepare the biscuit you will need:

For sour cream you will need:

How to make “Fantastic” cake (with kefir) at home

In a special notebook I have a recipe for a delicious and impressive kefir cake, which is so easy to bake at home that even a child can master its preparation.

Kefir cake with sour cream- a suitable option for drinking tea with your family and receiving guests, because you yourself prepared it from simple and healthy ingredients. Try making a five-minute chocolate cake with Fantastica kefir yourself, and you will see how simple and tasty it is.

For this cake, the cream can be used either sour cream or custard; kefir cakes are equally well soaked.

You can use another cream that you find suitable for kefir cake, the result most likely will not disappoint you.

My family often prepared “Fantastica” kefir cake for the holidays and just like that, and now I want to offer you a step-by-step recipe for making it.

Preparing a sponge cake for a cake

All liquid ingredients (kefir, eggs, vegetable oil) mix in one bowl with a whisk until smooth, all dry (sugar, cocoa, soda, flour) - in another bowl. We combine by sifting the dry products through a sieve, and, having rid the mixture of lumps, thoroughly knead into a single mass.

After kneading, place the dough in a springform baking pan, which has already been thickly greased. butter, and put it aside. It needs to stand at room temperature for 20 minutes so that the gluten contained in the flour swells, and the carbon dioxide released by the soda, quenched by the acid from kefir, is released and enriches the dough with bubbles. At the same time, turn on the oven to preheat.

After preparing the dough and letting it rest, turn on the oven to preheat. There are very few recipes that require a cold oven. Almost always you need to prepare it.

Place the biscuit in the preheated oven. Bake for about an hour. Temperature – 170 degrees. Using a wooden stick, we check in the old fashioned way whether the biscuit is baked.

Recipe for cream for the Fantastic cake

While the sponge cake is baking, slowly prepare the cream for the cake. To do this, combine sour cream with vanilla and sugar and stir well with a whisk or mixer.

It is necessary to achieve the dissolution of sugar grains. To speed up this process, you can use not sugar, but powdered sugar. You can use a little less sugar if you like the cream to feel sour.

When the sugar dissolves, add soft butter and beat everything together. We put the cream in the refrigerator so that it becomes less liquid.

Beautiful design and serving of the “Fantastic” cake (with kefir)

After waiting until it cools down, divide the finished biscuit into three layers. This can be done conveniently with a short knife and thread. Using a knife, we make shallow, even cuts along the perimeter of the sponge cake, place a strong thread in the groove and carefully pull the opposite ends of the thread, crossing them, separating the thinner cake layer.

You can also cut it with a long knife, but I always do it not so neatly.

Coat each cake well with cream. Cover the top and sides with the remaining cream. Decorate with nuts or chocolate chips. When it comes to decoration, your own imagination will be your best assistant.

Final stage

The “Fantastika” kefir cake should be soaked in cream. It is best to prepare it in the morning while expecting guests for dinner.
This kefir cake has a lot of advantages: fast, simple, made from simple and high-quality ingredients and very tasty. It deserves to take its rightful place among family recipes.

Video recipe for the “Fantastic” cake

All stages of preparation can be seen in the video. Here are the ingredients included in a fantastic kefir cake, and the technology for preparing the dough and cream is described in detail. The author shares the intricacies of the recipe in the process of preparing the cake. The assembly is shown clearly and clearly finished cake and its decoration.

Chocolate cake with kefir Fantastic. Chocolate cake on a quick fix. Chocolate cake with nuts.

Chocolate cake video recipe. Chocolate cake simple recipe. Chocolate cake recipe. Cream made from condensed milk and butter. Edible silver balls for decoration
Sieve mug Ingredients: dough - kefir 300 ml., 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, sugar 1-2 tbsp., flour 300-320 g., cocoa powder 2-3 tbsp., soda 1 tsp. cream - 200 gr. sl. butter, 200-250 gr. condensed milk, nuts (optional) 150 gr. In order not to miss new videos, press the bell above!)))


Chocolate cake with kefir “Nochenka”

“Nochenka” cake with kefir, a step-by-step recipe with photos, clear, simple and accessible even to those who have never baked before.

  • Cooking time: 2 hours
  • Number of servings: for 12 persons.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: a bowl or pan for kneading dough, a whisk or mixer, a spoon, a ladle, a springform baking dish, a bowl for whipping ingredients for cream, a saucepan for brewing cream, a serving dish.

Required Products

For the test you will need:

  • Kefir – 0.5 liters;
  • Soda – 2 teaspoons;
  • Flour – 2 cups;
  • Sugar – 2 cups;
  • Eggs – 2 pieces;
  • Cocoa powder – 4-8 tablespoons;
  • Nuts or grated chocolate for decoration.

For custard needed:

  • Milk – 2 glasses;
  • Flour – 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Eggs – 2 pieces;
  • Butter – 100 g.

How to make chocolate cake “Nochenka” (with kefir) at home

Chocolate cake “Nochenka” with kefir is one of my favorite cakes. I got his recipe from a friend a long time ago, and since then it has become firmly established among the recipes that I use constantly. If I hadn’t tried it first, I probably wouldn’t have believed that a cake with kefir and other simple and ordinary products could be so tasty and festive.

How to make sponge cakes and cakes

If lumps remain and cannot be dissolved, the dough should be passed through a sieve. Grind the remaining lumps on it with a small amount of batter and mix everything well.

Preparing the cakes

It is better to bake kefir cake layers separately, pouring part of the dough into a springform pan lined with parchment paper. It is convenient to do this with a ladle. Depending on the diameter of the mold, the cakes will be from 6 to 12 pieces.

The more cakes you make, the more cream you need to prepare so that there is enough to soak them all. Each cake is baked in a prepared hot oven quarter of an hour at 180 degrees. As usual, we determine readiness using a wooden stick.

Recipe for cream for the “Nochenka” cake

Meanwhile, make the cream. To do this, bring one and a half glasses of milk with sugar to a boil.
Beat the remaining half a glass with the eggs and flour until smooth.

In a thin stream, without ceasing to actively stir with a whisk, introduce the egg-milk mixture with flour into the hot sweet milk.

Video recipe for chocolate cake “Nochenka”

The video shows how to make a cake with kefir “Nochenka” without custard. Instead, the author of the video uses a mixture of cream and Philadelphia cheese with powdered sugar. The technology is described and the step-by-step steps for preparing the cake are shown. The preparation of the original cream is clearly demonstrated, as well as the assembly and decoration of the cake.

Cake Nochenka (with kefir)

So for half a liter of kefir we take:
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour,
2 eggs
2 level teaspoons of soda,
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
and 4-8 (depending solely on your ideas about chocolate) tablespoons of cocoa powder.
For cream:
for half a liter of cold (at least 30%) cream you need 100 grams of powdered sugar,
1 pack vanilla sugar(Can vanilla essence, you can use a vanilla stick, you can use any other fragrance, you can do it at all... without)
and a pack (225 grams) of Philadelphia cheese (can be replaced with cottage cheese or ricotta, well rubbed through a fine strainer, or punched until smooth in a blender).

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When preparing cakes with kefir, it is useful to know some subtleties:

    • The kefir dough turns out dense, this should be taken into account when preparing creams and made them a little liquid so that the cake is better soaked.
    • When using kefir or anything fermented milk to prepare the dough, there is no need to quench the baking soda with vinegar. The acid contained in kefir will successfully cope with this role.

Invitation to discuss cakes and possible improvements

Prepare a kefir cake according to my recipes and share your impressions, opinions, secrets delicious baked goods on kefir, which you got from your mothers and grandmothers.

Soft, delicate curd cream cheese made from frozen kefir is an excellent product homemade, a healthy and low-calorie cottage cheese with a uniform, smooth consistency! This curd cream can be used in different ways - spread on bread or a bun instead of butter or rich sour cream, added to creams for cakes, cupcakes, muffins instead of mascarpone, used to prepare desserts, snack pastes and sandwich spreads (both sweet and non-sweet). sweet). In any case, you will get tasty and non-greasy dishes! As you can see from the photo, the curd cream has a very pleasant consistency - it is homogeneous, soft, delicate, and easily takes the desired shape, for example, if you squeeze it out of a pastry bag using any nozzle. In addition, homemade cream cheese holds its shape for a long time, so it can be used for decoration. culinary masterpieces! Curd cream from frozen kefir has a slight sourness, especially the taste depends on the fat content of the source material. Also, at the end of cooking, together with the curd cream cheese, we also get whey, which can be used to prepare dishes, for example, pancakes. From 1.5 liters of kefir with 2.5% fat content, approximately 700 ml of whey and 380 grams of curd are obtained!

    To prepare tender curds from kefir, we need kefir of any fat content. From kefir with less fat content, the curd cream will be more dietary, but the sourness in taste will be more pronounced, and vice versa - from kefir with a higher percentage of fat content, the curd will be thicker, denser and fattier. In this case, kefir 2.5% fat is used.

    We will also need gauze, a colander, a saucepan and a bag with an airtight zipper (if you have open kefir bags).

    So let's get started. If your bags of kefir are open or the kefir is not in soft bags, but, say, in paper bags, we will need a bag with an airtight zipper. Pour kefir into such a bag and fasten the zipper, releasing as much air as possible from it. If the kefir is in closed soft bags, then we skip this step and leave the kefir as it is - closed.

    Now we send the package with kefir to freezer until the kefir freezes completely. It’s best to do this in the evening - the kefir will freeze perfectly overnight!

    When the kefir freezes, we proceed to the next stage of preparing homemade curd cream. We line the colander with gauze and place it on the pan.

    Place the frozen kefir “ice” in a colander lined with gauze and leave it to melt in the room.

    Depending on the ambient temperature, the kefir melting time will fluctuate. After a certain time, whey will begin to drain from the frozen kefir, but the kefir mass will still be frozen inside.

    And when the whey drains as much as possible, the kefir will turn into soft curd.

    Squeeze the curd from the remaining whey. As a result, from 1.5 liters of kefir we got 700 ml of whey and 380 grams of soft curd cream.

    Kefir curd cream is ready! It can be spread on bread, used to prepare all kinds of desserts, creams for cakes and cupcakes, and also used in all dishes instead of rich sour cream. Bon appetit!

Kefir cream with sugar is an excellent alternative to custard, egg or butter cream for any confectionery product. However, many refuse to prepare it, believing that such a cream will be sour from a fermented milk base. But this is not so, and we suggest making sure that kefir adds a pleasant sourness, thanks to which the cream turns out to be non-sweetening. To prepare it, in addition to kefir, you only need powdered sugar and a little butter.

Right now you have the opportunity to learn how to make kefir cream. On our website you will find a step-by-step recipe with photos that will help you prepare low-calorie and at the same time tasty and completely non-acidic cream for cake, waffle rolls, eclairs and other confectionery products. This light, airy cream can also be served with sliced ​​fruit.

A very simple recipe for kefir cream European cuisine step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 25 minutes. Contains only 111 kilocalories. Author's recipe for European cuisine.

  • Preparation time: 5 min
  • Cooking time: 25 min
  • Calorie Amount: 111 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 10 servings
  • Occasion: Dessert
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: European cuisine
  • Type of dish: Desserts and baked goods

Ingredients for ten servings

  • Kefir 2000 ml
  • Butter 150 g
  • Vanilla sugar 1 tsp.
  • Powdered sugar 6 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. For work we need kefir, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, butter.
  2. 2 liters of kefir should first be placed in the freezer for 6 hours to completely freeze the kefir, then remove the packaging and place the frozen kefir in a colander with gauze. Leave until the kefir is completely defrosted and all the whey has drained off. The whey can be collected and used to make pancakes, bread or other baked goods.
  3. After defrosting, we will have a very tender curd mass.
  4. Oil room temperature(150 g) beat into a fluffy mass. Add vanilla sugar (1 tsp) and powdered sugar (6 tbsp), beat again.
  5. Add in parts curd mass, whisking constantly until all the curd is gone.
  6. Kefir cream is ready.

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